egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
<darklight> Greys no, if the current source is under the led maximum rating
<darklight> And if it isn't, resistors won't help
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<Greys> majiir, I have been playing factorio for an unknown quantity of hours up to 9
<Greys> I have automated green slime
<Greys> how come sometimes the roboarms don't do anything
<Greys> also how does power generation work
<AlterJeb> the only times roboarms don't do what they're supposed to or do it too slow is when you don't have the go go juice
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<darklight> Tthere's a production and energy usage tab
<darklight> I only played through once or twice, I think I focused on solar panel power and covered my entire base with radar
<AlterJeb> solar power is great if you're not into clearing half the planet of natives to keep them from assaulting you constantly
<darklight> It is fun to do though
<darklight> But they will respawn in the fog
<darklight> I think I start by abusing autoturrets, and then move onto having shittons of destroyers
<darklight> *shrugs*, I never played much
<AlterJeb> I just stick to the autoturrets
<AlterJeb> eventually they get magazines delivered by robot
<AlterJeb> that's as far as I go on defense
<darklight> I mean for clearing hives
<Greys> I don't care to deal with the distraction of enemies
<AlterJeb> I usually bring a tank and set up a small wall of autoturrets for defense
<AlterJeb> then use the tank to shoot the worms
<AlterJeb> and then just run in with a shotgun
<darklight> Endgame it is easier just to pop like 10 destroyers and run around
<darklight> Lol
<darklight> Just put everything on shields :P
<Greys> or, turn off enemies
<darklight> Or start a multiplayer game and I can run around :3
<darklight> Wait how do you get alien tech?
<AlterJeb> kill hives
<darklight> So hives are still there?
<AlterJeb> I think you can make them super scarce and non-aggressive
<darklight> Ah that's right, I remember watching a youtube video where someone made them non-agressive and turned them up to maximum
<kmath> YouTube - Factorio: Living with Biters Ep#1: Hello, my friends!
<AlterJeb> interesting setup
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<Greys> is there a switch I can flip to make the robarms pack everything full?
<Greys> I wish there were a law of the universe that made it impossible for game designers to create buffs where it is ambiguous if a progression tree of percentage buffs to the same stat stack or replace
<Greys> fucking this game...
<Greys> it's a lot of fun, I appreciate the mechanics
<Greys> but it keeps just poppin shit on screen that makes my eyes freak out and gives me a god damn siezure or something
<darklight> What do you mean pack everything full?
<Greys> the roboarms currently put the minimum necessary to achieve a single cycle into machines, so if the machine is just sitting there waiting because the next machine is full, even though there's a conveyor full of bits looking for a home, the arms won't do anything
<Greys> I want that stack receptical to be 100% full at all times
<darklight> Afaik if it can it will
<Greys> you recall wrong
<darklight> Are you sure it isn't already full?
<Greys> yes
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<Greys> 1so this assembly machine making sprokets, has one iron plate in it
<Greys> there's like five miles of packed conveyor full of steel plate
<Greys> the robot arm has power
<Greys> but there are two sprockets waiting in the output, so the robot arm won't bother to put more plates into the machine
<Greys> I pick up the output buffer, and it immediately puts in moew plates to make two more sprockets
<darklight> Odd, maybe put another arm on the output?
<Greys> that assembler feeds directly into another via a robot arm, the second assembler makes conveyors, and has five waiting in it's output
<Supernovy> That's how it's supposed to work
<Greys> so it's robot arm is not extracting from the first assembler, if I pick up Ass#2's output, everything moves for a seck
<Supernovy> well, they put in 2x the minimum
<Greys> I want everything to run until it can't put anything else in the place where it puts stuff
<darklight> Maybe use a buffer chest? *shrugs*
<Greys> yea but that adds three more blocks to the length of the chain
<Greys> I have not yet unlocked or seen a rightangle robot arm, but I would definitely consider this, and do have that on certain processes
<Greys> such as red goop
<Greys> and then, the fucking dome shit ball things
<darklight> There is a 90 degree arm but they go at the slow ones speed
<Greys> their robot arms will only feed them relevant resources; even if they have nothing
<darklight> I used blues for everything
<Greys> arm speed is not significant for most assemblers because assemblers are way slower than manual crafting, so teh cycle time on nearly anything is way slower than the arm cycle time
<darklight> Not when you get tier 3 assemblers
<Greys> infeed for high bulk processes can matter
<Greys> for my steel farm I'm feeding them with blues
<Greys> my land farm has 3 blues for infeed
<Greys> that face when notepad++ randomly opens a googledrive bat file
<Greys> how do I build water
<Supernovy> Impossible.
<Supernovy> Can only build land.
<Greys> what if explosion
<Supernovy> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Greys> there's this one 3 space nub of land on my generator coast, and I would rather not extend the whole land one block
<darklight> Eh? I thought you had to live with the terrain you had
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<Greys> never
<Greys> I reverse fixed the nub
<darklight> Have you liked trains yet?
<Greys> trains are not near the top of the tech tree
<Supernovy> Trains are godlike
<Greys> what's the math on generators, do they just scale until the temperature starts to taper off?
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<Greys> also I hate the daynight cycle
<darklight> Maybe, temp won't dive down with the right number though
<darklight> Amusingly you can store the hot water and feed it into a steam engine
<darklight> Not worth doing though
<darklight> iirc, 13 boilers to 10 steam boilers
<Greys> so much bugs
<Greys> I'm walking around this lake, and literally every side that is not the side I live on, is solid red
<darklight> I didn't notice them, and I played multiplayer :P
<darklight> For pumps?
<Greys> I need a lorax machine
<Greys> oh great, my closest oil spot is in the middle of a huge fuckin forest
<Supernovy> If you get the right ratio it's fine.
<Greys> is there a robot I can get that will explore for me
<Supernovy> no. just radar.
<Supernovy> 13:10 runs you just under 100, 14:10 would run over but it pegs at 100.
<Supernovy> degrees Celsius / percent power
<Greys> do burners have to be in a straight line or can they be blocked up
<Supernovy> boilers? No.
<Supernovy> as long as the hot water can get to the steam engine it's fine.
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<darklight> Greys: I like trains
<darklight> Oil trains :3
<Hyratel> Greys, no they do not - it's a current limiting resistor
<Hyratel> a fixed resistor on an LED is to drop a target amount of voltage to divide out with the LED's fixed drop to cause the target current in the LED
<darklight> Hyratel: I said that too, and resistors won't help :P
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<Orum> anyone work with PMMA at all?
<darklight> Perspex?
<Orum> yeah
<darklight> I've cut it with an angle grinder before, but that is about it I think
<Orum> wow, I'm amazed you manged to cut it with that
<darklight> Not sure if that was perspex or the softer stuff though
<darklight> There's a cheaper softer one
<Orum> I'm trying to cut holes of it out of a sheet with a hole saw, and it's tough to get it to not melt and smoke
<darklight> Use water?
<Hyratel> perspex is rolled acrylic aiui
<Orum> was, was thinking about that, the only problem is the sheet is pretty big, so keeping it submerged is a challenge
<darklight> Just get a water bottle? :P
<Hyratel> and rolled acrylic is full of stress and will fracture erratically at the slightest provocation
<Orum> messy :(
<Orum> ah, well this hasn't fractured yet
<Orum> just melts like crazy
<darklight> I'm probably haven't used perspex
<Hyratel> go slower, keep it cooled
<darklight> *I
<Orum> yeah, ddrill is on its slowest speed, thinking I'll find a way to submerge it
<Orum> it's a pretty big hole saw, which doesn't help :(
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<xShadowx> Orum: either open up drill press (with it off) and turn the pulley manually, or get a round piece of wood, drill a hole in centere, and slip around shank of the hole saw with some glue, for an easy wheel to grip and turn manually - not the funnest thing, but plastics large radius saws suck :P
<xShadowx> i was makin a bunch of circles a yr ago, and even with water it just gummed up the saw blade from the heat -.- then started to make croked holes
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<Orum> xShadowx: ah, good idea... seems tedious, but probably the most practical
<Orum> I have a hand drill somewhere, but I'm sure I couldn't keep it vertical while cranking it by hand, so probably hooking something directly to the pully in my drill press and hand cranking is probably the easiest
<xShadowx> Orum: exactly why i didnt say hand drill :P
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<darklight> SilverFox: Shit about to get real,-18.92,3000/loc=148.605,-20.343
<Orum> well, I'll build a rig for this tomorrow
* Orum needs sleep
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<SilverFox> darklight, well fuck
<SilverFox> looks like a hurricane is starting
<SilverFox> however shit is weak as fuck when it hits land
<SilverFox> and it's going to take a day and a half to do so
<SilverFox> basically just going to be unpleasant for whoever lives near that shoreline for a few days
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<SilverFox> "RIP VIA C7, 2007-2017. It died doing what it loved, installing Windows"
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<Greys> good news, I have saturated my iron plate pipeline via trains
<Greys> I need to redesign my manufactorum to produce each stage generically with a backbonesystem
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<Greys> they should really change the wording of the electrical thing
<Greys> I find myself unable to determine what these bars mean
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<SilverFox> this guy just tried to threaten CEO with a blurry ass knife, as if it'll do anything
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<Greys> a blurry knife
<Greys> a bluray knife?
<Greys> a blueberry knife?
<Greys> a barbery knife?
<SilverFox> blurry
<SilverFox> in korea they blur weapons
<Greys> scimtars?
<SilverFox> weapons
<SilverFox> also cigarettes iirc
<Greys> missles?
<SilverFox> hmmmmm
<SilverFox> i dont recall if the missiles I saw on the news were blurred or not
<Greys> what about slomo bullets
<Greys> the kinds where the casing shoots out because the graphic designer is a shithead
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<SilverFox> a bullet is not a weapon
<SilverFox> a gun is a weapon
<SilverFox> so the gun shooting it would be blurred
<SilverFox> the bullet itself? i don't know the rules regarding bullets
<SilverFox> wtf kind of bullshit is this? This chick ordered half the menu and it came in like, 2 minutes
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<SilverFox> Greys, does it count as an upskirt if the skirt is shorter than the ass?
<Greys> it counts as an upskirt if, ignoring the occupant, you would be able to see the far side of the skirt
<SilverFox> I can't visualize this, so I have no idea what you mean
<Greys> SG1 season 4 was substantially better than previous seasons
<Greys> SilverFox, imagine a cup, if you can see the inside of the lip that is furthest from you; then it counts
<Supernovy> imagine this SilverFox: you --->--- /\ (skirt)
<Greys> if you can see the \, that's an upskirt
<Supernovy> so
<Supernovy> /\
<Supernovy> ^
<Supernovy> upskirt
<SilverFox> aight thanks
<Supernovy> so if she's really tall and you're really short, constant upskirt.
<Supernovy> Geometrically, the eye height < skirt hem height
<Supernovy> ignoring mirrors.
<SilverFox> I should get an AI bot, and then give it porn titles from like, pornhub and xvideos to train on, see how accurately it can replicate these bullshit titles
<SilverFox> "MiLF gives a spanish"
<SilverFox> like wtf is a spanish?
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<SilverFox> ...this parascope has braille on it
<SilverFox> periscope*
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<SilverFox> back in my day, we had stable internet connections
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