<UmbralRaptor> !choose x_x|>_<
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Your options are: x_x, >_<. My choice: >_<
<UmbralRaptor> !choose print tonight|print tomorow
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Your options are: print tonight, print tomorow. My choice: print tonight
<UmbralRaptor> …
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egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg|zz|egg
<Iskierka> @ egg|zz|egg https://i.imgur.com/ENkfxzi.gif
<egg|zz|egg> snek!
<Iskierka> ... in the elder scrolls it's apparently canon that the creator gods were using the dev console
<egg|zz|egg> Iskierka: https://xkcd.com/224/\
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egg|zz|egg is now known as egg
<kmath> YouTube - Snake Pass - The Great British Snake Off
GreeningGal is now known as GreeningGalaxy
Thomas is now known as Thomas|HERE
Thomas|HERE is now known as Thomas
<kmath> <govsambrownback> I vetoed Medicaid expansion. It does not prioritize the vulnerable. It does not #DefundPP. It isn't responsible. It… https://t.co/ZF4Jpq5INA
<GreeningGalaxy> ;mission
<kmath> GreeningGalaxy: You decare war on Poland. The Dunan curse kicks in and summons the Kraken.
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor an UTF-2ⁿ hug
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn -add:wpn Orcrist
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Weapon added!
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn -add:wpn Glamdring
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Weapon added!
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn -add:wpn Durandal
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Weapon added!
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn -add:wpn Kusanagi
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Weapon added!
<UmbralRaptor> Now majiir might get an actual sword!
<kmath> <MattWalshBlog> Seriously what's the appropriate reason for a married person to go out for a meal alone with a member of the other sex (outside of family)?
* UmbralRaptor headdesks.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: quite
<egg> been seeing that in various bits of twitter
<Iskierka> "once saw a married woman who walked into an Arby's burst into flames. scary stuff" "Nah, that's just the artificial flavoring and gasoline in the beef roast."
<Iskierka> "Got banned after that threesome during the 2 for $20 promotion"
<kmath> <sapphixy> The other day I learned that a TERF somewhere argued that a relationship between two trans women isn't gay. I still haven't figured it out.
<Pinkbeast> They're only _slightly_ TERFy so they think one of them counts as a lass
<GreeningGalaxy> so according to TERFs, couples of two trans women are in entangled binary gender states, and whenever you observe one as male the other must be female and vice versa?
<GreeningGalaxy> seems legit.
<GreeningGalaxy> That's actually a sickeningly believable analogy for how cis people often think gender works. I bet I'm not the first to come up with it.
<Iskierka> comments seem to conclude stance is that trans women are men but must see each other as women to support the fantasy, so are in a het relationship
<Iskierka> which therefore means that a cis woman dating a trans woman is lesbian?
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Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
<Iskierka> https://twitter.com/IraeNicole/status/847547950792310784 sounds like this film is a trainwreck
<kmath> <IraeNicole> Ah so thats the transphobic scene in whiteGiTS. And yes it is transphobic. https://t.co/U320Wbjf6t
<Iskierka> https://i.imgur.com/9r9zl4k.jpg @ UmbralRaptor
<egg> Iskierka: that's relevant to kspacademia
<Pinkbeast> also hilarious
Lyneira has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
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<UmbralRaptor> kitty!
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