egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
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UmbralRaptop, we had a SUSY talk two weeks ago (and last week...) in which the speaker was talking about Monte Carlo sampling of different models: "If you're a drunking and you throw darts at this target...say, if you're a Supreme Court nominee"
The one last week had a good quote, too
"You can't get a 10X better experiment [to measure the proton lifetime]...unless you have really long-lived grad students"
Apparently the proton lifetime is a really strong test of advanced GUTs/MSSM? I have a hard time following HEP.
SnoopJeDi: do people seriously still think proton decay is a thing that might be possible? >_>
bofh, I mean, the vast majority of timescales possible are inaccessible to us
but uh, also this is in the context of SUSY
so on the ground floor you're invoking O(42) tooth-faeries
his "now this is the fun part of the talk" pet theory is SO(10) (yes, SO, not SU?), with 45 gauge dof
bofh, egg|cell|egg?
SnoopJeDi: I mean really my statement was a proxy for "*sigh* do people really think SUSY is still something worth pondering?"
* bofh
has been very dismissive of SUSY-theoretic models for years, for whatever reason. Recent LHC data hasn't helped. :P
bofh, there aren't any other great ideas for the hierarchy problem, fine-tuning, etc. as of yet
I mean, yes.
but thankfully people have backed off of superstrings and MSSM is all the rage
I still can hear the ghost of von Neumann screaming eternally when they talk about the number of new parameters in these models
Admittedly, yes, stuff like MSSM is much more reasonable compared to superstring theory.
yea, and LHC has done good work on them
all exclusive, of course :)
Like, superstring theory isn't so much a solution to fine-tuning as it is just shoving the dials behind the (very stringy) curtain.
well, the big draw there (AFAIK) is addressing gravity
seems like the more reasonable people just kinda shrug that one off and try to deal with electroweak+strong
although we were shown plots of the three relevant couplings α_i and "mumble mumble extrapolation" in both of these talks...
nevermind that you're extrapolating like 15 orders of magnitude past anything we've ever tested; look! they intersect at a point!
although AIUI the "running of the gauges" can be done with plausible confidence intervals and the suggestion is still there
I dunno, I confess I really don't care about any of it. I just go to the colloquia as some sort of perverted stamp collecting.
04:12:04 <@SnoopJeDi> nevermind that you're extrapolating like 15 orders of magnitude past anything we've ever tested; look! they intersect at a point!
this is basically my impression of way too many unification theory talks.
and yeah, I do the same fairly often.
bofh, I'm guessing there won't be any more high-energy hadron machines. If we get BSM physics, it's probably coming from an e+e- machine (probably built in China), or *maybe* from a Higgs factory
(okay in my case it was more quantum computing talks, but same principle).
also probably built in China, come to think of it
America certainly doesn't have the political will to build either of those, and EIC is sucking all the air out of the room now, to boot.
!acr -add:EIC Electron-Ion Collider
RIP qboid
bofh, suffice to say though, I don't begrudge the people thinking those ideas. I do maaaaybe begrudge popsci for making so much media about it, but I also was lured into physics in part by the same, so...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
oh, neutrinoless double-β decay might also give us BSM physics
and the US *does* have the political will for that
* UmbralRaptop
's frustration with certain parts of physics should be apparent from getting into a field that's slowly turning into exotic meteorology and geology <_<
UmbralRaptop, we missed out entirely on the Leonids this weekend, too cloudy :(
wait, moon
we did get a nice peek at Diana through the scope, great time to view it
and plenty of stars before bedtime; when we woke up to check the shower, 100% cloud cover :(
ooh, and coyotes!
huh, I should totally use "I need better data for one particular sample/experiment combo" as an excuse to get magnet time at at LNCMI, and use *that* to justify a visit to Grenoble...
SnoopJeDi: so there were very few Leonids/hour when I checked for them here
clear sky, but meh rate and ofc cold wind from essentially the same direction as the radiant which made things a lot more unpleasant.
it ended up being just a really nice camping trip
can't complain too badly about that :)
but ugh, honestly, let's not go down this path...
lolsob is perhaps more apropos
i feel like it's sweden today, maybe my ISP tomorrow
RIP the internet
Because that's how you break it
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and unfortunately familiar tale for customers of US ISPs...
my ISP also does TV and got into a tizzy with Viacom, so availability of things depends on the state of that whole star-crossed lovers drama
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* raptop
hochos disk space quotas. Or maybe markov chains.
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tfw no qboid
also no whitequark :-/
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wait the US Gov wants to put code under MTCR after the idea has already been out for a long time?
I don't think it's unprecedented, although "Visualization" is upsettingly vague.
Oakridge wanted to charge us some number of thousands of dollars per seat for, which is open-source :|
but gave us multiple seats of MCNP-X for free...?
stab stab stabbitty stab stat
I intend to bitch and moan into the comments when I have slightly more bandwidth
(for whatever some nobody grad student's opinion counts)
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* egg|zz|egg
meows at mlbaker
* mlbaker
meows reflexively
* raptop
pets mlbaker
mlbaker: even though the definition of antisymmetric isn't meaningful, for all choices of orthonormal bases of both vector spaces, the linear maps are antisymmetric matrices, so there has to be some coordinate-free property
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i dont think i believe you
the endomorphism (R^2,{e1,e2})->(R^2,{e1,e2}) represented by [0,1;-1,0] is antisymmetric in that basis, but the same endomorphism is represented by [-1,0;0,1] if the codomain basis is changed to {e2,e1}
i don't understand why my client is spamming me with failed connection notices every few minutes when i am already connected...
hmmm you're right
mlbaker: I guess what we have is that for R(t) in SO(V, W), R' in Hom(V, W), R'R^{-1} in so(W), R^{-1}R' in so(V)
and R' is in a space that awkwardly sits between the two special orthogonal Lie algebras
mlbaker: does that make sense, or did i screw something up again
yes no, maybe, i don't know... can you repeeeat theee queeestion
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mlbaker: given a path R(t) in SO(V, W), we have R'(t) in Hom(V, W)
mlbaker: I think R'R^{-1} lies in so(W), and R^{-1}R' in so(V)