TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
<SilverFox> when you are presenting them for supreme swag factor
<SilverFox> one remote press and everything goes super coo;
<Greys> right but.... that isn't a thing
<SilverFox> right but it's not because it isnt
<SilverFox> so make it a thing
<Greys> isn't ain't an is
<Greys> there's no reason to have monitors that slide out, when they would never be slid in
<SilverFox> make the monitors slide out and reign supreme
<Greys> this ain't mudkipz
<SilverFox> i heard u leik them tho
<Greys> I am ambivalent of mudkips, but if you put mudkips in my mudkips, I would certainly dislike that
<SilverFox> but you could mudkip while you mudkip
<Greys> no I couldn't, because I would need to plan a funeral
<SilverFox> pokemon dont die
<SilverFox> they faint
<Greys> do you understand what happens when you put one living thing inside another living thing of the same species?
<Greys> one of them dies
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> babies
<Greys> let me inform you
<Greys> most of the galleries of vore
<Greys> also have the snuff tag
<SilverFox> BABBIES
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egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, apparently there is an Area 51 for japan, Hakui? is this place popular for ufo shit?
<G-Mobile> america is japan's military, therefore japan's area 51 is america's area 51
<darklight> okinawa?
<SilverFox> no not fuckin okinawa, hakui
<Rokker> SilverFox: weird way to spell Okinawa
<SilverFox> wut, no, I meant what I said
<SilverFox> Rokker wtf are free masons?
<SilverFox> mexicans?
<Rokker> SilverFox: ?
<Rokker> SilverFox: why are you asking mw
<Rokker> me
<SilverFox> you're the conspiracy dude
<SilverFox> D E S I G N A T E D
<Rokker> I'm a conspiracist?
<Rokker> since when
<SilverFox> nigga
<SilverFox> what are free masons
<Rokker> freemasons are just a group of dudes that just gather together for networking and fun purposes
<SilverFox> are they mexicans?
<Rokker> some prolly
<SilverFox> ok cool
<Supernovy> free masons? I'll take two.
<SilverFox> also I muted a person who was the real conspiracist, and they were annoying, so you're taking their place as someone who's less annoying
<SilverFox> you're just the designated right wing american
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<Greys> whats happened in space enginers in the last six months
<SilverFox> check the steam page
<Greys> do it for me canada butler
<SilverFox> naw
<Greys> WAR
<SilverFox> cool
<SilverFox> lets see how well declaring war on canada goes for you
<lpghatguy> Greys: hopefully something, the multiplayer was so unstable and horrible
<Greys> did they ever fix the thing where it makes my computer BSOD sometimes
<Greys> the sometimes part is the most problematic part
<lpghatguy> it's userland code, it shouldn't ever make your computer bsod
<lpghatguy> your drivers are bad
<Greys> fresh install of windows
<Greys> still bsods
<lpghatguy> fresh install of windows has drivers autoinstalled
<SilverFox> get rekt
<Greys> *sometimes*
<lpghatguy> it's not a bug in space engineers in either case, it's a bug in some crappy kernel land code
<SilverFox> Greys, if you can replicate it somewhat I'll give it a go if I have the game
<Greys> sure, but only space engineers makes my computer bsod at all
<Greys> so it's still space engineers
<darklight> Or your video card is fucked, which is more likely
<Greys> it's new too
<darklight> Video card ram always does that crap
<Greys> so, 2 cards, two installs of windows, still bsods
<Greys> sometimes
* lpghatguy shrugs
<lpghatguy> I do wonder if they've fixed the multiple desync issues
<lpghatguy> I ran a huge Azure VM for a dedicated server and it was still terrible
<Greys> have they entirely abandoned .... opposite-of-space engineers?
<Greys> fantasy? siege?
<Greys> castle?
<SilverFox> what is the name?
<Greys> the only other game Keen put out
<Greys> Medieval
<SilverFox> Besiege?
<Greys> Medieval
<Greys> oh they are actually still putting out updates
<lpghatguy> curious
<lpghatguy> common engine between the two, their custom C# nonsense
<Greys> well yea, but the engine predates either game
<lpghatguy> cool, there were physics problems before, and problem now physics have double we!
<Greys> HAVOK physics even
<Greys> I believe that's the physics they used in RAGE?
<lpghatguy> and in Skyrim
<Greys> wow, this girl was a lot more attractive in memory
<lpghatguy> unless you're talking about Keen's engine, VRAGE?
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<SilverFox> so Destorm has the greatest series of vines going
<Greys> vine is dead
<SilverFox> yall remember that long ass song about a midget in a closet?
<Greys> no series of vines are going
<SilverFox> ~yt DeStorm Caught part 1
<kmath> YouTube - DeStorm - Caught Part 1
<Greys> apparently space engineers has an implimentation of Keen's dangerous new general purpose AI
<lpghatguy> 'general purpose AI'
<Greys> now I guess the bandits actually learn
<Greys> this is a clear disregard for the continued existance of humans
<lpghatguy> there are actual bandits now?
<Greys> I'm sure they're still just AI piloted ships
<lpghatguy> as in, enemies besides the ridiculously common meteor showers and cyberdogs!
<lpghatguy> even on the lowest meteors-at-all setting they would crater an entire area overnight ;_;
<darklight> Skyrim, where people run on the top of horses, dragons fly backwards, and lydia gets launched 1km in the air from the troll club
<Greys> bandits are older than cyberdogs, maybe not as old as meteors
<SilverFox> lol fuckin lydia
<Greys> they spawn in a vessel on a course and have it mark all player factions as enemies
<Greys> turrets automatically fire on enemy factions
<lpghatguy> right, those
<lpghatguy> but do they actively seek you out now?
<Greys> one would hope
<Greys> I'm not reading most of this shit
<Greys> apparently drones do
<Greys> they'll also set up ambushes
<lpghatguy> ooh
<Greys> I don't know what a drone is
<Greys> at least 3 of the weekly updates this year mention physics improvements
<lpghatguy> last time I played MP, ships would randomly sink into other parts when on planets and then explode
<Greys> minepraft?
<Greys> one of the last updates of last year cites "new multiplayer codes"
<Greys> -s
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<Greys> perhaps tomorrow I shall risk inscruitable bsods and play a bit
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<SilverFox> !tell Majiir have you had ddeokbokki? how would you rate it, if so?
<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<SilverFox> "if the earth were a ball, then a plane would have to constantly dip its nose 20 degrees otherwise it'd be 80 miles high in 20 minutes"
<SilverFox> SilverFox.exe has stopped responding
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<darklight> Silverfox ha, thinking planes fly straight
<darklight> On a map they fly in a retarded curve! :P
<darklight> Look at these silly billy pilots! :P
* SilverFox kernel panics
<darklight> Tis a conspirceh to jack up the gas prices for planes!
<SilverFox> dont post shit like this, you're gonna fuck with my brain
<SilverFox> wait naw I figured it out
<darklight> Yeah, 90N 0E is the same as 90N 90E
<SilverFox> wut
<darklight> Every point at 90N is the north pole
<SilverFox> oh right
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, whats that word "hajimashite" and the fuck it mean
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: I got a special item for you
<SilverFox> hoooooo boy letsgooooooooooo
<TheKosmonaut> !g Japanese to English dictionary
<Qboid> TheKosmonaut: [ Japanese Dictionary] (8560000 results found, took 0.66s)
<TheKosmonaut> WHAT THE FUCK
<TheKosmonaut> IT’S… a dictionary??!?!?
<SilverFox> m8
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: Hajimemashite is a greeting to use when you first meet someone
<SilverFox> oh nice
<SilverFox> thanks
<SilverFox> "there was this Chinese guy in the supermarket and he didnt know how to say 'chicken' so he grabbed an egg and went to the cashier and asked 'where mother??'"
<darklight> TK might be angry because one of his students liked rape
<SilverFox> uwut
<TheKosmonaut> Lol
<TheKosmonaut> I forgot that story
<SilverFox> Tk, do tell
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<TheKosmonaut> He was trying to say he liked “rape seed"
<SilverFox> but he just forgot the other word or some shit?
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<SilverFox> "Bunnies. A girl came to school one day with five bunnies in her book bag, and by the end of the day had sold ever bunny for 25 a piece. Everyday, teachers would be stopping kids and looking through book bags and lunchboxes, and it was chaos. And the bunnies were still being sold! Occasionally you'd see someone with a lump in their jacket with an ear poking out-bunny. A cracked lunchbox-bunny. Eventually this turned into a full
<SilverFox> black market bunny selling ring. The leader hjad recruited other sellers, and they had designated bunny trading spots."
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, does japanese have a particle for a buttfuckton of stuff so that it can written as an entire sentence and you can read it coherently?
<SilverFox> like, all smooshed together
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<SilverFox> Glass|phone wtf dude
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<Glass|phone> SilverFox: what
<Glass|phone> all those joins are because taking an escalator over 4 floors apparently reconnects the wifi 20 times
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<darklight> Also how is ramavan doing? :3
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<darklight> Oh, it wasn't a truck of peace
<darklight> derpibooru has the worst url spoilers :<
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<Greys> GlassYuri, clearly they should install a directional wifi antenna that specifically covers the escalator path
<Greys> bareick obama
<Greys> wtf is twig?
<Greys> guy quoted on john oliver coal segment listed computers languages he was being trained in and the last of them were"Javascript, Twig, YAML"
<Greys> oh, it's a PHP bullshit
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<Greys> Hyratel1, if I run a DC powerline, 19V 1.7A, alongside a DVI cable, in a heatshrink tube, is there any concern for interference on the DVI cable?
<GlassYuri> have you ever seen "made in china" misspelled
<Greys> nope
<Greys> I imagine it's exceedingly rare, because the made in china mark is mandated by the chinese government for exports, and the US government for imports
<GlassYuri> well it's on a japanese label that was probably added after importing
<GlassYuri> which contains a number of unknown meaning, a model number, a barcode, and ce/fcc/recycling marks
Thomas|AWAY is now known as Thomas
<Greys> we've come full square
<Greys> Lyft, the Uber competitor ride sharing service, has invented bus service
<Greys> Lyft Shuttle drivers will drive predefined routes between predefined places, you show up, and the ride cost is split between everyone who shows up
<RandomJeb> the beautiful sharing economy
<Greys> I wonder just how long it will be before a lyft shuttle driver will literally buy a bus
<Greys> you can find them on craigslist pretty often
<RandomJeb> certainly not just a scam by right wing libertarians to get rid of all those pesky worker rights
<Greys> of course not; that's uber
<Greys> lyft never did aaaaaaanything wrong.... that I'm aware of
<Greys> #noresearch
<Greys> buses have odometers in the wheel hubs?
<RandomJeb> maybe if their tires are supplied by another company? I know some truckers that have odometers in the wheels so the tire supplier knows how far the wheels have rolled
<Greys> not the wheel, not the tire, the hub
<Greys> like, the rotor
<RandomJeb> well I assume they're measuring the same thing, distance rolled, could imagine the bus companies may want to keep track for maintenance regardless of who does the maintenance for that matter
<RandomJeb> I wonder if the buses around here have them
<RandomJeb> guess I'll have to sneak up to one and pry off the hubcap
<Greys> also the fact that it's a sealed unit on the exterior of the vehicle under a cover that only certain maintenance people should be accessing, it's more secure against enfraudulation
<SilverFox> oh fuck, I'm applying for osap for my college program and there are two programs listed with the same name that start on the same date but one ends a week earlier/later than the other
<SilverFox> if I pick the wrong one I could get my funding removed
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<SilverFox> ayyyyy
<SilverFox> Djohaal, where you been all this time?
<Greys> without googling, can you determine where the fingerprint sensor is?
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<SilverFox> hrmmmmm
<SilverFox> the spacebar?
<SilverFox> my first thoughts were of the space around the arrow keys
<Greys> you are in the right general sector of the keyboard
<SilverFox> which one, spacebar?
<Greys> both
<SilverFox> is it next to the alt key on the right?
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<Greys> yes
<SilverFox> okay yeah, it has a fingerprint looking thing
<Greys> what I find most impressive, is that it is still a key
<Greys> it's not rigidly mounted, you still press it
<Greys> which is kind of genius; during the keystroke the pressure of the finger on the sensor is a known quantity, so you can make a lot of useful assumptions about finger and ridge deformation
<Greys> haha, they fucked up
<SilverFox> wut
<SilverFox> why the fuck is it there
<Greys> because it fit probably
<Greys> I'll bet contextually if the machine is unlocked it behaves as the windows key
<SilverFox> why not use the key to the left of that that looks like a fingerprnt?
<Greys> ....
<Greys> that image is wrong
<Greys> it is the one with the fingerprint
<kmath> YouTube - Introducing the Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint ID
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<Greys> that would be very painful
<Greys> for yooooooou
<SilverFox> heels are not fun
<SilverFox> having them permanently on your feet would be absolutely disgusting
<Greys> you're missing the critical point
<Greys> that stick has flesh on the end of it
<SilverFox> yeah?
<SilverFox> so do our fingers
<SilverFox> and toes
<SilverFox> all of our body
<Greys> your fingers and toes aren't rigid, and you don't support your body weight with them
<SilverFox> your heel does though
<Greys> your heel is many times more surface area
<SilverFox> okay cool?
<Greys> constant force, variable surface area, more surface area less PSI
<Greys> ;wa 1psi to metric
<kmath> Greys: convert 1 psi (pound‐force per square inch) to metric: 6.895 kPa (kilopascals)6895 Pa (pascals)
<Greys> mmkay
<SilverFox> you can stop now
<Greys> I'm glad WRA can do that
<Greys> the "to metric" conversion
<Tank2333> ;wa 1 dollar to metric
<kmath> Tank2333: convert $1 (US dollar) to metric: $1 (US dollar)
<Tank2333> Lol
<Greys> ;wa 20USD per pound to metric
<kmath> Greys:
<Greys> ~wa 20USD per pound to metric
<SilverFox> ~c 1+1
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 2.0
<Greys> ~wa population of uzbekistan
<FoxBot9000> Greys: Uzbekistan | population: 28.7 million people (world rank: 46th) (2014 estimate)
<Greys> ~wa 20USD per pound to metric
<SilverFox> you are insane if you expect different results
<Greys> that's actually not the definition of insanity
<SilverFox> doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
<Greys> so the Sodium Eyes pseudosequel has turned into a somewhat tiring tutorial of doing programmery
<Greys> today's page is an explaination of version control
<Greys> SilverFox, as you know bob, insanity is not a medical term, it is a legal one, and it's a legal term that lacks meaningful definition but is generally used to infer that someone cannot be held accountable for their actions
<SilverFox> ~fuckmug
<FoxBot9000> this my mug where I keep my fucks -> c\_/ NOTICE IT IS EMPTY
<SilverFox> this guy just said "automagically"
egg|afk|egg is now known as egg
<Hyratel1> it's a chiklet keyboard
<Hyratel1> fucking hate them
<SilverFox> a wut?
<Hyratel1> short-travel
<Hyratel1> with the flat or convex keys
<SilverFox> oh right
<Hyratel1> I can't index my fingertips without the concave face
<SilverFox> chicklets
<SilverFox> wait this reminds me of a candy
<SilverFox> firefox has a new screenshot feature
<kmath> YouTube - MegaBot Mk.III Debut at Maker Faire 2017 (Season 1)
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<darklight> Hyratel it's not a biped?
<darklight> Irl mech warrior would be fun :D
<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<kmath> YouTube - 나인뮤지스[9MUSES] - 기억해 (Remember) MV
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<kmath> <mi_fp62> 見た中で一番早いマシン #ロボット相撲
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<darklight> I have no idea how it moves that fast and has that much grip
<SilverFox> weeabu magics
<SilverFox> the sheer power of waifu
<darklight> "When your in a robot wars tournament but you have to be home in five minutes"
<darklight> Also I won't pick on spelling because that'd be the pot calling the kettle black, but still :P
<SilverFox> "back in my day we didnt play with fidget spinners, we played with our dicks"
<darklight> Also that chinesium generator I pulled apart is now fixed :3
<darklight> I got bored so I ripped it apart, the valves were sticky so I used a kitchen thingy and now it works
<darklight> So now we have 4 generators...
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<G-Mobile> ;wa dave thomas birth
<kmath> G-Mobile: Dave Thomas->date of birth: Friday, May 20, 1949
<G-Mobile> ;c 1993-1949
<kmath> G-Mobile: 44.0
<G-Mobile> He graduated at 45 years old
<G-Mobile> From highschool
<G-Mobile> ;wa dave thomas death
<kmath> G-Mobile: Dave Thomas->cause of death: (data not available)
<G-Mobile> ~wa dave thomas death date
<FoxBot9000> G-Mobile: Dave Thomas | date of death: Tuesday, January 8, 2002
<G-Mobile> Seven years before he died
<G-Mobile> No, 9
<G-Mobile> Math.
<G-Mobile> So basically he died at 27, except he was 54
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<Greys> SilverFox, someone has had the dumbest idea and it wasn't you; step up
<SilverFox> i dont see anything
<SilverFox> therefor it doesnt exist
<Greys> somebody is developing a condom with a little maze in the end, a maze so complicated that "only the smartest sperm can get through"
<SilverFox> .
<SilverFox> ........................
<SilverFox> this is like, multiple layers of stupid
<SilverFox> this is so many layers deep, you could get shrek and leonardi dicaprio to star in its movie
<Greys> I want to see someone attach a firehose to a really big maze all welded up but with a plexi top
<SilverFox> it would just fill up all possible paths because liquids
<Greys> but most of those paths don't lead anywhere, so the valid paths would display flow
<Greys> in fact the bad paths might develop negative pressure because of bernouli effect
<Greys> or is it venturi effect
<Greys> one of those 'fects
<SilverFox> liquid aims to fill its container
<SilverFox> all paths would fill
<SilverFox> if there is a dead end it would result in higher pressure, and there would be backflow
<darklight> I think greys is right, vorticies will create some areas of low pressure
<Greys> it'll depend on the exact geometry of the intersection
<darklight> Other than that though, that and a ball would be a hilarious maze solver
<Greys> if you have a |- where the good path is bottom to top, that'll cause negative pressure on the right branch after it has filled to some point
<SilverFox> negative pressure means water will flow towards it
<Greys> water will be drawn towards it; but it'll only flow there if the draw force is high enough to resist the flow motion
<Greys> if the good path were bottom to right, then top would get super packed
<Greys> it would fill until the branch were able to deflect water into the good path
<SilverFox> now heres the thing; if the maze's volume is larger than the ejaculate volume, then no ejaculate should get out
<SilverFox> but it's also a FUCKING CONDOM so there shouldn't be a way out
<Greys> we're talking about the firehose maze
<Greys> the condom maze would be a little bup on the end of your dick, if you don't jizz at least that much, you're not having babies anyway
<SilverFox> the statement "all it takes is one" is false
<SilverFox> the reason why a singular sperm can make it is because of the death of so many others
<darklight> This sounds like paternity fraud
<darklight> Wait, no, what is the other lne
<darklight> *one
<SilverFox> Greys, heres the thing, stupidity is natural, you cant force it efficiently
<SilverFox> ~g
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox:
<Greys> ;wa 40eur to usd
<kmath> Greys: convert €40 (euros) to US dollars: $44.60 (US dollars)
<icefire> ;wa 40gbp to usd
<kmath> icefire: convert £40 (British pounds) to US dollars: $50.96 (US dollars)
<SilverFox> lol
<icefire> thats a lot lower than I remember
<SilverFox> wanna see something lower?
<icefire> oh it took a nosedive in 2016 go figure
<SilverFox> ;wa 1CAD to USD
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$1 (Canadian dollar) to US dollars: $0.76 (US dollars)
<SilverFox> OH ShiT
<SilverFox> its up by 2 cent
<icefire> ;wa ¥40 to usd
<kmath> icefire: convert ¥40 (Japanese yen) to US dollars: $0.36 (US dollars)
<SilverFox> ;wa 100yen to USD
<kmath> SilverFox: convert ¥100 (Japanese yen) to US dollars: $0.90 (US dollars)
<SilverFox> ;wa 1CAD to 원
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$1 (Canadian dollar) to Korean won: ₩859.71 (Korean won)
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<icefire> ;wa 23000usd to yen
<kmath> icefire: convert $23000 (US dollars) to Japanese yen: ¥2.565 million (Japanese yen)
<SilverFox> why 23k?
<SilverFox> thats such a weird number
<SilverFox> guys what happens if you poop upside down? does the poop go back inside?
<Tank2333> No
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<SilverFox> see, forced stupidity isnt as good
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<darklight> sf you get shitfaced
<SilverFox> wut
<darklight> If you poop upside down
<SilverFox> oh
<RandomJeb> this one weird trick to get shitfaced that makes barkeepers HATE you!
<RandomJeb> Click here
<SilverFox> instructions unclear, got piss in face
<SilverFox> if you pee upside down, both as male and female, what are your chances of the piss landing on your face?
<RandomJeb> how much of the piss?
<RandomJeb> any amount? Pretty high
<SilverFox> a majority of the stream
<SilverFox> 60%+
<RandomJeb> we need some college students to participate in a study
<SilverFox> im one of those
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Snoozee is now known as Majiir
<SilverFox> majuuuuuuuuuu
<Supernovy> Majuuu~~~~
<Majiir> Someone find me a house
<Qboid> Majiir: SilverFox left a message for you in #kspmodders [19.06.2017 02:51:43]: "have you had ddeokbokki? how would you rate it, if so?"
<Qboid> Majiir: SilverFox left a message for you in #kspmodders [19.06.2017 19:15:00]: ""
<Majiir> of course I've had fucking ddeokbokki you tard
<SilverFox> rate it then u jerk
<Majiir> That's like a massive Freeaboo going to America and you ask years later "hey man have u heard of hamburgers? u had one??"
<SilverFox> also new 9muses mv
<Majiir> Ddeokbokki can vary
<SilverFox> do freeaboo's exist?
<Majiir> lol yes
<Majiir> lots of them
<SilverFox> wtf
<SilverFox> thats so weird
<Majiir> Not really
<SilverFox> I guess cringe scales worldwide
<Majiir> It's not the same
<Majiir> I mean American pop culture has spread waaay more than Korean pop culture worldwide
<SilverFox> I mean yes, but liking a place's pop culture doesnt make you a weeaboo to that country
<Majiir> Good ddeokbokki? 8/10, bad ddeokbokki 3/10, most ddeokbokki 6/10
<SilverFox> thanks
<Supernovy> imagine if we found some aliens and they were humanboos
<RandomJeb> I'd be a camhuman
<RandomJeb> I'd satisfy their perverted human fetishes for lots of starbucks
<SilverFox> camhuman
<SilverFox> ?
<Supernovy> like a camgirl but more inclusive
<darklight> This tractors concept of "a straight line" is interesting.
<teabot> Interesteang.
<darklight> George takei is straighter