UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
<egg|anbo|egg_> !acr -add:DEMETER Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions
<galois> Definition added!
<egg|anbo|egg_> !acr -add:LRAC Lance-Roquettes AntiChar
<galois> Definition added!
<egg|anbo|egg_> iximeow: *handwave handwave* deмcmc *handwave handwave*
<iximeow> egg: idgi
<egg|anbo|egg_> iximeow: fitting an orbit to some observations is an optimization problem
<iximeow> right, what i don't get is how to read "deмcmc" :D
<egg|anbo|egg_> iximeow: Differential Evolution Марков Chain Monte Carlo is an optimization technique (the one used to fit planetary orbits to the TRAPPIST-1 observations, for instance)
<iximeow> ahhhhh that's what i was missing
<galois> title: Principia/trappist_dynamics_test.cpp at 15efd78a279d2504c30597b40d2bddd26fc9e06b · mockingbirdnest/Principia · GitHub
<iximeow> of course
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<raptop> Hrm, fridge is basically empty
<raptop> !8 Should I go food shopping?
<galois> raptop: yes
<iximeow> !choice food shopping|food shopping
<galois> iximeow: Your options: food shopping, food shopping. My choice: food shopping
<raptop> grocery store report: first observed instance of double masking (cloth + KN95)
<raptop> (Also, first time in that store in 19 days)
* raptop kicks self for not starting the dishwasher before going out
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<galois> title: Elda King: "Why did I go straight from college to my PhD? I'm…" -
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* egg|anbo|egg_ is looking up some zh orbital mechanics terminology
* egg|anbo|egg_ comes across this sentence: Xilinx 公司研究结果表明,在地球轨道高度 1 000~11 000 km 之间,FPGA 的单粒子翻转概率 较高[4]。
<egg|anbo|egg_> cc whitequark, smkz: FPGA bit flips in space
<whitequark> yep, this is well known, xilinx puts FPGAs into neutron accelerators
<egg|anbo|egg_> (from 10.3969/j.issn.1673-1379.2012.04.006)
<egg|anbo|egg_> (not on sci-hub, sci-hub seems to be poorly stocked on CN papers, but can be found, e.g.,
<egg|anbo|egg_> tfw open access on the journal’s website but not on sci-hub, also the doi doesn’t point to the journal’s website
* egg|anbo|egg_ pets whitequark with a cat
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<egg|anbo|egg_> !wpn
* galois gives egg|anbo|egg_ a lithium dromeosaur
<egg|anbo|egg_> how cursed is this unit
<galois> [WIKIPEDIA] Degré français | "Le degré français (°f ou °fH), est l'unité du titre hydrotimétrique (TH), caractérisant la dureté de l'eau, et du titre alcalimétrique complet (TAC) utilisée en France. Un degré français correspond à la dureté d'une solution contenant 10 mg/L de carbonate de calcium (CaCO3) qui correspond également à…"
<egg|anbo|egg_> (note: in my water bill they even use a capital F)
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<raptop> !choose longcat|longcovid
<galois> raptop: Your options: longcat, longcovid. My choice: longcat
<raptop> !wpn egg|anbo|egg_
* galois gives egg|anbo|egg_ a concentrated albumen
<egg|anbo|egg> appropriate
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<egg|anbo|egg__> !wpn raptop
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* galois gives raptop a vector instruction set with a lock attachment
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<raptop> is galois making propriatary chipsets?
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* egg|anbo|egg gives smkz a proton
<raptop> ...putting chips in a neutron-rich environment sounds incredibly cursed
<raptop> I guess if you do some sort of seperation so your silicon is Si-28, you can laugh at activation
<raptop> (Si-29 and Si-30 are stable)
<smkz> you can rent time on several particle accelerators in order to expose your PCBA to neutron/proton/heavy ion fluxes to see how badly the silicon shits the bed
<galois> title: Single Event Effects Test Facility Options at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Conference) | OSTI.GOV
<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn -add:wpn neutron
<galois> Added wpn 'neutron'
<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn -add:wpn proton
<galois> Added wpn 'proton'
<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn smkz
* galois gives smkz a gigantic rocket
<raptop> !wpn -add:wpn electron
<galois> Entry already exists!
<raptop> !wpn -add:wpn positron
<galois> Added wpn 'positron'
<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn -add:wpn hadron
<galois> Entry already exists!
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