egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
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egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
my graphics card is suuuuper fucked, everything is negative
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SilverFox: intel core i9
yup, saw it
of this fuck, what is any
is that a question Im supposed to answer?
foralways and withever
There gonna run out of numbers one day
numbers are infinite
and plus, they can always go hexadecimal
Greys, what is your question?
I read the leaked shit on LTT and there's a 4C/4T i9 extreme edition which is weird
without hyperthreading iirc
so I found r/kpopfap and every post is labelled NSFW
Greys, have you ever overdosed on caffiene before?
no, it's extremely difficult, see CGP Grey coffee episode
SilverFox: What is that beautiful canadian man doing?
Greys, sounds like the attitude of a quitter to me
you need to try harder
You know, lauren southern
put more of yourself into it
darklight, why did you bring her up?
that was totally random and not at all relevant to anything
Popped up in my youtubes :P
SilverFox: without involving purified caffeine, coffee does not contain enough caffeine to saturate the blood while the kidneys are functioning
I never specified the source
starbucks normal coffee has more caffeine than redbull
fun fact about korea, BJ doesn't mean blowjob, it means Broadcast Jockie
fun fact, potato tornados exist, and it's an entire potato along a really long skewer spiralled up along it
and it's fried
fun fact: the internet is actually a government conspiracy to induce automatic eugenic processes in human reproduction; Bob Dole estimated that it would only take 4 generations (roughly 108 years) to cleanse the mongrel races
SilverFox: This pleases me
the potato tornado?
G-Mobile: This pleases me
Supernovy: This pleases me
I pleases me
SilverFox: Yeah
ooh nooo, the trees become garbage, the garbage becomes trees, it's a recursive loop of expodential recrusive woops
my brain failed to initialize wakeup()
running sleep() command to try again later
cannot run sleep() while there are uncompleted tasks
(1,22): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `=>', expecting `,', `;', or `='
(1,39): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `}', expecting `,', `;', or `='
!csharp var x = {Console.WriteLine("nothing is beyond our reach");}; x();
(1,58): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `;', expecting `,' or `}'
!csharp x();
(1,2): error CS0103: The name `x' does not exist in the current context
!csharp Func<String> help;
(1,15): warning CS0108: `<InteractiveExpressionClass>.help' hides inherited member `'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended/opt/QIRC/Distribution/plugins/Mono.CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
(1,15): warning CS0108: `<InteractiveExpressionClass>.help' hides inherited member `'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended/opt/QIRC/Distribution/plugins/Mono.CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous warning)
does warning mean it passed or failed?
!csharp help("");
(1,2): error CS1593: Delegate `System.Func<string>' does not take `1' arguments/usr/lib/mono/4.5/mscorlib.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
!csharp help();
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at <InteractiveExpressionClass>.Host (System.Object& $retval) [0x00000] in <92a9e35d3c7f46df9c4ed2d7221db7bf>:0 at Mono.CSharp.Evaluator.Evaluate (System.String input, System.Object& result, System.Boolean& result_set) [0x0003e] in <a81adb37139f4f2ea6ce1da80d3be432>:0 at QIRC.CSharp.CSharp.Evaluate (ChatSha
yeah she wasnt much interesting past her eyes iirc
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
well, I want to add the functionality of looking for x names in search and not returning names that were given a - in front of, like ~kpop choa -seolhyeon would look for "choa" but exclude results which also have the name "seolhyeon" in them
I need to do this in linq
select * from blah where name like %name% and not like %notname%
that sounds SQL rather than linq
You'll have some equivalent
well I dont know the equivalent
Wait are you loading into an array and using a selector predicate?
it's 3am and I have a headache, please try again
I can't remember what the extension method is called
A predicate is just x => x.something == whatiwant
I use those
you'd have to take the string, separate it, then find the ins and outs, strip their prefices and put them into new arrays
nigga I already do that
Why did you do testnotcontains instead of !TestContains :P
because they're different right now
just gimme one sec
you did not test not contains
that's a double negative
The tricky part is putting in ORs
or the && I have in
no ors needed
Remember that two wongs don't make a white
just Contains ins and NotContains outs
u hwhat
stop tryna smash with my brain
im doing a search, but im not getting the results down
But what if you want something that contains A or B? search A, then search A && !B?
actually that would work codinomically
I dont have an A or B functionality
the purpose is to return a single result
so pick one, A or B
if you put both A and B names in, it returns the first one
actually, I should make it random
both a and b would get you only stuff that has both a and b
If I was making a search, i'd have OR like hell.
well the input format doesn't support OR
because I can't wrap my head around how the fuck to split the string properly
if I split by the character & to get all the ands, then there's a bunch of | or ! at the end in one giant lump
and that includes the last valid entry in that lump
What about !(!a && !b)
fuck you thats the same as what Im doing
basically boils down to A && B
!(!a && !b) is a || b hehe
im too tired for this shit
yanno what
~choose A | B
My choice is: A
then search for that
fuck you otherwise
I just used .Find() and I got a NotImplemented exception wtf
this is very weird
now I figured that out, but wait, there's more!
it doesn't like me using methods in it or something
however, it's not finding the test entry I made in the database earlier, and I dont see the test entry in the debugger locals, yet when running the program, I do a test search to search for that test entry and it successfully does so
oh wait nvm, you can't view what's inside the collection with the debugger
<SilverFox> it fucking works
yup, not implemented thrown for having a method insde the linq query
darklight, is SelectMany what I'm looking for?
That depends on what you want to do
Intersect is what I want me thinks
SelectMany can combine many arrays into one array
I want to check a total collection to get results which match the names in the names[] array with the array of names that each entry has
each entry has a link and an array Names
I have an array of names I want to search for
it threw an error saying s isn't defined or some shit, gimme a sec
whats a good non horror movie thats out now?
"var results = testcollect.Find(x => x.Names.Any(s => ins.Contains(s)));" is what I have
however, it's throwing some weird LiteDB exception
My guess would be that LiteDB has its own way of doing linq
changed it to: "var results = testcollect.Find(x => x.Names.All(s => ins.Contains(s)));" and now I get: "Invalid Operation Exception, variable 'x' of type 'entry' referenced from scope, but it is not defined"
fuck it, im bed
bad or in your bed? :D
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wait what the fuck was that
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trying to teach SilverFox cancer, i support this
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