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<Virindi> ferram4: thanks for the fixes :)
<ferram4> Well, hopefully nothing more breaks.
<Virindi> heh, I'm pretty good at breaking things :(
<Virindi> FAR is about the best addon for any game in my opinion though.
<Virindi> ferram4: oh, you should note the change to the stringbuilder file like you said about the license before
<Virindi> since I didn't change that
<ferram4> It has been done.
<Virindi> :)
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<Virindi> bah I can't get the stupid camera to follow this component
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<xShadowx> reflection - say i have class A with int myint, and class B with a point int* mypntr, if i get the fieldinfo to myint how do i turn that into the accual field, so i can just do stuff like mypntr = 5 :)
* xShadowx likes pointers
<Thomas> xShadowx: *mypntr = 5, iirc
<xShadowx> o.O
<Thomas> Hint: I have no idea how pointers in C# work
<xShadowx> no i want a step before that, setting the pointer to point to the field that the fieldinfo is for, not accually change the value yet heh
<xShadowx> heh :)
<Thomas> I know how to do this in go...
<Thomas> But no idea if its the same in C#
<xShadowx> i been messin with em a bit, kinda fun
<Thomas> Nice its the same as in go
<Thomas> int* mypntr = &myint;
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<xShadowx> except reflection, i dont /accually/ have myint, just its fieldinfo
<Thomas> You can probably get an IntPtr from FieldInfo
<Thomas> Which you can convert to an unsafe pointer
<Thomas> No, this gets an IntPtr variables
<Thomas> -s
<Thomas> xShadowx: fieldinfo.FieldHandle.Value.ToPointer()
<Thomas> Gives you a void*
<xShadowx> ty ^.^
<Thomas> I once saw a piece of code where someone used reflection and pointers to replace method bodies at runtime
<Thomas> Sadly, it only worked on .NET Framework
<xShadowx> trying to turn dynamic classes into something slightly more predefined, since i cant make B to dynamically extend <T> at runtime, im making B be pinters, manually add types from B to extend <T>, set pointers in B to be what i made
<xShadowx> the whole no-partial-classes-cross-assembly-so-add-duct-tape thing :P
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<Thomas> Write all methods as delegate variables
<xShadowx> methods arent so much what i need, just fields to tack on more data to an object
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<Virindi> fieldinfo.GetValue
<Virindi> :)
* xShadowx thinks Virindi is missing a few things
* xShadowx gives Virindi a cookie and pat on the head
<Virindi> yes I was just doing a driveby don't-even-read-the-discussion comment heh
<xShadowx> drive-bys are dangerous
<Virindi> what is this, you guys have actual technical discussions here? ridiculous
<xShadowx> yep
<xShadowx> this is the accual modding channel, not the troll channel
<Virindi> holy cow.
<xShadowx> im aetheist, so i worship the almighty spaggetti monster tyvm
<Virindi> I'm kinda used to real discussion being thin and trolling being thick
<xShadowx> so far i have base class, then mods dynamically extend it as much as they want, and its new Type gets stored, so new instances use that type, yet anything can cast to the base class to access everything in the derived classes ^.^ alllmost as good as cross-assembly-partial-classes
<Virindi> new type? if you generate a new type won't the old one still be around in stuff that has already been jitted
<xShadowx> class A is base class, B extends A, B can still be cast to A, and A has all the needed stuff to access B
<xShadowx> so :D
<Virindi> depends on the details of "needed stuff"
<xShadowx> now to test starving a kerbal again ^.^
<Virindi> some life support mod?
<xShadowx> yeeep
<xShadowx> if i ever accually finish it :|
<Virindi> what is different about it than the other ones?
<xShadowx> other LS mods are fixed design, ie tacls has oxygen/co2/food/waste/etc, usils has supplies, run out and death / usls has pass out and a couple more minor things, im going open framework, so <resource> > run out > trigger <effect>
<Virindi> so it is more about the architecture than the gameplay difference?
<Virindi> so more like a "life support framework"
<xShadowx> pretty much, basicly in the end i can write a cfg file to have all the existing styles, and then new styles are easy to make, so less LS mods for other modders to support
<xShadowx> and effects are 95% made, so anyone can come along and add some new effect if they manage to think up an idea i havent
<Virindi> do you have support for some type of, uh, "activity space" or something similar that relates to having enough "extra room" for kerbals to stretch out
<Virindi> I haven't run life support mods much but I do want a gameplay reason not to send kerbals on 50 year missions in a command seat
<xShadowx> you can even have kerbals drink wastewater if all the water is gone, and effect dysentery (not yet made) gets applied :|
<Virindi> actually, command seats should have some kind of ratcheting up negative effect
<Virindi> just in general
<xShadowx> for now, id suggest keepfit mod
<Virindi> I saw that, I'm not sure if "gee tolerance" is the right negative effect
<xShadowx> kepfit is about cramped / lack of exercise / bone loss > lower g tolerances
<Virindi> there seem to be entire youtube channels devoted to nothing but "seat in a bay" crafts heh
<xShadowx> basicy giving you reason to bring a centrifuge wheel with ya for artificial g
<Virindi> such cheaters
<Virindi> yeah, is that one inflatable?
<xShadowx> one in hbitat pack is
<Virindi> I know there was an inflatable ring
<xShadowx> theres a few non inflatable rings floating around too
<Virindi> maybe I'll try that, I was going to start a new game but then I wanted to wait for the next version of principia so I started coding instead
<xShadowx> and if you prefer to design your own, really just take existing parts, take their model nodes, and stack a few into a single part cfg tweaking loc/rot
<xShadowx> principia is out is for 1.2.2 i think
<Virindi> yeah it's really about finding models that look cool attached to my planes :)
<Virindi> yes, it is. however, I installed that version and got ready to start a game and on my first launch my rocket teleported into the sun and exploded :D
<xShadowx> so everything works as intended, kk
<Virindi> they fixed the bug but it looks like building the mod is a huge hassle
<Virindi> I don't have visual studio 204857394875938475 whatever it is built with
<xShadowx> so dont build, thought they had a release zip
<Virindi> and MS seems to only be distributing free copies that run on win10 now, and I'm not installing win10
* xShadowx uses win7
<Thomas> principia uses vs2015 and iirc that runs on win7
<Virindi> yeah the bugfix is not "released", I couldn't find a rolling build
<xShadowx> yep i got 2015 on win7 and 2017 on win7
<Thomas> or you use mingw and the linux build system
<Virindi> well I don't have it, and the only free ones I could find from MS required win10
<Virindi> it just looked like too much hassle
<Virindi> if there is a linux build process though I may go back and try that :)
<Virindi> besides, I need an excuse to make some kind of iva tools for principia
<Virindi> and like, a maneuver executor. do they really expect me to manually execute every node? sheesh
<Virindi> I don't care if it's not perfectly accurate, I just don't want to go through that tedium
<Virindi> so on another note
<Virindi> do people actually use blender to make ksp models? or does everyone use pro tools. I have been trying to make simple edits in blender and it is just insanity.
<xShadowx> blender is easy, you suck at blender :P
<xShadowx> and yes thanks to taniwha lovely script <3 many use blender
<Virindi> I'm a programmer, I don't make 3d models. I just want to make a square that I can render to and jeez :P
<taniwha> blender is a pro tool
<Virindi> I really meant "something that costs a lot that I don't have"
<taniwha> just not one that conforms to WIMP
<xShadowx> blender is to maya as linux is to windows
<regex> Eh... I feel like Blender would be more low-level then. Unfortunately i can't just place individual points as desired, I need to create a poly and then remove all the faces and other vertices.
<regex> might just be too used to Lightwave but that really pissed me off about Blender.
<xShadowx> linux can do alot of the stuff windows can for free, just because its free doesnt mean its junk, same for blender, tools that show up in maya/3ds eventually show up in blender for free
<Virindi> if it were like povray or openscad, I would have no problem
<Virindi> but this ui
<Virindi> is just crazy.
<Virindi> just give me code please
<xShadowx> regex: there was a way to add lone vertices, i forgot XD google it
<regex> Some plugin undoubtedly
<xShadowx> nah vsnilla
<xShadowx> i remember usin it and was like.....meh
<regex> it's not like I'm going to up and start making 3D models again today though.
<xShadowx> lol
<taniwha> regex: you can place an individual point: ctrl-left-click
<xShadowx> see im not crazy :P
<taniwha> if a vertex is already selected, the two will be joined by an edge
<Thomas> Actually, for me, 3ds max was far worse than blender, and I suck at blender :D
<taniwha> if an edge is selected, you'll place an edge and the two edges will be joined by a face
<egg|zzz|egg> Thomas: you rang?
<xShadowx> Thomas: google earth in kopernicus when?:P
<regex> I could never get into Max. I used Lightwave for about a year.
<egg|zzz|egg> also o/ regex taniwha et al
<taniwha> hi, egg|zzz|egg
<regex> \o
<taniwha> essentially, ctrl-left-click extrudes
<Thomas> egg|zzz|egg: something about principia and bugfixes
<regex> well that's nice to know
<taniwha> you will get a bit of an interesting mess if you have a volume selected :)
<taniwha> yeah, I was blown away by it when I saw it
<Thomas> xShadowx: Install RSS and press m
<Thomas> There is your google earth
<xShadowx> XD
<taniwha> and google moon, google mars, google titan...
<xShadowx> i was hopin for more......local detail :P
<Thomas> press m again
<Thomas> boom pqs view
* xShadowx wamts to see parents house on map as he crashes
<Thomas> Click on the launch pad, name a shit "parents house", launch
<Thomas> Then you see it. It even has a marker above it!
<Thomas> (sadly it isnt red :D)
<xShadowx> bah you :P
<regex> Install that 64K RSS texture pack.
<Thomas> ... wat
<Thomas> how does that work
<Thomas> I thought 8k was the maximum in Unity
<taniwha> wild guess: 1 8k image per cube face
<xShadowx> or he means 6.4k
<taniwha> or even multiple 8k images per cube face
<Thomas> taniwha: Yeah, but that would need a custom pqs mod
<Thomas> And I know no single person that writes PQSMods D:
<xShadowx> didnt you try?
<xShadowx> the uhm whats it kerbal terrain mod
<aeTIos_web> hey taniwha
<Thomas> Yeah, I messed with PQSMods, but they never really worked :D
<xShadowx> that needs fixin so i can use in 1.2.2 :P
<Thomas> Meh
* Thomas new interest is voxels
<xShadowx> if only voxels worked ;\
<Thomas> I am still thinking about bugging Squad to make the PQS virtual
<xShadowx> ksp subterrain project:D
<Thomas> Because atm you cant really replace it without getting a huge and messy piece of code
<xShadowx> shoulda asked before the exodus, prolly better luck :(
<Thomas> And all voxel engines I find are not suited for the dimensions of the pqs
<Thomas> So I would need my own implementation of marching cubes
<xShadowx> then when we crash we get a voxel crater looking like the old days in MC when someone set off 294757282 tnt :D
<Thomas> Actually.. I should implement it with cecil and annoy all the people on the forums because "sadly" I wont be able to share it
<xShadowx> :|
<taniwha> hi, aeTIos_web
<taniwha> Thomas: marching cubes is ok-ish, but there's better
<Sarbian> Hi all
<Thomas> hi
<xShadowx> everyone shows up today ;)
<Thomas> then you should take bets on NK appearing :D
<aeTIos_web> I should try to develop some stuff on linux
<aeTIos_web> taniwha: you develop on linux, right?
<Sarbian> I won't bet on that Thomas
<Thomas> Same here
<Sarbian> Strange to see such activity after weeks of silence
<aeTIos_web> quick abandon ship
<xShadowx> he only lurks around 10-11pm PST :|
<Thomas> Well, he was active 4 days ago iirc
<xShadowx> for a few min ya
<xShadowx> !seen NathanKell
<Sarbian> Busy
<Qboid> xShadowx: I last saw NathanKell on [10.04.2017 06:09:54] in #RO saying: "gotta head off, o/ all"
<aeTIos_web> Thomas: that was a nail lol
<Sarbian> aeTIos_web: you can dev for KSP on linux easily
<regex> Homeskillet is still moving in/finding a job/etc... in SeattleWA
<Sarbian> it depends on how you are used to dev however.
<taniwha> aeTIos_web: yes, on linux
<Sarbian> Who is that regex ?
<egg|zzz|egg> sarbut sarbian
<Sarbian> Hoy egg
<regex> NK
<aeTIos_web> taniwha: gimme a prime, do you need mono or something
<Sarbian> Oh, yeah. you lost me :)
<aeTIos_web> isn't ksp mod stuff written in c#
<egg|zzz|egg> regex: I don't get it
<egg|zzz|egg> aeTIos_web: unless you are an egg
<regex> Np, you should know mny love of dumb colloquialisms...
<taniwha> aeTIos_web: for C#? yes. I use mono, vim, make and git
<Virindi> wow, I just spent 2 hours making a plane in blender, an error message popped up and I clicked the x in the corner of the dialog and it killed the whole program without saving my work
<aeTIos_web> did you save inbetween
<Sarbian> regex: it is mostly lost on my lack of capacity to decrypt such things
<Virindi> no because I wasn't really accomplishing much.
<taniwha> Virindi: restart blender, open last session
<taniwha> (in the splash)
<Virindi> wow, thanks!
<aeTIos_web> heh, I thought you'd already tried that
<regex> Sarbian: homeboy, homie, homeslice, homeskillet, it's just a dumb way of saying "my friend". I call my daughter "homie" all the time.
<Virindi> it took me 2 hours to figure out how to edit vertices so no heh
<regex> probably a southern California thing...
<Sarbian> install mono. "wget https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe". "mono ./nuget.exe install Microsoft.Net.Compilers". Magic
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<Sarbian> regex: I don't get most slang unless I learned from a book or a TV show :)
<xShadowx> last NK said like 2 weeks ago he done moving in :)
<Sarbian> He has. I need to visit him...
<xShadowx> where you live?:|
<Sarbian> Paris
<Sarbian> I need to visit taniwha too, since I could not last time...
* Sarbian needs to seriously extends his travel budget
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<aeTIos_web> it kinda triggers me that I'll have to run microsoft stuff on my arch install
<aeTIos_web> it's like a stain
<taniwha> mono is not microsoft
<aeTIos_web> i know
<taniwha> and C# is actually quite nice (usually)
<Sarbian> a lot more than Java
<aeTIos_web> I've heard that it was quite good
<Thomas> Its awesome
<aeTIos_web> you don't need much to beat java though
<taniwha> it generally beats C++
<aeTIos_web> also
* xShadowx puts java in a hole
<Virindi> cool, thanks
* xShadowx pits fire in the hole too
<aeTIos_web> re:topic: the code of conduct github link is dead
<Virindi> I guess blender is really not a program you can just figure out
<taniwha> it has a lot of similarities to Objective-C, but without the odd syntax
<Thomas> Hmm, yeah, changed my github name and gists arent redirected
Thomas changed the topic of #kspmodding to: Welcome to #kspmodding - the channel for discussing, and learning about, modding Kerbal Space Program. Code of Conduct: https://git.io/vSQh6 | Always provide logs (do !support for help). | *** PSA: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/index.html | <Red5> Guy was asked for a log file, he gave this link: http://pastebin.com/wfVarZPf
<taniwha> Virindi: yeah, it's too big for that
<Sarbian> :)
* Sarbian checks MM thread to see if the tech support post got anywhere
<Sarbian> I should reopen MJ thread too...
<taniwha> Virindi: this looks like it might be a good start: https://cgcookie.com/archive/blender-basics-introduction-for-beginners/
<aeTIos_web> ok language wise is this channel the same as main?
<aeTIos_web> that's mainly what I wanted to check :
<aeTIos_web> :P
<xShadowx> you can suck fuck, just act civilized
<xShadowx> er say fuck'
<xShadowx> hah
<aeTIos_web> alright
<aeTIos_web> *starts cussing uncontrollably*
<taniwha> however, you'll communicate better if you don't say such :)
* xShadowx grabs duct tape
<Sarbian> As long as you more or less stay on topic most of the time you should be fine
<aeTIos_web> taniwha: I use words wherever they are appropriate
<Sarbian> Just don't think you are on #kspmodders
<aeTIos_web> ha
<aeTIos_web> you don't say
<Virindi> is that the troll channel.
<xShadowx> is that an understatement
<taniwha> yeah. I gave up on it about a year ago
<Thomas> I wouldnt call it a troll channel
* Sarbian wonders why he is still in the other chan
<xShadowx> taniwha: you had hope at a point? aw thats cute :)
<taniwha> #kspmodders makes Mos Aisley look like haven of goodness and cleanliness
<egg|zzz|egg> taniwha: Sarbian: dunno, sometimes I have interesting discussions with Majiir there
<Thomas> I had hope at some point. Then I joined and saw the topic
<Sarbian> No hope there unless Majiir loose op one day.
<taniwha> lose(s) :)
<taniwha> (yeah, confusing)
<aeTIos_web> I dunno I generally have pretty good discussions on kspmodders, but I'm not really active there much either
<Sarbian> Don't have me teatch you French taniwha !
<Sarbian> err, teach
<xShadowx> teatch sounds painful
<egg|zzz|egg> titche
<taniwha> heh
<aeTIos_web> it's just a bit annoying that every not church approved word in kspofficial gets the Look[TM]
<aeTIos_web> I get it, but it's annoying
<aeTIos_web> lol
<xShadowx> meh kiddy channel
<xShadowx> i just follow "would disney allow it?" not hard
<aeTIos_web> I know
<aeTIos_web> it's just that I tend to slip
<xShadowx> get a cjhat client that can filter words for you
<aeTIos_web> mmm
<aeTIos_web> I can probably make irssi filter for just #kspofficial
<Sarbian> So, to get back on the chan main topics : any trouble to upgrade your mods for the current state of the pre release ?
<taniwha> I haven't tried
<Sarbian> aeTIos_web: it s more that words you need to filter. You can say terrible things without any cursing
<xShadowx> i didnt even try to step in the localization pile ;\
<Sarbian> I won't go near the loc code for reason mentioned elsewhere. But otherwise ?
<xShadowx> code wise, all my projects updated fine aside from loc stuff, but i dont step in as many mechanics are you guys :|
<aeTIos_web> Sarbian: ha, but I mainly tend to slip fuck and shit in sentences as respectively superlative and synonym for 'stuff'
<Thomas> I still have to check how to handle the stuff in CelestialBody related to loc
<taniwha> Virindi: that introduction seems to be missing the first part, but it should be good
<aeTIos_web> either way, back on topic lol
<Thomas> And I am still wondering if I should update my translation framework to 1.3
<Virindi> I've been reading a wikibook "blender 3d: noob to pro"
<Virindi> it has stuff like "click on this icon you fool"
<Virindi> which is the level I needed.
<Sarbian> Thomas: so far cb.thename => cb.displayName
<taniwha> Virindi: yeah
<taniwha> text is often better (own pace)
<taniwha> however, Jonathan Williamson generally gives a lot of good explanation
<Sarbian> What ? not watching a 30 min video on how to click on two button is better than reading about it in 30s ?
* Sarbian fails at sentences logic
<NathanKell|AWAY> good you're not a gambler Sarbian
<aeTIos_web> Sarbian: I know it's hard to understand
<Thomas> LOL
<Sarbian> NathanKell|AWAY: damned !
<Thomas> o/ NathanKell|AWAY
<NathanKell|AWAY> hey, just a quick hi from the office :]
<taniwha> Sarbian: tool for the job :)
<xShadowx> oh shit he did show up
<taniwha> }:>
<xShadowx> now we do have everyone today :D
<aeTIos_web> party time
* xShadowx pokes egg|zzz|egg
<xShadowx> bring us party stuff
<NathanKell|AWAY> for that one golden minute since I have to duck back to work tho
<xShadowx> aw :(
<xShadowx> hows work?:) good?
<xShadowx> p.s. get any minions yet?
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn NathanKell|AWAY
<egg|zzz|egg> aaaargh
<egg|zzz|egg> !channel -serious:false
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn NathanKell|AWAY
<egg|zzz|egg> ah, I'm not op here
<Thomas> I think you deserve it
<egg|zzz|egg> \o/
<Sarbian> He will rant about float !
<egg|zzz|egg> :D
<Thomas> Sarbian: You have +F
<Thomas> He hasnt
<Sarbian> I have the Float flag ? ;)
<Thomas> Yes
<egg|zzz|egg> Sarbian: float pings me :-p
<kmath> <whitequark> IEEE-754 Omniously Floating Point
<kmath> <bofh453> Yeah, I think this is a slight improvement, @eggleroy. https://t.co/8AFT3DWEUC
<taniwha> "The patent on S3 Texture Compression expires on October 2, 2017." \o/
<Sarbian> Anyway, go to go. An endless stream of night call at work this week really messed my sleep pattern
<Sarbian> goT to go...
<Thomas> !channel -serious:false
<Thomas> !wpn Sarbian
* Qboid gives Sarbian a yttrium refractor
<Thomas> !channel -serious:true
<xShadowx> taniwha: that means what?:P
<taniwha> well, for one, better free OpenGL drivers for linux
<xShadowx> i use windows and directx :P
<taniwha> also, DXTn tools
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<Sarbian> I want Unity 5.6 for KSP now !
<Sarbian> I can't code half my ideas :(
* Sarbian vanishes
<taniwha> I haven't tried it yet, but 5.6 does VR for linux :)
<xShadowx> kerbalvr does vr :P
<xShadowx> dunno bout linux but works on winblows
<taniwha> if it uses SteamVR, it might
regex has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Virindi> gosh. stupid question...how does a part know what model to use? I can't find the model name listed in any part config files
<Virindi> or is it just "magic" and looks for one of identical name
<Virindi> god, magic :(
<xShadowx> 2 ways
<xShadowx> read the part cfg and see either "mesh = lala"
<xShadowx> or MODEL { } node
<Virindi> sorry I meant props.
<xShadowx> i seem to remember something about if neither is used, mesh = default to somethin like the <this>.cfg name
<xShadowx> ah
<xShadowx> from lookin ima take a stab and defaults to model.mu in the same folder, but thats crystal ball territory, i dont do props
<Virindi> the aset ones are not named model.mu
<Virindi> :)
<xShadowx> D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Props\Monitor\DockingMode.cfg
<xShadowx> has a MODEL node
<xShadowx> MODEL
<xShadowx> {
<xShadowx> model = Squad/Props/Monitor/MonitorDockingMode
<xShadowx> }
<Virindi> sweet
<xShadowx> so no model node maybe defauls to model.mu or to the only mu in folder or dunno
<Virindi> yeah there may be something wrong with my model
<Virindi> I just have literally failed at everything today so I am pissed off with yet another "no way to know" situation
<xShadowx> forums know better than me :P
<Virindi> frustration level is probably a clue to give up until later instead
<Virindi> thanks though
<Virindi> much googling did not elucidate the subject at all
<xShadowx> id start by adding the model node, i dout it hurts, and forums not google :P
<Virindi> googling the forums.
<Virindi> as in, searching with site:forums.kerbalspaceprogram.com
<Virindi> the forum's search feature, like most forums, is utterly useless
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<aeTIos> jallo
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<taniwha> mesh = is meaningless
<taniwha> unless MODEL {} is used, the first .mu file (possibly other formats too) in the directory (alpha sort?) is used