egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
⟨egg⟩ * _i-na_ A.AB.BA
⟨egg⟩ (The Akkadian is somewhat sumerogram-heavy.)
⟨vevladdd⟩ ⟪egg⟫ (The Akkadian is somewhat […] ⮪ Like Japanese write (mostly) Chinese characters but read them in Japanese ways?
⟨Al₂Me₆⟩ (‘Mostly’ would generally be an exaggeration.)
⟨egg⟩ Yes. But the characters used syllabically are the same; so more like man’yōgana than modern Japanese.
⟨Al₂Me₆⟩ > man’yōganaTIL. This is extremely trippy to read as a Chinese person.
⟨Al₂Me₆⟩ * Excerpts of this are extremely trippy to read as a Chinese speaker.
Except when the characters are read in a nominally Chinese way, but with the heaviest Japanese accent you can imagine
(音読み vs 訓読み are fun, and definitely won't cost you SAN points when you start seeing all the exceptions to the rules)
⟨egg⟩ By the way, the Hittites picked up this writing system. They had sumerograms _and_ akkadograms.
⟨egg⟩ So that, for instance, the Hittite word daššu (heavy) could be written _da-aš-šu_ 𒁕𒀸𒋗, or _KAB-TU_ 𒆏𒌅 since kabtu means heavy in Akkadian, or DUGUD 𒂂 which means heavy in Sumerian.
⟨Al₂Me₆⟩ Would all three be pronounced the same way?
⟨egg⟩ yes.
Some days it feels like consistent orthography wasn't even attempted before ~1850
⟨egg⟩ Note that the case and italicizing conventions in transliteration are not actually there in the text; the same ŠU sign 𒋗 could be used in an akkadogram or in a sumerogram (it means hand in sumerian).
⟨ragoozerman⟩ how do i know if my install of principia is working?
⟨test_account9540⟩ No error messages, no crashes, principia toolbar button showing up and opening principia window, navball looking as if principia is installed, map view looking as if principia is installed...
⟨ragoozerman⟩ yea ty it works im pretty sure
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⟨butcher6994⟩ Yes
⟨butcher6994⟩ The calico above is my actual cat
⟨theodorekaczynski⟩ I seem to have that problem as well
Not fostering though, we just have 6 cats
⟨Kobymaru⟩ ⟪egg⟫ No calculator, but there are pinned […] ⮪ Is there a version of "Inclination-eccentricity diagrams for dummies"? do I want this esin value to be as low as possible or close to zero?