TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
<SilverFox> Glass|phone, what is "hontoni"
<Glass|phone> an italian family name
<SilverFox> in japanese, I hear things that sound similar to it
<Glass|phone> 本当に = really
<SilverFox> like, "really?" or "really"
<Glass|phone> now that is hontou ni basic stuff, you should hontou ni know that desu yo
<Glass|phone> both actually
<SilverFox> okay cool
<Glass|phone> also the italian name thing I just made up
<SilverFox> same with korean; jinjja is the same
<SilverFox> yeah I figured
<SilverFox> 진짜
<SilverFox> also what is that character called that looks like ichi?
<SilverFox> just a straight up horizontal line
<Glass|phone> ya mean ー?
<SilverFox> ye
<Glass|phone> katakana long vowel mark used instead of aa, ii, uu, ei, ou
<SilverFox> what it do
<SilverFox> just go from ho to hoooooo
<Greys> it is supposed to rain for the next 18 hours
<SilverFox> nice
<Greys> if less than 10 of those hours have rain, I'm going to be very mad
<SilverFox> that would be very disappointing
<Greys> have you ever noticed that a prime indicator of insanity in visual media is "wearing things that aren't hats as hats"
<SilverFox> nope
<Supernovy> yes
<Greys> SilverFox, in digibro's review of driving by state, ontario is the top of the bottom half of the list
<SilverFox> this means nothing to me
<SilverFox> these are just words without meaning
<kmath> YouTube - American East-Coast State-by-State Driving Review
<SilverFox> especially since ontario is not a state
<Greys> ontario is the first one with nothing good to say about it
<SilverFox> it's also not a state and thus invalid for entry
<SilverFox> any opinion on it is void and null
<Greys> it is a state, it's just not in america
<SilverFox> nope
<Greys> jerp
<SilverFox> it's a province
<SilverFox> not a state
<Greys> ;wa what's the difference between a province and a state
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> see
<SilverFox> dont be stupid
<Greys> seriously there's no difference
<SilverFox> a state is a section of country in which there is a president
<SilverFox> a country which has prime ministers has provinces
<Greys> sometimes
<Greys> wow michigan came in third of the worst
<Greys> "the problem with michigan is that there's a shitload of road work, and there needs to be a lot more", the most true thing that has ever been said
<SilverFox> *finished roadwork
<Greys> someday, but before you finish you have to be 90% done, and before you're 90% done you have to marry a loli, and before you marry a loli you have to start, so how can you ever be finished
<Greys> the worst in his list is upstate newyork
<SilverFox> the true cyclic nature of roadwork
<Greys> really though, if every sequare meter of road surface in michigan were currently being replaced, we'd get half of it fixed for a year
<Greys> I used to live on this one road, 7 lanes, super busy; and they had to literally replace the entire road surface every year I lived there, and the three years after, because of embezzlement
<SilverFox> embezzlement?
<Greys> they used shit concrete and pocketed the money
<SilverFox> nice
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<SilverFox> Greys, I got a new wireless mouse for my laptop since the old one was double and triple clicking
<SilverFox> tiny as fuck, like made for the hands of a 5yr old
<SilverFox> im not used to such a small scrollwheel, so I do full scrolls and get my finger skin stuck under the space in front and behind the scrollwheel
<Greys> your finger skin is unusually baggy
<SilverFox> no it's not
<SilverFox> the edges of the plastic are just sharp and point upwards for some reason
<Greys> "sports athletes"
<Greys> so's I's was' at the wallmyrt yesterday, and as I do I inspected everything in the store; among which was a package of some bullshit workout suppliment featuring a super buff dude, and a girl with absolutely no muscle or fat; you could count her ribs aaaand organs
<RandomJeb> accept no substitutes
<teabot> Substituteas.
<Greys> those are some mighty suppositories
<RandomJeb> no pain, no gain
<SilverFox> wait
<SilverFox> Greys
<Greys> pain indicates harm, harm does not result in gains
<SilverFox> dildo suppositories
<SilverFox> false
<Greys> these are words silver, what about them
<SilverFox> in order to build muscle, you must damage it
<SilverFox> it's a flawed system
<Greys> damage and harm are not the same thing
<SilverFox> uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<Greys> infowars life? what kind of anime is this
<RandomJeb> you wanted dildo suppositories? Well the revolution wants 1776 to be the answer to 1984, now you can too with just a few dildo suppositories!
<RandomJeb> this is the best anime to ever be produced in america, Greys
<RandomJeb> some say the greatest anime known the man
<Greys> this clearly says made in chyaynya
<RandomJeb> look alex jones loves america
<RandomJeb> stop spreading your communist propaganda
<SilverFox> RandomJeb, what the fuck are the ingredients for this?
<RandomJeb> random plants
<RandomJeb> industrial waste
<teabot> Wastea.
<Greys> do I fucking look like I know who alex jones is
<SilverFox> MATE
<SilverFox> YE DONT KNOW??
<Greys> does anybody really know
<Greys> what is know anyway
<SilverFox> oh fuck off
<SilverFox> alex jones is a fucker
<Greys> most humans are fuckers
<SilverFox> you are an exception to that
<RandomJeb> alex jones is funny
<SilverFox> he's a tard
<RandomJeb> yes
<RandomJeb> but also funny
<RandomJeb> unintentionally
<RandomJeb> also he's like trump's favorite news guy
<RandomJeb> and he gets all the press credentials
<Greys> alex jones has a penis?
<SilverFox> he is a guy, yes
<Greys> guy is an agendered term
<Greys> you said he though
<SilverFox> ~yt alex jones compilation
<kmath> YouTube - Alex Jones Clip Compilation
<SilverFox> I almost wrote "complication"
<Greys> 13 seconds
<SilverFox> wut
<Greys> welp, this guy needs to write syfy original movies
<Greys> wait, south americans are fat?
<SilverFox> why is this a revelation to you when a third of the country is obese?
<Greys> also, south america is south of mexico, but what about the rest of central america?
<RandomJeb> central america is too poor to be fat
<RandomJeb> can't even afford to subsidize sweet corn and cow meat
<Greys> hawaii had fat people before it had western civilization
<icefire> shitty food will make you fat just as much as too much food
<teabot> Shittea.
<Greys> did you see that guy who invented a tube with a one-way-fish-valve that catches over 20 fish per seconddayhourminute?
<icefire> being on an irregular diet can also cause weight gains
<SilverFox> icefire++;
<RandomJeb> Greys: uh... fish traps are old school
<RandomJeb> I'm sure someone "invented" some moderately novel design for it, but there's no new fish trapping principles in a standard tube trap
<Greys> very long boring video
<kmath> YouTube - Creative Man Make Water Plastic Pipe for Catch a lot of Fish on the Rice Field near my Village
<SilverFox> alex jones, man, needs a chillpill
<Greys> tldw, it's a pipe with the top of a coke bottle attached pointing inward and slit lengthwise so fish can pass in but not out
<SilverFox> basically an underwater V trap, gotcha
<SilverFox> why are they all waiting in line?
<Greys> superfake
<RandomJeb> the hole is baited
<RandomJeb> or the tubes
<Greys> look at the dirt on the left tube
<icefire> great parody TV idea: alex jones trying to hold onto any job that isn't what hes doing now
<RandomJeb> it looks shopped but not really
<RandomJeb> icefire: I'd watch it
<Greys> it's definitely shooped, shoopadooped like yo dawg I herd you laik mudfish
<RandomJeb> nah
<RandomJeb> if you look closer it doesn't look shooped
<SilverFox> Greys, remember the meme shoopdawhoop?
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<RandomJeb> with some different materials
<SilverFox> ~yt firin my lazor blargh
<kmath> YouTube - The Loudest IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAH BLARGH EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<SilverFox> not even loud, am disappoint
<Greys> SilverFox, clearly I do, as I referenced it
<Greys> you always do this
<Greys> stop ruining my jokes
<SilverFox> you incorrectly referenced it
<SilverFox> and because you incorrectly reference it, I reference it correctly
<G-Mobile> ;wa sartorial
<kmath> G-Mobile: sartorial (English word): 1->adjective->of or relating to the sartorius muscle, 2->adjective->of or relating to a tailor or to tailoring
<G-Mobile> ;wa sartorious muscle
<kmath> G-Mobile: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<G-Mobile> Thats a weird muscle
<SilverFox> Did you know that the ability to cross your legs is because of an s-shaped muscle?
<G-Mobile> Define perspective
<SilverFox> wut
<SilverFox> ;wa perspective
<kmath> SilverFox: perspective (English word): 1->noun->a way of regarding situations or topics etc, 2->noun->the appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer
<G-Mobile> S is a 2D collapse, what perspective makes that muscle s shaped
<G-Mobile> The sartorious is functionally a helical section but its pretty much an arch
<SilverFox> the sartorious looks like the s-muscle I was on about, but lemme double check because fuck learning muscles
<SilverFox> yup, it is
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<SilverFox> Greys, in medicine we 99% of the time talk about the body in reference to Anatomical Position
<SilverFox> ~w Anatomical position
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<SilverFox> steam summer sale holy shit
<G-Mobile> Anything squid?
<SilverFox> wat?
<Supernovy> anything liquid.
<SilverFox> idk, maybe
<Supernovy> liquid snake?
<SilverFox> but everything on my wishlist is on sale, but I spent the majority of my money on this fucking mouse
<G-Mobile> No squid?
<Supernovy> absolutely squidless
<G-Mobile> This is bullshit
<SilverFox> squid comes out next month or so
<SilverFox> by that i mean squid booty the game
LabMonkey is now known as StatutoryApe
<G-Mobile> So's I'm reading this manga that seems to be about a highschool runaway girl that cons her way into being caretaker of a middleschool boy so she can molest him
<SilverFox> is it any good?
<SilverFox> yanno what's neat? the word 가방 means like, a bag, like handbag or backpag sort of thing, and it seems to be made of 방 and 가 방 means room or space, and 가 is the root of the verb 가다 to go, so it's like a room on the go
<SilverFox> a place to put your things on the go
<SilverFox> probably a coincidence, but idk, you decide
<G-Mobile> Probably not
<SilverFox> Greys, check out the game
<Greys> is it a game yet?
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> has a campaign mode
<Greys> how does that work
<kmath> YouTube - Nerd³ Plays... - Crumple Zone
<SilverFox> skip to about 11:50
<Greys> can't video, use words
<SilverFox> do you still not have internet?
<SilverFox> you know of's premise though right?
<Greys> smash cars'n'shit
<SilverFox> great
<SilverFox> so how about we set up scenarios for you to do that and terrain to pass over and shit and grade you on it
<Greys> still? I have better internet than you, by like 600 times
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<SilverFox> my internet is like dialup sometimes
<SilverFox> its fucking terrible
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<SilverFox> anyways, it has a career mode, and it looks rather fun
<SilverFox> because a sandbox can get boring quickly, so having these scenarios made for you is nice
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<Greys> 173:24, while watching 1080p60 youtube
<Greys> which is why I can't watch your video
<SilverFox> what are these numbers
<Greys> mb/s
<SilverFox> youtube goes fullscreen across three monitors for videos?
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<Greys> I'm not going to watch two different videos at the same time
<SilverFox> wut
LabMonkey is now known as StatutoryApe
<Greys> I'm slightly annoyed that a large set of overwatch's reload animations are just greeble fidgeting
<Greys> mrs freeze reloads her gun by turning a knob
<SilverFox> you mean mei?
<Greys> sure
<SilverFox> its good the animations are minimal
<SilverFox> too much distraction is bad
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<Greys> what happened
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<SilverFox> you died
<SilverFox> welcome to your new home
<SilverFox> it is only me in this channel, you may never leave
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<Greys> did my last message come through
<SilverFox> "sure"
<Greys> before you said distraction is bad
<SilverFox> yeah that was you saying "sure"
<Greys> repost: sure but imagine mei's animation except immediately her grip stresses to represent actuating a button out of sight; the knob shoots off, and when her hand comes in to twist the knob it's already holding a full knob
<SilverFox> I dont know what the fuck that is but no
<Greys> same duration, almost entirely the same events
<Greys> but instead of twisting a knob and it magically refills, she replaces the knob
<SilverFox> that enforces littering
<Greys> look at reaper dude
<SilverFox> we have way too much of that with reaper literally throwing both guns away every time he reloads
<Greys> if you really insist it wouldn't be hard to have her hand come in holding a vial, grab the empty one, slide down, release the full one, pull out
<Greys> have the full vial between the... thumb pad.. part, pointer finger and index, grasp the empty one between thumb pad index and other finger, and just don't worry about how they actually lock on
<SilverFox> go suggest it to blizzard. i'll be here laughing when you get rejected with silence
<Greys> I would but meijiir's just one of them
<Greys> tracer's reload is a thing pops out, she spins the guns, thing pops in
<Greys> not even detatch, just like a turkey thermometer
<Greys> what is even being represented by this?
<SilverFox> cool badassery?
<SilverFox> "look how good our art team is"
<Greys> sure, but guns aren't powered by badass
<Greys> what is this animation suggesting has occured that now permits her guns to shoot more
<Greys> same with mei, she turns a knob, now it's full, wtf is being suggested to have happened
<SilverFox> it reloaded, duh
<Greys> that's result, not verb
<SilverFox> when the knob is turned, it reloads
<SilverFox> like a dick
<SilverFox> her gun shoots frozen cummies
<Greys> #nothowdickswork
<SilverFox> #nocomplaintsyet
<Greys> #dividebyzeroerror
<SilverFox> #nocustomersmeansnocomplaints
<Greys> yea but if you don't have any customers are you even a prostitute
<SilverFox> if you dont teach at a school, are you not a teacher?
<SilverFox> if you graduate with a doctorate, but dont work somewhere, are you not a doctor?
<Greys> if you are at a school, and you don't teach, you're not a teacher, you're either the principle, or the janitor
<SilverFox> if you graduate with a chemistry degree, are you not a chemist?
<Greys> that's not similar
<SilverFox> if you graduate electricians school, are you not an electrician?
<Greys> if you've never been paid for sex, are you a prostitute
<SilverFox> yes
<Greys> graduating electricians school doesn't make you an electrician
<Greys> you have to do a 5 year apprenticeship
<SilverFox> you do schooling during that time
<Greys> and then you're a journeyman for 7 years
<Greys> you have to graduate before you can be an apprentice
<Greys> being an electrician is really fucked up
<SilverFox> uhhhhhhhhhhhnope
<SilverFox> I know a few people who are apprenticeshipping and yeah they did it from high school
<Greys> I can't legally get paid for running cat5 because it's considered a specialization of low voltage/alarm wiring, which requires registration as or working under a master electrician
<Greys> electrician school is basically a 6 week program that gets you up to snuff to pass the test to be eligable to be an apprentice; it's not necessary; then you have to apprentice under a master electrician
<Greys> once you've done the 5 years you're a journeyman and as long as you're working for a licensed master electrician you can work unsupervised
<Greys> after 12 years of experience you're eligable to be a licensed master electrician and can start your own company
<SilverFox> there's this chick on twitch named queenytv that just does sensual stretching
<SilverFox> im surprised twitch allows this
<SilverFox> the irl tag really lets you get away with shit I guess
<Greys> this system is designed to concentrate work and limit the industry; but is responsible for the slow decline in populations of legally qualified skilled laborers
<Greys> hvac is worse, you need a bachelors degree; but that does overlap with apprenticeship
<Greys> plumbing is one of the few skilled trades that's not burried under restrictive legislature; you need to be licensed, but there's no qualifications to that
<SilverFox> trades are shit, I know
<Greys> corrupt regulation is shit
<SilverFox> is getting sued in other fields like say, medical, count as a form of legal repremansion?
<Greys> just wait until 2035 when there are no surviving electricians in michigan, because they all olded to death
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> what will they do?
<Greys> switch everything back to steam and belt drive
<SilverFox> you'll have to pay people more to get n
<SilverFox> like, stupid amounts
<Greys> there won't be anybody to pay
<SilverFox> as entry enticement
<Greys> they can't enter
<SilverFox> they'll have to somehow
<Greys> you have to apprentice under a master, you have to journeyman under a master; if there are no masters, the journeymen have to stop working, and you can't become an apprentice
<SilverFox> bring em in out of state
<Greys> this is a single state system
<Greys> every state is unique
<Greys> the masters from other states aren't masters here
<SilverFox> wait wut
<Greys> being an electrician is not federally regulated
<SilverFox> that is a problem
<Greys> most states don't consider data lines to be an electricians job
<SilverFox> like, cat cables or like the shit in the ground and power line stuff?
<Greys> cat5etc, coax, fiber, phoneline
<Greys> powerline stuff is not anything, it's an appliance
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<SilverFox> so you're saying I could go down into the states and lay some phone line and coax lines because im qualified?
<Greys> well that's more complicated
<SilverFox> no ones gonna lay cat5 in the ground, that's just stupid
<Greys> laying requires permits
<Greys> are they going to give you a permit?
<SilverFox> am I qualified to get a permit?
<Greys> also plenty of people do, in PVC conduit, between nearby buildings such as house and garage
<Supernovy> I'll lay you in a minute
<SilverFox> ew
<SilverFox> stranger danger
<Greys> you may or may not be qualified to get a permit, but they choose whether or not to give you a permit
<Greys> will they choose to give a random canuck a permit to lay coax
<SilverFox> I do not consider it an electricians job to put some cat5 cables around my house
<Greys> I agree
<SilverFox> maybe if they were installing it alongside the regular electric in my house, then yeah sure I'd like that inspected by an electrician
<SilverFox> might as well make sure that's skookum
<Greys> just make sure you don't run data lines perpindicular to AC lines
<SilverFox> just checking to make sure if there are any problems in general really
<SilverFox> anwyawys, time for me to bed
<Greys> bed is for the week
<Greys> real men sleep in BEARS
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<G-Mobile> ;wa what do gatorade energy chews claim to do
<kmath> G-Mobile: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<G-Mobile> near as I can tell these are just quarterheight cubes of gelled sugar
<darklight> ;tell SilverFox prepare yourself for an experience
<kmath> darklight: I'll let silverfox know when I see them
<kmath> YouTube - KANG of KANGZ
<darklight> today was a lot better :P
<kmath> YouTube - Glowspin's first "successful" flight!
<Greys> wait a tick, you have a name
<Supernovy> He has a couple other things too
<Supernovy> I've seen them
<Greys> impossible
<darklight> Glowspin is what I call the plane because the other one was named tailspin and naming things in the radio is annoying
<darklight> I changed tail to glow, seemed to work
<darklight> But yeah, I figured sad violin would work just as well. I need to keep finding new songs for crashes now though
<Supernovy> have you done the mmm watcha say one?
<darklight> That's the next one I'll use
<Supernovy> and then after that you can do the roundabout To Be Continued thing.
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<darklight> ;tell Silverfox oh, maybe this is even better
<kmath> darklight: I'll let silverfox know when I see them
<kmath> YouTube - We Painted With Our Period Blood • Ladylike
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<Greys> "Glucomannan"
<Greys> hero of the weak
<Greys> "Sesquiterpenes"
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<darklight> So the only michigan city no longer exists but all the other ones do?
<darklight> We name our streets after cities, not our cities after states
<Greys> the only michigan city in michigan no longer exists
<Greys> except it's not michigan city
<Greys> and it does exist
<Supernovy> mitch again
<Greys> notice all of the civilization that tightly encapsulates this so called ghost town
<Greys> weird, I can't find any of the old buildings in the satelite view, but I did find a cluster of 6 boats that are either sunken or partially exposed
<Greys> oh, seven
<Greys> what wavelength of imaging is best able to see through water
<Greys> also the dam at the east end of the lake is the most impressive 3D thing I've seen in google maps
<darklight> Booo, "detrot" isn't a thing.
<Greys> STS Hydropower
<Greys> I feel like STS hydropower has been partially dismantled so parts of it don't make much sense, but there's a section of seemingly decommissioned sluce gates and the rib between them, likely less than 2 meters, is correctly modelled
<Greys> according to google's built in measurement tool, 4.5 feet
<Greys> I'm truely impressed that google's image processing can reliabily (5 times) understand features less than 2 meters
<Greys> also the texture work is surprizing, given that street view has not been able to approach the building to any useful distance
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<Greys> somebody posted images of this mcdonalds fuse box
<VITAS> its funny to see how spacedock gets faster the more visitors there are.
<Greys> I have to assume that something about this configuration is inappropriate
<VITAS> even crackers link mods:
<Supernovy> BBS!
<Greys> what is this pun in response to?
<VITAS> its 3dms "official" home
<VITAS> im going through spacedocks stats atm
<VITAS> curse must be faking statistics. They NEVER had 47k monthly downloads on KAS alone
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<kmath> YouTube - Tyrone Declares War On Normies
<RandomJeb> the time has come
<Greys> the following is Zapier's list of integrations categorized as "Fitness & Entertainment"
<Greys> Weather by Zapier
<Greys> Runkeeper
<Greys> Eve Online
<Greys> Map My Fitness
<Greys> Untappd
<Greys> (untappd is twitter for beer)
<RandomJeb> what's zapier?
<Greys> it's like IFTTT but more powerful and much more expensive
<Greys> IFTTT is free and supports direct causality
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<Greys> Zapier is useless when free, and 20$/month or 250$/month, but supports logic and chained causality
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<Greys> for example, if I was willing to pay that, I could collapse seven of my recipes in IFTTT to a single event chain
<Greys> what language is 即刻
<Greys> ;tell SilverFox, most of the last 8 hours did not contain rain
<kmath> Greys: I'll let silverfox, know when I see them
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<darklight> Greys: I actually decided I had nothing better to do, clicking through it
<Greys> cool triva, the author of the original source material for Welcome to the NHK write it in an effort to overpower and quantize his depression and agoraphobic situations; it was hugely successful and the royalties have permitted him to retire, so now he has no reason to dispute his depression and agoraphobica
<Greys> wrote it*
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<Greys> ;tell SilverFox, I challenge you on sunday to write a 2000 word short story about the most interesting weather pattern in canada at the time
<kmath> Greys: I'll let silverfox, know when I see them
<Greys> ;tell SilverFox I challenge you on sunday to write a 2000 word short story about the most interesting weather pattern in canada at the time
<kmath> Greys: I'll let silverfox know when I see them
<Greys> fucking bitches
<Greys> commas are not permitted in nicks
<Greys> who runs kmath?
<darklight> Greys: icefire
<darklight> "Push a twenty-something into a corner, and they'll go to a brothel and publish a report about it on the internet
<Greys> ;tell icefire the ;tell function should strip commas from $1
<kmath> Greys: I'll let icefire know when I see them
<darklight> ;tell Silverfox if you recognise these faces you should be laughing now :P
<kmath> darklight: I'll let silverfox know when I see them
<Orum> ~wa 15 BP to USD
<FoxBot9000> Orum: BP (gas station) | 15 nearest locations: 1 | Interstate 29 & Hw50, Vermillion | 9 km (kilometers) north‐northwest
<FoxBot9000> Orum: BP (gas station) | 15 nearest locations:
<Orum> ~wa 15 GBP to USD
<FoxBot9000> Orum: convert £15 (British pounds) to US dollars: $19.09 (US dollars)
<Orum> man, the games some people on my steam friends list buy make me wonder.. o.o
<SilverFox> .
<Orum> "Deep Space Waifu" for one
<SilverFox> Greys, icefire runs kmath
<SilverFox> I should also add comma support for my tells, dont think I filter out commas
<Orum> you want to filter out commas?
<SilverFox> yeah Nick, should be just Nick
<Supernovy> deep space waifu sounds pretty good tbh
<SilverFox> I agree with supernovy
<Orum> as far as I can tell you just shoot off their clothes
<Supernovy> aww
<Orum> which doesn't sound like much of a game
<SilverFox> you shoot them off into deep space?
<Orum> no, in deep space
<Orum> well, into deep space as well...
<Orum> they're some giant deep space avatar
<SilverFox> darklight, is this like that one time idubbz went to some chick and went "Sayy nigggeerrrrr" and then she made a story time about it?
<Supernovy> I like deep space, I like waifus, why can't a video game combine these two?
<Supernovy> I mean, come on, it's 2017!
<Orum> well, that game does
<Orum> but I don't know how they'd be your waifu, they're like, 100x larger than the ship you're in
<Orum> so there's a few problems of scale
<SilverFox> you discriminating against gianttess waifus?
<SilverFox> you fucking bigot
<Orum> yep, that's me
<SilverFox> darklight, wtf is this black history
<darklight> SilverFox: Anita hosted a panel at vidcon and from what I understand the first two rows were filled with anti-feminists, sargon of akkad being one of them
<darklight> She called him a garbage human being :P
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> laci has gotten more... uhhhhhhhhhhh
<SilverFox> workable?
<darklight> Also I wanted to get your opinion on melanin being intelligence
<SilverFox> fucking idiotic
<darklight> She's dating chris ray gun, so that's one thing :P
<SilverFox> laci isnt as batshit crazy as she used to be
<SilverFox> anyways, melanin is a fucking skin pigmentation protein used to adapt to sunlight levels
<SilverFox> long-term
<darklight> Remember that we've only seen the worst, she started talking to essentially people I watch
<darklight> So I'm seeing where it goes
<darklight> Also
<darklight> >Does a video on number of genders
<darklight> >Makes it a two parter
<darklight> :P
<SilverFox> I thought it was gonna be a three parter
<darklight> Ah, *shrugs*. I following to see where it goes anyway
<SilverFox> 2 genders: Boy + attack helicopter
<SilverFox> "Next video: Humans breathe oxygen" #30 on trending, Most controversial trending on twitter"
<VITAS> hmm i would choose attack helicopter because im to mature for beeing a boy anymore
<SilverFox> those are some big fuckin tail rotor
<VITAS> and to mature to care about what someone says how things should be unless hes paying me
<SilverFox> is it like that dyson fan without blades/
<VITAS> turbines!
<darklight> SilverFox: that thing still has blades
<VITAS> btw my solution to someone compalining about genders is simple: someone is he or she if they cant decide theyre "it"
<VITAS> because i only know he, she and things
<darklight> VITAS: Pronouns are for third person. "She has a name"
<VITAS> im in situations where ppl complain that i say something along the lines of "ask her"
<VITAS> and that person insisting that she isnt a she
<VITAS> and dont want to be a he either
<VITAS> so i correct myself and say "ask it"
<VITAS> :)
<VITAS> and yes feminists love me :D
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<SilverFox> dakrlight, that's second person
<SilverFox> third person is using the person's name
<SilverFox> VITAS, why not use "them"?
<SilverFox> you know, the gender neutral pronoun the english language uses
<darklight> I mean you never address someone as he or she
<SilverFox> "SilverFox doesn't like this that much"
<SilverFox> as said by me
<SilverFox> is me talking in third person
<darklight> Trixie is aware of this
<darklight> :P
<darklight> I mean you don't walk up to them and say "hello he"
<darklight> he/she are for when you're talking about someone else :P
<SilverFox> fair
<darklight> That being said, I fully support singular they :P
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<Greys> seems expensive for bullshit
<SilverFox> it's in canadian
<SilverFox> transformers 5 apparently exists
<SilverFox> and surprise, it pulled shit numbers in box office
<Greys> you can get a lot of features for 20CAD in america
<darklight> Fluke 17b
<Greys> ;wa 20CAD
<kmath> Greys: C$20 (Canadian dollars): $15.05 (US dollars) (at current quoted rate)
<darklight> Not 20 bucks though
<SilverFox> which is more like $10 because all prices get jacked up here and are very rarely ever only a little above the conversion rate
<Greys> you gotta do a better job of shopping for bullshit
<SilverFox> that is immediately over the 15$ limit
<Greys> the difference between 15 and 17 is irrelevant in the american economy
<SilverFox> dont care
<SilverFox> find a 10$ meter
<Greys> we have 2$ bills and nobody uses them
<Greys> nope, I did my duty
<SilverFox> we have 2$ coins and tons of people use them
<SilverFox> you did it poorly, congrats
<Greys> yea because your economy sucks
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<SilverFox> because you're too shit to adapt
<Greys> nah, that's why dollar coins never took off
<Greys> and why we still have coins for less than 50 cents
<Greys> and why 50 cent coins never took off
<darklight> Why would you buy an el cheapo meter?
<darklight> I mean, maybe it's understandable
<Greys> to have it
<Greys> I'm tempted next week, but I'd rather budget for a 40~60$ cheapo meter
<SilverFox> at that point you might as well budget for a 400$ fluke
<darklight> I keep thinking about a usb scope
<darklight> But meh :P
<Greys> in canada maybe, but 60$ is about as much as I'd spend until I'm getting paid for owning a multimeter
<darklight> Silverfox the 17b is a meter aimed at the chinese market for under 100 bucks
<SilverFox> what that
<darklight> fluke 17b
<Greys> ~yt AvE fluke 17b
<kmath> YouTube - BOLTR: Real or Fake? Fluke 12E Multimeter
<Greys> I was close
<darklight> oh, derp
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<SilverFox> ;wa 2 mi to km
<kmath> SilverFox: convert 2 miles to kilometers: 3.219 km (kilometers)
<SilverFox> yup
<Greys> ;wa pi miles to kilometers
<SilverFox> one of our snipers just got world record for longest confirmed kill
<kmath> Greys: convert π miles to kilometers: 5.056 km (kilometers)
<SilverFox> the distance of the shot was 3,540m
<Greys> ;wa pi yards to meters
<kmath> Greys: convert π yards to meters: 2.873 meters
<SilverFox> rifle used was a McMillan TAC-50
<SilverFox> Rokker, suck it
<Rokker> SilverFox: no
<Greys> ;wa pi mph * tau m/s /C
<kmath> Greys: π mph (miles per hour)×τ m/s/°C (meters per second per degree Celsius difference): τ 1 per second squared 1 m^2 (meter squared) 1.404/K (reciprocal kelvins difference)
<Greys> mmmkay, sulfurdocks, what does that do
<SilverFox> i think you're just fucking with units
<Greys> right but explain what it does
<Greys> what is the use of this unit
<SilverFox> when you want the recipricol kelvin different in somethin, you use n/K
<Greys> n per second squared per square meter per 1.404/K
<Rokker> SilverFox: M82>TAC-50
<SilverFox> yeah but the M82 didnt get a 3.5km confirmed kill
<SilverFox> nope
<SilverFox> CANADA
<SilverFox> FUCK YEAH EH
<Rokker> SilverFox: no, our forces are actually good at getting close enough to kill efficiently.
<SilverFox> your forces are also good at killing themselves
<Rokker> SilverFox: and Hathcock, the previous record holder, was far better than any sniper y'all have ever had
<SilverFox> sure he was
<SilverFox> he didnt get a 3.5km confirmed kill tho
<Greys> darklight, I desire to own a flaregun with a little keypad like one of those key boxes real estate people where you punch a bunch of buttons and then fire it, and depending on the buttons 3 flares shoot up to different altitudes and glow with different color depending on the selection; without there being a shitload of barrels
<Rokker> SilverFox: no he didnt
<Rokker> he did far cooler shit
<SilverFox> sure he did
<Rokker> SilverFox: and 2.286 meters with a gun that's not even really a sniper rifle is pretty fucking dope
<darklight> Silverfox at least canada isn't trying to start a war with russia
<Rokker> kilometers*
<SilverFox> or any war
<Rokker> SilverFox: he had 93 confirmed kills, and an estimated 300 to 400 total kills
<SilverFox> ~fuckcup
<FoxBot9000> this is my give a fuck cup -> \_/ NOTICE IT IS EMPTY
<Rokker> SilverFox: he had a 30000 dollar bounty placed on his head by the vietnamese
<SilverFox> ~fuckmug
<FoxBot9000> this my mug where I keep my fucks -> c\_/ NOTICE IT IS EMPTY
<Rokker> SilverFox: you know that story of a sniper shooting another sniper through the scope?
<Rokker> hathcock
<SilverFox> lay thine eyes on my field where I grow my fucks
<SilverFox> notice it is barren
<Rokker> SilverFox: hathcock is better than ur fuck knuckles of a sniper
<SilverFox> ~fuckcup
<FoxBot9000> this is my give a fuck cup -> \_/ NOTICE IT IS EMPTY
<Greys> I hate this future
<Greys> websites perform so poorly now that my computer that can still do heavy computation, simulation, and software rendering, as well as play inefficient games well; can't really handle the web
<Greys> every website should render at up to 600FPS, as necessary, under all conditions
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<GlassYuri> Rokker, his machinegun shot is #6 now AFAIK, so four others had already broken (british, us and canadian I think)
<GlassYuri> it's certainly become easier with modern scopes, calculators and the use of deserts instead of forests
<Rokker> GlassYuri: in modern says hathcock could prolly overthrow a govt by himself
<Rokker> days
<Rokker> GlassYuri: I mean he fucking shot a sniper in the scope
<Rokker> that means the sniper had to be lining up the final shot on him
<Orum> I don't know why records are even kept for longest kill
<Orum> if someone shoots another person from 10m further away, does that make them a better shooter? not necessarily...
<Rokker> Orum: eh, it's still kinda impressive
<Orum> more impressive to me is kill count
<Orum> like that guy from what was it, norway or sweeden
<Rokker> Orum: Finland
<Orum> close enough
<Rokker> Simo Hayha
<VITAS> Levller
<VITAS> +e
<Orum> yeah that guy was crazy good with a rifle
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<Rokker> Orum: 505 kills
<Rokker> 295 confirmed sniper kills
<Orum> that guy was going for a high score
<Rokker> So he and hathcock are in that he's region
<Rokker> Orum: you know he got shot in the face
<Orum> yes
<Rokker> that high region*
<Rokker> Orum: wow, estimates of up to 800 kills
<GlassYuri> he got shot in the face, saved himself, fell unconscious, didn't wake up until the war was over
<GlassYuri> and then said fuck it and went back to farming
<Orum> Vasily Zaytsev was pretty damn good too
<Rokker> Orum: he was ok
<Rokker> Orum: Soviets had a shit ton of higher scoring snipers
<Rokker> zaytsev just got popular because they needed a symbol to get through stalingrad
<Orum> ah.... who?
<Orum> yeah, sounds like the typical hype
<Orum> jesus
<Orum> one man army, each one of them
<Orum> so I heard invading russia in winter was a good idea...
<Rokker> Orum: and of course there is Mark Osmond. only 44 kills
<Rokker> BUT
<Rokker> 2 of them with one bullet
<Orum> yeah, that seems more like luck than anything though
<GlassYuri> Orum, they didn't, the russians refused to die in time
<Orum> who didn't what?
<GlassYuri> the nazis winter
<Orum> well you can't blame them for trying
<GlassYuri> can blame them for trying with a nonfunctional chain of logistics
<Orum> I was talking about the russians...
<Rokker> Orum: Francis Pegahmagabow killed like 368 and captured another 300
<Rokker> in ww1
<Rokker> which is pretty good
<Orum> single-handedly captured 300?
<Rokker> 378
<Rokker> Orum: presumably over time, but yes
<Rokker> afaict
<Orum> was gonna say, if it was all at once what happened, did he catch them with their pants down or something?
<Rokker> Orum: and he was using a fucking Ross rifle
<Rokker> which is impressive as shit
<Rokker> 378 kills with mostly just a fuckin Ross rifle?
<Orum> well in WWI people just kind of ran at the enemy line
<Orum> hell you could have killed that many with a revolver, probably
<GlassYuri> apparently in ww1 being captured despite strong numerical advantage just somehow happened
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<GlassYuri> who the fuck doesn't know this
<Orum> a lot of people in 3rd world countries
<Orum> who may not even know what an elevator is
<VITAS> mainly because they speak other languages than english :P
<Orum> well, the idea, not the word... :)
<VITAS> i think they will know similar things
<VITAS> you could e.g. say a cistern with a bucket on a rope to get water out off is the same as an elevator for water
<VITAS> and lifting somethign or someone up somethign with a rope is sort of an elevator too
<Orum> sure, but does your cistern have a button with floors written in braille?
<VITAS> did the first elevator?
<Orum> is that relevant?
<VITAS> yes
<Orum> :|
<VITAS> its not a defining elevator feature
<Orum> floors, sure
<Orum> I don't know many elevators without floor selection
<VITAS> what is a paternoster?
<Orum> hrm, never heard of those
<VITAS> and ive even used them
<Orum> I can't imagine the liability you would face installing one of those here
<VITAS> theyre replaced here too because of accidents
<VITAS> but theyre faster than elevators
<Orum> they look pretty awesome though
<Orum> so they like, never stop?
<VITAS> but you could call the ground and wherever someone wants his stuff to be at floors
<VITAS> yes they dont
<Orum> so if one were to fall across the threshold as it goes up/down
<Orum> guillotine
<kmath> YouTube - 360-Grad-Video: Steig in den WDR Paternoster! | WDR
<kmath> YouTube - Paternoster: Eastern Europe's 'Elevator of Death'
<Orum> "Do you get chewed up in the gears?"
<Orum> hah
<VITAS> because it has "xxxx of death" in it :D
<VITAS> your easy prey for clickbait
<Orum> it's not bait if it delivers
<VITAS> yes its only overemphesising the dangers
<VITAS> anyways
<Orum> still though, I totally see this guillotining people in half
<VITAS> we proved: you wouldnt even know a paternoster was an elevator if i hadent told you :)
<Orum> it's not an elevator, it's a paternoster
<VITAS> so in essence youre like some 3rd wolrd primitve :D
<VITAS> This article is about a type of elevator.....
<kmath> YouTube - Paternoster Elevators, this is how they work
<kmath> YouTube - Amazing 1920 Original TITAN paternoster elevator @ Axelborg in Copenhagen
<Orum> by that logic an escalator is an elevator
<VITAS> depends
<VITAS> it doesnt work verticaly
<Orum> sure they can
<VITAS> so that might be the defining feature
<VITAS> how do they do the stair thing if absolutly vertical?
<Orum> they rotate around
<VITAS> show me one that does it
<VITAS> i would say an escalator is more of an convyour belt
<VITAS> not vertical
<teabot> Verteacal.
<VITAS> no its a spiral
<Orum> right, but then a paternoster is more of a loop
<VITAS> vertical is for me "staight up"
<Orum> because it goes sideways at the top and bottom
<VITAS> the part you use is straight up
<Orum> you could stay on it
<VITAS> a classical lift has wheels at the top too
<VITAS> butits not part of soemthing you use
<Orum> yeah, but doesn't go sideways
<Orum> ever
<VITAS> in essence escalators are defined by the majority as somethign else than elevators
<Orum> it's all semantics really
<VITAS> and paternosters are
<VITAS> if you dont like it change wikipedia :D
<Orum> bleh, can't be bothered
<VITAS> bleh cant be bothered to argue with the whole of the world
<Orum> why does japan have all the coolest shit?
<VITAS> because they can distingueish eleveators from escalators?
<VITAS> ;)
<Orum> curved escalators, underground automated car & bike storage, etc...
<VITAS> we have that here too
<VITAS> the car storage thing has to do with space
<Orum> well, I guess we just aren't densly populated enough here
<VITAS> japan has none
<VITAS> so expensive solutions are viable
<Orum> well they have plenty of space, just not in Tokyo
<VITAS> its the densest populated country in the world
<VITAS> so space in general is tighter
<VITAS> but yes tokyo is even tighter
<VITAS> also im sure your country has something too that no other country has
<VITAS> or at least few do
<Orum> yep
<Orum> a yellow president
<VITAS> orange
<Orum> or orange
<Orum> whatever
<VITAS> maybe hes dutch
<kmath> YouTube - Turkey: ‘First we squeeze you, then we drink you’ – AKP fans deride Dutch in anti-orange demo
<Orum> "...taken out of service after a passenger, attempting to ride the lift as it transitioned from upward to downward travel, became caught in the drive chain." oh jesus that sounds painful
<kmath> YouTube - High School USA 1983
<VITAS> some more stereotypes for my drawers :D
<Orum> there's no shortage of stereotypes
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<Orum> he's eating himself!
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<Orum> did github get rid of the "Upload Files" button?
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<Orum> oh, I guess if you don't initialize with a readme, it doesn't initialize one at all... sigh
<Hyratel> Orum, what
<Orum> github weirdness
<Hyratel> VITAS, an elevator is a single platform that goes between destination levels and stops
<Hyratel> an escalator is a continuous moving staircase
<Orum> so a paternoster is what you get when an escalator and an elevator have a baby
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<Hyratel> sounds like a liability to me
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<VITAS> congrats youre finding out what an elevator is :D
<VITAS> i promote you to second world ;)
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<Tank2333> Lol
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