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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> The chef's been looking up some recipes from Earth to try out. Today's special lunch is "mustard". The neutrino burst alone is lethal.
<packbart> Ingredients unclear
<darsie> 1337
<Mat2ch> SpaceX intends to launch Starship today in roughly 45 minutes
<darsie> Starship flight #5 streams:
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<Mat2ch> ok
<Mat2ch> wow
<Althego> it was incredible
<Althego> there was literally nothing like it before it happened
<Mat2ch> viewing it was unbelievable.
<Althego> hehe, reminds me of the hovercraft race commentator in beyond good and evil: unbelievable, it's the little rookie!
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<Mat2ch> Starship is missing tiles...
<Mat2ch> I'm curious if it will survive
<Althego> some tiles were not fitterd to test failure
<Althego> plasma is forming
<Mat2ch> burning through
<Althego> haha something was there at the landing position to film imt explode
<Mat2ch> a sea drone. No idea who built it. But I have an idea. :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> also moonwalking mechazilla lol
<Mat2ch> Haven't seen that :(
<Mat2ch> So next flight full orbit and then Starship catch?
<Althego> the nsf stream cut away so it was not there
<darsie> Starship should land on it's own.
<Mat2ch> no landing gear, so they will have to use the other tower to catch it
<NGC3982> that explosion was like the sprinkles on the cake
<darsie> Mat2ch: The early starships had 10 landing legs or so.
<darsie> It's not landing on a runway like the Shuttle. There's no runway on Moon/Mars etc.
<darsie> And no catch tower.
<Mat2ch> but on Mars the gravity is much lower, so they don't need as much fuel and carry around landing legs
<Mat2ch> it's all about weight savings
<darsie> This is not KSP.
<Mat2ch> *and can carry around
<Mat2ch> that's really the reason why they don't have landing legs right now
<Pinkbeast> In KSP, someone would have looked at it and gone "nah, that's going to fall over if it lands anywhere less flat than Minmus" ?
<Mat2ch> time to send a scouting rover to find a decent flat spot on the other planets or moons
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<darsie> FOOF (not too exciting)
<Althego> what could go wrong lol
<Mat2ch> oh, that guy
<Mat2ch> :D
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<darsie> I wonder how they figure out FOOF/fuel Isps with yields that low. Must be theoretical calculations.
<Mat2ch> most likely
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<Althego> How SpaceX Landed A Rocket... Without Landing Legs. Catching a Giant Rocket With Giant Chopsticks
<Althego> it also contains the mechazilla moonwalk
<Mat2ch> well, now it is rather clear that we can build huge rotating space stations. ;)
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<Mat2ch> uh, can we talk about ?
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