egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
<Sigma88> but I would probably have enjoyed it much more if I had more free time
<Sigma88> probably even more than ksp
<Greys> minecraft and KSP have a large amount of abstraction in goals, there's very little to even vaguely define what success is so you can really pick what ever you want and go
<Greys> factorio doesn't have that
<Supernovy> Launch Rocket.
<Greys> my favorite things to do in KSP all occur in atmosphere, launching rockets is tedius to me
<Greys> in factorio if you want to do anything you must collect resources; and you must collect so many resouces that you must automate; if you choose not to automate, you have chosen to not play the game
<Sigma88> I think Supernovy meant "launch rocket" as in "how you would win factorio"
<Greys> and once you have resources you need to process them, some things you 'can' hand craft but a lot of things you can't and also you hand craft very slowly, so if you want to do anything at all you will need an automated crafting facility
<Greys> of course that takes resource and design considerations
<Supernovy> I guess it's the win condition of both games.
<Greys> if you choose not to resign or build a crafting system, you yhave chosen not to play the game
<Greys> design*
<SilverFox> yeahhhhh boi
<Supernovy> bios bois
<Sigma88> Greys: I think that's the whole point of why ppl love factorio
<Greys> from there you enter into a loop of needing to craft bigger things faster, requiring you to obtain more resources, and requiring a larger and more effective crafting system
<Greys> you also need to deal with power which is not meaningfully different
<Greys> once I spent two weeks in minecraft building a fancy door
<Greys> once I livestreamed building a massive rover, then building a jumbo jet around it, flying that over to a mountain, and air dropping it via decoupling all the plane bits off of the rover
<Greys> the rover landed, and then exploded as soon as I tried to drive it
<Greys> the rover btw was a mobile kethane mining and refining operation
<Greys> you can do almost anything in KSP or minecraft
<Greys> you can only enlarge your mining and crafting systems in factorio
<Sigma88> I think factorio definitely attracts a different kind of playerbase
<Sigma88> the kind of people who likes "the codex of alchemical whatever it was called" and "spacechem"
<Sigma88> there was a guy who was making factorio videos which I really enjoyed
<Sigma88> mangledpork gaming something
<Sigma88> his railword series was really cool
<Greys> I just uninstalled factorio, I'm done with that
<Sigma88> probably a good idea
<Sigma88> no reason wasting time on a game if you don't enjoy it :D
<Supernovy> mangledpork is great
<Supernovy> Despite all that being true, Greys, I'm having more fun with factorio than KSP at the moment. Or minecraft.
<Greys> I had fun for about 20 hours, there was definitely a curve to that though
<Greys> I never finished any redesign of my crafting system because I just didn't give a fuck in the end
<SilverFox> so you ragequit factorio?
<Greys> apathyquit
<Greys> I drove a few kilometers north, got bored, dove into a big nest, none of it was fun
<Sigma88> hahaha, I posted a fake news on a forum and there are some users that completely fell for it
<Greys> you're a baaaad maan
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<Sigma88> to be honest, it was just a fake title
<Sigma88> plus a link that looked like a legit link, but that actually sent you here
<Sigma88> [QUOTE="OptimisticTexan, post: 2701223, member: 56496"]With Romo apparently going to Denver, Obie is probably happy that he has 2 of his big-armed QB's still on the roster. It just seems to me that O'Brien is going with the guys (Savage & Weeden) that know his system best for 2017. I'm good with this.[/QUOTE]
<Sigma88> damn
<kmath> YouTube - Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
<Sigma88> here ^
<waerloga> well there was the "new" starwars trailer
<Sigma88> didn't see that
<waerloga> eh, it was just a few seconds of star wars-type stuff followed by Rick
<Sigma88> ah
<waerloga> then someone photoshopped the @starwars account to say that jar jar was the big bad in the previous one
<Sigma88> any mention of jar jar should make you think of a joke
<Sigma88> regardless of the day
<SilverFox> jarjar was secretly apart of the sith lul
<Sigma88> there is a video about that iirc
<Sigma88> !g jar jar sith lord
<Qboid> Sigma88: [[Theory] Jar Jar Binks was a trained Force user, knowing Sith ...] (72400 results found, took 0.60s)
<Greys> somebody should manufacture tiny 2 part epoxy syringes; like how they make single use superglue tubes
<Greys> just like, 2~4 cubic centimeters of mixed epoxy; instead of 15~20 you get in the full size syringes
<Greys> wait a duck....
<Greys> at the end of season six episode The Changeling, there's a shot of Teal'c in the infirmary as the camera pulls back and music plays the episode out
<Greys> but on the wall behind Teal'c are two almost motivational style posters
<Greys> the one on the left depicts a C-130 Spectre launching it's flares in the angel formation, with the text "Attack!"
<Sigma88> give me a sec
<Sigma88> looking for the dvd :D
<Greys> the one on the rict depicts a B-52 style bomber releasing it's payload above the cloud layer
<Greys> with the text "Lethal!"
<Greys> right*
<Greys> wtf are either of these things doing in a secret underground military hospital?
<Sigma88> huh
<Sigma88> yes I saw it
<Greys> in other weirdness I got a roll of quarters today, and thirty five of them are brand new effigy mounds state quarters
<Greys> of the remaining five, 2 are eagles, and the other three are random state quarters
<Greys> to ebay~
<Sigma88> ah ha!
<Sigma88> so it was a roll of quarters!
<Sigma88> I knew you couldn't be so happy
<Sigma88> :)
<Greys> it's a weird roll of quarters
<Sigma88> do you collect quarters?
<Greys> I do not, but if I can sell these for more than a quarter each....
<Greys> .... wow
<Sigma88> wait, there's people buying money for more money?
<Sigma88> oh so it's a complete set?
<Greys> that one is yea
<Sigma88> 50 + 16 to get 12.5$ :D
<SilverFox> you obviously dont buy them for their monetary worth
<Sigma88> yes I got that, it's just weird to me that people would buy currently valid money for more money
<Greys> looks like there's no good chance of being able to sell these
<Greys> I want the desire to play minecraft again...
<Sigma88> I feel the same for modding ksp
<Sigma88> >_>
<Greys> I'm still mad at squad so I'm OK with not having that
<Sigma88> what did they do now?
<Greys> now, not so much
<Greys> some time last year they fired/let-go 11 developers
<Sigma88> well, what are you mad for?
<Sigma88> ah
<Greys> about half of whom I have considered friends at various times
<Sigma88> did those developer complain?
<Greys> well, kinda
<Greys> ~g ksp pdtv reddit
<Sigma88> I have no idea, I know nova likes to make a fuss about squad
<Greys> Nova is a fusser, but he's a nice guy
<Sigma88> but I haven't heard nkell complain
<Greys> he wouldn't, very professional
<Greys> and while Nova makes a fuss, he's ultimately harmless
<SilverFox> you can complain and be professional
<Greys> the real kerfuffle came from less respectable people, who by in large had left the team longer ago because of their own faults
<Greys> anyone remotely familiar with Squad's behavior prior to the exodus doesn't need a fuss to understand what happened
<Greys> I mean, I dispise Harvester, but even he got screwed
<Sigma88> I never followed the whole thing
<SilverFox> didn;'t he *make* KSP + KSP portion of Squad?
<Greys> yea KSP was harvester's side project, once he got it running he brought it to Squad and they gave him a team
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<SilverFox> yeah. when the *creator* gets screwed, you know shit went down
<Sigma88> I just cared about the fun I could have from the game honestly, it's not like people would care if I lost my job :)
<xShadowx> and half those devs who left squad still play ksp :)
<Greys> sure, and Harv is a dickfuck so I'm not exactly sad he got reassigned; but I like Mu, he's nice, and arguably until Squad's mass hire of modders Mu did nearly all of the really un-bad code in KSP
<SilverFox> Mu was a good fuckin lad
<Sigma88> are havester and mu really active in the community or do you know them from other places?
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<SilverFox> Mu used to be active here
<Greys> Mu used to be
<SilverFox> Harv, don't know if he ever been in this channel
<Greys> I think he used to idle here
<Greys> Harv dispised the concept of modders, we were an afront to his creation
<Sigma88> lol wut?
<Sigma88> ksp wouldn't have lasted a month without mods
<Sigma88> it's basically like working on a game with 1 feature but selling a game which has 10
<Sigma88> how could anyone be against that?
<Greys> it's called the authority of the author
<Greys> consider, the man who wrote and directed Neon Genesis Evangelion thinks that fans are stupid to read into it's story
<Greys> he publically mocks them saying the show is just a bunch of bullshit
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<kmath> YouTube - Does It Matter What Evangelion's Creator Says? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
<Greys> tldw, no, it doesn't
<Sigma88> this is a more greyarea
<xShadowx> Sigma88: a month? without mods it wouldnt have gained popularity to start that month lol
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<SilverFox> more like, a Greys area
<Sigma88> it depends on what the fans read into that
<Greys> it's gray in that you the viewer can choose to value the creator's opinion, however, there's no reason that you should or must
<darklight> Greys: Wat, I don't think harv really cared, I don't think he despised mods :P
<Greys> clearly we the modders of KSP, have choosen to not give a shit about Harv
<Sigma88> I meant in the reasons the author might have to go against the "misinterpretation" of his work
<darklight> And vice versa, we do our thing, he does his
<Sigma88> If an anime was misread as some kind of racist propaganda I would say the author has all the rights to dissent
<Greys> darklight, and then he decides to take some critical member that DMP needs, and moves it from public to sealed
<darklight> I already break the rules with reflection
<Sigma88> if someone is making free features for your game, even if those are crappy features, why would you complain?
<darklight> And they actually provided what I wanted, almost.
<Sigma88> as long as they don't put the game on a bad light
<Greys> Sigma88, sure, the author can do whatever they want; they do not however have a privleged reference frame in the work's interpretation
<darklight> They have a string<->confignode conversion
<darklight> But it doesn't match the config save into a file method
<Greys> I guarantee Mu did that
<Greys> or one of the other Mu-like-people
<darklight> Because it doesn't match, switching would make everything incompatible, so I decided to keep reflecting the private things
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<darklight> Although it is close enough that I could probably strip the first { and } mark
<Greys> Sigma88, and why would longnamegeki Ano harshly criticize fans of the thing he made for thinking it's great and deep
<Sigma88> I didn't see the whole video, and of course that sounds weird
<Sigma88> but usually when something so weird gets so much attention, I tend to think he did it for the clicks
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, can you translate a romanization for me?: "Kabedon"
<Sigma88> controversy helps business more than having a good product
<Sigma88> :D
<Greys> sure but, NGE was over a decade old
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: Context?
<Greys> NGE was already wildly successful
<Greys> a monument of quality in the industry
<SilverFox> uhhhhhhhhh
<SilverFox> it's an action?
<xShadowx> Sigma88: if you paint a picture, would you like someone to come back and paint things on top of it?
<Sigma88> would I receive more money if he did that?
<xShadowx> unknown, it could very well go both ways
<SilverFox> two girls talking about shit and then some guy comes in and the girls say "Kabedon"
<Greys> Sigma88, I don't understand the context of your question
<Greys> do you profit from NGE?
<Sigma88> Greys: I was replying to xShadowx
<Greys> oh, everybody has him on ignore because he's a hostile shithead
<Sigma88> lol
<darklight> Errr
<xShadowx> you're using hindsight to see mods improved things, which isnt always true, but isn't entirely the point - which is you create something, others coming by to change it would offend some people, even if it was an improvement
<Sigma88> usually mods are one of the arguments for PC gaming being better than console gaming
<xShadowx> hell you're prolly seen some modders go all anal about having their code touched
<Sigma88> also a rich modding scene is always considered a plus in game reviews
<Greys> by making the profitable lifespan of games longer yes
<xShadowx> sure, but depends on the mod and the game, you're heard of aim hack mods in FPS games lol
<Greys> it's only since minecraft that mods have shown to be an early-life success factor
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, I can't give much else, sorry, i didnt really see what was going on properly, as i dont know japanese or japanese culture
<Sigma88> xShadowx: those thend to be considered hacks
<Greys> ;wa when did minecraft
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> ;wa minecraft
<kmath> Greys: Minecraft (video game): release date-> November 17, 2011 (iOS) -> November 18, 2011 (Browser, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows) -> October 8, 2011 (Android) -> May 9, 2012 (Xbox 360) -> February 11, 2013 (Rasp -- this crap is too long.
<Greys> browser?
<SilverFox> yeah
<xShadowx> such labeling is applied to demonize them
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: I don't know what Kabe is supposed to mean
<SilverFox> so what's don?
<TheKosmonaut> Don usually means a bowl of rice
<xShadowx> but they are nonetheless just a mod
<Greys> ~g minecraft enters beta
<TheKosmonaut> Kaisendon=seafood over rice
<TheKosmonaut> Katsudon=fried cutlet over rice
<Greys> so alpha was probably 2009ish
<Sigma88> sure, but hating mods altogether is not the same as hating bad mods
<Greys> we're approaching a decade of minecraft...
<Sigma88> if you just blindly hate mods and want to ban them from your game, and your game is ksp, then you're just a bad businesman
<Greys> agreed
<Greys> which is why Harv was never willing/able to take it that far
<xShadowx> right, its just changing 'your vision of what the game should be'
<darklight> I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few that's ever had a mod banned
<darklight> BuildTheWall, places a wall on the western border of the KSC
<xShadowx> artists get butthurt at their creations being changed
<darklight> It lived on the forums for a whole 3 minutes
<darklight> And I blame the pro-kexican forum moderators :P
<Sigma88> xShadowx: mods don't necessarily change the vision. mods give the ability to change the game but still the bad changes they introduce can't be blamed on the game
<Sigma88> while the game can totally take credit for the good mods
<darklight> xShadowx: No?
<Greys> flowerchild's mods change the vision
<darklight> Different strokes for different folks
<Sigma88> since mods are free, and the game gets the money
<darklight> Everyone has their own vision as to what something should be
<Greys> and put on blinders, polarized sunglases, and ARG goggles that block vision of things flowerchild doesn't like
<xShadowx> wether the change is good or bad, some artists are just offended at their vision being changed from what thy want it to be
<darklight> Which is mostly why I tell people to fork dmp, so they have free reign of what they want to do. That, and someone who actually should play the game should be doing the modding :P
<Greys> should play the game?
<Greys> you shouldn't play the game?
<darklight> Greys: Flowerchild's "better than wolves" was completely incompatible with everything else iirc :P
<Greys> flowerchild todolist
<Greys> 1) break compatability
<Greys> 2) have an idea for a mod
<darklight> It's a bit harder to be incompatible in the KSP world though
<Greys> he still had active incompatability code
<Sigma88> I don't think you can compare harvester to flowerchild
<Greys> Sigma88, for background, flowerchild is the penultimate bad actor in minecraft modding, and came to KSP a few years ago, he came in this channel to pick some fights and Majiir shut him down so hard it was hilarious
<Sigma88> I knew he was a minecraft developer
<Sigma88> and I knew of BTSM
<Sigma88> I never liked the approach
<Greys> he's the largest minority factor to why Eloraam stopped developing RP2
<Sigma88> why is that?
<Greys> he likes to pick fights
<Sigma88> I thought BTSM was not usable with other mods
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<Sigma88> oh wait
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<Sigma88> rp stands for realistic progression I guess
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<Greys> would repeatedly accuse Eloraam of stealing features from BTW, even though they worked entirely different and his features were only nearly functional
<Greys> Red Power
<Sigma88> oh ok
<darklight> Greys: You know I don't actually have problems with people stealing ideas
<darklight> Ideas are worthless
<Greys> most people don't
<darklight> Implementations are not
<Sigma88> people tend to mix up the 2
<Greys> yea, don't steal code
<darklight> Just don't pull a roverdude :P
<Sigma88> well, time to sleep
<Greys> what did roverdo?
<SilverFox> same
<darklight> Reimplementing kethane was fine :P
<darklight> Claiming to be community friendly is also fine
<darklight> However, what you don't do, is fork mods and then complain that your mod has an unauthorised fork :P
<xShadowx> ? reimplimenting?
<xShadowx> making regolith?o.O
<darklight> And then claim to be community friendly :P
<darklight> I'm never gonna drop that crayon thread :P
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<Greys> I half remember this
<darklight> It was a long time ago
<SilverFox> i dont
<Greys> it may predate you
<Sigma88> darklight: was his fork authorised?
<darklight> Iirc he forked an open resource mod and built regolith on top of that?
<darklight> I might have gotten that part of the story wrong
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<xShadowx> regolith != kethane
<Greys> pretty sure regolith is original; he may have take up it's development
<darklight> xShadowx: Not that
<darklight> Regolith is original
<darklight> One sec
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<Sigma88> if he forked a mod that allowed modifications but then complained if someone modified a mod that did not allow modifications then I think he is fine
<Sigma88> other than that I would need to know the situation
<darklight> Sigma88: His whole point of implementing regolith is that kethane was not an open source mod
<Greys> if he forked and within the rights given by it's license made his fork more restricted; that's fine
<darklight> It's fine, but it's hypocritical :P
<Sigma88> I don't know the situation enough
<Greys> I thought his point was that kethane was not under current active development; and Rover likes to own the things he develops his mods around
<darklight> One sec, I need to refresh my memory a bit before I look like an idiot
<xShadowx> darklight: too late :P
<Sigma88> I have no interest in defending RD or attacking him for that matter
<Greys> kethane goes through developmental phases, Majiir's interest is waning
* darklight is now unsure if regolith is a fork of ORS or not
<darklight> Meh :P
<darklight> I'm probably a total idiot, you may ignore me
<Greys> isn't ORS just a big list of resource definitions?
<Sigma88> but I've seen a lot of people making shit changes to mods that just brought more complains to the author of the original mod
<darklight> But I guess the core at what I'm getting at is that karbonite marketed itself as a community friendly version of kethane and then he shit some bricks when someone forked to make it work on 64bit
<teabot> Karbonitea.
<Sigma88> think 64bit hack
<Sigma88> lol exactly
<Sigma88> that's not a fork
<darklight> I know I disagree with a lot of modders here, but I never disabled on 64bit, and I *never* saw a problem that wasn't directly my fault
<Greys> the 64bit thing was a major fiasco and you might be thinking of stupidchris
<darklight> I understand why modders did it, it was to pressure squad into stop releasing an even buggier game
<darklight> Greys: I know he disliked 64bit
<xShadowx> 64 bit was buggy, reason you dont see u4 games with 64bit
<darklight> And I think they might have actually quit over it
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<darklight> xShadowx: Yeah, but DMP was worse, and 32 still had the useless stack trace crashes :P
<xShadowx> thats on you ;p
<Sigma88> the problem with forking a mod that won't run in 64bit to make it run in 64bit, is that users will still bother the original author for your fork
<darklight> Then again DMP is pretty small (TM), and I probably could handle whatever was thrown at me
<darklight> Sigma88: I actually made a patcher that looked at gamedata and 64bit enabled *everything*
<Sigma88> which means RD had all the rights to complain (if this was the case)
<darklight> But never released it outside of a few testers
<darklight> It wasn't worth releasing was my main thing
<darklight> (as in people still prefered to simply run 32bit after trying 64)
<Greys> darklight, StupidChris locked real chutes out of win64; someone forked it with the lock removed, so he quit modding
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<darklight> Greys: The story goes further than that
<darklight> He removed his fork and released a patcher, which is what my autopatcher was based on
<darklight> (Except mine went further and plastered warnings all over the KSP log)
<Greys> I remember rover being a big deal in the win64 fiasco but I don't remember much more than that
<Sigma88> same as CKAN
<Sigma88> I think
<xShadowx> a lot of mods locked x64 out
<Greys> wasn't the big deal with ckan that they instituted a rehosting service that ignored licensure by default?
<Sigma88> the core concept is that when you make a mod, all complaints produced by your mod should be handled by you
<Sigma88> no
<darklight> It fucked installs sometimes
<Greys> so do users
<darklight> Metadata is not tested against zips
<Sigma88> the big deal with CKAN was that it messed up installations and devs didn't have the options to get their mods off of the platform
<darklight> And still isn't
<xShadowx> Sigma88: thats why i dont goto forums, good luck bitching at my stuff ;p
<darklight> I made something to help find errors
<darklight> But I never took it to a point where it could be integrated
<Sigma88> Greys: CKAN opens up the game to users that are too lazy to install manually
<Greys> which is fine
<Sigma88> those users usually do not know how to do a proper bug report
<Greys> but it seems to itself be lazy
<xShadowx> or dont have the skills at pc to do so
<darklight> Installing 400 mods manually is a major PITA :P
<xShadowx> first install not so much
<SilverFox> BACK IN MY DAY
<xShadowx> tracking updates, much more so
<SilverFox> we had to use zips
<Sigma88> I just don't think forcing CKAN on a mod dev is the right way to go
<Greys> back in my day there was no reason to install a large number of mods
<xShadowx> still surprised ksp doesnt have a zip loading mod yet :P
<darklight> Tbh I'm not sure why modders never had the advantages of what minecraft has, loading from zips
<Greys> I suspect there still isn't, and people like xcocksx just do it to make their boners feel significant
<SilverFox> nice one
<darklight> Greys: xShadowx is not a dick
<Greys> sure he is
<darklight> Silverfox is a lot more annoying than xShadowx and I haven't blocked silverfox :P
<xShadowx> lol hes still running his mouth behind ignore?
<SilverFox> nono, point is not annoyance
<xShadowx> what childish insult he make this time?
<Greys> SG1 should really have installed an inner slatted shield they could drop over the control room window; to provide more defense in the case of expected fire, while not eliminating the sight lines
<Greys> SGC*
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<SilverFox> "Politician says women should be forced to carry dead fetuses to term"
<SilverFox> why do we have uneducated people making laws
<grrrrb> wasn't that pence
<SilverFox> this is someone in iowa
<grrrrb> the vice president
<SilverFox> but I dont doubt at all it's pence
<SilverFox> that guys a fucktard
<grrrrb> eh, fucktard, might be a little underpowered
<grrrrb> whose the guy who was really running germany when hitler was an all the drugs?
<grrrrb> smizer?
<SilverFox> that fucker(tm)
<SilverFox> oh these fuckers went full bullshit retard too
<SilverFox> they amended that doctors will get charged with feticide, except in cases when the mother's life is in danger, or the life of any other fetus inside the womb
<SilverFox> they're attempting at being smart and caring
<SilverFox> it disgusts me
<grrrrb> btw SilverFox, did you ever look at
<grrrrb> you're running out of time
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> I asked you why and you never responded
<grrrrb> because it's april first and you like weather
<SilverFox> so it's an april fools joke about weather
<grrrrb> I would say it's a weather service in the form of an april fools joke
<SilverFox> it's a bunch of emojii?
<grrrrb> it's ascii art, but with emoji, depicting real weather
<grrrrb> and it zooms correctly
<grrrrb> (though at a certain point they start filling in bullshit emoji like cars and shit)
<grrrrb> this may be the future of how consumers get their weather
<SilverFox> It is a nice format
<grrrrb> who cares if it's warm or cold, is it smily face?
<SilverFox> indeed
<SilverFox> people relate to emojiis more than numbers nowadays
<grrrrb> not dissimilar to the ln temp scale
<SilverFox> so it's actually a good system
<grrrrb> doing my finances, it looks like (with a lot of unconfirmed variables) I might have almost 400$ unspent next pay check
<SilverFox> yanno, why can't there be jobs that you just go to, get paid, and then you can leave whenever without it looking bad on your end, like, you want to do a thing, like vacation, you get the job, get the money, then leave job to go on vacation, then maybe come back to the job again after
<grrrrb> day workers
<SilverFox> because you can't vacation when you have a regular job, like, 3 week vacation
<grrrrb> unfortunately day working only works for jobs that require zero to no training
<SilverFox> you mean like mcdonals and shit?
<grrrrb> usually more like laborer, at a construction site or maybe a warehouse
<grrrrb> lift this, put it there; that kind of work
<SilverFox> ahhh
<grrrrb> yanno the stereotype of a guy who needs to build a house going to the home depot in the poor end of town witha trick, and there's just a bunch of mexicans leaning against the wall, five jump in the truck and they go build a house
<SilverFox> no but that's fuckin awesome
<grrrrb> they're usually illegal immigrants so it's actually abusive
<SilverFox> it is abusive
<grrrrb> not uncomon for each guy to get paid 20$ for the day
<SilverFox> yeah because what are tehy gonna do? bitch to the labor board?
<grrrrb> so, funny story, my work is about a mile away, but part of the job is driving down the street and back three times; just mapped it out, 4.4 miles per day
<grrrrb> 44 miles per pay period, down from 80 miles per day
<grrrrb> so I need about 6 gallons to get through the next pay check; 15$, sweet
<SilverFox> sounds like everythings coming up bums and roses for ya
<grrrrb> and if/when I get a new vehicle it will guaranteed have double the fuel economy, if not more
<grrrrb> it wouldn't be too hard to get that down to a gallon and a half per two weeks
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<SilverFox> "This Chinese boy band doesn't have a single boy in it"
<SilverFox> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<SilverFox> "Who says you have to be a boy to be in a boy band?"
<grrrrb> china mostly
<grrrrb> they have pretty old sensibilities about gender roles
<grrrrb> how big of an explosion at 100km altitude would you need for it to be audible at sea level
<SilverFox> ~wa atmospheric pressure at 100km altitude
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: altitude | 100 km (kilometers) | barometric pressure: 3.2×10^-4 mbar (millibars)
<SilverFox> yeahhhhh that's uhhh
<grrrrb> hella splosion?
<SilverFox> not a lot of bars
<grrrrb> we can presume that whatever it is exploding will release a volume of gas
<SilverFox> 0.00032mB at 100km altitude
<SilverFox> ~wa atmospheric pressure asl
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: atm (atmosphere): 1 atm | 760 torr
<grrrrb> does an expanding ball of gas in a vacuum lose pressure at a cube factor?
<SilverFox> probably
<grrrrb> I don't think a hatak would create all that much gas
<SilverFox> ~wa atmospheric pressure asl in millibar
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: mbar (millibar) (atmospheric pressure): 1 mbar | 1000 µbar (microbars)
<SilverFox> *sigh*
<SilverFox> ~wa atmospheric pressure asl to millibar
<grrrrb> it's a 4 sided pyramid roughly 200m in base width, roughly 70% of which is 1atm
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: mbar (millibar) (atmospheric pressure): 1 mbar | 1000 µbar (microbars)
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> wow
<grrrrb> ;wa 1atm to millibar
<kmath> grrrrb: convert 1 atm (atmosphere) to millibars: 1013 mbar (millibars)
<SilverFox> false
<SilverFox> it is 1013.25
<SilverFox> a mbar is basically a hectoPascal, or whatever the fuck that p one was
<grrrrb> pascal yes
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> ~wa 1mbar to Pa
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: convert 1 mbar (millibar) to pascals: 100 Pa (pascals)
<SilverFox> ~wa 1mbar to hPa
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: convert 1 mbar (millibar) to hectopascals: 1 hPa (hectopascal)
<SilverFox> yup
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
<grrrrb> ;wa volume of a 100m sphere to kL
<kmath> grrrrb: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<grrrrb> ;wa volume of a 100m sphere to kilolitres
<kmath> grrrrb: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<grrrrb> ;wa volume of a 100m radius sphere to kilolitres
<kmath> grrrrb: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<grrrrb> I think wolfram might be engineered to exist as a VR experience wherein you're presented with a possibility space as actual space representing wolfram's understanding
<grrrrb> which is why interacting with it in any lesser space is suuuuuper frustrating
<SilverFox> well, you cant do volume without density
<grrrrb> you're wrong.... try again
<grrrrb> ;wa 1 cubic meter to liters
<kmath> grrrrb: convert 1 m^3 (cubic meter) to liters: 1000 L (liters)
<grrrrb> tada
<grrrrb> volume * density = mass
<SilverFox> ah
<grrrrb> I'm gonna go to walmart cuz
<SilverFox> go on
<grrrrb> I will
<SilverFox> ~wa volume of a sphere with radius 100m
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: sphere | radius 100 meters | volume: (4000000 π)/3 m^3 (cubic meters)≈4.18879×10^6 m^3 (cubic meters)
<SilverFox> multiply by 1000 and they ye go
<SilverFox> so that number x10^9 m^3 me thinks
<grrrrb> yanno what I wish
<grrrrb> I wish that in second grade the america school system had made sure I was really good at scientific notation
<grrrrb> I have never interacted with scientific notation without a huge quantity of doubt, and yet it's super useful
<SilverFox> yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh not a second grade thing
<grrrrb> it's counting in multiples of ten
<SilverFox> also it's not hard
<SilverFox> yeah but there is other shit the children need to be doing in that time
<SilverFox> like yanno, learning to read
<grrrrb> guess what I did in second grade
<SilverFox> grammar
<SilverFox> ate glue
<grrrrb> raised butterflies
<SilverFox> and wore a dunce cap
<SilverFox> caring and responsibilities
<grrrrb> definitely not that
<SilverFox> TIL there's a giant fuckparty for lesbians called Dinah Shore Weekend
<darklight> I bet the standard fuckparty is better
<SilverFox> "Pregnancy and Women, the Q&A" "Q: Should I have a baby after 35?" "A: No, 35 children is enough"
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<grrrrb> well, if your first birth was 14 babies, and your second was 8, 35 wouldn't be that hard
<SilverFox> okay well, 14 babies would mean at least 8 are going to die
<SilverFox> maybe more
<SilverFox> triplets pose threats to eachother
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<SilverFox> "Q: I'm 2 months pregnant now. When will my baby move?" "A:With any luck, right after he finishes college"
<SilverFox> "Q:What is the most reliable method to determine baby's sex?" "A: Childbirth"
<SilverFox> "is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?" "Yes, pregnancy"
<grrrrb> that's just true...
<SilverFox> "If you're already late, take your time, you can't be late twice"
<SilverFox> "You can't be broke if you don't check your bank account"
FoxBot9000 has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
<grrrrb> neither of those are true
<grrrrb> poof
grrrrb has quit []
<SilverFox> foxbot wtf
<SilverFox> how did my bot die but my bouncer didnt
<SilverFox> wtf is going on
<darklight> Maybe it is not using the bouncer?
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<SilverFox> bouncer and bot are running on the same pi
<SilverFox> "The death toll in Haiti from Hurricane Matthew is 339. That's what environmental racism looks like. #BlackLivesMatter"
<darklight> SilverFox: Yes, I am well aware there are some idiots in the BLM movement
<darklight> A group of white BLM members chained themselves to a runway even though there has only been like 4 black people shot by police in like the last 10 years or something like that in the UK, that was my peak lulz
<darklight> Either that or the black power chant
<SilverFox> holy mother of fuck
<SilverFox> I thought german was special for combining words a lot
<SilverFox> I just witnessed a holy grail in word combination
<SilverFox> 어디보는지몰라
<SilverFox> to not know where to look
<SilverFox> 어디 where, 보 to look, 몰라 to not know
<SilverFox> okay wtf "Students replace bisexual with Bi+ to include people who aren't sexually attracted to men and women"
<SilverFox> no, fuck off
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<G-Mobile> Walmart is fairly entertaining
<SilverFox> im talking with a friend from korea and she says "'ll happen tonight" and I replied with a picture of outside my house and "lul"
<G-Mobile> You dumb
<SilverFox> naw its a joke
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<G-Mobile> Still dumb
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<Greys> wtf
<Greys> windows you slut
<Greys> windows 7's solitare doesn't do the bouncing cards thing
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<aetios_> hey you brilliant buncha bellends
<aetios_> it seems that I am in here on my bouncer too
<Greys> that's what your ass said
<aetios_> but I'm tooooo lazy to configure irssi
<aetios_> Greys still here, I see
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<Greys> why would anyone be anywhere else
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<VITAS> The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
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<darklight> VITAS: People still win the darwin award *with* the safety labels :P
<VITAS> yes but maby there would be no trump if there wouldnt be safty lables
<VITAS> but then again: hes a prime example for the person who ignores them
<darklight> I kinda like trump
<darklight> Mainly because he is a human and not lizard alien, but he is making a reasonable effort to do the things he said he would, so *shrugs*
<VITAS> thats the part i dont understand and wouldnt have expected about you
<VITAS> yes i give him credit for actuly wanting to make his wild claims happen
<darklight> It's more that he has an actual vision and ideas of what needs changing, rather thing going "look at how shit the other guy is"
<VITAS> problem is: his wild claims scare me
<darklight> Although he's definitely made blunders
<darklight> I also do like his beef with the media
<VITAS> i think hes an idiot but one who isnt used to be told "you cant do that"
<darklight> Which is why he is doing things it seems :P
<darklight> Tbh I don't really follow trump *now*
<darklight> But I do like watching sean spicer and the press's dumb questions
<darklight> "BUT MUH RUSSIA" is the most annoying one
<VITAS> i only read "TrumpRegrets" on twitter from time to time
<icefire> narrated president is a good one
<darklight> I follow trump on twitter but stopped looking at twitter
<icefire> I'm afraid twitters algorithms will take me following trump as a sign to suggestion a bunch of white nationalist garbage tweets to me
<darklight> icefire: Yeah I've actually dug into those people though out of a curiousity. I'm not an ethno-nationalist.
<darklight> Which is essentially what everyone who is what I would call actually racist seems to want
<darklight> Those songs though, damn
<darklight> Lots of edge
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<darklight> Some of them are quite humorous though ;)
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<darklight> Wat
<VITAS> because data=money
<darklight> We already have GPS trackers in everyones pocket, do we need to know their heart rate too? :P
<teabot> Ratea.
<darklight> /kick teabot
<Thomas> !tea
<Thomas> !channel -serious:false
<Thomas> !tea
<Qboid> teabot: verticillasters
<teabot> Verticillastears.
<Thomas> !channel -serious:true
<Glass|phone> so chinese girl is going to, well, china
<darklight> Boooo, tiawan is real china
<Glass|phone> taiwan isn't even in the top 1 of most populated countried
<Glass|phone> *countries
<darklight> Also maybe I should build not this, but a close version of this:
<kmath> YouTube - World's Largest Race Drone | Flite Test
* VITAS doesnt have any gps tracker in his pocket
<aetios_> I turned off my gps on my phone weeks back
<aetios_> not that it matters.
<VITAS> my phone doesnt understand the concept of gps or the inet and i always forget to take it with me
<aetios_> dumbphone?\
<VITAS> it matters to you, your data and your battery
<VITAS> phone phone :D
<Thomas> Nokia 3310? :P
<darklight> I like the utility of a smart phone :P
<VITAS> LG something 15€
<aetios_> yeah what darklight said
<aetios_> I'd love to ditch it but the utilities are too nice
<aetios_> the spying isn't, though
<darklight> To be fair, I kind of *don't care*
<aetios_> ree
<darklight> If they want to read the pony stories I read, whatever
<darklight> I don't give a fuck there :p
<VITAS> ive some s4 but it has no sim card, is in flight mode and i only use it to listen to podcasts and make photos
<darklight> Wifi works on flight mode?
<aetios_> no
<darklight> Ah, I think it does
<VITAS> darklight, you should know that its not about some human reading your pony storys
<VITAS> yes it does if you enable it
<aetios_> but podcasts can be, you know, put on your phone
<aetios_> but yeah what VITAS said
<darklight> I don't mind targeted advertising because I've never brought anything advertised to me
<teabot> Targetead.
<VITAS> i enable wifi at home sync my podcasts and then turn off wifi
<darklight> Although after I brought plane parts from bangood it tried its hardest to push the she wee
<teabot> Aftear.
<darklight> I'm unsure why
<darklight> I am definitely not female
<aetios_> darklight: what if people sell your data to insurance companies though
<aetios_> shit like that
<VITAS> but youre in tune with your female side?
<darklight> VITAS: Maybe?
<VITAS> see
<aetios_> that reminds me, I want to set up a mail server on my VPS
<VITAS> may i suggest iredmail?
<VITAS> and also: dont it will drive you insane
<aetios_> as long as it's unix based I'm open to suggestions
<VITAS> its linux based
<aetios_> good
<VITAS> consists of roundcube, courier, postfix, openldap,sogo
<aetios_> I don't need a web interface
<VITAS> it does all the cfg foo for you
<darklight> I've done a pure courier setup
<darklight> But then realised that my ISP doesn't allow me to receive or send emails
<darklight> No wait, it can with an option, *but*
<aetios_> what a bunch of cucks
<aetios_> ^that goes for almost any isp
<darklight> Because I'm residential address, I get blacklisted :P
<VITAS> and ive iredmail with asspv2 and am in contact with google and ms to exchange blacklists
<darklight> Lots of people use spamhaus
<VITAS> vpn?
<aetios_> no
<aetios_> a blacklist manager thing
<VITAS> would be an option get another ip
<VITAS> i know spamhaus
<aetios_> oh nvm
<darklight> I just use gmail anyway :p
<aetios_> idk I like gmail but I dont
<aetios_> if you know what I mean
<darklight> Yeah
<aetios_> I wish I could be blissfully unaware of all this tbh
<darklight> The worlds largest advertising company knows who emails me (nobody, apart from ebay and banggood)
<aetios_> but I'm redpilled for life
<darklight> And all the videos I watch
<VITAS> i get emails if someone clicks on "is spam" for my mails in their gmail or hotmail account
<VITAS> i wish i was dumber or simply more ignorant
<aetios_> VITAS: me_irl
<darklight> Na
<darklight> You can be aware
<VITAS> but yap i sometime shate that i was raised to question things
<darklight> But just weigh it up
<darklight> Does it *really* matter? :P
<aetios_> yes
<aetios_> yes, it does
<darklight> If I cared I wouldn't use my real name everywhere
<aetios_> it's not about those little things
<aetios_> my name's all over the internet
<aetios_> but I *decided* to put it there
<darklight> That's the biggest thing that can come back to bite you in the right situation :P
<darklight> Although I'm not worried about people rocking up in the middle of nowhere :P
<darklight> And what would they do? :P
<VITAS> i think the way data and the inet is used today is scarier than nukes
<aetios_> mmmhm
<aetios_> vitas you could be my representative
<aetios_> lol
<VITAS> thats all you need to know :D
<darklight> VITAS: Yeah but it has also has given birth to kekistan and they've played real life capture-the-flag and won twice
<VITAS> i love the inet
<VITAS> in fact im an early adopter
<darklight> "Weaponised autism" :)
<aetios_> darklight: and it has also been a medium to spread fake news and shit and look where america's at now
<VITAS> and thats why im so aware of the things that changed
<darklight> aetios_: Which type of fake news? Fake news as in the onion or fake news as in CNN?
<VITAS> i feel like some native thats overrun by some sort of weponized circus
<aetios_> Fake news, as in specialized companies that make real-looking news
<aetios_> Not the onion, not CNN
<darklight> I've seen some cockups by youtubers
<VITAS> but i guess "weaponized circus" is the same as "business" and "politics"
<aetios_> the onion is satire, CNN is just a traditional news outlet - albeit very biased
<darklight> But I don't think I've seen that type of fake news
<aetios_> trump is blaming trad media
<darklight> Keep in mind I don't use facebook
<aetios_> yeah that's the reason you don't see it
<aetios_> I don't use snoopbook either
<darklight> aetios_: To be fair, there is a case to be made to call traditional media fake news :P
<VITAS> i use face books: in your face book
<aetios_> VITAS: does ccc have a mailing list somewhere
<VITAS> multiple
<VITAS> it has its own irc net
<VITAS> called hackint
<aetios_> i'm gonna keep an eye on this site
<VITAS> its europes largest hacker / nerd club
<aetios_> I'm starting a hacking course in a few months
<darklight> aetios_: Is it in russia? :P
<VITAS> its more hacking in the classical sense
<aetios_> I see
<VITAS> "creative solutions for problems"
<VITAS> but yes its computer heavy
<aetios_> they're surveillance aware and I rike dat
<VITAS> im surprised you never heared about them
<aetios_> sometimes I live under a massive granite roof
<VITAS> it exists since 1981 and also heavily influenced the US hacker scene
<VITAS> we have our own meetup every year (like defcon but we kick out any state representitive)
<darklight> aetios_: You live under a granite roof? I live in a cave sometimes...
<aetios_> well that's what I meant
<VITAS> yes a cave where the loss of inet is your major problem
<darklight> I'm doing ok with my raspberry pi
<darklight> Just
<VITAS> lol
<darklight> My inverter is only 300W, so I can't run the compuiter. And the generator is running 2 fridges already :(
<VITAS> do you get nervous if you dont have inet acc for a few days?
<VITAS> inverter from -> to?
<VITAS> task: build a way to directly power your computer via 12v
<VITAS> you could run your computer using solar panels and batteries
<aetios_> reee iredmail is not available for arch
<VITAS> or just get a laptop
<VITAS> uhm ok
<aetios_> now I have to perform effort
<VITAS> im using ubuntu lts or debian
<VITAS> yes
<Thomas> aetios_: I would say that nothing that makes it easier for you is available for arch :P
<VITAS> but since youre not interreste din web foo and so on ...
<VITAS> the hard thing is keeping spam out and not beeing flagged as spam server
<aetios_> Thomas: I'd probably have to agree with that :P
<VITAS> also hi Thomas
<aetios_> also
<aetios_> s/perform/make an/
<Qboid> aetios_ meant to say: now I have to make an effort
<VITAS> i need space
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<aetios_> good, regex bots still in here
<VITAS> i want to build my RC disability scooter thingy!
<VITAS> i can afford it now
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<darklight> I use my multi-charger thing on my headset, I bumped the inverter terminals
<darklight> Because it's only aligator clipped onto the battery :P
<VITAS> dont play with your lifeline!
<darklight> My headset was flat, I put 500mah in it (it has 2 500mah drone batteries)
<darklight> Got a lot longer life out of it, now that it is years old
* VITAS likes cables
<aetios_> same
<darklight> I have wireless everything
<VITAS> at least for stuff on my computer
<aetios_> my grado sr80e doesn't run out of battery, ever
<VITAS> ive wired everything
<VITAS> and i hate esports!
<teabot> Hatea.
<VITAS> i want a new mecanical keyboard
<aetios_> what do you have atm, vitas
<aetios_> I have a cooler master masterkeys pro m
<aetios_> pretty neat 85% board
<darklight> I only have wireless because I generally either watch youtube and I like the remote controls :)
<VITAS> now that esports is a thing pricces went up from 30 euro to over 80
<aetios_> cherry mx brown switches
<VITAS> ive some random dell keyboard but with chipcard reader
<VITAS> i want some generic full size keyboard with mx blue
<darklight> I've seen keyboards sell for like $150-$200
<VITAS> yes
<darklight> And I don't understand why :-/
<VITAS> its insane
<VITAS> because its hip
<darklight> My keyboard and mouse combo was $40 :P
<darklight> It's nice and clacky
<aetios_> yeah but it
<aetios_> is* it mechanical
<VITAS> i used an ibm model M till 2011
<darklight> Oh I mean they pay an extra 100 dollars for the clacky
<VITAS> then i bought a new computer and all thos adapters i need didnt work
<darklight> This is essentially a laptop keyboard
<aetios_> I can't stand membrane keyboards anymore ever since I got a mechanical keyboard lol
<darklight> And instead of dropouts missing keys, this keyboard repeats them
<darklight> Which is why you see thiss
<aetios_> ew, a lo profile keyboard?
<darklight> Yeah
<aetios_> much travel
<aetios_> muh*
<darklight> I hated them for a long time and still do
<VITAS> im not paying for the sound i want mechanical switches because i can type better
<darklight> But I can type on them
<aetios_> same here
<aetios_> membrane keyboards just are so inconsistent
<darklight> I had a g15, it was fine
<darklight> Which is membrane
<darklight> Actually I still have it
<aetios_> the g15 is pretty good
<VITAS> i simply want a cherry G80-3000
<VITAS> nothing fancy
<darklight> It's just a normal full travel membrane keyboard
<VITAS> but its 86 euros or something liek that
<darklight> With lights! which only helps a tiny bit for typing numbers in the dark
<VITAS> for a beige office keyboard
<VITAS> im happy that my laptop has a lit keyboard
<darklight> I was nearly tempted to get the das keyboard one with no letters
<VITAS> but my desktop doesnt need to
<darklight> But that would have been silly
<aetios_> VITAS: maybe this is somethin' for you
<VITAS> if its dark i switch on my lights
<VITAS> price?
<aetios_> it's about 100 bucks
<darklight> I can touch type just fine, except numbers
<VITAS> wow!
<VITAS> so why should i pay even more?
<aetios_> s/pro-m/pro-m-white
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<aetios_> VITAS: you don't, paying more doesn't really get you anything
<aetios_> it's still just a typing plank
<aetios_> but more will only get you gaymurrrrrr'd's features
<VITAS> i want the G80 or something close to it
<VITAS> and i cant understand why its 90 € and not 30€ like it was 2 years ago
<aetios_> vitas: the masterkeys has media control if that's your thing
<VITAS> no
<darklight> Maybe not made anymore?
<VITAS> it is
<aetios_> wait, what, I don't think the g80 was 30 bucks in 2015
<VITAS> and its the cheapest keyboard meeting my specs i can find
<darklight> Maybe brexit brought market instability and the price of clicky switches went up 2x
<darklight> :P
<aetios_> huh, I see
<VITAS> cherry is german
<aetios_> wtf
<aetios_> I know
<VITAS> wtf is exactly what i think
<darklight> Capitalism :P
<aetios_> I mean
<VITAS> esports!
<darklight> Let the keyboard workers unite!
<aetios_> Nah,esports are not the reason I don't think
<aetios_> esports were huge long before 2015
<darklight> *yuge
<VITAS> yes but its a bunch of idiots
<aetios_> I'd rather blame razer
<VITAS> so maybe they didnt know about good hw
<darklight> I think a LoL tournament filled a stadium and people got very very depressed
<icefire> companies learned how to exploit the gamer market
<darklight> "Gamer"
<VITAS> aka companies learnd how to exploit wannebe nerds that spend their time playing because they dont know how to code :P
<icefire> wat
<darklight> Coders also like clacky keyboards
<aetios_> nah
<VITAS> thats why i want my clacky keyboard!
<aetios_> coders want good typing
<darklight> Unless you're coding at starbucks
<aetios_> not 'clacky'
<darklight> As is hip to do
<VITAS> i want haptic and clacky
<VITAS> thats why i want mx blue
<darklight> A keyboard with a vibrator motor?
<VITAS> because unicomp doesnt make model M replicas with german layout
<aetios_> unicomp's pretty cool, I looked into those boards
<darklight> They are the antique hipster keyboards :P
<darklight> Have they upgraded from PS/2 yet?
<aetios_> yes
<aetios_> they're usb na
<aetios_> p
<VITAS> yes and the old model M dont have windows keys and more problematic come with DIN jacks
<darklight> And for fucks sake why do computers still come with a PS/2 port
<darklight> Just put another 2 damn usb ports in
<VITAS> because you can connect your model M
<aetios_> because ps/2 ports can be useful
<VITAS> and mine didnt
<darklight> *how*
<VITAS> Model M!
<darklight> Surely ps2<->usb adaptors exist :P
<aetios_> not without significant input lag
<darklight> "significant"
<darklight> What's USB's poll time?
<aetios_> there are some transparent adapters but those are for mice that have a ps/2 connector and USB firmware builtin
<aetios_> USB poll time can be 1ms
<darklight> I'm willing to bet it's under a frame
<aetios_> but ps2/usb adapters for keyboards need to process the signal
<darklight> Or you can buy a USB keyboard
<darklight> It's the current year + 2 after all
<VITAS> i just want something good to type on
<VITAS> :(
<darklight> You're not one of those gentoo people are you? :P
<aetios_> I mean, I once un-froze my pc with a ps2 keyboard
<aetios_> darklight: na but I run arch so that's only a step below
<darklight> Arch is acceptable
<darklight> But pacman had non-consentual sex with my computer and I decided to go back to debian
<aetios_> I don't really see the point of gentoo and my internet speed is too low to wait for all the packages to download
<aetios_> the sources, I mean
<darklight> I use debian unstable which isn't too far off arch ;)
<aetios_> what kernel's debian on
<aetios_> I'm currently downloading 4.10.6-1-x86_64
<darklight> Since the last time I updated, 4.9.2
<aetios_> >not daily updates :'(
<darklight> I'm on an internet quota
<aetios_> hey darklight humour me, what version's your nano on
<aetios_> :p
<darklight> >nano
<aetios_> I use nano as my main editor
<darklight> brb, gotta fill generator
* VITAS uses joe because nano tends to delete the line hes in when he saves
<aetios_> That's really odd, I never had that
<VITAS> i alaways have that
<aetios_> maybe it's because ubuntu and debian have such ancient nano versions
<aetios_> it's updated like every month
<VITAS> maybe
<VITAS> but np i usualy install joe imidiatly and if its not ther ei can rememebr the nano thing
<VITAS> as long as i dont have to use vi
<VITAS> i hate it
<teabot> Hatea.
<aetios_> I'll check out joe
<VITAS> its basicly nano with some twists
<aetios_> oh right I saw that some time back
<VITAS> i could even tell you why its better than nano apart from my problem above
<aetios_> doesn't it have a richtext mod
<aetios_> e
<VITAS> it does have syntax highlighting
<aetios_> so does nano
<VITAS> see
<VITAS> just different
<VITAS> and not even that
<aetios_> wait, let me install it
<aetios_> mode-less editing <3
<VITAS> :)
<aetios_> ^K is cancer though
<aetios_> wew
<darklight> Back
<darklight> When it coughs it's time to fill it up :P
<darklight> I use vim
<darklight> vi is shitty
<VITAS> i usualy imidiatly install "joe mc nmap tcpdump screen"
<darklight> vim isn't *as* bad
<aetios_> VITAS: not tmux
<aetios_> boo
<VITAS> i only use vi &vim if i have to (e.g. embeded sys)
<darklight> I use screen too
<VITAS> socker
<VITAS> docker
<darklight> HISSSSSS
<VITAS> just want to trigger darklight
<aetios_> ok I'm prooobably converted, VITAS
<VITAS> ok
<darklight> Docker is a scheme by clever marketers
<VITAS> what did you find that converted you?
<VITAS> tell that to my boss
<aetios_> heh
<aetios_> I don't know something appeals to me
<aetios_> but I'm not entirely sure what
<VITAS> he has a doctor in chemistry and keeps telling me what to deploy based on busswords he picked up over the day
<aetios_> haha
<VITAS> aetios_ so like me
<aetios_> do you have a recommended rebind for ^K though
<VITAS> no i use it as is
<darklight> vim?
<aetios_> no, joe
<VITAS> no joe
<darklight> I mean vim might be the recommended rebind :P
<SilverFox> teabot: Boston?
<teabot> No tea.
<aetios_> no fuck you
<aetios_> I tried vim
<aetios_> I don't like
<VITAS> its the texteditor that isnt better than nano but somehow is
<aetios_> yeah that
<aetios_> haha
<aetios_> ugh, I'm way out of date
<aetios_> like
<aetios_> oh
<aetios_> wait
<aetios_> i'm on 4.4.1
<VITAS> ok...
<VITAS> 3001?
<darklight> Of course you are, you are running irsssi
<aetios_> weechat nerd
<aetios_> ?
<darklight> Konversation :P
<aetios_> EW
<darklight> It's a nice clean client that Just Works (TM)
<aetios_> irssi Just Works (TM) and is terminal based
<darklight> And seeing as KDE is my normal desktop...
<aetios_> so I can have it next to my other stuff
<darklight> Although atm I have to run lxde
<darklight> Because ppi
* darklight is too lazy to fix
<aetios_> see that's why you get a mechanical board
<kmath> YouTube - The Best Tree House Ever
<darklight> *wired
<SilverFox> or you just make sure it has good batteries
<aetios_> the music annoys me
<aetios_> lol
<darklight> It's a signal problem
<darklight> Because the wireless headset trasmitter is right next to it
<darklight> And I am too lazy to get my extension
<darklight> Actually screw it, I will get it
<darklight> That should be better
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<darklight> Wow, I knew australia was technologically incompetent
<darklight> But I didn't think they were *that* incompetent
<darklight> kek
<darklight> >sets dns to
<darklight> Thanks google!
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* darklight was listening to a random stream
<darklight> Also don't carrier protection laws kinda apply here?
<Sigma88> what about cyberbullying ?
<Sigma88> isn't that the same?
<darklight> tylerthecreator.jpg
<Sigma88> also who decides what hate speech is? does vegans saying meat eaters should die count as hate speech?
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<darklight> There is the pic :P
<darklight> I don't think you cure bigotry by making it illegal
<darklight> And it's kinda rediculous to fine a company for its users :P
<VITAS> Sigma88 depends on the country
<Sigma88> which of the things I said ?
<VITAS> do wish someone should die and voicing that surely allready is illigal in most countries
<VITAS> does vegans saying meat eaters should die count as hate speech?
<Sigma88> ok
<darklight> VITAS: That's the thing, hate speech is subjective :P
<VITAS> might be
<Sigma88> so internet sites that make death threats could be closed?
<VITAS> i find the whole hate speach debate funny
<darklight> We are talking individuals on facebook that say "kys" under something stupid
<VITAS> i dont think any inet site should be closed by any goverment
<Sigma88> should and could are different :D
<VITAS> but i ingerneral think that the inet isnt inside the therretory of any country
<darklight> Tbh I'm kinda of the opinion that hate speech laws and hell, even libel and slander laws should be repealed
<darklight> If the media does it, who gives a shit
<darklight> Lol
<darklight> (Referencing the wall street journal calling pewdiepie a nazi)
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<darklight> (I mostly joke)
<VITAS> might the problem be, that someone tries to control propaganda without restricting his own?
<darklight> But if the laws are going to be there, it *must* be clearly defined
<darklight> The conservatives here are having fun with a part of the racial discrimination act because is has the word "offend" in it
<VITAS> %/
<darklight> Oh - and this all come about because someone commented on facebook "So we are fighting racial discrimination with racial discrimination" because he was kicked out of an aboriginal computing room or something in a university
<darklight> And instead of instantly getting thrown out of court it went through the process
<darklight> We probably want the line somewhere closer to this:
<kmath> YouTube - SOME KAYAKS - Sven.
<darklight> It's not as if this shit doesn't exist :P
<darklight> But getting caught up over a simple joke...
* darklight shakes head
<darklight> This is probably the worst one that comes to mind really
<Sigma88> oh god
<darklight> Look at the comments
<Sigma88> that's not how you are supposed to do racist jokes
<darklight> This is what happens when you force people underground
<Sigma88> >_>
<darklight> Given that these people are part of TRS, I kiiiiinda doubt they are joking
<Sigma88> trs?
<Sigma88> !g trs
<Qboid> Sigma88: [Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)] (2840000 results found, took 0.64s)
<darklight> the right stuff
<darklight> Dalek used to link it
<Sigma88> is that some kind of neo-nazi thing
<Sigma88> ?
<darklight> I'm unfamiliar with it - but I've checked out some figureheads
<darklight> They are all the same, white ethno nationalists
<darklight> Basically, they see the west under attack, and western culture = white culture to them
<darklight> That's the jist of a "neo-nazi" :P
<Sigma88> well, there seem to be an attack to be fair
<Sigma88> not from israel tho
<darklight> Yeah, I'm not quite sure why they are still hung up on israel
<darklight> To be fair, I don't think it would be unreasonable for a ethno-nationalist to support the concept of israel, given that is kinda you know, that.
<darklight> :P
<darklight> I don't have an opinion on it, I have mentioned it's on the wrong side of turkey, but whatever :P
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<darklight> (No, there is no science here)
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<xShadowx> darklight: nothing to do with science, its just the same direction a colored paint effecting mood
<Sigma88> are those marble toys?
<Sigma88> the rose bud looks very dangerous
<Djohaal> darklight, oh god
<Djohaal> well.. isn't the first dildo in recorded history made of soapstone?
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<RandomJeb> "made from 100% pure crystal that bring a sense of sacredness to your playtime"
<RandomJeb> purity crystals make the best sex toys
<RandomJeb> deliciously degenerate
<SilverFox> who the fuck is bringing in sex toys and it's not me
<SilverFox> who you think you are
<darklight> Lol
<darklight> Was afk
<darklight> But yeah, saw it on a youtube video, laughed, moved on :P
<Sigma88> do you feel violated?
<darklight> Only in the sense that people think healing crystals exist
<Sigma88> well
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<Sigma88> of all the way a crystal could be healing
<darklight> I suppose they could be used to improve the gene pool
<Sigma88> I'd say making it into an adult toy is the most promising one
<darklight> By firing it at people at supersonic speeds
<darklight> Ha
<Sigma88> it's supposed to be good for your health
<darklight> What's even more amusing to me is the concept of chakra's, because I remember a video on spirit science, and to this day I had tried to convince egg to watch it.
<darklight> LIGHT IS A SOLID
<darklight> Sigma88: Yeah, which is why silverfox is really healthy
<SilverFox> pffffffft
<Sigma88> good for him/her
<darklight> :P
<SilverFox> I just eat lots of orangis
* darklight switches to mobile
<RandomJeb> spirit science is the best science
<RandomJeb> <3 spirit science
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<Sigma88> spirit as in alcohol
<Sigma88> ?
<RandomJeb> no
<RandomJeb> as in life force bioenergy chakra magyck
<RandomJeb> I recommend starting with episode one and watching until you absolutely have to deal with the blood leaking out of your orifices
<Sigma88> I thought you were supposed to start with episode IV
<Sigma88> :D
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<RandomJeb> that's only in the lucasian number system
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<VITAS> Narrated President‏ @NarratedPOTUS Mar 31
<VITAS> The President of the United States is optimistic about optimism <- huh?
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<xShadowx> VITAS: rather he be pessimistic about optimism?
<aeTIos> aight got irssi set up
<aeTIos> now it properly connects to my chatnets
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<Sigma88> is there any comics nerd in here?
<aeTIos> depends on the comics
<Sigma88> I'd like to read something with iron-man
<Sigma88> possibly something that looks like a comic and not those new super computery stuff
<Sigma88> it's difficult to explain, give me a sec I'll find you an example
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<aeTIos> find the old marvel comics I suppose
<Sigma88> I was hoping there was something more recent, original iron man is like 60s
<Sigma88> that's probably a bit too old style for a newb
<aeTIos> this list should probably give you a good hint into the right direction
<Sigma88> lol well, that's basically everything available :D
<aeTIos> yeah
<aeTIos> i'd pick up the volume 2 series
<Sigma88> does vol2 require reading vol1 ?
<aeTIos> I don't know
<aeTIos> but you mentioned that you don't really wanna pick up the 60s comics
<Sigma88> yup, I know that there are some reboots and stuff
<Sigma88> I was curious to know if there were anyone familiar with those
<Sigma88> I'll try vol2
<Sigma88> I guess it's as good as any place to start, if I don't like it I can look at other stuff
<aeTIos> is there a mod that makes payloads not extremely oversized and stuff
<Sigma88> what kind of payload?
<aeTIos> idk I find launching rovers a pain for example
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<aeTIos> they're generally light enough to be launched by a 1.25 or 2.5 m rocket
<aeTIos> but they look absolutely retarded
<VITAS> you could use that infernal robotics thing to make them foldable
<aeTIos> hmm
<VITAS> at least thats what i do. its realistic and adds a chellange
<VITAS> the moon buggy e.g. was folded too
<aeTIos> how big is the smallest wheel in the game actually
<aeTIos> i don't think it's entirely unrealistic to use tweakscale to shrink some parts
<VITAS> its the mars rover type
<VITAS> do that then :)
<aeTIos> no I don't mean 'what is the smallest wheel' but I think they're a bit oversized mmmhm
<aeTIos> let's see
<aeTIos> first ksp launch in 8 months, let's go
<VITAS> or your rockets are undersized :P
<aeTIos> no, ?
<aeTIos> IUGH
<aeTIos> kek
<VITAS> always!
<aeTIos> fuckin' steam
<aeTIos> stealing focus and all
<aeTIos> no, I'm just too efficient
<aeTIos> Oh
<aeTIos> I take back the 8 months
<aeTIos> it's 10
<aeTIos> kek
<aeTIos> last played 12/05/16
<VITAS> i dont even remember
<VITAS> i think i do some of those 5 min build a plane sessions
<aeTIos> haha
<VITAS> but rockets...years
<aeTIos> new loading screen
<aeTIos> hm
<aeTIos> okay
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<SilverFox> Greys, you've seen all of bigclive's videos, at least for the recent few months? Have you seen his video on pyrotechnic effect "robotic" where he wears gloves? In this video he obvs wears gloves, except his pointer finger on his right hand is exposed. Why is this?
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<Greys> SilverFox (nsfpeoplewhodon'tlikeelephantblowjobs
<SilverFox> what elephant blowjobs?
<Greys> her face is a dick
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<SilverFox> her face is equivalent to a hyena clit
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<SilverFox> however, what you gave me was false advertising, you should feel bad
<Greys> well, it does turn out that elephant girls are futas
<SilverFox> yes
<SilverFox> but they dont suck they dicks
<Greys> right, birthday girl sucks they dicks, off screen
<SilverFox> anything offscreen is invalid
<SilverFox> baaaaaaaaaaad
<Greys> well that's what you get for voting pence
<SilverFox> im not american
<Greys> that's what trudeau wants you to think
<SilverFox> sure whatever, im going to bed
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<Greys> ;wa 40 weeks from now
<kmath> Greys: current time + 40 weeks: 6:58:44 pm EST -> Sunday, January 7, 2018
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<SilverFox> okay so the twitch stream window display resolution for my laptop is right now 1408x792. This means that 720p will be scaled up to it, and taht 1080p will be scaled down, however, if I went to 1440p streams, would it look any different than a 1080p stream because they both downscale?
<SilverFox> or is there some sort of subpixel magicery?
<aeTIos> it'll likely look smoother
<aeTIos> subpixels, exactly
<SilverFox> however, there must be a limit
<SilverFox> like, a 1080p vs 1440p is "small" difference, compared to 1080p vs 4k
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