egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
<SilverFox> wtf some teacher in japan got repremanded because he said penis or vagina
<SilverFox> ohp, he got disciplined for using dolls
<SilverFox> Greys, you ever feel...blank?
<kmath> YouTube - Needless ED1 creditless
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<SilverFox> wtf is this loli shit
<SilverFox> Greys, have you played undertale yet?
<Greys> yet?
<SilverFox> yes
<SilverFox> have you played hte fucking game yo
<Greys> I have not
<Greys> and will not
<SilverFox> why
<Greys> because absolutely nothing about the game interests me
<SilverFox> fair nuf
<Greys> you may as well have asked "Greys, have you played football yet?"
<SilverFox> you're just bitchng bout semantcs
<SilverFox> I aint participating
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<Greys> not semantics, implications, this is semantics
<SilverFox> you could ask me the same question and I'd respond with "No, I don't play football" because im not gonna be a dick bout it
<Greys> pfffffffffft
<Greys> you're incapable of not being a dick
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<SilverFox> that is false
<Greys> btw, kemono has a lot of production issues, but it's not really much worse than other full CG crapfests
<SilverFox> i am very capable of not being a dick, Its just draining so I use that sparingly
<SilverFox> also I enjoyed kemono, it definitely was shit animation wise, but its story was nice
<Greys> the story was better than it should have been and the telling was reasonably competent
<SilverFox> no, I just see loli, nothing wrong with it
<SilverFox> so what do you mean too far?
<SilverFox> like, too young?
<SilverFox> mmmmyep there it is
<SilverFox> you should link me lots of loli so I can train my brain to recognize it during my hunt through girl groups ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<Greys> you would be very uncomfortable with that
<SilverFox> probably
<SilverFox> however Im going to send you a pastebin of links with pictures of members of all the girl groups on wikipedia I can find and you can determine if any fit criteria
<Greys> how about we go at this in the negative
<Greys> don't ever look up the artist mayonaise
<SilverFox> ok
<SilverFox> found a group from the 90's, neat
<Greys> to give you some context; in one of mayo's works, there's a girl and a bad thing happens so she gives up on life and goes to commit suicide, but a giant snail is like "Yo, I need a new house, can I live in yo'cooch?" and she's like "this is sufficiently similiar to suicide"
<SilverFox> lol wut
<SilverFox> asloo, too many links to compile, offering you the full list of bands:
<SilverFox> like, im not even done the B section
<SilverFox> yeah fuck this list, easier if you just click through the groups
<Greys> wow, on the entire first page of results for kemono friends on gelbooru; only two sets of tits are visible
<Greys> downside is there's also an image of serval getting her neck slit
<SilverFox> ughhh gore artists are the worst
<Greys> there are so many problems with this...
<SilverFox> awww that first two rows are cute
<SilverFox> they're all chibi and shit
<SilverFox> just put -guro and youll be set
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
<Greys> ~g where can I buy japari buns
<kmath> YouTube - Japari Buns are Oishi - Kemono Friends ジャパリ パン
<Greys> damn it
<SilverFox> ~g buy japari buns
<kmath> YouTube - Japari Buns are Oishi - Kemono Friends ジャパリ パン
<SilverFox> hrmmm
<Greys> I'm at page 8 and I might not have seen an entire page of porn yet
<Greys> perfect
<darklight> Greys do have have a filter on?
<SilverFox> sold in kumamoto and have chocolate inside
<Greys> I should try to read Hyper Police again
<darklight> Oh, it lacks a filter feature
<SilverFox> Greys, which is your favourite Friend?
<Greys> jaguar? I don't know if I have a favorite
<Greys> what's your favorite brick in this wall? I don't know, but the wall is nice
<Greys> there's this manga about the police chief's daughter, who could and probably has done porn, who becomes a cop I think to avoid going to jail, and she gets teamed up with the mayor's daughter who could and probably does run a mob family; and is also a bomb shell
<Greys> and they basically ruin the city
<SilverFox> what's the one with exploding tits?
<Greys> starts with an R...
<Greys> that artist has two separate series about how great jiz is
<SilverFox> RaTe?
<Greys> yes
<SilverFox> neat
<SilverFox> has rate put anything out recently?
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<Greys> I wish there was more manga about men but not about men brutally fucking eachothers anuses as viciously as possible
<SilverFox> men but not men?
<Greys> the way my tool chain works is my app has a search page, I put words in, it provides a list of seemingly unrelated things, and I select anything whose title strikes my fancy
<Greys> then I read as much as I can before I don't care of each
<Greys> I have on multiple occasions pulled up chapter one of a thing and there's say, a fireman
<SilverFox> i do the same thing
<Greys> then I go to page two, and that fireman is taking it up the ass
<Greys> I found that manga
<Greys> black hair is the spoiled brat, white hair is the secret villain
<Greys> I feel like I read this because of the artist
<Greys> nope, no bells
<Greys> this is by that artist; clearly a decade or two have passed
<Greys> SilverFox, have I ever told you about the dumbest shit
<kmath> YouTube - 【石膏ボーイズ】TVアニメPV第2弾 2016年1月8日(金)より放送開始 @sekkoboys #いしぼ
<SilverFox> uhhhh multiple times
<SilverFox> about a wide variety of dumb shit
<Greys> relatively speaking, everything I've shown you before is worthy of a doctorate
<SilverFox> mkay
<SilverFox> I actually think this is funny
<SilverFox> neat concept
<SilverFox> you need to embrace these new concepts, otherwise you get stuck in the repititve wave of true bullshit
<Greys> repitititive?
<SilverFox> yes
<SilverFox> tits
<Greys> btw, galko-chan is an anime about girls who have real bodies that do gross things
<Greys> and that's OK
<SilverFox> what gross things?
<Greys> episode starts off with galko being late for class because she had a really bad shit cuz she likes spicy food
<SilverFox> that seems neat
<SilverFox> also relatable
<Greys> you like dumb shit so you'd probably like a show that exists to teach girls to accept their bodies
<SilverFox> I mean, why not
<SilverFox> better than "oh no I slept in again why am I so stuuuupidd"
<SilverFox> deviating from tropes is good
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<SilverFox> "oh no, sex with ni-chan was too good, I couldn't stop and now im late!~" like fuck, come up with some originality
<SilverFox> this is great
<SilverFox> "Is it true you can tell someone's pube thickness by the thickness of their eyebrows"
<SilverFox> "But I'm constipated now so I'm free to eat as much spicy food as I want"
<SilverFox> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<SilverFox> "Is it true that virgins use pags and non-virgins use tampons?" wtf are these questions
<Rokker> SilverFox: the important ones
<SilverFox> "Do boobs get bigger by massage?"
<SilverFox> Greys, is otako the otaku?
<Greys> otoko is girl
<Greys> kind of
<SilverFox> "Is it true that chaste girls wear white panties, but girls who mess around wear coloured panties?"
<SilverFox> dont click that
<GlsFrg|phone> Greys: 男 means girl the same way the english word "man" means girl
<kmath> <Kirimandarine> Qui ? qui a fait ca ??? ?
<SilverFox> ~c 12 * 7
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 84.0
<SilverFox> GlsFrg|phone, what is a gyaru?
<GlsFrg|phone> 1)transliteration of girl 2)some fashion culture
<SilverFox> "Is it true that a gyaru can have pink nipples, even though she is tanned?"
<darklight> SilverFox: Stop reading cosmo
<SilverFox> im not
<SilverFox> its from anime
<SilverFox> "Her dream is to be a good mother"
<kmath> YouTube - Tyrone Does Anime Really Belong In The trash?
<darklight> is trump sucking up energy?
<SilverFox> what sucks is that these episodes are only 8 minutes long
<SilverFox> "Is it true that girls are concerned about hand size?"
<SilverFox> "Is it true that you can't help moaning?"
<SilverFox> GlsFrg|phone, what is the "mo" particle?
<GlsFrg|phone> and
<GlsFrg|phone> now fucking teach me mandarin already
<SilverFox> I've found that generally, in order to speak it, you tend to get an underbite
<SilverFox> "Is it true that boob size and intelligence are inversely proportional?"
<SilverFox> this one is actually interesting, but still stupid
<GlsFrg|phone> lolis are fucking stupid so no
<SilverFox> "Is it true that you're a big sister?" HOLY FUCK LADS, THE FIRST NON-STUPID QUESTION
<SilverFox> "Is it true that lip colour and shape represent a person's genitals?"
<Greys> btw, silver, loli training, watch Sky Girls
<SilverFox> I gave up and sent you a list
<GlsFrg|phone> I don't think the designer behind that paint scheme went to school
<Greys> "would you jump off a bridge becaus a train told you to?"
<SilverFox> yes
<GlsFrg|phone> Greys: I assumd the other choice is staying on the bridge and getting hit?
<SilverFox> "Is it true that underwear is embarassing?"
<Greys> underwear is incapable of emotion currently
<darklight> you reminded me of the train problem
<kmath> YouTube - A two-year-old's solution to the trolley problem
<SilverFox> I linked this so long ago
<darklight> *shrugs*, I recently heard it argued again, that's probably why I jumped on it :P
<SilverFox> "Is it true that really big boobs float in water?" Yes, fat is buoyant
<SilverFox> "Is it true about the boy at the pool?"
<SilverFox> "Rules for using the pool:" 1. No Fire. Fireworks of all types are prohibited.
<darklight> But the pool is closed
<SilverFox> "Is it true that your boobs grow from drinking lots of milk?" No, not unless you are malnourished
<SilverFox> "Is it true that the difference between over-bust and under-bust is more important than boob volume?" No, neither are.
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<SilverFox> this fuckin blonde cute little girl is talking about how black metal and death metal are different
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<SilverFox> "Is it true you can come to school after being out all night?" what fucking question is this?
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* darklight gets the accordion ready
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<SilverFox> "Is it true that unusual things happen in deserted hallways during class?" that's actually a good question for once
<Glass|phone> what do you mean by unusual
<SilverFox> "Is it true that butts are culture?" Yes
<SilverFox> Glass|phone, dont know, probs ghosts or some shit
<Glass|phone> like cringeworthily dumb horror fanfic things?
<Glass|phone> how is that a good question
<SilverFox> because
<SilverFox> if a place is populated, things happen, but if a place is unpopulated, and no one is there to see it, do things go down?
<SilverFox> also this one girl is talking about main character calling her a gyaru, saying "gyarus are amazing, they can order from the menu like it's nothing"
<SilverFox> so this must be slang of sorts
<SilverFox> everytime she walks there is a sound effect of either "gyaru" or "gyarun"
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<Glass|phone> it's a subculture that I and probably the person you're listening to don't know shit about
<SilverFox> thanks
<Greys> SilverFox, is this the thoughts of galkochan
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> they were the thoughts of the other fat girl
<Greys> I meant the series
<SilverFox> the gyarun effects are narrated
<SilverFox> other people have called her a gyaru as well
<Greys> do you know what gyaru means
<SilverFox> nope, taht's what I asked about
<SilverFox> ew
<Greys> I was recently introduced to the concept that the word is, is a verb
<Greys> that's weird
<SilverFox> wat
<Greys> it's like learning that there's a word for a concept you'd never bothered to recognize, like the sensation of actively desiring to breath
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<Greys> loli training: Alien 9
<Greys> not Milk Closet, those are just children
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<Greys> height more hours to go
<Greys> eight*
<SilverFox> until?
<Greys> sleepmotime
<SilverFox> you time your sleep schedule that strictly?
<Greys> I work 12 hour shifts, 2 or 3 days in a row
<Greys> the time between those shifts, I have 12 hours during which to sleep, in which I slept 12 hours ago
<Greys> I think this would work better if I only slept 5 or 6 hour
<SilverFox> but then wouldnt that impact your performance at work?!
<SilverFox> A healthy adult should get 7-8 hours of sleep a day
<Greys> hopefully
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, how prevalent is gyaru culture in japan?
<Greys> my understanding is that they're somewhat antique now
<SilverFox> what is the word for doggo in nippon?
<SilverFox> korean is 개 (gae), like HA 개!
<SilverFox> and pupper is 강아지(kangaji)
<Greys> probably worbvhermbnerschter
<Glass|phone> why has everyone left the lobby at 13:10 when lessons start at 13:20
<Glass|phone> I need to make this a shit quality urban legend
<SilverFox> do it
<SilverFox> oh shit
<SilverFox> Greys, you should get me to translate some fanfics
<Greys> I'm not really into fanfics
<SilverFox> fine, get me to translate some shit then
<SilverFox> I need to stay motivated or I'll sink into another depression
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: Not popular at all
<TheKosmonaut> There are fringe groups that still look like that
<SilverFox> TK, GOOD
<TheKosmonaut> But I almost never see that shit
<SilverFox> looks gross
<Greys> SilverFox, do you speak japan
<SilverFox> nippon? naw
<SilverFox> learning it tho
<Glass|phone> you need to go to shibuya more often tk
<Greys> what would you translate
<TheKosmonaut> Glass|phone: No
<SilverFox> Greys, gib the english
<TheKosmonaut> Fuck west tokyo
<Greys> the english to what?
<SilverFox> "Fuck the west" -TheKosmonaut 2017
<SilverFox> Korean
<Glass|phone> okay, you're still more likely to see yourself trampled over
<Glass|phone> fuck east tokyo
<Glass|phone> TheKosmonaut: can we agree on fuck north?
<SilverFox> "Fuck the east" -Glass|Phone 2017
<TheKosmonaut> Glass|phone: KANDA, TOKYO, AKIHABARA, TSUKIJI,
<TheKosmonaut> FUCKING
<Greys> what makes you believe I have korean to give you
<TheKosmonaut> CULTURED AF
<TheKosmonaut> >akihabara
<TheKosmonaut> >cultured
<TheKosmonaut> kek
<TheKosmonaut> Fuck your shinjuku and shibuya
<SilverFox> Greys, you input english to me, I output korean
<TheKosmonaut> Bunch of bullshit over there
<SilverFox> you dont have to care about the results
<Greys> nobody wants korean
<SilverFox> I just need input
<Glass|phone> akihabara, where you can find anything as long as it's injection molded boobs
<Greys> pick a webtoon
<SilverFox> you pick one
<Glass|phone> TheKosmonaut: also what's this bullshit where a lot of basically identical shops bunch up in a place
<Greys> ~g a random webtoon
<Greys> that one
<TheKosmonaut> Glass|phone: Welcome to Asia in the 2000s
<TheKosmonaut> That’s literally everwhere that’s developed into the 21st century here
<TheKosmonaut> Singapore is like that too
<TheKosmonaut> I like the dirtier countries in that sense, at least it’s unique.
<TheKosmonaut> Even Taipei is just a wee bit dirty
<SilverFox> omg this UI is terrible
<Greys> good for you
<Glass|phone> TheKosmonaut: yeah I hate these shiny but empty places
<Greys> that's cute
<SilverFox> okay nvm I need korean input
<SilverFox> easier to translate from kor to eng
<Greys> ok, then don't
<SilverFox> When I get paid I should buy some korean books
<SilverFox> I wonder if I can pirate some
<Greys> what can't you pirate
<Greys> ~g thingaverse car
<Greys> that's not a car
<SilverFox> definitely not a car
<Greys> download a car
<SilverFox> interesting, to say you dont understand is 모르겠다
<SilverFox> 모르다 to not know, 겠다 is future tense
<SilverFox> so it comes out to be "I will not know"
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<Glass|phone> "I plan to intentionally remain oblivious"
<SilverFox> I dont know how to interpret this
<SilverFox> apparently korea has never invaded another country
<SilverFox> 고양이 means cat
<SilverFox> PDF is such a great file format
<SilverFox> you can infinitely scale it
<SilverFox> and it doesn't lose quality
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<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: Korea is a historically shit country so they were the ones that got invaded.
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<SilverFox> 아이씨... 씨발 임마.. 죽을래요? Picking on the small kids seems like a pretty dishonourable thing to do imo
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<Greys> I can't have less than a thousand thoughts
<SilverFox> same
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<Greys> ;wa how long does it take to climb one flight of stairs
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
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<Greys> apparently there's a competition to climb the empire state building's stairs, 87 flights, and the winner did it in less than eleven minutes
<Greys> in the new BLAME! movie, which has serious framerate issues, Killy says that he got his food 200 floors down; even assuming floors are drastically taller here, if they're less then kilometers, that's probably doable
<Greys> some of this retconning seems unnecessary
<Greys> they easily could have started at the elevator scene, breezed through the introduction of Cibo, death of the president, and entrance into the next layer
<darklight> "Controversial gay porn film features men having sex with a didgeridoo" god dammit
<darklight> Why do I use twitter
<Greys> they've really destroyed the lore with the electric fishers
<Greys> I'm afraid at this point there is nothing other to say than the netflix BLAME! movie is bad
<Greys> looks fricken nice; while stationary
<Greys> they really didn't try to make it look like hand illustration, but the 8fps CG animation is extremely distracting
<Greys> one major thematic deviation that's offputting, is that BLAME! contains an extremely small quantity of dialog
<Greys> this movie hasn't shut up in 15 minutes
<Greys> and everything they say is both wrong, and unnecessarily different
<Greys> why are they calling it an automated factory
<Greys> Toha Heavy Industries is not a factory of any sort
<Greys> it's also not known to be anything at all by the electric fishers
<Greys> I'm much more concerned now what they plan to do with Sanakan
<Greys> No.
<Greys> You cannot fucking initiate a setpiece from the god damn climax of the franchise in the first act
<Greys> I will fight you netflix
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<Greys> you could make a wonderful movie out of the period between the elevator and Toha initiating relocation; this better not end with any level nines in or around the area
<Greys> for one, that would require the demetrius arch to be like fifteen milliseconds
<darklight> Also, I didn't find my plane today, but this came in the mail :3
<Greys> it took them so many volumes to establisha sense of scale to where they could say "100 thousand years later" and it had weight
<Greys> they fuckin did it
<Greys> the setpiece is assembled
<Greys> ain't no level nines to sit creepeautifully in a window, but it's there when they're ready
<Greys> therefore they will probably be ready within this film
<SilverFox> ;wa 17.39CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$17.39 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩14380 (Korean won)
<SilverFox> oops
<SilverFox> ;wa 22.22CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$22.22 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩18370 (Korean won)
<SilverFox> ;wa 400CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$400 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩330700 (Korean won)
<SilverFox> damn it went down wtf
<SilverFox> ;wa 1CAD to USD
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$1 (Canadian dollar) to US dollars: $0.74 (US dollars)
<SilverFox> jesus fuck
<Greys> ;wa 17 million hours to millenium
<kmath> Greys: convert 17000000 hours to millennia: 1.939 millennia
<Greys> figured
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<Greys> ;wa 2 millenia to hours
<kmath> Greys: convert 2 millennia to hours: 1.753×10^7 hours
<Greys> at least it's not that
<SilverFox> ;wa 500CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$500 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩413500 (Korean won)
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<Greys> god damn it, why is Cibo revived in like, fifth form or whichever
<Greys> first she's a corpse, then she's normal, then she's Sanakan, so I guess we're aborting that plotline entirely, then she's tiny, and then after Toha relocates, she's shirtless
<Greys> of course not counting alternate Cibo
<SilverFox> ;wa 500CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$500 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩413500 (Korean won)
<Greys> so yea, fifth form Cibo in this movie is second form
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<Greys> not shirtless, armless
<Greys> also, Cibo never had such large breasts as these
<SilverFox> links
<Greys> btw from there it's level 9 and post level 9 forms
<SilverFox> ;wa 600CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$600 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩496400 (Korean won)
<Greys> it's the BLAME! netflix movie that came out two days ago
<Greys> I'm not even going to bother thinking there might be images around
<Greys> sleveless, that's the word
<Greys> this would be a fine poorly rendered movie if it weren't BLAME!; it's not, but it claims to be
<Greys> dear god... sanakan's boobs have collision physics
<Greys> wait
<Greys> how the fuck is this movie going to have a narrative conclusion, when the manga very explicitly doesn't
<Greys> the manga doesn't even have a beginning, and arguably everything depicted before Killy meets Cibo could have taken place over a billion years
<Greys> did they fuck up just the entire concept of Sanakan?
<Greys> unless they're doing something very strange, they did
<Greys> yep
<Greys> the wrong person is Sanakan
<SilverFox> ;wa 750CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$750 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩620500 (Korean won)
<Greys> this movie is like if the first harry potter was the original restart of Dr Who
<Greys> TRON MUSIC!?
<Greys> at least Sanakan had that rack
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<Greys> and at least her GBE is correctly massive and terrible
<Greys> a large amount of this script is just bad
<Greys> suddenly, wild west music
<Greys> why doesn't Sanakan have her massive rolling hoard of safeguard exterminators yet
<SilverFox> ;wa 22.22CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$22.22 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩18390 (Korean won)
<Greys> she literally just stood around doing a shit job of looking like a badass for like ten minutes before she started monologuing at nothing to call her hoard, and that was like five minutes ago!
<Greys> I hate this movie's insistence that there's any physical manifestation responsible for inducing safeguard
<Greys> if Cibo doesn't get cut in half with a god damn giant pair of cyberscissors by a gang of demonic gate keepers, I'm going to put a hole in netflix
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<Greys> right now she's being framed as a secondary villain
<Greys> * Sanakan shoots a building
<Greys> * photoshop in explosion effects
<Greys> ok so one really niche problem; the GBE beams have duration
<SilverFox> ;wa 27.77CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$27.77 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩22990 (Korean won)
<Greys> gravitons travel at the speed of space, the beam has no travel time, and it's instantaneous
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<Greys> this ain't no FTL glaive type beam weapon
<Greys> a side effect of the GBE's being depicted wrong in a lot of ways is that Killy has thusfar participated in about five times more melee combat than in the entirity of the Blame! manga
<Greys> by this point in the combat the higher level safeguard should be charging it's lazors; but it doesn't even exist yet
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<Greys> bull fucking shit!
<Greys> Sanakan is not capable of stopping any level of GBE beam with her bare anything-that-exists
<Greys> what's supposed to happen is Killy shoots at her, and she shoots past, the two beams interfere and go all wiggly
<VITAS> fucking great: there was a a power outage at the datacenter and now ive to go there and restart servers :(
<VITAS> thats my nice sommerday on my balcony with a tea and my laptop gone :/
<SilverFox> ;wa 33.33CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$33.33 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩27590 (Korean won)
<Greys> Cibo didn't get scissored, netflix gotta die
<Greys> she also didn't take over Sanakan's body, therefore the entire plot is broken
<Greys> however, the preying mantis robot hand thing is pretty cool looking
<darklight> TheKosmonaut/Supernovy, would a mod that changes the addon link in the main menu to spacedock be against the forum rules
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<SilverFox> ;wa 41.66CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$41.66 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩34480 (Korean won)
<Supernovy> I don't think it would be against the rules as written.
<TheKosmonaut> It might make someone look at the rules
<darklight> I'd think adding a link would be a lot better though
<TheKosmonaut> But I dont see anything technically wrong with that?..
<TheKosmonaut> It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is asking permission.
<darklight> I thought it was related to "don't remove squad/copyright notices", but that is not as related as I thought
<Supernovy> it changes the functionality of the game to be different to stock, but that's what mods do.
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<Supernovy> I don't believe there's any prohibition on altering the main menu.
<darklight> KMP used to do it
<darklight> But that added rather than changed
<darklight> Made a whole new scene and everything
<Greys> I recall after the curse thing got an in-game integration squad changed the rules to to forbid anyone messing with the curse button
<Greys> no mods that alter Squad/KSP markings or related services
<Greys> this movie made no fucking sense
<Greys> even if this wasn't a BLAME! movie, it would be a bad movie
<SilverFox> ;wa 700CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$700 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩579600 (Korean won)
<SilverFox> ;wa 38.88CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$38.88 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩32190 (Korean won)
<darklight> I sounds like you have 700 shekels in your bank account
<darklight> *It
<GlsFrg|phone> Greys: wait so all that rambling was about blame
<SilverFox> darklight, seeing how much food I can buy per day and xxx$
<Greys> GlsFrg|phone the netflix movie yes
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<Greys> Glass|phone the netflix movie yes
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<GlsFrg|phone> Greys: is that the same as the one released in japan last week
<Greys> two days ago
<GlsFrg|phone> depending on your timezone that could be accurate
<Greys> are any of you familiar with IMDB's rating culture
<SilverFox> Greys, got a design challenge for you
<SilverFox> during my trip to korea I'm going to be livestreaming as much of it as I can
<SilverFox> so if I had a selfistick thing that could attach to my waist that'd be great
<SilverFox> but it has to rotate around my waist as well
<SilverFox> and be adjustable
<GlsFrg|phone> are you seriously trying to be the most annoying tourist ever
<Greys> what do you mean attach to your waist, like a spider holster or like a body mounted tripod
<SilverFox> like, waist is the most convenient place to have it
<SilverFox> however you want to design it is up to you
<Greys> no, what do you want it to do
<SilverFox> hold my phone for streaming
<GlsFrg|phone> just tape a selfie stick to your erect dick
<SilverFox> and I want to move it around if need be
<SilverFox> and retract it
<Greys> hold your phone like a pocket?
<SilverFox> like a selfie stick
<Greys> you can buy that at microcenter
<SilverFox> the camera mustnt be covered, and there should be at least a way for me to plug in a charger for an external battery
<SilverFox> microcenter doesnt exist here
<Greys> it exists between you and korea
<SilverFox> i dont think it exists in korea either
<darklight> I'm pretty sure selfie sticks and fidget spinners are signalling the collapse of western society
<Greys> just wait for selfie spinners
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<GlsFrg|phone> darklight: mfw I don't live in the west
<SilverFox> but you live in nippon
<SilverFox> a slightly better trashcan
<GlassYuri> yeah but the preferred way to rm asia still appears to be nuclear war
<darklight> We tried that twice and it didn't work
<SilverFox> sudo nuke ~/
<SilverFox> it worked wonderfully actually
<Greys> btw silf, you're aware that the worst thing you can do for video quality is mount the camera to a person, right?
<darklight> DJI used to sell a selfie stick with a gimbal on it
<darklight> Not sure if they still do
<Greys> yep, you hold it
<Greys> it's called the osmo, it's not cheap
<darklight> I'm aware
<Greys> see, when you hold something in your hand, it's inertia is separated from the motion of your body by your entire arm, and with some training you can get pretty dang good at making that even better
<Greys> if you bolt it to your hips, it's going to do everything your hips do
<TheKosmonaut> This game...
<Greys> there does exist a large heavy piece of equipment that mounds on a guy, holds the camera, and between them has a bunch of shit to prevent motion transfer; but you're looking at 20,000$ and 70lbs
<Greys> an embed link? really?
<Greys> this is IRC not discord
<Greys> TheKosmonaut, what about it
<Greys> I'm barely conscious
<Greys> ~yt natalie imbruglia barely breathing
<kmath> YouTube - Duncan Sheik - Barely Breathing (Video)
<Greys> oh
<Greys> that song isn't sung by an attractive tiny woman
<TheKosmonaut> It’s made by those same people that did that FMV detective game a year ago
<TheKosmonaut> Some brits make a b-movie like game
<Greys> tex avery and the revenge of the cyberbutts?
<SilverFox> greys, true, what about shoulder mount?
<GlassYuri> "
<GlassYuri> <darklight> We tried that twice and it didn't work" twice. how often has the western world been declared dead because of a fad?
<SilverFox> was 2012 a fad?
<GlassYuri> I'm pretty sure that 2012 wasn't limited to the west but yes it very fucking much was
<darklight> I didn't say dead, only dying
<SilverFox> so yes a fad has killed us
<darklight> Silverfox, I actually went a 2012 end of the world party. It was held not because the world was ending, but it seemed like a good excuse for a get together
<SilverFox> I saw the documentary
<darklight> Also fidget spinners only impress those who haven't had a worn ball bearing and an air compressor in their hands
<darklight> We were told many times not to do it, but the spark length is directly proportinate to fun
<SilverFox> Greys, what would be the best place to put the phone other than hand
<Supernovy> bagina
<SilverFox> I.. dont think thats true
<SilverFox> what sucks is that the cost of flight is a third of the cost of the trip
<Supernovy> :DDD
<darklight> Sipernovy, the bepis
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<SilverFox> beter
<SilverFox> who the fuck pays 10 grand to fly first class
<SilverFox> wtf
<darklight> SF rich people
<darklight> They also pay 2000 dollars a year on juice
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Thomas|AWAY is now known as Thomas
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* VITAS is back from the datacenter
<VITAS> just lerned that the servers dont have ups so now im worried about spacedocks backend :/
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<xShadowx> backups :D
<VITAS> backups?
<Thomas> backups!
<VITAS> its about failover. but thats problematic if all amchines are in the same rack
<VITAS> pizza!
<pizzaoverhead> VITAS!
<VITAS> *looks confused and walks away*
<VITAS> .oO(copycats)
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* xShadowx steals VITAS pizza
<VITAS> :(
<Greys> a guy who spends 10 grand on toothpaste and has to fly three times a week
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
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<SilverFox> this is weird
<SilverFox> my tv remote doesnt use the IR led to turn on the tv
<SilverFox> and doesnt even have to face the tv to turn it on
<RandomJeb> hax
<SilverFox> truly
<SilverFox> "Stop calling me orange! #IMPEACH" -Trump
<SilverFox> that's actually a good one
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<SilverFox> ;wa 800CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$800 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩661200 (Korean won)
<SilverFox> ;wa 44.44CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$44.44 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩36730 (Korean won)
<SilverFox> ~wa 0.2mi to km
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: convert 0.2 miles to kilometers: 0.322 km (kilometers)
<SilverFox> 300m aint bad
<SilverFox> ~roll 1 d20 -do I upgrade to a hotel suite?
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: 18 Total = 18
<SilverFox> yes I fuckin do
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<SilverFox> ;wa 1100CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$1100 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩909000 (Korean won)
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<Greys> ;wa diameter of the sun in AU
<kmath> Greys: convert Sun->average diameter to astronomical units: 0.009301 au (astronomical units)
<Greys> ;wa periapsis of the earth
<kmath> Greys: Earth->next periapsis time: January 3, 2018
<Greys> ;wa perihelion height of the earth
<kmath> Greys: Earth->nearest distance from the Sun -> Earth->average diameter: nearest distance from the Sun->1.47098074×10^8 km (kilometers), average diameter->12742.018 km (kilometers)
<Greys> ;wa 1au to km
<kmath> Greys: convert 1 au (astronomical unit) to kilometers: 1.496×10^8 km (kilometers)
<Greys> ;wa perihelion height of jupiter
<kmath> Greys: Jupiter->nearest distance from the Sun -> Jupiter->average diameter: nearest distance from the Sun->7.407426×10^8 km (kilometers), average diameter->139822 km (kilometers)
<Greys> so a sphere centered on the earth that touched the orbit of jupiter would contain the sun
<Supernovy> jupiter is further from earth than the earth is from the sun.
<Supernovy> Earth ~1AU Jupiter ~5AU
<Greys> you're missing the important part
<SilverFox> if a sphere was centered on earth
<Greys> the orbit of jupiter is more than (2AU+solar radius)
<SilverFox> and its radius touched the orbit of jupiter
<SilverFox> it would contain the sun
<Greys> if you had a structure that was 5+ AU in radius, and about 70% empty space filled with atmosphere, but the rest of it was some kind of matter with the properties of concrete, what sort of black hole would this immediately collapse into?
<Greys> ;wa density of concrete
<kmath> Greys: ->density: (data not available)
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<Greys> ;wa density of granite
<kmath> Greys: Granite, Oklahoma->population density: 242 people per square kilometer
<Greys> ;wa mass density of granite
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> ;wa density of limestone
<kmath> Greys: calcium carbonate->density: 2.71 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter)
<SilverFox> look at this brilliant pen
<Greys> ;wa volume of a 5AU sphere * 2.71g/cm^3
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
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<SilverFox> ;wa volume of sphere with 1AU radius
<kmath> SilverFox: sphere->radius 1 au (astronomical unit)->volume: (4 π)/3 au^3 (astronomical units cubed)≈4.18879 au^3 (astronomical units cubed)
Supernovy has quit [Quit: Be back later]
<SilverFox> ;wa volume of sphere with 5AU radius * 2.71g/cm^3
<kmath> SilverFox: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> ;wa volume of a 5AU sphere
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> ;wa volume of a 5 AU sphere
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<SilverFox> ;wa volume of a sphere with radius 5AU
<Greys> ;wa 5AU to Mm
<kmath> SilverFox: sphere->radius 5 au (astronomical units)->volume: (500 π)/3 au^3 (astronomical units cubed)≈523.599 au^3 (astronomical units cubed)
<kmath> Greys: convert 5 au (astronomical units) to megameters: 747989 Mm (megameters)
<Greys> ;wa 523.599 au^3 * 2.71g/cm^3
<kmath> Greys: 523.599 au^3 (astronomical units cubed)×2.71 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter): 4.751×10^42 grams
<Greys> ;c 4.751 * .3
<kmath> Greys: 1.4253
<SilverFox> what was the 0.3 for?
<Greys> 70% air
<SilverFox> ah
<SilverFox> 70% air by mass?
<Greys> ;wa density of air
<kmath> Greys: air->density: 0.001275 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter) (at 0 °C)
<Greys> we can ignore that
<SilverFox> I mean, it makes a difference
<Greys> yotta is e24
<SilverFox> 70% air by mass is a big difference compared to 70% air by volume
<Greys> so 42 would be yottaexagrams
<Greys> ;wa schwarzchild radius of 1.4e42 grams
<SilverFox> yexxagrams
<kmath> Greys: black hole event horizon radius-> , mass->1.4×10^42 gramsevent horizon radius->2.079×10^12 meters, = 1.292 billion miles, = 13.9 au (astronomical units)
<Greys> wow
<Greys> this might actually not be a black hole
<Greys> no wait
<Greys> definitely a black hole
<Greys> ;c 523.599 * .3
<kmath> Greys: 157.0797
<SilverFox> I mean, black holes have infinite density in them, dont they?
<Greys> ;wa 157.0797 au^3 * 2.71g/cm^3
<kmath> Greys: 157.0797 au^3 (astronomical units cubed)×2.71 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter): 1.425×10^42 grams
<Greys> oh look, the same result
<SilverFox> yeah, math is neat like that
<Greys> ;wa schwarzchild radius of 4.751e42 grams
<kmath> Greys: black hole event horizon radius-> , mass->4.751×10^42 gramsevent horizon radius->7.056×10^12 meters, = 4.384 billion miles, = 47.17 au (astronomical units)
<Greys> ;wa density of the sun
<kmath> Greys: Sun->mean density: 1.408 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter)
<SilverFox> Greys, how many years until working fusion power?
<Greys> the sun
<SilverFox> invalid answer
<Greys> anyway, BLAME!'s megastructure is about a third of it's own schwarzchild radius, without intervention it would supercollapse
<Greys> ~yt our lady peace stealing babies
<kmath> YouTube - Our Lady Peace - Stealing Babies
<Greys> glhf
<SilverFox> planning my trip is more fun than watching this
<Greys> it's a song
<Greys> you don't watch it
<SilverFox> explain music videos
<Greys> drugs
<SilverFox> checkmate atheist
<Greys> ;wa square root of 279
<kmath> Greys: sqrt(279) = 3 sqrt(31)
<Greys> uh
<SilverFox> ~c sqrt(279)
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 16.703293088490067
<SilverFox> ~c 3 * sqrt(31)
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 16.703293088490064
<SilverFox> pffft
<Greys> why
<SilverFox> ;wa square root of 31
<kmath> SilverFox: sqrt(31) = 5.567764362830021922119471298918549520476393377570414303968…
<SilverFox> what is the most efficient formula for calculating sqrt root?
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<xShadowx> Thermochromic clothing can adjust its color in relation to how much heat your body gives off, such as from heavy activity, or being arroused. This new coctail dress (available in summer 2017) takes the technology a step further, by adjusting not only the color, but also the transparency. You can now visibly see if the girl you flirt with at the bar is into you or simply being nice.
<xShadowx> uhm.......O.O
<xShadowx> giggity?
<darklight> xShadowx, wouldn't it just continuously change colour?
<darklight> :P
<xShadowx> darklight: for you itd turn black
<xShadowx> :P
<darklight> Black, nice and dark just like my soul :3
<darklight> Lol
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<icefire> SilverFox: FSQRT?
<SilverFox> ??????????
<SilverFox> these letters mean nothing to me
<icefire> x86 instruction for floating point square root
<icefire> iirc anyway
<SilverFox> have a meme for such a useless answer
<darklight> It's probably the most correct answer
<SilverFox> I wanted the formula
<SilverFox> ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli
<darklight> Hardware though
<SilverFox> dont want hardware, want math
<SilverFox> Greys, "I got a job at comcast and completed training so I could fix my own cable because it was faster than being on hold with customer service"
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