egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
RokkerExam is now known as Rokker
so in this one episode of stargate, the alpha site is attacked with Carter and her Dad there, they don't manage to evacuate and eventually Oneall, Teal'c and Jackson find the dad in a clearing with a fuckin phone pole on his leg
there's a shot where the three walk up and start checking him, and jackson performs the unfortunate action of touching the phone pole
it moves as if it has no mass at all
like the scene from original startrek with the giant foam rocks
medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
UomoCapra has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
the first is a meeting between Hammond, the russian guy, a china guy, a france guy, a british guy, and maybe a german guy; with thor teleporting in at the end
the second is about the new president being briefed
I remember the thor one
darklight, yes, that is a flag people will use to celebrate the legalization, but it will not be our official flag
the one with the new president is the one with senator McKinsey as vicepresident?
also for the past few nights I've been repeatedly 75%-dreaming and if I dream of stuff with text, then it's just complete fucking mess, the words don't make any sense, they're in no particular order, when I try and reply to a message, my own responses are garbage
I wonder if this is a common occurance and that those language processing areas of the brain are fucked a certain way when sleeping
the complete opposite happens to me when I sleep
I can read/speak languages I usually can't
and the words make sense
have you confirmed any of what was said/written?
nope of course
you should, next time
see if your brain is just making up bullshit
I don't think I can remember how the words are written
im not fluent in french, but I can *sound* french
I think I am dreaming of the concept of understanding a language
but the words are probably gibberish
thats my theory
darklight has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
but when you look at the words, do you realize they are gibberish?
Thomas|AWAY is now known as Thomas
because when I do, they make complete sense. but it's just my brain tricking me because I know I cannot read those languages
they look like complete fucking nonsense
sometimes they are words, but it's just weird shit
that's pretty common
there's a trick actually to tell if you are sleeping, you are supposed to look at written text
if it doesn't make sense then you are sleeping
we need to temporarily self-induce coma so that we don't fucking die
and if we dont induce that coma, we descend into psychosis
yanno what else is fucked? Hallucinations
our brain can create these vivid images, and even responds to the images it created in a stress-like manner
it responds to these self-created images with shock and disbelief
yanno, for the last two seasons they've been showing footage, not repeated but maybe the same CG; where a alkesh flies in low over a battlefield and releases pairs of shining points that fall to the ground and explode
and every time this happens the damn thing manages to bomb an empty field
: ^)
koreans dont have an f sound, so they use a p sound, so the word "fit" is instead "pit"
yet the difference between f and p is just that the teeth bring the bottom lip inwards, and then you produce the f sound instead of p sound
I find it lazy that they think english is such a cool language, but put no effort into actually speaking it right
Also this commercial just pushed a tv through about a 1-2cm slit in the wall
also what makes my jimmies rather rustled is when koreans use english words for things they already have korean words for, and things that have existed in korea for a long time
liek I completely understand liiike, kiwis, they aren't native to korea, so it's totes cool to use 키위 (kiwi)
but like fuck, yall havea word for "table", stop butchering the english pronunciation
do you really believe that leaving and rejoining the channel is going to fix the problem?
I lack a bouncer :-/
And if the generator runs out of fuel I'll drop out :P
darklight, if you can spare 5$ right now you can get 5 months of VPN from linode
I don't need a VPN, I don't believe our government just scrapped some internet privacy laws :P
to put a BNC on
yeah Greys, how is yours working out for you?
I forgot to use it for a couple days
Oh vps
Eh, we'll probably have power in another week
my phone's IRC client provides a list of configured servers, I keep the BNC and direct connection configurations, to troubleshoot a connectivity issue I switched from BNC to direct connect
oh darklight/greys you missed my epic adventure to try and salvage the laptop my sister broke
and then the connectivity issue was resolved, and I forgot to switch back
Greys, she dropped it and physically broke the screen
punch it in half
nono, it still boots up and shit
you just cant see anything
also you cant plug it into a monitor, doesn't work
GlsFrg|phone has joined #kspmodders
I said punch it in half
I dont want to
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I want to use it for experiments with AI and neural nets
Don'tt you have a million pis for that :P
yeah that too, but idk if it works on pis, it'd be nice to get the cluster set up for that, but it's also nice to have a desktop linux environment
I wonder if it'd be more power efficient
HOWEVER, the pis only have 512MB on themn
idk if that's enough for neural net stuff
;wa radius of the earth in km
Greys: convert Earth->average radius to kilometers: 6371.0088 km (kilometers)
for some reason that sounds small
;wa circumfrence of circle 6471km in radius
so Greys, are you going to cancel your linode subscription?
;wa 6471km * (2 pi)
Greys: 6471 km (kilometers) (2 π): 40658 km (kilometers)
why would I do that
;wa 40Mm to light seconds
Greys: convert 40 Mm (megameters) to light seconds: 0.1334 light seconds
idk, you aren't using it I guess, you said the connectivity issues were resolved
you're an idiot
have you ever noticed that ring transporters come out of the ground, and when they do so there appears to be a pit there
when Anubis invades Jonas's homeworld they go to a museum full of goauld artefacts, and one such thing is a ring platform
it appears if I recall, to be upset die to looting, sitting at a slight angle in the middle of the room
about 10 inches thick
when it activates and the rings fly up, there appears to be a pit
smoke_f8 has joined #kspmodders
Greys, you just fucked with my brain, the ending to that message and an earlier message are similar, except now there's text inbetween them, and that created a de-sync with reality in my brain
SilverFox: you should reboot your brain
I agree
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However, the brain doesn't really like "rebooting"
make sure that there's no capacitor that doesn't fully discharge or something like that, make sure to wait until it flatlines before rebooting
rebooting means you go through the boot cycle again, and that boot cycle includes POST, and POST for the brain is checking vital functions, however after shutdown, vitals dont come back
the season finale of season 7 confirms that ring transporters were an ancient design
RandomJeb has joined #kspmodders
the closest the brain gets to rebooting is basically killing processes and restarting them
and sometimes a process goes not responding
once I passed out and when I came back (just a few seconds later) I thought it was morning and I was waking up from the night sleep
whoever graphic artist thought of the form of the ancients' drone weapon, really understood how to make things seem truely foreign
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AlonzoTG has joined #kspmodders
darklight has joined #kspmodders
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Thorbane has joined #kspmodders
yanno, i expect mobile streams to adjust resolution based on connection quality, is this too much to ask for?
Sigma88: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
Jiraiyah_ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
SilverFox: yes
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Ask r4m0n
You would need jabathehutscript
Technicalfool has joined #kspmodders
if you get married in one country, then get married in another, is that illegal? if you're marrying the same person twice, is that bigomy?
If you are generating floating point numbers, how many decimal places do you need before on average 100℅ of numbers contain every integer at least once
how do you average to get 100%?
this sounds like a statistics question
this can be done with some thorough thought though
so by integer you mean 0-9, that's 10 possibilities, so 1/10 chance minimum per decimal place, making the configuration 0-9 a 1/100 chance of 0.123456789
however you can rearrange them
yet do you consider the reverse to be valid?; 9.876543210?
also, since this is statistics, you wont reach 100%, so pick a different percentage
oh no, not 1/100, 1/10^10
Scorp is now known as Scorp_Away
SilverFox: There is no need to re-marry, germany will even recognise your marriage to your 14 year old bride!
there are also 10 arrangements, so that's at least 10/10^10
~wa 10^9
SilverFox: 10^9: 1000000000
1 billion?
Wait up, it may be actual FAKE NEWS
what? the 14 yrs old wife?
Greys, my guesstimate is around 100 decimal places
Iirc, syrian refugee
So this could be a fake news story that others have picked up on
Or it could be a thing?
Poe's lawwwwwwwww
Well generally when you see something happen, you expect to see all the msm pick up on it
I see some main ones but a lot of random ones
Germany is working on banning those marriages. But in the past, they have recognized them
Rokker has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
Rokker has joined #kspmodders
angavrilov has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Djohaal, do you think that there is basis for the claim that people whom are transgendered are likely to have an underlying mental condition similar to bolemia or anorexia? I heard from a friend that there have been studies done where they did brain scans and those of transgendered people and anorexic people and they were found to be rather similar. Thoughts?
Thorbane has joined #kspmodders
SilverFox: Body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria can sure be linked on some level
thats also what ive been thinking
but thats also why im asking a psyche doc
"Lifetime psychiatric comorbidity in gender identity disorder (GID) patients is high, and this should be taken into account in the assessment and treatment planning of GID patients."
points for at least listing all combinations of the vars right
youll see hes missing something important
this one looks more a typo on || -> ==
else than that, this one is actually acceptable
Djohaal, today's class consisted of the Circle of watchutalkinbout Willis
willis polygon
technicalfool_ has joined #kspmodders
Djohaal, have you looked into/have any info on the phenomena of how we have a really hard time distinguishing faces of different races/cultures/ethnicities/whateverthefuckattackhelicopters
well shit, it's really neat too
from my artificial neural network background, I can tell you that you'll be able to tell people apart more easily when you have more exposure to them
Technicalfool has quit [Ping timeout: 383 seconds]
* Djohaal
gives r4m0n a golden star
OH, what about that phenomena how after seeing a word a lot of times it becomes a not-word
like in my case in topic
r4m0n well, yeah
procedural streamlining
that's what our brains do. all the time.
go on
do a task a number of times, the neural connections get reinforced to the point it becomes automatic
that explains from reading to people playing the moonlight sonata from ear
but what about not-words
look up mantras
it's like the opposite effect
you see a regular word lots and then it stops looking like a word
your brain streamlines its processing to the point you don't notice individual letters
"<SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now"
for instance, I read stupidly fast. So long its arial or times new roman
handwritten stuff and my reading becomes less superhuman
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and that's how I went trough medschool without taking a single note
that's fucking disgusting
how even
that's quite a feat
and here I am with a 3.57 trying my best
it was easier for me to read a book chapter than handritten notes
of course we had pdfs running aroudn with typed notes and such
so how did you study, or are you like me and you barely study because you just logic shit?
never bothered with notes either. just xeroxed the notes of friends for the silly teachers that didn't have any references
it's more important to pay attention in class to what's going on than take notes
plus powerpoint slides
studying to pass exams =/= studying to be an actual doctor
my grades in medschool are a bit shit, I stuided just enough to pass.
nowadays I get peer recognition and from my residency superiors too, so I must have done something right
you overestimate how much the ones you consider "actual doctors" actually studied
hardest year of my life? premed
scores in exams != actually understanding stuff
worse than whole medschool or residency entrance
why premed?
in brazil we have university entrance exams
is it because that's how they weed out the shittlets?
so you need to have the best possible grades in their exam
wait, you're from here too? XD
in my case it was 180 vacancies for a total of over 6 thousand candidates I think
r4m0n, br br hueheuheuheu
capoera huehuehue
vc é louco entrando em medicina por aqui :-P
don't try to fit in silver, it just doesn't work
r4m0n, terminando residencia de psiquiatria. Mad enough?
if the few psychologists I know are a good sample, madness is a requirement
psychiatrists tend to be saner
we treat ourselves, psychologists just dive deeper in the madness :p
;wa 15.43USD to CAD
SilverFox: convert $15.43 (US dollars) to Canadian dollars: C$20.73 (Canadian dollars)
20 bucks, thought as much
wait, the dollar is under 75?
;wa 1CAD to USD
SilverFox: convert C$1 (Canadian dollar) to US dollars: $0.74 (US dollars)
;wa 1 BRL to USD
r4m0n: convert R$1 (Brazilian real) to US dollars: $0.32 (US dollars)
;wa 1 peso to USD
SilverFox: convert $1 (Mexican peso) to US dollars: $0.05 (US dollars)
;wa 1 rupee to USD
SilverFox: convert ₹1 (Indian rupee) to US dollars: $0.02 (US dollars)
1 BRL uset to be 1 USD a looong time ago
;wa 1 yen to USD
SilverFox: convert ¥1 (Japanese yen) to US dollars: $0.009 (US dollars)
also, we have affective 90% import taxes
jesus fucking christ
why so high
because the govt loves to tax the people and steal the money
;wa 1 원 to USD
SilverFox: convert ₩1 (Korean won) to US dollars: $0.0009 (US dollars)
what's great about typing korean on US keyboards is you end up memorizing the english letter combinations
원 is dnjs
how is it spoken?
lemme double check official romanization
odd distribution of keys, is it radical-based IME?
idk what that means
!u 원
but my IME hasn't tried to allahu akbar me or complain about its rights soo
ow, precomposed
I wouldn't say it's radical
Qboid needs an nfd command
near-field distribution
normalization form canonical decomposition