TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
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<GlsFrg|phone> I forgot that I wrote this code
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Snoozee is now known as Majiir
<icefire> java?
<icefire> this seems like a perfectly fine initializer for java
<icefire> /s
<Majiir> This is Javanese
<Qboid> Majiir: SilverFox left a message for you in #kspmodders [26.06.2017 17:30:29]: "Jian Yang from Silicon Valley actually made a real life app, that fucking SeeFood app that tells you whether your food is a hotdog or not"
<icefire> public tells are awful
<Majiir> Yeah, and Elon Musk from Iron Man actually made an electric sportscar
<Majiir> Goddamn that drink was good
<SilverFox> Majiir, what did you drink?
<SilverFox> Greys, the voltage differential of middle out depends on shaft length and girth, and if there are complimentary angles as well
<Majiir> I made a Last Word, but I made it better and with better ingredients
<icefire> thats what she said
<GlsFrg|phone> SilverFox: so bigger cocks are higher voltage?
<darklight> Greys saod voltage to delta time iirc
<SilverFox> GlsFrg|phone, I think they would be lower voltage because they take more amps to jerk
<SilverFox> ~yt silicon valley middle out compression
<kmath> YouTube - Silicon Valley Dick Scene
<SilverFox> aw fuck yeah that reminds me there's a new episode
<kmath> YouTube - [MV] Apink(에이핑크) _ FIVE
<Majiir> MEH.
<SilverFox> it's calming
<SilverFox> new stellar mv coming though
<SilverFox> that's hype
<SilverFox> "The most unrealistic thing about Toy Story was the fact that the claw machine had the strength to pick up two toys"
GlassJavanese has joined #kspmodders
<GlassJavanese> you don't require calm, you won't get calm
<kmath> YouTube - 【洛天依】Luo Tianyi - 我要買買買! I’m Gonna Buy! Buy! Buy!
<GlassJavanese> java teacher after wasting over an hour copypasting the same thing we copypasted last week: "now let's remove the project and do it again for practice"
<SilverFox> the fuck
<GlassJavanese> could've also told me to go back home and take the train again for practice
<GlassJavanese> this lesson is about as difficult as standing 15 minutes in a moving vehicle
<SilverFox> which you did
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<GlassJavanese> my teacher has that 90's greenish single color desktop background back from windows fuckingold
<SilverFox> windows xp nice
<GlassJavanese> xp had a tree on a hill by default I think
<SilverFox> dont recall the tree
<SilverFox> but it did have a green hill
<GlassJavanese> I think 95 and 98 had the flat green by default
<SilverFox> I thought it was that gross blue so you could get used to seeing it so much
<GlassJavanese> it's not blue, it's green
<SilverFox> "My username is password, and my password is password"
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GlassJavanese is now known as GlassNothing
<darklight> glass do you feel educated
<darklight> Do you feel like you could male mass effect 3
<GlassNothing> maybe I could female it but
<SilverFox> especially given the quality of females in that game
<darklight> *make
<darklight> I blame my phone
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<darklight> [smiling intensifies]
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<GlassNothing> darklight: I never played mass effect so I don't know, but in general AAA games cannot be created by one person
<darklight> Neither have I, but the smile is disturbing
<SilverFox> welllllllllllllll
<darklight> Also how big was the witcher team?
<SilverFox> that isn't really correct
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<SilverFox> a AAA game *can* be created by a single person
<SilverFox> HOWEVER, it'll take longer than duke nukem forever
<GlassNothing> I said in general
<GlassNothing> can I set my name to a table flip
GlassNothing is now known as Glass
<Glass> "[11:02] == (╯°□°)╯︵ Erroneous Nickname" nice error message though
<SilverFox> holy fuck, dude hacked jin yiang's smart fridge to get a gif of "Suck it Jian Yang" to play and apparently smart fridges talked and they saw it as an update so like, a bunch of fucking smart fridges got hacked with gifs of "Suck it Jin Yiang" playing
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<Glass> nothing is more descriptive of post-truth engineering than that "dangerously stupid" is now called "smart"
<SilverFox> ye?
<SilverFox> HOLY FUCK
<inktop> fascism
<kmath> YouTube - Regressive Left forces gay cops "back into closet"
<SilverFox> speaking of
<inktop> im pretty sure the gay cops forced themselves back into the closet
<kmath> YouTube - 【言和.樂正綾原創曲】虛擬神明 (時之歌Project)
<SilverFox> what are these
<SilverFox> when does breakfast at mcdonald's start?
<inktop> *r kelly voice* he was just pullin over to get a donut, when he saw the look in his partners eye~ they were meant for eachother, even if those donuts were nigh~ Oooh but the dispatcher wasnt havin any of it/couldnt get enough of it! Found the discarded drink holder outside of a louvered foyer door/those two cops were makin out like the world were no more! Trapped- in the closet, ouhohohhhoooooo
<SilverFox> I want me a fucking mcgriddle
<darklight> Fucking sepratists :P
<inktop> buncha philistines itc
<Glass> "<SilverFox> what are these" was this directed at the song?
<SilverFox> ye
<SilverFox> is that a song?
<Glass> why don't you ask the song directly
<SilverFox> Majiir, rate this:
<kmath> YouTube - NS Yoon-G - Yasisi
<SilverFox> Glass, you too
<Glass> SilverFox: idk sure sounds like one, and has a lyric video
<kmath> YouTube - Kent - Jag Är Inte Rädd För Mörkret [Full Album]
<SilverFox> the limit on umlauts has been reached, please reduce umlauts
<SilverFox> what the fuck is this movie soundtrack new age shit?
<SilverFox> this seriously sounds like the start of some happy go lucky movie trailer
<Glass> freaking nörth europeans
<inktop> have none of you ever seen trapped in the closet
<SilverFox> is that the one with the midget?
<inktop> yes
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> that was great
<inktop> hell yeah
<Glass> I wish that my keyboard was a pillow and the PCs around me were pillows too
<SilverFox> adult life is just all obstacles preventing you from napping\
<Majiir> Fox this is some bomb-ass Swedish shit
<kmath> YouTube - Kent - Tigerdrottningen [Full Album]
<SilverFox> I mean, it
<SilverFox> 's not bad, but it sounds stereotypical as fuck
* darklight wonders if someone has a dimakura pc
<SilverFox> Majiir, you sweaboo now?
<Glass> darklight just lost the spelling bee contest
<Majiir> I been Sweaboo for years yo
<Majiir> You think Korean shit's all I listen to?
* darklight gives up on spelling completely
<Glass> go farm some sugar canes
<SilverFox> I bet you're one of those otaku sweaboos that can navigate Ikea perfectly fine
<Majiir> I CAN IN FACT
<SilverFox> while the rest of us have to work our hard lives to get out of the hell hole
<Glass> SilverFox: you just need a map, and a submachinegun
<SilverFox> needs more umlauts and the a with the fuckin circle on it
<Majiir> I have Norwedgian blood
<darklight> ;yt ave ikea
<kmath> darklight: - Manly-Man Skills: The dreaded IKEA shopping trip
<inktop> lutefisk!!!
<Glass> Majiir: blood regenerates like every month or so, so unless you ate something norwedgian in that time, you don't
<SilverFox> this is a fact
<SilverFox> however, that number is longer
<Majiir> Information within the blood is recently Norwedgian
<Majiir> Stop trying to erase my experiences
<inktop> uff da
<Majiir> ^^^^^
<SilverFox> blood dies after about 100 odd days
<SilverFox> I love how this woman said her dating experience was certified like so: "Will you be my girlfriend?" "NGG"
<inktop> does suckin dick count
<SilverFox> for what
<inktop> i mean, for replenishing your norweigan blood
<SilverFox> suckin that
<SilverFox> ~yt Norweigan Wood
<kmath> YouTube - The Beatles - Norwegian Wood (Super Rare Version)
<SilverFox> a super rare version
<inktop> maybe if u suck a bunch of cod fishers dicks
<SilverFox> I highly doubt this
<darklight> sucking dicks?
<SilverFox> so this is like, an outtake
<kmath> YouTube - The Beatles - Norwegian Wood
<SilverFox> TL;DW john iirc has an affair with a lady, unknowingly, and the girl leaves him in the morning, and he sets fire to her house
<inktop> p messed up imo
<SilverFox> fun fact, house was made of norweigan wood
<Glass> what's the fucking point of that
<Glass> I mean
<SilverFox> he figured she was having an affair
<SilverFox> so he burnt the house down
<SilverFox> because this is the 60's
<SilverFox> affairs are baaaaaad
<inktop> john seems like a psycho
<SilverFox> naw, just on drugs
<inktop> hey man i smoke weed i never feel like burining down exes houses
<SilverFox> you obviously aren't exing hard enough
<darklight> "American Speaker Arrested in Canada for Smuggling “Hate Speech” on His iPad"
<inktop> cool
<inktop> lock him up
<SilverFox> i bet you it was pronouns being mispronounced or some anti-isis shit
<SilverFox> Majiir, what's up with the Genie Music company?
<SilverFox> are they their own production firm or what
<darklight> I don't have the source text so *shrugs*
<darklight> I expect its "muzzies get out reee"
<inktop> bet he was justycarrying a book on canadian history across the border.
<darklight> HA
<SilverFox> wait
<darklight> Ipad though
<SilverFox> if history is written by the winners
<SilverFox> french history classes must be pretty lacking in material
<darklight> That was a little harsh
<inktop> nah it just shows he doesnt know shit about history
<darklight> It's not like they sing about spilling enemy blood in their anthem or anything
<inktop> raise your hand if you can name at least 5 euphemisms for the guillotine
<inktop> my personal favorite is "the goncourt prize for assassins and murderers"
<SilverFox> Majiir, what you think about BoA?
<Majiir> Yo
<Majiir> BoA
<SilverFox> ye
<kmath> YouTube - BoA_CAMO_Music Video
<Majiir> Great sunbae
<Majiir> Yo more like
<SilverFox> sunbae waeyo?
<kmath> YouTube - BoA 보아_The Shadow_Music Video
<SilverFox> wait her name just means "to see"
<SilverFox> which making a song about camoflauge is pretty fucking hilarious
<Majiir> Pretty sure you're reading too much into it
<Glass> you're called SilverFox instead of LeadFox and still give me cancer
<SilverFox> you're welcome
<SilverFox> Oncology will take you next door
<SilverFox> thank you for flying fuck you airlines
<SilverFox> if you ever have the urge to kms, the doors are located here, here, and here
<Glass> al-quaeda airways. we get you right into the office!
<inktop> lol
<SilverFox> that was pretty good
<darklight> ;yt al quaedircetion
<kmath> darklight: Couldn't find anything
<darklight> meh
<SilverFox> ~yt al quaedirection
<kmath> YouTube - Rucka Rucka Ali ~ Al Qaedirection
<SilverFox> my bot reigns superior once again
<SilverFox> stop using inferior technologies
<Glass> inktop: fuck
<inktop> hehehe
<darklight> Pics that don't age well
<inktop> no that aged great
<SilverFox> Glass, you should write some bullshit code and hand in Game Dev Tycoon to your prof
<Glass> why
<SilverFox> because it'll be a better use of your time tbh
<darklight> "What the difference between a Syrian school and an Isis stronghold? I don't know I just fly the drones"
<inktop> oof
<inktop> :(
<Glass> you know there was a terrorist instructor in iraq, who taught suicide attackers how to detonate their bomb
<Glass> one day he got testing and production mixed up
<inktop> rip
<darklight> I think my favourite story was isis banned the burka because guys would dress up in em and get close, and then kill them
<SilverFox> I wonder if a linode node can mine more than 5$ bitcoin in a month
<SilverFox> ;wa 5USD to bitcoin
<darklight> You'll get banned
<inktop> darklight: lol
<inktop> that owns
<kmath> SilverFox: convert $5 (US dollars) to bitcoins: ฿0.002 (bitcoins)
<Glass> darklight: terorrist leaders also crossdress in it to get through police and army checkpoints
<darklight> Funny enough i mined half a bitcoin years ago and lost the wallet. oh well :P
<inktop> hah
<inktop> fuck too buttcoin
<SilverFox> ;wa 0.5 bitcoin to USD
<darklight> ;yt bitcoin and its gone
<kmath> darklight: - The Bitcoin Crash - Aaaaand it's Gone!
<kmath> SilverFox: convert ฿0.50 (bitcoins) to US dollars: $1224.95 (US dollars)
<SilverFox> thats a lot of money
<darklight> not it
<darklight> it is
<Supernovy> For you.
<darklight> back then it was worth maybe 30 dollars a coin
<darklight> Supernovy you are making me want to buy a bane action figure and chuck it out of my plane
<inktop> i want a plane
<darklight> rc plane
<inktop> o
<inktop> well, i have one of those that i never finished :/
<Glass> I wonder if bitcoin farms could be used for residential heating
<inktop> just needs hinges for the control surfaces
<darklight> Hrmmm, my initials are actually cra... shipping & handling. crash airlines :D
<darklight> inktop cable tie or chop the long servo arms in half, the ones you don't use
<darklight> Oh hinges
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<darklight> Sticky tape :P
<inktop> its kinda way overpowered tho. its got i think a half horsepower engine driving an 11 inch prop and its only got a 40 inch wingspan and weighs maybe 8 lbs
<darklight> Ah
<inktop> i designed it when i was like, 13
<darklight> half horsepower on 11 inch sounds a bit dubious
<darklight> I think...
<inktop> idk its been awhile
<inktop> last i calculated the thing would have a 30 mph landing speed
<SilverFox> I wonder if using android devices and raspberry pi's is power efficient enough for bitcoin mining to be profitable
<inktop> which means itd probly just crash
<kmath> YouTube - 【洛天依】Luo Tianyi - 中華墨水娘 China Ink Girl (Official Ver.)
<SilverFox> that's about 45 real units per hour
<SilverFox> that's pretty fast
<darklight> Yeah, my electric is around 300w and its only driving a 9x6 or 8x4, depending on which motor I use. nitro one is 8x4
<Glass> SilverFox: just go to china
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> fuck that
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<darklight> ;wa 8lbs to kg
<SilverFox> I can't stand hearing the chinese language
<kmath> darklight: convert 8 lb (pounds) to kilograms: 3.629 kg (kilograms)
<SilverFox> like, I just cant
<darklight> holy fucking shit, did you make it out of lead
<Glass> if you run a bitcoin farm on renewable energies you don't have to pay for electricity in china
<SilverFox> thats true
<inktop> lol idk its got a big ass engine
<inktop> no. spruce and balsa with metal trycicle landing gear
<darklight> Oh, do you mean .50 rather than half horse power? now everything makes sense
<inktop> yeah probs
<inktop> its been like 15 years since i touched it
<Glass> "<SilverFox> I can't stand hearing the chinese language" how about you give me some btc or I tell them
<inktop> half cubic inch sounds about right
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<SilverFox> pls no
<SilverFox> actually
<SilverFox> what would happen if you tell them?
<Glass> global thermonuclear war?
<Glass> angry posts calling you racist?
<SilverFox> it's not racist
<SilverFox> I have nothing against people who speak it
<Glass> as long as they don't speak it?
<SilverFox> I just dont want to fucking hear it because it makes me cringe
<inktop> spoken just like a racist
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Majiir is now known as Snoozee
<darklight> Yeah, this is a 0.15 :3
<darklight> My plane is probably 800 grams flying weight?
<darklight> So it'd be enough, thing is you can expect to crash. lots.
<SilverFox> maybe if you fucking suck
<darklight> Hey at least its not as bad as *losing the entire fucking plane* :P
<SilverFox> that was pretty epic
<darklight> But I really should have known better
<SilverFox> this wouldnt happen because I'd have safety features and shit
<darklight> OSD would save you, which i have
<SilverFox> not just some foamboard you light on fire and chuck off a hill
<darklight> Just need to build my normal plane as tailspin is a bit too twitchy for it
<SilverFox> 2x Whittney and Pratt engines
<SilverFox> 2 seat cockpit
<SilverFox> 100 passenger capacity
<darklight> Actually with the camera on the front it probably would balance out just fine
<Rokker> SilverFox: aluminum*
<darklight> But meh, tailspin works so I don't want to fiddle
<SilverFox> fuck you rokker
<darklight> *aluminium
<SilverFox> go shoot up a school you fucking whitey
<darklight> hahahaha
<Rokker> darklight: aluminum
<darklight> Silverfox they want to give teachers guns
<SilverFox> great
<SilverFox> I say do it
<SilverFox> kids these days are out of hand
<Rokker> darklight: and what is wrong with that
<darklight> That being said, if you're lucky you might actually be able to make an rc plane out of beer cans
<SilverFox> aluminium or bust
<SilverFox> Boeing 737 or bust
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<Supernovy> Bismuth-209
<SilverFox> get the fuck out with your inferior isotopes
<Supernovy> >209 >inferior
<Glass> well, class is over
<Glass> just waiting for song to end
<SilverFox> do you feel enlightened?
<Glass> next is unity
<Glass> I feel fucking hungry
<SilverFox> go eat
<Glass> yeah no shit
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<SilverFox> the fuck is vectorization in computing?
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<kmath> YouTube - The search for the ultimate redstone adder (Why CCA adders are amazing)
<SilverFox> dude just split an 8bit adder into 2 4 bit adders and called it vectorization
<teabot> Vectorizateaon.
<kmath> YouTube - 스텔라 Stellar - 세피로트의 나무 Archangels of the Sephiroth Official M/V
<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<SilverFox> !tell Majiir this mv has some noticeable english fuckeries
<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<SilverFox> "gimme your loo............k"
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<SilverFox> GlsFrg|phone, what are you eating for lunch?
<SilverFox> what food is offered at the school?
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<darklight> sf I only watched 10 seconds of that minecraft video
<darklight> cant do it
<darklight> talks slower than donald trump
<SilverFox> he sounds creepy as shit
<SilverFox> but he has good material, so I put up with it
<SilverFox> like watching a youtube tutorial on a thing and it's done by a fuckin squeeker
<darklight> The tutorials I generally needed were done by germans, as they get technical :P
<SilverFox> nice
<darklight> Of not german, that part of europe
<darklight> *if
<darklight> The only good tutorial for opencomputers is done by its developer
GlassUnity has joined #kspmodders
<GlassUnity> either nobody in this class is paying attention, or nobody can understand the teacher because of those not paying attention being too loud, or all three
<kmath> YouTube - 【洛天依】Luo Tianyi - 中華燭火娘 China Candle Girl (Official Ver.)
<SilverFox> ima just say yes
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<GlassUnity> "so please select these four... select these four... eh, you can multi-select by..."
<SilverFox> yeah fuuuck that
<SilverFox> why are you attending this class again?
<GlassUnity> attendance rate
<GlassUnity> also unity class is quite nice
<darklight> magpie attack :<
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<kmath> YouTube - [MV] NS Yoon-G(NS 윤지) _ Yasisi(야시시)
<SilverFox> TIL Yashishi is the word for that seductive shit you do, particularly as a woman, but aren't going all the way
<SilverFox> like, overly seductive but not full "slut" as described to me
<GlassUnity> unity, for whatever fucking reason, allows you to duplicate the main camera while playing in the editor
<SilverFox> VR?
<GlassUnity> this might cause funny bugs in some situations
<GlassUnity> no you know how you can edit the game while playing?
<SilverFox> yeah?
<SilverFox> just copy paste?
<GlassUnity> yeah
<GlassUnity> and the new camera renders on top of the old one
<SilverFox> hrmm
<SilverFox> I wonder if you can do that via code
<GlassUnity> you can even right up a splitscreen arrangement while the game is running
<GlassUnity> that might be nice for debugging
<SilverFox> and VR
<SilverFox> make a VR game
<SilverFox> VR artillery
<SilverFox> do it
<GlassUnity> with VR you would probably prepare the game for VR before playing
<GlassUnity> I mean I would, no idea what LeadFox would do
<SilverFox> id just do it
<GlassUnity> SilverFox: give me a VR headset and I'll make you a vr artillery game
<SilverFox> what smartphone you have?
<GlassUnity> asus ZE550KL or so
<SilverFox> I dont have a VR headset, but I can still play VR games using my phone as the HMD
<GlassUnity> you mean that cardboard stuff?
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> its good for getting a feel of things and shit
<SilverFox> I have a Samsung 4, and for some reason my setup wont allow it to fully turn around, only about like, 40 degrees turning radius total
<SilverFox> sucks to have an incompatible phone
<SilverFox> maybe they've fixed it recently
<GlassUnity> SilverFox: I can go to akiba and get one actually
<GlassUnity> but not sure if the shop I saw them in closes early
<SilverFox> also you can use a leapmotion sensor for the hand stuff
<SilverFox> not a perfect setup, but it also doesnt cost 1200$
<SilverFox> "King of the Hill Season 5 Episode 3 – I Don’t Want to Wait for Our Lives to Be Over, I Want to Know Right Now, Will It Be… Sorry. Do Do Doo Do Do, Do Do Doo Do Do, Do Do Doo Do Do, Doo…"
<SilverFox> thats the name of the episode
<SilverFox> "You mean your period?" "You dont get it Bobby, you aren'
<SilverFox> t there yet"
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<darklight> I just showed magpie qwop
<darklight> What have I done?
<SilverFox> why are you showing birds video games?
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<darklight> magpie attack over
<SilverFox> "I thank god every day I didn'
<SilverFox> t get esploded"
Supernovy has quit [Quit: Be back later.]
<GlassUnity> I crashed fuckyounity editor
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> I do that every time I open it
<SilverFox> have you made VR yet?
<GlassUnity> killed unity, double-clicked the scene file to open again, different editor version opens
<GlassUnity> no
<GlassUnity> why the fuck would I do VR now
<SilverFox> because I want a fuckin VR artillery game
<SilverFox> I cant make it, unity hates me
<GlassUnity> blow up your house and install unity on a different pc
<Greys> don't you hate it when you go to turn on a lamp, and as you twist the knob, everything inside the mechanism crushes to powder
<SilverFox> wurt
<GlassUnity> don't you hate it when you turn a knob and the *knob* turns, but not the potentiometer
<SilverFox> WUT
<darklight> Glass yes
<Greys> SilverFox, the knob on this lamp used to click on and off, now it just spins and if I push it the light turns on
<SilverFox> so its a push light
<Greys> push and hold
<darklight> I like tappy tappy lamps
<GlassUnity> more like crush and hold
<Greys> it's already crushed
<SilverFox> you bought a push light and complain when you have to push it? fuckin millenials these days
<Greys> no, I own a turn-knob light, it's about a year old, it was 7$
<SilverFox> so you took a push light you bought for 7 bucks, and you tried making it a turn light?
<SilverFox> pathetic
<Greys> egg, I need to ban silver for a little bit
<darklight> This is why glass needs op
<SilverFox> Glass had his term
<darklight> Because I cannot be trusted :3
<darklight> Greys was op but now they have a script to auto deop
<SilverFox> ye
<SilverFox> she resigned and retired
<Greys> I turned that off like a year ago
<SilverFox> im fucking untouchable
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<SilverFox> free spirit
<SilverFox> cant touch this
<Greys> yep, in the traditional meaning of the caste
<Greys> touching you would dirty my soul
<SilverFox> which is why you cant ban me
<SilverFox> you need to use banhammer
<SilverFox> which would touch me
<SilverFox> which touches you
<Greys> you misunderstand reality and the bylaws of socialization in so many ways
<SilverFox> I'll misunderstand whatever I want thank you very much
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<Greys> so I updated all the numbers, it's now mathematically correct, and good news
<Greys> 8k is bullshit
<Greys> the retina distance of a 27" monitor at 8k resolution is 17.56 inches
<Greys> ;wa 17.56 inches to meters
<kmath> Greys: convert 17.56 inches to meters: 0.44602 meters
<Greys> if you are further than half a meter from a 27" 8k monitor; you are far from being capable of differentiating pixels
<Greys> half a meter is a good distance because at that range it would appear to have infinite resolution; but you wouldn't be wasting the effort and wattage of having that
<Greys> for 1440p 27" the line is at 26.32"
<Greys> ;wa 26.32" to meters
<kmath> Greys: convert 26.32 inches to meters: 0.66853 meters
<Greys> for 1080 it's just over 35", which happens to be where I am on my monitors, so great
<darklight> You can tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps though, which is kinda more important
<Greys> yes, 100% of people can do that
<Greys> and probably 80% of people can consciously differentiate between 60 and 120, while 100% of people are effected by the difference between 60 and 90
<Greys> the doubt is whether more than 50% of people can differentiate between 120 and 144 or 240
<Hyratel1> I can definitely notice 60-> 75
<Hyratel1> it was more dramatic with a CRT
<Greys> 30~35" is a typical monitor viewing distance, 25"ish for laptops, a 2k 27" monitor is 26.32" so you're 4~9" past the retina distance
<Greys> if you had a 24" 2k laptop, that would work
<Greys> you probably don't
<Greys> for a 13" laptop, at 1440p, the retina distance is 16.6"
<Greys> that's rediculous
<Greys> apple is rediculous
<Greys> now consider, there are 4k phones
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<Greys> extrapolating out to a 72" screen, at 8k, the retina distance is 46.8"
<Greys> if you were five feet away from an 8k screen, you have wasted money
<Greys> if you had a 96.46 horizontal inch screen, which I'm not even going to bother calculating; you would want to view it from just past 72 inches away
<Greys> ;wa 72 inch to meters
<kmath> Greys: convert 72 inches to meters: 1.829 meters
<Greys> 8 makes no sense
<Greys> k
<Hyratel1> and that's without taking into account visual acuity
<Hyratel1> er
<Hyratel1> that is vis acuity rather
<Hyratel1> without taking into account focal problems
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<Hyratel1> I start to lose focal clarity past ~ 18 inches
<Greys> eh, could be? this is based on lab tests with volunteers
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<Greys> ideally this would be based on pure math and aperture light fancy shit like legolas; but that's hard and varies by wavelength
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<Greys> Hyratel1, can you view this page?
<Hyratel1> yeah
<Hyratel1> also I just have shitty eyes
<Greys> that page is blocked for me
<Greys> just page 54
<Hyratel1> I have no idea what my visual acuity is because I have a -13 diopter
<Hyratel1> odd
<Greys> this is my source for "the angular limit of the human eye is 1 arch minute"
<Greys> arc
<Greys> in other news; LMFAO's album discography
<Greys> hmmm
<Greys> my results might be very slightly off in a very annoying way
<Greys> yea it's way too much work to correct this 30 arc second cosign error
<Greys> yea my smallest basis here is off by .01 degrees, and that effects the definition length by less than... this unit is too small
<Greys> ;wa 0.000001 inch to microns
<kmath> Greys: convert 1.×10^-6 inches to microns: 0.0254 microns
<Greys> less than that
<Greys> ;wa 0.0001 inch / 0.025 micron
<kmath> Greys: (0.0001 inches)/(0.025 microns): 102
<Greys> 100/102
<Greys> ;c 100/102
<kmath> Greys: 0.9803921568627451
<Greys> ;c 1-0.9803921568627451
<kmath> Greys: 0.019607843137254943
<Greys> less than two percent of a percent
<Greys> reciprocal percent
<Greys> Hyratel1, gimme a crytique on this boob physics
<Hyratel1> not the worst
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<darklight> “It is much safer to be feared than loved.”
<darklight> —Machiavallo, The Princess. this shall be interesting..m
<G-Mobile> ;tell majiir elon musk telefired chris lattner after six months, how do you feel about this?
<kmath> G-Mobile: I'll let majiir know when I see them
<darklight> the fucking author of llvm?
<G-Mobile> And a lot of other things
<kmath> <clattner_llvm> Turns out that Tesla isn't a good fit for me after all. I'm interested to hear about interesting roles for a seasoned engineering leader!
<G-Mobile> Briefly his resume read something like "Elon and I didnt get along, he said I should leave, so I did"
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<darklight> Is elon still connected to the trump admin or did he leave when trump pulled out of paris?
<G-Mobile> Left
<darklight> Ah, looks like it was paris
<G-Mobile> also uber left the trump thing when prople started deleting their accounts in protest
<G-Mobile> people
<darklight> Now I wonder why he would freak out over that? It's not like the paris agreement was directly helping him in any way or anything :^)
<G-Mobile> it truely is not
<darklight> (tbh, once the energy storage is there, I def would buy an electric if I could afford it)
<G-Mobile> storage is fine, infrastructure and charge rate are the big limits
<darklight> We have 240v here but understood
<darklight> The power bills would be yuge
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<G-Mobile> my truck gets about 200 miles per tank, teslas get like 300, most cars are at about twice as good as my truck
<G-Mobile> but, if I drive 200 miles, in any direction, I know I can refuel when I get there
<G-Mobile> and I know that it'll take less than ten minutes
<darklight> Yeah my car is a bit of a hog too
<darklight> ~11.5L/100km
<G-Mobile> I know for a fact that if I drove an EV 150 miles north, there would be nowhere within 200 miles to recharge
<darklight> Err, with premium
<darklight> With shitty ethanol fuel, that probably 13.5L jumps to
<G-Mobile> and I think tesla is the only brand that can go from 10% to 70% in less than 6 hours
<darklight> Iirc you can recharge them at normal outlets but only at like 30km/h or less
<G-Mobile> Just because you can charge them on a normal socket doesn't mean theres a socket you can usr
<darklight> I've heard some charging at 150 or 200km/h which is much more reasonable
<G-Mobile> tesla I think can do 80% in 2 hours at an appropriate charging station
<G-Mobile> the remaining 20% takes overnight though
<G-Mobile> And what tesla is currently focusing on is scaling manufacturing up to reduce costs, and expanding charger infrastructure world wide
<G-Mobile> sure adding 200 miles per charge would be great, but without the charge infrastructure that only lets you go an ideal 100 miles further
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<G-Mobile> Also distance stability is a big thing
<G-Mobile> If you leave a tesla in the garage, not plugged in, it loses like 12% per day, and you can lose like 40% max distance at max charge between summer and winter because of tenperature alone
<G-Mobile> I guess teslas in australia are great
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<G-Mobile> SilverFox: the three catgirls image is in chapter 5 and unfortunately the text us not original
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<SilverFox> my life is a lie
<SilverFox> whats the OG text?
<G-Mobile> You can only kiss someone you love
<SilverFox> Now let me tell you why that's horse shit
<G-Mobile> its an arch about the selfishness and innocence of children
<SilverFox> idk, kids can be pretty selfless sometimes
<SilverFox> Anyways, I have to go learn to save lives now
<SilverFox> and more importantly, get me a fucking mcgriddle
<G-Mobile> little centaur girl is big centaur's cousin, and she doesnt like that the cat girls got to kiss big centaur
<Greys> darklight, what if microdrones with a halo around them, and the halo is a microfiber cloth, and the drones fly for minutes at a time rubbing themselves against surfaces to scrub off dust
<darklight> Greys that is hilarious
<darklight> My sister has one of those cx-10 things, the quad that only weighs 7 grams
<Greys> you'd have a little rack in your house somewhere with like thirty of these things, and a station that will swap out the microfiber, plus a position awareness system and you go through your house and map out flat surfaces to be scrubbed, like windows and mirrors, desk surfaces
<Greys> then based on a schedule it'd deploy them, they'd each go out, scrub for as long as they can, then return home to charge, repeat, until everything has been scrubbed or you'll be getting home soon
<Greys> each quad would functionally be remote controlled so minimal on-unit hardware
<Greys> since they're doing this every day, as long as things like windows and mirrors were very clean to start with, they should stay clean without the need for cleaning fluids; and you'd just need to wash these microfiber halos once a week to reload the magazine
<darklight> Perhaps that would be able to clean up after this drone
<kmath> YouTube - dildo drone - just for fun
<Greys> in an ideal world you'd be able to control the quads well enough to slowly rotate where they attempt to contact on the halo to use up each halo evenly over a longer period
<Greys> in an even more ideal world you could then get a beehive of these fuckers installed behind a bush trained to go out and wipe down the outsides of your windows, when the weather permits it
<Greys> so how much force can one of those CX-10s apply laterally?
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<Greys> SilverFox, money idea for you, I bet you can build this
<Greys> the stainless steel pen is attached to that fishing rod bit by wire, and the wire is on a spool inside, as you pull the pen away from the finishing rod it pulls the rod in a measured direction to a measured distance, this is then used to create a 3D map of a space, commonly used for measuring countertops
<Greys> I'd love to have one of these that can measure a 15 meter square, 10 feet tall, so I can get accurate models of my spaces easily, but a top mounted unit with a working space of 1 cubic meter would be useful for measuring all sorts of stuff, and with a little software it could work in reverse to read out points on a model into real space
<Greys> ;wa 1000 square feet to square meters
<kmath> Greys: convert 1000 ft^2 (square feet) to square meters: 92.9 m^2 (square meters)
<Greys> hmmm, not sure I'd round that
<darklight> Not sure, but they are the onlyn quad I have flown were the air resistance seems to be negligable
<GlassYuri> kemono friends is on steam
<Greys> that's the dumbest thing anyone in this channel has ever said
<darklight> They "slide" around in he air if that makes sense
<darklight> Like when you let go of the angle they keep moving until you stop them
<Greys> darklight, you should steal your sister's one and make a little wire ball for it to live in then test it's loading capacity
<darklight> I am not expecting much for a 7 gram quad
<Greys> neither am I, but then I need to do experiments on what kind of cleaning capacity that force will actually have
<Greys> like, will it have enough force without flipping itself over to even remove new dry dust from glass
<Greys> this idea really demands that scale of quad, even going to something twice as wide would be problematic
<Greys> also an easier test, if you have access to any quad I'd be interested on your impression of how difficult it is to land a quad in a box that is not much wider than itself
<Greys> like, find a box of that size and try to land the quad in it
<Greys> (the boxes open face should be facing the horizon
<Greys> box's*
<Greys> basically I want you to land a quad in a cabinet with the door open
<Greys> it's only ever going to clean flat surfaces effectively, just not smart enough for curves, and this gives a bigger contact area
<Greys> even if the quad has to be unusually wide to clear the fabric
<Greys> ok darklight, thing I want you to test #3, quadcopter flying in a tube that is no more than twice as big as it
<Greys> tube should be horizontal
<Greys> could you have an ultra-low-power 2D laser thing that could perform the job of an inkless black and white printer, by lightly burning the image into paper
<Greys> is there a unit for what kind of laser output and focus is required to ignite a material?
<Greys> though, high enough air volume across the focal point should make ignition impractical
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<Rokker> holy fucking shit
<Rokker> what an awful idea that will literally never work
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<RandomJeb> what idea?
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<Greys> is a steal box an equal faraday cage to a mesh box
<Greys> steel; where the mesh is also steel
<Greys> GlassYuri, how do car couplings work at very high mass loads?
<Greys> surely it's not just the little handshake couplers from lionel trains
<Greys> no way this is going to pull a hundred cars each a hundred tonnes
<Greys> wikipedia has many train car couplers, but they all seem incredibly weak
<Greys> like actually incredible, without cred, how can these things transfer so much tension
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<Greys> GlassYuri, respond to my inquiry!
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<Greys> look at the shit this digital image stabilization feature is doing
<kmath> YouTube - Train Starting to Move. (Marshall, MN)
<Greys> GlassYuri, what kind of magnetude of difference in mass load is there between cargo trains and passenger trains
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<Greys> boy dreams about his mom's butt when she was in highschool, leading him on an adventure of mangascovery
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<RandomJeb> wait wasn't there another one you posted a while ago about a boy and his mother and adventures of forbidden discovery? Not sure if butt was prominent in that one though
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<Greys> not that I recall
<GlassYuri> "The cyberattack also forced the Ukraine-based Chernobyl nuclear power plant to revert to manual radiation monitoring, according to a Ukrainian journalist citing the country's state news service."
<SilverFox> Greys, your ultra low power 2d black and white printer sure sounds like the premise behind a thermal printer
<G-Mobile> Except thats not how thermal printers work
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<SilverFox> you're darkening paper by burning it
<G-Mobile> thermal printers print on special paper imbeded with thermoactive dyes
<SilverFox> yeah?
<SilverFox> and you apply heat to it
<G-Mobile> no buring takes place
<G-Mobile> burning
<SilverFox> burning is just lots of heat
<SilverFox> in fact, burning can be done at any temperature
<G-Mobile> burning is combustion
<SilverFox> our bodies burn calories
<G-Mobile> this ink/dye free laser etcher would induce combustion but prevent ignition
<SilverFox> basically what that art style is on wood with those electrodes and shit?
<G-Mobile> No
<G-Mobile> youre really extra dumb lately
<SilverFox> you think im not doing this purposely?
<G-Mobile> have you been drinking a whole lot?
<SilverFox> listen
<SilverFox> I have images to keep up
<SilverFox> people expect things of me
<SilverFox> if I dont deliver, I get fired
<SilverFox> you know what happens when you get fired from life?
<SilverFox> you get the fucking gulag, greys
<G-Mobile> One of the assertions about the world in centaur girl manga is that all mammals are hexapods
<SilverFox> oh right, that super disappointing one full of lies
<G-Mobile> also reptiles and amphibians
<G-Mobile> the category of humans contains four convergent species deliniated as centaurs, angels/demons, goats, and mermaids
<G-Mobile> angels actually grow a halo of hair
<G-Mobile> cutting off an angels halo is a hate crime
<G-Mobile> riding a centaur is a hate crime
<G-Mobile> many things are hate crimes
<SilverFox> lettuce has the worst self adhesion ever
<SilverFox> that shit is negative
<SilverFox> also fun fact, burgers always land cheese side down
<SilverFox> so if you put a piece of toast butter up on it, it floats midair
<G-Mobile> Actually mythbusters tested that and toast doesnt fall
<G-Mobile> The world always lands on the butter side of toast
<G-Mobile> graviton monopoles and whatnot
<SilverFox> wait, what if you're on the opposite side of the planet with toast butter side down and they're both let go of
<RandomJeb> that happens
<SilverFox> Greys, as king of america, can you make it illegal to post non-animated gifs?
<G-Mobile> All gifs are animated
<SilverFox> you cant seriously consider a 1 frame gif an animation
<G-Mobile> Some animated gifs dont depict change
<SilverFox> if you say that a 1 frame gif is an animation, then you are saying that all photographers are animators
<SilverFox> and thats just immoral
<G-Mobile> All gifs have infinite frames
<G-Mobile> some just have a whole lot of not many
<SilverFox> ;wa how old is america?
<kmath> SilverFox: age->of United States-> today : 240 years 11 months 23 days
<SilverFox> hey Greys, I just thought of a good way to tell someone to fuck off; "go piss in a bottle of bleach"
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<G-Mobile> All mermaids have huge boobs
<SilverFox> uhhhhhhhhhh
<G-Mobile> and because their legs merge at the knees, they all wear side tie bikinis
<SilverFox> says who?
<G-Mobile> this manga
<SilverFox> links
<G-Mobile> app
<Hyratel1> feh
<G-Mobile> Centaur no nayami chapter 7
<GlassYuri> Greys, oh didn't see your questions, I was taking a short 8 hour nap
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> fuck you
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> 8 hours is a sleep
<SilverFox> 20 mins to 3 hours is a nap
<GlassYuri> it wasn't planned to be that long
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<GlassYuri> I felt a little tired sometime in the evening and the next thing I remember is it being 5:30AM
<GlassYuri> I can't find my fucking phone
<SilverFox> call it
<GlassYuri> found it while looking for something to make the call with
<SilverFox> cool now call it
<GlassYuri> can't, if I turn it on your mom will call me every half minute offering blowjobs
<SilverFox> this is fair
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