egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
Splitting sentences over many messages makes the backlog very annoying to read (and for those who follow some channels closely and have them set to notify, it causes an obnoxious flurry of pings for nothing).
⟨patrikcath⟩ ⟪xlier20⟫ it would be fun to set a grand tour […] ⮪ (you can do that without principia)
_whitelogger has joined #principia
⟨issproxima⟩ So here's method of making spaceplane insulation tiles that perfectly fit the space of a vessel: By using a conformal decal part, set PhysicsSignificance=0 and increases the surface temp cap.
However, the setting PhysicsSignificance=0 would cause issue with Principia physics such as wired attitude adjustments
⟨issproxima⟩ Is there a way around this issue?
⟨issproxima⟩ So here's method of making spaceplane insulation tiles that perfectly fit the space of a vessel: By using a conformal decal part, set PhysicsSignificance=0 and increases the surface temp cap.
However, such setting PhysicsSignificance=0 would cause issue with Principia physics such as wired attitude adjustments
⟨issproxima⟩ Those number can be tweaked so it's not 🧀
⟨test_account9540⟩ How is it not cheese to insulate a spaceplane with conformal decals?
⟨test_account9540⟩ They don't even represent a part, they represent paint
⟨issproxima⟩ It
⟨issproxima⟩ It's a "makeshift" make since we don't actually have insulated tiles
⟨issproxima⟩ * part
⟨test_account9540⟩ But tiles would add mass and cost
⟨issproxima⟩ As it should be if I'm gonna use it on career
⟨issproxima⟩ But the problem here is not whether it being cheese
⟨issproxima⟩ It's the wired interaction with principia
⟨issproxima⟩ thus being asked in this channel
⟨issproxima⟩ But the problem here is not whether it being 🧀
⟨blothorn⟩ (And again. “Shielded” tanks are supposed to represent tanks with thermal protection. They’re inaccurate in that it’s not directional, but I don’t think that’s really exploitable.
⟨moar ssto⟩ Can anyone explain why there even is such a large difference in rotation physics with or without principia? Does it do part CoM and inertial tensor calculations independently from what ksp does?
⟨Kirk (He/Him)⟩ ⟪moar ssto⟫ Can anyone explain why there even is […] ⮪ KSP calculates angular momentum wrong
⟨Kirk (He/Him)⟩ To be more specific, the generic physics engine KSP uses (PhysX) calculates angular momentum wrong because some computer scientist did math wrong 30 years ago and fixing it would break stuff
⟨moar ssto⟩ Okay,though that doesn't quite explain the change in attitude stability of some crafts,both methods should spit out an angular momentum close to zero
⟨Al₂Me₆⟩ What kind of craft? Can you show a video?