egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
⟨PrinceZola⟩ does principia changes the dynamics of spin stabilization?
Principia correctly implements the Джанибеков effect, anyway
⟨PrinceZola⟩ it feels like my rocket designs are suffering from a lot of precession even when spin stabilizing, feels weird
⟨PrinceZola⟩ ⟪raptop⟫ Principia correctly implements the […] ⮪ then how one would go about to spin stabilize their kick stage? how to design it?
⟨PrinceZola⟩ do i need a deep understanding in analytical mechanics? xP
I don't think so, just make sure to avoid imparting spin on the intermediate axis?
⟨PrinceZola⟩ what is the intermediate axis?
⟨PrinceZola⟩ if its the single different from the other axis... then im screwed because thats the one pointing towards the desired angle
⟨PrinceZola⟩ perhaps having 4 instead of 2 spin motors would remove the intermediate axis?
⟨test_account⟩ Yes, this will help
⟨PrinceZola⟩ now its even worse lol
⟨test_account⟩ Then its not dzhanibekov effect but something else
⟨test_account⟩ Dzhanibekov is easy to recognize, it flips back and forward (given time)
⟨PrinceZola⟩ im at around 75km up when i activate the stage, there is like 0.1kPa of dynamic pressure so i really dont think its an aero issue
⟨test_account⟩ It may be that your spin motors simply have variance which leafs to wobbling
⟨test_account⟩ * leads
⟨PrinceZola⟩ probably
⟨PrinceZola⟩ i will try spinning the whole rocket then maybe its heavier weight will "absorb" the variance or something lol
⟨test_account⟩ If this is the kick stage, i would suggest to spin the previous stage before detaching the kick stage
⟨test_account⟩ Yes, exactly
⟨test_account⟩ This also improves dv of the kick stage
⟨test_account⟩ Spin motors are horribly heavy for what they do
⟨PrinceZola⟩ still nope xP
⟨PrinceZola⟩ i think it is the dzabhenikov effect...
⟨PrinceZola⟩ like
⟨PrinceZola⟩ its spin very off axis then it gets kinda centered and then off it goes again