UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
<s8143504> mofh: quite thankful i don't know enough latex for any of this to remotely make sense
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* raptop stabs things
* raptop looks at twitter
<raptop> iximeow: you should get a tip-tilt mirror and a shack-hartmann sensor
* raptop <_<
<iximeow> raptop: okay i agree but what for?
<raptop> iximeow: because unfortunately the atmosphere exists
<iximeow> oh to characterize aberration across a particular field?
<raptop> characterize and correct
<iximeow> dreamy
<iximeow> raptop: where can i find a free 1m instrument please
<raptop> heh
<raptop> Uh, see if NRO is holding a garage sale?
* raptop is mostly being silly about how adaptive optics tech is just barely available enough that you might be able to build your own
<iximeow> honestly though
<iximeow> i wonder if a second instrument recording the same field would have similar enough aberration that you could do that correction
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<raptop> that's certainly a curve
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<galois> title: Second Earth Trojan Asteroid Discovered - Sky & Telescope - Sky & Telescope
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* egg|anbo|egg stares confusedly at CNKI
<egg|anbo|egg> !acr -add:CNKI China National Knowledge Infrastructure
<galois> Definition added!
<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn whitequark
* galois gives whitequark a weapon
<raptop> Technically the bot fulfilled its end of the bargin
<WeylandsWings> I iximeow doesn’t like sbig sell a tip tilt adding for their cameras?
<WeylandsWings> raptop: too^
<raptop> they might, though I'm not familiar with that many of their cameras
<iximeow> that sounds right
<iximeow> i know one of them do
<iximeow> fli or sbig
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<mofh> Cô-si Bu-nhi-a-cốp-xki Sờ-vác
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<egg|cell|egg> 25112225121
<raptop> IRC-based 2FA?
<egg|cell|egg> No, meow
<raptop> meow-based 2FA
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<iximeow> !wpn 2fa
* galois gives 2fa a reactive contemporary LRAC
<raptop> LRAC?
<iximeow> i hope it's one of these
<galois> [WIKIPEDIA] 73mm LRAC | "The LRAC de 73mm Mle 1950 (lance-roquettes antichar de 73 mm modèle 1950 (LRAC 73-50)) was a French antitank rocket launcher produced and fielded in the 1950s. The LRAC fired a 73-mm high explosive antitank projectile that was capable of penetrating over 11 inches of rolled homogenous armor when struck..."
<raptop> Hopefully
<raptop> 2-factor armor-penetration
<iximeow> raptop: so far i have stumped two people and with my UFO and i'm not sure what to do next with it :|
<raptop> ...can you calculate an orbit?
<raptop> (based on your observations)
<iximeow> possibly? i have what i think are two observations of the same object, five days apart
<iximeow> but i don't know how to do that
<raptop> blarg
<iximeow> aha
<iximeow> raptop: i'm planning on doing a followup tonight (and maybe thursday)
<raptop> yay