egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
YouTube - history of the entire world, i guess
watch it
it's fucking amazing
made by the guy who did The History of Japan
I'll get back to you on that in a few days
I'll get back to you on that in a few years
now's not the time for that bitch
because it's not 2020 yet
in time
good boy
fuck you
maybe later
no thanks
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you asked
was there a question mark?
didn't think so
question marks are optional
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I wonder what the rescue dog situation is like there
like, are there lots of strays or pups that need adopting?
these dog cafes give me the idea of like, a cafe where you can see pups that are ready to adopt and stuff, and you can adopt a pup from the cafe and give it a nice home but if not then it gets attention and love and all is well
and the puppers dont get deaded if they dont get adopted in 2 days
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SilverFox: The conservatives in power are trying to kill the safer schools program
I personally think that transistion is something that should be decided when you're an adult, but I've heard of people support blockers for younger kids
Gender debate?
Tank2333_mobil2: You joined in after sf linked something
I'm willing to admit that gender is a "social construct", but it's a useful one.
One can argue it's a spectrum pretty easily too - Tomboys are less girly then... princessy types I guess
Biological sex is a binary and you can't change it though :P
And err, before one talks about transistioning, gender identity disorder should be talked about first ;)
Spectrum yeah but pure social construct? Im not buying that
There are menly girls and girly mens for sure
But woman for instants are almost certainly more interested in humans and men are more interrested in "things"
Not pure, of course it is strongly biological
Maybe I mean "gender is a performance"
Yeah maybe
Also have an intense need for direct competition
I'm well aware of all of this ;)
If you can watch a child grow up amazing to watch
What i dont get is how is the gender difference a problem
Greys / G-Mobile, which fast food establishment has the best fries?
You may need to clarify that :P
maybe, hoping she doesn't go down that path and just answers the question as I intended
Obviously women and men are going to do what they like, and if that ends up being different so be it :P
Alright, care to elaborate?
Why are they the best?
What is it about the other people's fries that make them inferior
I do not
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we need a new topic, this one is old, just quote me saying something stupid
mcdonalds are fake, burgerking are flavorless, wendys are fine, arbys are great
What about dairy queen fries?
DQ is an icecream shop
yeah but they have burgers and stuff
and walmart "has" bathrooms
im eating dairy queen fries right now
and a burger from there
burgerking "has" "icecream"
Our BP servo does decent chips here
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which leads me to my next question, which establishment does the best burgers?
Hungry jacks changed their fries recently and they are ok
Speedway has hotdogs
depends what you want
i like wendys, or the DQP at McDs, burgerking is usually an overpriced waste of time
for here in canada I'd say that Harvey's has the best burgers
is BK an underdog?
detroit doesnt have many fastfood places
BK and maccas are pretty similar in size aren't they?
they'd just get looted, so that's fair
darklight, I mean in that BK isn't regarded the same as the others because their food is shit
Hungry jacks does "burgers" that are fine here
But if you want real meat you gotta shop more local shops
we "have" sonic, checkers, steak'n'shake, and white castle, but they're uncommon
i know exactly one of each, and have only ever eaten from white castle
are there safe areas of detroit?
no, but there are safe areas of metrodetroit
what's the difference?
Texas vs united states
detroit is to texas as metrodetroit is to united states?
so I ordered a mushroom swiss burger with an extra patty, bacon, and flamethrower sauce, the sauce is on there, but I don't taste any heat
it's more tangy than heat
demand satisfaction
I've already eaten like, half my meal
proof that youre canadian
you guys eat more than half your meal, then demand payback or another one?
no, we eat the whole meal and then complain, or immediately throw it at the server
why are you guys such assholes
like fuck dude, calm down
Vote with your wallet :P
also, why the fuck throw it at the server? they just bring you the food, they didn't prepare it
at that point you're just being a cunt for sake of being a cunt
Dan Moren sometimes recounts on Back to Work a story of when he was working in a fast food place and a customer came in and started shaking their bag of food at the manager, screaming at the top of their lungs about how they live half an hour away, and drove half an hour, then drove home, then drove back to stand there screaming because there was god damn mustard on everything
fucker drive an hour for fast food, and an hour for satisfaction
I hope they got tazed
That is worse than the chicken nuggies guy
Wait no
There was some guy who lost his shit because something was discontinued
I wonder if the "let me speak to the manager" generation will get phased out, or if a new one will phase in
mustard at least isn't a negative
Silverfox no they go to wholefoods
Where "free range" is the harshest treatment
I assume they take the chickens on romantic dinners for the least cruel
what's great is when those types of people go to markets, demand local fish that doesn't exist in the country
"would you like to speak with our free range manager, or non-GMO manager?"
Fish markets are a decent place for cheaper fish, but meh :P
that's pretty good
I don't understand GMO, do they just mean selective breeding? Things that we have done for ages?
Genetically Modified Organism
I know
it's a mixture of selective breeding and chemicals that do things
But they don't turn you into spidey man
they give you autisms
all of them
all seven autisms
which is exactly the right number to suffer no consequences
Oh man, vaccienes bro
turnts out the condition known as autism results from having a non-seven number of autisms
except that autism has been speculated to be hereditary
Oh, to bring it back around to gender, autism is much more likely in men
and all cases that I've seen of parents having autism, and their children having autism, the children have always been worse
darklight, it's true that we see autism more in men than women, but you'd need to link me a few studies that show that autism is more likely to occur in men than women
Women get borderline personality disorder in exchange
Meh, I'll link if needed, but it isn't needed here :P
you have 30 minutes to provide links or your claim is nullified
* G-Mobile
plays her trap card
your demand for links allows me to deal 600 points of damage directly to your life points
I wish Djohaal wasn't dead so that we could get professional input on this
You know statistics aren't everything right?
statistics are a big part in medicine
Greys, Do I need to quote some hate-facts :P
They really aren't everything.
statistics are a big part in medicine
Silverfox I'm aware, I remember the female viaga saga
Small sample sizes lul
But don't underestimate moral arguments and rhetoric :P
moralo arguments are meh
You're aware of what a hate fact is I take it :P
i understand the words, but no examples come to mind
"Blacks are dumber than whites" is one that immediately jumps to mind
The thing is where do you go from that, and that's a dark path my dude
Golden rule motherfuckers :P
If you just need one upping though, "asians are smarter than whites"
that's not a statistic
that's purely a prejudice
statistically there are more asians living third-world lives than whites, so they get dragged down
there are actually more illiterate asians then there are whites and blacks combined
is there a matriarchy on earth that isn't stationed around poverty or living in mud/grass huts?
I think the debate is wether the difference is socio-economic or biological, in any case, you shouldn't be treated differently for it
But yeah, poverty begets poverty
statistics arent a debate, they are hard fact for the sample/population measured
any inferences/extrapolations you make may be subject to debate, but you cannot debate the stats given for a sample unless otherwise questionable measures of measurement come into play, such as bias or whathave you
I'm not going to dive into links for this stuff, I'll leave that to alt righty people, but even if this is true I don't think one should form actions from it - otherwise your in eugenics territory
Evolutionary biology is also a thing SF :P
Wait wrong thing
There's a field that has evolution as a cause of behaviours
I'm not, I'm just saying that one shouldn't discount morality, and I'd argue more important than, statistics
Why are you linking morality with statistics?
if it is statistically proven black people are for whatever reason, less intelligent than white people for whatever reason, that doesn't give reason for being an asshole or discriminating
statistics give us correlation to cause and effect for something that isn't easy to prove otherwise
that's what she does in medicine, at a basic level
to link stats and morals is to overestimate stats, and undermine morals
No, I'm saying in a debate, people can and do counter statistics with moral arguments all the time
I am not linking them
can you give me an example of such debate interactions?
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The one just here maybe :P
what debate is that?
Nevermind, I think Imma drop this before I need to visit a mental health clinic for darklight-silverfox interactions
Also I feel like continuing this will mean I need to submit to diversity retraining camp
I don't see a debate of if x race is smarter than y race, because that's just trying to find shit to back up you being an asshole
which is not a debate
you're an asshole
My point is no matter wether its a fact or not, it's not important, and this is the strongest argument I have against alt-righty people :P
Saying "das racist" does not fix racism, neither does making it illegal
Neither does punching people in the head
racis gonna be raciss no matter what
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I don't think that is completely true, if you can prove a biological argument is wrong, do so
but what if it can be proven right?
Then battle them somewhere else
You don't argue against feminists denying the existence of a wage gap, you debate its cause for example :P
you debate they choose lower paying jobs rather than higher paying ones
Because they are right when saying "women on average earn less than men"
yet wage gap is stupid in that sense because it's not "the same work"
it's all jobs everywhere
But female doctors earn less than male doctors sf!
I doubt this, but can see this being a thing depending on many factors
doctoring is a talent job
It's true, but you forget how wide a field doctor is
we're talking medical doctor right?
or "people with doctorates"?
Surgeon vs dietician :P
Early childcare related things aren't as well paid ;)
except for pediatricians
worst job in doctoring: Pediatric Oncology
Now, I wonder what the gender balance between pediatricians vs brain surgeons is....
you want ratios for each?
because again, it's a talent job
Not really, just giving an example of "for the same work"
someone who graduated top of the class harvard and works john hopkins is making more than someone who graduated with okay marks and works at the local hospital
you have to have people with the exact same marks, exact same history and qualifications and experience to then be able to have reason to pay equally
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
Also iirc the distribition of iq for women is closer to the mean compared to men, so men have more geniuses and homeless, might play a tiny part :P
tiny part in what?
I dont see that as playing case
The top ends of the fields
both men and women have access to the fields, that's what matters
that statistic is not valid reason to pay more
Of course
that would be considered "gambling"
Being better at your field is
you pay for marks and experience and performance
this is why I say those "debates" are nothing more than a farce
but darklight, choose better paying jobs or go bitch to labor board
No lets just pay women more
no because that's illegal
Anz did it ^
you guys want some great sex tips from Cosmo?
Don't or I'll traumatise you
"Press a fork into different parts of his body"
LinkedImage: Hannibal Lector
The best one yet:
"Have someone hide in the closet and don't tell your partner"
What is wrong with these people
"Sprinkle a little pepper under his nose right before he climaxes. Sneezing can feel similar to an orgasm and amplify the feel-good effects"
thanks to whoever introduced nabokov to the japanese
"Anime is proof two bombs wern't enough"
Anyway, chapter three contains a loli and numerous lolicon including the loli
the loli is a lolicon?
she tries to sell it as moe, but that's an aesthetic not a style
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Yeah I'm staying away from those types of links
In ouran host club the main girl is somewhat flat chested, but not a loli, and she is cute, but not moe; except for one episode where it's revealed that she's afraid of thunder
Moe stems from a desire to protect
haruhi is wicked smart, strong willed, and self reliant, she doesnt need protection
nobody in k-on is in need of protection
Moe being the character feels or audience feels?
Moe comes from the era of Air and kanon, as well as many other harem shows based on eroge where the man is surrounded by weak incapable girls who need to be saved
Saving women is a common trope, yeah
it varies in anime
moe is pretty dead these days
So moe characters are useless women?
SAO had a lot of moe
characters designed to make the audience feel protective of them
I still wonder who is opressing sao fans...
Ah, so audience feels, gotcha
Yea but moe is a design feature
its also kind of an indicator of just general bad
Fair enough, the ability to pull on the feels strings means you're not completely dead inside :P
a lot of shows have done good by subverting or inverting what moe plays on
gurashi something did moe good by putting strong girls in extreme and prolonged danger and playing with psychological injury
I'd argue the opposite, if you don't feel for any character at all, then that's gotta be shit
Inversions are kinda funny and good :P
Sure but if the only thing they could make you feel is protective of a small animal, they have failed to make that animal into more than your pet as a character
Suzumiya haruhi is moe, the angel girl in angel beats is moe, but haruhi is omnipotent and the angel girl is a deadly robot
the story is well designed to use moe for shading and perspective
everyone in kanon dies, they're moe to make you fail and that sensation stands in for depth of character or story
The moe genre is at it's average, which is also it's worst, a lot like setting a puppy on the table and declaring that you will hit this puppy with a baseball bat unless the audience has an emotional reaction to the threat
loli is girls without secondary sexual characteristics
What if you are a pussy-toucher and don't feel for dogs?
you'd be hard pressed to find a human who would be ok with watching you destroy a defenseless animal
Particularly a small or young animal
Particularly a pet class animal
Particularly if you involve them in the situation