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<SilverFox> mazooooo
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<Orum> I wonder, if you make a gun that has no metal in it, and then tape 3.7oz of metal to it, is it legal in the US?
<SilverFox> watt
<Orum> all guns in the US must be as detectable as a 3.7oz piece of steel
<teabot> Deteactable.
<Orum> (by a metal detector, obviously)
<SilverFox> Majiir, I'm starting Produce101 now
<SilverFox> I finished Sixteen
<Orum> oh, I guess it would be
<Orum> 3d printers can rejoice
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<Orum> god you have to love the gun lobbists arguments against gun laws: "criminals will do it whether or not there's a law against it, so there should be no law."
<Orum> then why have any laws for that matter?
<SilverFox> totes
<SilverFox> 0 law nation lets gooo
<Orum> anarchy ftw
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<G-Mobile> Criminals will break laws, so laws that make it more illegal to break laws wont stop them from breaking laws
<G-Mobile> there is no value from sacrificing these liberties this way
<SilverFox> and no matter what the punishment is, there will always be criminals
<G-Mobile> now trying to stop mentally unhealthy people from getting guns, thats a good idea, closing loopholes that bypass regulations on gun sales, thats a good thing
<SilverFox> they will always do the crimes, also what Greys said
<SilverFox> you gotta get to the root of the problem
<SilverFox> we have to stop thinking on a symptom level
<SilverFox> think on the disease level
<SilverFox> understand *why* people commit crimes when harsh punishment awaits them
<SilverFox> *why* they evaluate that risk-reward in their favour
<SilverFox> or, if not in their favour, why they still go to lengths to do it
<Orum> because people are fucking stupid
<SilverFox> not always
<G-Mobile> the patriot act maybe one time helped do one thing, but overall it was a terribly ineffective sacrifice of liberties
<Orum> no, but enough of them are
<SilverFox> some people are heavily poverished, so they steal what they can to live
<G-Mobile> its not unpatriotic to apply risk/reward to laws and initiatives
<SilverFox> is stealing bad? Yes. Is starving your people bad? Yes.
<G-Mobile> dishwasher, yes
<SilverFox> Give the people food, and they won't steal food. If they still steal food, lock em up because fuck they get off on that shit
<SilverFox> T-11 hours 15 minutes until chemistry midterm
<SilverFox> I am fuckerinodiddlydoono'd
<Orum> might wanna crack open a book and study
<SilverFox> it's not even basic chem, I kick basic chem's asshole
<SilverFox> it's fucking *organic* chem
<G-Mobile> America's problem is a focus on ineffective solutions to not the problems, and a refusal to discuss the actual problems
<G-Mobile> if you took the ten most impoverished urban areas in america, got the whole country to agree to fixing them, and revoked their governmental sovereignty, we could bring 90% of impoverished americans into the middle class within five years
<Orum> organic chem is like, more than half of chemistry
<SilverFox> yeah but guess what
<SilverFox> imagine learning it
<SilverFox> in like, 7 weeks
<G-Mobile> Detroit continues to be a problem because all anybody ever does is find a new place to inject money into a corrupt system
<Orum> well they aren't asking you to create miracle cures, are they?
<SilverFox> no but they want us to identify fucking toluene
<SilverFox> fuck toluene
<SilverFox> fucking aromatic compounds
<SilverFox> and the TNT
<Orum> well if you know what paint thinner smells like you can identify toluene
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> it's *shape*
<SilverFox> chemically
<Orum> well that's easy
<SilverFox> look something like this gimme a sec
<Orum> it looks like a christmas ornament
<SilverFox> |
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<SilverFox> / \
<SilverFox> \ /
<SilverFox> ___
<SilverFox> ye
<Orum> yeah I know what it looks like, carbon ring and CH3 on one end
<SilverFox> and then there's more shit
<SilverFox> that's the easy one
<SilverFox> we gotta fold shit too
<Orum> like, folding protiens?
<G-Mobile> ~yt so easy royksopp
<kmath_> YouTube - Röyksopp - So Easy
<G-Mobile> boop boop beep boop....
<G-Mobile> FoxBot9000?
<FoxBot9000> ???
<SilverFox> look at this shit:
<Orum> well that's enough to turn anyone off to chemistry
<Orum> "Compare the properties of organic and inorganic compounds" LOL
<SilverFox> yeah that's last year shit
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: welcome to fuckadamn college, you better get some because we don't give
<Orum> do you actually care about chemistry or is it just a class you're forced to take?
<SilverFox> It almost solely determines whether I make it in life or not
<Orum> well then you may have a problem
<SilverFox> it's about 50/50 with another class, but taht other class is much easier
<SilverFox> just a bit
<SilverFox> I get a cheat sheet tho, so at least there's that
<SilverFox> but a lot of this avoids regular rule application and concept shit
<SilverFox> which is what I rely on to do good
<SilverFox> I just learn concepts rules and the common sense and then apply it instead of just memorizing shit
<Orum> put your entire textbook on microfiche
<SilverFox> wat
<Orum> wat what?
<SilverFox> what is microfiche?
<Orum> oh you young people...
<G-Mobile> if you take the text of the book, delete everything except every third word, and then swap every other word with that index position reading from the end forward; you will get the actual meaning of the book
<SilverFox> carbon copy?
<Orum> more like "honey I shrunk the textbook" copy
<SilverFox> ah
<G-Mobile> you take pictures of the pages on very small slide film and then you can view the pages on a machine that lets you zoom and shit; it allowed libraries to store massive things such as "every newspaper the local newspaper put out, every day for the last 30 years
<SilverFox> huh
<SilverFox> how neat
<G-Mobile> now we have computers
<SilverFox> yup
<SilverFox> and mass amounts of storage
<G-Mobile> use your phone to take a picture of every page, and then steal some google glasses
<G-Mobile> am I the only one who didn't know at first that the google glass just has a tiny fuckin' screen up in the corner of your vision?
<kmath_> YouTube - Shooting Stars meme compilation
<SilverFox> this is what im doing instead
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<G-Mobile> the goal magazines have been selling us forever is that devices like that will project an image onto your retina so that it appears as an overlay to your vision
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: instead of memes, you should watch The Fountain, it's about everybody's favorite Wolverine travelling to another star to deliver a tree to the memory of his dead wife via buddha
<SilverFox> sounds like non-memes
<G-Mobile> looks like a meme to me
<SilverFox> not good enough
<SilverFox> pretty boring on a meme scale
<SilverFox> nothing to back it up
<SilverFox> just looks like a jesus
<SilverFox> no caption
<G-Mobile> what if I told you that past Hugh Jackman turns into flowers
<SilverFox> 1.5/10
<SilverFox> just sounds like a movie to procrastinate
<G-Mobile> btw this story takes place in the 1600nds, the 2000nds, and the 2200nds, all jackman, 100%
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<G-Mobile> or you could watch Folding Ideas cover the Cremaster Cycle, but I'll warn you, Cremaster is basically an anal insertion fetishist tricking a lot of people to pay a whole lot of money for him to jack off and pretend it's art
<G-Mobile> which is to say, it can't even meme
<SilverFox> that sounds pretty memetastic
<kmath_> YouTube - Shooting Stars meme compilation v2
<G-Mobile> in one of the movies, a couple of racers race down a road as their testicles slowly climb out of their pockets; while a clown climbs through a cave of semen
<SilverFox> sounds pretty fucked
<G-Mobile> as the resident doctor you should know what a cremaster is
<SilverFox> actually
<SilverFox> Djohaal is the resident doctor, seeing as how he's *actually* a doctor
<G-Mobile> djohaal is a low grade hallucination caused by sunspots reflecting of ganamede
<G-Mobile> as such his medical license has been revoked
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<SilverFox> nigga u aint revoking nobody's licenses
<SilverFox> you dont touch his license
<SilverFox> ima beat wit u
<G-Mobile> I ain't the revokster
<G-Mobile> we have a large sumerian man for that
<G-Mobile> he takes half damage from gunshots
<SilverFox> heart or head, instakill
<SilverFox> (when done right)
<G-Mobile> half instakill
<SilverFox> what is half of a one-hit KO?
<SilverFox> a two-hit?
<SilverFox> or is it like an infinity situation?
<G-Mobile> half of max health
<SilverFox> where one half infinity is infinity
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<SilverFox> Greys, have you seen all the hype and videos surrounding the latest Legend of Zelda game?
<SilverFox> pffffft
<SilverFox> 순대, a blood sausage, romanized to "Sundae"
<SilverFox> I find this rather funny
<G-Mobile> I watched projared's video, looks cool
<SilverFox> it's rated as equivalent to Ocarina of Time
<SilverFox> which as you know, one of the best games of all time
<SilverFox> huh, jellies are so far the only thing I've seen where it's standard to poke it with chopsticks instead of grasping it
<SilverFox> food is so cheap in korea ;-;
<G-Mobile> According to people who rate ocarina of time ad one of the best games of all time
<SilverFox> Who has rated the game negatively?
<G-Mobile> well, Arin Hanson for one
<SilverFox> bullshit
<SilverFox> show me a serious review by arin
<SilverFox> in fact, I can't trust him to produce something serious
<SilverFox> Poe's Law, I never know if he's memeing or not
<G-Mobile> ~yt sequelitis zelda
<kmath_> YouTube - Sequelitis - ZELDA: A Link to the Past vs. Ocarina of Time
<kmath_> YouTube - How to Crash Paper Mario Anywhere, Anytime
<Orum> it doesn't work anywhere anytime
<Supernovy> YouTube - How to Crash This Plane, With No Survivors
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<SilverFox> "I have never seen eyelashes that look so plastic. They look soo fake, you bet your ass I got them."
<kmath_> YouTube - Korea Dollar Store Haul
<G-Mobile> I liked a link to the past but it never engaged me, I didn't enjoy playing ocarina of time and didn't care about it's plot
<SilverFox> what about Majora's Mask?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: ewthat video
<TheKosmonaut> Korea boos. Ew
<SilverFox> fuckin Nippons
<G-Mobile> there's a lot of loud zelda fans who remember ocarina highly, and it's at least a good enough game that nobody cares to fight over it
<G-Mobile> majora's mask is the same game with a different story
<SilverFox> Same engine, or some shit
<G-Mobile> same engine, some asset reuse
<SilverFox> it was made in like, 6 months or something
<G-Mobile> if it had been on PC majora's mask would have been an expansion pack
<SilverFox> some short span of time like that
<SilverFox> yeah
<G-Mobile> now, I still don't care, but I think I would enjoy majora's mask's story's more than ocarina's
<SilverFox> I like the time manipulation mechanics
<G-Mobile> Shadow of the Collosus's story was way better
<kmath_> YouTube - Lips and Eyebrow Tattoos in Seoul
<G-Mobile> ~yt gyaru
<FoxBot9000> G-Mobile:
<G-Mobile> cheater?
<FoxBot9000> ???
<SilverFox> so the amount of stress/anxiety is rising since I haven't started prepping my cheatsheet
<SilverFox> waiting until I hit breaking point
<SilverFox> T-9.5 hours
<G-Mobile> ~yt gyaro
<kmath_> YouTube - Kit Kat Jingle By Coko Korinne
<SilverFox> korean dogs go "mong", that is the dog sound
<SilverFox> what dog goes "mong"?
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<G-Mobile> do they go mong or is the word for what they go mong
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<SilverFox> their "bark" is "mong"
<G-Mobile> right, and no dogs go bark
<G-Mobile> bark is the word we use for the sound they make
<SilverFox> closer than mong
<G-Mobile> mong is the word they use for the sound dogs make
<G-Mobile> arf is close, bark is not
<SilverFox> I wonder if they have an "arf" or if they just use "mong"
<SilverFox> because I've seen kids shows, and there was a dog villain and I'm like "why he always end his sentences in "mong"?"
<SilverFox> that's the sound dogs make
<G-Mobile> you could yanno, find out
<G-Mobile> or not
<SilverFox> it might take a bit of effort to find out
<G-Mobile> how about not, just stop, go eat some pudding, you don't need to korea anyway
<SilverFox> nawwww
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<SilverFox> 나는 한국을 고싶어요
<SilverFox> the romanization on google-translate is shit
<SilverFox> also it adds stuff to what I said that I don't want it to add, so dont try and translate that like that
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<SilverFox> Djohaal, common causes of acute respiratory agitation please
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<Glass|phone> that feeling when you wake up at 21:36, have a off by one error about what weekday it is, and can't tell the difference between dream and reality
<Greys> sounds like everywhen to me
<Glass|phone> and that dream is about wanting to return to places and meet peopld you haven't seen in a long time
<Glass|phone> but now the thing is
<Glass|phone> some of these places don't fucking exist, they seem to have returned from dreams I had years ago
<Glass|phone> and there is one memory in there where I can't tell if it's real or not
<RandomJeb> all memories are false
<RandomJeb> so it doesn't matter
<Greys> the concept of false is as false as truth, so how even do
<RandomJeb> conceptually false and true are solid, the problem is in our ability to distinguish them
<Greys> a self defeating statement if ever there was a grape
<RandomJeb> grapes are fake news
<TheKosmonaut> The following statement is true
<TheKosmonaut> The previous statement is false
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<kmath_> YouTube - Mercedes Adolf Werbung -- Erkennt Gefahren, bevor sie entstehen... [HD]
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<Orum> well it looks like intel has officially been shat on once again by AMD
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<Orum> like 0 of these reviews have power consumption in them though :(
<Thomas> The funny thing about ryzen is, that the 1700 and the 1800x are the same hardware, just different overclocking multipliers.
<Thomas> Means you pay 200$ for a config option :P
<Orum> well, for warranty, really
<Orum> and isn't it $170 between the two?
<Thomas> Something in that area
<Orum> the 1800X is ~100% faster than my current CPU for transcoding, I'm sold...
<Orum> still will probably buy a 1700(X) and just OC instead
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<Greys> well, this fuckin' is
<kmath_> YouTube - We Are Number One but every one is replaced with JonTron Reacting to Anime
<Greys> did you also get a joycon?
<SilverFox> no
<Greys> I hear the leftjoy is borked
<SilverFox> that would've costed me a good like, 600-700$
<Greys> right but it would be functional
<SilverFox> yeah they put out a patch for it
<SilverFox> what do you mean functional?
<SilverFox> I didnt get a switch
<SilverFox> I have a wiiu already
<Greys> "girls have four mouthes"
<Greys> oh Japan
<Greys> you precious precious idiot
<SilverFox> switch costs like, 500-600$ or somethin
<SilverFox> I paid 90$ for BotW
<Greys> breasts are the worst
<SilverFox> I would disagree
<Greys> clergly you need to watch more Ichigo Mashimaro
<SilverFox> Appendix, not those are the worse
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<SilverFox> Greys, Nintendo purposely made their cartridges taste bad so kids wont eat them
<SilverFox> and now it's a meme because people are just tasting their cartridges
<Greys> or did they just taste bad to begin with
<SilverFox> for Switch that is
<SilverFox> no, they did it purposely
<Greys> or did they
<SilverFox> they did
<Greys> or did they
<SilverFox> they did
<Greys> for swig they
<SilverFox> swaggles
<Greys> barzapan
<Greys> do you remember when this plot of making a new handheld console with the power of the previous home console was a sony thing?
<SilverFox> I thought that was a sega thing?
<SilverFox> with that one with fucktonne of buttons
<SilverFox> Saturn?
<SilverFox> it had internet on it too
<Greys> djagjuar
<Greys> neyeogieao
<SilverFox> Jaguar was the 64bit one
<SilverFox> idk about neogeo, don't have much experience with that one
<Greys> right, and then the djagjuar was portjable
<Greys> nobody had experience with the neogeo
<Greys> it was like 1200$
<SilverFox> wtf
<SilverFox> also:
<kmath_> <GrapeDoggy> Nintendo: We purposely made our cartridges taste horrible so nobody puts them near their mouth! Everyone:
<Greys> you say that as if it means anythring
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<Greys> where did the supertech as magic theme in Zelda start?
<Greys> I know Skyward swarwd had it, I don't remember it in majora's majora
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<SilverFox> probs skyward
<SilverFox> they do it because adding a giant octopus/squid is "Gross"
<Greys> the do what
<SilverFox> tech stuff instead of nature stuff
<SilverFox> or like, a hybrid
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<kmath_> YouTube - Jaycartoons: Propper Terms
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<Greys> man, new link is a sexy bitch
<Greys> like, he's a sexier woman than Zelda has ever been
<RandomJeb> is it even confirmed link is trans?
<RandomJeb> I've only seen a screenshot and it seemed like he was dressed up in a traditional gerudo outfit for infiltration purposes or something
<Greys> this is the original "link is a girl now?" image
<Greys> it depends a lot on equipment and outfit; which is a bit of a problem
<Greys> the people with customized setups are all reviewers
<SilverFox> ughhhhhh
<SilverFox> the temperature system in the zelda game is in fahrenheit
<Greys> if youw watch PBG's review he has this almost assassin's creed style garb and that really hides the masculine traits and showcases the feminine traits
<SilverFox> at least it's for measuring hot and cold of your person, so I guess it's not as bad
<Greys> I would assume that is in response to a system setting such as location
<SilverFox> Im in canada
<Greys> have you told your wiu that you are in canada?
<Greys> or did you tell it north america
<SilverFox> Im quite sure I told it canada
<Greys> check
<SilverFox> if I was given the option, I would've
<SilverFox> idk how to check, im in game right now
<SilverFox> fucking gorgeous btw
<SilverFox> and I can use the axe and sword to deforest the place and set shit on fire
<SilverFox> OH SHIT
<Greys> doesn't the wii u allow you to go to teh system interface at any time?
<teabot> Teah.
<RandomJeb> 47 seconds into PBGs video and we have a naked chest shot of link with a lack of boobs
<RandomJeb> I'm calling fake news on this, sadly
<Greys> yanno, some women also have small boobs
<Greys> it's highly prized in japan
<RandomJeb> this isn't small boobs, this isn't even manboobs
<RandomJeb> this is not boobs
<SilverFox> actually, link is nekkid in the start of the game
<RandomJeb> that girl has bigger boobs than link by far
<SilverFox> nope
<SilverFox> equivalent
<RandomJeb> no bigger
<SilverFox> both of them have no breast
<SilverFox> it *looks* like hers are bigger because fabric
<RandomJeb> she has the hint of breasts, link ahs none
<SilverFox> that hint is because of the fabric
<RandomJeb> I'm looking at them from a similar angle back and forth right now
<RandomJeb> no that hint is above the fabric
<SilverFox> she has her back arched
<SilverFox> that may be what you are seeing
<RandomJeb> which does nothing about the boob shape above the fabric
<Greys> links boobagery is not really significant since I'm talking about an outfit where he's heavily clothed
<RandomJeb> it just changes the angle of her upper torso
<RandomJeb> Greys: I'm looking at link with just pants on
<SilverFox> Greys, why is small boobage seen as good in japan?
<Greys> RandomJeb, I specified a specific outfit
<SilverFox> like, to the point of no boobage, such as picture linked?
<Greys> if you're looking at something else how can you expect to get the results I'm describing?
<RandomJeb> so link is trans when he puts on the right outfit?
<Greys> RandomJeb, you are the person defending the position that link is trans
<RandomJeb> I am?
<Greys> you brought it up, so you must be
<SilverFox> who the fuck said link was trans?
<SilverFox> when was this ever brought up?
<Greys> [15:37:31] <RandomJeb> is it even confirmed link is trans?
<SilverFox> no, he is not, and never will be
<Greys> somebody should make a model James Webb space telescope that somehow hangs, and is able to gimbal arbitrarily with a minimum of visual obstruction from a mechanism
<Greys> Link is male, but he's beautiful now, and he's frequently been effeminate, therefore depending on the clothing you put him in, he can end up looking way more like a sexy girl than a sexy boy
<SilverFox> != trans
<Greys> we know fox, you're an eclair
<SilverFox> im a donut
<Greys> yep, an eclair
<SilverFox> dont you fucking mispastry me
<Greys> donut is a category not a specific paistry
<RandomJeb> I heard link is a girl now on the internet, since link was previously a boy then that would mean link is trans
<SilverFox> I hear lots of things on the internet too
<SilverFox> like how Jeb is a girl too
<SilverFox> and can make babies
<Greys> well no, every link is a distinct entity filling a reccuring role in the eventuality of time
<SilverFox> fuck it
<SilverFox> ima go kill ganon
<SilverFox> lvl 1 lets do this
<RandomJeb> after watching the rest of this video I wish zelda games weren't exclusive nintendo releases because I'm not buying a console
<RandomJeb> and this one looks really good
<SilverFox> because it is really good
<SilverFox> suck a dick pc-peasant
<RandomJeb> I guess I'll have to wait until there's a switch emulator out there
<SilverFox> good luck running that
<Greys> blob:
<Greys> golf damnit imgur, don't you fuck with this blob shit again
<SilverFox> fuck, i cant defeat ganon until I get the paraglider
<Greys> or can you
<SilverFox> naw you fall to your death\
<Greys> btw, one of the best parts to watch is when somebody gets the remote bombs, and doesn't know where the blast zone ends, and they just blow the shit out of themselves
<SilverFox> I think lighting yourself on fire is a good one too
<Greys> one of the great visual things of the game is that Link is some kind of superhuman and can just fuckin' throw bitches a footballfield
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<Greys> bombs do the same thing, but to link
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<RandomJeb> bombs are the chosen ones
<RandomJeb> confirmed
<SilverFox> Greys, I dont think you can craft in the game though
<SilverFox> I haven't seen anything for crafting yet
<SilverFox> I *really* want to craft arrows...
<Greys> I don't know about that but you can cook]
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> I tried that
<SilverFox> ended up waking up the old man
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<SilverFox> he's like "fuck off im sleeping"
<RandomJeb> try cooking some branches with fire, maybe you get fire arrows
<Greys> have you stolen shit from the old man?
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> he's like "yo, that's MY fuckin apple, put it down"
<Greys> "WTF you plannin' on doing with my god damn torch you little fuck?"
<SilverFox> im like "oh" he's like "naw just kidding, it's a good apple, eat it u lil bitch"
<SilverFox> I was like "It's a sekrit"
<SilverFox> and he's liek "aight"
<kmath_> YouTube - Breath of the Wild: Shirtless Hero - PART 1 - Game Grumps
<SilverFox> yeah
<Greys> limit your viewership to him being thrown a few seconds later
<Greys> if you care about spoilers
<SilverFox> I didnt watch becuz spoiluhs
<Greys> watch like five to ten seconds
<SilverFox> i need to pee tho
<Greys> so take your switch with you and watch the video there
<Tank2333_mobil2> Use diepers
<SilverFox> i dont have a switch
<Tank2333_mobil2> Diapers
<Tank2333_mobil2> Daipers
<Greys> dialpers
<Tank2333_mobil2> Okay
<SilverFox> saw him fuckin explode
<SilverFox> was lol
<SilverFox> Greys, yanno that tower you climb down at the beginning?
<SilverFox> that was the hardest obstacle
<Greys> nope
<SilverFox> I fuckin fell off that so much
<Greys> I for one came outa fuckin' cave
<Greys> walked a ways
<Greys> talked to an old guy
<SilverFox> yeah and then Great Plateau Tower?
<Greys> I think the old guy is Ganon
<SilverFox> not
<SilverFox> Ganon is that fuckin spirit beast around the castle
<SilverFox> Did you *not* ride up that giant fuckin spire?
<Greys> nah nah nananah, that ain't ganon
<Greys> that's Orstle
<SilverFox> It had Ganon in its name
<Greys> Ganon is trapped in the castle, that's a time sphere
<SilverFox> why trap ganon in the castle?
<SilverFox> don't they like, sleep there?
<RandomJeb> is your mission to free ganon?
<Greys> Ganon attacked the castle, when all hope was lost they activated the time sphere as a defense so they could wait thousands of years for a Link to show up and save them from Ganon
<SilverFox> it was 100 years he was asleep tho
<SilverFox> cool I found buddha
<SilverFox> why are all the old wise people fucking anorexic?
<SilverFox> wouldn't they have the brains to fuckin eat?
<SilverFox> oh shit
<SilverFox> the same symbol on the sheika slate is on Sheik, the bitch zelda turns into
<Greys> bastard*
<Greys> Sheik is male, and Zelda magically turns into a man when she takes that form
<SilverFox> Shiek is male??
<SilverFox> huh
<Greys> yep
<SilverFox> aight, that asshole then
<SilverFox> this old man
<SilverFox> wont give me the fuckin paraglider
<Greys> this old ganon
<Greys> see this is why I think he's ganon, he's tricking you into going into the shrines to get him shit he needs to break the time sphere
<SilverFox> holy shit
<SilverFox> what a time to be alive
<Greys> just like in shaddy o' da coloscapy?
<SilverFox> like naturally
<SilverFox> hoooly fuck
<Greys> that's what he said
<SilverFox> this old bastard is annoying
<SilverFox> "Yo go climb that tower"
<SilverFox> "Aight" *climbs tower*
<SilverFox> "You also could've travelled here instantly, btw"
<Greys> "I literally just told you you can do that"
<Greys> "Are you cold?"
<SilverFox> When does he say that?
<Greys> next time you approach him, take off all your clothes
<SilverFox> this is such a weird conversation
<SilverFox> "You'll catch a chill out there in the wild. Come warm your bones by the fire."
<Greys> Arin has thusfar refused to wear any clothes at all
<SilverFox> good
<SilverFox> I think I'll refuse quick travel
<SilverFox> I think I'd prefer to just walk the lands rather than boop places
<Greys> you sure you want to do that before you get the paraglider?
<SilverFox> did arin get the paraglider?
<Greys> nah, they finished the bomb shrine; first episode was 1 hour and they fucked around plenty
<SilverFox> I did the same
<SilverFox> broke my axe and sword by deforesting the land
<SilverFox> then I started a forest fire
<Greys> just saying the paraglider is a lot faster than walking; and you do have a good amount of land to cover before you get that; so you may as well turn into cat urine at least until you can fly
<SilverFox> cat urine?
<Greys> you'll have to watch gamegrumps to get it
<SilverFox> naw
<SilverFox> not gonna do that
<Greys> we should put space telescopes around jupiter, so there's more paralax
<G-Mobile> lots of fuckers have fire
<SilverFox> i got fire arrows
<SilverFox> Bomb trial
<SilverFox> fuck yeah
<G-Mobile> don't accidentally blow yourself up hilariously
<G-Mobile> do it on purpose
<SilverFox> Greys, have you noticed that the Sheika tablet is basically an RFID card with features?
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: have you noticed the sheika tablet is a nintendo switch
<teabot> Noteaced.
<SilverFox> actually, it's meant to represent a hybrid between the wiiu tablet and the switch, because the game is on both consoles
<G-Mobile> yea but it doesn't look like a wiiu tablet and it does look like a switch
<SilverFox> oh cool a cannon
<SilverFox> oh fuck a guardian
<G-Mobile> yeep
<G-Mobile> it's gonna kick the shit out of your ass with a laser
<SilverFox> yeah i just climbed the wall
<SilverFox> "So... How long were you planning on going au naturel? Just curious."
<SilverFox> "You need to learn some self-reliance"
<SilverFox> aight fine
<G-Mobile> self reliance like stealing your apples?
<SilverFox> oh yeah, all places old man can be, he is
<SilverFox> there
<G-Mobile> cuz he's ganon
<G-Mobile> fuckin teleporting pig wizard
<SilverFox> Wizpig?
<G-Mobile> or even, the old man is a series of puppets ganon inhabits
<G-Mobile> however it works out I strongly believe the old man is evil and is manipulating you for Ganon's ends
<G-Mobile> ;wa 10am + 8 hours
<kmath_> G-Mobile: 10:00 am + 8 hours: 6:00 pm
<G-Mobile> this might be a very odd job
egg is now known as egg|z|egg
egg|z|egg is now known as egg|zz|egg
<SilverFox> oh god
<SilverFox> im getting hurt from frostbite
egg|zz|egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<SilverFox> FUCK
<SilverFox> I was right there at the transition between snow and plains and I died
<SilverFox> fuck, i threw my torch off a cliff
<SilverFox> so there's a time delay on when you can detonate it
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<G-Mobile> detonate your torch?
<SilverFox> oh, I didnt continue my story
<SilverFox> the bombs have time delay
<SilverFox> so I chucked it, tried to explode it, and it bounced off a wall
<SilverFox> then came back and I just allahu akbar'd it
<SilverFox> fucking blue goblins
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<G-Mobile> there are no goblins in zelda
<SilverFox> fuck you, they're goblerinos
<Greys> bokoblins
<Greys> boko is pig in japanese
<SilverFox> sure
<SilverFox> fuck em
<Greys> hours from now somebody is going to say that's wrong
<Greys> btw, for a sense of scale, there's over ninety shrines
<SilverFox> so imma just stock up on food and heal my way through
<SilverFox> yeah, world is huge
<Greys> fuck huge, teh world is world
<Greys> if I had a TV, and money to buy a console, I would play this
<Greys> you can equip fish....
<SilverFox> just use a monitor
<Greys> my monitors are busy looking at porn
<SilverFox> tru
<Greys> speaking of looking at porn, it's time for stardew valley
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<SilverFox> YESS
<SilverFox> yyup, you can catch on fire
<SilverFox> these puzzles are so easy