UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
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<raptop> !choose nekomata|bakeneko
<galois> raptop: Your options: nekomata, bakeneko. My choice: bakeneko
<raptop> cc: SnoopJ: there are at least two different kinds of cat youkai
* raptop suddenly wishes that irssi support vim digraphs
<SnoopJ> ryōkai
<SnoopJ> raptop, I have found a compose key to be very useful for general input, but I haven't tried anything but an IME for Japanese
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<raptop> SnoopJ: well, yes. this was more for spelling in latin with diacritics
<SnoopJ> the förbìddën ónës
<SnoopJ> I dunno why I only did the vowels there
<raptop> heh
<raptop> huh, victorian cats
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<galois> title: Intern | Apply | NASA Science Mission Design Schools
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<raptop> Hm, the synapsid is graduating soon, and has a post-doc lined up
<SnoopJ> !!
* raptop is legit unclear if SnoopJ is a PhD or ABD <_<
<SnoopJ> is ultra-ABD a thing
<SnoopJ> raptop, I fell apart in a big way last year, but I'm chipping away at it again.
<raptop> Is that were you have a complete thesis and could get the PhD if you could just get a conference call with 3 profs?
<raptop> Also, good luck!
* raptop got pretty badly blocked by qualifying exams (though the whole pandemic didn't help), though should be able to ramp up this spring/summer
<SnoopJ> nah my thesis is in a sorry state
<SnoopJ> the last chapter in particular, I just gotta do some more work on the optimizer, I think.
<raptop> is this technical report 41 pages?
<e_14159> ABD?
<SnoopJ> "all but dissertation"
<raptop> or 43
<SnoopJ> everything but the dissertation, with some fuzz around the edges in usage as to whether that includes the defense or not (it does, in my case; I have neither finished writing nor defended)
<raptop> pro-tip: remember to give your thesis a very high AC and good save bonuses
<SnoopJ> raptop, anyway, my faith in my ability to...think?...has been basically totally destroyed
<raptop> oof
<raptop> (also, sometimes same. And I blatantly need to up my writing skills)
<SnoopJ> raptop, disambiguation of my own: "the synapsid" is you, right? Or is there a third party at play here and my brainworms are keeping me from understanding?
<raptop> oh, 3rd party, other grad student that started at the same time as me
* raptop is a diapsid, see
<SnoopJ> ah, glad I'd asked
<SnoopJ> I was thinking "dang, that was fast!"
<SnoopJ> but congrats again on quals 🎉
<e_14159> SnoopJ: Ah. That makes sense for ABD. Thanks.
<e_14159> It's still a horrible time
<raptop> note to self: it's much easier to attend meetings if they're in your calendar
<egg|anbo|egg> raptop: asking mofh about ANBOcat: « have you seen the professor ? »
<egg|anbo|egg> (conteggst is we had come to the inescapable conclusion that ANBOcat is the PI here)
<raptop> Congratulations to ANBOcat on recieving tenure!
<raptop> er
<SnoopJ> !wpn ANBOcat
* galois gives ANBOcat a cyclone
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<egg|anbo|egg_> smkz: are you trying to suggest that you *don’t* have a B-52 in need of new engines???
<egg|anbo|egg_> ah I suppose you changed the engines already, so that’s another case of getting ads for something you just bought,