egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
⟨egg⟩ ⟪Al₂Me₆⟫ Huh, two hotfixes in a row ⮪ Changes C# are hell.
⟨egg⟩ +to the
⟨egg⟩ The only testing we have is manual.
⟨lamont⟩ now that MJ has a bunch of tests around the pure math functions i can do things like rewrite the ODE solver completely and not even bother firing up KSP to check if it still works or not.
⟨lamont⟩ but stuff like the autostaging controller is a pile of manual testing hell
⟨egg⟩ ⟪lamont⟫ now that MJ has a bunch of tests around […] ⮪ Same here for most of our code (which is in C++), including all our ODE solvers. But the moment it starts getting close enough to the game and the UI, we have no tests.
⟨egg⟩ (Except manual tests; but those require playing, and we don’t do that here.)
⟨lamont⟩ actually playing KSP? ewwwwww....
⟨clayel⟩ feel like there should be a kind of announcement that the next principia release has occured, i mean i know its every lunar month but i dont exactly have a lunar month alarm or calendar on me
⟨test_account⟩ one method is to look at the sky 🙂
⟨clayel⟩ hm, that happened before the release? or am i missing something
⟨egg⟩ Ah, I should repeat the PSA here.
⟨test_account⟩ also ... you can start the game, warp to the current IRL date and check where the moon is today
⟨egg⟩ > A major issue was found in the previously released build for 伊藤: creating a manœuvre while the plotting frame was X–Y–Orbit would cause a crash, see #3689.
> As a result, we have hotfixed the release; if you downloaded 伊藤 prior to this post, please click on the link in the OP or the GitHub readme to download it anew (the version string in the Principia UI should say 2023061805-伊藤-0-g2771ba5fa7f1d43341a5ca70adbd7f296449c300, not 2023061805-伊藤-0-gc3140c5f2bf7a8438e41cd5e3bcfcb2fd3f52356).
⟨DRVeyl⟩ Set an alarm clock. Every 28 days from now to eternity should be sufficient.
⟨egg⟩ ⟪clayel⟫ feel like there should be a kind of […] ⮪ There is as Nazfib mentioned a post on the discord, one on the forum, and a reminder on the UI.
We also have a display ad in orbit around the Earth; when you see a waxing crescent, there just was a release.
⟨thunkii⟩ in that was you will also be able to touch grass and take a break from playing KSP excessivelt
⟨clayel⟩ ⟪egg⟫ There is as Nazfib mentioned a post on […] ⮪ alright
⟨clayel⟩ ⟪DRVeyl⟫ Set an alarm clock. Every 28 days from […] ⮪ actually do you know how to do this on windows?
⟨egg⟩ In Google Calendar you can add something that gives you the quarters and the new and full moon.