egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
ayyy I lowered taxes and now people are coming back to town
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
okay now im losing money, this is bullshit
"Who should I call if no one comes to pick up the dead #movingout" I click the persons name to find their house, and it brings me to the hurse
this dead person just tweeted about not being picked up within 2 seconds
i opened up a football stadium and there's already a fucking dead person in there
medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
next city ill make will be a donut, with industry in the middle, commercial on the outside of that, and residence on the outside of that, I think that's the most efficient pathway for citizens
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some dudes car alarm went off, and its not going off
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so there's this RPG system called D20, it's like D&D but more just a set of rules without content
then there's this RPG system called Big Eyes, Small Mouth, it's like anime but D&D
then some of the later editions of BESM are in the D20 system
and there's one, BESM D20: Centaur Knights D20: A Hard Science Fiction Campaign
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2 is the only even prime number, yes?
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is there a word for a number whose divisors are all prime?
prime divisors
Greys: Composite numbers
you have all failed basic english
You are aware of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic I assume?
darklight, you have claimed that 20 is divisible by only prime numbers
;c 20/4
Greys: 5.0
congrats, you're wrong
Oh, you mean it has no composite divisors
6 is only divisible by 2 and 3, both are prime
divisors are all prime?
if I murdered you with the ambiguity in front of a cop he could not arrest me
Hrmm... AvE doing some pixie wrangling, I had the exact same circuit in mind for my sisters table
(She wants an auto lift table)
the crusher DRM bypass?
you'll want to add limit switches
it's also divisible by 6 and 1
speaking of pixies, big clive did a video of shorting out batteries
neither of which are prime
1 never counts
6 isnt prime though
6 is itself
6 is not divisible only by primes.
1 never counts
you never specified this
6 is divisible by non-primes
get FUKT
1 is not a prime
6/6=1, doesn't count
6 is not a prime
yes, and it doesn't count, because 1 doesn't count
You shoulda said that
I don't have to, it's part of the prime rules
Oh god he is squishing his own bag
but 6 isn't prime, it doesn't play by prime rules.
I bet those bags are a more impressive work of engineering
they have to not burst at the sides
darklight, sargon of akkad and thunderfoot are making BUSTED videos of eachother, it's fucking great
what's a sargon
Yeah I'm aware mummy and daddy are fighting
Thunderfoot got a tad insufferable around brexit
so did britain
Tf00t did misrepresent sargon though, however I only watched the first hour of that stream
The gypsy is the one who tried to make fun of it all
"In recent years (in forestry and arboriculture) direct contact with a chainsaw has caused 5 deaths and many serious injuries. These do not include the high numbers of other types of accident that occur during felling, pruning and other related work. "
in the US: 31,000 people were treated in the hospital emergency departments in 2012 for chainsaw injuries.
the US does not have chainsaw licensure
You don't need a licence to buy a chainsaw
indeed I don't
apparently you do in britain
I suspect thats for people who use them commercially
Greys, people have started dying, how long until the population of my town dies off from 49k?
you don't need that for that in the US
SilverFox, current population / decay rate
uhhh, +96 people
infinity then
okay, lets see how long it can hold its own
C:S doesn't have a godzilla button does it
not a specific button, no
I have succesfully disabled the concept of modes in my second least favorite flashlight
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"fresh squeezed rum"
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"A worker who arrives early is a saboteur, a worker who arrives late is a traitor and worker who arrives on time is a spy as they have a western alarm clock." - supposedly an USSR joke
don't use 12h time on planets with 24h days you bitch
Silverfox, the best rum.
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so for the last week or so the chuuou soubu line has had an ad for a learning system based on the shit pile emoji
they just put "poop" into every example sentence
I know train advertising costs can be equivalent to my yearly tuition
and they also had to pay the advertising agency for literally polishing a turd
<VITAS> <- final aka shall i add this to spacedock?
I just merged in my 1.2.9 port today
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It works with 1.3.0, after I changed compatibility checker :P
hmm question: if someone only speaks russian would he be able to read the forum post and changelog? :D
(that announces russian)
I'm not even protocol breaking because there are no new parts, so 1.2.2 and 1.3.0 can play together
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yes it isnt to exciting
1.3 added
1.3.0 I hope ;)
Otherwise ckan will up you
It's because 1.3 means 1.3.x to ckan
And they like being explicit on versions
I generally didn't care until KSP derped and pulled a 1.2.9
thx for the heads up
"macron ignores trump and hugs merkel instead" ha
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who wouldnt ignore trump if he could?
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Everything will be back to normal in 7.5 years.... :P
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after regan and both bushes and now trump i see the overall trend to presidents with low IQs but high comedic value
so please define "better"
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Maybe not, I think a lot of people are confused atm...
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alright lets see how cuckistan handles the night
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yes e.g. will impeachment turn trump into a peach? and why?
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he wont turn into a literal peach, but as the good book says you bring him outside the town wall, bury him to his shoulders and stone him to death with peaches
RandomJeb I wouldn't find islam nearly as discusting if getting stoned meant weed
Though to be fair they seem to be bigger on lashings for the horrible crime of cuddling outside of marriage
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christians are as bad as islamists
in essence: humans are inhuman
Eh, there's different levels of bad, we just don't really have a problem with radical christians though. The problem is bigger than that though :P
humans are inhumane though is probably a good way to put things however
native extensions on interpreted languages really drive me nuts
I chose the language to get away from toolchain and platform specific dependencies :|
What's the point of having a build system when you don't have to fiddle around with natives? :P
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ayy Cuckistan reached a population of 60k and I got to build an airport
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yanno what would be cool
a game where there's three kinds of asymmetric player; the first kind plays sim city; the second plays transport tycoon, and the third plays an economic simulator
I see where you're going with this
all of them take place in eachother's world; so the simcity player only has access to stuff in quantities provided by the tycoon player; the tycoon player profits by providing what the simcity player needs, which is irregular; and then the econ-sim player employs the citizens and steers the commercial/industrial stuff in both
So there's this weird phenomenae of trucks and cars just poofing
like I have a *constant* stream of trucks coming from the frieght harbor, and sometimes within 100m of them leaving, they just poof
I placed an incineration plant next to the place that has garbage problems and the trucks are instead going towards the city, many, many km away
I even made a loop so that the garbage trucks have easy and quick access to the freight facility
nice thing is this triasymmetric model is that you could involve a lot of players; each tycoon player would run a single transport corporation, depending on map size you could probably have maybe five of them; one simcity player could probably run up to 3 cities effectively depending on simulation speed; and you could have dozens of econ-sim players
imagine a game where you've got ten streamers, 5 transport corporations, 15 cities, and the viewers play the economy
would you pay five dollars to get an econ slot once a month?
depends on how good the game is
pft, game quality doesn't matter
it's all about the stream
ok so imagine you made this game, and you sold the transport and city portions for 10$, then made the econ slots available for 10 slots for 5$ per month
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goddamnit angavrilov pls not this again
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Greys, what if time travel exists, but you get reverted to how you were at the time you travel to, thus being the exact same person you were before, thus no obvious paradoxes occur, and you end up making the same decisions that lead up to you taking time travel again and you get stuck in an infinite loop and are essentially dead? #showerthoughts
this situation and the same situation without the time travel are the same
you may be living a time loop but as the you from the future or the past did not travel in any interpretation, there must be another you somewhere else
the easiest solution is that you in fact did not travel back in time at all, and your experience is unmodified from standard flow of time
but how do you know me from the future didnt time travel?
you could say right now that you did a time machine and your perception has been put into a loop, thus your forward going experience is somehow different; but that's unprovable, akin to the concept of god
I could state that every day a clone of me is created with all the experiences of the previous clone, and at the end of the day that clone is destroyed, thus every day we speak I have never met you beore
you cannot disprove this
it's also entirely irrelevant whether it's true or not
my forward going experience isn't going to be different because im going back to the same person I was at time travel date, and i live the same life with the same thoughts because that's how things went up until the time I travelled
no, that's the loop you
532 dead people
we have a mass genocide occuring
if the you in the past is not changed in any way, there must remain two of you in the timestream
you can't just destroy information
why not tho
because science
thats not valid, give me the theory papers
so if two must remain the other one must be forward-going from the transport event
provide evidence or some morsel of argument
one in the loop, one in the future
there is no future me
because the one in the loop did not recieve the information of the one travelling to the past, that information would be accepted by the one in the future
future me never existed because it time travelled back into the loop
you dont exist past the time of travelling
you must, because the things that are not being accepted by the past have to go somewhere
and there's this convenient period that's got a that-information-shaped-hole in it immediately after the transport event
alright, I accept this
let's say you've got a soul
you provided links
note, I don't believe in souls
neither do I
but say you've got one, and the transport event sent your soul back in time
no knowledge or state carried over, just this one intangible concept
so my body is but a husk in the future time?
now the you in the loop has two souls and the you in the future has no soul
right, so I just accumulate infinite souls over time
depending on how you interpret causality though, it could be that during the loop period you always had two souls and the older one doesn't travel back, thus the future you has one soul as well and each soul passes through this looped time space twice before continuing
like a rollercoaster loop-de-loop
the AI in this game is shit
I saw 3 hurses, empty, drive by a building full of dead people
they already had a destination, it's not like they're paramedics trawling about waiting for somebody to cut a finger off
I have crematoriums designated for each district, sometimes multiple, why the fuck are they travelling across town
im just going to accept the fact that i'll always have 500 dead people in my city now
much like the constant stream of abandoned buildings, it's just a reality
funny part is there's still people moving in
yea if I was going to spend more than 300$ I would want a platform-Z axis instead of a lifting print head, you always want to split up your axis as much as possible to increase rigidity
this is also a good site to check out, so that your printer isn't tied to a larger working computer, but instead a network-attached-Pi, a NAP if you will
also please dont do slicing on your pi, it'll suck
the precision of a screw thread really depends on how it was made and how much they cared
well ima tell you these rods aint that good
lots of complaints on their cheapness and plenty of upgrades centered around them
sure, but going up to a lead screw is not cheap
plus you gotta get a follower, and they gotta bees compatible
getting a better threaded rod is relatively cheap
yeah, I heard it's a lot of work
also you can set up livestreaming with your printputer
acme thread is great and all, but this is not so high force as to require that kind of robustitude
prinputer, get it right
aight fine
anyway, it should be relatively trivial to get a well made threaded rod instead of a chinite threaded rod, and I bet that'll fix the accuracy problem
I still want to bring the precision down by 1:2~1:3
idk if it's possible to back up the firmware on the machine, but if you can find a way, I'd recommend that, and then if you can write firmware to it, you can try writing some opensource reprap firmware like marlin or something, tinker with that and see how she chooches
would make it so you dont have to fuck with all the models
you can see them from a foot above her head
that's a relative foot not an actual foot, because she's 8 inches tall
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why are you watching a kancolle ripoff? and what was the name of that show where there was an all girls academy on ships that wasn't kancolle?
like, they piloted the ships and got framed and captured bitches
"Thing(s) my teacher(s) can do better: Not use collective punishment as it is not fair on the many people who did nothing wrong and under the 1949 Genva Conventions it is a war crime."
thats pretty good
apparently the red pill movie won the Women in Film award
isn't that Foldable Human's movie
I fucking hate this keyboard
I have to fucking bob my hands up and down to relaibly have enough force in my fingers to actually push the damn buttons
print a better keyboard
the problem is the key mechanism; I can do just about everything else
print a new one
that's not really a suitable thing to 3D print
I couldn't convey to you on this fucking keyboard 20 years of engineering consideration
what is the mechanism?
this one isn't mechanical, so probably some sort of dome switch
yep, dome switches
ill look it u
I think the real problem is the plastic they've built it out of and the tolerances they decided on cause the shaft and pin to bind at nearly all angles
I like the overall design of the keyboard but it's such a constant irritation; and I've been using it for most of a year
when I can I'll buy one of the higher end models with mechanical switches, some of the lighter activation force ones
for your soft gentle hands?
mostly revenge
this thing is like typing into a solid block of clay
the thing I hate about shopping for PC peripherals is that I hate LED lighting
so why not turn it off or disable it or unwire it?
I do
but that shit ain't free
so the basic mechanical variant of this keyboard is the K65 (I have K40), the K65 doesn't have a numpad so it's out; but it also doesn't have lighting
the K65 is 90$
I paid 60$ for the K40
upgrade to the WD40 model
the K70 line has mechanical switches, and the numpad, but also lighting
the cheapest line of K70, the K70 Lux RGB, is 159$
;wa 159/90
Greys: 159/90 = 53/30
oh right
you fuck
;c 159/90
Greys: 1.7666666666666666
77% more for lights that I don't want
and if you round that to the nearest integer
there's fricken 18 bonus keys not including the media shit; and they're entirely useless
the thing about theys keys is they cannot be bound to anything that does not exist already on the keyboard
keystrokes only, no useful macro capacity to be had
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are eggs meat
Fun fact, the sun is approximately 8 CVS receipts from the Earth
only at night though
in the day the solar heating would cause them to stop being CVS receipts before the measure could be performed
ooh boy, incoming video of linus benchmarking a pc the size of a kleenex box
I should build a machine that looks and works suspiciously similar to a paper shredder except it's got a built in hot air system to fully blacken any thermopaper receipts inserted before shredding them