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⟨itsRyan⟩ You won't lose that much efficiency if you don't modify the script, but a free return that gets close to the moon is going to be faster/higher energy than a following transfer. To lower your Earth Pe, use more TLI dv or raise your lunar Pe.
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ So that's easy enough, but it doesn't really help with my key questions. I plot a burn that takes me out past the moon and back, and "near the moon" isn't really that close. I adjust that closer to the moon, and now I'm not coming back anywhere near Earth on the return. Basically I don't know what combination of tangent, normal, binormal, or timing I need to be adjusting to refine one end without blowing out the other
⟨itsRyan⟩ Moar speed. Start with something like 3165 m/s
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ So yeah, more tangent dV was what I added to bring my earth return down into the atmo, but that pushed my lunar Pe out past 41 megameters and 5 days, at 3174m/sec
⟨itsRyan⟩ You need to adjust your TLI time as well.
⟨Quadrupole⟩ Hence adjust the script if you are very off-plane
⟨itsRyan⟩ I mean the burn start, just talking seconds here. Using the 4 day plane for a 3.2 day transfer isn't optimal, but it's not much off.
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ I'm just getting a vicous feedback cycle. Adjust burn time a few seconds, I get closer to the moon, but farther from the earth. Add dV to get back to Earth, and now I'm far from the moon again...
⟨NathanKell (he/him)⟩ I mean, yes? It's just you should be gradually closing in on a solution rather than getting worse?
⟨itsRyan⟩ A lunar Pe at 5days with 3174 m/s also sound odd. Make sure you're encountering the moon on the way out and not the way back
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ So I flew past the DN while tweaking my plan, and now the same maneuver at the next DN is a 7 day transfer...
⟨itsRyan⟩ 7 days is not a Hohmann transfer, something is very off. I'd start over with 3165, pure tangential, and adjust time to get your lunar Pe at 3ish days, then go from there.
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ I did that, and now I have what looks like a good start. But as I swap back between more dV/earlier burn to pull either the lunar Pe or earth return Pe closer, I don't see any progress, they seem to adjust at basically the same rate, so it's all going faster, but not getting me any closer to a solution
⟨itsRyan⟩ If you're going in front of the moon I have no idea why it wouldn't converge. 🤷
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ So right now I have a 64km perigee, but a 3.3Mm periselene at 3d11h, 3179m/sec So that seems like I'm in the ballpark for the maneuver you want. But I simply cannot converge both
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ I mae a 2 second change to my burn point, periselene is 700km, perigee is 42Mm
⟨itsRyan⟩ Getting there? Increase speed and readjust your timing, rinse, repeat.
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ So I did that adjustment. 2 seconds earlier, moon is where I want it, earth is now way off. Add about 17m/sec, earth is back where I want it, and Moon is... back at 3.1Mm
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ I mean, I did get 200km closer, so I guess that's progress
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ But then I repeat the process, and I'm at 3.5Mm, so not progress at all
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ Should I expect my orbit to remain flat, or deflect polar as I do my lunar flyby? Should I be adding some binormal to keep it flat?
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ Ok yes, that did it, now I've got a 814km periselene and a 74km perigee, but I had to throw in a bunch of binormal
⟨itsRyan⟩ It won't be flat, you're not in the lunar plane from the Cape. But it should be enough "in-front" for a free return.
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ Any idea what I should be aiming for as my lunar velocity perigree in a Gemini?
⟨itsRyan⟩ That is one option. Mid course would be a lot cheaper if you have the burn. I've never had that much trouble with pure tangential from the cape, and I don't modify from the 4 day plane.
⟨itsRyan⟩ Not off the top of my head, but it should be something like a 3 to 3.5 day transfer.
⟨itsRyan⟩ I'm still thinking more speed. My 3165 number was my memory from a flyby, not a LLO injection. I believe Apollo was closer to 3200 m/s, and with an undoubtedly better parking orbit. Using Quadrapole's suggestion to change the script's assumed travel time would help there.
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ I did that, changed the mintraveltime value to 2 from 3
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ and I'm burning 2187 tangent, 260 binormal, for a 3198.548m/sec burn
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ going to be about 600km lunar, and 84km earth return
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ thats more than good enough for a sim to verify everything is working
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ and I'm burning 3187 tangent, 260 binormal, for a 3198.548m/sec burn
⟨itsRyan⟩ Cool. Close enough. I'm surprised at the binormal, but the energy of the transfer sounds close.
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ And of course after all that, overburn and I have a lunar impact, not a free return.
⟨itsRyan⟩ We need a symbol for residuals.
⟨itsRyan⟩ IRL nobody did it without a correction burn though.
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⟨DRVeyl⟩ Anyone know how close the free-return trajectories aimed for in terms of Pe?
⟨DRVeyl⟩ "If we have a failure between the main burn and the correction burnm, we hit the moon" does not seem to be "free return" 😛
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ My rcs was off enough with the centaur still in use that just reorenting the capsule for thermals is the difference between hitting the moon or not...
⟨lamont⟩ Battin gives an example of a free return in his book with a perilune altitude of 1,180 miles
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ Apollo 8 was 110km lunar orbit, but I don't know if they performed multiple burns to get that.
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ Ok, if I burn a bit before closest approach, I can get a 120km circular orbit of the moon for less than half my dV.
⟨TheSquirrelPatrol⟩ AW, the Gemini Portholes don't appear in the IVA
⟨itsRyan⟩ I take back my comment about binormal. Since this is off plane, it's very likely that going that close to the moon with a pure tangential TLI would get you into a very high inclination lunar encounter, which won't work since you're no longer "in front" of the moon. So the binormal on TLI is probably needed for a low lunar Pe free return. Good job finding it!
⟨itsRyan⟩ +or mid-course correction
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⟨egg⟩ ⟪NathanKell (he/him)⟫ I mean, yes? It's just you should be […] ⮪ yeah, a lot of the slider fiddling is gradient descent by hand
⟨egg⟩ ⟪DRVeyl⟫ "If we have a failure between the main […] ⮪ Yeah; I suspect chasing a low perilune from the main burn is at odds with the « failsafe » idea of free return…
⟨egg⟩ (I would also advise against using the word pseudorandom which generally means something other than what it seems to mean to some people here)
⟨Butcher⟩ I've never managed a low perilune that also has a low earth encounter.
⟨Kirk (He/Him)⟩ You can't hit moon space low and get a safe free return
⟨Kirk (He/Him)⟩ At least not without a good window
⟨Kirk (He/Him)⟩ The Apollo missions would do a course correction to leave the free return trajectory about a day in
⟨egg⟩ independently of free return, if your main burn gives you a low perilune, it is a small error away from slamming you into the ground, so your plan does not fail safe
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