egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
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so dude is CEO of a software company, hires a female body guard because she has super powers of strength, then proceeds to get stabbed and she didnt even protect him
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Silverfox we have cyclones, they spin the other way :P
And it's pretty close to hitting me :P
well its weak as shit
It is expected to hit as a category 4
Which is not weak as shit, we lost power for a few days last time this happened :P
1) it's tiny 2) top wind speeds were like, 80 clicks, over the ocean, falling to 60 once it hits land, then 40 within 6 hours of that, then dead. 3)pfffffffffffft
Category 5 hurricane is the worst because you see the remnants of its destruction, in pieces, completely shredded. Next is the earthquake fissure, it too flattens things and turns buildings to dust, but also has the option of swallowing it, leaving a scar on the land as mark of its damage. Next is an eruption because it not only burns shit and makes everything covered in sut, it works on stages of destruction; 1st being
fucking rocks on fire which it hurls everywhere, 2nd being the ash cloud that blocks all sunlight, making everything dark and cold, then comes sut-rain, which will bury everything it covers and preserves it for centuries to come
*cyclone* :P
fuck you it's just an upside-down hurricane
That's an anticyclone
Formed via highs
yall wanting special fuckin treatment cause yall have spiders and shit
They spin the other way silverfox :P
yeah because yall are living upside down
just stop being upside down and yall wont have problems
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Supernovy, how do I put fluids into the assembler
change the assembler to the recipe you want, then a pipe input will appear in it.
all of these machines are animorphs
you can rotate it like other buildings, but the input will always be on the centre.
my base is a mess
That'll happen until you've done a few complete run throughs
nah, well maybe but that's unrelated
I've torn apart half of my science assembly process twice; without finishing the rebuild either time
That'll never stop happening.
it's in my nature
This game isn't about nature, quite the opposite.
I have half a thesis about how this game is designed to exploint the inate human desire for expansion and systems mastery to instill an antagonistic relationship with nature; as a way to create an understanding of the difficulty in resisting behaviors that are detrimental to the environment
Djohaal, what is a reduction in total circulatory supply called?
I want to say that'd be a different thing
that as well
I might be lazy enough to set up a train just to travel between my refinery and my... mess
That's what I did.
coal goes onto a train then travels a few metres to the boilers.
"the ship has now reached 800 times it's maximum speed)
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substations don't serve any purpose do they
their formfactor makes them ill suited to tessilating with any organization of reasonable density
they serve the same purpose as the other power distributors
They work nice with certain things
They are necessary for tightly compacted designds
they're antithetical to them
I'm removing them from my drone factory because they make everything worse
They work nice for solar cells
it's night 90% of the time on my world so they're not helpful
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I think it's monday
Greys: do you have facts to back up that claim
fact one, I'm bad at time
It's still monday here
fact two, I'm converting to night shifts
fact 2, I'm worse at time when I stay up all night
fact 7, my brain thinks it's saturday
therefore, it's monday
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180 drones
Cyclone now projected to hit us directly :3
that's why you should move inland, with the spiders and the batyienas
Naaa, tis but a bit of rain and wind
I think my drone factorum might be substantially more efficient if I conveyored in bulk base materials
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I find it odd that gou'auld things tend to be made out of actual stone; even when they're spaceships
stones make great spaceships
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checkmate, atheist
Well, I suppose you could call most things travelling through space stones :P
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Stones Throw: From Nowhere to Nowhere, a science fiction themed coming of age story aboard a generation ship where this is neither the first or last generation
Maybe have a romance about assigned breeding, to prevent inbreeding
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could be like, the generations are designed to fluctuate by quite a lot, so the life support systems can spend a while in repair and the food machines can build up supply for the next big generation
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and the way they do that is that every so often a generation is permitted to have two children on average, but to keep the gene pool diverse no couple can have two kids, and the computer generates an ideal genetic pair-map for each generation when they're young
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at the arbitrary age of 18ish everybody is informed of their pairings
it would need to be specifically written so all these people have grown up their whole life knowing this is how it works, nobody is surprized by the process or has been raised with a conflicting world view, this is just how it works
also there should be a pretty week sense of marriage, and a strong focus on 'it takes a village'
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so by weak sense of marriage, what does that entail?
is it less of a monogamy, or less of a legal bonding?
computer says this guy and this girl will make a baby that probably won't reduce the gene pool, and everything about society deems that's sufficient justification for them to have a child; but nobody is pretending that it should result in love
plus you could mix in artificial insemination and controlled fertility and then explore decoupling sex and love and family
so you reproduce with good genes in mind?
that is the premise as stated repeatedly yes
got any other obvious observations?
nono, "not reducing the gene pool" and "pairing good genes" are different things
pairing good genes will result in inbreeding
the goal must be to maintain diversity or the genepool is doomed
right, but cant you just import good genes?
how big is the total population?
it's a generation ship
at best tens of thousands, probably thousands
fair enough
how long are they to stay there?
because it is limited how many pairings and children there can be
this generation occurs somewhere in the middle of the journey
also, I think two children per parent pairing should be good enough to sustain the populus
if this is a 500 generation trip, this is generation 187
also also, there should definitely be medical intervention for insemination, to prevent the happenings of twins and triplets+
also how does the society see genetic defects, like down syndrome?
is there any control for blood typing?
you could have it perfectly controlled by making them impotent and require artificial spern to reproduce
I think that's a bad idea
but really, how much damage would twins do
almost perfectly genetically similar, addsless variatian to gene pool
it only has to work on a statistical level
I disagree, if a thing can happen, it will happen
since G-Magic said that people would still fuck with whoever they like there would also be problems due to insufficient rubber insulation
and we also dont know how many generations it takes before the effectsof incest fade to mere nothingness
Glass, the solution is tube tying or vasectomies. Maybe both. Sperm is still produced and well, but is not released into the ejaculate
Sex is important to humans
that is the same thing just a bit less drastic
and it's one ofour basic insticts
you're saying that as if I didn't know that
im stating it so it's known and considered
I just bit very hard on wooden chopstics by accident
yanno, I wish I had metal chopsticks that were more pointed at the ends
so basically large needles
I always find that the taper isnt strong enough
BasharMilesTeg_ is now known as BasharMilesTeg
you just want to stab people
I want to pick up the tiny pieces of food I miss
like somebody's eyes
more like the bits of brain but aight
man, how do I kill all the time I have now
excessive masturbation
I should work on that train model but don't feel like it
I've exceeded my data and am throttled now
literally getting a girl into bed would be faster than browsing porn
maybe I should order a desk and chair from amzn so that lying in bed is not the only comfortable position anymore
so get that chinese girl into bed
but how
you said it'd be faster, so go do your thing
all I have is a messenger contact and a location about accurate enough for carpet bombing
so go bomb her carpet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm fairly sure partially obliterating tokyo metropolis is not legal
a giant lizard did it once
so why can't you?
because lizards don't worry about visa extensions
am I more likely to destroy a glass or a wooden desk
I imagine the locals would not appreciate the metropolis being leveled...again
a glass desk may get more visibly dirty but should resist cutting tools
when I lert germany the glass desk I had until then was still fine
I'm not sure if it may have had slight warping from the time I used a laptop
i think I heard something stupid once about glass along the lines of "it's the slowest moving liquid. It melts over time. If you look at houses with hundred year old glass, it's thicker at the bottom than it is at the top"
I think I read in passing that that's not actually quite true
so wtf, a wood and glass desk cost the same, but glass has more shipping
wow I wonder why
they come from the same fucking warehouse
yeah but
the obvious properties about glass compared to wood
shit gets thrown into the same delivery van anyway
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chair ships for free somehow
two new special episodes of 도깨비
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fuck it, I want a glass desk
I've already had a knife stick vertically out of the floor so wood is not the best idea
the fuck
I plugged the reversible cable in upside down on the micro side and it didn't charge
then turned it around and now it's fine
micro connectors really don't last longer than a few fucking months...
turned it around again and now it's fine
okay so like, Im starting to question the english phrase "Your majesty"