egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
oeuf is now known as egg
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Snoozee is now known as Majiir
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<egg> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark a Brayton concept
<bofh> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg an octopole lottery
<egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a damped supermillimeter rake
<egg> !meow bofh and whitequark
* Qboid meows at bofh and whitequark
<egg> !wpn the котяchrome kitten
* Qboid gives the котяchrome kitten a Laurent point
<egg> // The small residual in x comes from the fact that the cosine of the
<egg> // slightly tilted. This greatly annoys the elephant. // slightly tilted. This greatly annoys the elephant.
<egg> // declination (90 degrees) is not exactly zero, so the axis of our Earth is // declination (90 degrees) is not exactly zero, so the axis of our Earth is
* egg stabbity github selection
<egg> bofh: UmbralRaptop ^ we have good comments
<egg> "Columns 5-18 x-velocity(dm/s) "
<egg> decimetres! :D
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptop
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptop a steamed histomorphism
<UmbralRaptop> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a bipartite slug-like jiangshi
* egg meows at UmbralRaptop
* UmbralRaptop pets egg
<egg> UmbralRaptop: #1902
<Qboid> [#1902] title: Testing the orbit of LAGEOS-2 | |
<egg> (Only J2 for now, so hopefully that eggsplains the large errors)
<egg> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark a hydromatic thermocouple with a photoresistor attachment
<UmbralRaptop> hrm
<egg> UmbralRaptop: absent J2, the errors are laughable (radian or larger) in M, ω, and Ω, and milliradians rather than microradians in inclination
<egg> UmbralRaptop: so hopefully with C22 and S22 it will get better
<egg> and then with the higher degree coefficients
* UmbralRaptop feels like "laughable" is the wrong translation for large errors
<egg> UmbralRaptop: hm
<egg> UmbralRaptop: yeah
<UmbralRaptop> silly? absurd?
<egg> UmbralRaptop: ridiculous maybe?
<egg> UmbralRaptop: nonsmol
<egg> of course googling nonsmol finds some rust,
<UmbralRaptop> hah
<egg> !seen whitequark
<Qboid> egg: I last saw whitequark on [16.08.2018 23:59:29] in #kspacademia saying: "!acr -add:TLS Transport Layer Security"
<B787_300> I dislike rome
<egg> B787_300: huh, how so
<B787_300> It is dirty, the people are rude as hell, there are pickpockets everywhere (sis almost had phone stolen while wandering around in the coloseum), the hotel we are in sucks, the weather is horrid, the metro stops are inconvienuently located
<B787_300> The lines for Vatican and Colosseum are way too long
<B787_300> The security theater is a joke
<B787_300> egg: is that enough?
* B787_300 scrambles egg
<UmbralRaptop> !choose scramble | hash
<Qboid> UmbralRaptop: Your options are: scramble, hash. My choice: hash
* UmbralRaptop runs md5 on egg
<iximeow> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a holy nabla
<UmbralRaptop> ∇, ∇² vs evil and undead creatures
awang has joined #kspacademia
<egg> B787_300: dunno, I rather liked it
<egg> B787_300: also yes it's a large touristic city, there are pickpockets everywhere, get used to it (see also: bofh)
<B787_300> Egg London, berlin, amsterdam prague and venice were all great
<B787_300> We still have florence, cinque terra, lucerne and Paris to go
<B787_300> s/Egg London/egg; London
<Qboid> B787_300 meant to say: egg; London, berlin, amsterdam prague and venice were all great
<egg> repeating my advice to bofh re. not getting your shit stolen in Paris (applies to other large european cities), if you carry a bag, whenever you sit down in a café, entangle your strap with a chair leg so that it is topologically impossible to remove the bag from the chair without lifting it; if you're at a table on the sidewalk don't put your phone on the table
<B787_300> That is common sense...
<B787_300> I have also copped to carrying stuff in a pouch that is theologically impossible to remove from me without notice that has some really tight zippers on it
<B787_300> And the reason my sisters phone was only almost stolen was because it is held in its pocket of her purse with a button strap which she felt being released
<egg> <B787_300> That is common sense... << things depend on the city, in Zurich I merrily walk around with my wallet in my back pocket :-p
<egg> also if you lose your wallet generally it will be found and returned to you within a few days
<egg> switzerland!
<B787_300> Well yeah
<B787_300> Like I won't use my pouch in lucerne more than likely
<egg> B787_300: FYI I'm in Normandy next week, so if you want to meet in zurich next week that won't work
<B787_300> I also tend to wear larger shirts that cover my pockets and keep things in my front pockets both of which supposedly frustrate pickpockets
<egg> well, at least in Paris they're *good*; but making yourself a less obvious/easy target is usually a good idea
<B787_300> Dude I am on a contiki tour... about the only way we could meet was if you wanted to come to lucerne or Paris during my time there
<egg> contiki?
<B787_300> And in Paris I am using my pouch... no question about it
<B787_300> Contiki is a tour company for 18-35 year olds
<egg> I might be in Paris on the way back from Normandy, not clear yet
<egg> B787_300: huh
<B787_300> Really big in Australia and New zealand
<egg> so you don't follow bofh's approach of stochastically going around Europe and accidentally staying two more weeks than planned,
<B787_300> And the whole 18-35 thing is annoying because all my group wants to do is go out and get drunk at night
<egg> B787_300: oh that sounds tedious
<B787_300> I would love that ... if I had the leave to spend and if my parents weren't bankrolling this
<egg> clearly we should have ANBO conferences,
<B787_300> Well I would still like the parents to bankroll it... but i dont think they would do something that has a nearly undefined price tag
<B787_300> Anbo?
<egg> ANBO?
<Qboid> egg: [ANBO] => Anglo-Norman Bovine Observatory
<B787_300> Ah yes
<egg> clearly an ANBO conference would resemble #kspacademia :-p
<B787_300> Sorry about any typos or overzealous auttocorrects... I am on phone in hotel room and the only trip member here other than the driver as the rest are out getting wasted at a bar
<egg> ow
<egg> B787_300: also how horrifying is my 2 degrees 41 arc minutes error
<egg> (LAGEOS-2)
<B787_300> ... how
<egg> (March 2016 to August 2018)
<Qboid> 3d 0h 0m 0s left to event #26: Aeolus/Vega VV12 [at 2018-08-21 20:09:00]. Say '!kountdown 26' for details
<egg> B787_300: only J2, no C22 or S22
<B787_300> You know 41 arc min I can understand... but over a degree?!
<egg> we're working on adding higher degree and order harmonics, and that's a test to exercise that
<egg> B787_300: well, it's 2 years, and you're missing everything beyond oblateness
<B787_300> Why the world are you only doing j2 at least do j4
<B787_300> In the^
<egg> well, we're working on it now :-)
<egg> hm, you would do J4 before C22 and S22?
<egg> what about J3
<B787_300> Well I would do j3 as part of adding in j4...
<egg> yeah ok
<egg> what about the sectoral degree 2 harmonics though
<egg> C22 and S22
<B787_300> They are nice as they show the SAA and the other one
<egg> SAA?
<B787_300> South atlantic anomaly
<egg> !acr -add:SAA South Atlantic Anomaly
<Qboid> egg: I added the explanation for this acronym.
<B787_300> Wow I must be tired... SAA is radiation not gravity I was thinking of the lower gravity spot over india
<egg> B787_300: anyway try to have fun, and have a good night
<egg> B787_300: tbh the thing that sounds unpleasant about your stay is the 18-35 drunk gaggle rather than Rome herself :-p
<B787_300> Egg that is certainly part of it... also the tour guides we have had have be so so at best with the one today for Roman forum and Coliseum being absolutely horrendous
<egg> ow, that's a shame, those are really nice places
<egg> the fora (and the Trajan market across the street) are really pretty
<B787_300> I knew more about it from half remembered Latin classes from 7-9 years ago
<B787_300> And I can also translate the inscriptions
<egg> did you see the columns with the marks from when they tried tearing them down?
<B787_300> But she was calling the Roman short sword a gladio not the proper term of gladius *she was talking singular declarative, as gladius can be gladio based on the declination of the joun
<B787_300> We did but she didnt mention it
<egg> gladio would be the italian descendant, it's the italian word for sword
<pthag> even worse latin grammar than you thought
<B787_300> She also mentioned that the Coliseum was dedicated to all the Christian's that were persecuted there (which no one should care about as that happened well after the fall of rome and was done by the fucking pope)
<egg> (yes it's also the ablative but the way an italian makes that mistake is by just speaking italian, not by using ablative)
<B787_300> And the Christian's werent even that heavily persecuted in the Coliseum (well not worse than anywhere else in the Roman empire)
<B787_300> And I dont care if it is the italian descendant. We are talking history at least call the sword the correct thing
<pthag> what the pope did is pretty relevant to roman history
<pthag> not like the city stopped existing
<B787_300> She also repeated the thumbs up down thing for life or death which there is no conclusive evidence of other than they did something with their thumbs to show death or life
<B787_300> pthag: I agree but not when we are in the Coliseum talking ancient rome and gladiators
<pthag> kinda the point
<B787_300> More modern roman history sure the Pope is important, ancient roman lol no he isn't
<pthag> the colosseum didn't stop existing
<pthag> and the city of rome is like one of the parts where the boundary between ancient and mediaeval is most blurred
<pthag> probably the christians have been venerating it as a site of martyrdom longer than the pagans used it for entertainment, even
<B787_300> I disagree... that would be more the areas of the ottoman empire as they didnt really have a dark age like the rest of europe
<pthag> listen, it can be both
<pthag> i said 'one of the parts'
<B787_300> :p I am a ancient roman history snob
<pthag> for that matter, isn't coliseum the mediaeval latin spelling
<pthag> under dire vernacular influence
<B787_300> I dont care about rome from like 400 CE on
<pthag> wonder when people started calling it that as opposed to the amphitheatrum flavium anyway
<egg> pthag: vernacular + a weird transfer of the name of a neighbouring statue iirc
<pthag> shameful!
<B787_300> Also I twitched when our tour manager called Zeus the God of war while talking about castor and pollux
<egg> Ꙩ_ꙩ
<egg> did they get struck by lightning
<B787_300> And then pointing out the former temple to Zeus while pointing at the temple to Jupiter
<B787_300> Egg I wish
<B787_300> The manager and tour guide for the Coliseum also managed to repeatedly call out pagan temples while acting like christianity is sooooo much better and totally not pagan (and if you cant tell my religion or lack there of lol)
<egg> yeah I certainly had better luck on the imperial fora guide
<B787_300> Also I want struck down while walking through the sistine chapel ... which surely a heathen like me should have been
<pthag> they have child abusers and murderers in there all the time
<pthag> you're not as important a sinner as you think!
<B787_300> Pretty paintings shame we couldn't take photos and that they are in such a spot that is a pain to get too and a bit of a tourist trap
<egg> "Amphitheatrum Flavium, sive recentius Colosseum"
<egg> :D
<pthag> recentius... see
<pthag> another item to add to your list of scorn
<egg> from what I can tell it's still just the flavian ampitheatre in the 400s
<egg> !wpn B787_300
* Qboid gives B787_300 a gravitomagnetic buffer/license hybrid
<egg> !wpn pthag
* Qboid gives pthag a solipsistic laser-cooled plush
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptop
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptop a pyrolytic rotor
<egg> pthag: I'm unsure what qualifies as recent for the authors of the la Wikipedia
<pthag> if they consider it recent, then i think all ancient rome snobs should too
<egg> probably yes, this seems to be the canonical name only from medieval times even if the colossus-based confusion existed earlier
<UmbralRaptop> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a spiral cut submersion
<UmbralRaptop> !wpn B787_300, pthag, et al
* Qboid gives B787_300, pthag, et al a lithium shredder
<egg> ah, Dwarf Fortress differential geometry
<UmbralRaptop> Doesn't DF use a minkowsky space?
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