UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
iximeow: make that -10 according to the IR thermometer
no thank you
I think I am going to sleep upstairs and not in the bedroom whose door is currently open because the telescope cables come from it
iximeow: also wow, 432mm is chonk
raptop: does iximeow count as NAFO
* iximeow
ixi lives in north america and observes felines, so I'm gonig with yes
raptop: so clearly we should do a joint ANBO-NAFO thing by stacking iximeow’s images and mine
iximeow: blarg I can’t get SIPS to stack the narrow and wide image, even if I hand-mark two stars on each it utterly fails at mapping one pair to another
title: [2102.04511] Detection of a bolide in Jupiter's atmosphere with Juno UVS
* egg|anbo|egg
pets raptop with an asteroid
* raptop
floofs uneasily
!choose sleep|akkadian
egg|anbo|egg_: Your options: sleep, akkadian. My choice: sleep
iximeow: I am not sure how to take advantage of the dynamic range of the FITS tbh, even the logginess at its highest setting I either saturate the bright part or lose the outer structure :-/
egg: if you're using the camera at max gain, you only have ~100 counts per pixel to work with, so that sounds about right
iximeow: I am stacking 55 images
lower gain gives you more range to work with but i think your best bet for a very dynamic target like M42 is some low gain images for the central regions, high gain images for outer regions, and artistically fixing up in tool of choice with both
what's the actual range of counts in your data?
title: Rendering FITS is hard - Google Photos
but that I suck at image processing
what are you using?
(yes, that FITS file is saturating on roughly the areas that are white on the RHS, but if I could make an image that is saturating there and still shows the outer structure I would be more than happy)
* raptop
installs DS9 on egg|anbo|egg's laptop
i don't know SIPS but i don't think something specifically oriented for science work will give very pretty results
(no relation to the Spirou & Fantasio squirrel I think)
oh wait no that is spip anyway)
f.ex i usually use DSS for this, it does a log curve and _then_ i fiddle with scaling on the logged data
title: #kspacademia on 2017-08-15 — irc logs at
iximeow: I have never managed to get DSS to like my images, whereas I have managed to tame SIPS into stacking things
iximeow: yeah I guess I can postprocess the 8-bit image, lightening the shadows in google photos on the one that’s not saturated brings the outer structure back
* raptop
looks at the discussion and date
8-bit? you mean 24bpp?
Oh, hey, that might have been from that week when I was technically homeless
high latency conversation
Technically Homeless, The Bes--
iximeow: yes, that is what SIPS calls 8 bit
as opposed to 16 or 32-bit images
very scientific
* raptop
forgets if FITS supports 24bits per pixel
(also: DSS often hates my images especially if there is any trailing at all. i've recently tried astap which seems to be more forgiving)
If you want to try SIPS I can tell you my star search settings
iximeow: advanced scientific image processing with, uh, the windows photos app