it is elementary school knowledge that water expands below 4 C
but you need to be at like 45°C to be even 1% off
so te density changes, and it seems i rememebered correctly it is exactly 1 kg / dm^3 at 4 C
i didnt say there is a huge difference
and despite physics teachers say it is also a bit compressible
not like gasses, but "a bit"
that's why the table also mentions pressure
i remember somebody made an explanation what happens when a carbon fiber submarine implodes
and the main point was the that the water is compressed at that depth
and it bounces back, like a spring
so it almost instantly goes in and destroys everything
maybe it was thunderf00t
there's probably more elements to that. because once the carbon fibre hull is initially damaged, it's also immediately structurally very weak
so it's not like a wooden ship on the surface, where water just trickles in through a hole, but the rest of the ship stays stable.
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;outcome add Perusing the shenaniganry afoot, you abscond with the evidence.
Added outcome: Perusing the shenaniganry afoot, you abscond with the evidence.
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You land on Mun using winglets on decouplers. You are now known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
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i suppose killing someone counts as a "reproductive harm"?
I guess
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