egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
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<xShadowx> darklight: no time to test, linking for educational - i got told this does what i wanted the other day :)
<xShadowx> makes sense, think its just a differential, with input B choosing how much of input A vs ground is being used for the ref
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<SilverFox> Greys, Mary shipped out those PDF versions of her Lets Speak English book
<SilverFox> this book is pretty funny
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<SilverFox> the degree at which asians like english, but don't care to understand certain phrases is quite hilarious
<SilverFox> with shirts and hats that say "Fuck" on them
<Supernovy> The word is aesthetically pleasing, apparently.
<SilverFox> indeed it is
<SilverFox> I have a theory that 4 letter english words are "the best"
<Supernovy> best word ever
<Supernovy> good word? best word. this best word ever. what else? what word more good?
<Supernovy> none word more good.
RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
<SilverFox> what's even better is that that dialogue actually sounds like a foreigner trying to do english
<Supernovy> talk just only four long word. some time hard talk with just four long word.
<Supernovy> cant find need some word four long
<SilverFox> "Queen of the Bitch"
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<SilverFox> "I learned a new word!" "What is it?" "DIE"
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<SilverFox> ayyy it's soozoo
<SilverFox> > 1
<Soozee> 1
<SilverFox> ayyyy
<Majiir> Do I need a new CPU
<SilverFox> yes
<Majiir> I apparently bought mine in June 2012
<Majiir> but it definitely feels like it's more like 2-3 years old
<SilverFox> well, 2012 was 5 years ago
<Majiir> Yeah, but June 2012 wasn't
<Majiir> and 5 years and 2-3 years aren't the same duration
<Supernovy> Majuu CPU
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<SilverFox> and this has been: 10 minutes with Majuu. Tune in in about 2-3 days for next episode
<Greys> majiir, intel CPUs haven't increased significantly in performance at the same clock speed since 2011; largely because the last time AMD was competitive was 2008
<Greys> so a 2012 core i processor is largely equal to a 2016 core i processor with the same clock speeds
<SilverFox> he's gone
<Greys> he has a name
<SilverFox> and it isn't majiir rn so he wont get taht
<Greys> you make no sense
<darklight> Greys: They did make a bit of a jump down to 65W
<darklight> from 115 iirc
<Greys> darklight, that's not performance
<SilverFox> was there ever a CPU that took 1kW of power to operate?
<darklight> I've also no idea if they got more efficent with the same clock, but meh
<Greys> the ENIAC required 160kW
<darklight> SilverFox: Nvidia's breakfast cookers hit 300W easily
<Greys> and it put out 174kW of heat
<SilverFox> wait what
<SilverFox> it put out more heat energy than energy put in?
<Greys> good sources for technical specifications tend to not exist, so there's some dispute about how much of either ENIAC actually had
<G-Mobile> that or, ENIAC had a geothermal component, and functioned as a very inefficient thermal pump
<G-Mobile> ;wa 174kW/160kW
<kmath_> G-Mobile: (174 kW (kilowatts))/(160 kW (kilowatts)): 1.088
<G-Mobile> very inefficient
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<SilverFox> Greys, in terms of this Lets Speak English comic, I'm 100% sure you'll find at least 4-5 things to pick apart
<SilverFox> welp, I just finished it
<SilverFox> I was expecting it to be more informative on the process of teaching english in another country, but I wasn't disappointed
<SilverFox> ~c 317/399
<SilverFox> oh right
<SilverFox> it's dead
<SilverFox> why
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<SilverFox> ~c 317/399
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 0.7944862155388471
<SilverFox> 80%, I'll take it
<SilverFox> ~c 83.75/103
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 0.8131067961165048
<SilverFox> fuck yeah
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<SilverFox> got 81% on my chem midterm
<SilverFox> was totes expecting 70's
<G-Mobile> 81 isn't that far from 70s
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<SilverFox> I was thinking moreso low-mid 70's
<SilverFox> is there a remote desktop app that lets me transmit sound too?
<SilverFox> aw fack I need to reboot the pi
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<SilverFox> fuck, I tried watching my kdramas on my pi through VNC, just to see if the pi can handle it, and iceweasel keeps crashing
<SilverFox> it plays youtube videos, then just crashes after a bit
<GlsFrg|phone> chinese girl saga continued: she offered me 20rmb for 23eur
<GlsFrg|phone> ;wa 30rmb to eur
<kmath_> GlsFrg|phone: convert ¥30 (Chinese yuan) to euros: €4.06 (euros)
<GlsFrg|phone> ;wa 20rmb to eur
<kmath_> GlsFrg|phone: convert ¥20 (Chinese yuan) to euros: €2.71 (euros)
<GlsFrg|phone> she also called mao the king of china
<Supernovy> China has emperors, not kings.
<SilverFox> whos mao?
<G-Mobile> Emperor Mao is the democratically elected dictator of China
<G-Mobile> every 2 years they hold a national vote where every emperor gets to decide who will continue to be the emperor
<SilverFox> so basically a kim jung* situation?
<Supernovy> Mao stands for "My Ass Off" and is the last three letters in the popular acronym "lmao"
<SilverFox> thanks novybot
<G-Mobile> yes, except that Mao is intelligent
<G-Mobile> he's kgniving
<SilverFox> wat
<G-Mobile> he has foresight, vision, perspective, and even other adjectives
<darklight> SilverFox: Are you fucking around with the pi again?
<SilverFox> sort of
<SilverFox> not anymore, just seeing its capabilities
<G-Mobile> Mao has been smart enough to keep his nation growing, and keep the world scared of him, without becoming a rabid toy dog
<G-Mobile> just waiting for a survivor with a bat to send it's jaw to the moon
<darklight> To be fair you do have to be pretty smart to kill 60 million
<SilverFox> then again, you dont
<SilverFox> ie hitler invading russia
<G-Mobile> you have to be pretty smart to do the bad things Mao has done, and become the largest economy in the world
<darklight> Obviously taiwan numbah wun
<darklight> :P
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, are you often kept up by your thoughts when you are trying to go to sleep?
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<darklight> I used to read a bit in order to bypass that
<darklight> Stops you from thinking
<darklight> Downside is getting caught up in something :P
<SilverFox> if so, try focusing on the physical spot in your brain about 1cm above the hypothalamus and 2cm anterior to it. idk how its possible, but i do it, and it cuts any thoughts i have off abruptly and i can fall asleep more easily
<darklight> I didn't think you'd be the type to be thinking too much
<darklight> :P
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<Glass|phone> I've gotta say since I moved I spend all the time I used to stare at the ceiling staring at a wall instead
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<Greys> SilverFox, las lindas may have put out 4 pages this year; not totally sure, it could be more than that; in which case they are improving
<Greys> that said this last one is 3 upclose face shots, a sketch of two hands, and the scene from that page with the hips but with the people drawn differently and a widget added
<Greys> not much work really
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<Greys> schmoons are officially a unit of weight now
<Greys> and it's a unit from the future so clearly it's superior to kilograms
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<SilverFox> Greys, seems pretty good
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<Greys> somebody should make a program for generating this diagram
<Greys> fucking firefox can't copy shit for shit
<SilverFox> what diagram?
<SilverFox> the xkcd one?
<SilverFox> Greys, how porny has Las Lindas gotten over the years?
<SilverFox> are they still focused on non-nudity?
<Greys> you will never directly see an entire nipple, or a genital
<Greys> there's plenty of fucking
<SilverFox> I see
<Greys> the story arc that just ended; the first half of it; cat boy fucks geecku
<Greys> not fanart
<SilverFox> I remember someone having love interest in geecku
<Greys> well she's a pseudoimmortal alien space ensign; so Mino fucked her a long time ago
<SilverFox> I believe there is a group called "Candy Stripes" that does other anthro stuff
<SilverFox> I want to see what you can say about quality and such
<Greys> also just for a chery on top; the plot of Las Lindas begins when the cow woman, having failed at life and lost her family, decides to go down to the city, pretend to be a prostitute, and bring some big strong men back to the farm and trick them into working the fields
<SilverFox> I remember that
<Greys> links or who gives a fuck
<SilverFox> im trying
<SilverFox> aha, club stripes
<Greys> these all look very boring
<SilverFox> let me see if I can finda few good ones with Peaches
<Greys> I'm gonna go with "I don't care"
<Greys> spacex is actually building a hyperloop prototype?
<Greys> yea just not into it
<SilverFox> fair nuff
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<Krystal> does anyone know how to get ahold of NathenKell?
<SilverFox> #kspmodding
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<Greys> wow this kid with the horn, he just managed to play a cord
<SilverFox> chord? which one?
<Greys> maybe in french
<Greys> probably not a real one; but somehow they's playing 3 notes at once, on a horn
<SilverFox> you cannot play 3 notes at once on most instruments
<Greys> I know
<SilverFox> also, the proper word is chord, a cord is a string-thing
<SilverFox> Greys, have you seen Lynels in BotW yet?
<SilverFox> they're centaurs with lightning shit
<Greys> yes well in amerigo we don't say chord
<SilverFox> and they one shot you
<SilverFox> yes, you do
<Greys> we say chorizu
<SilverFox> that's japanese
<Greys> no, it's spanish
<SilverFox> no, it's mexican
<Greys> mexico is spanish
<SilverFox> Mexico has its own dialect
<Greys> of the language spanish
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<SilverFox> yes but spanish is also another language
<SilverFox> another dialect
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<SilverFox> does spinning platters of a harddrive generate more heat than the equivalent storage medium of SSDs?
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<Djohaal_> chorizo is a kind of argentinian beef
<Greys> chorizo is a kind of spanish/hispanic sausage
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<Greys> Hyratel_, are you any good at audio grade circuitry?
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<Hyratel_> not sure what you mean by that
<Greys> I want to make a box with a 3.5mm input and a 3.5mm output , that contains a bluetooth audio reciever circuit; and will merge the output of the bluetooth thing and the 3.5mm input at the 3.5mm output; without sending the bluetooth sound out on the 3.5mm input
<SilverFox> got hamburgers yeahhh
<Greys> the bluetooth thing I can buy, the hard part is the directional merge
<Greys> to be clear, I want both sources to be able to get audio to the speaker at the same time; not any kind of switching
<SilverFox> basically you want to merge the audio channels
<Greys> yes, without exposing the wired audio source to voltages from the bluetooth thing; because the bluetooth thing is undoubtedly going to be some kind of shitty
<SilverFox> hrmm
<SilverFox> I wonder if it can be done with a pi0
<Greys> ideally this should be done passively
<SilverFox> I wonder what happens if you just put the outputs in parallel
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<Greys> worst case, the bluetooth thing will at some point decide to put out a large voltage, and the wired source will become a viable ground, thus permitting a situation where the BT could damage the wired source
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<SilverFox> diode the output then
<SilverFox> put a condom on
<SilverFox> *protection*
<Greys> yea except sound isn't necissarily going to be positive, in fact it probably isn't going to be
<Greys> googling seems to suggest that line voltage i pretty random
<Greys> is
<SilverFox> why not just diode both ways, to protect against both positive AND negative voltage?
<Greys> you know why
<SilverFox> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<Greys> have you ever had an american ejaculate up your nose
<SilverFox> not yet
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<Greys> the worst has happened
<Greys> 네가 없었으면 좋겠어 has gotten a bunch of new chapters posted on mangahere over the last couple days, and the last five of them are unreadable because they're like 1 inch wide
<Greys> fuck this
<SilverFox> oohooh I know those words
<Greys> holy shit boys
<Greys> grab your testicles and make sure they don't go anywhere
<SilverFox> You (have none of) distant will be good
<darklight> Greys: That was a very silverfox thing of you to say
<Greys> Alfred Lam, AKA Sodium Eyes, started a new webcomic
<SilverFox> I got promoted to silver 3
<Greys> the last page of his last episode was posted on august 25th, 2014
<Greys> last webcomic*
<Greys> btw, that webcomic is also Sodium Eyes
<SilverFox> oh, "It will be good if you were distant"
<Greys> "it would be good if you didn't exist"
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> 먼 means distant
<Greys> you sure it doesn't have more meanings?
<SilverFox> I will check, but I have a feeling it doesnt
<Greys> well, that's their english, so that's what they intend
<SilverFox> right
<Greys> solve for X
<SilverFox> and korean likes to leave a lot of shit out because context and using "to be" is excessive or some shit
<SilverFox> oh that is 없었
<SilverFox> okay
<SilverFox> korean is like an ogre
<SilverFox> it has many layers
<Greys> ;wa time since august 25th, 2014
<kmath_> Greys: Monday, August 25, 2014 to current time: 2 years 6 months 16 days 18 hours 38 minutes 45 seconds
<SilverFox> yeah 먼 means distant, to be far away
<SilverFox> I wonder if that's in my notebook too
<Greys> duck means that sure, but does duck in the context of other things mean more than duck alone
<Greys> Making Of Neon is a sequel!!
<Greys> yeeeeez
<SilverFox> oh wait, that's myeon
<SilverFox> that means if
<SilverFox> yeah to not exist makes sense
<SilverFox> to not have any, to not be any
<SilverFox> eopsda is pretty usefl like that
<Greys> I'm gonna recommend you spend the night finding manhwa (webtoons is easy), and figuring out how to get from their english title to their korean title; like a rosetta stone of bullshit
<SilverFox> that would be a decent exercise
<SilverFox> but effort on my part
<Greys> guess what learning requires
<SilverFox> different effort
<SilverFox> yes, all learning requires parmasian
<Greys> and mozzerella
<SilverFox> cheezu in general
<Greys> cheese on cheese
<Greys> and then you have to figure out where to obtain vomit pizza
<Greys> and burn it to the ground
<SilverFox> ew
<Greys> it's called a Fiestada
<SilverFox> ew
<Greys> guess how I located these bullshit plates of disgustotronesium from my childhood on google
<SilverFox> school lunch"
<Greys> and this is where it came from
<Greys> ok so it's not exactly a sequel
<Greys> characters in Making of Neon have the same backstory, similar physical traits, and similar personalities as characters from Sodium Eyes; but they have different names and some physical differences
<SilverFox> sounds lazy
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<Greys> nah
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<SilverFox> get me some manhwa
<SilverFox> good ones
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<Greys> wait no
<Greys> that's not it
<SilverFox> give me the titles
<SilverFox> in korean
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<Greys> 마녀사냥
<SilverFox> is that just witch hunt?
<SilverFox> I want the titles in korean first to see how close I get the translations to the english titles
<Greys> that's 100% korean
<SilverFox> indeed
<SilverFox> naver is cool
<Greys> Line is Naver in english
<SilverFox> its the korean google
<SilverFox> Greys, Witch hunt
<Greys> you fail to grasp, Naver is WebToon
<SilverFox> you gave me the same comic
<Greys> almost all manga are Webtoon
<Greys> manwha*
<Greys> haw*
<SilverFox> if you tell me the english title first it ruins it
<Greys> haw haw haw