egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
makes sense, think its just a differential, with input B choosing how much of input A vs ground is being used for the ref
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Greys, Mary shipped out those PDF versions of her Lets Speak English book
this book is pretty funny
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the degree at which asians like english, but don't care to understand certain phrases is quite hilarious
with shirts and hats that say "Fuck" on them
The word is aesthetically pleasing, apparently.
indeed it is
I have a theory that 4 letter english words are "the best"
best word ever
good word? best word. this best word ever. what else? what word more good?
none word more good.
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
what's even better is that that dialogue actually sounds like a foreigner trying to do english
talk just only four long word. some time hard talk with just four long word.
cant find need some word four long
"Queen of the Bitch"
Snoozee is now known as Majiir
"I learned a new word!" "What is it?" "DIE"
Soozee has joined #kspmodders
ayyy it's soozoo
> 1
Do I need a new CPU
I apparently bought mine in June 2012
but it definitely feels like it's more like 2-3 years old
well, 2012 was 5 years ago
Yeah, but June 2012 wasn't
and 5 years and 2-3 years aren't the same duration
Majuu CPU
Majiir is now known as Snoozee
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and this has been: 10 minutes with Majuu. Tune in in about 2-3 days for next episode
majiir, intel CPUs haven't increased significantly in performance at the same clock speed since 2011; largely because the last time AMD was competitive was 2008
so a 2012 core i processor is largely equal to a 2016 core i processor with the same clock speeds
he's gone
he has a name
and it isn't majiir rn so he wont get taht
you make no sense
Greys: They did make a bit of a jump down to 65W
from 115 iirc
darklight, that's not performance
was there ever a CPU that took 1kW of power to operate?
I've also no idea if they got more efficent with the same clock, but meh
the ENIAC required 160kW
SilverFox: Nvidia's breakfast cookers hit 300W easily
and it put out 174kW of heat
wait what
it put out more heat energy than energy put in?
good sources for technical specifications tend to not exist, so there's some dispute about how much of either ENIAC actually had
that or, ENIAC had a geothermal component, and functioned as a very inefficient thermal pump
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fuck, I tried watching my kdramas on my pi through VNC, just to see if the pi can handle it, and iceweasel keeps crashing
it plays youtube videos, then just crashes after a bit
chinese girl saga continued: she offered me 20rmb for 23eur
;wa 30rmb to eur
GlsFrg|phone: convert ¥30 (Chinese yuan) to euros: €4.06 (euros)
;wa 20rmb to eur
GlsFrg|phone: convert ¥20 (Chinese yuan) to euros: €2.71 (euros)
she also called mao the king of china
China has emperors, not kings.
whos mao?
Emperor Mao is the democratically elected dictator of China
every 2 years they hold a national vote where every emperor gets to decide who will continue to be the emperor
so basically a kim jung* situation?
Mao stands for "My Ass Off" and is the last three letters in the popular acronym "lmao"
thanks novybot
yes, except that Mao is intelligent
he's kgniving
he has foresight, vision, perspective, and even other adjectives
SilverFox: Are you fucking around with the pi again?
sort of
not anymore, just seeing its capabilities
Mao has been smart enough to keep his nation growing, and keep the world scared of him, without becoming a rabid toy dog
just waiting for a survivor with a bat to send it's jaw to the moon
To be fair you do have to be pretty smart to kill 60 million
then again, you dont
ie hitler invading russia
you have to be pretty smart to do the bad things Mao has done, and become the largest economy in the world
Obviously taiwan numbah wun
G-Mobile, are you often kept up by your thoughts when you are trying to go to sleep?
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I used to read a bit in order to bypass that
Stops you from thinking
Downside is getting caught up in something :P
if so, try focusing on the physical spot in your brain about 1cm above the hypothalamus and 2cm anterior to it. idk how its possible, but i do it, and it cuts any thoughts i have off abruptly and i can fall asleep more easily
I didn't think you'd be the type to be thinking too much
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I've gotta say since I moved I spend all the time I used to stare at the ceiling staring at a wall instead
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SilverFox, las lindas may have put out 4 pages this year; not totally sure, it could be more than that; in which case they are improving
that said this last one is 3 upclose face shots, a sketch of two hands, and the scene from that page with the hips but with the people drawn differently and a widget added
not much work really
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schmoons are officially a unit of weight now
and it's a unit from the future so clearly it's superior to kilograms
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Greys, seems pretty good
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I remember someone having love interest in geecku
well she's a pseudoimmortal alien space ensign; so Mino fucked her a long time ago
I believe there is a group called "Candy Stripes" that does other anthro stuff
I want to see what you can say about quality and such
also just for a chery on top; the plot of Las Lindas begins when the cow woman, having failed at life and lost her family, decides to go down to the city, pretend to be a prostitute, and bring some big strong men back to the farm and trick them into working the fields
does anyone know how to get ahold of NathenKell?
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wow this kid with the horn, he just managed to play a cord
chord? which one?
maybe in french
probably not a real one; but somehow they's playing 3 notes at once, on a horn
you cannot play 3 notes at once on most instruments
I know
also, the proper word is chord, a cord is a string-thing
Greys, have you seen Lynels in BotW yet?
they're centaurs with lightning shit
yes well in amerigo we don't say chord
and they one shot you
yes, you do
we say chorizu
that's japanese
no, it's spanish
no, it's mexican
mexico is spanish
Mexico has its own dialect
of the language spanish
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yes but spanish is also another language
another dialect
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does spinning platters of a harddrive generate more heat than the equivalent storage medium of SSDs?
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chorizo is a kind of argentinian beef
chorizo is a kind of spanish/hispanic sausage
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Hyratel_, are you any good at audio grade circuitry?
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
not sure what you mean by that
I want to make a box with a 3.5mm input and a 3.5mm output , that contains a bluetooth audio reciever circuit; and will merge the output of the bluetooth thing and the 3.5mm input at the 3.5mm output; without sending the bluetooth sound out on the 3.5mm input
got hamburgers yeahhh
the bluetooth thing I can buy, the hard part is the directional merge
to be clear, I want both sources to be able to get audio to the speaker at the same time; not any kind of switching
basically you want to merge the audio channels
yes, without exposing the wired audio source to voltages from the bluetooth thing; because the bluetooth thing is undoubtedly going to be some kind of shitty
I wonder if it can be done with a pi0
ideally this should be done passively
I wonder what happens if you just put the outputs in parallel
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worst case, the bluetooth thing will at some point decide to put out a large voltage, and the wired source will become a viable ground, thus permitting a situation where the BT could damage the wired source
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diode the output then
put a condom on
yea except sound isn't necissarily going to be positive, in fact it probably isn't going to be
googling seems to suggest that line voltage i pretty random
why not just diode both ways, to protect against both positive AND negative voltage?
you know why
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
have you ever had an american ejaculate up your nose
not yet
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the worst has happened
네가 없었으면 좋겠어 has gotten a bunch of new chapters posted on mangahere over the last couple days, and the last five of them are unreadable because they're like 1 inch wide
and korean likes to leave a lot of shit out because context and using "to be" is excessive or some shit
oh that is 없었
korean is like an ogre
it has many layers
;wa time since august 25th, 2014
Greys: Monday, August 25, 2014 to current time: 2 years 6 months 16 days 18 hours 38 minutes 45 seconds
yeah 먼 means distant, to be far away
I wonder if that's in my notebook too
duck means that sure, but does duck in the context of other things mean more than duck alone
Making Of Neon is a sequel!!
oh wait, that's myeon
that means if
yeah to not exist makes sense
to not have any, to not be any
eopsda is pretty usefl like that
I'm gonna recommend you spend the night finding manhwa (webtoons is easy), and figuring out how to get from their english title to their korean title; like a rosetta stone of bullshit
characters in Making of Neon have the same backstory, similar physical traits, and similar personalities as characters from Sodium Eyes; but they have different names and some physical differences
sounds lazy
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get me some manhwa
good ones
darklight has left #kspmodders [Konversation terminated!]