egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
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<Greys> ;wa 1582MHz - 1531MHz
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<kmath_> Greys: 1582 MHz (megahertz) - 1531 MHz (megahertz): 51 MHz (megahertz)
<Greys> is 50MHz really anything anybody gives a shit about
<Greys> ;wa 80ROPS
<kmath_> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> that was fast...
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<SilverFox> Greys, depends on the thing itself and the market
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<Greys> SilverFox, GTX 1080 vs 1080ti
<Greys> the clock is slightly faster on the ti
<SilverFox> base clock, or OC clock?
<Greys> gonna guess max OC but this is more your field of expertise
<SilverFox> well, if comparing base clocks, that's fucking nothing, 1080 on booost clocks goes up by like, 150-200 somethingMhz iirc on its boost
<SilverFox> if the difference is boost -> base, then that's a bigger difference, and potentially worth it
<SilverFox> egg, saw Mars Climate Orbiter in other chat, what was the other famous mars orbiter?
<egg> the one that crashed because of unit fuckups
<SilverFox> what was it called?
<egg> Mars Climate Orbiter
<Greys> so no man's sky has added land vehicles and creative mode
<SilverFox> no the other one
<egg> what other one?
pizzaoverhead_ is now known as pizzaoverhead
<SilverFox> that french word for spying on shit
<SilverFox> i'm just a little bit drining
<pizzaoverhead> "2001 Mars Odyssey"
<Supernovy> I get it
<SilverFox> thats the one
<Supernovy> MRO?
<SilverFox> ye
<SilverFox> that's the one I was thinking of
<Greys> is that even not-english?
<pizzaoverhead> "Mars French And Also English Word For Spying On Shit Orbiter"
<SilverFox> reconnaissance?
<Greys> I could easily believe that's how the english version is spelled too
<SilverFox> im quite sure we just use recon cause lazy
<pizzaoverhead> Greys: It is indeed.
<Greys> goalposts
<SilverFox> goooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllalalalalalallallll
<Greys> pedro foreva~
<SilverFox> anyways back on /topic
<pizzaoverhead> Wikipedia's List of Mars orbiters has a hopeful seeming "Destroyed" category for orbiters that is currently unused...
<SilverFox> theres other shit with the ti of 1080 too
<SilverFox> probably cuuda core count increase, which is a big factor
<SilverFox> ~newegg 1080ti
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: 601201888&IsNodeId=1&Submit=ENE
<SilverFox> Greys, any brand in specific you're looking at?
<Greys> linus
<Greys> I would assume reference
<SilverFox> like founders edition?
<SilverFox> ewwww
<SilverFox> blower fans
<SilverFox> so I'll be comparing the zotac brand founders edition 1080 and 1080ti cards respectively:
<SilverFox> core clock: 1607MHz | 1480MHZ Boost clock: 1733MHz | 1582MHz Cuda cores: 2560 | 3584 Memory: 8GB GDDR5X 256bit | 11GB GDDR5X 352bit
<SilverFox> so overall the ti has lower clocks which means in calculations it is slower clock per clock, however it makes up for this with it's higher core count, and the larger memory bus. The ti has 3GB more of that sweet GDDR5X memory, so it can handle more textures and just shit in general
<SilverFox> the ti will excel in conditions where going in and out of memory happens more often, as that's where it excels
<SilverFox> the higher bitrate on the bus indicates this
<SilverFox> also, the ti will excel in places where mass paralellization is had, even moreso than the regular stuff
<SilverFox> so it's kinda like an desktop vs server situation
<Greys> SilverFox, reference
<SilverFox> for what?
<SilverFox> you want the newegg links?
<Greys> reference
<Greys> reference means shit
<SilverFox> yeah
<Greys> it means the one nvidia made
<Greys> it means the cooler nvidia intended
<SilverFox> I compared reference cards
<Greys> no you compared zotac
<SilverFox> and reference
<SilverFox> zotac reference cards
<Greys> zotac isn't reference
<SilverFox> founders edition cards
<Greys> founders edition is totally unrelated
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<SilverFox> egg, where's a scenario where a coprocessor is preferred compared to GPU for parallel tasks?
<Greys> define how a GPU isn't a coprocessor
<Greys> (keep in mind they used to be called graphics coprocessor cards)
<SilverFox> there are things braned as coprocessors
<Greys> so like quadros?
<SilverFox> like, xeon phi or some shit
<Greys> much more RAM
<Greys> hella RAM
<SilverFox> there's an AMD graphics card with 1TB ram or some shit
<Greys> more and faster transfer
<Greys> yea I think linus did a video on that
<SilverFox> so many smarticles in #kspacademia
<Greys> most of the time with big math shit you need to pump in a large amount of numbers to run through the formula, and then you get a relatively small amount back out; then as you parallelize the volume occupied by the inputs grows really fast
<Greys> with a GPU you're generally expecting to fill in a lot of texture data that can be reused, mesh data that can be manipulated, and mainly what you're sending in is instructions; and critically, you're not getting much of anything out because the result is sent to the monitor
<SilverFox> what about in hashing and CUDA shit and DEEP LEARNING
<Greys> so with math you need to be able to input a lot of data fast, constantly, and you need the space to have a big buffer on the card to keep the cores fed while you handle the other stuff
<Greys> CUDA can have a lot of uses, deep learning is more neural network stuff, and hashing falls under what I just described
<SilverFox> ok
<Greys> you pump the GPU's ram full of hashes, it processes them as fast as it can and you take out the result
<SilverFox> but with hashing the output isnt sent to the monitor, isnt it?
<Greys> your question asserts that you're ignoring the things I say again
<SilverFox> no, it asserts that there is a mismatch between the conceptions I have and the things you said, and I am attempting clarification to resolve this issue
<Greys> ok, so, I explained that, and you're trying to put a dildo shaped pegg in a blender shaped hole
<Greys> [20:50:18] <Greys> so with math you need to be able to input a lot of data fast, constantly, and you need the space to have a big buffer on the card to keep the cores fed while you handle the other stuff
<Greys> hashes = math
<SilverFox> right
<SilverFox> lots of parallel maths
<SilverFox> like in password cracking and bitcoin mining
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<Greys> GPUs are optimized for the needs of gameplay, which is only somewhat recently asking the GPU to do calculations; quadros are optimized for doing math without the expectation that the result will usually go to the monitor
<SilverFox> ahh
<SilverFox> so quadros do the NN and DEEP LEARNING stuff
<Greys> trucks are good at moving lots of material, cars are good at moving long distances efficiently, motorcycles are good at going fast; they are all automobiles
<Greys> Deep Learning is a NN methodology
<SilverFox> yeah but buzzwords
<Greys> computerphile did a video on it
<SilverFox> of course they did
<SilverFox> and I probably watched it too
<Greys> of course, go watch it some time, it's informative
<SilverFox> I've also been watching their AI series
<SilverFox> really fascinating shit
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<Greys> so with NN the important thing is how many tiny processes you can be running in parallel; clusters, supercomputers, and GPUs are all really good at this, because they have lots of cores to go around
<SilverFox> right
<Greys> effectively each core can be treated as one or more node in the neural net
<SilverFox> right
<Greys> a coprocessor will be better at this because it's designed to optimize for having more stuff buffered, and can remove results better
<Greys> also those kinds of cards almost always have more bits to the buss, or wider, faster floating point calculations
<SilverFox> fuck im getting that gross sobery wine drunk feeling
<Greys> oh fuck off
<SilverFox> I need water, I'll brb
<SilverFox> okay got my water
<Greys> consider it to be kind of like a high bipass turbofan compared to a zero bypass turbojet; they work in much the same way, they achieve much the same thing, and they can both be considered high performance; they however have different goals, and thus do different things well
<SilverFox> so all this stuff makes sense
<SilverFox> just dont do that jet engine comparison
<SilverFox> it will further confuse peoople
<Greys> what people
<Greys> you're the only one who doesn't understand this
<SilverFox> im not the only one
<Greys> only one
<SilverFox> anyways
<SilverFox> that jet engine shit threw me off
<Greys> the booze threw you off
<SilverFox> but I understand the differences
<Greys> I want to take apart my modem and use the LEDs as control lines to operate a set of solenoids imbedded in my desk, so when the lights would be lit, a little rod extends about 5mm above the surface, and when they wouldn't be the rod is flush
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<Greys> the only complicating factor in that plan is there's one light that blinks eradically and solenoids are never totally silent
<Hyratel_> what purpose? or just "for the experience"?
<Hyratel_> tactile feedback?
<teabot> Tacteale.
Scorp is now known as Scorp_Away
<Greys> cus it'd look sweet
<Greys> so's I'm looking through this service called Zapier, it's like IFTTT, but more pro level; it supports EVE Online....
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<SilverFox> Greys, do you remember Homestar Runner?
<G-Mobile> for certain values of remember
<G-Mobile> I never watched it
<G-Mobile> played trogdor a couple times
<SilverFox> ~yt homestar runner marshmellows
<kmath_> YouTube - Homestar Fluffy Puff Marshmallows Commercial!!
<SilverFox> "before I drink something, I usually eat something too"
<SilverFox> 2008
<SilverFox> holy wow
<SilverFox> this is like, prime youtube years
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<Glass|phone> .tell TheKosmonaut suginami-ku has a garbage disposal helper app that needs like all the permissions
<darklight> You need an app for your garbage cans?
<darklight> We have a better way for disposing lots of waste
<darklight> Yuge fire
<darklight> The black smoke means that you burned something you probably shouldn't have, but it still disappearifies it
<SilverFox> who the fuck thought it'd be a great idea to colonize australia?
<SilverFox> why are brits so stupid
<SilverFox> they colonized australia AND canada
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<SilverFox> they lost fingers to frostbite here and were like "yup, let's live here"
<SilverFox> went to australia afterwards, and fucking DIED, then said "yup, let's get this place too"
<SilverFox> but instead, they colonized it with criminals
<SilverFox> and put all the child molesters ther
<darklight> The british were optimists
<darklight> We were nearly settled twice by other countries
<darklight> iirc
<SilverFox> yeah but since they put all the child molesters there in australia, they invoked the wrath of lena dunham and the gods of feminism
<darklight> Err
<darklight> I didn't think she was australian
<darklight> She's born in the US man
<SilverFox> the child molesters were displaced from their natural habitats
<SilverFox> this displeases her
<SilverFox> i really want tto sleep, but im having a really good run in league
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<xShadowx> british didnt settle australia :P
<teabot> Briteash.
<xShadowx> criminals != settlers
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<darklight> ;tell SilverFox why is worst leader in worst korea not leaving office even after being impeached?
<kmath_> darklight: I'll let silverfox know when I see them
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<Glass|phone> "‘Scrabble’ has been looked up 63416 times, has been favorited 15 times, has been added to 9 lists, has 2 comments, and is not a valid Scrabble word."
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<Greys> how do you calculate the strength of those passwords android can have where you draw a glyph on a 3x3 grid of dots?
<darklight> You're after the amount of valid combinations I guess
<darklight> Remember the rules like you can't go from corner to corner without also going through the middle, unless you have already gone through the middle
<darklight> (you can back over itself in android)
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<Greys> on-user-choice-for-android-unlock-patterns.pdf
<Greys> this is big, I don't know that the answer is in here
<Greys> ok there's another report I'll have to find
<Greys> I would gladly have an RFID or NFC based 2 factor code generator imbedded in my hand and have that be my code for lots of things
<Greys> I have to assume that the micro key doesn't even need to be that big; it is because of USB
Scorp_Away is now known as Scorp
<SilverFox> .
<Greys> then we could have NFC readers in mice so you just put your hand on the mouse to unlock the computer
<SilverFox> Greys, hat about a thin glove with the nfc chip on it?
<Greys> what security does that provide?
<Greys> your password would be physically stealable
<SilverFox> so you want to surgically implant it into your hand?
<Greys> who is going to steal my hand?
<SilverFox> have fun with anti-rejection meds for life
<Greys> are you totally unaware of RFID chips for pets
<SilverFox> nope
<Greys> how hard is it to do fluid flow simulation in blender
<SilverFox> do we have a shrimp burger in canmerica's mcdonalds?
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<Greys> you're the comerican here, why would we know
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<Greys> there is an entire genre of porn about unsuspecting women activating fancy toilets to pleasure them
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<Greys> how did nobody mention DST happening today?
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<Greys> ah the complexities of korean naming and social media
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<SilverFox> Greys, what complexities?
<SilverFox> also these kids in this drama just watched another kid drown
<SilverFox> kid was like, just... idk but he wasn't swimming, but he wasn't sinking, he was just flailing in place for like, 3-5 minutes
<SilverFox> kids were just sitting there yelling his name
<SilverFox> kid was like "help me tho"
<SilverFox> other kids just kept yelling his name
<SilverFox> one of them hid behind a rock for a bit
<SilverFox> then went back to yell at the drowning kid some more
<SilverFox> all in this time the kid could've flailed his way to shore, he wasn't that far out
<SilverFox> kids these days are fucking useless
<SilverFox> mother's fucking losing it, kids are traumatized from their uselessness
<SilverFox> im just waiting until they get beaten for not doing anything
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<darklight> o/
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<SilverFox> Greys, wanna see the most half-assed censoring I've ever come across?
* darklight was expecting to see half an ass
<SilverFox> this chick is somehow managing to get decent sized water balloons inside her vagina, I'm rather impressed. What's great about it is how it just plops out at the end, everything is so silent then it makes this satisfying "kerploopf" sound and then the video ends
<SilverFox> and it's just a tumblr full of these
<SilverFox> im surprised it hasnt popped tbh
Scorp is now known as Scorp_Away
<SilverFox> darklight, where's that gif for cieling dildo?
<darklight> Just google image search ceiling dildo
<darklight> Or roof dildo
<darklight> It's impressive, but do we really need to crash this channel with no survivors? :P
<darklight> This is getting extremely painful