UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
<egg|anbo|egg_> iximeow: make that -10 according to the IR thermometer
<iximeow> no thank you
<egg|anbo|egg_> I think I am going to sleep upstairs and not in the bedroom whose door is currently open because the telescope cables come from it
<iximeow> coldroom
<egg|anbo|egg_> iximeow: also wow, 432mm is chonk
<egg|anbo|egg_> raptop: does iximeow count as NAFO
* iximeow meow
<egg|anbo|egg_> meow
<raptop> meow
<raptop> ixi lives in north america and observes felines, so I'm gonig with yes
<egg|anbo|egg_> raptop: so clearly we should do a joint ANBO-NAFO thing by stacking iximeow’s images and mine
<raptop> :D
<raptop> 1048576 iximeow-egg
<egg|anbo|egg_> well that only works if it is a comet
<raptop> well, yes
<egg|anbo|egg_> in which case it would be 1729P/iximeow-egg
<raptop> Would that mean we can take a taxi to/from the comet?
<iximeow> oh i have leonard pics to process too
<egg|anbo|egg_> OK I should get the scope back inside and start poking at stacking
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<egg|anbo|egg_> a cat just exited the garage by the catflap
<egg|anbo|egg_> ANBOcat is sleeping on the armchair next to me
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<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn iximeow
* galois gives iximeow a coarse arsenic spheroid
<iximeow> asteroid is actually a block of arsenic
<raptop> That mass extinction is going to mess with future paleontologists
<WeylandsWings> i wonder how big a arsenic asteroid would have to be to kill us all if it burns up in the upper atmo
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<SnoopJ> heckuva dispersal technique
<WeylandsWings> SnoopJ: cant say it is a unique idea, see Moonraker
<SnoopJ> I really should!
<SnoopJ> or uh, any older Bond movies I guess?
<SnoopJ> I've only seen Brosnan and forward
<WeylandsWings> SnoopJ: i have seen all of them
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: do you go for linear responses or some sort of loggy thing in the image processing
<WeylandsWings> but slight spoiler, Moonraker uses that dispersal mechanism
<SnoopJ> ahh
<raptop> moonraker raises some questions about shuttle carrier aircraft
<SnoopJ> my knowledge is basically limited to "Jaws is an interesting character" and the contents of the level from Goldeneye on the N64
<iximeow> egg|anbo|egg: almost always some sort of loggy thing
<raptop> <cursed>asinh magnitudes</cursed>
* raptop implies that any unit that's not Jy or the hacky f_λ stuff is not cursed
<iximeow> sigh
<iximeow> mount calibration was good and then a windows update happened and i lost the calibration
<iximeow> and now it's recalibrated but there's a light dec drift
<iximeow> oh it stopped. ???
<galois> title: Shared album - Robin Leroy - Google Photos
<iximeow> \o/
<egg|anbo|egg> I wonder how much it would improve the resolution over, it is obviously much blurrier relative to its FoV
<iximeow> what kinda mount are you using? i'm curious if the horizontal drift is entirely polar
<egg|anbo|egg> but then smol fov is smol
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: Losmandy, iirc a GM8?
<iximeow> once i find the asteroid i will do a quick M42
<iximeow> and uh, expose to you the full resolution of the NAFO
<egg|anbo|egg> hahah
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: interestingly my narrowfield is tiny but my widefield is wider than yours
<egg|anbo|egg> so we could probably make a sandwich mosaic ANBO-NAFO-ANBO :-p
<iximeow> m42//r: complete
<iximeow> 100% crop
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: widefield
<galois> title: Shared album - Robin Leroy - Google Photos
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: hmm the resolution seems to be comparable to the narrowfield ANBOscope, disturbingly
<egg|anbo|egg> big aperture is big, and better tracking too I guess
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: //r?
<iximeow> (red)
<egg|anbo|egg> ah
* egg|anbo|egg sad at the lack of usefulness of an inset ANBO image >_>
<iximeow> sorry :D
* iximeow logs another asteroid observation and pokes find_orb once again
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<iximeow> U=8.5
<iximeow> whee
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: have you found the Orb
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<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: also how do you like the widefield image
<SnoopJ> 🔮
<iximeow> oh i missed widefield
<iximeow> nice!!
<iximeow> i really like the faint outer features of m42 a lot
<iximeow> you got a satellite
<egg|anbo|egg> yeah
<egg|anbo|egg> I should probably drop that frame but I forgot
<egg|anbo|egg> they’re good photons
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: I wonder whether I could push the resolution of the ANBOscope main beyond that of the NAFOscope with the current kit
<iximeow> i'm primarily seeing-limited
<egg|anbo|egg> am I diffraction limited or is it the atmosphere
<egg|anbo|egg> it was super cold though
<iximeow> 0.256 arcsec/px
<iximeow> what's ANBOscope's altitude?
<egg|anbo|egg> the floor of the cows
<egg|anbo|egg> I guess that does not translate literally
<galois> title: plancher des vaches - Wiktionary
<egg|anbo|egg> but, well, it’s Normandy, not Chile
<iximeow> funnily i read that in exactly the right way, "where cows would be grazing", but not the right implication
<SnoopJ> "as opposed to the deck of a boat or an aircraft" ahhh, hmmm
<egg|anbo|egg> I suppose you can load cows on a boat or an aircraft
<SnoopJ> a land lubber wrote this
<SnoopJ> neat expression
<SnoopJ> oh wow yea those outer features are lovely
<SnoopJ> !how soft
<galois> SnoopJ: 221 softs
<raptop> !8 Is arχiv's mailing list br0ken?
<galois> raptop: no
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<raptop> !wpn
* galois gives raptop a hexed lead sun
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<raptop> !wpn
* galois gives raptop a gradient-descent homologous command
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<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: same widefield pic, different colour balance 1°24′,79
<egg|anbo|egg> uh
<galois> title: Shared album - Robin Leroy - Google Photos
<raptop> !u 丑
<galois> 丑: U+4e11 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-4E11
<raptop> !choose mooncake|moonpie|mooncows, apparently
<galois> raptop: Your options: mooncake, moonpie, "mooncows, apparently". My choice: mooncows, apparently
<raptop> astronomers comparing the sizes of things
<galois> title: [2102.05601] No Evidence for Orbital Clustering in the Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects
* egg|anbo|egg_ is reminded of
<galois> title: xkcd: Possible Undiscovered Planets
<galois> Possible Undiscovered Planets | Alt-text: Superman lies near the bird/plane boundary over a range of distances, which explains the confusion.
<egg|anbo|egg_> I think the cows are in the « planets which are actually birds » sector of that chart
<raptop> Cows also extend into the airplanes section
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<raptop> !choose aaaa|yay
<galois> raptop: Your options: aaaa, yay. My choice: yay
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<raptop> !8 Did arχiv's mail server implode?
<galois> raptop: yes
<raptop> ah
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<raptop> astronomers naming things:
<galois> title: [2102.04004] WOMBAT: A fully Bayesian global flux-inversion framework
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<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn whitequark
* galois gives whitequark a renormalized editor
<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn iximeow
* galois gives iximeow a 'thicc' leviathan trachea
<egg|anbo|egg> um
<raptop> !wpn egg|anbo|egg
* galois gives egg|anbo|egg an octohedron
<iximeow> !wpn iximeow's thicc leviathan trachea
* galois gives iximeow's thicc leviathan trachea a caustic sith submodule
* egg|anbo|egg is currently under a cat
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: blarg I can’t get SIPS to stack the narrow and wide image, even if I hand-mark two stars on each it utterly fails at mapping one pair to another
<raptop> apparently you can test cubesats with balloons
<galois> title: [2102.04847] Testing a Prototype 1U CubeSat on a Stratospheric Balloon Flight
<SnoopJ> Data located somewhere off the top-right
<SnoopJ> raptop, trek-relatedly, did I show you the art I got commissioned?
<SnoopJ> (cat)
<raptop> caaat
<raptop> (you did not previously)
<SnoopJ> is gift for gf, wanna get it printed along with the text of "Ode to Spot"
<SnoopJ> something she can hang up at the clinic
<raptop> ah
<raptop> Asteroids hitting other planets @_@
<galois> title: [2102.04511] Detection of a bolide in Jupiter's atmosphere with Juno UVS
* egg|anbo|egg pets raptop with an asteroid
* raptop floofs uneasily
<SnoopJ> o.o
<egg|anbo|egg_> !choose sleep|akkadian
<galois> egg|anbo|egg_: Your options: sleep, akkadian. My choice: sleep
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: I am not sure how to take advantage of the dynamic range of the FITS tbh, even the logginess at its highest setting I either saturate the bright part or lose the outer structure :-/
<iximeow> egg: if you're using the camera at max gain, you only have ~100 counts per pixel to work with, so that sounds about right
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: I am stacking 55 images
<iximeow> lower gain gives you more range to work with but i think your best bet for a very dynamic target like M42 is some low gain images for the central regions, high gain images for outer regions, and artistically fixing up in tool of choice with both
<iximeow> hrm
<iximeow> what's the actual range of counts in your data?
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: my point is that both of those are from the same FITS file
<galois> title: Rendering FITS is hard - Google Photos
<egg|anbo|egg> but that I suck at image processing
<iximeow> ooohh
<iximeow> what are you using?
<egg|anbo|egg> (yes, that FITS file is saturating on roughly the areas that are white on the RHS, but if I could make an image that is saturating there and still shows the outer structure I would be more than happy)
<egg|anbo|egg> SIPS
* raptop installs DS9 on egg|anbo|egg's laptop
<iximeow> ahh
<iximeow> i don't know SIPS but i don't think something specifically oriented for science work will give very pretty results
<egg|anbo|egg> (no relation to the Spirou & Fantasio squirrel I think)
<egg|anbo|egg> oh wait no that is spip anyway)
<iximeow> f.ex i usually use DSS for this, it does a log curve and _then_ i fiddle with scaling on the logged data
<raptop> SPIRou?
<galois> SPIRou: SpectroPolarimètre InfraROUge
<iximeow> ROUge
<galois> title: #kspacademia on 2017-08-15 — irc logs at
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: I have never managed to get DSS to like my images, whereas I have managed to tame SIPS into stacking things
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: yeah I guess I can postprocess the 8-bit image, lightening the shadows in google photos on the one that’s not saturated brings the outer structure back
* raptop looks at the discussion and date
<iximeow> 8-bit? you mean 24bpp?
<raptop> Oh, hey, that might have been from that week when I was technically homeless
<SnoopJ> high latency conversation
<iximeow> Technically Homeless, The Bes--
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: yes, that is what SIPS calls 8 bit
<egg|anbo|egg> as opposed to 16 or 32-bit images
<iximeow> very scientific
* raptop forgets if FITS supports 24bits per pixel
<iximeow> (also: DSS often hates my images especially if there is any trailing at all. i've recently tried astap which seems to be more forgiving)
<egg|anbo|egg> If you want to try SIPS I can tell you my star search settings
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: advanced scientific image processing with, uh, the windows photos app
<galois> title: Shared album - Robin Leroy - Google Photos
<egg|anbo|egg> tfw the image format has better dynamic range than the people viewing the image
<iximeow> \o/
<iximeow> i spy outer details
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