egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
<darklight> Lol, I know optus used to charge for it, but they went "oh sha-1 is no longer certified so we are discontinuing the devices because they have problems"
<darklight> Ah, I found prices, 15/mo or $240 outright
<darklight> But it's done now so *shrugs*
<Majiir> I think mine was a $50 deposit that they waived
<Majiir> They still own the device, which is fine by me
<darklight> You forget how money hungry australian telecom companies are
<darklight> $70/mo for 100GB LTE! :P
<darklight> And by lte I mean 15/4
<Majiir> Our speeds are higher, but monthly transfer is lower
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<Greys> 35$ for 5GB LTE
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<darklight> Greys: This is only for hosues
<darklight> *Houses
<darklight> A mobile network for houses! We do things differently in australia
<darklight> Who would run fibre to houses? That's A SILLY IDEA, WE MUST SCRAP THIS WASTE OF MONEY
<darklight> But lets go fuck around in syria
<darklight> That'll help fucking everyone
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<SilverFox> ferram4, why does putting these upward facing propellers cancel out the instability in my single rotor no tail rotor helicopter? Without these cancelling props the craft will just gyrate weirdly after time and then plummet to the ground after becoming unstable
<SilverFox> it's like, you just put 4 upward facing props below each of the respective rotor blades and it's fine
<ferram4> With no control inputs?
<SilverFox> yes
<SilverFox> just rotating on its own via motor
<ferram4> Is this in KSP or real life?
<SilverFox> besiege
<SilverFox> i was wondering if there was any validity to it
<SilverFox> i'll draw a picture if that helps
<ferram4> SilverFox, don't nbother with the drawing
<ferram4> Now, does the thrust decrease with altitude>
<SilverFox> uhhhh I can't tell because the blades spin faster
<SilverFox> eventually it gets high enough the game literally turns the craft to ice and things break
<SilverFox> ill watch ascent rate
<ferram4> Well, if the thrust does decrease with altitude, that would explain it, since the higher rotors will lose thrust while the lower ones will gain thrust.
<ferram4> If not, it might be flex-based behavior
<SilverFox> the pod is at the bottom
<SilverFox> what im curious about is how this config provides the stability for the craft to not wibble wobble out of control
<ferram4> have tail rotors mounted off the main rotor shaft?
<SilverFox> do I?
<ferram4> This is the way it appears to be to me.
<SilverFox> im getting a screenshot from ingame
<ferram4> Otherwise I have no idea what distinction you mean between "horizontal" and "vertical" blades.
<SilverFox> well the blades on the main rotor are horizontal relative to ground, and the blades below are vertical relative to ground
<SilverFox> that's what I mean by that
<SilverFox> like, at this point what this is is magic to me, which is why I wanted an explanation
<ferram4> And what axis are the vertical ones spinning about?
<SilverFox> I have no idea why this works
<ferram4> Are they spinning at all?
<SilverFox> they're attached to the main shaft, so they rotate in sync with the main rotor
<ferram4> ...
<ferram4> What happens to it without them? Does it remain relatively rigid, but eventually tip over and crash, or does it flex apart?
<SilverFox> it remains like normal, but then eventually tips over and dies
<ferram4> What happens if you replace the "vertical" blades with simple mass?
<SilverFox> it spins sooo slow too, it's beautiful
<SilverFox> i'll test it out
<ferram4> Because if the same happens with the mass, it might be either a CoM issue or a flexibility issue.
<ferram4> If something different happens, then some weird lift/drag forces are coming from the vertical blades and I'd think it's a bug.
<SilverFox> mass doesnt fix the wibble wobble issue
<SilverFox> its flying in circles now
<SilverFox> like a top
<SilverFox> ohp, it flexed itself apart
<ferram4> Or possibly, it could be that everything is correct and that the vertical blades are acting as damping.
<ferram4> If there are other parts that can provide aerodynamic damping, try substituting those and see what happens.
<SilverFox> I can use smaller propellers?
<ferram4> *shrug*
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<SilverFox> I could use a giant ass wing panel perhaps
<darklight> Are you trying to understand a video game? :P
<SilverFox> im trying to understand what these vertical props are doing to the system
<darklight> The album is deleted
<SilverFox> using smaller props produces the same effect as bigger props
<SilverFox> hit the frozen ceiling
<darklight> I don't have that game, if I want to play around with air I've always got another 24 sheets of foamboard left :P
<SilverFox> im going to try adjusting rotor length
<ferram4> I have no idea.
<ferram4> This is likely outside my expertise at this point.
<SilverFox> i have a screenshot in game that's working on uploading
<SilverFox> my upload speed is basically canada post physically mailing the packets
<darklight> I've not seen this picture, but the only two types of helicopters I've seen are the normal setup with your main rotor and a tail rotor, or one with counter rotating blades (wether they be on top of each other, or a chinook style :P
<teabot> Rotateang.
<darklight> Gyrocopters are hilarious too, they are like a paramotor but with a helicopter blade instead of a parachute
<darklight> Also do weird thrust angle planes work in this like they do KSP?
<SilverFox> my guess would be the damping theory
<SilverFox> however, decreasing the rotor length has led to an increase in wobbliness
<darklight> Actually speaking of weird thrust angle planes, I have to build one so I don't keep breaking props :<
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<darklight> Or maybe I should put wheels on my plane, I'll figure it out
<darklight> Wheels are heavy
<SilverFox> ferram4, this looks like you put a windvane made of propeller ontop of the rotor
<darklight> Do quadcopters work? :P
<SilverFox> are you talking about in besiege?
<SilverFox> because yes, quads work
<SilverFox> aero seems pretty great in this game
<SilverFox> using the larger wing panels has allowed me to use shorter rotor blade lengths
<SilverFox> and now it looks like a proper windvane
<SilverFox> also starting and stopping the rotor causes it to wibble wobble eventually
<darklight> *weeble wobble
<darklight> Reduces your chooch factor right down the gargler
<SilverFox> naw it's skookum
<SilverFox> just gotta put her in the right place first
<darklight> Need some fur around 'er
<darklight> To be fair
<darklight> I'm going to stop now
<darklight> I don't think I can out canadian a canadian :P
<SilverFox> darn right eh
<SilverFox> sorry ya aint good enough
<SilverFox> you'll get it next time tho
<darklight> I don't apoligise enough :P
<darklight> And I'm *definitely* not american enough to ever out american an american
<kmath> YouTube - Headboard Gun Cabinet
<darklight> This is lovely
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<Unknown601> have any of you guys seen Kimi no Na wa (Your Name)
<Unknown601> Greys, your into anime right?\
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<TheKosmonaut> Unknown601: I saw it
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<G-Mobile> Skipped it
<G-Mobile> at face value I dont care
<G-Mobile> turnts out apatheism is a word
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<RandomJeb> I'm an apatheist
<RandomJeb> who cares if there's some kind of god or gods? If there are they're not doing anything we can discern so either way it's cool and nothing to waste processor time on
<Greys> apatheist probably describes most people who if pressed hard would describe themselves as athiests
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<darklight> Greys: Today I learned I guess. I'd just use the word "atheist" for that, although I largely don't give a shit :P
<Supernovy> apatheist? no, friend, I'm an alooftheist.
<darklight> 3 results on google
<Greys> strictly speaking athiests believe there is no god
<Greys> agnostics believe the existence of god can't be proven; and apatheists don't care
<darklight> I go on a slightly different one
<RandomJeb> what if I believe the existence of specific gods can be disproven but I don't really care enough to partake in such?
<darklight> theist = believes, atheist does not believe, agnostic = don't know, gnostic = know
<darklight> I think it's fairly safe to say "agnostic atheist" most of the time :P
<Greys> theists believe, athiests disbelieve, apatheists don't care
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<darklight> Also I should mention that only what you'd call militant atheists decide to get angry and possibly shove a banana up their butt
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<Greys> dat first 25 seconds
<kmath> YouTube - Digi Bros Discuss: SWORD ART ONLINE - THE MOVIE (awesomely bad?)
<kmath> <realDonaldTrump> Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III.
<Greys> yep
<darklight> Occasionally someone will retweet something relevant to today
<Greys> well, that's a bit of a wiff then
<kmath> YouTube - SAO The Movie: Ordinal Scale Makes No F***ing Sense. Fight Me.
<Greys> darklight, the problem with applying that tweet to today, is the word small
<Greys> there is a substantial and globally concerning chance that our horrendous leadership will knowingly lead us in WWIII, and maybe WWIV
<darklight> Oh
<darklight> Can anyone explain why SAO fans think they are oppressed?
<darklight> As in they think that liking it is shameful?
<Greys> because it's badness is no longer disputable
<darklight> The thing is I don't care about what other people like, but somehow they'll act like "oh I'm so horrible for liking this" :P
<Greys> in the beginning SAO was passable, but then it became terrible; and unfortunately the MLP refugees who had gotten on this bandwagon wanted this to be their brony cult
<darklight> While I personally think that anime is proof that 2 bombs wasn't enough, glass houses and all that.
<darklight> I don't think they understand how brony cults work
<darklight> If there a distinct lack of equines around, then it's not a brony thing
<Greys> when it started to be bad they had to stand their ground hoping it would turn around and they would be vindicated; but then it became clear over like three seasons, a videogame, more of the source light novel, and this movie, that it just wasn't good
<Greys> MLP started, and indisputibly it was a kids show, but bronies held their ground and were vindicated that the first season or two were kinda decent; and every time that happens people try to have their own version of that thing
<Greys> Evangelion got big and suddenly there were a lot of mindfuck shows; K-On got big and suddenly Moe was everything, Haruhi got big and then every major show had a dance sequence
<Greys> SAO was to be their thing that everybody mocks them for liking but then it becomes common knowledge within neighboring fandoms that the thing is good; except it wasn't
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<Greys> so now all the SAO fans are living in the nuclear post apocalypse of the bed they made and slept in
<darklight> It's just that I talk to an SAO fan in another channel and I keep trying to explain "who cares if you like it" :P
<Greys> remember how MLP got everywhere, to where you couldn't ejaculate on a loli without a pony showing up
<Greys> SAO fans did that with SAO
<darklight> Also from memory, for mlp, 1 was ok but I stuck through it to get to the luna episode (as I discovered that through youtube videos), 2 was ok iirc, 3 was bad, 4 was shit, 5 was brilliant, 6 was meh
<Greys> they shoved it in everybody's faces
<darklight> But I'm biased because I really like the season 5 opener
<Greys> you couldn't avoid SAO if you were anything remotely related to anime, and if you were in anime, fuuuuuuuck it's everywhere
<darklight> MLP was indeed abnoxious
<darklight> And is something to keep in mind when shitposting
<darklight> To this day you still see pony avatars
<Greys> it's like you go to a bar and a band comes on stage, says how great they are, then they play some shitty music and get tomatos thrown at them until they leave
<Greys> but now, everybody knows them as that band
<Greys> they made everyone care that they like SAO
<Greys> and then SAO was shit
<Greys> who cares? everybody that was at that bar
<Greys> guess who was at that bar. Youtube and Reddit.
<darklight> I don't think I understand, different strokes for different folks.
<darklight> But *shrugs*
<Greys> imagine that time when crack was new
<Greys> and people were all like, this crack thing, it's amazing, you should do it
<Greys> but then it turned out that crack is a terrible thing
<Greys> but the people who were using crack, were still using crack
<darklight> So like, mdma?
<Greys> so now we think the people who use crack are bad people
<darklight> Err
<Greys> SAO is shitty animated crack
<darklight> Well if they didn't rob shit maybe we wouldn't think that
<darklight> Tbh I wouldn't trust someone heavily into drugs anyway, at least not with anything money related
* darklight wonders how much centrelink money is spend on weed and ice
<Greys> now replace drugs with culture and money with your time
<darklight> My gut feeling is "a fucking shitton"
<Greys> ice?
<Greys> diamonds?
<darklight> It's what we call meth
<Greys> your slang is wrong
<darklight> Maybe
<Greys> ;wa time in bangkok
<kmath> Greys: current time in Bangkok, Thailand: 7:30:47 pm ICT -> Tuesday, April 11, 2017
<darklight> But in the media it will simply be called ice
<kmath> YouTube - Rocket Surgery: Inside the Russian Nikonov AN94
<Greys> this is absurd
<Greys> to provide a better hook; this is a russian assault rifle mostly dissimilar to the AK47, that is designed to fire twice before the inertial mass of the gun firing is transmitted to the shooter; so that the shooter's aim is only disrupted every other shot
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<Greys> ;wa 20cm to feet
<kmath> Greys: convert 20 cm (centimeters) to feet: 0.6562 feet
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<Greys> today I learned Wendy's has fuckin mustard squirt bottles with two nozzles, so they can draw a V and make a W
<SilverFox> why
<SilverFox> "Febreeze Men"
<SilverFox> wtf is this abomination
<SilverFox> new smurfs movie comes out in 17 days
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<SilverFox> I fucking love RedBubble
<SilverFox> got my phone case in the mail and it came in a bag with the following on it: "This bag used to be something else (RECYCLED) and if you put it somewhere appropriate it can be something else again (RECYCLABLE). Even more exciting, now you've received your phone case, it can be used to hold your toothbrush, rock collection or socks (REUSABLE). In fact, the only thing it can't hold is your head. That's very dangerous, so don't do it, and try not to
<SilverFox> let anyone else do it accidentally, like children or dogs."
<SilverFox> what a wonderful choking/suffocation hazard warning
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<SilverFox> "You can skip your breakfast, but not mascara"
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<SilverFox> darklight, have a song
<kmath> YouTube - New Horizon -Dusk ft.UCE'd
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