TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
<kmath> YouTube - Down under the slide
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<SilverFox> Greys, what's the name of that anime with monster girls, specifically a red scaled lamia?
<Hyratel_> Monster Musume
<SilverFox> fuckin weeb, thanks
<Hyratel_> HEY tumblr peripheral exposure is useful for something occasionally
Supernovy has quit [Quit: Be back later.]
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<kmath> YouTube - Japanese McDonalds Commercial - english subtitles
<SilverFox> the fuck is this
medsouz|offline is now known as medsouz
<GlassYuri> SilverFox: a commercial for trash with fake subtitles added by white trash
<SilverFox> calm down dude
<SilverFox> why you gotta hate on the master race
<SilverFox> what is it supposed to say?
<GlassYuri> do you think I'm gonna translate a commercial for trash during my massively important java classes
<SilverFox> yes
<GlassYuri> dude this class is so boring I have to watch out for the teacher to say something important
<GlassYuri> I don't wanna fail this shit because I was asleep when he gave a way too easy assignment
<SilverFox> I pretty much had the same shit you did
<SilverFox> you arent missing anything
<GlassYuri> also that moment when the teacher isn't saying anything and you don't know if you were supposed to do anything or if the lesson is just fucking slow
<SilverFox> hes probs waiting on it to compile
<GlassYuri> I'm waiting for my interest in this class to compile
<SilverFox> probs has some shit setup with whatever the fuck and github
<SilverFox> compiler error dude
<SilverFox> its never gonna happen
<GlassYuri> interest.exe clearly doesn't work with my version of previous_knowledge.dll
<SilverFox> worst part is that you'll come out of this class with one fucking tidbit of info you didnt know before and you know if you didnt take that class you wouldnt have known this but this info is helpful and shit
<GlassYuri> you could be told that tidbit on your first day of work or so though
<SilverFox> yeah, but you also could not
<SilverFox> you could be expected to know that tidbit during interviews
<GlassYuri> apparently I'm expected to have an interesting life so that I can talk about what I do in my free time without boring the interviewer to death
<SilverFox> well fuck
<GlassYuri> also first impression is important so I'm just gonna rent a fucking helicopter
<SilverFox> do it
<SilverFox> "If you have the money to rent a helicoptor you dont need this job, this job is for people who need money, get the fuck out"
<GlassYuri> like would you even go through the interview if someone going to the same interview just came on a fucking heli
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> some idiot rented a helicopter to get to a job interview in a crowded city
<SilverFox> dont be fucking extra, you'll get rejected immediately
<SilverFox> someone tryna give you neon pink resume papers and they make great shreddings
<GlassYuri> I mean I dropped out of high school, that will be on my CV anyway
<SilverFox> okay wait what
<SilverFox> how did you get into college without passing high school?
<GlassYuri> eclurpse has placed an empty line between the import statements and if I remove it it religiously restores it every time I save
<GlassYuri> SilverFox: they require foreign students to have finished 12 years of education and aren't very strict about it
<SilverFox> but there's 12 years of education
<SilverFox> grade 12
<SilverFox> 12th year
<GlassYuri> I dropped out after the finals because my teachers didn't want to waste another second of their time on me as I had scored spectacularily low
<SilverFox> you dropped out right at the end?
<GlassYuri> they literally gave me a deadline for dropping out and I think I actually did it on the last possible moment
<GlassYuri> yeah
<GlassYuri> and the thing is
<GlassYuri> the chinese only have 11 years of mandatory edu I think
<GlassYuri> so they get their language school time added on if they need it
<SilverFox> well yeah, dont have to be that educated to make sneakers for 12cent an hour
<kmath> YouTube - Bring Me To Crawl in the Snow
<SilverFox> "You're never too young to have a vietnam flashback"
<GlassYuri> somehow the teacher is talking about interlacing right now
<GlassYuri> SilverFox: the only thing that is worse than that is non parody montages
<SilverFox> nonparody montages?
<GlassYuri> apparently in the call of kiddies community people create videos like that shit for real
<kmath> <DB_Presse> In vielen Bundesländern beginnen heute die Sommerferien. Zeit zum Verreisen. Damit du sicher ankommst, sei achtsam!…
<SilverFox> what is this hitler speak
<GlassYuri> just watch the video
<GlassYuri> also the comment "why didn't the sex deprived stalker tell her instead of just fucking staring?" wins the internet for today
egg|df|egg is now known as egg|zzz|eg
<SilverFox> is warm short for warum?
<SilverFox> or just typo?
<GlassYuri> warm is... warm
<SilverFox> the fuck does warm mean?
<GlassYuri> it's like the fucking opposite of cold
<SilverFox> no not english warm
<SilverFox> the first comment on that tweet
<SilverFox> i cant fucking read hitler speak so Im assuming thats the one you were referencing
<SilverFox> starts with "Warm"
<GlassYuri> oh there's a typo indeed
<SilverFox> alright cool
<GlassYuri> stop calling it hitler speak you cuckNadian whore
<SilverFox> you may now get back to the regularly scheduled program of Killing Yourself(tm)
<SilverFox> fine, Fuhrer Sprechen
<GlassYuri> kleinkind will fuehrer sprechen
<GlassYuri> how far does yunity engine go in allowing you to combine 2d and 3d elements
<SilverFox> 너는 삐즈을 작아
<GlassYuri> "You have a small pizzle."
<SilverFox> neat
<SilverFox> I know what it says, and it aint google translatable
<SilverFox> I made it so that you couldnt translate it
<SilverFox> in short
<kmath> YouTube - Race car sounds like...
<GlassYuri> I don't want to be in a channel with you anymore
<GlassYuri> go to fucking sleep please
<SilverFox> pffffffffffft
<SilverFox> its only 10 mate
<SilverFox> I aint gonna bed for a good few hours
<GlassYuri> no, 11
<SilverFox> nigga u wot
<GlassYuri> 11AM
<SilverFox> yes dude, im totes gonna sleep at 11am
<SilverFox> you're just jealous of my sick memes
<GlassYuri> you're just jealous of my sick music
<kmath> YouTube - 【言和.樂正綾原創曲】虛擬神明 (時之歌Project)
<SilverFox> your music sucks and you should feeeeeeeel bad
<SilverFox> well, it probably doesnt, I just cant listen to it because of the shit language it's in
<GlassYuri> I feel hungry and tired, is that bad enough
egg|zzz|eg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<SilverFox> I was very confused with that nick change for a sec
<GlassYuri> egg|zzz|egg: yeah you're so asleep right now
<SilverFox> it's a lie you come to live with
<SilverFox> like how koreans call a steering wheel "handle"
<SilverFox> that's going to trigger me until my death
<SilverFox> oh yeah look at me with my sick 4 handle drive car
<SilverFox> going around in circles like a handle
<GlassYuri> no you see, it comes from hand, because that's where your hands go, and -le, like that fucking suffix from kindle and so on
<kmath> YouTube - 【洛天依·樂正綾】Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling- 末日派熱舞 Doomsday Dance
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<kmath> YouTube - Apple Juice Time - Compilation #3
<Hyratel_> FOOD. how to do cheap ramen without using the flavor packet - boil sliced chicken in the water before adding the noodles. also optionally celery for extra points
<SilverFox> ..............????????????????????
<SilverFox> doesnt that defeat the purpose of buying cheap food if you have non-cheap food on you?
<Hyratel_> what
<Hyratel_> the MSG in the flavor packets gives me migraines
<SilverFox> Hyratel you're weird
<kmath> YouTube - 【洛天依.樂正綾.心華原創曲】歸一 (時之歌Project)
<GlassYuri> BREAKING NEWS: weird user in #kspmodders
<Hyratel_> Literally nobody surprised!
<GlassYuri> EXCLUSIVE | Interview with person living under a rock: "Even under my rock I could see this coming"
<SilverFox> Birds Eye Faggots
<SilverFox> "What do you call a homosexual on roller skates?" "Rolaids"
<SilverFox> GlassYuri, my music is better than yours:
<kmath> YouTube - Daft Labeouf - Harder, Better, Faster, Do it
<GlassYuri> ...
<SilverFox> "Wut's heaviuh, a killograham of steeele or a killograham of feathas?"
<SilverFox> "Ah killograham of steele, cause steele is heaviuh than feathas"
<SilverFox> they've brought in a scale
<SilverFox> with 1kg of feathers in a bag and 1kg of steel
<SilverFox> and it's balanced but dude aint clicked yet
<SilverFox> there's 4 people in here
<GlassYuri> "1kg of feathers in a bag" that's slightly more than 1kg though
<SilverFox> well if they didnt put the fuckin feathers in the bag it'd all fall out
<SilverFox> itd be everywhere
<Hyratel_> are the brocks mortared together?
<GlassYuri> no bricks, single piece of steel
<kmath> YouTube - Limmy's Show - What's heavier?
<GlassYuri> I want to sleep and eat
<GlassYuri> that sure as hell isn't a rare combination
<GlassYuri> there should be a neologism for it
<GlassYuri> sleat
<SilverFox> sleet
<SilverFox> the meteorological phenomena
<SilverFox> ;wa sleet
<kmath> SilverFox: precipitation: no precipitation, (45 minutes ago)
<SilverFox> wut
<GlassYuri> ;わ skeet
<GlassYuri> ;わ sleet
<SilverFox> nigga
<GlassYuri> ;和 sleet
<SilverFox> GlassYuri, ready for some of the best music ever?
<SilverFox> ~yt Ducktales moon
<kmath> YouTube - The Moon: Duck Tales Music
<GlassYuri> that one really ain't bad
<SilverFox> its like, fucking iconic
<darklight> Silverfox the steel has more mass because the feathers have a lot of air in the bag which also weighs something
<GlassYuri> feathers are scams
<SilverFox> nigga both packages weigh 1 kilo
<GlassYuri> SilverFox: darklight was talking about mass, not weight, you dumb slut
<SilverFox> ;wa weight
<kmath> SilverFox: weight: 95% reference range->(12 to 124) kg, ±1σ range->(41 to 98) kg, distribution->, data sample size->38398 people, (data from NHANES 2006 study, weighted for USA demographics)
<kmath> YouTube - Weighing in a Vacuum
<SilverFox> im 95% sure weight is just mass * gravity force
<SilverFox> and both are subject to equal gravity
<SilverFox> and if they both weigh the same, there must be the same amount of mass
<kmath> YouTube - 【三無x雙笙x易言x樊棋】萬神紀
<SilverFox> great time for a mandarin lesson
<SilverFox> that first character is 3
<GlassYuri> who doesn't know that
<SilverFox> just sayin
<darklight> SF if you watched the video, Air weighs 1g/L ish and if you vacuum it out, you remove the weight of the air
<darklight> Boyancy, whatever :P
<SilverFox> use proper density units you commie fuck
<darklight> What is wrong with 1g/L?
<SilverFox> we dont use /L
<SilverFox> we use g/cm
<SilverFox> which is transferrable to g/mL
<darklight> cm is not a unit of volume
<SilverFox> cm^3
<GlassYuri> >java
<SilverFox> ooh boy
<GlassYuri> >math.floor returns double
<SilverFox> whats the problem here?
<Hyratel_> darklight, if you're talking water it is
<SilverFox> Hyratel what you mean?
<darklight> Watch the video :P
<kmath> YouTube - OniiChan Spiders
<SilverFox> which is there more of, dialects, or laughs?
<kmath> YouTube - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Infomercial Ad
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<kmath> YouTube - Dance like a Butterfly
<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, what is ko no haka na?
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<TheKosmonaut> Need context
<SilverFox> dude was poking crocodile teeth
<TheKosmonaut> Mostly because the way you spaced it makes it gibberish.
<TheKosmonaut> この歯かな?
<TheKosmonaut> This tooth, maybe?
<SilverFox> that'd make sense
<SilverFox> thank you
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<TheKosmonaut> It should be "kono ha kana"
<SilverFox> okay cool
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<TheKosmonaut> Kono = this, ha = teeth / tooth, kana = maybe, isn't it, perhaps, etc
<SilverFox> so kana is like questioning word
<SilverFox> like korean's 지 particle which is added at verbs
<SilverFox> and canada's particle; eh
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<kmath> YouTube - Dovahkiin to the rescue
<SilverFox> this shit gets intense
<kmath> YouTube - Words That Microsoft Sam Can't Say
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: ka is the question marke
<TheKosmonaut> Kana is more of an expression on top of that
<SilverFox> nice
<TheKosmonaut> It's like, here are two sentences I will give
<SilverFox> okay
<TheKosmonaut> Do you want a beer? ビール欲しいですか?
<TheKosmonaut> Or
<SilverFox> yet, that question is a reassuring one, right? <- like that?
<TheKosmonaut> I wonder if he wants a beer? 彼はビール欲しいかな?
<TheKosmonaut> Former being Ka and the latter being Kana
<SilverFox> in both those cases did you write "1 beer" explicitly?
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<TheKosmonaut> No
<TheKosmonaut> Beer = Bīru
<SilverFox> right
<SilverFox> I have no idea what those characters actually are, and I cant reassure you of ones I know because I cant use the IME
<TheKosmonaut> Where the ー (nobasu) is a symbol to ... elongate? The sound.
<SilverFox> but I keep thinking that horizontal line is ichi and means 1
<TheKosmonaut> !u -
<Qboid> U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-)
medsouz is now known as medsouz|offline
<TheKosmonaut> !u ー 一
<Qboid> U+0020 SPACE (␠)
<Qboid> U+4E00 CJK IDEOGRAPH-4E00 (一)
<SilverFox> what is that last one?
<TheKosmonaut> I don't know why it calls it that.
<TheKosmonaut> But that is supposed to be Ichi
<TheKosmonaut> !u 一
<Qboid> U+4E00 CJK IDEOGRAPH-4E00 (一)
<SilverFox> so ichi is 1 px thinner and 1px higher than the prolonged sound mark
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<kmath> YouTube - Extreme Amazing Super-Chess! (Chess.)
<kmath> YouTube - 4chan YLYL dank WebM compilation #20
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<SilverFox> I need the source of this
<kmath> YouTube - lets watch some AMINE ✔✔
<SilverFox> found it
<SilverFox> are antifa's good?
<darklight> ...
<SilverFox> there are extremes to both sides
<darklight> Yes
<TheKosmonaut> Anti-fa are, ironically, more fascist than those that they oppose. At least on a very surface level.
<SilverFox> oh, antifascist
<TheKosmonaut> Trump and his administration are many things, fascist is not one of them.
<SilverFox> why is it that speakers get fucked when batteries are low on charge?
<SilverFox> I got a great idea for a drinking cup
<SilverFox> the straw is a penis, and you stroke it to get the liquids out
<SilverFox> and the liquids are white tinted
<SilverFox> and its not a cup, but an actual penis
<Hyratel_> SilverFox, because the internal resistance of the battery means that the amp chip gets very rapid voltage sags
<Hyratel_> because the instantaneous load of the amp/speaker combo varies very rapidly
<Hyratel_> a smoothing capacitor would help
<SilverFox> alright cool
<SilverFox> thanks for that
<G-Mobile> Given that it took six and a half times longer than necessary for my package to travel between new jersey and maumee, I'm deeply surprised that it took only.... 2 and a half hours to travel between maumee and my local distribution center
<G-Mobile> this trip is still approximately twice as long as it should take, but thats so much faster
<darklight> Did this package come from phoenix, az?
<kmath> YouTube - Fucking Normies Get the fuck off my Board! REEEEE!
<darklight> gas the normies, dues kek
<G-Mobile> darklight: you really need to learn american geography
<darklight> Err
<darklight> kek vult
<G-Mobile> Pheonix is on the opposite coast to new jersey
<SilverFox> even I knew this
<G-Mobile> ;wa distance from phoenix arisona to new jersey
<kmath> G-Mobile: distance->from->Phoenix, Arizona, to->center of the State of New Jersey: 3390 km (kilometers)
<SilverFox> oh right, flying that plane
<SilverFox> I'll do that at some point
<G-Mobile> ;wa new jersey to maumee
<kmath> G-Mobile: center of the State of New Jersey to Maumee, Ohio: 773.5 km (kilometers)
<darklight> But phoenix arizona is where the best packages come from
<G-Mobile> amazon has improved their distrodistro so now its rare to get a shipment from beyond texas
<lpghatguy> meanwhile, back in Montana it still took forever to get anything
<lpghatguy> I'm adjusting to having 1 day shipping on absolutely anything I want still
<G-Mobile> prime doesnt help?
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, should I buy a horse mask?
<G-Mobile> Are you a loli?
<SilverFox> potentially
<G-Mobile> As such you are a fed and therefore it would only be creepy for you to own a horse mask
<G-Mobile> were you a loli it would be creepy and ironic
<G-Mobile> and a reference
<SilverFox> it would be a complete reference if I also had a boner
<SilverFox> and wore a skirt
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<G-Mobile> Dress
<G-Mobile> but skirts and dresses are normal for lolis
<G-Mobile> in fact pants are exotic
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<kmath> YouTube - Bizon-sempai
<SilverFox> exotic sounds like a not a good term to use there
<G-Mobile> We're basically talking in collectors terms
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<SilverFox> which is unsettling
<lpghatguy> G-Mobile: Montana is in just the wrong part of the US for prime to help
<SilverFox> probably gets stuck at the restaurant
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<G-Mobile> See, montana is why amazon needs to be authorized to deploy cruise missiles that release packages with quads on them
<lpghatguy> yes, for the other guy who still lives there, that would be great
<SilverFox> Greys, how does a mechanical randomizer work?
<G-Mobile> The quads fly up to 30 miles and fold up into a box included flatpack; and you ship them back via usps
<kmath> YouTube - Screaming Trains
<SilverFox> what is your fav?
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, I'm going to put your manga finding skills to the test. this will be your pentultimate mission, do you choose to accept it?
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<Rokker> SilverFox BIZON
<SilverFox> looks like Bizon-senpai is a quick shooter
<darklight> "Wether you're a man, or a disabled, I hope you enjoy"
<SilverFox> do you guys think Bojack Horseman has a horse dick, or a human sized dick?
<darklight> Someone once mathed out ponies vs human genetailia, and humans are bigger...
<SilverFox> well you see
<SilverFox> that person is very wrong
<darklight> I think to this day, the only concrete unit of measurement was a 9ft tall candy cane
<darklight> deviants
<SilverFox> fuck I hate obscure memes
<SilverFox> they are usually the greatest, but hardest to obtain
<darklight> deviants is a web series though
<Supernovy> habeeb it
<SilverFox> wut
<Rokker> darklight: fuck your cancer
<darklight> Rokker <3
<Supernovy> itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat
<SilverFox> Rokker, watch any good anime recently?
<SilverFox> when you planning your trip to japan?
<darklight> Also I am pretty sure a dank meme posted to youtube loses its dankness
<Rokker> SilverFox: i watched this
<kmath> YouTube - Unedited footage of the bombing of Nagasaki (silent)
<SilverFox> no audio?
<SilverFox> pffffft
<SilverFox> loser
<Supernovy> also that's measuring wrong
<darklight> There also is another problem
<Supernovy> surely the span of a candy cane is parallel to its long side.
<darklight> ~yt sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake
<kmath> YouTube - Cadence and Twilight "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake..."
<Supernovy> But it's nothing that can't be solved with a little trigonometry.
<darklight> Wrong one
<darklight> ~sunshine sunshine ladybug 10 hours
<darklight> ..
<SilverFox> congrats dude
<kmath> YouTube - Sunshine Sunshine
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<kmath> YouTube - 【洛天依.言和原創曲】Kill My Justice (Kill my系列之五.負能量)
<darklight> Happy "celebrate america by blowing up a small part of it" day
<SilverFox> sweet I can get a horse mask for 20$
<SilverFox> sweet impulse purchase man
<darklight> "According to 17 Intelligence agencies, Germany is planning to unfriend the United States on Facebook."
<SilverFox> FNN
<darklight> Also don't you have to be exceptionally "special" to buy a horse mask
<SilverFox> I am Exceptionally Special(tm) :D
<kmath> <realDonaldTrump> North Korea has just launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life? Hard to believe that South Korea.....
<SilverFox> that south korea what?
<darklight> Probably a multi length tweet
<darklight> But I do hope this leads to "first international political crisis solved in twitter dms" rather than "america declares war on NK"
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<SilverFox> I uhhhhhhh
<SilverFox> you'd honestly be stupid to think that
<SilverFox> and I will bet you my new horse mask that there will be war between US and NK
<kmath> <realDonaldTrump> ....and Japan will put up with this much longer. Perhaps China will put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!
<SilverFox> But I do agree, it is rather hard to believe that south korea
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<SilverFox> anyone here speak russian?
<SilverFox> if so, what the fuck is "cheeki breeki"
<kmath> YouTube - Anime gunfight in STALKER style
<SilverFox> Rokker, you fucking weeb:
<kmath> YouTube - [HD] Upotte!! - M16 vs. AK47 [English Subs]
<Rokker> japan is for faggots, go away
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: the swagtron electric scooter is on massdrop for 260$
<SilverFox> does it ship to canada?
<G-Mobile> Thats your business
<Rokker> SilverFox: thats completely fucking wrong
<SilverFox> get fucked rokker
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<Rokker> how the fuck is the M-16 a more lightweight compact form factor M14
<SilverFox> lost the war due to inferior technology\
<Rokker> what the fuck
<SilverFox> Greys, link broken, doesnt work
<Rokker> SilverFox: we lost the war because there were far too many of the squinty fucks
<SilverFox> LACISS
<Rokker> SilverFox: we fucking outgunned them MASSIVELY
<Rokker> check the death counts, faglord
<SilverFox> get fucked mericuck
<G-Mobile> you'll probably need to log in, they dont validate or verify anything
<SilverFox> bent you over and fucked ye in the rice fields
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, why would I do that just to see an item that is too expensive and probably doesnt ship to canada
<SilverFox> if you can confirm it ships to canada and that number is canadian dollars, i'll make an account
<G-Mobile> Because the site is full of entertaining bullshit
<G-Mobile> like an electric two wheel unicycle
<SilverFox> >two wheel
<SilverFox> >unicycle
<G-Mobile> yrp
<SilverFox> REEEEEE
<G-Mobile> its side by side
<G-Mobile> like the tomahawk motorcycle with four wheels
<SilverFox> wtf is cheeki breeki
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<G-Mobile> Something to do with stalker
<SilverFox> what does it mean
<Rokker> fuck u
<SilverFox> no, cheeki breeki
<G-Mobile> Its a reference, it means "I am aware of this cultural object, are you?"
<Rokker> CYKA BLYAT doesnt mean fuck you
<Rokker> it means bitch whore
<Rokker> and cheeki breeki is part of a phrase
<SilverFox> what phrase
<Rokker> kinda loses meaning without the rest of the phrase
<Rokker> "One, two – you’re on top!"
<Rokker> its part of some shitty ruskie nursery rhyme
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<SilverFox> wait, angavrilov knows russian
<SilverFox> so which part of that phrase is cheeki breeki?
<Rokker> SilverFox: i unno
<SilverFox> and why is it said like the way it is
<Rokker> i unno
<Rokker> its a meme
<SilverFox> I know
<Rokker> try know your meme
<SilverFox> ~g know your meme cheeki breeki
<SilverFox> "a part nursery rhyme and a part idiomatic expression that translates to “Put a fucking bullet in his forehead,” "
<kmath> YouTube - CHEEKI-BREEKI!
<SilverFox> so that is the 1,2 of the nursery rhyme, unless russian is backwards
<Rokker> makes sense
<Rokker> i hear it a few times in russian music
<SilverFox> fuckin slavs dude
<G-Mobile> Recently I learned that canida is only 150 years old
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> its a pretty big thing
<SilverFox> its been hyped for like, 2 years
<G-Mobile> ;c 2017-1776
<kmath> G-Mobile: 241.0
<G-Mobile> You're so young
<SilverFox> yall just wanted freedom and shit
<SilverFox> we didnt need it
<SilverFox> we got a working healthcare system instead
<G-Mobile> Yes well old people trend towards bigotry so there
<SilverFox> that's universal
<SilverFox> "Whats the best part about a blowjob?" "4 minutes of silence"
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<SilverFox> "My universal language translator, but sadly it only translates into a dead language" "Hello!" "Bonjour!"
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<GlsFrg|phone> so the cheap ass earphones I fixed just over a week ago broke again
<SilverFox> noice
<GlsFrg|phone> this time the whole fucking copper pad came off
<Supernovy> SilverFox: I remember that joke, but I can't remember what it was from.
<SilverFox> STALKER?
<SilverFox> or the one I just made?
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<SilverFox> if the latter, Futurama
<Supernovy> Oh yeah.
<GlsFrg|phone> I'm not even sure if I can see any remains from which the pad broke off
<SilverFox> so make some
<GlsFrg|phone> I'm still gonna try but this one's gonna be fucking annoying
<darklight> Can you trace it back to another pad?
<darklight> Or scratch the track
<darklight> Wow that reporting
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, how big is the shibe inu thing in japan?
<GlsFrg|phone> well there has to be something I can use
<darklight> "North korea claims it has a missle that can strike anywhere in the world"
<SilverFox> I can also grow a 2ft dick but eh whatevs
<darklight> TheKosmonaut, does japan have an ICBM that can reach the north korean govt building?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: what do you mean? It's just a dog here
<SilverFox> it seems really popular
<TheKosmonaut> It's a normal breed. People have them all over.
<TheKosmonaut> They're asshole dogs.
<SilverFox> I never heard of such a thing
<TheKosmonaut> Extremely stubborn
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<SilverFox> I didnt want one anyways
<G-Mobile> stalker is a movie and or trilogy of games taking place in an alternate present where Chernobyl exploded and broke reality in the local area, resulting in monstrocities and "magic" objects
<G-Mobile> So I just opened google alerts for the first time ever and I must say, suicide seems like a good option
<SilverFox> I concur
<SilverFox> but not for the same reasons
<G-Mobile> Suggestions::
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: japs don't have an ICBM
<G-Mobile> Politics: trump, obama, putin
<SilverFox> well, looks like you've been browsing those topics
<TheKosmonaut> They have AEGIS which is like THAAD
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<G-Mobile> sports: the same white guy wearing drifferent hats making faces
<TheKosmonaut> But no offensive missiles
<G-Mobile> technology: google, apple, ethereum
<G-Mobile> health: disease, ebola, cancer
<G-Mobile> News: entertainment, science, sports
<SilverFox> that seems like standard category
<G-Mobile> its a category of categories
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<SilverFox> yanno, I might get a chihuahua, represents the amount of anxiety I hold inside in a daily basis
<SilverFox> they're just adorable balls of stress
<G-Mobile> for xenos definition of adorable
<darklight> Rokker, how the fuck can you close a piece of grass
<darklight> Referring to govt shutdowns closing beaches and parks
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<G-Mobile> the government runs the entry point, if the government shuts down, the entry point shuts down, therefore nobody can enter
<G-Mobile> it's like if your garden hose went on strike you wouldn't be able to water the garden
<SilverFox> Greys, do you remember early days of youtube memery?
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<G-Mobile> no, memes aren't content or culture so I don't really get involved with them
<SilverFox> that's where you're wrong, kiddo
<SilverFox> they are both
<G-Mobile> memes are just thought infections, resonant concepts
<SilverFox> you can define it however you want with your semantics, but it's still both representitive of current culture and it is content
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<G-Mobile> eh, that's true now, but only for the last few years as internet culture became part of western culture
<SilverFox> maybe so in the past few years, but it's also in korea
<SilverFox> so could also be in japan
<G-Mobile> I'm not part of korea
<SilverFox> and thus, eastern culture as well
<G-Mobile> I'm not going to be involved with that claim
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<SilverFox> ~yt ted cruz never surrender
<kmath> YouTube - never surrender
<G-Mobile> mmkay
<G-Mobile> did you have a point?
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> just sharing memes
<G-Mobile> mmkaaaaay
<SilverFox> so back in school we used to have this giant brick wall
<SilverFox> and everyone, like everyone wwould gather round it
<G-Mobile> good story
<SilverFox> and we'd take tennis balls and chuck em at it
<SilverFox> but there's a catch
<SilverFox> there were also people running to the wall
<SilverFox> so you had to hit them too
<SilverFox> REAL HARD
<SilverFox> if they didnt bruise, you got two balls thrown at you
<G-Mobile> boy, this sure sounds like childhood
<SilverFox> i think we called it wallball
<SilverFox> YUp, we did
<SilverFox> if you didnt catch the ball after it hit the wall, you had to run to the wall
<Truga> i'm sorry about your gulag childhood
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<G-Mobile> when I was a kid we had a bunch of snow
<G-Mobile> so all the kids on the playground unionized
<G-Mobile> and we rolled a 15 foot wheel of snow
<G-Mobile> the adults were worried it would fall over and kill somebody, so over the weekend they knocked it over
<SilverFox> back when yall was a kid ya had paper dolls as toys
<SilverFox> still churnin ye own butter
<G-Mobile> the union then divided, one half made a new gigantor wheel of snow, and the other half carved tunnels into the first wheel of snow
<SilverFox> and by wheel of snow, you mean, like a car wheel, built like a monument?
<G-Mobile> a cylinder with a radius much larger than it's height
<SilverFox> was it vertical or horizontal?
<G-Mobile> we rolled it into existence and then the adults knocked it over
<G-Mobile> so, yes
<SilverFox> was this disc of snow on its side or naw
<G-Mobile> both
<SilverFox> both?
<SilverFox> like, half of it was on its side other half wasnt?
<G-Mobile> first one then the other
<SilverFox> ohh
<G-Mobile> have you never made a snow man?
<SilverFox> I have
<G-Mobile> you get a mass of snow and roll it, then to make it a ball you change directions a bunch
<G-Mobile> if you don't change directions it becomes a wheel
<SilverFox> right
<G-Mobile> then if you take a wheel that's standing and knock it over, it's now on it's side
<SilverFox> yeah
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<G-Mobile> now imagine that it's roughly a 4th grader in height and 7~ meters in radius
<G-Mobile> (the height of a cylinder is always the distance between the flat sides)
<SilverFox> so 4th grader should be about 3-4ft
<G-Mobile> ;wa average height of a 12 yearold human
<kmath> G-Mobile: age->12 years, height->150 cm (centimeters)->male->female, ideal body weight->54.4 kg->50.3 kg, (based on FDA and CDC standards)
<SilverFox> also 7m radius is damn impressive
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<SilverFox> thats a good 20ft
<G-Mobile> ;wa 7m to ft
<kmath> G-Mobile: convert 7 meters to feet: 22.97 feet22' 11.59"
<G-Mobile> abouts
<SilverFox> close enough
<G-Mobile> in all likelihood if this thing had fallen on a kid they would have immediately not been alive anymore
<SilverFox> yeah probably
<G-Mobile> suffice to say the kids union of snow workers was super pissed at the adults, for like two years
<SilverFox> the USSR of snow
<G-Mobile> no, we were socialist
<Rokker> so was the USSR
<SilverFox> unite in cyka blyat
<Rokker> none of the letters in USSR stand for communist
<Rokker> one of em does stand for Socialist tho
<SilverFox> United Social Slut Republic
<G-Mobile> are you calling my fourth grade class a slut?
<G-Mobile> because that's kinda weird
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> ~yt Hinterland Who's Who
<kmath> YouTube - Hinterland Who's Who - Beaver
<G-Mobile> you're becoming incomprehensible
<kmath> YouTube - Spiders On Drugs
<kmath> YouTube - Homer Simpson - Neeeeerd THX Sound Effect
<G-Mobile> my intestines are very unhappy at existence
<G-Mobile> I may have bruised them or something
<G-Mobile> would that kill me slowly
<SilverFox> depends
<SilverFox> how bad is the bruising, does it get worse with mass movements, and does it bleed internally?
<G-Mobile> mass movements?
<G-Mobile> like, a lot of movement, or jiggling my belly
<SilverFox> oh sorry
<G-Mobile> or taking a shit
<G-Mobile> not really in response to any kind of activity
<SilverFox> mass movements are very large movements of the large intenstine/colon which triggers your feeling of "i really need to poop" about 2-4 times a day
<SilverFox> like, it isnt that slow ass shit, it's that speedy shit that moves in large amounts
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<darklight> Australian doctor decides to end lives instead of saving them
<Rokker> darklight: in australia everything tries to kill you, even the doctors
<G-Mobile> death is preferable to australia
<Supernovy> ^
<SilverFox> it is where the prisoners were sent
<darklight> Rokker why do you close beaches and parks during govt shutdowns
<SilverFox> because they're ran by the government
<darklight> *maintained, but its not like the beach doesn't work when nobody is there
<Supernovy> The beach is fine. The foreshore is where it gets tricky.
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<darklight> But don't they kick everyone out of the parks and beaches?
<Supernovy> everyone is kicked out of the foreshore and seabed all of the time.
<G-Mobile> ;wa 28 stone to kg
<kmath> G-Mobile: convert 28 stone to kilograms: 177.8 kg (kilograms)
<G-Mobile> ;wa 397lbs to stone
<kmath> G-Mobile: convert 397 lb (pounds) to stone: 28.36 stone28 stone 5 pounds
<G-Mobile> wtf is a stone
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: wtf is a stone
<Rokker> G-Mobile: id answer you if you didnt ignore me
<Rokker> its a stupid unit that the british use because they refuse to use metric or imperial
<Rokker> they just sit there using some horrible abomination in between
<Rokker> with some random shit thrown in
<G-Mobile> d20+2
<Soozee> G-Mobile: 14 + 2 => 16
<G-Mobile> ;wa now + 5 days
<kmath> G-Mobile: current time + 5 days: 4:56:12 am EDT -> Sunday, July 9, 2017
<G-Mobile> ;wa now + 8 days
<kmath> G-Mobile: current time + 8 days: 4:56:22 am EDT -> Wednesday, July 12, 2017
<G-Mobile> how the fuck is 5-8 day shipping july 14th thru july 21st
<G-Mobile> even if you say today doesn't count because it's the fourth, that means you're counting from the fifth, in which case 10th to 13th
<G-Mobile> which is still entirely before amazon's current guess
<Rokker> can someone explain business days to G-Mobile
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<G-Mobile> helicobacter pylori
<G-Mobile> tiny bacterium helicopters
<Supernovy> how many weekends are there between 14 and 21?
<G-Mobile> exactly one, but weekends only matter for shipping if they're on the shipping date or the arrival date
<G-Mobile> UPS doesn't stop moving objects for anything, but they don't accept new objects or deliver on sundays
<Supernovy> So there aren't any between the 10th and 13th?
<G-Mobile> 10th is a monday, 13th is thursday
<G-Mobile> also amazon has this weird deal with UPS where if the order was placed before a certain time on saturday (I think around 6pm), amazon warehouses are allowed to receive shipments from themselves on behalf of UPS on sundays, and those packages get buffered for UPS to deal with come monday
<G-Mobile> which would be like me paying myself ten dollars for you
<Supernovy> thanks, Greys.
<G-Mobile> I'll give it to you next time you're here
<G-Mobile> I don't know what continent you're on
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<Supernovy> I don't know if I'm even on a continent
<G-Mobile> amazon updated the shipping estimates, it's now 10th to 14th
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<G-Mobile> no, wait, one of the three items did that
<G-Mobile> I have 4 shipments arriving in the next week or so, and only one of them has shipped so far, amazon is arcane
<G-Mobile> arcanazon
<GlassYuri> my package has departed shanghai airport on the 1st and 2nd and I think the tracking gave up after that
<Qboid> GlassYuri: SilverFox left a message for you in #kspmodders [04.07.2017 03:36:27]: ""
<GlassYuri> if the plane really hadn't arrived yet it would be pointless to wait for it
<G-Mobile> what if the plane spontaneously transformed into a boat and crashed into the ocean at terminal velocity, effectively powderizing everything within a quarter mile
<G-Mobile> those damn transformers, always doing stupid shit that gets everybody including themselves killed
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<G-Mobile> ;wa 12:30 GMT+0 to EST
<kmath> G-Mobile: convert 12:30 am GMT->July 4, 2017 to Eastern Time (United States) (standard): 8:30:00 pm EDT -> Monday, July 3, 2017
<G-Mobile> mmkay
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<darklight> at least he is consistent (check date)
<kmath> <realDonaldTrump> Happy 4th of July to everyone, including the haters and losers!
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<SilverFox> G-Mobile, stone is a british unit
<SilverFox> yanno what's neat?
<SilverFox> going back in time to go forward in time
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<GlassYuri> if you ever want to tire your eyes, take a 1m section of model rail, the cheapest vernier calipers you can find, and try to reverse engineer the rail profile just by holding the whole metre in front of your eyes and staring at the end
<GlassYuri> why can't freecad display circles
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<MobileFox> Greys, do Continuous Variable Transmissions have trouble gearing up when sudden large amount of rpms are obtained? My car was revving hella lots before it shifts from whatever gear it's on from 50 clicks to 70ish clicks
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<Greys> SilverFox, how many tens of thousands of dollars did your car cost when it was new
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<Greys> an engineer's response to learning they're a wizard
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<pizzaoverhead> darklight: BuildTheWall solar update when
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<SilverFox> Greys, idk, like, a good few?
<SilverFox> its a ford escape, perhaps I am incorrect in that this car has a CVT, I thought that automatic trannies were CVTs
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<SilverFox> "German Death Reggae" what a genre
<SilverFox> this is probably the funniest explanation of the korean war crisis thing going on: "How don't South Koreans find this stuff terrifying?" "Imagine a guy with a knife (He's your brother) in front of you slashing the air as he threatens you with it. Around him are all your friends with guns cocked and ready to fire if he actually stabs you. Meanwhile the knife guy's only true friend is sick of his shit and is telling him to back off, and is not
<SilverFox> going to step in if knife guy actually goes through with stabbing you. He might though if your friends fire first. Also knife guy might get a stab or two in even if they fire first. So nobody wants to fire but they are ready just in case knife guy tries to hurt you. So in the meantime knife guy just keeps stabbing the air with his knife, and is getting pretty good at it by now. But he's still just got a knife, and he knows he can only use it on
<SilverFox> the air. So you're not really terrified of him. You'd like him to just stop with the knife."
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<xShadowx> hello briotish people! happy wekickedyouoffourisland day! :P
<xShadowx> british*
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<G-Mobile> I doubt any ford has ever had a cvt
<SilverFox> so do you know if automatics have trouble gearing at high rpms for the current gear?
<G-Mobile> Buy a new car
<SilverFox> just checking to see if I should get the engine serviced
<G-Mobile> what do you mean by high RPMs
<SilverFox> like, on our RPM gauge it goes from 0-like, 7 x 1000RPM
<SilverFox> normally it gears at about 2.5ish
<SilverFox> I hit 3.2ish
<G-Mobile> yep, new car
<SilverFox> why is that?
<G-Mobile> your OD might be fucked
<SilverFox> obstetric Dietian, got it
<G-Mobile> aka, you have absent gears
<SilverFox> thing is, it isnt all the time it hits high rpms, only when I push the pedal more than normal
<G-Mobile> above first gear the OD is generally supposed to engage in the top half of every gear and serves as a half step that keeps RPMs lower
<SilverFox> thing is, I cant get it checked because lord knows they'll want to replace literally everything
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<SilverFox> yanno, them headlight fluids and such
<G-Mobile> everything involved with fast spinners like yours costs a new car to fix
<SilverFox> just to clarify, it's a ford escape, if I havent mentioned that before
<SilverFox> one of them SUV lookin ones, not the blocky one
<G-Mobile> btw, cvts dont shift, they vary constantly
<SilverFox> shoulda seen that coming
<SilverFox> I probably heard somewhere something like someone having a cvt in an car that had automatic and my retarded brain linked the two
<SilverFox> oh well
<SilverFox> how do I check this to confirm?
<G-Mobile> Theres basically two kinds of mass market engines, high torque meaty bastards like trucks have, and high gearing fast spinners that suppliment actual strength with RPMs
<SilverFox> okay
<G-Mobile> my truck only hits 2K when I floor it
<SilverFox> wow ya know I can go past that easy
<SilverFox> she squeels like a pig tho
<G-Mobile> you should be seeing 2200~2800 most of the time, if you flooring it is causing this problem it may just be a deficiency in the design
<G-Mobile> an automatic should stay in lower gearing or downshift in response to high throttle, but everything migrates up relative to speed
<SilverFox> mind you we drive slower here in canada
<SilverFox> and im rather strict about not speeding, so I do 90clicks on the highway
<G-Mobile> this is a common carphile complaint about autos, you dont know what the car's going to do in response to a given input, and it may take time for the ECU to decide itself
<G-Mobile> i would recommend avoiding the kind of accelleration that causes this response
<SilverFox> basically "it hurts when I do this" "so dont do that"
<SilverFox> aight, thanks greatly
<G-Mobile> also get your tranny oil checked/replaced
<G-Mobile> and your normal oil if you havent
<SilverFox> will do
<G-Mobile> in fact, find every fluid cap and or dip stick under your hood, learn what it is, and see if its fucked up
<SilverFox> I'll just pull a majiir and get a new car instead of changing the oil
<G-Mobile> nothing sucks more than blowing your power steering because the fluid went dry and you didnt notice, except for losing your brakes
<SilverFox> losing brakes is pretty bad
<G-Mobile> yep
<SilverFox> if you lose brakes, can parking brake save you?
<G-Mobile> Find a 50 yearold redneck hobo and pay them 3 sandwiches and a bottle of bourbon to teach you how to engine brake
<SilverFox> engine brake?
<G-Mobile> Using the engine to apply drag via the transmission to the axles
<SilverFox> oh, my car also has a pseudo manual transmission setup thing, so I can switch gear and turn it into a manual without clutch
<G-Mobile> Yeano not really
<SilverFox> what is it then?
<G-Mobile> All automatics can be restricted to the bottom two or three gears
<G-Mobile> its still automatic within that
<G-Mobile> if you set it to 2, its a two speed automatic
<SilverFox> but I can manually geeeear
<G-Mobile> you can manually first
<G-Mobile> past first its just limiting
<SilverFox> I've used it, and seen it used before
<SilverFox> there's a plus and minus button on the side of the gearshift
<G-Mobile> Oh....
<G-Mobile> dont do that
<G-Mobile> thats what we call a flappy paddle shifter and every time you recognize that exists your dick gets half an inch shorter
<SilverFox> what if you dont have one?
<SilverFox> do you grow a vagina?
<G-Mobile> Worse, mannequin crotch
<SilverFox> yanno, I havent seen mannequin crotch in forever
<SilverFox> which version of mannequin crotch, bulge or no bulge?
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<G-Mobile> Anyway, engine braking an automatic is tricky because autos must have torque converters, and torque converters isolate the engine from the transmission when the engine is too slow, but if your brakes go out at speed it can take dangerously long to roll to a slow enough to use the e-brake
<SilverFox> oh yeah, that reminds me
<G-Mobile> first bulge, then no bulge
<SilverFox> why do I retain my speed longer at 90 clicks than I do 80 clicks? like, going from 90-80 takes awhile, flat surface, but 80-like, 70 or 75 is super quick
<G-Mobile> keep in mind the e-brake is designed to be engaged while stationary, in order to remain stationary, when parking on a hill, so the weight of the vehicle isnt bearing on the parking pawl
<SilverFox> right
<SilverFox> there's like a pin or something that is strained when in park right?
<G-Mobile> its called a pawl and its like a ragged claw
<SilverFox> okay, that's what that is, cool
<G-Mobile> So to why you stay fast faster at fast, i dont know
<SilverFox> it's really weird, I should decellerate faster at higher speeds because drag and shit
<G-Mobile> maybe this is a better speed for your bearings, maybe the gearing works out to reduced powertrain drag, maybe theres like, micromach effects where around some speed your drag profile dramatically shifts
<SilverFox> sounds neat
<G-Mobile> you should create glue on vortex generators
<SilverFox> like, those lines with the ribbon coming off them to show you the air as it moves?
<SilverFox> I got a ridge on the back of my car, like a bump but skinny
<G-Mobile> I think samm shepard has a youtube video, like, extruded upside down Ts attached at a slant to the windstream that induce vortices and pull the airstream down
<G-Mobile> He 3D printed them
<G-Mobile> ~yt samm sheperd vortex generators
<kmath> YouTube - How do Vortex Generators Work?
<G-Mobile> for all I know thats anything
<SilverFox> oh that's the antennae
<G-Mobile> Thats the right video, print those things he made, I'd be interested how they effect a flatback car like that
<darklight> Greys it will make sf look really silly, which shouldn't be a problem as sf is peak silly already
<G-Mobile> also, would using them at the hood to reduce that region between the hood and windscreen reduce or increase drag
<darklight> Also if you have an automatic and its squealing, wouldn't it be the serpentine belt on the front?
<darklight> I thought they traded drag for lift
<darklight> lift is not something you want in a car
<G-Mobile> They keep the windstream attached to the surface, which can result in that
<G-Mobile> But if you were eliminating the light blue at the wipers, would that increase lift?
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