egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, what is Konpaku?
<SilverFox> or Kompaku
<SilverFox> hard to tell the difference in sound
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<SilverFox> what an interesting quit message
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<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: ghost iirc
<SilverFox> neat
<SilverFox> thanks
<TheKosmonaut> More often, we use obake
<TheKosmonaut> Kompaku could also be compact
<SilverFox> what about compass?
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<SilverFox> whats a manju bun
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<SilverFox> ~c 1008.11 / 1195
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 0.8436066945606695
<SilverFox> ayyyyyyyy
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<SilverFox> yanno what would be pretty stupid?
<SilverFox> making suicide illegal
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<GlassYuri> SilverFox, there's that urban legend about someone who got sentenced to death for attempted murder over a suicide attempt
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<kmath> YouTube - Adriano Celetano - Prisencolinensinainciusol
<darklight> Hrmm, need to run it on my pc
<darklight> Blocked in my country
<darklight> Copying the title, I get this
<kmath> YouTube - Adriano Celentano - Prisencolinensinainciusol
<darklight> This is one weird classroom
<darklight> Is this a music version of "what english sounds like foreigners"?
<VITAS> yes its the original
<darklight> Ah
<darklight> :P
<GlassYuri> what the fuck did I -- oh that lol
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<RandomJeb> a small pneumonic actuator and something to control it
<Greys> I want to detect if it's empty, detect if it's being approached, spin it at 3rpm for 1 minute, and halt in a designated position; it would also be nice to determine when the sifter is filled past some level and super ideally unload the sifter
<Greys> controlling is obvious, an arduino should be plenty
<Greys> halting is easy, glue a magnet to it and use a pair of hall effect sensors for ranging
<RandomJeb> a led photometer and a led light might do the sifter fill level
<Greys> can I make that into a flat beam sensor?
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<Greys> use a laserpointer with a flat beam mode, rigged to run off wall power, and some kind of freznel lense to collapse it into a point and measure intensity?
<RandomJeb> should work
<darklight> Greys: You want to automate your cat?
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<Greys> I want to automate my cat's shit without spending 500$ on a litter-robot
<Greys> by building a litter-robot
<darklight> You're definitely correct to use an arduino, I'd also use phototransistors as RandomJeb suggested
<darklight> As they are a dime a dozen
<darklight> Hall effect sensors might be a good idea for rotation though, more better :P
<darklight> So long as it's cheap cheap
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<Greys> the rolling litterbox I plan to base this on is 90$, so I have 350$ of budget before it's cheaper to buy the thing
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<darklight> The point is to be cheap though :P
<darklight> Otherwise you'd just buy the more expensive one
<Greys> no
<Greys> the point is to save money
<RandomJeb> should be doable well within the budget, even with some unloading arm for the sifter
<Greys> if budget < litterbot, success()
<darklight> I'm not familiar with how these things work though, as our cat has this thing called "grass"
<darklight> Speaking of which I'm not quite sure where it is atm, it didn't come back for food tonight...
<darklight> That isn't unusual though
<Greys> I suspect the simplest way to drive it will be to connect power to a set of wheels
<Greys> also those look like hard plastic, it will be quieter and have better traction if I put robberbands on them
<Greys> rubber
<darklight> Yeah, a wheel and a weight will probably be fine :P
<RandomJeb> I'd just attach a rotating pneumotic actuator straight to the back of it if it's already supposed to spin around
<RandomJeb> use timing to halt it in a designated position
<darklight> Oh
<darklight> Cut a slot for a motor underneath you think?
<darklight> Also I hope you know if this thing activates when the cat is in it, the cat will shit itself and then never shit in it again :P
<Greys> the slot is to clear the tabs and provide alignment
<Greys> that's why I need to be able to detect if there's a cat in it, or near it
<darklight> Beep beep beep beep
<darklight> Let the cat know instead
<darklight> Actually
<darklight> That might be annoying
<darklight> Weight sensor I assume? I wonder how much they are...
<Greys> ideally I would have it rotate clockwise 15 degrees, counterclockwise 30 degrees, counterclockwise 30 degrees, then begin the cycle
<Greys> that would take about 30 seconds, act to dislodge any stuck excretions, and scare the cat out if I've failed to detect them
<darklight> Just do that maybe
<Greys> Postage:
<Greys> Doesn't post to United States
<Greys> weight is doable but the box won't have a constant weight
<darklight> Also how does this thing work
<darklight> I am unfamiliar with kitty litter
<Greys> you spin it, there's a sifter on the side, the litter rolls at the bottom and the sifter rolls through it
<Greys> a load sensor would actually provide an additional function, reload warning
<Greys> when it's empty and below some weight factor, it must need more litter
<darklight> Then you need a device to automatically refill the litter!
<darklight> :P
<Greys> I just worry about the fuzzy logic of detecting load motion as a purely relative factor since absolutes are useless
<darklight> It's not that useless
<Greys> that would be easy, cut off the back and build a little scooper chain
<darklight> Also how long are you going to be away from your cat?
<darklight> Because there is a solution you are overlooking
<Greys> 12 hours every day 7 days every 2 weeks
<darklight> Ah, ok, well that's not "hey can you look after my cat" territory
<Greys> also this is necessary to perform a task that I am unwilling to do
<darklight> Also, 12 hours for a week?
<darklight> Ah ok
<darklight> They be some hectic hours
<Greys> 7 days out of 14 days
<Greys> starting wensday I work 12 hour shifts on a weird schedule
<darklight> That's like mining schedules here
<darklight> Except I think thats 3-4-4-3
<Greys> I never work 4 days in a row
<Greys> why would mining run 12 hour shifts
<darklight> Because they can, and those indians like them shekels
<Greys> seems like physically strenuous low skill jobs would want to have the most employees running short shifts
<darklight> They even expect the taxpayer to build a billion dollars of rail just for them
<darklight> So they can get their coul
<darklight> *coal
<Greys> as far as unloading, I think that's a pipe dream
<Greys> the sifter is a good two feet long, minimum 18 inches, it would need a detatchable mechanism that pulls it out, and flips it over
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<Greys> that would double the footprint and I don't even want to think about the attachment system
<darklight> Lead screw maybe?
<darklight> I'd imagine a motor and a lead screw with an end stop would do
<Greys> it can't be contained within the roller, it can't disturb the hull of the roller, and it can't roll with the roller, so when the roller rolls it must not retain the sifter
<darklight> Just attach it to the side
<darklight> On the roller
<Greys> then the roller won't roll
<darklight> On the face, not the curve
<Greys> then how would it pull the sifter out
<darklight> I'll draw
<SilverFox> Greys, why does it have to be that design?
<Greys> because sifter arm units don't function
<SilverFox> well then this is basically a cement mixer situation
<Greys> those words are not incorrect but they are useless
<darklight> You don't need to pull the fucking thing all the way out
<Greys> actually you do
<darklight> Most of the ay
<darklight> *way
<SilverFox> the cement mixer spins the barrel to prevent the cement from drying, so we mix the litter to prevent the stinkies by removing the poopers
<SilverFox> and it all comes down to sifting
<Greys> that is wrong
<Greys> congrats, we're back to status quo
<SilverFox> you want an alternate hypothesis?
<darklight> Otherwise you need to hold it at the other end so it goes back in :-/
<Greys> I didn't want your first hypothesis
<darklight> I can't think of how else to pull the thing out
<SilverFox> well you have the null hypothesis, which is sifting
<darklight> And even my way is shitty as the rod sits attached
<Greys> nobody asked for any hypothesis
<SilverFox> you are asking for a method of shit removal that can be automated
<Greys> nope
<SilverFox> aha
<SilverFox> heat seeking grabbers
<Greys> I'm asking for your thoughts on how to automate this device
<SilverFox> automate what aspect?
<darklight> So what do you think of the lead screw idea? :P
<darklight> Or not good enough
<darklight> Maybe you can lead screw from the back end instead
<darklight> It would be less bad as it wouldn't stick out the side
<Greys> not functional darklight, that would require rolling it with the sifter extended to dump the contents, which is going to make a huge mess
<SilverFox> fuck this, cats can suck a dick
<Greys> if I can get the sifter out flipping it over with a chain hoist is trivial and can be entirely contained
<darklight> Oh the fucking thing flips?
<darklight> Nevermind
<darklight> :P
<Greys> flipping it is the normal method for removing poop from the sifter
<Greys> it's basically a bucket
<Greys> I might be able to reorganize things to make the sacrifice of the floor space minimally significant, but I still have to attach to the sifter and pull it out in a way that does not interrupt the rolling cycle
<Greys> a magnet might work
<SilverFox> this just in, ian could be dead
<Greys> if I could attach a metal plate to the sifter face, and then use an electromagnet to grab it, then a worm drive would work
<Greys> good
<Greys> now do the V guy
<SilverFox> his facebook is gone
<SilverFox> vas?
<Greys> yes
<SilverFox> he was funny
<Greys> ;wa 50kg to lb
<kmath> Greys: convert 50 kg (kilograms) to pounds: 110.2 lb (pounds)110 pounds 3.698 ounces
<Greys> apparently far too powerful electromagnets are pretty easy to get a hold of
<Greys> ;wa 10lb to kg
<kmath> Greys: convert 10 lb (pounds) to kilograms: 4.536 kg (kilograms)
<Greys> great
<darklight> Remember to get a relay or mosfet board too
<Greys> of course
<Greys> so I use this to grab it, then your worm thing to pull it all the way out; I'll need to modify the roller to have infeed guide rails
<SilverFox> "UPS with USB Charging port" something tells me that's going to take a while to charge the UPS
<darklight> Lol
<darklight> "UPS useless piece of shit"
<Greys> worm drives are prohibitively expensive
<Greys> one of any meaningful length is 100~200$
<darklight> Threaded bar
<SilverFox> what about a spring mechanism or those bars the 3d printers use?
<darklight> and a nut
<darklight> I think we are getting out of kiss territory though
<SilverFox> what
<darklight> keep it simple stupid
<darklight> Maybe look how the expensive one does it
<Greys> it doesn't
<Greys> the expensive one uses a temporary sifter bin that dumps into a fixed collector bin when the roller returns to home position
<Greys> doing so would require a substantial and problematic alteration to the roller hull
<Greys> the expensive one has a center pivot and lip rollers so the hull does not need to be rollable
<Greys> ok so what I'm thinking is have the screw bar pull the sifter into a wire cage hung above a collector bin, when the traveller hits the end of travel it will jam against the pivot of teh wire cage and continue to rotate, this will cause the cage and sifter to flip over; hall effect to halt and reverse, then a stop on the cage will cause the system to disengage and push the extracter back in
<darklight> Silverfox, angel cradle at canadian hospitals?
<SilverFox> ?????????
<SilverFox> devil's kiss in australian morgues?
<Greys> I might need to latch the cage to he screw bar to ensure it reverses correctly
<darklight> No, stumbled across a karen video, a box to drop unwanted newborns
<SilverFox> oh yeah, safe havens?
<Greys> what's a good wire to make the cage out of
<Greys> I need to be able to form it myself, but that doesn't need to be precise
<Greys> it'll probably be via wrapping it around a template form
<SilverFox> darklight, here women have a myriad of options for them if they don't want a baby
<Greys> amazon sells used littetrboxes
<kmath> <mrtodai2014_04> トランプと金正恩が入れ替わったら両方似合ってて可愛い
<darklight> Not as horrific as what I saw the other day
<darklight> It was almost certainly clintons face and anything elss
<darklight> *else
<GlassYuri> darklight, "not as horrific" bitch this is the opposite of horrific, they almost look attractive when faceswapped
<GlassYuri> everyone please form an opinion on this so that I don't have to
<kmath> YouTube - 【Shanghai Metro Idol Project】Shanghai Metro de Odoritai
<darklight> Trump doesn't
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
<darklight> Stuff of nightmares
<kmath> YouTube - 【地铁音MAD】【略鬼畜】【上海地铁】普通的魔都地铁Disco
<darklight> GlassYuri I don't speak asian :P
<darklight> It sucks though
<GlassYuri> darklight, it's a fucking shanghai metro meme song that's so bad you will try to find it again in two days because you cannot get it out of your mind
<darklight> Luckily if I don't understand the words they cant get stuck in my head :3
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<SilverFox> that's what you think now
<SilverFox> I dont understand half the shit I listen to
<SilverFox> but you bet your ass I can sing every part of it
<Avera9eJoe> what song?
<GlassYuri> SilverFox, you do at least know how korean works
<SilverFox> so?
<GlassYuri> helps a lot with singing along
<SilverFox> i still have no clue what it means
<darklight> Err, it kinda helps to learn the words though?
<GlassYuri> SilverFox, you could have a political career without knowing what anything you talk about means
<GlassYuri> so I can't tell how many times I listened to that fucking song already
<darklight> That wouldn't be so bad for technology stuff
<darklight> So long as you delegate
<GlassYuri> I guess the damage is done already
<GlassYuri> following that girl who tweeted it was a big mistake
<darklight> I accidently did that to some alt-righty songs
<darklight> They were parodies of well known songs though
<GlassYuri> it wasn't really my fault though, she followed me first
<darklight> I don't tweet though, it only works as a good agregator
<GlassYuri> why did I move to japan just to become obsessed over china
<darklight> Well china has more trains
<SilverFox> oh, proof you dont need to know the language to have a song stuck in your head, AoA's Give me your Love
<SilverFox> it's a japanese song, of which I know nothing in the language
<SilverFox> sang it for weeks
<darklight> Yeah no, no kpop thanks
<SilverFox> technically jpop
<SilverFox> glassyuri, have you seen that jpop song recently released where it's just a bunch of guys kissing in different positions and scenarios?
<darklight> Oh, actually, there was a babymetal song I thought was decent, but the words didn't get stuck in my head
<GlassYuri> SilverFox, why would I
<darklight> I also accidently subjected myself to pamyu pamyu
<darklight> Or however it is spelt
<darklight> Silverfox, on a scale of "not gay at all" to "Sturmabteilung" how gay was it?
<SilverFox> it was two guys kissing the entire time
<RandomJeb> sounds not gay at all + 1
<SilverFox> if that isn't classified as "gay" idk what the fuck is
<darklight> Somewhere in the middle then
<RandomJeb> see if you can find the music video to brendan maclean's "house of air"
<RandomJeb> that's closer to the upper limit of gayness in a music video imo
<RandomJeb> oh it's on vimeo
<RandomJeb> (NWS, possibly NLS depending)
<darklight> Ok I was going to link rocket to uranus but I think your video is more gay
<Avera9eJoe> "HAH, GHEYYYY"
<Avera9eJoe> :>
<RandomJeb> then there's fly young red's "throw that boy pussy" which is more like middle-gay
<kmath> YouTube - Fly Young Red - Throw That Boy Pussy Video
<kmath> YouTube - Vengaboys - Rocket To Uranus
<darklight> RandomJeb you are offically banned from linking videos with twerking
<SilverFox> holy fuck it wont stop raining
<RandomJeb> you don't like twerking?
<SilverFox> I enjoy twerking non-ironically, you are officially unbanned from posting said videos
<darklight> I sentance you to normieville, where you will have to watch this video
<kmath> YouTube - Markiplier Twerks
<darklight> In glorious darklightville, all twerking is banned
<darklight> yiffing is permitted but discouraged
<darklight> And bacon is a meal requirement
<RandomJeb> normies get out
<darklight> Well, magpie is a normie.
<darklight> I'm disappointed, but forgiving.
<kmath> YouTube - The Meme Jihad
<darklight> I love that there is 3 of those videos
<RandomJeb> someone paid big man tyrone the big bucks
<darklight> sargon
<RandomJeb> sargon of CUCKad, the memelord
<RandomJeb> of course
<darklight> Who I *think* created kekistani after trying to get it on the UK census
<RandomJeb> I think I saw something about that in one of his videos, something about the census and accepting anything in the race category...?
<RandomJeb> was that the beginning of the proud people of kekistan and their struggle for freedom?
<darklight> Reading about it, he just promoted it, but he did actually call the census people because ethnicity is "whatever the person decides they are"
<SilverFox> when your country starts with a struggle for freedom, you know it's not going to go well
<darklight> 1776 kiddo
<SilverFox> what country started in 1776?
<darklight> I am not answering that
<darklight> That was nearly a silly question
<SilverFox> that date is meaningless to me
<darklight> I think you might have offended people now
<SilverFox> do I care? nope
<darklight> Aren't you supposed to love thy neighbour?
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<SilverFox> nope
<SilverFox> im not obligated to love anybody
<RandomJeb> the answer to 1984 is 1776
<SilverFox> ;wa date canada burned the white house down
<kmath> SilverFox: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<SilverFox> we did that
<SilverFox> it was glorious
<RandomJeb> ameriKKKans have censored it out of history, nobody believes you canuckistanis
<GlassYuri> RandomJeb, did you just fucking
<SilverFox> ~g date canada burned down whitehouse
<SilverFox> cleeeanse with fyaarrr
<GlassYuri> lol the mericans were saved by divine winds
<RandomJeb> city on the hill, divine providence, one nation under god, murican ceptionalism
<GlassYuri> I've been listening to that song for one fucking hour now
<RandomJeb> which one?
<darklight> The train meme one
<darklight> right?
<darklight> GlassYuri do you want me to spam you with offensive songs so something else is stuck in your head?
<darklight> I can take the train song off your hands
<GlassYuri> darklight, >implying I would interrupt listening to that song for a reason other than sleep
<darklight> i'll start with the least offensive, and its even christmassy so it must be advertiser friendly
<kmath> YouTube - White Hot Takes - Donald Trump Is Coming To Town
<darklight> Thinking about it, they only get worse from there. *shrugs* :P
<SilverFox> ~yt ra ra rasputin
<kmath> YouTube - Ra Ra RasPutin animation 720 1080 HD Version @slocband @paceaudio
<darklight> God dammit silverfox
<darklight> Now you reminded me of boney m's feliz navidad
<SilverFox> wasnt the one I wanted
<SilverFox> I wanted the one with th eblond godess
<darklight> And now I can't find the unicorn puking. no big loss i guess
<darklight> It has putin
<darklight> it is the droid you are looking for
<kmath> YouTube - Natalia Poklonskaya- Rasputin
<SilverFox> that one
<darklight> Umm isn't that awooooo girl
<darklight> Also, blonde hair blue eyes, is this something pol vaulted up?
<SilverFox> saw it in a 4chan meme video on youtube
<darklight> Likely yes, so shes some lawyer that was involved in the russian annexation?
<GlassYuri> ...I want a cutting mat with ferromagnetic backing
<GlassYuri> so that I can fix the fucking shit I'm working on in place with some magnets
<RandomJeb> natalia poklonskaya was a ukranian official until she became the chief prosecutor of the republic of crimea and became an meme when she had a press conference
<RandomJeb> she is very pretty which is apparently what made her memeworthy
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<darklight> GlassYuri: Strong magnets on the other side?
<kmath> YouTube - Natalia Poklonskaya finds out she's popular in internet. With english subtitles.
<darklight> I saw it :)
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<GlassYuri> also am I really going to have to buy one of these dedicated plastic pipe cutters
<GlassYuri> cutting that shit with a knife hurts my fingers
<darklight> Tin snips?
<darklight> Also is everyone ready for zuckerburg2020?
<SilverFox> darklight, is it true that kangaroos will just fall into bags and pouches when you put them over thier heads?
<RandomJeb> GlassYuri: if it's a big pipe with thick walls I'd use a saw
<RandomJeb> otherwise maybe sharpen the knife
<GlassYuri> nah, just few mm pipe and square profile
<GlassYuri> but sucks ass to cut to length
<RandomJeb> got any razors?
<RandomJeb> razor blade + moderate heat = plastic funtime
<darklight> Silverfox I don't go catching kangaroos, and wallabies are timid as fuck
<GlassYuri> I've seen a "hot knife" for sale which was a soldering irong with an x-acto blade
<darklight> LolA
<darklight> x-acto knifes come in real handy
<darklight> Although I get by with a stanley knife, better sometimes
<RandomJeb> have like a dozen stanleys laying around
<RandomJeb> some fancy ones with ergonomic grip and quick switch and all that stuff, but mostly the 'standard' 199 or 199E models
<GlassYuri> I have one by olfa, they sell them as art knives, design knives and a few other names with no apparent difference other than price
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<GlassYuri> and for added confusion they then duplicate that by branding them as tamiya despite still being made by olfa
<GlassYuri> the difference is that the cheaper ones have a smaller diameter so that not all blade types fit in there
<RandomJeb> I also have a jordan with quick switch and a blade storage drawer, it's really wide and weird but it works alright
<RandomJeb> and a cheap milwaukee switchblade type
<darklight> I have generic-chinesium-ebay-xacto-clone
<darklight> But I only cut foamboard with it anyway, and you can do that with anything
<GlassYuri> fucking tamiya cement bottle doesn't open
<darklight> Also I still need to give my plane a bigger butt
<darklight> It has a tiny stabiliser and elevator :<
<GlassYuri> I don't want to try too hard because I'm afraid it will open in the worst possible moment and spill solvent everywhere
<darklight> And I'm not simply nose heavy either
<darklight> Pliers maybe?
<GlassYuri> darklight, internet says "apply thermal expansion to cap"
<GlassYuri> also, I don't have pliers...
<darklight> It wants you to set it on fire?
<darklight> Or is boiling enough
<kmath> YouTube - Friendship is Manly: Equestria Men
<darklight> Seen it, and the other one by the same guy :P
<darklight> This is better
<kmath> YouTube - Friendship is Manly
<GlassYuri> darklight, I'd just run it under a hair dryer if it wasn't for the fact that 3AM is not the best time for that
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<darklight> Also, the night, shall LAST, FOREVER!!!! :P
<kmath> YouTube - The Moon Rises. Animation
<SilverFox> me telling canadian history to a korean: "One day in the 1600's, the vikings came over by boat and killed all the dodo birds, that was the entire 1600's of canada, was killing dodo birds."
<SilverFox> "In the 1700's britain and france got an erection from seeing animals going extinct and they decided to come over too"
<SilverFox> "in the 1800's there were lots of wars and many native people died, then we set the whitehouse of america on fire, then everything was peaceful into the 1900's"
<darklight> Iirc the french come over here too and thought "fuck this shit, too kamy dangerous animals
<darklight> *many
* darklight watches the daily spice again...
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<darklight> "Make no mistake, the wall will be built" ~spicer
<dlrkdesktop> Anyone have a link for the min/max distances of planets from Kerbin? Or a way to find from KSP
<darklight> I guess you could do it from SMA and eccentricity:
<darklight> Oh
<darklight> Maybe not actually, because the eccentricity at different angles
<darklight> maybe?
<dlrkdesktop> I just really need the max
<RandomJeb> looking at a few posts in that thread it's a very simplistic and ballpark way of doing things
<RandomJeb> assumes all orbits are circular and in the same plane
<RandomJeb> it's a pretty decent ballpark though, depends on how exact you need to be
<darklight> I assume doing it properly would be finding the max of the distance with the entire kepler equation
<dlrkdesktop> As long as it's enough for comms, its good
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<RandomJeb> should be good for comms, have used the addition method several times
<dlrkdesktop> addition method?
<darklight> It assumes the apoapsis is 180 degrees out, but it doesn't take into account inclination
<darklight> Oh wait
<darklight> inclination would make it closer
<darklight> ignore me
<darklight> :3
<RandomJeb> add up the apoapses or just the mean orbital altitude of the two bodies
<RandomJeb> if you need it to be super exact the calculations can get ugly with inclination and eccentricity tossed on there
<RandomJeb> adding the apoapses has the added benefit of almost being guaranteed to be more than max for the vast majority of the time and the numbers are easy to get a hold of :P
<RandomJeb> and it's never going to be less than max, two bodies on the same plane with apoapses on different sides of kerbol sitting at their apoapses at the same time is as far apart as they would ever go and I'm not sure you'll ever go that far between two planetary bodies in the kerbol system
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<Glass|phone> I think I just got close to electrocuting myself
<Glass|phone> needed to plug in something in the dark, and had the urge to guide the prongs in with my fingers
<Glass|phone> which on these pieces of shit would mean considerable risk of touching live
<darklight> On aussie things there is insulation on the active/neutral, ans I generally put my finger on the earth pin and feel the slots angle :P
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<SilverFox> wtf does ZA WARUDO mean?
<SilverFox> I see this shit meme from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
<SilverFox> PONPONPON, what an interesting song
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<kmath> YouTube - Donald Trump - Numa Numa Wall
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<SilverFox> Greys, manga about person who falls in love with grim reaper and commits murder just to spend time with them
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<SilverFox> majuuuu
<Majiir> AyyyyyyyMD still loses money even with Ryzen
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> I wonder what the acceptance grade is for harvard medical school
<Majiir> I'd be surprised if they had a simple guideline that would provide any kind of indication of acceptance
<Majiir> More like an absolute floor
<Majiir> unless medical school is just completely different from everything else