UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
<raptop> tired: brain worms
<raptop> wired: telescope snakes
<SnoopJ> !wpn -add:wpn telescope
<galois> Added wpn 'telescope'
<SnoopJ> !wpn -add:adj Newtonian
<galois> Added adj 'Newtonian'
<SnoopJ> !wpn -add:adj Dobsonian
<galois> Added adj 'Dobsonian'
<SnoopJ> !wpn -add:adj reflecting
<galois> Added adj 'reflecting'
<SnoopJ> !wpn -add:adj refracting
<galois> Added adj 'refracting'
<SnoopJ> !wpn -add:adj equatorial
<galois> Added adj 'equatorial'
<raptop> !wpn -add:adj catadioptric
<galois> Entry already exists!
* raptop meows at galois
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<egg|anbo|egg> raptop: I wonder how much confusion your blinking via the bot with a chinese name will induce in the already confused user
<egg|anbo|egg> clearly you should now blink from discord with your akkadian username for maximal confusion
* raptop >_>
* egg|anbo|egg pets raptop with a cat
* raptop purrs at the cat
<egg|anbo|egg> I am amused at the [02:35] I don't have good english,sorry followed by [03:17] I am good at English
<egg|anbo|egg> fast progress, truly
* raptop wishes you could apt-get language knowledge
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<raptop> < sorear> troll OPAG by proposing to relocate km3net to europa for background reduction
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<egg|anbo|egg> !u e
<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn whitequark
* galois gives whitequark a fully-connected slow typhoon
<whitequark> !wpn egg
* galois gives egg a round principal fiddle with a kappa attachment
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<egg|anbo|egg> It looks like the only remaining publicly available copy of « Computing a Real Cube Root » is
<galois> title: Computer Science Club of the University of Waterloo: Home
<egg|anbo|egg> (dbindel’s at nyu is a 403)
<egg|anbo|egg> cc mofh
<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: that’s another one of those weird PDFs where the Latn text is garble-encoded somehow O_o
<egg|anbo|egg> I don’t run into them that often anymore but they remain a thing (the maths are way less reliable though)
<egg|anbo|egg> Meanwhile when I produce PDFs it says, e.g., 1. integer arithmetic is used to get a an initial quick approximation 𝑞 of ∛𝑦;
<raptop> congratulations to mofh_ for being an accidental librarian/archivist?
<whitequark> thought i'll post this here:
<SnoopJ> 🌟
<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: where is that quote from
<whitequark> egg|anbo|egg: i came up with it this morning
<whitequark> after talking to a dear friend
<SnoopJ> it definitely has a ring of familiarity about it
<whitequark> it's a riff on "and yet a trace of the true self exists in the false self"
<egg|anbo|egg> aaaaah
<whitequark> except very different
<SnoopJ> guess it depends on the definition of tru—dammit ontology, shoo!
<whitequark> it's why even someone with the worst ptsd i've seen can give another person an understanding of unconditional love
<whitequark> the original template is this:
<SnoopJ> very timely for me, I just started Parable of the Talents which has more than a little of the cyclical thing going on
<whitequark> and there was also, uh, moment
<whitequark> i'm not actually sure about the cyclical part
<SnoopJ> yea I guess it's not a "true" semiotic cycle, maybe there's a better way to phrase that
<SnoopJ> we chatted a bit about Earthseed while taking the dog for a walk so I guess the pump was primed
<SnoopJ> (the nonsense free association pump, that is)
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<whitequark> it's less about cycles and more about connection to the world at large
<SnoopJ> mm, graphs
<mofh> whitequark: re: PDFs: qbrt.pdf uses Type 3 fonts. once you invoke those, all bets are off.
<mofh> T3 fonts are, unlike the ohter font types allowed in a PDF, not a type of font file, but a limited subset of PDF drawing operators that define *each character*.
<mofh> yes it's literally yodawg i heard you liked pdf so i put some pdf in your pdf
<whitequark> um
<mofh> but as it's not a font, there's no concept of letter mapping
<mofh> you just define a sequence of GIDs
<mofh> until i think PDF5 or PDF6 there was no requirement to provide either a /ActualText or a /ToUnicode map so there's no sane way to interpret those indices
<mofh> a lot of clients just literally just try to interpret the indexes as CIDs or CIDs+0x20, with... okay, this literally bsically never works to the point where i disabled text extraction attempts from T3 fonts in my local copy of both libpoppler & mupdf.
<whitequark> ohhhhhhhh
<mofh> like all you have is say "glyph 1", "glyph 3", "glyph 7", "glyph4" in a sequence & you need to evaluate path drawing commands then OCR the drawn path to realize that was 'a', 'r', 's', 'e'
<mofh> thankfully the one major generator of T3 fonts was metafont in dvipdf
<mofh> which mercifully seems to have stopped being used in light of, like, saner things like xetex
<egg|cell|egg> Even pdfLaTeX, right?
<egg|cell|egg> Obviously if you want Unicode sanity and reasonable encoding of the maths you need Xe(La)TeX
<mofh> yeah like if it doesn't call metafont you're good
<egg|cell|egg> Re. Emitting mathematical alphanumerics see
<galois> title: CTAN: Package unicode-math
<raptop> huh, I got a work-related email at 4 am on a sunday
<raptop> No timezones were involved
<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn whitequark
* galois gives whitequark a bad feline hedgehog
<egg|anbo|egg> I get hedgehogs in the summer here
<egg|anbo|egg> also cats, but they are typically separate animals
<egg|anbo|egg> raptop: academics were involved?
<raptop> yes
<raptop> <@Ellied> my friends and I are putting together a conspiracy theory that getting a Ph.D. in physics absolves you of the need to eat and/or sleep.
<egg|anbo|egg> !seen Ellied
<galois> egg|anbo|egg: I last saw Ellied in here 1 year, 8 months ago, saying: we guess it was specifically some stuff underneath the black bars in Ará Orún (there's text under there - he wrote it all so that the redaction would look realistic) that was just "wow, does qntm need a hug"
<egg|anbo|egg> !seen GreeningGalaxy
<galois> Sorry, I haven't seen GreeningGalaxy around.
<galois> title: Images from the Mars Perseverance Rover - NASA Mars
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: I can send you some FITS if you want,,,
<raptop> ANBOscope is 20 cm, so not quite as silly
<egg|anbo|egg> raptop: i feel like i am missing conteggst
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<iximeow> egg: the former owner of the NAFO instrument never changed the mount location settings from when it left the factory, so it was ~14 degrees off from where it thought it lives. this may explain the light dec drift i've been dealing with, as it's trying to compensate for polar misalignment that doesn't exist
<iximeow> he never cared about this much other than weird behaviors when power cycling the mount because the OAG papered over issues
* raptop is also commenting on how IIRC, the NAFO instrument is 432 mm
<iximeow> indeed
<egg|anbo|egg> iximeow: ah
<egg|anbo|egg> raptop: iximeow: yeah the ANBOscope is 200 mm but silly in different ways (long long focal, very flat focal plane iirc)
<egg|anbo|egg> (which I am probably not taking advantage of with smol sensor)
<iximeow> long john focal
<egg|anbo|egg> I guess I should get a bigger sensor (and maybe do shorter exposures to try to fight the atmosphere?)
<raptop> meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow
<raptop> (6th order cat)