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You install Kontakt-1 as heat shield. It is used for nefarious purposes.
muhahaha I guess...
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You quadruple check your staging before the flight just in case. A non binary Kerbal invents decimal.
!outcome add The Kerbal Accident Investigation board recommends afterwards that all boosters be clearly marked THIS WAY UP.
Added outcome: The Kerbal Accident Investigation board recommends afterwards that all boosters be clearly marked THIS WAY UP.
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It really looks like the outpost has to be made of different launches
So I will dock those parts in orbit on Kerbin and redock them on Dres.
Mat2ch: What's the mission?
Start building an outpost on Dres
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You organize a face-off between the Kraken and Bagger 288. You would have been able to avoid disaster, but the context menu was obscured by the nav ball and you couldn't reach the button to turn on your engine.
hehe bagger 288
I think the kraken just becomes stronger the larger it's foe is
also the number of moving parts
particularly claw-like elements
and flex
i have to listen to the song now
I don't think Bagger 288 will come off well here
Balloons are large. Claws would work well against them.
I used to believe Kraken are real cephalopods.
Honestly, a lot of deep sea creatures are more fascinating and/or terrifying than legendary ones
Oh yeah, these Humboldt squids are terrifying. They even come in large schools.
!outcome add Unexpectedly, a Colossal Squid appears from nowhere and defends you from the kraken.
Added outcome: Unexpectedly, a Colossal Squid appears from nowhere and defends you from the kraken.
Althego, clearly fake. Start are not visible.
You let the good times roll. You then notice the contract was already completed.
Huh. Win?
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Your slippers just aren't warm enough on this spaceship; so you turn up the furnace... completely forgetting that the furnace requires oxygen from the crew compartment. It almost works, you just need to refine your piloting skills a bit. After another 20 tries you're not so sure.
F5 is useful against oxygen starvation, but there's no way I'm sacrificing toasty feet to do this mission properly.
Mat2ch: From the missions listed in your archive, can you see which missions make the complete set?
Since I have no idea what the complete set is, I'd have to answer No
Well, you can't say for sure, but you might notice getting no more missions to Duna or so.
well, I haven't gotten any Duna missions for a long time.
It might help not to go to other planets to figure this out.
But I have finished the base building mission for Dres and got another one for Vall now.
It is entirely possible that those missions only appear after you visited all planets and moons that can be visited and returned with a craft from there.
But I have to admit that the current order is weired. Why Dres and then Vall?
Or have you observed multiple equal/similar missions on the same body?
Dres is closer, right?
also randomness
yes, it's almost always flyby. then return, orbit, then return, land, place a flag, dock two vessels, return from the surface to Kerbin
Transfer crew with EVA
sometimes it's bit mixed together, like land, place a flag and return to Kerbin
oh, yes, sometimes it's transfer crew stuff as well.
build bases
The outpost missions are entirely new to me.
Are there world first missions requiring a base on wheels?
No, it looks like it accepts anything that docks together at the surface.
Not sure if you are allowed to land on a docking port
parts have to be from separate launches though, but can be landed together and then docked.
That's what I did. I stacked two base parts, landed one and then landed the other.
And then docked them. (One had wheels. But you could get away with a robotic arm and a claw...)
Tourist missions need to be tweaked. I always find it annoying that I've just managed to get a probe or something simple to Duna and then I'm suddenly inundated with tourists wanting a round trip. Like, I was bringing tourists to LKO, sure, but that's quite a step, and now nobody wants LKO anymore so I lost my source of income.
Are you playing with some mods that increase the challenge?
Pure stock
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I've never found money to be an issue in stock, always more than enough funds to build whatever's practical with the available tech
except maybe building upgrades
SSTO tourist planes are a hobby of mine, so the game recognises that I want tourist missions. But I quickly learned to never visit any other places if I wanted to continue doing that
but I tend to postpone those (other than tracking centre because bleh) because it's more fun being a bit limited in what can be built
It's not so much so that money is a problem, it's just that I was having fun with tourists. Also SSTO development is expensive when you play with no reverts.
no reverts sounds 'fun'
I often play spaceplane only games
I can see the appeal
but it seems hostage to stupid physics problems, especially landing planes
It is fun to have an actual need to design redundancy into your crafts
I will always allow reverts for bugs
A bug causing deaths of my only pilots is something I'll revert for.
But for my next game I will consider actually turning off reverts for the added fear factor. I have never tried it
i am usually running around 15 mission in parallel, really no way to revert
I do have crew respawns turned off
those i do, i isially have to experiment in the beginning with a design, and since there is no simulation mode, i use it for that
i always found it annoying that you can clearly see the wind tunnel building, yet you cant experiment without flying
Yeah lots of people do that. I get a kick out of designing functioning designs with zero "simulations"
Yeah they did actually have a wind tunnel in development
#Bring back the barn! Also the wind tunnel. Also resources.
I s'pose there's always Kerbal Construction Time
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.tell Deddly I could tell you about an alternative source of income, but I don't want to spoil it to you.
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Darsie, World Firsts? Mort?
Mining fuel on the launch pad?
Find asteroids with high inclination. Takes a while to find good ones, but they pay millions.
Wait 7 days for new contracts.
You need IR cameras.
I have so much money idk what to do with it.
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First world problems.
You attempt to make a rocket using sausage for propellant. On the upside, your body is able to be faxed to the morgue.
That is not how a sausage catastrophe is supposed to work
You forget to install FAR. Fortunately, all the gray-suits were lost.
Lot of plane crashes, I guess
!choose purple pigeons|gray mice
purple pigeons
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catch the pigeon
Another mission, another outpost. This time on Moho. I have a feeling that these missions have an increasing difficulty
the game is learning
you accept outpost missions you will get outpost missions
The missing intermediate steps burst out of the darkness and rob you of your lunch-money in a dark alleyway. There is a long silence.
Althego: those are the "official" missions...
If I knew which mods do a good job of offering additional missions/variety, I'd suggest them
well, I want to "finish" the "official" ones. I wonder if it is possible at all
In as much as there are ones with a progression, yes. I'd have to check the game files to see which ones can be
finish him! kerbal kombat!
raptop: they are not in the game files, but hardcoded into the game!
yeah, they wanted to hide something. I wonder what it is ;)
and yes, I could cheat my way to the end...
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