egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
* raptop pokes the bridge with a stick
<paculino> At 14:00 UTC today the libera people will be working on it more intensely apparently.
<raptop> [magpies intensify]
<paculino> Oh, egg's magpie bridge with matrix is still working, it is libera chat's bridge with matrix that had been down as they were preparing to alter it (it was not meant to be down) and soon to be disconnected to work on it.
_whitelogger has joined #principia
<queqiao-> ⟨egg|matrix|egg⟩ Libera is not involved here. But the span between discord and matrix is sad again.
<paculino> Oh, I've been getting messages from libera saying the matrix to libera bridge is down.
<paculino> el (el@libera/staff/el): This notice is to address concerns about the current Matrix bridge downtime. This downtime is unscheduled and not part of the deportalling transition; the current timeline remains as published on our blog at and we are attempting to make contact with EMS to get this outage resolved ASAP.
<paculino> A_Dragon (A_D@libera/staff/dragon): [Global Notice] The Matrix bridge is experiencing continued stability and privacy issues; we have requested it be shut down until they are resolved. Matrix have agreed to shut down the bridge no later than 1400UTC on Saturday. Feel free to ask further questions in #libera-matrix
<paculino> Well, any problems with that portion are clearly fixed now.
_whitelogger has joined #principia
_whitelogger has joined #principia