UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is 🐎. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, and 1.7.x. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
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<discord-> M​ars Puppy. — There's no Reference Image on what the Duna Encounter would look like and what Reference Frame to use
<discord-> M​ars Puppy. — is there some kind of Repository that houses this kind of Information or am I going to have to endless search through unhelpful answers
<discord-> M​ars Puppy. — @neph would you know anything about such a thing?
<discord-> S​umguy. — new release?
<discord-> S​umguy. — new release
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<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] pleroy closed issue #2313: Switch To crashes the game -
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #2314: Don't attempt to use the plugin in the main window if it's not running -
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] pleroy pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] pleroy 65ca62c - Don't attempt to use the plugin if it's not running.
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] pleroy f3bf2ab - Merge pull request #2314 from pleroy/2313 Don't attempt to use the plugin in the main window if it's not running
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<discord-_> D​amien. — @Mars Puppy
<kmath> YouTube - Stock KSP Career w/ Principia - Interplanetary
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<discord-_> M​ars Puppy. — Cool
<discord-_> M​ars Puppy. — Thanks
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<discord-_> P​ataSolar. — is there any interaction between Principia and what level your tracking station is at?
<discord-_> D​amien. — Yeah I think there is
<discord-_> D​amien. — Regarding body targeting
<discord-_> P​ataSolar. — okay. also sounds like I won't have a manoeuvre node on my nav ball until I upgrade my tracking station (to have (stock) patched conics)
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — yep
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — I'm currently pulling my hair out trying to do a Kerbin-Jool transfer with a Eve gravity assist. I just don't know how @Reach pulls it off
<discord-_> D​amien. — yeah I've not managed to do that yet either, although I kind of did one but just without jool being in the right place
<discord-_> D​amien. — actually no, mine was venus jupiter but same thing
<discord-_> D​amien. — actually no, mine was EEJ (edited)
<discord-_> D​amien. — @Sir Mortimer try a kerbin-kerbin assist
<discord-_> D​amien. — it's a bit easier
<discord-_> D​amien. — only don't do what me and kurgut were doing which was trying to hit earth again in the same point in its orbit. You need to hit it slightly later in its orbit so you can bend round it
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<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Well my probe is already on the way to Eve. Currently on a crash course
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Now i just need to find a good course correction that ejects me to jool
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] zroug opened issue #2315: Add support for course corrections -
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<Adamgerd> I can't load the FAQ?
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] pleroy reviewed pull request #2302 commit -
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] pleroy reviewed pull request #2302 commit -
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] pleroy reviewed pull request #2302 commit -
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] pleroy reviewed pull request #2302 commit -
<_whitenotifier-cd19> [Principia] pleroy reviewed pull request #2302 commit -
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<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — goddamnit. I finally have a Kool encounter on my Eve swingby.
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. —
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — After 2907 days.
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — goddamnit. I finally have a Jool encounter on my Eve swingby.
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. —
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — After 2907 days. (edited)
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — correction
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — 9539 days
<UmbralRaptop> uh
<discord-_> l​pg. — Someone a while ago mentioned that one could use mechjeb's porkchops to locate transfer windows (though not for planning the actual maneuver). But this would require being able to set a planet as Target, which doesn't appear to be possible. Is there a step I'm overlooking, or is this just not really an option?
<discord-_> n​eph. — Targeting planets? You can do that with ugpraded mission control or is that already obvious and I'm missing the point
<discord-_> n​eph. — Targeting planets? You can do that with upgraded mission control or is that already obvious and I'm missing the point (edited)
<discord-_> l​pg. — if I can, I don't know how
<discord-_> l​pg. — clicking a planet just focuses on it. principia's own 'select a target' mode doesn't change that
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<discord-_> D​amien. — @lpg select target is for vessels. You need select celestial or whatever it's called
<discord-_> D​amien. — But that needs a tracking stn upgrade same as patched conics does in stock
<discord-_> l​pg. — by "a tracking station upgrade", which one, specifically? I've done the first and where might I find 'select celestial' (or whatever it's called)
<discord-_> l​pg. — by "a tracking station upgrade", which one, specifically? I've done the first. and where might I find 'select celestial' (or whatever it's called) (edited)
<discord-_> l​pg. — err. I've done more than the first. but this is newcomms, so... I may be better off looking in the cfgs than asking
<discord-_> D​amien. — @lpg whatever you need for patched conics (tracking stn and mission control maybe?) gives you celestial targeting in principia
<discord-_> l​pg. — ok, then I have that, just need to find the mythical button
<discord-_> D​amien. — 1 sec let me try and find it on a screenshot
<discord-_> l​pg. — sadly, manual fiddling has already told me the window I was looking for is... in a week. but there'll be others
<discord-_> D​amien. — Bottom left of principia window
<discord-_> D​amien. — You can also use KER target window
<discord-_> D​amien. — To target the body
<discord-_> l​pg. — well, the good news is I'm not blind
<discord-_> D​amien. — Maybe it's tracking and astro complex
<discord-_> D​amien. — I can't remember
<discord-_> l​pg. — oh the little bugger
<discord-_> l​pg. — the option (as well as Select Target, so I _am_ a bit blind) _only_ shows up in map mode
<discord-_> D​amien. — haha
<discord-_> l​pg. — thanks
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — hm. does targeting a celestial help in manœuvre planning?
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — because if yes, i’m going to cry myself to sleep now.
<oeuf> not that I know of