egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
so I was talking with an engineer today
and I'm not good at maths, but he was all up in that matlab stuff after I showed him the glory of ternaries
and we got into matrix ops, and I'm curious if C,C++, C# has the things that matlab does for the matrix ops that matlab has
and that unity's Vector3 * Vector3 isn't a matrix multiplication, but like an addition or some shit idk?
The C-like languages probably have relevant libraries *eyes the floating point cat*, though I'd feel safer saying that they exist in numpy. Also IDL for some reason.
Hrm. The actual channel mathematicians seem to be asleep or afk.
oh, just so I understand properly, a matrix multiplication of A being a 3x3 matrix of all 3's, and B being a matrix of all 2's, this would result in a 1 by 3 matrix of 16's, correct?
UmbralRaptor: afk
e_14159 has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptor: i am not asleep but should be, bofh probably eggsists and might still be able to answer questions
i otoh am tired
egg needs sleep for grow
won't become a pretty butterfly otherwise
Probably? ‹bofh|bofh› < 1?
if something is 'null' it's treated as if it doesn't exist, correct?
UmbralRaptor: btw lagoon nebula was a good idea and was cute; we also looked at the trifid nebula, not really any visible nebulosity there, though open cluster next to it (Messier whichever)
SilverFox: I think there's an unstated assumption about B's dimensions. Also, the addition seems off?
e_14159_ has quit [Ping timeout: 202 seconds]
egg|anbo|egg: Yay. fwiw, there's lots of stuff at +dec from there (omega nebula, eagle nebula, wild duck cluster…)
UmbralRaptor: yeah but in bed because tired, also mild clouds
UmbralRaptor: bofh might be able to answer numerics questions
tired: amphetamines as exclusively ADHD medication; wired: using amphetamines to stay up for 4 days in a row for conference; inspired: using amphetamines for Bonus Mydriasis to boost dark adaptation (shockingly it *did* help a bit, not enough to recommend to others just for that purpose tho :P).
* UmbralRaptor
is amused at how egg has both cats sleeping next to eachother.
22:03:22 <@SnoopJeDi> bofh, egg|anbo|egg, if I say to you "random packing of (uniform) spheres in a spherical shell," what's your first optimization intuition?
UmbralRaptor: yes
bofh: wait, you can use amphetamines for *dark adaption?*
UmbralRaptor: also bofh is sleeping with one of the cats i think
UmbralRaptor, I was told it goes the 333 matrix against 222 is that each 3 is multiplied by the 2, so 6 + 6 + 6, which is 18?
Yeah, 18 makes sense. 16 did not.
bofh: also demoscene really sounds like a geologic period
Qboid was kicked from #kspacademia by *status [You have been disconnected from the IRC server]
Qboid has joined #kspacademia
I mean symphatomimetics cause pupillary dilation (like, ephedrine suffices here), which... yeah. :P
also I have been informed I need to read АГД in the original Russian and... yeah, I really should, in all honesty.
bofh, yea, settling things down was my first inclination and the literature seems to be variation on that theme
figured I'd ask people smarter than me since I got as curious as I did
person's best bet for an actual solution is probably somewhere near "write a binding for [c++ tool]" or pregenerate a bunch of samples and proceed from there"
!wpn bofh
* Qboid
gives bofh a roasted classmethod
you still traveling?
I mean fair enough, there are prolly still tools.
<✔Dereklowe> If you follow astronomy at all, you will be stunned to learn that this is a *ground-based image* of Neptune. Startl…
* awang_
🔪 Excel
How in the world does "286,231.22" become "22-May"
"Note 3: EXOFASTv2 has been tried with GDL and does not work. Others have gotten close. If you're interested in making it work with GDL, please contact me."
* UmbralRaptor
apparently needs an account to download a demo of IDL.
my sincerest condolences
and yep, adaptive optics are magic
relatedly, ANBO needs laser guide cows.
Oh, right, the cluster has IDL installed.
I can just ssh in and run code there. And yell at people who think this is better than anaconda.
(said cluster is running Ubuntu 14.something)
pthag has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptor: Your cluster has things installed? :P
I am shocked!
e_14159: well, my advisor's
I haven't installed anything on ours
(I'm very scared of software versioning issues)
* UmbralRaptor
🔪 things
So, uh, the test case doesn't work.
who wants test cases anyway
bofh: how plausible do you think amateur adaptive optics would be?
I suspect quite plausible with the right skills.
Lucky imaging and stacking is considerably easier, though.
(Also, note that GPIE and SPHERE are on 8.2 m telescopes. >_>
i'll have an 8.2m any day
,,,, uh,, :(
* UmbralRaptor
recalls estimating that for good skies you're diffraction limited below 20 cm anyway.
* iximeow
counts the number of telescopes at home that are <20cm
tawny has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptor: but now the ANBOcat *is* 200 mm
bofh: [SPHERE] => Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch instrument
<capsule_169> "That's a strange tattoo," she says, catching a rare glimpse of her date's usually covered forehead. ⏎ "That's not th…
"sphere" is a common enough word to make me wonder if it makes sense for Qboid to respond with "Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch instrument" whenever someone types "sphere?". But apparently it is case sensitive
UmbralRaptor: [MaDCoWS] => Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey
Just how much time do scientists spend coming up with catchy acronyms?