TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
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egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
Snoozee is now known as Majiir
<Greys> mageer, what is this
<Greys> surely there exists an imgur for arbitrary files
<Majiir> greg idunmo m8
<Greys> so I've discovered that teh starbucks logo is the internet's followup to wendy
<Greys> suffice to say, a two finned fish thing, not really a good basis for attractive character designs
<Greys> this seems to be about as good as it gets
<Greys> I haven't had a frap in a year and a half
<Greys> so Majiir, I assume by the general lack of you in the last.... you either went to korea twice or your company burned down and you've been inventing a way to rebuild it out of the ashes using a series of lasers, mirrors, and properly implimented cloud infrastructure
<Majiir> the last four words, yes
<Majiir> the rest, not quite
<Majiir> My company is doing Things which involve the whole management structure changing and lots of random bonus checks flying around
<Majiir> but I'm also coming off a few weeks of saving horribly done projects
<Majiir> Ups and downs
<Majiir> Going to ask for a new role next week since I'm pretty sure the folks in charge have no idea what I'm good at and if I didn't express any preference would probably have me just save shit projects all day
<Greys> I can understand the appeal of a superhero department
<Majiir> It's bad business and it just enables more horrible project management if someone comes in to save the day
<Majiir> I did spend about 6 hours the other day doing performance engineering
<Majiir> which is supposedly what I was hired to do
<Majiir> and this is the first time I've done it in uhhhhh six months?
<Majiir> I made our core do things five times faster
<Greys> that's a lot of times faster
<Greys> since we last spoke I implimented a 1000 item checklist into an 8 page spreadsheet complete with multistage formating and sanity checks
<Majiir> You have been far more productive
<Majiir> All I did is prevent regressions, and not nearly all of them
<Majiir> I also discovered today that I hate wine
<Majiir> and not because of the beverage itself
<Majiir> I hate the packaging it comes in
<Greys> I've only had champaign, it was a 6$ clearance bottle, and I threw it away immediately
<Majiir> I dated a girl once who had a very wealthy family
<Majiir> Her two parents had three vineyards between them
<Majiir> One of them was very exclusive
<Greys> was their champaign disgusting too?
<Majiir> I visited once and her dad was entertaining clients. I was 18, and I had brought cheddar cheese and maple syrup from Vermont
<Greys> also I feel like that's the third "I once dated a girl so rich" story I've gotten out of you
<Majiir> which of course was the perfect thing to just happen to have for a fancy wine tasting sales thing
<Majiir> so he gave me a cigar and some of his fancy ass wine
<Majiir> in front of his fancy ass clients
<Majiir> and this wine tasted like dirt
<Majiir> I'm pretty sure I had that awful scraping feeling on my teeth when you're chewing on dirt
<Majiir> I just couldn't think of anything else, and all I can remember to this day is that it tasted exactly like liquified dirt
<Majiir> I was goddamn clever then though
<Majiir> I said "mmm, earthy"
<Majiir> which apparently is high praise among the fancy ass wine crowd
<Greys> ;wa date in bangkok
<kmath_> Greys: today in Bangkok, Thailand: Sunday, June 4, 2017
<Majiir> and yeah I only dated this one rich chick, but there was just too much stupid to not have stories about her
<Greys> I'm currently on an adventure through time and space to get my phone rooted better so I can remove a bunch of the junk that's making it a huge pain in the ass
<Greys> it's not going well and it's currently 9am tomorrow for me, and I have a tertiary postfuneral event tomorrow
<Greys> fun note; it's relatively trivial to install busybox via the adb; however, it is functionally impossible to obtain busybox for android without using an app that doesn't provide you with busybox or work
<Greys> in other news the HTC U11 comes out in a week and I will have one shortly after that
<Greys> .... this phone has double stereo
<Greys> recording
<Greys> Majiir, two questions; if you could squeeze your phone and have it respond, what would it do; if you were playing an artillery simulator what's the most important feature to your experience
<Majiir> Hmmmm
<Majiir> 1. Squeezing would need to do something that I don't usually want to do in my car, because it's in a mount that would make it hard to squeeze. I'd say squeezing should make it flash a quick status update or perhaps unlock the phone using my uhhh squeeze biometrics
<Majiir> 2. Counter-battery fire
<Greys> this phone has "3D Gorilla Glass 5"
<Greys> wtf is 3D glass
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<G-Mobile> Is haskell new?
<Majiir> Very much not
<Majiir> 1992
<Majiir> No, 1990
<G-Mobile> Did something change a few years ago to make it more practical or approachable?
<Majiir> The Haskell 2010 standard came out in, well, 2010
<Majiir> What changed I think is that functional programming in general has become more popular
<Majiir> This is mostly because the kinds of problems we try to solve today are increasingly showing the cracks in other programming paradigms
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<G-Mobile> Do you think pure functional code is clearly superior than OOP, or is some hybrid going to work better as a general solution
<G-Mobile> like, if you could wand waggle a perfect implimentation of a language you can conceive of without having to answer all the details now
<xShadowx> woman who popped out the most kids = 69 kids
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<dlrkdesktop> Anyone have any ideas why KSP would CTD with an access violation when loading a saved ship? It's not running out of memory
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<xShadowx> dlrkdesktop: welcome to the troll channel, not the best place for help ;p and peolly just a bad mod, ksp.log likely tells you why the crash
<dlrkdesktop> ksp.log was useless but trial and error led me to sensiblepumps
<dlrkdesktop> Which doesn't seem terribly sensible, but w/e
<dlrkdesktop> er, not sensible pumps
<dlrkdesktop> smartactuator
<xShadowx> regex search ksp.log for ^\[(ERR|WRN|EXC) and itll cut out normal crap and keep stuff that should generally not happen :) much less to read, and likely has an exception from that mod listed
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Majiir is now known as Snoozee
<GlassYuri> "外国朋友请自行机翻,描述字数有限制,请见谅!
<GlassYuri> Foreign friends because of the word limit, please use Google translation, translation description of the content, the inconvenience please understand, thank you for your support!!" - steam workshop
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<SilverFox> G-Mobile, I like where this new starbucks logo is going
<SilverFox> I like all the mashups between wendys and starbucks going on here
<SilverFox> what I dont get is this salmon/mermaid thing going on
<RandomJeb> starbucks and wendy's is having a merger?
<RandomJeb> starwendy's?
<RandomJeb> wendy's bucks?
<SilverFox> Or even better; Wendy's
<RandomJeb> I have never been to a wendy's
<RandomJeb> the only thing I know about wendy's is that they discovered corporate twitter trolling, or at least popularized it
<SilverFox> ohp, now the gallery went furry, im disappointed
<SilverFox> GlassYuri, what's up with you and Mandarin?
<SilverFox> RandomJeb, if by merger you mean lesbian experience with their mascots, then yes
<GlassYuri> SilverFox, what's up with you and korean?
<SilverFox> Im going to live there eventually
<GlassYuri> just because you fapped to kpop once?
<SilverFox> naw
<GlassYuri> let's assume you had encountered mandarin pretty much every day for a year and eight months, would you want to learn it?
<SilverFox> that's fair
<SilverFox> I wouldnt have expected you to encounter much mandarin being in japan
<GlassYuri> well in tokyo you hear it on the streets pretty often
<GlassYuri> also my language school was largely chinese
<SilverFox> like, lots of chinese people, or do lots of people know mandarin for reasons?
<GlassYuri> my current school has many chinese students as well
<SilverFox> yeah well so did mine, they're fucking everywhere
<VITAS> we had polish and russians and no chinese :D
<SilverFox> Oh look, this facebook page I follow just commented for the third time about being on top during sex and they somehow managed to go full circle with their views again
<SilverFox> "here how weird is it tht ye hardly ever see anyone wae the same couch as ye"
<SilverFox> "Ye ever wanty just wrap yersel up in tin foil nice and cosy and then just fucking get right inty the microwave and blow yersl up tae fuck"
<SilverFox> "Wen ya hit a speed bump ner tha playground but thn ye remember there was no facking speed bumb to begin wit"
<SilverFox> "The reason why latin is a dead language is because they kept accidentally summoning demons in regular conversations"
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mobilecactus is now known as PrefixCactus
<SilverFox> oh shit it's a cactus
<SilverFox> PrefixCactus, what is it that you did back when ksp was in its better days?
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<GlassFragments> SilverFox, btw did you manage to corrupt my scene?
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<SilverFox> after I replaced it with my shit yeah
GlassFragments is now known as GlassYuri
<SilverFox> I haven't loaded up your project tho
<SilverFox> I'd need the code for that and all
<GlassYuri> with what, your monobehaviour or your assets?
<SilverFox> yes
<GlassYuri> have you tried to just rehalfass your assets?
<PrefixCactus> just messed around, nothing special
<SilverFox> yes
<SilverFox> PrefixCactus, with what
<GlassYuri> a 12 year old I guess
<SilverFox> BANNED
<SilverFox> Greys / G-Mobile , is dude gonna make another light novel?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox:
<kmath_> YouTube - Taiko
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<SilverFox> wtf is this
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: today's festivities
<TheKosmonaut> Right in front of my fucking house
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> why is it in front of your house?
<TheKosmonaut> I live <25m from a larger shrine
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> oh right, they're tipping over the pallaquins
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<SilverFox> There are plenty of things to not fuck, like all these gives I have
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<SilverFox> GlassYuri, I also want to be able to shittalk people in langauges they dont understand
<GlassYuri> that reminds me of something you see in german newspapers every now and then
<GlassYuri> some turkish idiot gets into trouble and then goes on a lengthy phone call
<SilverFox> so he starts shittalking in turkish?
<GlassYuri> yeah and the police understand every word
<SilverFox> noice
<SilverFox> although, guess the police will have to learn arabic and such now, given the high levels of people that speak/write it there
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<SilverFox> just finished playing the ARMS global test and it's pretty nice
<Greys> whose best booty
<SilverFox> uhmmm
<SilverFox> Twintelle I guess
<SilverFox> Mechanika doesnt have visible booty, neither does ribbon girl
<SilverFox> Min min in second
<Greys> she's wearing spats
<Greys> that's basically booty paint
<Greys> look you can even see some of it from the front
<SilverFox> nigga that's thigh
<SilverFox> and that pose is a lie
<Greys> what is it you think thigh is
<SilverFox> if that pose actually showed off booty, koreans wouldnt be doing it
<SilverFox> the section of leg between the hip and the knee
<SilverFox> that, is a nice booty
<SilverFox> not nice for big standards, but for smaller standards and frames, it's nice
<Greys> this is why korea doesn't have booty, koreaboos don't understand what booty is
<SilverFox> if you look at ribbon girl's other leg, you can see how much of her shorts-thing is on her leg, you can extrapolate that to the other leg, and that doesnt leave much, also, the bending of the leg is very deceiving for showing off curve of booty when there isn't much to show off to begin with
<SilverFox> in this picture of twintelle, it's particularly deceiving to to how thicc she is on top of that bending between hip and leg, what is a more true photo would be:
<SilverFox> this picture gives you a much better idea of the volume and shape of the rear
<Greys> you literally don't know what booty is
<SilverFox> The rear of a person, known as an ass, majorly made up of the Gluteus Maximus muscle group.
<SilverFox> also fat in a lot of cases
<SilverFox> but please Greys, go on and enlighten me
<Greys> it's that beeeend yo
<SilverFox> I am entirely enlightened, wow
<SilverFox> that bend is a lie
<Greys> your face is better be workin on mah gun game
<SilverFox> I told you, im not working on it anymore
<SilverFox> it can suck a dick
<SilverFox> talk to Glass about it
<Greys> you literally did not
<Greys> GlassYuri, how close are we to you having a thing that you can send me and I can shoot a thing
<SilverFox> Greys, fuck you "<SilverFox> Greys, I give up on the project, I have no idea what is causing this scene corruption, but it's like having to start over every 30 minutes, and I wont have that, you'll have to contract Glass from here on out"
<Greys> shouting into the void doesn't count, you should have sent a tell
<SilverFox> dont care
<Greys> too bad about your corruption thing; probably the harddrive or something
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> here's what happens, I remake the scene and all assets, reapply everything, it's all fine, then 30 minutes later all rigidbodies go fucky
<SilverFox> it just happens, no matter what, so I gave up on it because fuck having to remake the scene everytime
<Greys> even if you're done with this, you should keep fixing that on the back burner, if something's wrong with your setup then that could prevent you from using unity in the future, and that'd suck
<Greys> if it's something to do with the setup you built then knowing how to avoid/fix it would be a good thing
<SilverFox> that's great and all but fuck putting in the time for this shit, the only thing I'm willing to do is install an older version of unity
<SilverFox> also, you should probably do as I said and contract Glass from now on, since he's probs better than I am, both in coding efficiency, working with unity, and modelling
<Greys> I already did
<SilverFox> from now on
<Greys> I have
<SilverFox> it's not a past-tense thing
<Greys> have is transitive
<SilverFox> will, am, those two work just fine
<Greys> sure, but have is both of those
<Greys> am is present tense, will is future tense, have is past present and future tense
<Greys> this is neat
<kmath_> YouTube - Hands-On with Avegant's Lightfield Augmented Reality Prototype!
<Greys> they're developing a display for AR that is capable of replicating arbitrary focal distances
<Greys> so when they render a thing in front of your eye on that table, the light hitting your eye has a focal distance of that table, and when you focus there both the table and the projection are in focus
<Greys> one of the big fancy car companies made a car last year where the rear view mirror was just a display showing an assembled image from several cameras, but a lot of people tried it and complained that in order to see the 'mirror' they had to refocus on a display a foot and a half from their face, when they had been focusing on a car 30 meters ahead
<Greys> with a standard mirror 'mirror', mirrors do not interact with focal range (much), so when you look at the reflection of cars behind you, you're still focusing as far away as they are
<Greys> SilverFox, do you know what a jimmy johns is
<SilverFox> I mean, it's a menu, so I assume a restaurant
<Greys> notice harder
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<SilverFox> what am I to notice? it looks like a regular menu
<Greys> you can do it
<SilverFox> the amount of fucks I have for this is rapidly approaching zero
<SilverFox> yeah, I saw that
<Greys> then why didn't you claim your prize?
<kmath_> YouTube - Assembling the Printrbot Simple Pro with my Sister!
<SilverFox> livestream
<SilverFox> this guy is great with 3d printers
<Greys> fuck livestreams
<Greys> btw, twitch plays the stock market?
<SilverFox> that would be slow and unentertaining and ruin the point of playing the stock market
<Greys> fuck you google
<SilverFox> wait, Printrbot SIMPLE PRO
<SilverFox> the pro version of the simple version
<Greys> primple
<SilverFox> it's offline, nice
<Greys> I wonder if this is illegal, or suuuper illegal
<SilverFox> i dont see how illegal this would be
<Greys> one way it could be super illegal; everyone who enters a command is functionally providing unlicensed finantial advisement, and this guy or anyone involved with his finances (such as anyone seeking payment following a bancruptcy, could sue them
<Greys> additionally this kind of makes twitch into a financial advice service so they have implications and may be subject to legal action regardless of the outcome
<SilverFox> fuck you americans ruining things
<Greys> yes yes, ruining one man allowing the internet to lose him 50k$
<Greys> oh sorry, 100 million
<Greys> also apparently it ended at the end of may
<SilverFox> thats his fault for being stupid
<SilverFox> did he actually lose that much?
<Greys> they lost 573k$
<SilverFox> holy fucking christ
<Greys> Cash & Sweep Vehicle$68,664,506.67
<Greys> OVERALL P/L YTD-$573,735.93
<Greys> OVERNIGHT FUTURES BP$83,863,638.18
<Greys> BP ADJUSTMENT$0.00
<Greys> AVAILABLE DOLLARS$83,863,638.18
<Greys> I do not know what most of this means
<Greys> P/L = Profit/Loss
<SilverFox> dude had 84 million dollars?
<Greys> according to the twitch page, they started with 100 million dollars
<Greys> maybe in CAD?
<Greys> ;wa 100 million CAD to USD
<kmath_> Greys: convert C$100 million (Canadian dollars) to US dollars: $74.15 million (US dollars)
<Greys> so the twitch commands went into a raffle, and every two minutes a stock ticker would be selected out of the raffle; and 10,000$ of that stock, minus fees and rounding down one share, would be purchased or sold
<Greys> it has to be USD though, because stocks don't exist in canada
<SilverFox> ;wa great canadian stock exchange
<kmath_> SilverFox:
<Greys> victory
<Greys> every now and then wa pulls through
<SilverFox> so, do you use M2 screws for the M.2 stuff?
<SilverFox> if not, that is a very wasted opportunity
<Greys> M2s are really thin, usually you want them to be pretty long as a result; you could but I'd probably go with an M3
<Greys> that said it's probably mostly driven by bulk pricing
<Greys> like skateboard bearings
<SilverFox> or rollerblade
<SilverFox> I wonder how long until RGB 3d printers
<SilverFox> what is the world's largest stepper motor?
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<kmath_> YouTube - I made a portable mattress so that I can nap always
<GlassYuri> Greys, I just fixed the airship navigation
<GlassYuri> so technically the project is in a presentable state right now
<SilverFox> holy shit this is hype
<Greys> so much hype
<SilverFox> "how many hours do you have left? How many until you start getting fit?" n hours
<Greys> also this manga seems cool, definitely looking into it
<SilverFox> fuckin weeb
<SilverFox> Souryuuin is the fucking mary sue, that's great
<Greys> I rewatched the video because there's a lot of words in it
<Greys> he says at one point that being fit will allow you to consume more anime
<SilverFox> yea
<SilverFox> is this not true?
<Greys> signs point to unrelated
<SilverFox> well consider this
<SilverFox> you are fat as fuck, heart attack at 40
<SilverFox> you've had 40 years of life to consume anime
<SilverFox> fit person who lives to be 80
<SilverFox> double the lifeyears to consume anime
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<SilverFox> "But wait! I'll throw in a second one if you promise to jump off a bridge!"
<GlassYuri> Greys, should I send you the build I have right now?
<kmath_> YouTube - Very High Voltage Using a Transformer to Make Lichtenberg Figures
<SilverFox> oh neat, he's selling out to a multimeter for 60$
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<SilverFox> i dont want it
<GlassYuri> Greys wanted it and you are responsible for it's existence
<SilverFox> so
<SilverFox> i refuse rights as parent
<SilverFox> i dont want to be a parent anymore
<SilverFox> I'ma just dropkick this baby into a firehouse
<GlassYuri> would you also refuse the prison ticket if you were responsible for a murder?
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<SilverFox> well, because Im a responsible person, I would pay for my crimes
<SilverFox> but seeing as how I have not done any crimes, go fuck yourself
<SilverFox> Teachers
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<SilverFox> this tablet has an icon which meant to show that it is a touchscreen device
<SilverFox> how fucking retarded are you to think that tablets dont have touchscreens
<stupid_chris> old
<SilverFox> no other tablet has this icon
<stupid_chris> maybe its meant for old people
<SilverFox> no
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<SilverFox> >full-size SD Card
<SilverFox> >Super High Capacity
<SilverFox> >8GB
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<SilverFox> one of of usss
<darklight> So glass got op and lost it? :P
<SilverFox> yeah and he inaugurated his term by saying "Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
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<SilverFox> girl got pantsu'd
<Greys> notice harder
<SilverFox> she's bondage'd
<Greys> rape
<SilverFox> Love Live?
<Greys> eromanga sensei
<SilverFox> ah
<SilverFox> well, dont link me rape pls
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<Greys> 10$ for a gym membership seems like fraud somehow
<Greys> SilverFox, zoom in on grey hair girl's face
<SilverFox> resolution too poor
<Greys> no, it seems far too small
<SilverFox> get to the point, we're reaching critical fuck eopseo
<Greys> 10$ per month, open 24/7; oh cheetzy doodles there's your fraud
<Greys> 39$ yearly membership fee
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
<Greys> so tax included 15$/month, that still seems way too small, even with a 12 month commitment
<Greys> 15$/month, save 10$ per year.... no commitment; wait what?
<Greys> or 20$ per month, 40$ per year, with commitment, but, you get reciprocal franchise locations (wait what?) unlimited massage chairs, half price drinks, unlimited hydromassage, and a new body
<Greys> "Reciprocal use of all PF Franchise Locations"
<Greys> egg, what does this math
<SilverFox> wait what
<SilverFox> a new body?
<Greys> of course
<Greys> rich people who can afford 20$/month don't excercise
<SilverFox> I mean... I could
<SilverFox> and im poor
<Greys> that's why I'm distrustful of these prices
<SilverFox> Greys, this CEO dude just figured out BurgerKing exists
<SilverFox> and he ordered one of everything
<G-Mobile> Thats like seven things
<SilverFox> he's fucking autistic as shit
<G-Mobile> mmkay
<G-Mobile> real autistic or slur autistic
<SilverFox> I wanna say real
<SilverFox> "Justin Bieber, the hitler of music"
<G-Mobile> Seems legit
<SilverFox> Im watching Silicon Valley now
<SilverFox> decent show
<G-Mobile> Suck it bogart
<SilverFox> "If you keep screaming your name, it forces the assailant to acknowledge you as a human"
<SilverFox> this dude at the company goes on vision quests to find company names
<SilverFox> so he takes a bunch of shrooms
<SilverFox> goes to the desert, and spouts names
<SilverFox> CEO: "Amusing how 2/3rds of all countries which produce sesame seeds have the highest cicada populations" yup he's fucking autistic
<SilverFox> ew, he actually enjoys BK
<G-Mobile> Bk is designed to be enjoyed
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<SilverFox> he just called Flo. Rida, Florida
<SilverFox> Greys, company where everydoor is randomly set as either push or pull, and you never know, and it is random each time the door is opneed
<SilverFox> "Admit it Danesh, you're gay for my code. Would you like to masturbate to this subroutine I wrote?"
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<Hyratel1> hey, anybody here good with grep/awk/sed? i've been trying to figure out what I need to do to find-and-replace in a file but the documentation is piss-poor
<SilverFox> Have you tried any combination of grep, awk, and sed?
<SilverFox> maybe awksedgrep?
<Hyratel1> dude stop
<Supernovy> awk ward
<SilverFox> nice
<Supernovy> that's what she sed
<SilverFox> oh boy I wonder what's next
<SilverFox> This show is great
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<SilverFox> "Your logo looks like a sideways vagina, I find that racist"