egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
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<SilverFox> so, I found a way of getting around that bullshit predicate stuff for the kpop function, it's not efficient, but it'll do, plus, it'll only be a hassle if we have a large database, and we don't, so it's acceptable for now
<SilverFox> basically I just look for what fits the ins parameter, then I foreach that list and remove anything that contains names from the exclude list
<darklight> Or you could use my sequel
<darklight> And not use a shitty incomplete database driver
<darklight> Or better, sqlite if it's small :P
<darklight> Ya need a hammer mate, stop trying to bash the back of a screwdriver
<SilverFox> tried that, password bullshit, so putting that to the side until I get more energy
<darklight> sqlite then :P
<SilverFox> listen bud, when the hammer tells yo to fuck off, there's no using the hammer
<darklight> It has c# bindings, or it might be ported, I forgot
<SilverFox> find me the docs and shit
<darklight> Probably nuget it :P
<SilverFox> oh right, I have to also have a mysql server running, right?
<darklight> Not for sqlite
<SilverFox> shiiit really?
<darklight> Sqlite is a self contained thing
<SilverFox> noice
<SilverFox> whats the nuget name thing for it?
<SilverFox> SQLite?
<Supernovy> SQHevy
<darklight> The whole namespace is System.Data.Sqlite
<darklight> Although I just use flat files personally
<darklight> But my needs will be different to yours
<SilverFox> well I rolled a 1 on whether I should stick with old methods like file folders and text files or try a proper databasing method
<SilverFox> so I can't even switch, I am forced to use database tech
<SilverFox> I rolled a 1, there's no going back
<Supernovy> If I was databasing, I wouldn't,
<darklight> dardarbars
<darklight> (My high school IT teacher was foreign and we had trouble understanding him)
<SilverFox> my database teacher was foreign too
<SilverFox> but it wasn't that hard to understand him
<SilverFox> so I used nuget and shit and it said it installed it, but I dont see it in my references, or under the available namespaces
<SilverFox> yeah there isn't any dll in the folder...
<darklight> Should be...
<darklight> I haven't used nuget, but I assume that's the normal way of doing things
<SilverFox> it normally Just Works(tm)
<SilverFox> but this time it didn't, because fuck me everytime I try something new
<SilverFox> mmmmmmm
<SilverFox> I installed "SQLite" instead of "System.Data.SQLite"
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<Beeks> I've got an issue i can't figure out. If i copy a stock engine from Squad, from Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/turboRamJet to Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/turboRamJet2 then change the part name so there's not a duplicate, and change the model path so it matches the new part, why won't it load at all?
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<Beeks> If i copy the CFG and edit it, i can produce an altered copy of the engine and it works just fine. The moment i move it, nothing.
<SilverFox> interesting question, either because squad lol or because maybe you missed something or there's a file it tries calling but fails? Have you tried checking the output_log.txt file for relevant errors?
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<Beeks> Yeah, it doesn't seem to try loading it, or loads without error but ignores it.
<SilverFox> also, apparently SQL doesn't support arrays, so this is fuckerino'd to bits
<Beeks> Eww
<SilverFox> ikr
<Beeks> My car's front tire supports arrays, what's SQL's problem?
<darklight> Beeks I do remember there being a part tutorial, but I'm not a part guy
<darklight> SilverFox: You're an idiot and you should feel bad
<SilverFox> u fuckin wot m9?
<darklight> What do you mean by "arrays" aren't supported?
<SilverFox> "You can't create an array in SQL server - it has no concept of them as a datatype.
<SilverFox> "
<Beeks> darklight: I looked up CFG editing, and either Squad stuff doesn't follow it at all, or it's badly out of date. I went to change runningEffectName in the CFG to something more interesting, and not only is there no list of appropriate values, runningEffectName isn't listed at all.
<SilverFox> Beeks, welcome to modding
<SilverFox> have you also tried asking the question in #kspmodding ?
<Beeks> You'd think with the mod cmmunity as it is, someone might've had to deal with this...but i guess if people are using unity it does it all for them?
<SilverFox> they have a fetish for this stuff
<Beeks> There's a #kspmodders and a #kspmodding?
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> modders is for modders
<SilverFox> modding is for modding
<SilverFox> like, one is for the people, other is for the verb
<Beeks> Yeah, that's about right for KSP. This is exactly the shit that's driving me nuts already. :P
<SilverFox> noice
<Beeks> "No, sorry, we're out of water, but would you like some wAtEr?"
<SilverFox> oh dont worry, when I was modding there were functions that functioned like that
<Beeks> "We don't have coffee, but we do have boiled water strained through ground coffee beans."
<SilverFox> there were three functions in which could be used to get temperature, ONE of them returned 0, always
<Beeks> You understand how that's not helping, lol
<SilverFox> why? dunno, just did. decompiled it and there was NOTHING in the method
<SilverFox> just return 0;
<SilverFox> seriously though, go ask in modding
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<Beeks> I feel like if i go to #kspmodding they're going to be like "that'd be a great question for #ModdingOfKSP, you should go there"
<SilverFox> surely they'll be of more help
<SilverFox> If they do I swear I'll die
<Beeks> lol
<SilverFox> that would be epic
<SilverFox> "You're question is too lowly for us, please go to #kspmodders"
<Beeks> By the time i get to the end of this issue, i'll be asking questions like "WHTUYJTEAHFSHHSGfSTUPID. THING!"
<SilverFox> this is why we burn out as modders, stupid shit
<SilverFox> it drains yo
<Beeks> I had this issue last time i tried modding this engine. I just want to paint it without painting another one.
<Beeks> it really does.
<Beeks> Gonna have to learn unity to put a red stripe on a single part, lol
<SilverFox> like I booted up KWS and it was like "yeah there be errors now" and im like "u fukn wot m8?"
<Beeks> hehe
<SilverFox> damn thing ran fine last time
<SilverFox> but now i'm hunting errors down
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<Beeks> Happens a lot, yeah.
<SilverFox> said "fuck it I'll fix it tomorrow", which was what? a week or so ago?
<Beeks> Lately, i've been getting stuff that loads, but doesn't render
<Beeks> ran into a Kerbinside bridge with a truck because there wasn't anything there, lol
<SilverFox> wat
<SilverFox> you ran into a building that didn't render?
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<Beeks> Yeah, lol, well, a bridge
<SilverFox> neat
<Beeks> It was neat, but annoying!
<Beeks> Was trying to drive a snakelike vehicle onto a different bridge (Kerbinside) and ran into the overpass (Kerb-Cities)
<SilverFox> understandable, darklight knows allll about things that say they are there but aren't or are there but say they aren't
<Beeks> hehe
<SilverFox> DMP has it's fair share of PQS issues
<Beeks> It's sort of fixed itself, i think it's just a memory issue
<SilverFox> like bad instance or ram stick thing?
<darklight> SilverFox: INVISIBLE HILLS
<Beeks> hehe
<SilverFox> told ya
<Beeks> No idea what caused it, but i've gone crazy with mods, so it's likely just something despawned and got stuck that way
<SilverFox> check logs for errors
<Beeks> Well, there won't be any now, that was yesterday and it's loaded fine since
<SilverFox> aight, so problem solved?
<Beeks> yeah, lol
<SilverFox> cool
<SilverFox> glad to help
<Beeks> lol
<Beeks> I fixed my engine problem, so that's good
<SilverFox> next problem in t-1 days
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<Beeks> I'm planning on doing some videos and/or streaming, so i'm trying to work out mod problems and such before i do
<SilverFox> that's normally a good idea
<SilverFox> I see the people in modding are talking shit
<SilverFox> this pleases me
<darklight> They talking shit about me? :P
<SilverFox> naw
<SilverFox> they dont care bout you
<darklight> *tear*
<SilverFox> im the one worth talking about
<kmath> YouTube - Keep America Beautiful - (Crying-Indian) - 70s PSA Commercial
<SilverFox> also fun fact about engine modding, if you hack a jet engine so it can work in space, it wont
<SilverFox> you cant use it in orbit because it does a thing with your speed vs thrust
<SilverFox> I tested it with hyperedit
<SilverFox> when it was 0m/s it was fine, but as soon as it started falling from space and gaining velocity, it began to lose thrust
<darklight> Ah I forgot about the thrust curve
<SilverFox> it's weird imo, I dont know why it does that
<darklight> Because air is a thing
<SilverFox> right, but when it's not a thing
<SilverFox> like in space
<darklight> Then what the fuck do you expect a turbocompressor to do? :P
<SilverFox> compress the air I feed t
<SilverFox> I had an external tank of air
<darklight> HA
<Beeks> i've tried external air tanks, ksp didn't enjoy that, lol
<SilverFox> yeah not really
<SilverFox> I also did a generator as well
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<Beeks> Only thing i could work out was to make something not "Intake Air" and use that resource instead. By the time i got anything near working i didn't need it anyway.
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<SilverFox> so is the wan part of a router seperate from the ethernet switch?
<darklight> May or may not be
<darklight> Most of the time yeah
<SilverFox> like, I know they can talk to one another, but is the wan just basically a switch in series, or parallel with the ethernet swtch?
<darklight> The switch is likely a hardware switch though
<darklight> I beleive it acts like a computer with two ethernet ports
<darklight> Forget parallel and series, that means nothing in this context
<darklight> The wan port obviously has different routing rules
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<SilverFox> fuck english fonts
<SilverFox> l and I coming out the same
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<SilverFox> PRofessional runners spend lots of time running so that they can run in the least amount of time
<darklight> sounds accurate
<Glass|phone> SilverFox: performance optimization in a nutshell
<SilverFox> lol tru
<Glass|phone> of course it tru, I never say fols things
<Glass|phone> it's
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<SilverFox> i mean, why would someone go on the internet and tell lies?
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<Glass|phone> SilverFox: for monetary and political gain
<SilverFox> y ping
<SilverFox> oh
<SilverFox> no that's mean
<Glass|phone> I had almost 7 hours of sleep and still feel tired as fuck
<Glass|phone> also been at school for 4 hours already and didn't do much so far
<Glass|phone> as in downloaded four songs, and that was a joint effort of 2 or 3 people
<SilverFox> Glass|phone, use chopsticks with chips
<Glass|phone> as in using chopsticks to eat chips or use internet enabled "smart" chopsticks?
<SilverFox> eat chips with
<Glass|phone> maybe not in a room full of PCs I don't own
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<SilverFox> like, I originally bought the chopsticks to eat chips with so that I dont get crumby grossness on my fingers
<SilverFox> and it works so amazingly
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<kmath> YouTube - Kidz Bop Kids: Bring Me To Life
<TheKosmonaut> Glass|phone: You on?
<Glass|phone> yeah
<Glass|phone> why
<TheKosmonaut> still wip
<Glass|phone> wait you made that?
<SilverFox> I find it entertaining
<TheKosmonaut> Yeah
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<Glass|phone> it sucks
<Glass|phone> ;)
* TheKosmonaut bans Glass|phone
<SilverFox> how does americaball feel about trump?
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<SilverFox> does its feelings change depending on who leads it
<SilverFox> or does it carry on thinking it's great?
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<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: Trump *is* USABall
<SilverFox> that's saddening
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: I think it depends
<TheKosmonaut> It sort of flicks back and forth
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<TheKosmonaut> PolandBall strips tend to go left or right constantly
<SilverFox> between saddening and numbing?
<SilverFox> yeahhh
<TheKosmonaut> the top one on the subreddit seems to poke fun at america
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<SilverFox> pretty good
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<Glass|phone> this lesson was meant to last 1.5h, but was actually 5.5min
<Glass|phone> not exaggerating
<darklight> Did you learn lots
<Glass|phone> monday is a bit weird, we first have a meeting 1.5h, then 3h of project work, then amother 1.5h meeting
<Glass|phone> so of course these meetings don't last nearly that long
<SilverFox> so my water bottle has this button you press and the nipple is springloaded to tilt up into it's drinking position
<SilverFox> however, there's almost always water trapped when it's horizontally locked
<SilverFox> so you press the button
<SilverFox> and get a cumshot of water to the face
<Glass|phone> SilverFox: peak engineering
<SilverFox> im used to this kind of stuff, but it's just annoying to go from your dayjob and there's still aspects of work that follow you home
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<Glass|phone> SilverFox: you're used to getting cum on your face from your dayjob?
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<darklight> SilverFox&Co Yiffing Party Serivices Inc.
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: The Bukakke Bottle
<SilverFox> if there's only one person, is it still &Co?
<Glass|phone> one real and one corporate person
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<darklight> Glass remember corporations are people
<darklight> In the US at least
<SilverFox> oh god some of the water sprayed my tits
<darklight> An ad just used "shut up and take my money"
<Tank2333_mobil2> Bukkaka bottle sounds delicius
<SilverFox> the fuck is a bukkaka?
<darklight> Tank if "urine dildo" has a market, then it almost certainly does
<Tank2333_mobil2> Lol
<Tank2333_mobil2> A what?
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<darklight> Comes with a bottle of "tropical flavored imitation piss"
<Tank2333_mobil2> "Piss off vac-u-play dildo"
<darklight> *vac-u-lock, its a strapon thing
<Tank2333_mobil2> I wish i was at the board meeting where the name was settlet
<Tank2333_mobil2> Ah misread it
<darklight> The frequently brought together thing is less depressing though :P
<Glass|phone> the surface of my desk and the screen of my phone reflect light in the same way
<Glass|phone> so phones have evolved to the point where they camouflage themselves from humans
<darklight> I lost my htc one xl in the couch for two weeks like that before
<darklight> The cotton and back of the phone were both a really dark grey
<kmath> YouTube - Picking cotton on a racist fieldtrip
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<SilverFox> bed
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<Tank2333_mobil2> So a camouflage smartphone is racist?
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<G-Mobile> SilverFox: can you compare the gtx 770 to the gtx 1050 for me?
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<G-Mobile> Damn, looks like they're extremely comparable
<G-Mobile> Not worth upgrading for
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<G-Mobile> Pi0w get
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<G-Mobile> Somebody needs to make a pi case with integrated automatic bypass lithium battery i line with the power circuit, and call it the U-Pi-S
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<VITAS> i need a pi with battery and dual wifi in a black case with an led and an on/off switch to simulate the internet :D
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<Greys> I'm thinking get one of those really big battery banks, take it apart, remove two cells, mount the pi in their place, and add holes for any necessary connections
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<Greys> this is truely sad
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<Greys> man, even with the 1060, the main advantage the 1060 has over the 770, with any meaningful deviation, is performance per TDP watt
<Greys> the 1060 produces just over half as much heat as the 770, for extremely comparable performance
<Greys> finally, the 1070 is clearly superior to the 770 in all but one metrics
<Greys> the 770 has 8 more texture mapping units than the 1070
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<SilverFox> I have a 1060
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<Greys> congrats, your card has extremely similar to my card, which is a lot older
<Greys> and probably half the price
<SilverFox> major upgrade from my 720
<SilverFox> or 730
<Greys> well duh
<Greys> x20s and x30s are scam
<SilverFox> about 3 years ago I needed an upgrade from my AMD integrated graphics
<Greys> btw, the microcenter where I buy all my pi; still has 230s
<SilverFox> and me being poor and not knowing as much as I do now, bought a 100$ 730 with passive cooling
<SilverFox> big upgrade from my IG solution
<Greys> yes well death is a big upgrade from not having existed
<darklight> Greys, in tthe case of a pi you't run it from the battery all the time, and have a normal lithium charging chip
<Greys> is that not bad for the battery?
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<darklight> Err, it's the normal way of doing ups's
<darklight> Big ones anyway, I'm not sure how bad it is to keep it at 4.2v but if you keep it at something like 4v I suspect it will last much longer
<VITAS> Non-Local Mail Blocked: 83.08% <- my spam proxy getting plenty of work atm
<kmath> YouTube - TWICE "SIGNAL" M/V
<SilverFox> korean girls fall in love with alien?
<RandomJeb> okay sure
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<RandomJeb> wait these were all alien girls
<RandomJeb> fake news
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<xShadowx> my mom "can you go and edit this picture of the house to do this n this n this n this" me "i could but itll take a fe" my mom "I DONT FUCKING WANNA HEAR IT YOU JUST RUINED MOTHERS DAYS I DONT FUCKING WANT I DONT FUCKING TO HEAR IT ITS RUINED"
* xShadowx scratches head
<VITAS> is your mum always that hysterical or did the computer explode and set the house on fire?
<xShadowx> im not lucky enough for the latter;p
<VITAS> my mum always says "slower i cant see what youre doing"
* VITAS uses photoshop since v1.5
<darklight> Sometimes my advice is "just read what the box says"
<xShadowx> ya my mom just watches netflix all day and thinks photoshop is 1 click instant anything because of tv doing it
<darklight> No that's lightroom
<darklight> :P
<VITAS> so im str+acvevcisp
<xShadowx> she wanted about 3 hours of graphical work done and expected it to be instant i think
<xShadowx> i got cs3/4/5/6 yet prefer 3 o.O
<VITAS> and there definitly where some vers between 1.0 and 2.0
<VITAS> as long as it isnt older than ver 5.5 um fine
<VITAS> -u +i
<xShadowx> VITAS: s/um/im
<VITAS> and so on
<Qboid> xShadowx thinks VITAS meant to say: as long as it isnt older than ver 5.5 im fine
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<xShadowx> <3 bots
<xShadowx> Thomas: any reason that had a 20 sec delay?;3
<xShadowx> hopefully not searching massive history heh
<VITAS> wannacry infacted server? ;)
<Thomas> Because it has to query all messages, and there are too many messages
<Thomas> And I havent implemented a limit yet
<xShadowx> query the last x min ;p
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<kmath> YouTube - 2 Unlimited - No Limit (1993)
<Thomas> xShadowx: I know how a query limit works, thank you :P
<VITAS> wow its so old it that its fashon seems to be "in" again
<Thomas> test
<Thomas> s/test/foo
<Qboid> Thomas meant to say: foo
<Thomas> xShadowx: ^ now with a 100 msg limit
<VITAS> and now with ransomware! ;)
* Thomas installs ransomware on VITAS computer
* VITAS waits for a mod that randomly freezes controls inksp vessels because of ransomware :D
<Thomas> I think one of the failure mods might do that :P
<VITAS> should
<xShadowx> VITAS: testflight randomly freezes controls, but for 'failure' reasons
<xShadowx> i could change it ;3
<VITAS> yes but it should include a window with an wanna cry screenshot
<VITAS> or some funny take on it
<VITAS> also sounds like a job for darklight.
<VITAS> he normaly makes strange political mods like those
<darklight> Complete with 300kerbucks to kercoin transactions
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> i would do the image
<darklight> Also I used the wrong type of wall, they are using 20ft high solid steel beams
<darklight> Maybe not solid... but yeah, tis metal
<VITAS> because they are us amaericans and life in what europeans would call sheds
<xShadowx> i want a mod that randers to the full monitor (and al of em) a skull & crossbones image, so outside of ksp window, and a funny laugh or somethin, lasts a few sec, pausing ksp if in flight or such
<VITAS> to be honest i think the programmers of wannacry are shitting their pants right now
<xShadowx> why?
<VITAS> they pissed of some many large companies and contries
<xShadowx> tim allen pissed off hollywood
<VITAS> and its politicaly important to find the ppl responsible
<darklight> Vitas, now they are nearly as hated as the EU :D
<VITAS> or the usa
<darklight> Fair enough lol
<VITAS> but then again ---nah
<xShadowx> usa is only hated because we're the top of the food chain :P
<darklight> But yeah, how is it spreading?
<VITAS> the us is hated by a lot of ppl who never saw any computer
<SilverFox> it's a worm isnt it?
<VITAS> youre top trump thats right
<darklight> Yeah, but is it email attachment exploit or what
<SilverFox> naw
<SilverFox> some NSA level exploits
<VITAS> as far as i know it comes as an email and is then distributed via a flaw in SMB
<darklight> If dad gets this virus he is getting his pc wiped
<SilverFox> well he gets the pc wiped either way
<SilverFox> your files get encrypted
<darklight> He only plays solitare though so...
<VITAS> and yes its part of a bunch of stuff that is told to be part of the NSAs tailored acc group
<darklight> Some people will pay
<VITAS> im sure if india, the us, the uk, germany,... have major problems with their infrastructure or their major companies lose money the person responsible will be found and if not someone will be :D
<VITAS> we use linux at work so my boss was in quite a good mood today :)
<SilverFox> I heard that healthcare got affected and patient files were lost
<SilverFox> that's quite the damage
<darklight> I suppose this is relevant again
<SilverFox> Green apples are the best apples
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<SilverFox> I have come across one of the best porn names I've ever seen "KosherPussy"
<darklight> No porking?
<VITAS> M: i-2: Position Impossible
<VITAS> Edward Penishands
<VITAS> Oceans 11 Inches
<VITAS> Forrest Hump
<VITAS> Whorey Potter
<VITAS> You've Got Male
<SilverFox> I meant porn person names, rather than porn titles
<SilverFox> but those seem rather standard and decent titles
<VITAS> A door-to-door dildo saleswoman stumbles across Edward, and upon discovering the...advantages of his hand-substitutes, brings him home, where he falls in love with her daughter.
<VITAS> wow what a PLOT
<SilverFox> love doesnt have to be cumplicated
<SilverFox> that's decent
<VITAS> In his film The World's Luckiest Man (1997), he has sex with 101 women. It was shot over a grueling three-day period.
<VITAS> imagine....!
fcbayerndm has joined #kspmodders
<G-Mobile> anime died, you all suck
* xShadowx rejoices
<SilverFox> no u
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
Supernovy has joined #kspmodders
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
RandomJeb has quit [Ping timeout: 204 seconds]
fcbayerndm has quit [Quit: fcbayerndm]