egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
⟨egg⟩ Earlier I was wondering whether the satellites of the primary _outside_ the orbit of the secondary system should be put into the primary system.
It appears the answer is a resounding _no_:
⟨egg⟩ Back to Uranus, I wonder whether those maxima that are close to L4/L5 are L4/L5 in a meaningful sense; if they are, the assumption that one of these is the maximum maximorum and the other one is close enough is not really working out.
⟨egg⟩ Things are much cleaner for Neptune in any case; which is satisfying, seeing as it is the one with an army of Trojans.
⟨egg⟩ Back to Uranus, I wonder whether those maxima that are close to L4/L5 are L4/L5 in a meaningful sense; if they are, the assumption that one of these is the maximum maximorum and the other one is close enough is not really working out.
(The maxima are indicated by red dots in these figures, and the number of maxima is displayed at the centre.)
⟨egg⟩ With equipotentials around each maximum:
⟨egg⟩ With all these equipotentials I would say we can make out L4 and L5 in the fourth figure.
⟨egg⟩ The maximum above L4/L5 where L3 ought to lie is certainly fun
_whitelogger has joined #principia
⟨gh0st⟩ Gosh these are really cool
I was recording a video doing some equipotential tomfoolery with some commsats but when I saw these make an appearance a few weeks ago I decided to just finish everything else I had waiting before recording something new because of how powerful and informative visualizations like these are
(we'll see how it goes with JNSQ, that system is definitely less numerous in bodies than RSS)