egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
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Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator looks great
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so apparently there is a program opening up in Las Vegas, Nevada wherein it's a needle exchange program. Where you go there, and there are vending machines, like that of candy, and you get a sterile kit with needle, cleansing pads and stuff plus condoms, specifically for the use of illciit drugs.
what it aims to do is realize that drugs are going to be done regardless of what's done, and that the drug war is lost, so it provides harm reduction in that dirty needles wont be shared or whathaveyou.
condoms? No, I use my illicit drugs bareback.
you dirty dirty boy
japan doesnt have bacon
wht the fuck is that
LabMonkey is now known as StatutoryApe
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TheKosmonaut, listening to a lecture and I hear of a japanese phrase called "jiji moo-gay" what's the best translation for this?
I couldn't possibly imagine without context.
uhhh fuck
well it's long gone so rip
Mugei can mean talentless
and jiji?
Jiji can mean anything from grandfather to current events
hmmm, dont think grandfather fits
what is the concept behind "jiji"?
Again, without context it's hard to come up with any answer
aight, fair enough
so a UPS acts as a filter and backup for the power received right?
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Greys: That would be soooo easy to build
darklight, why build it
Not sure, I'd be doing something electrical
so I'm being informed that SSL is being deprecated?
But if you want a useless machine it is easy
People got of the SSL train ages ago
then howcome nobody talks about TLS?
The term is probably used iterchangably
so I happened to randomly discover a chinese pdf that seems interesting
it's on a bazillion sites that require you to log in to download the file
every single fucking one of them throws the "sends login info unencrypted" warning
why are you trying to have your identity thefted?
btw darklight, the joke was that normal identity theft isn't theft by the definition that piracy and freebooting aren't theft, and I was asserting a degree of offense that did by that definition qualify as stealing
so, IFTTT is pretty neat, but because it relies primarily on services having public API, the selection of things that it can interact with are kind of idiotic
there's maybe ten different thermostat controller services
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Zapier is the same but problematically thier target audience is sales and sales team management
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yo Greys/G-Mobile, who'd win, 100 tortoises, or 100 chickens?
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!tell Majiir let's say im making an integrated device that has a touchscreen and its UI is buttons on the screen, and there are multiple screens potentially. What is the best way of tracking which button is pressed?
SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
Containment testing or raycasting against a faux 3d stack
With raycasting you need to generate a series of planes distributed to represent a 3d structure based on the markup, but then raycasting is pretty optimized in most languages
with containment testing you have to find the smallest interactable region that contains the click coordinate
So for containment testing, ignoring the language's native UI model, you're on your own to make it reliable and fast
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lol @ tv, some movie, ALL black people except 1 white guy, he robs a convenience store, black cop says "drugged up white trash, you know 90% of the people in prisons are white trash committing crimes against good ol black folk"
I take it that's a role reversal thing that's meant to be sending some type of message :P
at this point i cant decide if its that or a parody :P
Also I'd like to point out if you wen't robbed 20 times by black teenagers then the shopkeeper probably wouldn't hang up a sign :P
* darklight
shakes his head
robbed 5 times by anyone and id not put up signs XD
i could see 1-2-3 as normal, but going higher is kinda a hint to move :P
hmm i feel like buyin a drone
You guys being raciss again?
Greys, who'd win 100 tortoises or 100 chickens?
fight to the death
G-Mobile: Yes and no - I don't mean anything by it, but I'm talking about an event that actually happened
SilverFox: clearly tortoises, chickens only live for three days
you are correct
how about 500 chickens vs 100 tortoises?
Why dont datacenters run DC rails with centralized high efficiency transformers and then DC stepdown at the rack
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Probably the same reason you don't run DC to houses :P
losses are too high per metre of wire most likely?
because then a central thing can go wrong and bring down everyone, current way is more reliable per client, of which is paying for the bill
SilverFox: no quantity of chickens can't penetrate a tortoise's shell
well you're wrong there
of the 100 tortoises, 13 died
but 500 of the 500 chickens died
darklight: houses dont run on DC because many appliances are large inductive loads
xShadowx: thats still true for AC PDU
1000 chickens vs 100 tortoises
with LED lighting taking over, 12v lines can be used for ceiling for lights, as power re is so low, removing inefficient power supplies from being built into bulbs
you avoid it with branching segmentation
we would be wise to do that
plus DC sub-mains for lighting would make dimmable LED bulbs not terrible
chickens win
by a long shot
24v ceiling lines is also practical, but 12v is so widely used for other things theres an argument to make it 12v lines
9406 chickens lived
also I think I might've done 10,000
my desk runs off 12v and 5v :|
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Double plus 12v sub-mains woupd be great for gadgets, sockets would only need a 5v DC stepdown to charge almost everything, and that could be blocked up for the entire panel
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Given enough current, and the elimination of CCFL LCD displays, everything at my desk except my PC and server could run off 12v DC, 24v might be better just for available current
G-Mobile: It's more that going from 500kvdc to something useable is a bit more tricky
tortoises win in 1000:100
dont you need buck converters for DC stuff?
darklight: luckily you never have to
If you run a 12v bus, that's going to be a fuckton of amps
eg, lets say a 300W server, that's
our systems run 120v 60~230kVA
;c 300/12
darklight: 25.0
25 amps per server :P
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kb 5v, 2x usb hubs 5x, speakers 12v, lights around kb tray 12v, 10in case fan 12v, multiple barrel jacks+switches for 5v and 12v for other things on desk, all crammed into a little wood block im carving to go around base of my new monitor stand :D
holy fuck my GPU is shit at throttling
damn thing hit 95C
like fuck you I set the temp limit to be 85
high amps is easy to transfer, a big ass insulated steel beam running along back of servers for 12v :P
it's a fucking unity game, why does it stress my GPU so much
because it's a fucking unity game
I wonder if the devs are using my GPU to assist in the battle simulations
darklight, that's if you ran the bus bars at 12v; you would run a home at 12v, but a datacenter you'd run an optimal balance of voltage to amps for the typical wattage to minimize heat losses and make the stepdown circuitry most reliable
lower the amps, the less heat?
I think both factors have their consequences
I have a feeling that there's more to this than we think
I think the main reason though is that this is how these things have traditionally worked, and nobody feels like changing the paradigm
while that does exist, I don't think it's the main factor, personally
also why the fuck is foxbot not running
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gasp!? the whole pi!?
not just half of it?
how many times did you reboot it?
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Greys, about 1.5 times
first time I restarted all the processes that were running, that didn't work, so then I just sudo reboot after that
Djohaal_, I found a neat bullshit-movie about D.I.D; "Split". Check it out. One of the 23 personalities has diabetes while the others dont. One of the personalities ends up becoming superhuman and shit