will the rate of stars going out affect me significantly within my lifetime?
honestly I rather be stuck in tank than stars going out
thats unknown amount of life disappearing
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but unknown amounts of life disappear all the time
not sure whether that's a healthy excuse to shut yourself into a tank
and you can still be a boltzmann brain
all of us will be one someday
or maybe one of us already is and thinking up rest of us
dont really care either way
it's me I'm the only real conscious entity here and you are figments of the random assembly of energy and atoms repreresnting memories and thoughts
I don't really care on whose substrate my simulation runs, either
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You are inspired by H. R. Giger. You count the lights, twice, just to be certain. You still get the wrong answer.
there are 4 lights.
.outcome add There's light - in the darkness - of evry - Kerbals life.
Added outcome: There's light - in the darkness - of evry - Kerbals life.
;mission add You achieve a concussion so bad that you think to yourself: "If I light my lighter, my lighter gets lighter."
Added mission: You achieve a concussion so bad that you think to yourself: "If I light my lighter, my lighter gets lighter."
Isn't that an outcome? (Also, if I light my lighter, my lighter _does_ get lighter)
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.help outcome
I am a bot operated by FLHerne. Try !{nextlunch,lunch,lunchmode,nextbook,book,answer,8ball,mission,outcome,stupid,wisdom,quote,colloid,nextcolloid,colloid²,nextfrog,frog,rocks,space!,nextbankruptcy,bankruptcy,nextpinecone,nextyear,nextfire,choose,startup,nextstartup,startup1,startup2,startup3,banlist,word,non-word,nonword,help} help.
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heh this doesnt say
;outcome fix s/evry/every/
No outcome found matching "fix s/evry/every/".
;outcome s/evry/every/
No outcome found matching "s/evry/every/".
;outcome fixup s/evry/every/
New text is: There's light - in the darkness - of every - Kerbals life.
i think the s is already the command
or should be
FLHerne will be pleased to know he has to do more regexp :D
well, basically it's looking at the first two characters
problem is: Nobody could ever make fixup jokes
i meant to change it to an outcome but i forgor
.outcome add There's a light - in the darkness - of ev'ry - Kerbals life.
Added outcome: There's a light - in the darkness - of ev'ry - Kerbals life.