egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
⟨Kerbinator⟩ ⟪sciencecompliance⟫ Then the rest of the planets have […] ⮪ Jupiter is also quite close to zero
⟨sciencecompliance⟩ ⟪Kerbinator⟫ Jupiter is also quite close to zero ⮪ It's a few degrees off. Mercury is only a couple of arcminutes from zero obliquity.
⟨sciencecompliance⟩ Anyone know if we are aware of any solar systems that have planets in retrograde orbits relative to others?
⟨sciencecompliance⟩ Doesn't seem very probable to happen, but maybe there's a way it could.
⟨Kerbinator⟩ ⟪sciencecompliance⟫ It's a few degrees off. Mercury is only […] ⮪ Jupiter is not tidally locked by the Sun. Don't know why, coincidence or doomed to be
Dunno about relative to eachother, ones where the planets are orbiting in a very different direction from the star's spin have been found
⟨sciencecompliance⟩ ⟪Kerbinator⟫ Jupiter is not tidally locked by the […] ⮪ It's not, but my hypothesis is that Jupiter is close to zero obliquity because its spin just took a direction close to the direction of orbital angular momentum of the objects/particles that formed it.
The literature has planets that aren't coplanar, but figuring out the inclinations of non-transiting planets is sorta hard right now
Anyone got some spare LUVOIR or HabEx (preferably with the starshade) time?
...I wonder if Gaia data would help?
⟨badgermasher⟩ That's always the ever present question, then you scratch your chin at the Gaia uncertainties and throw up your hands
⟨sciencecompliance⟩ Iterestingly, Gaia is the feminine form of the Latin name Gaius.
Well, presumably I'd be throwing it in an MCMC thing with RV and/or transit data?
⟨Kerbinator⟩ * it, "show it on navball" then it work
⟨Kerbinator⟩ for MJ executing principia nodes
⟨Kerbinator⟩ Edit: still be nice ~ tbh really good, the MJ executing principia node
(however principia node will disappear from navball the instant burn finish, idk whether MJ has highly compensative method to do the last 0.00001m/s precision)
⟨Proxima-b⟩ It says "The parameters Maximal step count per segment and Tolerance control the accuracy of the computation of each segment (burn or coasting) of your plan. As explained above, a long flight plan with very accurate computations might make the game feel sluggish.", but didn't explain how
⟨Proxima-b⟩ Does higher value cause lag or lower?
⟨Soviet Onion⟩ higher means more computation
⟨Soviet Onion⟩ especially if higher steps
⟨leudaimon⟩ Higher tolerance and less steps make the computation faster
⟨Soviet Onion⟩ ye, forgot to say tolerance lower also means more computation
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⟨egg⟩ no it doesn’t.
⟨egg⟩ The number of steps is the computation budget you allocate. The tolerance says how accurate you want that computation to be; with a fixed budget, the more accurate it needs to be, the smaller the duration that will be covered.
⟨egg⟩ For the RP-1 veterans interested in trying out an extremely janky α of a contract system intented to get rid of the « get into this precise orbit » contracts which work so poorly with Principia, see #σκοπός.