TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
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;wa 699.99 GBP to CAD
SilverFox: convert £699.99 (British pounds) to Canadian dollars: C$1179.67 (Canadian dollars)
~wa how many 40 minute intervals between 9:20 and 18:10
;wa how many 40 minute intervals between 9:20 and 18:10
Glass|phone: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
~wa 9:20 to 18:10 in minutes / 20
SilverFox: 1/20 (convert hours from | 9:20 am EDT to 6:10 pm EDT | Monday, 12-06-2017 to minutes): 26.5 minutes
java class is so fucking boring
yeah dude
java's classes are fucking boring too
btw I have progressed to the point where I actively hate myself for not learning mandarin
great, that's the first step
also I have random chinese sentences from vocaloid songs stuck in my head
너에게 물들어 열 손가락~
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do you know the translation/meaning at least?
dude how could I
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fucking learn the language dude
my sentence translates to "My ten fingers are coloured with you"
that sounds like an euphemism for gory murder
so some weirdly pronounced english, or heck even normal english, can slip through
this is another one that's great if you dont know the korean word's meanings
yeah that happens, and there are songs where some korean sounds like english, but isn't
however, I listened to it everyday when I went to school, all day, and then one day I woke up, did my thing, and played my music, and suddenly I could make out the syllables a lot more clearly
so it'll come with practice, if you're interested in actually learning the songs at all
!tell Majiir I figured out the meaning of 죠 it's 지 + 요 and 지 is used as a verb ending in a question when you are confirming a thing you already have an idea/know is true.
SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
not gonna learn korean
fair enough
I mean I have nothing *against* it, but nothing *for* it either
again, fair enough
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GlassYuri, there's merit in knowing many grammars
it would benefit him more to learn mandarin than it would korean
"COVFEFE Act would make social media a presidential record"
"Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement (COVFEFE) Act"
the best act
How can people be literally this dumb?
very carefully
*shrugs*. In 7.5 years trump will be out anyway
yeah but what's going to get ruined in that time?
yeah, exactly
you mean, besides USA
Most people took the "covfefe" tweet to be a typo, although press secretary Sean Spicer told the media that the term was used intentionally.
"The president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant," he said.
What is this fucking reporting
That is not what those words mean
These reporters obviously can't words.
I can understand it just fine?
yeah, how is it so hard to understand "Despite the constant negative press covfefe"?
it's a symbol of strenght in pressing times
Because it takes a dumbass to not realise he meant coverage?
Also sf I'm getting us a paracer
a wut
We got the ptera back, and I replaced the anky I got killed in the swamp
Big donkey lookin things
Then we can put a platform on it and drive ankys around
"<SilverFox> it would benefit him more to learn mandarin than it would korean" <= this
this.isCorrect = (1 == 1);
darklight, yeah but what if trumps twitter bullshit is actually coded messages for US sleeper agents all over the world
and him being a ludicrously idiotic fuck is for signal strength reasons (egregious tweets get screencapped and reposted in countries where twitter is banned)
Thomas|AWAY is now known as Thomas
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[16:05:18] <SilverFox> yeah but what's going to get ruined in that time?
[16:05:28] <Truga> you mean, besides USA
he's too late for that
I mean, there are progresses that were made that hopefuly he wont fuck with, like gay marriage/gay rights for example
that was a step forward in progress, and to remove that would be a step back
I was moreso commenting on Truga's response
the US was ruined before he stepped into office
yeah but there were still progresses made, and that's what I'm concerned about
going to be quite a hurdle to reverse that though, I wouldn't worry too much about it
now if trump gets impeached and mike fry the gay away pence takes control for the remaining 7.5 years he might have the staying power and dedication to push against the tide
what would be another step forward for the LGBT group is strictly illegalizing gay conversion camps
in all of america
america is full of such weird shit
like gay conversion camps
which strictly dont work, ever
like okay, in broken central african countries I get how those come about, but the US is supposed to be an enlightened stable post industrial state
and half the people who go in, sudoku in the first month
Electric therapy for depression is a real thing, but afaik these "conversion" camps are were parents send kids, correct?
and they berate and abuse these teenagers to the point where they kill themselves from the sheer amount of shit they feel towards themselves
any who survive, don't come out unscathed
Teenagers have all sorts of identity problems, you don't need to add on that by sending them to these places :<
lemme find yall some stories from these gay conversion camps
*apart* from that though, I think the homosexuality issues are largely solved, there's still a discussion around transgender people with birth certificates and bathrooms, but I don't have strong feelings either way on that one. I do think that children should not transistion though.
Some of them argue blockers at 13, but *shrugs*
I agree with that last statement
nothing irreversible or damaging should be used on a minor in that case
I think that's still a little young, but 18 is clearly fine as you're an adult
if your kid wants to dress up a certain way though, that's fine and dandy, no one's getting hurt from that
Yeah but that doesn't mean they are transgender lol
I never said it did
But yeah, debate to be had there for sure
I don't see a debate, why should we allow abusive parents to make these decisions for their children which are life-altering. Children shouldn't be forced to do things like that, and it's just manipulative of parents to take advantage of a child wanting to fit in and be cool or someshit
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on a better note, 23 minutes until nintendo's e3 conference
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I don't get the bathroom thing
there's stalls in there, who cares?
the argument is that men will be in the women's bathrooms being all pervy
and thusly, genitals should be checked
that's the sole argument against it
unisex bathroom with genital TSA
but yeah that's the only argument I've heard and it's pretty much too dumb to seriously respond to
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The real question is why would you pee in a public bathroom, eww.
(spoken by someone who pees at a cane train siding) bahaha
draw a jesus cross, symmetrically put two downward slants below the arms of the cross, but a ball bearing on the top right arm, and two notches on the right side somewhere
put a ball bearing on the top right arm*
so the first two steps you are describing are 木?
yeah, but the notches didnt look attached
the slants rather
I know what you mean
okay good
does that make a difference?
now put the ball bearing on the right arm of the cross
what do you mean by ball bearing
look up a picture of a ball bearing
its like a donut
maybe it was just the font, but it looked like a ball bearing
I know what two circles inside each other with spheres inbetween look like
yeah so put that on the right arm of the cross, just above it
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maybe just a circle, unless that matters
Super Mario Odyssey looks fucking great
Metroid Prime 4 got teased
now add the double notches on the right side
its like a slanted "
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Couldn't you have screenshotted this?
too late
I saw it for like, 5 seconds
git gud and mspaint
we're on the last step anyways
darklight, Hyratel1, I have found the most bad
out of all the internet things of, conceptually many are terrible beyond compare
but this, is the most unnecessary and dumb thing
my schools career center sent me two e-mails dated to the 16th of this month
Lol a usb rechargeable battery
does it start with "We come from the future"?
it's a AA battery sized cylinder containing a lithium cell, charging circuitry, downvolting circuitry, etc
The microusb port really sells it
this battery has no designated capacity
I mean, looks compact and neat
if it fits like a regular AA does, then it'd be nice
also if it can be recharged like an old fashioned AA as well
Won't be possible
This is such a terrible idea
if I plug it into an old fashioned battery charger and also plug it into my phone, will it charge my phone or explode?
Greys, what IoT doovamahicker are you building, is it an internet connected juicer?
it replaces AA batteries in a flashlight, but there's no way a cell that fits in that with the necessary circuitry will have anywhere near the amount of charge as a AA battery
remember when you were talking about a wifi module for arduino?
that was two sleeps ago
I'm making an internet connected juice packet squeezer, I'm calling it juiceronet
the kickstarter opens tomorrow
already done
nah nah nah, it's a net juicer; clearly nuicer
anyway, this flashlight doesn't use AA batteries, it uses one of those 3x AAA battery carriages, that are entirely replacable with an 18650
Greys also I am unsure of the energy density of a nimh vs a lithium ion battery
what's nimh got to do with this conversation
You don't need crazy amounts of circuitry
AA batteries.
we're talking lithium vs alkaline
despite alkaline's failure to be reasonably rechargable; it has a really impressive density
li-ion and alkaline look pretty close?
a single reputible brand AA can have as much as 2200mAh easy
how do you convert mAh between differing voltages
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otto warmbier has been released from north korean prison after swedish negotiation
nice name
does warm mean anything other than what I expect?
apparently got botulism right after being arrested and ended in a coma after getting a sleeping pill
do swedes pronounce w's or do they say it like germans?
Greys yes, but it also means warm
swedes pronounce w's but otto is american
he tried to steal a propaganda poster on a school trip
Greys, divide out volts
obvs a spy
the foul knave was quickly apprehended by officers of the law and subjected to the law of the land
he would be sorry now but he can't be because he's in a coma, somebody learned a lesson about larcency for sure
Greys you don't
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1 cell at 2200mah or 3 cells at 2200mah are both 2200mah packs (in series)
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But different voltages and powers.
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If you want power though, which is probably what you want to compare, take the nominal voltage and mutiply it by the capacity, 11.1v*2.2Ah = ... errr... 20-somethingWh?
Watt Hours
is is AmpHours * mid-discharge averaged voltage
so for a lithium cell, which goes from 3.5-4.2 v over the discharge curve, that's around 3.65v
24.42Wh by your numbers, darklight
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All for a whopping 200 grams
is that weight good or bad?
Nintendo's E3 conference was great, no tech mishaps and everything went smoothly, unveils were nice and exciting and the transitions were great
a laptop is basically a souped up IoT calculator
Sf, *20 minutes flight time easily*.
1 hour or bust
I still want a plane I can drone to my grandparents house 60km away
There are so many things that you have to do to get 60km...
go on
Look at the examples on youtube, but I expect you'll need amplifiers and antenna trackers, and don't expect to fly near the ground as the curve of the earth will get ya
naw it's autonomous
GPS guided
I'd also expect autopilot because you will lose control
Autoland? good luck :P
they have a big yard I can crash into
nice flat land
Gotta learn to walk before you learn to run :P
im not walking or running, this is flying
just stay above 200m and crash into the yard GG EZ
Flying 60km is also a bit of an ask
well its how far their house is soooo
doing 120 for the trip there and back is a bit of an ask
"Philadelphia has unveiled a new pride flag with black and brown stripes to represent LGBT people of color"
Also, what is it with BLM and stopping pride marches
black isnt a colour
it is the absence of such
only white belongs on a rainbow
black is the only thing which doesn't belong on the rainbow
it's a home made conversion from a normal bicycle into an elliptical
you stand on the horizontal extrusions and moving them up and down causes you to die immediately because no part of this would function reasonably
your weight would be supported by the powertrain for one
how much?
50$ and a long drive into hobunk town
50$ USD to kill myself
not worth
this shop took a trike, the typical one that gets made into an ebike; and installed a gas motor on it; which would be cook; except they installed it where you would on a normal bike
this trike has more than enough space in the rear axle area for a motor or three
SilverFox: convert 15 km (kilometers) to miles: 9.321 miles
9.5mi just to be safe
think of it this way, a nice compact e-scooter is extremely portable; you literally could keep it in your backpack; you won't have to lock it up anywhere so it's harder to steal
and if you find a girl who weighs the same as you, you can ride tandem
cant keep it in my backpack because my laptop will be in there
also Tandem ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I have actually ridden a tandem bike
oh fuck me
That was weird and hilariois
now i'm gonna get amazon email spammed with trikes and shitty bikes
strap it to your backpack
I was a kid, but the problem is you can never know if they other person is slacking or not
wtf did you children do while I was getting water
be in the back
darklight, this isn't a tandem bike, or a tandem scooter, but you could fit two people on it
Also cornering without handlebars and a long bike, I'm pretty sure we stacked it a few times
Sf buy a tandem bike and have them do the pedalling
buy a tandem bike and install a shitload of batteries where the other person goes
you could probably fit like 10 car batteries on little shelves
replace the car batteries with similarly sized SLA deep cycle batteries
go into bancrupcy
take out a small loan
omg you can get bike attachments for kids
Also bet they are uncomfortable as fuck
that looks like a tension-seat
Greys I bet that the body adds more drag than the solar panel overcomes
there's a movie about a group of near-dropout school kids who come together under an attractive and charismatic female teacher to produce an electric car for the big australia race, but then their driver gets heatstroke and crashes
fuckin rip
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
Hyratel, how useless are we talking for a cell like the one on top of the elf
300W ish?
idk, i don't have numbers for anything in that system
inb4 anything under 1kW is useless
yea that's the motor
I'm not sure what torque that would be, I forget the formula :3
so the motor they put int his thing is relatively miniscule
doesn't have to be big
you can pull more RPMs per watt out of a smaller motor, but then you need more gears
they basically side-mounted a hub motor
given teh amount of space and the total impractability of lifting this bike, they really should have gone whole hog and loaded it with a high torque motor and a lot of battery
the additional weight would also aid stability
I'd probably go off the scooter numbers
1kw for a fast scooter right?
3 days until ARMS comes out
1kw of solar panel is like... what, 4m^2?
a lot
arms is already a failure, there's like no porn of it
oh stfu it's not even released yet
succ a dick
overwatch wasn't released before it had a ton of porn
the only feasible porn ARMS has is twintelle
off to tumblr
minmin > 5 twinellas
Greys you're wrong
I don't know why I googled
But I did
I'm not wrong, I just don't think kim is attractive, and she's clearly a knockoff kim
Also, why would you judge things from the porn of it?
when a media property has several attractive women, the porn of it represents engagement
because it's fucking Greys
the game is about to be released, there's tonnes of media about it, but nobody is engaging