egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
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<kmath_> SilverFox: I'll let majiir know when I see them
<kmath_> YouTube - 붐바스틱 이석현
<SilverFox> OH SHIT
<SilverFox> fuck yeah it's a great day
<darklight> ¨Park's lawyers told the court last month that there will be “a rebellion and blood will drench the asphalt” if Park is booted from office"
<darklight> So how's that going SF?
<SilverFox> two people died
<SilverFox> one of em kms'd iirc
<SilverFox> dont know about the other
<Hyratel1> darklight, eh?
<darklight> Fair muff
<darklight> Hyratel1: I'm picking on worst korea and worst president
<Hyratel1> oh
<SilverFox> if you're going to fuck it up, then she'd be best president
<SilverFox> because corrupt
<SilverFox> and yyanno, first president of the democracy to get impeached
<SilverFox> goddamn why is it so hard to finnd pillowcases for your fav kpop idols
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<SilverFox> gonna have to get this shit special made
<darklight> (I couldn't find that we are number one one
<darklight> That shit was hilarious)
<SilverFox> i bet this will look like shit
<SilverFox> whaddya know
<SilverFox> it's shit
<darklight> Well it's a body pillow
<darklight> They are all shit
<darklight> Even MLP knocks body pillows:
<SilverFox> id like a body pillow case because mine doesnt have one and that's pretty much illegal
<SilverFox> MLP can suck a fedora dick
<darklight> Bronies heads do indeed double as fedora holders
<darklight> I lack one though, m'lady
<SilverFox> omg
<SilverFox> get the fuck out, again
<SilverFox> ;tell Majiir AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
<kmath_> SilverFox: I'll let majiir know when I see them
<SilverFox> this fucking suubreddit is fantastic
<SilverFox> also my onscreen keyboard now likes to double-type letters randomly
<SilverFox> though I only had 20$ in my bank account, turns out I got paid today
<SilverFox> this day just gets better and better
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<SilverFox> what's the difference between a phone skin and a phone cas?
<SilverFox> decal vs plastiic case?
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<SilverFox> AoA has fucking toothbrushes
<darklight> SilverFox: Don't you have to work to get paid?
<SilverFox> this was from taxes or some shit
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<darklight> considering calling a journalist "fake news" is like calling them "nigger" (according to cnn), I hope his boy got a thorough punishment. :P
<kmath_> <thehill> Tapper: My son calls me "fake news" when I bother him
<SilverFox> lol
<SilverFox> this is a 5GB data card, priced at 33,000원
<SilverFox> ;wa 33,000원 to USD
<kmath_> SilverFox: convert ₩33000 (Korean won) to US dollars: $28.72 (US dollars)
<SilverFox> however here you only pay ~15$
<SilverFox> I pay about 20$
<SilverFox> so you get memorabilia and you get cheap data
<darklight> The data could always be used?
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<Glass|phone> So I'm actually more or less out of the dormitory now
<Glass|phone> now people I don't know don't come into my room at 0:30 to talk to my roommate in cantonese
<Glass|phone> that means I can now actually properly feel how fucking lonely I am
<Glass|phone> Also since I graduate next week I should get the chinese girl to properly reject me
<darklight> What if she says yes?
<darklight> Then what happens to that master plan? :P
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<G-Magic> Down again
<darklight> You're internet is going down more than
<darklight> Eh
<darklight> Cbf
<G-Magic> Child bornografagraph fredreraton?
<darklight> I was going to say "america's unemployment rate" but then I realised jokes should be funny
<darklight> *shrugs*
<G-Magic> So the higher wage at this job I'll make 7.6% more; because hours sucked at the old job I'll make 40% more, and 1.4*1.076=1.5
<darklight> Cbf clearly means "couldn't be fucked", which I am fairly confident is a common phrase?
<G-Magic> It is, cbf might be on twitter
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<darklight> Greys, you forget that anything multiplied by zero is zero :P
<G-Magic> I'm not sure where youre inserting a zero
<darklight> Nevermind ;)
<darklight> Oh jesus fuck, I opened an old silverfox link
<G-Magic> donkey dick?
<darklight> Yeah
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<G-Magic> Yep
<darklight> This place has really gone downhill
<darklight> I mean, not that it wasn't before
<darklight> But it's like we busted through the bottom of the barrel and are now scratching the floorboards
<darklight> Even I try to keep my degeneracy contained, although sometimes it busts through too :3
<G-Magic> if you keep your degeneracy contained it will go into supercollapse
<darklight> I still shitpost
<darklight> Like this is my favourite pony pic atm
<G-Magic> that's not even remotely degeneracy
<G-Magic> I don't get it
<darklight> It captures a moment in time where a lot of people fucked up :P
<G-Magic> I disagree
<darklight> The richard spencer punch
<G-Magic> I don't see how it even alludes to that
<darklight> Ayranne is the literal nazi pony OC
<G-Magic> yes and?
<Glass|phone> darklight: we've been lower than we are right now
<darklight> I think I better leave it there then :P
<darklight> Glass, we were once outraged at babs bunny
<G-Magic> how does pinkie pie playfully pieing a nazi pony in the face allude to a neonazi getting falconpunched on TV because he's talking about how pepe hates jews or some shit he wrote in a fanfic
<darklight> I'm pretty sure if girly slaps are the equivalent to killimg each other, then a pie in the face is good as a punch for MLP :P
<Glass|phone> darklight: if she says yes then I could understand and come to accept that, but she's likely going to say (incomprehensible)
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<darklight> And err, pepe is a vessel, not so much a symbol of hatred, but there sure are a lot of people that laughed at that ADL entry
<G-Magic> adult daiper lovers
<darklight> Anti defemation league iirc
<darklight> An organisation that fights anti semitism
<Glass|phone> darklight: they wrote exactly that
<G-Magic> a pie in the face is clearly a downgrade from slap in the face because it both hurts less, and is well intentioned
<darklight> I can't remember if it's the ADL or SPLC that thinks 3/4 of the world are anti semetic, but *shrugs*. The pepe thing was silly, and if they keep it up they'll give shitposters another win by adding pinochets free helicopter rides
<G-Magic> wtf did you even just say
<darklight> Free helicopter rides are a common theme
<G-Magic> I disagree
<darklight> If I don't butcher the story, there was some guy that would give black people a helicopter ride and push them out in midair, but I have never acually checked if that was a thing that really happened
<darklight> Knowing these people, probably did though :P
<G-Magic> it's surprizingly difficult to vacate a flying helicopter
<G-Magic> it's more difficult to push anybody while flying said helicopter
<darklight> Well that's one way to kill 10k people I guess
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg|principia|egg
<G-Magic> see, it took a military helicopter to pull this off
<darklight> I never new the context, but it was always used in a "go die" context
<G-Magic> less "go die" more "how about I kill you"
<darklight> I mean
<darklight> Origin
<darklight> w/e :P
<darklight> Anyway, tldr, if someone offers you a helicopter ride you say no
<darklight> :P
<Glass|phone> there was that dayz viral video where people actually gave others free helicopter rides
<darklight> Also, how many times have we been worse than sf's link?
<Glass|phone> and put them on a lonely island they cannot swim back from
<G-Magic> I'm on a boat
<G-Magic> I just realized that I have already slept for 10 hours
<Glass|phone> just 10
<Glass|phone> like not 12 to 14
<Glass|phone> how are you going to get that "I completely wasted this weekend" feeling on sunday 23 o'clock?
<G-Magic> Stardew
<darklight> Someone spend 8 years breeding a snake with an emoji pattern. wat.
<G-Magic> Emoji have only real for 2014, impossibro
<G-Magic> r4m0n: i have discovered the reason for slime farming, I didnt bother to collect slime balls, so now that I'm looking to build a fucktonne of oil makers, I can't
<r4m0n> it's still probably faster to spend 15 mins in the caves
<G-Magic> 50 slimeballs per
<r4m0n> the problem with the farming is that they take forever to reproduce
<G-Magic> The problem is that most people arent setting up entire sheds packed to the brim with a single type of machine
<G-Magic> on my previous farm I did collect slimeballs, had two stacks, and only built three oilmakers
<G-Magic> btw I have two sheds of kegs, one for fast brews, one for slow
<G-Magic> I also have functionally destroyed the value of money
<SilverFox> Greys, how would you go about making a minecraft AI?
<Glass|phone> people still play minecraft?
<SilverFox> of course
<SilverFox> however this was a thought of mine when I woke up
<SilverFox> Do we just use a genetic algorithm type thing to teach it how to play, or do we already imbue it with the knowledge to play and just give it goals?
<SilverFox> if we do genetic algorithms, how do we measure fitness?
<r4m0n> how do you measure fitness in MC indeed... sandboxes really don't work too well at that
<SilverFox> indeed
<SilverFox> also, if we do find out a way to do that, how we properly implement it
<SilverFox> if we go like the ways that marIO was implemented, it had a known start position which was repeatable on death
<SilverFox> so I don't think we could take that path, we might have to go with some dynamic one-run thing
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<G-Magic> SilverFox: why would you want to?
<G-Magic> This is actuall important to the answer
<SilverFox> to *your* answer, or to the answer of how to implement?
<G-Magic> Yes
<SilverFox> Because why not
<G-Magic> ok let me phrase it differently
<G-Magic> what do you want this AI for
<SilverFox> learning
<G-Magic> ok so there's basically three paradigms for an AI to interact with minecraft; as a god that can interact with the world without existing in it; as a mob that exists as a physics entity which must move through the world, or as a tile entity that exists at exact block coordinates
<G-Magic> mobs are harder because their domain of reach is more ambiguous and you must include the logic for motivating between locations with consideration of the terrain
<G-Magic> block entities are simple in both domain and movement
<G-Magic> gods don't need to move but it will have a lot more complications because of the unrestricted domain
<SilverFox> it would be a player
<SilverFox> the player actually
<SilverFox> also this is neat:
<kmath_> YouTube - - a fascinating bot
Scorp_Away is now known as Scorp
<G-Magic> So a mob, so go look into how thaumcraft golems work
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<Greys> back... again... maybe
<SilverFox> I found a thing
<SilverFox> HOLY SHIT
<SilverFox> it trains on text
<SilverFox> I wonder if VMs recognize my graphics card
<Greys> I believe that's up to your chipset and processor
<SilverFox> darn, it says a virtualbox adapter
<SilverFox> idk if I could use CUDA shit with this, if I have my GTX1060 on the machine running the VM
<SilverFox> oh, this could be something to use a pi network for
<Majiir> GPU passthrough is a thing
<Qboid> Majiir: egg left a message for you in #kspacademia [09.03.2017 20:07:46]: "what happened to Soozee?"
<Majiir> but it's hard
<SilverFox> ahh
<Majiir> it also means the GPU is completely dedicated to the VM
<SilverFox> suddenly a majiir
<Majiir> Yeah well
<SilverFox> without a nickchange
<Majiir> I was sleeping on my DM's couch
<Majiir> and I woke up
<Majiir> said hey
<Majiir> and immediately he gets a call
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<Majiir> that one of our datacenters lost power
<SilverFox> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<Greys> is it 'your' datacenter, or a datacenter you use
<Majiir> The latter
<Majiir> We have like a few racks in the DC
<Majiir> It's our datacenter *presence*
<Majiir> apparently Canadian datacenters just suck
<Greys> by any chance is this datacenter in the metrodetroit area
<Majiir> Nope
<Greys> mmkay
<Greys> btw I got a job in a datacenter
<Majiir> Nice
<Majiir> Congrats
<Majiir> Do you center the datas?
<Greys> I will be overnight support; and until they decide to hire more people, I will be alone for the first 8 hours of the 12 hour shift
<SilverFox> you're going to be alone for your first shift?
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<Greys> no no no, I'll train on dayshift for a week, and then go to the nightshift and be alone until they hire another person
<SilverFox> ahhh okay
<SilverFox> Majiir, park got impeached, memes were had
<Majiir> So it sounds like you're a NOC operator of some sort?
<Majiir> Like watching for alerts, escalating bad things to people who can fix them, etc
<Majiir> or is it more like customer-facing support too
<SilverFox> Majiir, AoA had concert today(past 22 hours from now) too
<G-Magic> Out again?
<G-Magic> I'll be swapping hard drives and checking equipment
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<SilverFox> rip
<Majiir> Cool
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<Majiir> Are the other aspects of the job good? commute/pay/etc
<G-Magic> So here's the thing, five minutes ago comcast called me to day they fixed it
<SilverFox> pfffft
<SilverFox> "It seems like you were getting stable internet for more than 5 minutes, we're working diligently to resolve this issue"
<G-Magic> The wage is 7.6% higher, and because of more hours the pay is 50% better
<Majiir> I don't know anything about what you did before but I am *guessing* datacenter tech gives you more room to leapfrog into other stuff too
<G-Magic> plus I'll be a contractor for the first three months, meaning no taxes, so I can really pay off stuff
<Majiir> Well, no taxes withheld -- actually quite a lot of taxes in the end :|
<G-Magic> then I'll w2 a large withholding for the rest of the year
<Majiir> Nice way to invert the usual loan-the-government thing
<Majiir> By the wya
<Majiir> If you ever have to plug or unplug SFP connectors
<G-Magic> Is that optical?
<Majiir> (the big square module things for 10Gb/40Gb ports)
<Majiir> It's anything
<G-Magic> Ah modular connector
<Majiir> It's often used for fiber but there are also SFP "cables", and then modules that you can plug in for 10Gb ethernet etc
<Majiir> I'm at my DM's place and he has 2-3Gbps internet now
<Majiir> so we're setting up 10Gbps stuff internally
<SilverFox> fuck having to learn 2 number systems
<SilverFox> this shit is whack
<Majiir> I put in a cable to test it, it didn't work, and then couldn't get it out
<Majiir> Turns out SFP modules have this little metal tab thing that's flush with the module
<Majiir> and there are various ways of getting it to move so it pops the module out
<Majiir> In our case there was a plastic tab on the module you had to pull and then it came out super easy
<Majiir> For a while I was kind of panicked that we had permanently connected a $500 switch that wasn't working to the $20K switch that Comcast owns
<SilverFox> pfffffft
<SilverFox> woulda been pretty great
<G-Magic> I'm sure I'll get trained on that
<SilverFox> speed skating yay
<SilverFox> fucking netherlands
<SilverFox> canada was winning up until the last lap
<SilverFox> lost by 60ms
<G-Magic> Are olympics happening?
<SilverFox> uhh
<SilverFox> it's 2017, I thought olympics only happened on even years?
<G-Magic> Srriously I would not know
<SilverFox> I dont see the olympic symbol on broadcast, and it's an odd numbered year, so ima say no
<G-Magic> funny thing is this company is also an ISP, and I wish I could buy fiber from them right now
<SilverFox> shower time
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<G-Magic> not a terrible idea
<G-Magic> Majiir: did you see Arrival?
<Majiir> I did not
<G-Magic> do you know of it's conciet; we've discussed the topic before and actually the source material tangentally
Majiir is now known as Snoozee
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<SilverFox> these male skaters have more booty than any kpop idol has
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<G-Magic> kpop idols don't have booty
<G-Magic> so that's pretty easy
<SilverFox> indeed
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<G-Magic> say I wanted to run windows in a VM in linux so that the linux runs headless and to the uneducated user the machine appears to boot directly into windows, how hard would that be
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<Iskierka> pretty sure you can't have a headless linux in that regard - it needs to display for windows
<r4m0n> you can use PCI passthrough to get the video card directly to windows
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<G-Magic> I'm still putting the plot together but basically I've got a computer in mind in the break room of this office I know, and sometimes the workers there use the computer for porn and video poker
<G-Magic> I'd basically like a button I can push to reset the entire machine real easy
<G-Magic> also some heavier duty sandboxing
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<G-Magic> Snoozee: at what level do subdomains become useful?
<G-Magic> no not subdomains
<G-Magic> eh....
<G-Magic> subnets
<G-Magic> so many subs, not a dom to be found
Snoozee is now known as Majiir
<Majiir> G-Magic, subnets are useful
<Majiir> You definitely don't want a subnet to span more than one general location -- i.e. you should be able to assume that latency within a subnet is <1ms always
<Majiir> You also don't want too many devices on one subnet
<Majiir> The thing with subnets is that broadcast traffic on a subnet goes to every other device on it
<Majiir> so you usually want no more than a few hundred devices on one subnet because of all the broadcast traffic which can become substantial (and every device has to process those packets to see if they care about them)
<G-Magic> so the short of it; in a home or even prosumer environment, subnets are almost never useful
<Majiir> Well, you definitely need subnets
<Majiir> but you might only need one
<Majiir> In a prosumer environment you will have uses for multiple subnets
<G-Magic> can't live without them
<Majiir> lile isolating different devices
<Majiir> I have multiple subnets on my network for example
<Majiir> but a typical home network is one subnet
<G-Magic> do subnets actually provide secure isolation between devices?
<Majiir> In a typical large office you'll have multiple subnets, like several per floor if it's big enough
<Majiir> They can
<Majiir> Communication between subnets happens only with routers
<Majiir> (or "layer 3 switches" which are just specialized routers)
<Majiir> so you can put firewall rules in place at that point
<G-Magic> so you need a router (or a managed switch?) to physically isolate the subnets?
<Majiir> Layer 3 switch != managed switch
<Majiir> It's a step above
<Majiir> The rule of thumb is that subnets are "networks"
<Majiir> All devices on the subnet are on the same network
<Majiir> and they can freely communicate amongst each other
<Majiir> Routers connect networks to other networks
<G-Magic> I'm failing to construct an application of this example, but if you had more than one subnet running on the same switch, they would be able to see eachother, and thus wouldn't be secure?
<G-Magic> you probably just can't do that
<Majiir> That would cause problems
<G-Magic> yea
<Majiir> They would basically be part of the same subnet but that wouldn't work right
<Majiir> Broadcast traffic would get mixed up between the two
<Majiir> and that would mess up lots of protocols
<Majiir> like DHCP
<Majiir> and ARP
<Majiir> and other important things
<G-Magic> so subnets must represent isolated non-overlapping regions that only touch at routers
<Majiir> A managed switch can do that, but only because it lets you isolate ports into different VLANs, which is functionally like having multiple physical switches
<Majiir> Yes
<G-Magic> I hate not having internet, and this tiny keyboard is beginning to annoy me
<G-Magic> ;wa time since 5pm EST 3/8/2017
<kmath_> G-Magic: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 5:00 pm EST to current time: 2 days 20 hours 48 minutes 54 seconds
<G-Magic> SG1 just featured a trippledecker zepplin
<G-Magic> the cabin hung below the balloons, and looked like a distorted manta ray
<SilverFox> G-Magic, domain has a dom
<SilverFox> so more adventures from korean teacher
<SilverFox> turns out she's not dead
<SilverFox> also tried the finger-in-mouth method for teaching the difference between yee and ee, didnt work
<SilverFox> not even close to working
<G-Magic> that's gross and misguided
<SilverFox> our fingers were in our own mouths
<G-Magic> that's differently gross and way more misguided
<SilverFox> by putting my finger, like all oof it, onto my tongue, I was better able to understand what was going on
<SilverFox> Greys, dont suggest IPA because fuck you if you do, it's too complicated for someone learning a language
<G-Magic> then I'll just suggest that you putting your finger inside your mouth is not going to teach you anything
<SilverFox> I could feel what exactly my tongue was doing throughout the process
<G-Magic> and I can feel a rock, doesn't teach me how to build a house
<SilverFox> cool
<SilverFox> the amount of fucks I give for this argument is rapidly approaching zero
<SilverFox> Im trying to find whatever method I can to help teach the differene in the sounds and how to make them
<G-Magic> some day, when you're a robot probe shot out into the universe performing a gravity turn around a blue supergiant in order to align for a hyperspace jump to the next system in search of life; you will understand
<SilverFox> I will continue to look for new methods so long as current ones are failing
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<SilverFox> because that's my duty as a teacher, to find whatever method helps teach the concept, no matter how silly or asanine it may be, as long as it gets the job done, I'll be happy with it, and at least I'll have some working ground to fix any mistakes
egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
<SilverFox> ~yt this isn't the beach this is a bathtub
<kmath_> YouTube - "This isn't a beach, this is a bath tub"
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<SilverFox> fucking nightly
<SilverFox> crashed while i was looking at pictures from AoA's concert
<SilverFox> Majiir, what's the deal with photocards from albums and stuff? Is it just an extra thing to have as memorabilia or is this a special korea thing?
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Snoozee is now known as Majiir
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<SilverFox> are Xeons inherently good at running VMs, because they're meant to be server cpus?
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<G-Magic> the suitability for VMs is entirely determined by the virtualization technologies
<G-Magic> you're not going to be able to generalize this
<SilverFox> so is there an i3 that outperforms a xeon of the same generation or higher?
<r4m0n> "outperforms" is too vague to be useful
<r4m0n> a pure single-thread task will run faster on the i3 if it has a higher clock
<SilverFox> there is that little of a difference between what xeons do/have and what i's do/have that core clock is the determining factor?
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<r4m0n> Xeons are server oriented, specifically, they are meant to be used on multi-processor boards, access ridiculous amounts of memory and have a lot of cores each
<SilverFox> right
<r4m0n> and as tradeoff, they usually have lower clocks (and cost a fortune)
<SilverFox> i's are for mainstream/gaming
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<G-Magic> welp
<G-Magic> up again
<SilverFox> nice
<G-Magic> somebody start a sarcastic timer
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<SilverFox> how long?
<darklight> up Up UP TO SPACE
<Greys> SilverFox, a timer, that counts time
<darklight> google timer
<darklight> It has a timer
<Greys> ~g start a timer
<darklight> No I mean the google page
<SilverFox> started
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<Greys> yanno, I keep seeing majiir change nick to Snoozee, but I haven't seen the reverse
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<Greys> SilverFox, how fast can you identify the worst thing ever in this?
<kmath_> YouTube - Best of the Mooninites: Volume 1
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
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<Djohaal> dumb question about asteroid shenganians. All vessels that are clawed to the asteroid count as one?
<Greys> yes, the asteroid basically joins the part structure of the vessel
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<darklight> Djohaal you can even transfer fuel through an asteroid
<darklight> derp
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<SilverFox> Greys, ~1 hour
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<xShadowx> anyone good with electronic circuits / op amps? trying to make a circuit for out=inA*inB, so both 1.0 then out is 1.0, if either in is 0.0 then out is 0.0
<darklight> xShadowx, I've no idea of opamps do this
<darklight> they amplify differences
<xShadowx> darklight: you can also sum or avg the inputs, so......out=sum(A,B) + -diff(A,B) maybe