TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
<SilverFox> idc *what* in a cpu takes power to do, but essentially it's everything. Everything a cpu does, takes power
<SilverFox> so I have no idea how the fuck quantum shit is different
<SilverFox> this is a fundamental building block of physics
<darklight> You know some electronics iirc
<SilverFox> yeah?
<SilverFox> i mean, not personally, but we're friends
<SilverFox> moreso in between friends and aquaintances
<darklight> transistor transistor logic obviously takes power, but I'm pretty computers are things like mosfets, but optimised
<SilverFox> which still take power
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egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<darklight> Not really
<darklight> They do, but most of the power is gate capacitance I think
<darklight> It's totally viable to hold the gate of a mosfet and touch + or - terminals on a battery to turn it on and off
<darklight> And if there is no leakage it will stay on or off, at least for a while :P
<darklight> I should do a "speed control" by wavimg my finger in water to show you :P
<SilverFox> but it takes power to change that state, and that power will leak off after time
<SilverFox> its ability to hold the charge would be its efficiency
<darklight> I usually put a resistor between the gate and gnd pins though just incase the driver fucks up or is disconnected
* darklight means source
<darklight> And yes, source goes to gnd
<darklight> (in nmos)
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<SilverFox> Hyratel1 I just read LTT saying that there's a quantum processor that takes zero power and produces zero heat, how the fuck even
<SilverFox> I refuse to believe doing any computation in electronics takes zero power
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<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<darklight> remove
<darklight> obviously best body pillow
<SilverFox> this makes me moist
<darklight> He's a little lesson in crippling depression
<SilverFox> derp
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, if I go to japan wearing this will I be cool?:
<TheKosmonaut> I will find you and kill you myself
<SilverFox> is that a promise?
<SilverFox> what if I got a umaru-chan one?
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, what does "Youkoso Japari Park e" mean? the fuck is "e"?
<kmath> YouTube - Welcome to Blue Screen Park
<kmath> YouTube - すたんどフレンズ
<darklight> ...
<darklight> ~yt skype can can
<kmath> YouTube - Ara potato Skype x can can
<SilverFox> "Japanese, a language where every second sentence is a pun" pls confirm
<darklight> This is the one I remember :P
<kmath> YouTube - Skype Sounds Song Remix
<kmath> YouTube - We Are
<SilverFox> kpop can suck a dick, this shit is premo
<SilverFox> wait, that shit can suck a dick too, I found something better
<kmath> YouTube - JAPARI UNION
<SilverFox> there is no way kemono friends can be a one off
<SilverFox> I need more of it injected directly into my bloodstream
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: youkoso means welcome
<TheKosmonaut> welcome to japari park
<SilverFox> okay so it's just welcome to japari park as I suspected
<TheKosmonaut> e should be ‘he’ but the h is silent
<SilverFox> okay cool
<darklight> Is that like jurassic park but instead of dinosaurs they have japanese people?
<SilverFox> or should I say
<SilverFox> 수고이
<darklight> Also I didn't understand a comic thingy, so far I think this is the song
<kmath> YouTube - It's Not Like I Like You!! (♪♫)
<darklight> Greys might know what I'm on about
<kmath> YouTube - Introducing Google Kanna
<kmath> YouTube - Ravioli Ravioli don't mess with the dragon loli
<darklight> Cancer, I have seen it
<darklight> Caused directly by silverfoxs posts
<SilverFox> you're welcome
<SilverFox> #ksponcology
<kmath> YouTube - two nukes just wasn't enough
<darklight> ~nyan eleven
<darklight> err
<darklight> ~yt nyan eleven
<kmath> YouTube - Nyan/11
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, what is the japanese character that looks like ㅅ?
<SilverFox> wait wtf they say "welcome to yo-u-ko-so Japari Park" --nvm they say it differently almost every time wtf
<kmath> YouTube - GTA V - Kemono Friends OP / GTA V - けものフレンズ OP
<SilverFox> imagine if kemono friends actually had an animation budget holy shit
<Supernovy> Uh, you don't get to bring friends.
<SilverFox> "The fanfics I WRITE contain more valuable social commentary than your Racial Studies degree program"
<darklight> inb4 sf is the author of rectified anonymity
<xShadowx> Kentucky Senator Rand Paul tweeted that the Second Amendment wasn't designed to protect our right to shoot deer, but the government when it becomes tyrannical - and someone got shot, clap clap
<darklight> Truga linked that tweet I think
<darklight> Paul ryan iirc
<SilverFox> you know who makes awesome music? TheFatRat
<darklight> not rand paul
<darklight> Although I'd put more blame on the "trump is hitler" media meme
<darklight> Speaking of hitler and pokemon, what do you call a jewish pokemon trainer?
<darklight> Ash :P
<SilverFox> you know what the difference between you and me is darklight?
<SilverFox> I dont rely on raciss humor to be funny
<kmath> YouTube - Advanced Physics Simulations #1
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<MobileFoxy> Welp, trump is going against Obama's cuba policy, and iirc obama wanted peace between USA and cuba soooo wtf
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<darklight> Even if its an absolute lolocaust?
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<MobileFox> Just saw a like, 6, take home a 3, yall think you cant do it, go for it
<MobileFox> The female was the 6
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<GlassFragments> "<SilverFox> I dont rely on raciss humor to be funny" in defense of darklight, you are not funny
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<TheKosmonaut> Need some aloe for that burn
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<MobileFox> Im drunk, you know the drill , ama
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<darklight> Yay I'm funny by default
<darklight> de fault de fault de fault
<darklight> MobileFox how will you acquire the shekels for the korea trip
<MobileFoxy> Taxes
<MobileFoxy> The budget will balance itself
<MobileFoxy> Holy fuck the taste of grenadine is Strong
<MobileFoxy> Got thd fuckin black eyes peas stuck in my head, can't wait to sleep that off
<MobileFoxy> Ama is over now
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<darklight> Sf does this help
<kmath> YouTube - Dick Dale & The Del Tones "Misirlou" 1963
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<darklight> yay, half the people like me!
<kmath> <realDonaldTrump> Great news! #MAGA
<darklight> That picture is amusing
<Thomas> if you only count congress thats probably true :P
<kmath> darklight: I'll let silverfox know when I see them
<Greys> would you be interested in a movie described as "stupid people making insane decisions for ludicris reasons"
<Greys> ;tell SilverFox this is a failure, tradition mandates that one side of the dakimakura is not explicit
<kmath> Greys: I'll let silverfox know when I see them
<GlassFragments> Greys, would you be interested in a reality described as "stupid people making insane decisions for ludicris reasons"
<Greys> most people don't make insane decisions and don't have reasons for the decisions they make
<kmath> YouTube - The Book Of Henry - A Postmortem Vlog
<Greys> "mom, peter, and the book have an entire conversation"
<Greys> this video has the opposite of a halflife
<Greys> a doublelife
<Greys> every like 30 seconds it gets twice as insane
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<Greys> at 26:40, we have reached such a degree of insane, that I cannot comprehend where we are, let alone where we will go next
<Greys> ;wa 1.125" to mm
<kmath> Greys: convert 1.125 inches to millimeters: 28.575 mm (millimeters)
<kmath> <stillgray> Is having sex with animals a selling point for Polygon readers, or is the writer talking about his kink?
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<Greys> jesus fucking a donkey up the side of mount everest in a tandum bikini
<Greys> the guy who directed this movie, also directed Safety Not Guaranteed
<Greys> the movie about the guy who claimed in a personal ad to have a time machine; because the owner of the publication needed to fill space
<darklight> Star wars is owned by disney now
<darklight> What are you on about?
<Greys> an insane man is slated to make a starwars movie
<Greys> btw safety not guaranteed is a fictionalized vision of what it would be like if that personal ad were real
<Greys> unrelated breasts
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<darklight> fish hook theory :P
<Greys> what is this even talking about
<Greys> I have discovered the worst organized page of manga ever.
<Greys> oh god, I didn't even read it
<Greys> "she verily lacks in chill."
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<darklight> Greys TayAI also lacked any chill
<Greys> I knew going in this was going to be more than a shitshow, more than a shitfest, shitting man, but this is professional grade suck
<Greys> I don't know what that is
<darklight> Is it silverfox level suck?
<Orum> darklight: are we talking about the nazi bot again?
<darklight> Orum, she lacked chill
<darklight> (but really it had a repeat me function)
<Orum> well she didn't lack antisemetism
<darklight> Then people would delete the original tweets
<Greys> SilverFox isn't imaginitive enough to have thought to lay out a page in such an inscruitible way
<Greys> even outside of this one page the pacing is terrible and I'm pretty sure they're gonna start making out any moment
<Greys> yep
<Orum> are you reading 50 shades?
<Greys> Cutie Beast
<Orum> sounds like it might be even worse
<Orum> lesbian doujin?
<Greys> it's not based on anything that I'm aware of so I don't think it qualifies as a doujin
<Orum> eh, I thought anything that doesn't fall under mainstream manga was just classified as a "douijn", but that shows my ignorance...
<Orum> I bet those girls have back problems
<Greys> magic
<Greys> I recommend not reading the words much
<Orum> thanks, but no thanks...
<Orum> if there's no penis in it I can't experience it vicariously
<Greys> there's fingers
<Orum> they're just not the same...
<Greys> there's the assertion of plot without the existence of plot
<Orum> this is every hentai doujin ever?
<Greys> hard to say
<Greys> yuri is broadly exempt from being declared porn unless the author prescribes it
<Orum> yuri is the gay one, right?
<Greys> yuri is girl on girl
<Greys> most yuri is platonic also
<Orum> oh, well, either way I'm probably not reading it
<Orum> the few things I've seen with all-female casts are boring as hell
<Greys> but lots of not-porn yuri has explicit fucking in it, and I don't understand this
<Orum> > not-porn > explicit fucking
<Greys> yea
<GlassFragments> porn is when fucking is the selling point
<Greys> right but a lot of the time yuri isn't constrained by that
<GlassFragments> then idk, maybe the fans are hypocrites, or so
<Greys> but fans aren't in charge of categorization
<GlassFragments> of fucking course they are
<Greys> if anything that's at the publisher level
<Greys> publishers who don't publish porn do publish yuri with lots of nudity and explicit fucking
<Orum> publishers can classify as anything they want to, the internet usually ignores it
<darklight> I was about to say that "if you can fap to it it's porn", but then I realised teenagers can fap to anything
<Greys> but it's yuri so it's not porn
<darklight> It's like anime people who think they aren't making cartoons
<Greys> oh that's way easier to justify
<Greys> anime is so ambiguous that anyone can argue anything is or isn't it
<darklight> All I know is "anike was a mistake"
<darklight> *anime
<Greys> anime was disney's fault
<Orum> how is yuri and porn mutually exlusive?
<Orum> because to me it seems like they're pretty close to one another
<Greys> it's not
<Greys> some yuri definitely is porn
<Greys> this is a venn diagram problem
<darklight> venn diagrams explain all sets though
<Orum> hrm, so what's the title of the yuri+porn area?
<darklight> Well, logical operations maybe?
<darklight> Maybe the yuri circle is entirely in the porn circle
<darklight> The definitoon of what is porn and what isn't is subjective as greys says
<Orum> this is true, but most people who aren't super religious get the idea
<Greys> the majority of yuri is platonic romance
<Orum> and about 1/3rd of it involves fucking if that diagram is to scale
<Greys> I'd say that's more like a fifth
<Greys> but out of the yuri that contains fucking, a relatively small portion is published as porn
<Greys> and if it's not published as porn, for some reason it just isn't porn
<Orum> so it's just "fucking yuri"
<Greys> I can't explain this
<Orum> do the japanese even have a name for hetero stuff?
<Orum> I mean, there's yuri, yaoi, etc., but nothing for straight?
<Greys> english doesn't
<Orum> english has plenty of words for it, just we choose not to use them
<teabot> Plentea.
<Greys> what's the difference
<Orum> :\
<GlassFragments> yaoi and yuri are just acg fandom slang
<Greys> anime card game?
<GlassFragments> animation, comic game
<GlassFragments> insert another comma there
<GlassFragments> it's actually a chinese term
<Greys> china's weird, I'm still figuring out how they fit into this culture
<Orum> they can pirate it, so they do :3
<Greys> seems like all chinese anime is garbage; but there's a lot of really good (but usually ugly) manhua; and all of them are extremely hostile to china
<GlassFragments> >implying japanese anime isn't garbage
<Orum> well, a small percent of it isn't
<Greys> japanese anime isn't entirely garbage
<Greys> have you seen handshakers?
<Orum> speaking of anime, FML, I need to watch AoT season 2
<Orum> and that train one that's a copycat of the whole thing
<Orum> hand shakers is some BDSM anime?
<GlassFragments> the thing with china is, nobody cares nobody translates
<Greys> handshakers is a chinese anime about people who get superpowers but only when they're holding the hand of their partner; and then they fight cuz
<Greys> also it's entirely CG
<GlassFragments> the dumbest shit coming out of japan will find someone willing to translate it
<Orum> well, CG can be done well, or it can be done like crap
<Orum> and it's not hard to tell the difference
<Greys> there is not currently an example of a full CG anime that is good
<GlassFragments> rwby
<Greys> sure bab
<Greys> I'm still mad at the BLAME! movie
<GlassFragments> that was not entirely cg
<Greys> why the fuck were the characters animated at 15fps
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<Orum> well yeah, if there is one that's full CG and good then I've not heard of it
<Orum> some don't look completely terrible though
<Greys> I disagree; but some manage to use the style
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<Orum> Appleseed Ex Machina was okay looking, though IIRC they had some proportions a little off
<Greys> 70% of appleseed ex machina frames look nice, but when things start moving it's pretty bad
<Orum> yeah, that is one fugly outfit
<GlassFragments> to make progress with my model making I will have to create that front window frame now
<Orum> the thing that was good about ASXM was it didn't /try/ to look like hand drawn anime
<Orum> which is every other CG anime's mistake
<Greys> most of the time full CG looks bad because (see AJIN) they're trying to use CG to emulate traditional production artwork, and that always looks shit; Sidonia and BLAME! mostly don't so that's to their credit; but Sidonia is ugly. BLAME! looks nice in stills but they fucked up the framerate so watching anything move is unsettling; and they cremated the canon
<Orum> speaking of high framerate, did you ever watch Clannad?
<Greys> ASXM doesn't try to emulate hand drawn: Sure bro
<Orum> that looks nothing like hand drawn
<Greys> but it's clearly trying to
<Orum> looks more like cel shading than hand drawn
<Greys> which one is Clannad
<Greys> cel shading is a style that originated trying to emulate hand drawn
<GlassFragments> that looks like a mix of final fantasy and the style some western fan art has
<Orum> uhm ,no?
<GlassFragments> cel shading does attempt to emulate hand-drawn animation
<Orum> that's not its origins though
<GlassFragments> ehm that's where the fucking name comes from
<Greys> animation cels
<Orum> yes, it wasn't originally called cel shading
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<Greys> hoarry shites!
<Greys> Canada just decided that starting december 1st 2017, all phones sold in canada must be unlocked
<Greys> 5$ says within two years of december we see California pass a similar sales restriction
<Orum> doubtful
<Orum> CA (as in california) will just require a label stating that the phone is locked
<Greys> there are actually sales restrictions in california on those things
<Orum> everythime I go to the hardware store nearly everything in the store has the "This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer/yeast infections/whatever"... kinda defeats the purpose of having the label in the first place
<Greys> are you in california? (legit I don't know where you are)
<Orum> nope, WI
<Greys> mmkay
<Greys> so, they have to put that label on for california sales, and it would be more expensive to print a different label for US-but-not-CA; and then if some not-CA product got into CA they could get in big shit
<Orum> exactly
<Orum> so they put it on everything shipped to the states
<Greys> just like all sorts of shit in canada has french on it
<Greys> but in CA, products with those labels are treated differently
<Supernovy> I keep reading CA as Armoured Cruiser.
<Greys> there's building codes, taxes, storefront authorization restrictions
<Orum> are they though? I can't even find plumber's putty that doesn't have known carcinogens in it
<Greys> they're not (usually) banned, they wouldn't bother with the label if it were banned
<Greys> but they're handled differently
<Orum> I suppose, it's just kind of stupid to have the label is all comparable products bear the same lable
<Orum> a label only helps you make an informed decision if you have an alternative
<Greys> I think like, if you have too many chairs with the birth defect foam in a room with no window, it's considered a fire hazard
<Greys> in CA
<Orum> "birth defect foam" lol
<Greys> the real lol is that you know exactly what I mean
<Orum> yeah, just like you know what I mean when I tell you not to remove the label from matresses or you'll be thrown in federal prison
<Orum> I guess I should say "tag" and not "label"
<Greys> if it pleases you
<Greys> I'm willing to not argue with "label"
<Orum> Did take-two just pull a overkill?
<Greys> I'm unaware of what you're referencing
<Greys> I assume you mean the studio and a game
<Orum> apparently they shat all over GTA:V modding and people are pissed
GlassFragments is now known as GlassYuri
<Orum> "rather than get buttraped in court, we decided to just bend over and not fight it..."
<GlassYuri> gtaV's steam ratings are down to overwhelmingly negative for recent and even mostly positive for overall
<GlassYuri> the most helpful review is a link to a petition on the issue
<Orum> yep, the same thing happened with payday 2 and the microtransaction debacle
<Greys> sounds like rockstar had legit reasons
<Orum> sounds like vague claims of piracy, without anything to back it up
<Greys> mmmmm, that's not the words
<Orum> I think the real issue is they can't sell as much in-game currency w/ mod support
<Greys> "Unfortunately OpenIV enables recent malicious mods that allow harassment of players and interfere with the GTA Online experience for everybody"
<Orum> that's funny, coming from a game where a hacker dropping cash on the ground near you gets you banned...
<Greys> OpenIV was being used to enable exploits in multiplayer for hacking and etc
<Orum> I seriously doubt the hackers required OpenIV
<Greys> that's irrelevant
<GlassYuri> it's been said that most hacks are completely unrelated to OpenIV I think
* Orum puts on his "machine code" face
<Greys> whatever
<Greys> so's blue light is a thing, but sometimes I hear people claim that blue light is harmful to your eyes, and I don't understand where that's coming from
<Orum> usually a blue or white light bulb
<GlassYuri> I thought blue light is what keeps you awake
<Greys> the melatonin response is pretty easy to grok and I'm satisfied with the research, though there should be more
<Greys> but how does blue light harm your eyes, when the sky is blue and we've been evolving for millenia
<Orum> all visible light (and much of the invisible) can harm your eyes in sufficient quantity
<GlassYuri> Greys, because screens bombard you with blue light when there is no natural blue light around, and that messes with your sleep
<Greys> GlassYuri, that's not harming your eyes
<Orum> I think she's talking about retinal damage, not sleep related issues
<Orum> wait, Take-two aquired KSP?
<Orum> oh shit, incomming banhammer on mods
<Greys> incoming?
<Orum> probably
<Greys> do people still make KSP mods?
<Orum> some do
<Greys> does windows 10 still render it's UI elements at some absurdly tiny FPS?
<Greys> I feel like XP through 8.1 were locked at like 25FPS
<Orum> define "UI Elements"... like, GDI resources?
<Greys> the mouse, start menu, OS window frames/headers (so not stuff like chrome's frame/header
<Orum> the window frames themselves? no, that has never been locked to 25 FPS
<Greys> find a black background and move your mouse somewhat quickly in a 1~2cm diameter circle, do you see a whole lot of ghosting
<Orum> sounds like a bad monitor
<Greys> sure but it's exactly the same on all of my monitors
<Orum> do you have mouse trails on?
<Greys> no, and that looks much different
<Greys> it's like the mouse is running at a very low framerate, I wish I had a high speed camera
<Orum> I've got one, but I don't think it'll do a good job recording a screen
<Greys> worth a shot
<Orum> I think I can cap the desktop with OBS though
<Orum> I can, going to record it now
<Greys> mmkay, now I need a video editing software
<Orum> nah I got this
<Greys> is vdub still a thing?
<Orum> AvsP is probably what you want
<Orum> err, AvsPmod
<Greys> that seems to be a text editor
<Orum> with a video window on the bottom
<Greys> I don't see the use of this
<Orum> first you put in your source
<Greys> vdub is probably what I want
<Orum> something like AviSource or if you download some plugins LWLibAVVideoSource()
<Greys> vdub doesn't support flv....
<Orum> DirectShowSource will if you have a valid splitter/codec installed
<Greys> or, I can record to .mp4 instead
<Orum> donno WTF is up with OBS, it won't produce an output file
<Greys> I've already produced two
<Orum> in obs?
<Greys> yep
<Orum> not sure what's wrong with my config, OBS just freezes with "Stopping recording..."
<Orum> oh, wait, I think I know, IIRC it shits bricks when you try to record 4:4:4
<Orum> at least with nvenc
<Greys> ok, so this recording is at 30FPS, and even though I'm whipping the mouse around at random it frequently doesn't move between two adjacent frames
<Greys> not every time
<Greys> but almost certainly these hang frames are the ghosting I'm seeing
<Greys> so, the windows 7 pointer renderer is hanging, a lot
<Orum> could be a capture problem in obs
<Greys> yea but then the entire concept of this method is invalidated
<Greys> alright, let's get a 60FPS capture
<Greys> I've set OBS for "destroy reality" quality
<Orum> yeah, it seems to record in YV12 just fine
<Greys> yea but vdub can't do that
<Orum> VDub handles YV12 just fine
<Orum> it's literally the most common of the YCbCr formats
<Greys> "you can't yv12 because we don't like windows media player so don't use windows media player"
<Greys> recording at 30Hz, native resolution, the mouse only moves every other or every third frame
<Greys> never two frames in a row
<Greys> so; the mouse is rendering at up to 30FPS, but sometimes less
<Orum> yeah, my problem seems to be obs itself is unable to capture the desktop at even 30 FPS
<Orum> not sure why, but it seems to be doing it via some shitty polling method
<Greys> those hang frames I was seeing at 30FPS were probably the 3 frame steps
<Orum> it can cap games at 60fps no problem
<Orum> wait, I think I can hack around it
<Greys> my desk is a horror right now and it's slowly driving me to madness
<Orum> yep, capping at 60 FPS, the mouse moves every frame
<Greys> which OS are you on?
<Orum> Win7
<Greys> hmmm
<Greys> HMMMM
<Greys> what do you mean capping
<Orum> capturing video:
<Greys> I need to replicate your results on my system for the interpretation to be meritous
<Greys> if your system renders the mouse at 60Hz, and mine at 30Hz or less; something is wrong with my system
<Greys> what do you mean by capping
<Orum> well there's my cap, I had to tell it to capture a window instead of the desktop
<Orum> capturing
<Greys> ok, glad I asked; that's not what capping normally means
<Orum> i.e. grabbing it off the screen, and putting it into a file
<Orum> what does capping normally mean in this context?
<Greys> limiting
<Greys> norms don't matter, understanding does
<Greys> so I need a black window
<Orum> well in "capping the frame rate" sure...
<Orum> anyway, any window should work
<Greys> "capping at 60FPS is not grammatically distinguishable from "capping the framerate"; aaaanyway
<Greys> FPS"*
<Orum> but yeah, it could be the ghosting of bright images against a dark background that the retina is known to do
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<Orum> set it to window capture though, that was solid 60 whereas desktop was fuckslow
<Greys> yea, the desktop capture could be impacted by the fact that windows renders the desktop as needed, not smoothly
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<Orum> was that able to replicate my results?
<Greys> fiddling with things that don't matter because OCDistraction
<Orum> default mouse polling rate should be 125 Hz for USB
<Greys> confirmed
<Greys> my mouse runs at 1kHz I think
<Orum> :D
<Orum> probably going to ditch windows completely though soon, little reason to run it now
<Greys> it is the year of linux on the desktop after all
<Orum> fuck linux, that shit is cancer
<Orum> 98-02 range sounds good
<Greys> there is a substantial probability that I will return these monitors
<Orum> but really, the driver problem is basically gone... Win7 has more problems with drivers during install than FBSD at this point
<Greys> I have this viewsonic monitor here, 24", 1080p; from 2010 approx; and the black parts, are black
<Greys> the black parts on this monitor are purple
<Orum> > viewsonic
<Greys> it's like the vertical viewing angle is less than ten degrees, and the horizontal viewing angle is not much better
<Orum> is that a TN panel?
<Greys> IPS
<Orum> HAH
<Orum> right
<Orum> how do you have a narrow viewing angle on an IPS display?
<Greys> fuck if I know but it's super distracting that the bottom left hand corner of this brand new monitor is so purple
<Greys> btw, I bought these two LG 27" 1080p IPS monitors yesterday
<Orum> so purple, much ripoff
<Greys> no dead pixels that I've noticed, they run pretty good, the contrast is great; I wish there was more resolution for the size but the better color reproduction and contrast makes even youtube look a lot better
<Greys> but that tint shift
<Orum> stick with Dell, Sony, or Samsung
<Orum> unless you want to blow your wad on a $$$$$$$$ LED display
<Greys> I'll agree with dell but there weren't any worthwhile dell panels there
<Greys> Sony and Samsung can't make quality for half a dick
<Orum> Newegg, B&H, Amazon...
<Greys> microcenter
<Greys> physical store
<Orum> I disagree, sony and samsung have objectively some of the best TVs for use as a monitor
<Greys> don't use TVs as monitors
<Greys> don't buy samsung TVs
<Greys> it's hard to find places that even sell sony TVs anymore because they got so bad
<Orum> never had a problem with mine
<Orum> in fact, I've had more issues with Dell displays than Sony or Samsung
<Greys> TVs don't care about color reproduction or response time, and the pixel organization is unsuitable to document scale font display
<Orum> o rly?
<Greys> most TVs even with the secret settings configured to be ideal for gameplay still have a response time over 40ms
<Orum> that's why they have low-latency modes then
<Greys> the worst monitor you can buy will have a response time of 16ms or less
<Greys> these two have a best case response time of 2ms, but then there's ghosting problems
<SilverFox> I'm awake
<Orum> my tv has a 13.2ms response time
<VITAS> it simply isnt an easy feed to switch pixel on a 60+" panel with 60+hz
<Orum> and fairly nice motion blur
<VITAS> my tv is faster than your tv :P
<Orum> VITAS: quite possibly!
<VITAS> mainly because its a crt
<Greys> don't bring them into this
<Orum> yeah, but that shit ghosts like a motherfucker
<Greys> what shit
<Orum> CRTs
<SilverFox> why am I not getting tells?
<Orum> actually gives a nice motion blue TBH
<Greys> because you don't have friends
<Orum> blur*
<VITAS> to be honest: its just standing arround
<VITAS> because i dont watch TV
<VITAS> its my grandpas
<VITAS> i never bought a tv
<VITAS> the only one i had before that was black and white
<Orum> yeah, but using a TV as a monitor is pretty great, except for the lack of DP inputs
<VITAS> yes i was thinking about that for my next computer
<Orum> it sure is a fuckton cheaper than getting a monitor of size
<VITAS> but i fear problems with getting tax returns for it
<Orum> tax returns? O.o
<VITAS> yes
<Orum> for a TV?
<VITAS> for computer screens
<SilverFox> Greys, does the chick on the right remind you of the president of futabu! or is that just me?
<Orum> this something germany does?
<Greys> just you
<SilverFox> aight cool
<VITAS> im in IT and do homeoffice so yes i can get it accepted as work stuff
<Orum> ugh, I thought of doing that but decided it wasn't worth having the IRS up my ass with a flashlight
<VITAS> but ive to pay it first and then can get tax returns over 3 years
<VITAS> its a couple of 1000 euros
<VITAS> and i do it every 3 years
<SilverFox> yeah
<Orum> oh, that's her toothbrush!
<SilverFox> I love the censor too
<Orum> aw shit, sun's up, time to get back to work
<SilverFox> darklight, Farcry 5: JRH;NBR edition
<VITAS> what i want in a screen is high pixel densety, colour accuracy and a combined width of 1.20m
<Orum> one of them veiny toothbrushes
<VITAS> (would be ok to be several screens)
<Orum> High DPI is a bitch for some thing *cough* Steam *Cough*
<Greys> SilverFox, were you cognizant that there's a futabu anime
<VITAS> i dont care about steam
<Orum> literally every other app I do not have a problem with it on...
<VITAS> i work with it
<VITAS> i dont even have steam installed
<Orum> then you'll probably be fine
<Greys> I cannot judge if this is safe
<SilverFox> Greys, yes, I remember waiting for it to come out and when new episodes would come out
<VITAS> ive a 4k laptop now and i know some programs are problematic but im at a state where its usable
<teabot> Problemateac.
<VITAS> i get more problems with non 16:9 aspect ratio screens
<Orum> lol, 4k laptop
<VITAS> like triple screen setups
<SilverFox> I've also mentioned hair colour and you repeatedly stated that hair colour isn't canon
<Orum> I'd rather have an IPS laptop, if it didn't kill battery life so badly
<VITAS> it does 8 h RL so im ok
<Greys> anyway, there's no real similarity between president and either of those bitches other than that in the story bikini bitch jumps on tubetop bitch like she's some kind of fuck trampoline
<Orum> I Don't see the need for 4k in a laptop
<Orum> your eyes would have to be too close to make it necessary
<VITAS> but im mostly using it at desks so i dont care about battary life that much
<Greys> I don't see the need for 4k at less than 24"
<Greys> and even then I wouldn't argue for it
<VITAS> i do: more stuff on the screen and 4k video edeting
<SilverFox> cant you just supersample or some shit?
<Greys> yea but why
<Orum> VITAS: what do you use for your video work?
<VITAS> premiere
<Greys> more pixels require more power to simply power, let alone feed
<Orum> ah, I was hoping you used something else that you could recommend, I'm trying to get away from all things adobe
<Greys> many laptops these days are available in multiple resolutions, and the higher resolution you purchase the shorter your typical battery life will be
<SilverFox> I think that 1080p or 1440p on a laptop is fine
<Greys> unless you get a 24" laptop
<SilverFox> then maybe 2k?
<SilverFox> 24" laptop seems excessive though
<Orum> I hate big laptops...might as well lug a desktop around then
<Greys> if you're paying 3K$ for a laptop that weighs as much as a desktop, it's worth splurging on the resolution
<Greys> can we do physics math to plot the "retina" distance of pixel size?
<Orum> yes
<Greys> (retina is apple's marketing term for displays where the pixels are slightly smaller than can actually be distinguished in normal use"
<GlassYuri> That's like saying 'I don't understand why everyone is so into this stupid Picasso, this piece by Adolf Hitler is way more realistic!' youtube comment
<SilverFox> yanno, I was drunk last night and apparently had a black eyed peas song stuck in my head. I don't know if it's good or bad I can't remember
<Greys> that's a pretty good article
<Orum> VITAS: have you tried this out at all?
<Greys> considering this was put out recently, I'm surprized this article doesn't graph any xK resolutions
<Orum> sure it does
<SilverFox> I still have the Kemono Friends opening stuck in my head
<VITAS> Orum, yes
<Orum> screll down to the "Optimal viewing distance by the size of the television and the resolution"
<Orum> scroll*
<Greys> they graph UHD
<Orum> UHD is 4K
<Greys> UHD isn't the only 4k resolution, but they also skipped 2k, 5k, and 8k
<VITAS> my sis works for a tv channel as cutter and she uses it since the late 90s
<Orum> 2k = 1080p
<Greys> probably because this article is really about TVs, and those are mo...
<Greys> no
<VITAS> UHK != 4k
<Greys> 1090 is 1k
<Greys> 80
<Orum> 5 = wtf and 8k = "higher resolution worth it"
<SilverFox> GTX 1090 confirmed
<Orum> 1080 is 1k? I beg to differ...
<VITAS> UHD is 4x HD but only 3840 pixel horizontal
<VITAS> 4096 is 4k
<Orum> 1920 =~ 2000, hence, 2k
<VITAS> but yes im lazy too and write 4k when i think of UHD :/
<Greys> and 5k is mostly an apple thing
<Orum> then 3840 is double that, hence 4k
<VITAS> nope
<Orum> it's the digital equvalent of a 2x4
<Greys> you're ignoring that these are marketing terms and thus inconsistent
<VITAS> tell me what number in UHD has 4000 in it?
<Greys> 2k, 4k, 5k, and 8k measure width, 1080p is height
<VITAS> lunch break
<Orum> tell me one monitor which actually has 4000pixels in any dimension
<Greys> need we bring the lesser resolutions into this?
* VITAS wanders off to eat*
<Orum> if you want to get pedantic, nothing is 4k
<Greys> you're asserting an argument I haven't even pretended to make
<VITAS> there you go Orum
<Greys> 1080p is always referred to by it's vertical resolution, which is 1k
<Orum> VITAS: that's 4096
<Orum> which is 4.096K
<VITAS> yes because THAT IS 4k
<SilverFox> I mean, that's a good 8% off of 1k
<Greys> yes, 1920 is near 2k, but it's not a 1920 monitor, it's a 1080 monitor
<Orum> Greys: they use the horizontal resolution
<Greys> this is marketing bullshit, you can dispute it all you want, but I'm not in charge of what gets classified by brands and retailers as 2k
<Greys> 2k is most commonly 2560x1440
<Greys> just as 4k is most commonly UHD
<Orum> 1440p is what I'd call that
<Orum> or 2.5k
<Greys> yea sure; but you aren't the marketing industry
<Greys> I agree with you
<Greys> anyway, this article is about TVs, so it only cares about TV resolutions
<Orum> exactly
<Greys> which I guess also means the whole intention of their "retina" graph is wrong for this conversation
<Orum> I guess UHD is actually defined by NHK and approved by the ITU as 3840×2160 pixels
<Orum> so the (4K) in the chart is just the common name for it, not the defined name
<SilverFox> ~c 720 * 4
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 2880.0
<Greys> .... were you ever doubting the definition of a branding term?
<Orum> I just never hear people call it UHD
<Greys> UHD won years ago
<Orum> beacuse 4K is much less of a mouthful
<VITAS> tv/computers= vga svga ...hd uhd suhd
<Greys> it's also much less specific
<Greys> but there was also Quad HD, which is literally UHD
<VITAS> no nk resolutions
<Orum> true, but who bothers with the other 4Ks?
<Greys> UHD is (1080*2)*(1920*2)
<VITAS> 4k is something found in cinemas
<Orum> DCI 4K... does anyone do that?
<VITAS> 4k is something found in cinemas
<Greys> there were a few entries before UHD hit common markets
<Orum> yeah
<Orum> awkward ratios though
<Greys> back when the whole 4K thing was a hypothetical on display at conferences
<Orum> then again even some of the most professionally mastered movies still fuck up some basic things
<Greys> movies fuck up all the time
<Greys> wha' ah' still rehmehmbah the daa Hunger Games came out
<Orum> like adding a chroma layer to B&W images?
<Greys> and every single DVD copy was faulty
<SilverFox> do people still consider 720p as HD?
<Orum> hah, really?
<Greys> we had to pull all of them, and almost every copy sold got returned
<SilverFox> why was it faulty?
<Orum> how did they fuck that up?
<Greys> just wouldn't play
<VITAS> because its cheaper for manuafturers and content providers to sell you soemthing you think is more than you actualy get
<Greys> if I remember right, hunger games went to DVD/bluray release within about 6 weeks of releasing in theater
<Greys> they knew there wasn't any staying power, people were excited but if they let them forget the whole brand would evaporate before winter came
<Greys> same with maze runner, dev...fia..ati..ent...... uh
<Greys> divergent
<Greys> anyway, while the methodology and information of that article is sound, the conclusions are useless for monitor consideration
<Greys> not least because it ignores 2k
<Orum> you can draw a line, I'm sure, for 1440p
<Greys> I can; but look at the distance graph
<Greys> it starts at 2 meters
<Orum> yep, well you can extend that too
<Orum> I'm sure you're quite capable
<Greys> while for cinematic purposes viewing angle is the significant trait; for monitor usage however focal distance is much more important; with generally speaking the correct viewing distance being about an arms length to twice the diagonal
<Greys> what's the best software for making formula based graphs instead of data based graphs?
<SilverFox> you mean you write y = x^2 and then it graphs it?
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<Greys> yes
<Greys> and also more complicated stuff
<Orum> Greys: use the web-based graphing calculator
<Orum> Desmos or something like that
<SilverFox> there is a thing that starts with ad
<SilverFox> a d*
<SilverFox> yeah desmos
<Greys> right but then I want it to output an excel style graph, with all the fancies
<SilverFox> have you used desmos before?
<Orum> then graph in excel?
<Greys> I'll just use catia
<Greys> excel graphs based on data
<Orum> so, you just put in the two points you care about and you're fine
<Greys> I'd have to create data representing y = x^2
<Orum> :\
<Greys> which means if I have a curve, it's not going to be a curve
<Orum> then graphic calculator
<Orum> if you want ponts on it, make a simple line to intercept it
<Orum> and desmos gives you the intercepting coordinates
<Greys> I'm getting a bit annoyed at your constant assumption of my stupidity and hostility about it while blatantly ignoring what I've asked for; so I'm just gonna go do math
<Orum> well you're asking for two things that are inherantly different: a data based approach and a function based approach
<Orum> one cannot simply interperate exactly what you want
<Greys> nope, I'm done
<Greys> you go be wrong and angry at silverfox, I'm sure they'v edone something
Supernovy has quit [Quit: Goodnight.]
* Orum walks into Mordor
<SilverFox> u fukin wot m8?
<SilverFox> I dont want orum's shit, send him to Vas
<Orum> more like hand Greys' shit to vas
<SilverFox> naw, talkin bout you
<SilverFox> I can handle Greys' shit most of the time
<Orum> well I don't have any shit
<SilverFox> that's where you're wrong, kiddo *finger guns*
<Orum> kiddo?
<Greys> ;wa average pupil diameter
<kmath> Greys: pupil->diameter: (data not available)
<Greys> hmmm
<Greys> ok I'm just gonna cheat, according to wikipedia the naked eye has a maximum typical angular resolution of .02 degrees
<Greys> so at 24 inches the smallest discernable thing is 8.3 thou
<SilverFox> use real units
<Greys> meh
<Greys> these are such tiny things that real units wouldn't be more informative
<Greys> I may as well say that at 17 buggins the smallest thing is 43 smalluns
<SilverFox> no, I can compare microns
<SilverFox> so whazzit in microns
<VITAS> anyone have tried this:
<VITAS> is it worth getting into?
<SilverFox> ~yt NerdCubed Planet Nomads
<kmath> YouTube - Nerd³ Plays... Planet Nomads - I Need A Bucket
<VITAS> yes saw it
<SilverFox> I debated getting it and it's like minecraft with space that has greggtech installed
<VITAS> i like building vehicles and have survival in a non blocky way
<VITAS> question is: can someone tell if the devs are up to the task and willing to make it better
<RandomJeb> planet nomads looked interesting and then I realized there's absolutely no space in it and then I ignored it
<SilverFox> wait there isn't any space in it?
<RandomJeb> no space
<RandomJeb> you run around building structures and rovers on a planet forever
<VITAS> hmm im ok with no space and i even thought that IF its worth my time i could ask the devs to add modding support
<VITAS> for now
<VITAS> i dont think they will add space
<SilverFox> mod in space lol
<VITAS> but i do think they will add other things to do than build rovers and get bored
<VITAS> add kerbals and link it to ksp :P
<VITAS> no seriously: they dont have any mods i know of yet and good ones could change the game
<SilverFox> Greys, what rating do you think that Kemono friends would get if it had an animation budget?
<VITAS> their main problem is: it looks so much like nomans sky from the webpage :D
<SilverFox> it kinda is no mans sky tho
<VITAS> nah
<SilverFox> and with no space it makes it sound like you cant go to other planets, hopefully you can, but I dont know
<VITAS> for starters: they didnt make a fuzz about it and promised stuff that isnt there
<VITAS> i think of it as vehicular survival game :D
<VITAS> and i like building machines
<VITAS> other topic: anyone haveing any experiance with cisco ip phones?
Orum has quit [Ping timeout: 201 seconds]
<VITAS> i did something that now causes it to lose reegistration on all sip accounts that are from my router
<VITAS> but not the ones from other providers
<Greys> I don't think kemono friends could survive having a budget
<Greys> I think if it had the money to be more than what it was in any meaningful way, significant base decisions would have been made differently in such a way that the resulting production would be functionally unrelated to what has been made
<Greys> the show as it exists is in huge part a result of the constraints on it's production, not any grand design or intent
<SilverFox> okay, so how about like an HD remake deal, where they know they have something good, and it's just about upping the quality of production at this point?
<teabot> Productean.
<Greys> I can't even guess, but I'd like to see a quadrupling of the polys, a doubling of animation framerates, and a serious increase in the animation team's salary budget
<SilverFox> I want more of the show, like a second season where another thing happens
<Greys> that wouldn't be an HD remake but if a season 2 were OKed with a larger budget, I don't think the show is ugly as is, and by far animation glitches and bad motion work were more noticable
<Greys> better motion work I think is the most dramatic improvement that can be made without resulting in a different show
<SilverFox> so 2nd season with increased animation budget would be great
<SilverFox> I found a serval backpack and I'm contemplating getting it
<Greys> honestly the texture work was good enough to go entirely unnoticed
<Greys> and at it's core Kemono Friends is, was, and intended to be, a childrens show; so asking anything of the writing would be contrary to it's soul
<SilverFox> there are plenty more animals to cover too, so there isn't a lack of material
<SilverFox> it'd just be about finding a general story arc to follow that would introduce those new animals
<Greys> do you think they concluded the plot?
<SilverFox> I mean, they beat The Bad Guys and sailed off to another land to find Bag-chan's species
<SilverFox> so maybe they find more shit along the way
<Greys> did you watch Greg's recent channel update video on Dawn Somewhere?
<SilverFox> no
<Greys> I recommend it, it's insightful
<Greys> at one point he describes the structure of MLP's production and how writers are inherintly replacable, which leads to lost plotlines and decisions made without foresight
<Greys> particularly in that repeatedly they have taken a character and written a conclusion to their story
<SilverFox> oh I dont give a shit about MLP
<Greys> twilight is a princess, rarity has a successful fashion boutique, rainbow dash joined the... wonderbolts?, and now these characters are functionally useless
<teabot> Raritea.
<Greys> they've done what they were made to do
<SilverFox> okay cool
<Greys> if Kemono Friends (s1) concluded it's plot, then there is a serious concern that the show has no natural direction for continuation
<Greys> bag-chan's goal was to find other humans, that may have changed, but her seeking out humans isn't a plot
<SilverFox> so what was the plot then?
<SilverFox> to figure out what bag-chan was?
<SilverFox> because they resolved that and then the Bad Guys really appeared
<Greys> I'm gonna go with "discovering japari park"
<SilverFox> yet did they discover all of it?
<Greys> and at this point you could fairly claim that she has completed the discovery of japari park
<SilverFox> so you're firm stuck on the belief that the plot concluded
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<Greys> she was a foreigner, she travelled the lans, met the inhabitants, exchanged culture with them, and joined them to defeat another foreign threat, she was then welcomed into and made native of the land
<Greys> lands*
Severian has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
<SilverFox> right and then they sailed off to more lands
<Greys> yea, which is kind of the problem
<SilverFox> so who says there can't be another japari park where those aminals and hooman are foreigners and the same thing happens to them
<Greys> they effectively shot off into the total unknown
<Greys> freedom is limiting
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<Greys> they could go /literally anywhere/ from here, so where do they go
<SilverFox> the next japari park
<Greys> and what do they do there that's new
<SilverFox> meet new aminals
<Greys> they've already done that
<SilverFox> they haven't met all the animals
<SilverFox> there are fucking bajillions
<Greys> sure, and they will meet new animals
<Greys> but they've already had meeting the natives as a plot arch
<SilverFox> so?
<Greys> so now they need to "do" something else, and along the way they will meet new animals
<SilverFox> Ash's plot is basically "Goto region: do gyms, face elite four, do a tournament"
<SilverFox> like, it's literally that plot
<Greys> I don't know the anime so let's limit it to the games
<Greys> no, the plot is whatever the villains are doing
<SilverFox> naww
<Greys> you are also doing gyms and facing teh elite four
<SilverFox> because anime has different plot substantially
<Greys> which I don't know anything about so we cannot have a discussion about it
<SilverFox> and many different made up towns that they go to that aren't in the games
<Greys> you can say things, and I can say "I don't know anything about this" and you will have said things
<SilverFox> go watch it, all of it
<Greys> somebody should make a "machette order" of the pokemon anime
<Greys> a set of episodes and an order for them to experience what the show has to offer without having to also sit through the insignificant filler tripe
<Greys> anyway you get what I mean about the games right? the stuff that always happens is vaguely shrouded in slightly different things every time
<SilverFox> and the underlying plot formula is the same
<SilverFox> so just apply that to kemono friends
<Greys> so in Kemono Friends S2 needs a shroud
<Greys> ok so let's take this serious and run
<Greys> they're going towards a city, we know that much
<Greys> I don't remember if it was visible that they're going to an island but that's probably the case
<Greys> if you assume it's another park, city animals
<Greys> the park is self maintaining, for the most part, what if it's systems got a bit confused and in trying to heal itself, it expanded beyond it's intended borders
<Greys> so there was this abandoned city, park annexes it, and automagically develops girls representitive of the local biosphere
<SilverFox> wait, you know that Bad Stuff in the volcano?
<SilverFox> what if that Bad Stuff is also mainland, and was brought to the park by boat like mussels
<Greys> plot maybe revolves around discovering the expansion mechanism; there's something faulty as a result so like, japari city doesn't get buns because it doesn't work right, so kaban has to shut down the expansion and establish a supply chain to feed the girls in the city
<SilverFox> that could work
<Greys> I don't remember "bad stuff" no, but I remember the volcao full of nanites that wasn't being contained right
<SilverFox> its the stuff that made all the cerulean shit and that giant cyclops horse
<Greys> supply chain probably isn't a thing so I'm gonna say episode 1 they're exploring the environment, all the native girls hide, near the end they make contact; episode 2 reveals the food situation and the convoy of park girls run out of food and the city girls teach them how to get food; near the end of the episode Kaban notices a machine
<teabot> Nateave.
<Greys> episode 3 Kaban figures out the machine is supposed to produce and distribute buns, episode is about repairing it
<Greys> from there until the climax arch the plot is Kaban travelling around fixing these machines across the city and dealing with the conflicts that result from massively changing the food paradigm in an ecosystem
<Greys> climax arch is about discovering and fixing the expansion system
<SilverFox> see, knew it could be given a story
<Greys> probem is it could be given any story
<Greys> there's no natural expansion
<SilverFox> now we need to accurately translate this and send it to the devs
<Greys> you could just as well leave the park domain and have there be humans there
<Greys> I can't wait for tomorrow when my monitor mounts arrive
<SilverFox> What happens when a mouse starts failing after a long time of using it?
<SilverFox> because mine double-clicks and triple clicks things more often than not and it's annoying
<Greys> there are people who object to seeing the amazon echo mentioned?
<Greys> sorry, used
<SilverFox> wut?
<kmath> YouTube - (REUPLOADED) Simple ECHO Voice Control SMART PLUG from TP-Link
<Greys> top line in the description
<Greys> if I've configured this right, the retina limit of UHD is 26.614 inches
<Greys> ;wa 26.614 inches
<kmath> Greys: 26.614 inches: 2.218 feet2' 2.61"6.76 dm (decimeters)67.6 cm (centimeters)676 mm (millimeters)
<Greys> that is actually a reasonable monitor distance, so 4k monitors are very questionable
<teabot> Questeanable.
<Greys> (* on a 24" monitor)
<SilverFox> there's a thing for calculating what's best compromise for your eyes with regards to watching tvs and it scales with size
<Greys> yea but TVs are an entirely different viewing situation
<SilverFox> yeah but it scaled with size so you can apply it to monitors
<Greys> but you can't apply /the situation/ of monitors
<Greys> what's right for a TV isn't right for a monitor and vice versa
<SilverFox> Greys, what is the static called when headphones are at low volume?
<Greys> noise floor?
<Greys> nah that's mics
<Greys> I don't know
<SilverFox> idk
<SilverFox> but everytime there's sound, there's underlying static
<SilverFox> it's kinda annoying
<SilverFox> its like my headphones have tinnitus
<Greys> retina limit of UHD on a 27" screen would be 29.9 inches, which is pretty far so that's fine; also 4k TVs are bullshit
<SilverFox> so Greys, which is objectively better, Amazon Echo or Google Home?
<Greys> from what I hear, amazon echo has really excellent API integration
<Greys> in terms of responsivity and performance, no idea
<Greys> but echo can do more
<Greys> siri by comparison can do almost nothing
<SilverFox> do you think that in terms of future compatibility/api access/ability that google would be better since they do a lot of open source stuff and have lots of apis
<SilverFox> how much is a google home?
<Greys> hunnerd?
<Greys> I doubt google can produce their thing for less than amazon
<SilverFox> I wish "Sephi" was a word that voice recognition could pick up
<SilverFox> it's like, the most difficult word for it to get so far
<SilverFox> and it's what I want to name my AI
<SilverFox> has the google home at 109.00
<RandomJeb> google needs to get boston dynamics involved in the smarthome business
<SilverFox> have you seen detroit dynamics?
<RandomJeb> give me googlebots to do the bidding of the google home according to my wishes and preferences
<RandomJeb> not just roombas, I want bots to clean my house, do my laundry, cook my food
<SilverFox> have sex with
<SilverFox> basically you want a robot wife
<RandomJeb> more like I want a robot waitstaff
<RandomJeb> from google
<RandomJeb> I'll be getting my robot sexbot from one of the specialized companies
<SilverFox> right
<SilverFox> hey, if google did it we could see an average dick size for users
<RandomJeb> there's a thing for that already
<RandomJeb> some kind of smart condom or something
<SilverFox> ewww, making disposables smart is gross
<RandomJeb> I think it may just be a kickstarter scam
<RandomJeb> I forget
<SilverFox> it is absolutely stupid
<SilverFox> IoT condoms
<SilverFox> "Condom, apply lubrication"
<RandomJeb> i.Con Smart Condom
<SilverFox> I should get back to programming Sephi
<RandomJeb> found it
<RandomJeb> What is i.Con? Is it an actual condom? Is it reusable?
<RandomJeb> No, i.Con is not an actual condom; it’s a ring that will sit over a condom at the base
<RandomJeb> boring
<RandomJeb> I want to throw out a 60 pound sleeve of plastic full of wires and microchips after having sex with my robot waifu
<SilverFox> “In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigrade—which is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it. Whereas in the American system, the answer to ‘How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperatu
<SilverFox> Wild Thing by Josh Bazell.
<SilverFox> re gallon of water?’ is ‘Go fuck yourself,’ because you can’t directly relate any of those quantities.”
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<Greys> well imgur made this look like crap
<VITAS> because imgur is
<Greys> still, CATIA can do fucking everything
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> I just tried to look for a google home on amazon and was surprised when there wasn't a listing
<Greys> I'm pretty sure chromecast is the only product google has ever put their name on, and allowed other people to sell
<SilverFox> welp, google home is 179.99 in canada
<SilverFox> mmmboy
<Greys> I used to use Google Now a lot
<Greys> but over the last five years it has become largely incapable
<Greys> and at some point started using ALL OF THE SPACE on my phone
<SilverFox> hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<Greys> literally 300MB of cache, 100MB of app, plus another 200MB of whatever
<Greys> all on a phone that rarely has enough space to update apps
<SilverFox> oh yeah, a thing that I hate about my phone is that when you transfer apps onto the SD card, it doesnt all move over
<Greys> I've scrubbed it out and locked the app off; can't uninstall because fuckin s-off but whatever
<SilverFox> there's a giant chunk of the app still on hte main device
<Greys> my manga app is hardcoded to save manga to a URI on the device
<Greys> I could put the app on mars and it would still save manga on device
<SilverFox> also, wonder if I can turn a pi into my own AI device
<Greys> hardware wise, yes, software wise, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
<VITAS> dends on what yau expect
<VITAS> and how you define "AI"
<SilverFox> google home but not fucking 250$
<SilverFox> ~c 179.99 * 1.13
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 203.3887
<SilverFox> 200$
<Greys> ;wa 179.99CAD to WON
<kmath> Greys: convert C$179.99 (Canadian dollars) to Korean won: ₩154400 (Korean won)
<Greys> ;wa 154 kilowon to USD
<kmath> Greys: convert 154 kt (metric kilotons) to US dollars: kt (metric kilotons) and $ (US dollars) are not compatible.
<VITAS> so not AI but more like a mic that records everything and analyzes it?
<VITAS> no problem
<VITAS> :)
<Greys> ;wa 179.99CAD to USD
<SilverFox> yeah
<kmath> Greys: convert C$179.99 (Canadian dollars) to US dollars: $136.24 (US dollars)
<SilverFox> that's what my Sephibot did
<SilverFox> except it was going to learn language
<SilverFox> or some shit
<Greys> so what's 1.13?
<SilverFox> 13% HST
<SilverFox> Harmonized Sales Tax applied to all goods sold at stores and some online things
<SilverFox> ~yt Amazon echo vs google home vs siri
<kmath> YouTube - SHOWDOWN: Google Home VS Amazon Echo!
<Greys> ;wa (109*1.06*1.13)USD to CAD
<kmath> Greys: convert $109×1.06×1.13 (US dollars) to Canadian dollars: C$172.48 (Canadian dollars)
<Greys> wow
<Greys> ;c (179.99-172.48)/179.99
<kmath> Greys: 0.04172454025223634
<Greys> so basically you'd be buying it from someone who bought it in canada from someone who bought it in the US and kept a 4% margin
<SilverFox> yeah with taxes on top
<Greys> you need to get "going to america" into your life
<SilverFox> nawww
<Greys> come here on vacation, buy shit, go home
<Greys> if you do it over the bridge nobody will care
<Greys> about 30% of the ipads I ever sold were bought by canadians who just drive over to buy an ipad
<VITAS> youve to check first if hes still allowed in ;P
<SilverFox> Greys, it would take a long time to get to america, and I need my passport renewed
<Greys> just get an enhanced drivers license
* VITAS wont ever travel to the USA again
<VITAS> youre just to crazy
<SilverFox> oh you remembered im in ontario, grats
<SilverFox> amazon echo looks like a fucking muzzle end from a gun
<SilverFox> damn thing is a cannister
<VITAS> i will never understand why ppl dont have any selfe esteem and feel the need to have maximum info input that causes them to board any hype train that promises them to handle more input by miniotring their lives and making decissions for them without asking.
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<kmath> YouTube - Pokemono Serval
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<Greys> isn't catia great
<Greys> the stick going up is the angular calculator, the grid there obviously is the graph, importrantly it's in real scale, and the one laying down is all the resolutions between 720 and 8k as 1px=1mm
<Greys> the importance of real scale is that it lets me do this::: silver, demand real units
<Greys> SilverFox, you have failed me
<SilverFox> i dont want real units right now
<Greys> well you get it
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<kmath> YouTube - Toki Through the Blue Skies
<Greys> obviously it's laid out for amerinchs and I'm not that commited
<Greys> but there are all your numbers
<SilverFox> idk what they mean
<Greys> the horizontal measures are screen resolutions, the vertical numbers are viewing distance, the colorful lines are from top to bottom FHD, 2K, UHD
<SilverFox> FHD?
<VITAS> 1080p
<Greys> Full HD
<Greys> HD is 720
<SilverFox> Im iffy about 720p still being HD
<Greys> these titles are permanent
<SilverFox> well they can fuck off
<Greys> 480 is "standard definition"
<SilverFox> 1080p is hd
<SilverFox> 480 is poop
<Greys> 1080 is also standard
<VITAS> *480p is ntsc and pal has 5something
<Greys> it's HD, it's standard, we agree on this
<Greys> I'm realizing this graph is slightly incorrect
<SilverFox> grats
<Greys> the vertical lines are diagonals, they shouldn't be
<Greys> so there's a sine error
<Greys> how do you convert an aspect ratio into an angle?
<SilverFox> cosine law?
<SilverFox> do we ever have sentences in english that are entirely made of butchered words from another language
<SilverFox> like, we probably butcher "deja vu"
<SilverFox> oh sweet jesus
<Greys> this is kind of horrible
<Greys> but I want to know the words
<Greys> wait
<Greys> is KemoFrie a word now
<SilverFox> idk
<SilverFox> ~c 1920 * 1080
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 2073600.0
<SilverFox> so 2MP?
<SilverFox> ~c 2073600 * (9/25)
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 746496.0
<Greys> abouts ye
<Greys> unless you're orum, and then it's fucking 2MP
<SilverFox> im still trying to figure out what resolution this 5MP camera puts out
<SilverFox> and trying to figure out a formula for MP -> resolution
<VITAS> depends on the aspect ratio
<SilverFox> 16:9 is usually standard
<VITAS> not for cameras
<SilverFox> then what is standard for cameras?
<SilverFox> give numbers pls
<VITAS> read pls
<SilverFox> no
<VITAS> ok
* VITAS wanders off
<Greys> if we made a base on mars, how much radiation defense would it need?
<SilverFox> lots
<SilverFox> the density of the atmosphere is stupidly low compared to earth and there's less of it in terms of height
<Greys> if we made the base in a pit, and then flooded the pit with water, and then the water froze, how thick would it need to be
<SilverFox> just use Pb and J for that
<Greys> I was planning on using ice in the soil
<SilverFox> HA
<SilverFox> Mars atmo cant handle water well as evidence by the dried up lakebeds and rivers
<Greys> but there /is/ loads of ice in the soil past a few feet down
<SilverFox> yeah, but we also need that shit for water
<SilverFox> unless no humans are there
<Greys> once there are people there
<SilverFox> when there are dogs on mars is when it becomes a real planet
<Greys> for this we would drop a bunch of modules that would dick themselves down and collect water, then emit it to create an ice shell
<SilverFox> I still think lead and concrete is bettter
<Greys> where are you going to make concrete on mars
<Greys> where are you going to get lead on mars
<SilverFox> ship it
<SilverFox> amazon prime
<SilverFox> two day shipping guaranteed
<Greys> sure, that's just 15 trillion dollars per gram
<SilverFox> yeah that's if you get Nasa to ship it, and you know their postal service isnt that great nowadays seeing as how underfunded it is
<SilverFox> that's why you go with the SpaceX shipping service
<Greys> could be worse, have you seen the USPS?
<SilverFox> I think I should get back into designing my robotic pet
<Greys> you should make a list of all the ideas you've abandoned
<SilverFox> well, i dont really abandon so much as lose interest for a time.
<SilverFox> like with KWS it's about just getting motivation to do that again
<Greys> ;wa define abandon
<kmath> Greys: abandon (English word)->definitions: 1->verb->forsake, leave behind, 2->verb->give up with the intent of never claiming again, 3->verb->leave behind empty; move out of, 4->verb->stop maintaining or ins -- this crap is too long.
<SilverFox> look at the second one
<Greys> have you picked it up again?
<Greys> then it's abandoned
<SilverFox> KWS?
<Greys> if I stopped on the side of the freeway and left my car, it would be towed and I would be fined for abandoning my vehicle, even though both I and the vehicle still exist and I could at any time unbandon it
<Greys> it is abandoned until you recover it
<SilverFox> yeah I updated the dev build to KSP 1.2.whateverthefuck and I had to step through shit to find some problems and shit, dont know if I resolved those or not
<SilverFox> but fuck is it tedious and painful
<SilverFox> so, list of ideas I've had and stepped away from... 1. Some fuckin penguin adventure game for the wii when I was younger 2.robot pet 3. kws 4. that artillery game 5.sephi 6 gambling bot 7. contract filtering 8. 360 video support in ksp 9. playing VR games using my shitty phone as an HMD
<Greys> people like us are more suitable to being rich and demanding things of others who are obligated to follow
<SilverFox> agreed
<Greys> my midori froze
<SilverFox> ur wot
<SilverFox> oh, 10. using a second monitor on my desktop 11. pi cluster 12. playing minecraft on my nintendo switch
<SilverFox> you froze alcohol?
<Greys> probably the not so alcoholic parts of the booze yes
<Greys> it's only 20% ABV
<SilverFox> ew it wasnt mixed fully
<Greys> things separate
<Greys> but now that it's frozen it'll definitely be too boozy for me
<SilverFox> 13. playing the ocarina and violin. 14. DDosing a device on my network so we get better internet
<Greys> waitwhat
<Greys> english needs a word for waitwhat
<SilverFox> I wanted to play violin because lindsay stirling
<SilverFox> bought a violin, sucked at it, gave it up
<Greys> no, #14
<SilverFox> ocarina to learn the legend of zelda oot songs, did that, and then its hanging off my bed
<SilverFox> what's so weird about 14?
<Greys> errthang
<SilverFox> I told you that passive-aggressiveness fuels me
<SilverFox> "It works fine for me" is one of the most triggering phrases I hear
<Greys> are you having a viceasure?
<SilverFox> wut
<Greys> you said a bunch of words that don't make sense
<SilverFox> I live with my parents
<Greys> are they in here and I have them on ignore?
<SilverFox> no, they say the internet "works fine for me" all the fucking time
<Greys> wtf are you talking about
<SilverFox> and for some reason, all my devices, get lower priority than every other device on the house
<SilverFox> so all my shit is super sensitive to network usage
<Greys> is this going to be less insane soon?
<SilverFox> and they watch their fuckin tv all the time and I have to watch youtube at 2p
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<SilverFox> AND buffer it for half hour before hand
<SilverFox> cant play league cause ping is 270+ during this time
<SilverFox> stupid amounts of packet loss
<SilverFox> and they sit there streaming 1080p tv shows like it's nothing
<SilverFox> pisses me the fuck off
<SilverFox> so I'm working on steathily fucking their shit up so they can't say "works fine for me" anymore
<SilverFox> and then they'll have to get better internet
<SilverFox> easy peasy
* Greys walks away
<SilverFox> what's so hard to understand about this?
<SilverFox> wait, I think I figured out the IPS for the robot pet
<SilverFox> a cieling mounted camera
<SilverFox> but a special camera that sees things that arent visible light, and sees a design/code/whatever on the back of the pet since the back of the pet will be facing the cieling most of the time
<SilverFox> and it can't move while on its back
<Greys> good news! I excercised well yesterday
<Greys> my pecs are sore when I try to shake this booze
<SilverFox> congrats, do you see any flaws in my plan?
<Greys> I'm concerned about my ability to regularly perform planks at the moment, I need a lighter duty excercise for my core
<SilverFox> crunches
<Greys> crunches are hard on the back
<SilverFox> now, should the brain of the pet handle vague and precise leg movements of the pet or should each leg have a module in it with pre-programmed methods for leg movements?
<Greys> I think it should be a tendon system with solenoids and springs
<SilverFox> I mean, that's irrelevant, but I'll take that into consideration
<RandomJeb> each leg should have a brain
<Greys> no it isn't
<Greys> it means all of your muscles will be consolidated in a single location
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<SilverFox> how the legs move is independent from how the brain should address the legs to move
<SilverFox> RandomJeb, that's what I was thinking, makes everything more modular and easier to do live testing and such
<SilverFox> was thinking of an ethernet system for the legs and having them on a special IP subnet for muscle groups or some shit
<SilverFox> that sounds like a good system to have for the spine
<SilverFox> this pet will be the size of a fucking bear but i dont care
<SilverFox> its gon have FEATURES
<SilverFox> ;wa 10kg to lbs
<kmath> SilverFox: convert 10 kg (kilograms) to pounds: 22.05 lb (pounds)22 pounds 0.7396 ounces
<SilverFox> hrmmm, how much force is put into a pet?
<SilverFox> like, petting a dog or cat
<SilverFox> how well do thermal sensors work through glass?
<SilverFox> like, IR goes through glass right?
<SilverFox> how computationally intensive is determining 3d positioning via the difference in 2 cameras?
<RandomJeb> depends on the glass
<RandomJeb> some glass filters IR
<SilverFox> was thinking that the pet would be able to determine temperature of things by looking at them, but it can also do that via the temperature sensors on its feet
<SilverFox> I plan for pressure sensors and temp sensors along its skin so it has some form of harm reduction
<RandomJeb> also I figure it's decently computationally intensive to determine 3d positioning with a stereo image, unless you're in a very clear and contrasted environment with simple objects, I think it'd be less intensive to just compute where it's supposed to be and use a few rangefinders to confirm every now and then
<SilverFox> yeah I was thinking of using an ultrasonic radar thing in its nose since it can hide there
<SilverFox> but it's gonna have two eyes, so two cameras
<SilverFox> or, one eye for IR and the other for a camera
<SilverFox> also, having leg modules means I can debug the movment portion with wheels first
<SilverFox> basically the brain is gonna tell the leg modules "Move forward" and fucking spam ping it until it doesnt want to move anymore and then it stops telling the leg module to move and the leg module goes to rest position
<SilverFox> or, the position it would be comfortable resting in
<SilverFox> also RandomJeb, this will be able to climb and descend stairs
<RandomJeb> with modular locomotion you should be able to have it climb all sorts of stuff
<SilverFox> indeed
<SilverFox> and after every major movement the brain can calibrate the leg module's resting position via the pressure sensors on its feet
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<SilverFox> too much pressure, pull back
<SilverFox> I could make it have robotic lungs too
<SilverFox> because all these electronics will need good airflow
<SilverFox> it's gonna be encased in fur afterall
<RandomJeb> that fur has a lot of surface area
<SilverFox> yeah?
<RandomJeb> radiate heat
<SilverFox> through the fur?
<RandomJeb> yes
<SilverFox> hmmm
<Greys> pipe cleaner fur
<SilverFox> that might compromise its water proofing
<Greys> epoxy
<SilverFox> hrmmm
<SilverFox> if I use a thin metal sheet as the initial casing I could heatsink to that
<SilverFox> however, that would make everything heavier and more heatsinking would be required because not all electronics are close to the skin
<RandomJeb> homeostasis is tricky
<SilverFox> indeed
<SilverFox> that'll come later
<SilverFox> I need to design the brain and the head
<SilverFox> then attach spine and body, then legs
<darklight> Is sf making a furry waifu?
<SilverFox> im making a robotic pet
<SilverFox> I also recall you before requesting I make a fleshlight addon for it
<SilverFox> which if you think about it would be funny because with all that force repeatedly pressing against one spot on its body, it'll think it's getting punched
<darklight> Did I request that?
<SilverFox> yep
<darklight> I have no memory of this
<RandomJeb> sounds pretty plausible to me though
<darklight> Also lol
<SilverFox> giving it a vagina?
<darklight> RandomJeb that's why I asked rather than denied
<SilverFox> you could indeed give it a vagina, it wouldnt be hard
<SilverFox> same with a dick, but that'd be harder for obvious reasons
<darklight> Yeah, you'd need to give it extendimo action
<SilverFox> well, not really
<RandomJeb> robot womb
<SilverFox> the back can arch since I will be implementing the spine's ability to bend and climb stairs that way
<RandomJeb> von neumann robot pets
<darklight> I assumed you would be making a dog
<SilverFox> dog-like
<SilverFox> its gon be a big ass dog
<SilverFox> and expensive as fuck
<darklight> Won't your other pets get confused?
<SilverFox> all those pressure sensors and thermistors
<SilverFox> yeah but fuck em, the future is now old man
<SilverFox> RandomJeb, if I give it lungs I can sense air quality and such
<darklight> I know it's 2017 but we don't accept bestiality, so no fucking your pets.
<SilverFox> there are many places in which you can legally fuck your pets
<SilverFox> iirc japan is of course on that list
<RandomJeb> lungs would probably also be better than the fur radiation without specifically tailoring everything to work with it
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> unless...
<SilverFox> fucking water cooling
<SilverFox> IT CAN PEE
<SilverFox> tiny little tube pipes that cool things like the blood does
<RandomJeb> you could have it breathe in without lungs and just have tiny went spread throughout the rear skin, adds to cooling and gives you air sampling opportunities
<RandomJeb> vents*
<SilverFox> vents would expose it and not water proof it
<darklight> Silverfox his tko
<SilverFox> wut
<darklight> *this took me far too long to find
<kmath> YouTube - Dog Fucker
<RandomJeb> one way valves
<RandomJeb> oh the dog fucker
<SilverFox> but water is heavier than air
<RandomJeb> ideally it doesn't use the breathing mechanism when submerged
<SilverFox> but then cooling is affected
<RandomJeb> the water should be stealing heat more efficiently than air
<SilverFox> yeah but we'd have to hook the insides up to the skin
<darklight> How much processing power does sf need?
<SilverFox> darklight, im planning for pi3 as the brain
<darklight> So sweet fuck all
<SilverFox> a least for testing
<SilverFox> if I needed fuck all, it'd be an arduino
<SilverFox> I need a lot more than fuck all
<RandomJeb> arduinos for the limb brains
<SilverFox> yup
<SilverFox> and sensor modules
<darklight> Using arduinos for io expanders is not a bad idea, you can talk over SPI
<SilverFox> arduinos talk to brain via spine which is basically a switch
<SilverFox> darklight, sensors attach to arduino via gpio
<Greys> I'll bet there's a similar chip you could use to get more IO expansion for less money
<darklight> Greys but ardunios cost like 5 dollars tops
<darklight> Althouh you'd probably get away with a single mega
<SilverFox> pfffft no
<SilverFox> there are a fuckton of sensors
<SilverFox> temperature and pressure sensors everywhere
<darklight> Why?
<SilverFox> gyroscopes in each module, two in the body
<SilverFox> why? because they're helpful
<Greys> gyros are too expensive, one or two and a bunch of accelerometers
<Greys> head, chest, butt at most
<SilverFox> oh also, RandomJeb, the brain will have GPS capabilities so it will know if its going to the vet or park
<SilverFox> Greys, how is 1.35$ expensive?
<Greys> each
<SilverFox> yeah?
<Greys> plus the board to put it on
<Greys> plus teh wiring
<Greys> plus the computation
<SilverFox> plus the 12 billion electrons moving
<SilverFox> plus the rotation of the moon
<Greys> electrons aren't cheap
<SilverFox> neither is the rotation of the moon
<SilverFox> buy im going to cover it in fur, temperature, and pressure sensors which are the same price
<SilverFox> I totally expect each leg to be like, 20-100$
<Greys> gyros only tell you orientation, you can infer rotational forces but that takes math and faster polling, if you know where the spine is you can get all of that from servo feedback
<SilverFox> this is a gryo and accelerometer combo
<Greys> and?
<Greys> you don't really need either
<Greys> with spine tracking, head, chest, hip, you can get all positional data from your locomotive system
<SilverFox> except when you cant
<SilverFox> the legs are modular
<Greys> trade all the other gyros/accelerometers for load sensors and you're dandy
<SilverFox> they can be anything
<SilverFox> they can be giant spider legs
<Greys> your dog's joints are powered by spider legs, got it
<SilverFox> also, gyros will be needed when it learns how to do tricks and shit
<SilverFox> it needs to know what position its paw should be in when its begging or shaking a hang
<Greys> yes, but you don't need them in the limbs
<Greys> it can know that from the servos
<Greys> the servo's encoder will well you what angle it's at, and you will now how much force it can apply
<Greys> add load sensors in the feet and with a basic kinematic model you have pose and can solve for balance
<Greys> gyros in the spine will give you body orientation
<Greys> this is first graid stuff spongebob
<SilverFox> what position does a servo think its in when it gets powered off and then powered on?
<Greys> listen to yourself bob, honey, listen
<Greys> all servos need to be homed to know their position
<Greys> doesn't matter if you've got gyros
<SilverFox> so every servo must be constantly on in order to maintain accurate positioning
<SilverFox> I wonder what the power consumption would be like
<teabot> Consumptean.
<Greys> you're going off into the deep field there
<Greys> yes, but that may not mean what you're saying
<darklight> Greys servos usually have a variable resistor, not an encoder
<Greys> well those can't know their position permanently
<darklight> Sure they can
<darklight> The variable resistor is posistion feedback
<Greys> SilverFox, if the controller is not watching for movement, you can't know that movement didn't happen
<SilverFox> unless it does
<SilverFox> like someone moves it while its sleeping
<Greys> how would movement happening make you know that it didn't not happen
<SilverFox> movemen can happen at any time
<darklight> Oh, you mean feedback from the servo to the brain?
<Greys> the coil doesn't need to be powered, but the servo does have to be on or you've lost position and have to rehome
<SilverFox> right
<SilverFox> so whats that power consumption like?
<Greys> just the same, the gyro doesn't know what position it's in if it stops polling for a while
<SilverFox> there's a charging pad in the place it sleeps and it will lay its belly on it to charge the batteries
<Greys> the gyro also has to be homed
<SilverFox> I know
<SilverFox> there's also gyrodrift
<Greys> darklight, is there a really effective solid state device for determining what direction down is?
<SilverFox> darklight, brain doesnt need to know about specific angles and shit of each and every servo, that's the leg module's job
<darklight> If it was outside only I'd set up RTK GPS :P
<SilverFox> brain has gps for outside
<Greys> RTK GPS can determine the direction of down?
<darklight> Greys accelerometer+gyro?
<darklight> No, rtk gps just gives you ~1cm accurate gps
<darklight> Use whatever miniquads use
<Greys> darklight, I mean something that you could power on, and it would immediately tell you what direction down is, then you could power it off, punt it across teh border, turn it back on, and it would give you the correct vector
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<SilverFox> bonus points if it doesnt drift
<SilverFox> gravity sensor maybe
<Greys> it shouldn't be capable of drifting if it's a non-polling mechanism
<SilverFox> fair enough
<Greys> Hyratel1, solid state device that knows what direction down is without homing, without drift, without having been powered prior to being asked
<Hyratel1> accelerometer
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<Greys> oh right
<Greys> gravity is acceleration
<Hyratel1> requires a 'settle' period prior to use, to allow for calibration parsing
<Greys> that's better than homing
<Greys> so there SilverFox, if you place an accelerometer midway through every "bone", with a little stillness you can orient every joint in the body
<SilverFox> right
<darklight> I think you comine an accelerometer/gyro - after you jump there is no gravity :P
<Hyratel1> accerometrics is inferior to half-decent proprioception
<Greys> don't need that in every bone though
<SilverFox> jump and fly forever
<darklight> I imagine miniquads combine them too :P
<Hyratel1> 3 axis, 3-class IMU at CoM
<Greys> gyros in the spine, accelerometers in the bones, track your servos, and you're good
<darklight> I'd say "just build a spider with no feedback" :P
<Hyratel1> Accelerometar, angular accellerometer (called gyro), compass
<Greys> it's a dog
<Hyratel1> yes
<SilverFox> its a robot pet
<SilverFox> not specifically a dog
<Greys> no spiderdogs
<Hyratel1> the IMU is the 'inner ear'
<Hyratel1> accelerometer on each bone is way overkill
<SilverFox> each bone taht moves
<Hyratel1> overkill
<Hyratel1> overkill
<Hyratel1> overkill
<Hyratel1> overkill
<Greys> yep
<Hyratel1> it's not helpful information
<kmath> YouTube - Spider Robot using Arduino and Processing...
<Greys> we want to be able to punt this dog into canada and have it know how to stand up when it gets there
<Hyratel1> one 3-class IMU in the torso will do that
<Hyratel1> linear, angular, Magnetic
<Hyratel1> linear accelerometer will find 'down'
<Greys> 3-class, not class-3?
<Hyratel1> it's an IMU
<Hyratel1> Inertial Measurement Unit
<Greys> that's not an answer
<Hyratel1> the three classes are
<Hyratel1> linear accelerometer will find 'down'
<Hyratel1> linear, angular, Magnetic
<Hyratel1> if you have angle detection in each joint, that's enough for mobility
<Greys> Alright, I've spoken with my inner demons
<Greys> and we're ok with you not answering that question
<Hyratel1> the three classes are
<Hyratel1> linear, angular, Magnetic
<Hyratel1> are you not even listening?
<SilverFox> inb4 not what she asked
<Greys> the three classes are: linear accelerometer; linear, angular, magnetic; and
<Hyratel1> linear accelerometer
<Hyratel1> angular accelerometer
<Hyratel1> magnetic compass
<Greys> yea I understood that
<Hyratel1> then what's the question?
<SilverFox> inb4 copy pasta
<Greys> don't worry about it
<darklight> Basically what I linked I think :P
<darklight> 9axis / 9dof :3
<Greys> I want a shirt that measures electrical activity in all the shrouded muscle groups, and uses that information to record what and how much you're actually stressing, so you can then assemble excercises to properly distribute stress
<Greys> this could also be trained to advise you during excercises, say this motion is supposed to stress these muscle groups, but you're getting a lot of other groups activating, you're probably not doing it quite right and that could reduce efficacy or induce harm
<SilverFox> "I haven't eated since the last time I eated!"
<Greys> now there's a tweet if I've ever seen one
<SilverFox> that is a quote from the one and only lil
<SilverFox> from rugrats
<Greys> kim?
<SilverFox> so does your face
<Greys> particularly the rightmost one in the second from top row
<SilverFox> "my mom phoned me today and told me that someone in my hometown had robbed the pharmacy at gunpoint but the pharmacist started having an anxiety attack and the robbers were so worried about her they offered to call her an ambulance while they were robbing her"
<kmath> YouTube - If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device - Episode 25: Fiery Family Reunion
<Greys> do the individual finger and whole hand grip trainers serve different purposes?
<SilverFox> macro hand movement and micro hand movement
<Greys> there's no difference in range of motion
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
<Greys> btw, start at X-Heavy, everything less than that couldn't challenge a pile of mud
<Greys> same traversement, seems to be the same muscle groups, but the hand finger exerciser XXX separates them so the force is distributed
<Greys> are there down muscles ont eh arm
<Greys> the*
<SilverFox> wut
<Greys> I've excercised all teh ups and forwards, probably need to figure out backs, but nothing I've done should impact muscles that pull down
<SilverFox> the arm does not move "down"
<Greys> if you hung from the monkey bars, and made your hand move up; what muscles do that
<Greys> upside down from the monkey bars
<Greys> by your kneefeetlegthighs
<SilverFox> how does the hand move "up"
<SilverFox> it doesnt move up
<Greys> put your hand on your head
<SilverFox> ~g anatomical position
<SilverFox> the hand cannot move "up", that would force it into the arm
<Greys> sure it can; by moving the arm; because the hand can't move itself
<SilverFox> the wrist moves the hand
<Greys> and what is the wrist bone connected to?
<SilverFox> bitch dont try and fucking play me
<SilverFox> you cant move the wrist or hand upwards
<Greys> I just did, 20 times
<SilverFox> you can shrug, and that is powered by the uhhhhhhhhhhhh deltoids or trapezius
<SilverFox> one of those fuckers
<Greys> ok, locate your hand as high as you can without moving the rest of your body
<Greys> your arm is not the rest of your body
<SilverFox> naw fuck you
<Greys> here, let me boot up CATIA
<Greys> it can do even this
<SilverFox> dont care anymore
<Greys> SilverFox blob:
<Greys> fuuuckin bitch
<SilverFox> oh look, its my cup of give a fucks \_/ NOTICE IT IS EMPTY
<SilverFox> my mug of fuck you -> c\FUCKYOU/ NOTICE IT IS FULL
<SilverFox> bukkake has 3 k's in it
<SilverFox> bukkake's are a symbol of white supremacy
<Greys> blob:
<darklight> What is greys doing?
<Greys> darklight, what muscle makes the arm do that (the one with teh white arrow)
<Greys> SilverFox, you will find the Emperor very familiar
<kmath> YouTube - If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device Short 7: ??? ???????? ???
<SilverFox> how so? I'm watching episode 15 right now
<Greys> at one point Rogal Dorn says "Define 'ruin'"
<Greys> it's very funny
<SilverFox> doesnt sound funny
<Greys> I said familiar; think of a situation where someone has said that to you
<SilverFox> the definition of ruin is pretty well known, so I have never experienced that situation
<Greys> replace the word ruin with the interface type word
<SilverFox> what interface type word?
<Greys> darklight, is it just me, or is silver damaged
<Greys> wha...
<Greys> this thai place sells soup in two units
<Greys> coups
<Greys> cups*
<Greys> and pots
<SilverFox> yeah, do you want 1 serving, or lots of servings?
<Greys> at least cup is a unit, though who knows if their cup is a cup
<SilverFox> their cup is a serving, their pot is a lot of servings
<SilverFox> pick which one you fucking want
<Greys> I want the one that's not fucking 9$
<Greys> if I ever buy 10$ of wonton soup, it's going to be at least a gallon
<SilverFox> "as long as i'm not shown any of that eye-watering xenololi futanari slaanesh-tier vore garbage, it's alright"
<Greys> ~g xeno loli
<Greys> not a loli
<Greys> but I forgot Tau are xenos
<Greys> "soy bean gravy"
<SilverFox> i wonder
<SilverFox> ~g tits
<SilverFox> figured
<Greys> ~g sexy tau bitches
<SilverFox> ~g pornhub
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox:
<SilverFox> mkay
<Greys> ~g the most warhammer 40k porn ever
<Greys> "You need to spend more time being raised by wolves"
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
<teabot> Plyidf91_Bteagnbn0Javznbqzrlmgid5Wa.
<kmath> YouTube - If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device - Episode 16: Universal History with Professor Emperor
<Greys> .... teabot, no
<Greys> SilverFox, is this your first time with ItEhaTtSD?
<SilverFox> no
Wetmelon has joined #kspmodders
<Greys> I wish I could experience it for the first time again
<SilverFox> so stop watching for a year
<Greys> I am not some kind of highly advanced goldfish
<SilverFox> i am
<Greys> this explains a lot
<SilverFox> 99% of my laughing is from the emporer
<Greys> Caldor Draigo is pretty great too
<Greys> "LIES! Hands don't exist in my reality.
<darklight> io
<darklight> Err
<SilverFox> 80% of the spanish inquisition just got realm-warped
<teabot> Inquisitean.
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<kmath> YouTube - Meeting the Felinids
<SilverFox> greys, found rogal dorn
<SilverFox> Greys, I just saw The True Form(tm) and the first thing he says is "Fucking furries"
<SilverFox> "hands do not exist in my reality"
<Greys> that confused me, Emp says he's black, he looks poorly lit to me
<SilverFox> rogal is great
<Greys> yea, but Leeman Russ and Kaldor Draigo are pretty better
<Greys> they're not even "great", they're "better"
<SilverFox> ;wa 1 millenia
<kmath> SilverFox: 1 millennium: 10 centuries1000 average Gregorian years1001 years
<SilverFox> wait what
<SilverFox> 1001 years?
<Greys> I agree
<SilverFox> you know the orc thing that was reading fanfiction in episode 22?
<SilverFox> had a scythe arm and shit
<SilverFox> ~wa 1 millenia
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: : 10 centuries1000 average Gregorian years1001 years
<SilverFox> ~wa 1 millenia (nocache)
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: 1 millennium: 10 centuries
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: 1 millennium: 1000 average Gregorian years
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: 1 millennium: 1001 years
<Greys> "tauian"
<Greys> ;wa gregorian years to years
<kmath> Greys: convert 1 average Gregorian year to years: 1.001 years
<Greys> wtf?
<SilverFox> ;wa 0.001 years to days
<kmath> SilverFox: convert 0.001 years to days: 0.365 days
<SilverFox> ahh
<SilverFox> leap years
<Greys> ;wa how many leap years between 1900 and 2000
<kmath> Greys: leap years from->1900 to 2000: 100 years5217 weeks 5 days36524 days
<SilverFox> ~25
angavrilov has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Greys> d6 + 10
<Soozee> Greys: 6 + 10 => 16
<Greys> d20
<Soozee> Greys: 5
<Greys> no icecream today
<Greys> d6 + 10
<Soozee> Greys: 6 + 10 => 16
<Greys> ...
<Greys> d20
<Soozee> Greys: 9
<Greys> d20
<Soozee> Greys: 13
<Greys> cheatsydildo
<SilverFox> d6 + 10
<Soozee> SilverFox: 1 + 10 => 11
<SilverFox> wow
<SilverFox> really
<Greys> you suck, I win
<Greys> d6 + 10
<Soozee> Greys: 2 + 10 => 12
<SilverFox> no way it can happen twice
<SilverFox> d6 + 10
<Soozee> SilverFox: 2 + 10 => 12
<SilverFox> :^)
<Greys> d6 + 10
<Soozee> Greys: 4 + 10 => 14
<Greys> first one to 10,000,000 wins
<Greys> ;c 10000000/16
<kmath> Greys: 625000.0
<Greys> ;c 10000000/10
<kmath> Greys: 1000000.0
<Greys> ;c 1625000/2
<kmath> Greys: 812500.0
<SilverFox> ~roll 10000000 d1
<Greys> approximately that many rolls
<SilverFox> ~c 1
<SilverFox> ~c 1 + 1
<Greys> how many things don't make sense here
<SilverFox> what?
FoxBot9000 has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
<SilverFox> ima reboot it
<Greys> 101d1
<Soozee> Greys: 101
<Greys> 1001d1
<Soozee> Greys: 1001
<Greys> 1000001d1
<Soozee> Greys: 1000001
<Greys> 1000001d2
<Soozee> Greys: 1499706
<Greys> hmm
FoxBot9000 has joined #kspmodders
<Greys> 10000000d6
<Soozee> Greys: 34997154
<SilverFox> 60000000d6
<Soozee> SilverFox: 210003867
<SilverFox> pffffffffffffft
<SilverFox> "right now' is not how you say the word 'constantly'"
<Greys> also the old farts are cool
<Greys> not better, not great, but enjoyable
<SilverFox> they exist
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<Greys> they exist and are positive
<SilverFox> they have never made me laugh
<SilverFox> Greys, how often do these episodes get released?
<Greys> eh.....
<SilverFox> alright
<Greys> 10~15 per year?
<SilverFox> so about ~1 per ~month
<Greys> I'm not willing to make that assumption