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<G-Mobile> Gard darm bad drivvers always having horrific crashes outside the tacobell
<G-Mobile> I cound six cruisers, three amulences, and a fire engine
<G-Mobile> I know one car basically removed the front end, and both cars sit forty feet past the intersection they collided in
<G-Mobile> ;wa 40 feet
<kmath> G-Mobile: 40 feet: 13.33 yards12.19 meters1219 cm (centimeters)
<darklight> Greys are they asian?
<G-Mobile> They're cars
<darklight> I mean the drivers :P
<G-Mobile> I challenge you to identify the occupants of two wrecks amid ten vehicles with emergency flashers on from 150 meters away
<G-Mobile> I bet you cant even point out thier bodies
<G-Mobile> Btw its night here
<darklight> But the earth is flat11!!1
<G-Mobile> You jnow as well as I that the flat earthers have solutions for that
<G-Mobile> Jnow is the new yuge
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<Greys> Hyratel_ 4 years, still going strong
<Greys> wtf has humanity become
<Greys> it's better with music
<kmath> YouTube - [SFM] A challenger approaches
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<darklight> Greys, every single instant in history since the dawn of the universe has led to this video
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<xShadowx> what........."the only reason the law says you have to be 18 to be in porn is because laws are made by fat fugly people that are jealous and know looks only go downhill after 20"
* xShadowx scratches head
<darklight> That is a pretty silly comment
<darklight> But I say the same thing about the 4 finger rule :P
<xShadowx> well......i can agree looks do tend to go downhill
<darklight> I don't look at teenager shit, squicks me out
<darklight> Reminds me of bratty teenagers anyway
<darklight> (and when I say teenager I mean 18/19)
<xShadowx> lol teenagers remind me of the airheads in highschool that every sentence went "and like this happened" "but like this"
<darklight> xShadowx why does this sound connected to a person who would claim to be "lgbtp"
<darklight> It makes me ree with the force of a thousand frogs
<xShadowx> p? i thought it was q o.O
<darklight> "pedosexual"
<darklight> Also, reject the q as well
<xShadowx> lol
<darklight> As far as I can tell, queer theory is postmodernist horseshit :P
<xShadowx> its up to lbgtqia
<darklight> Don't use those words plz :P
<xShadowx> lol someone have a bad experience?;p
<darklight> When you combine movements you dilute their goals and borrow credibility from the original movement for these new goals
<darklight> If pedos get into the lgbt acronym, then it discredits lgbt
<darklight> (also one little thing, lgb and t are separate things with separate goals, which are mostly acheived anyway)
<darklight> lgb is things like same sex marriage, t is more the ability to change all your documents
<darklight> Changing your birth certificate is kinda like a step in that process
<xShadowx> im all for lettin em get married, why shouldnt they get to be as miserable as the rest of us ;p
<xShadowx> the only pedo i think i ever met was when i used to be forced to goto a church, luckily the religous brainwashing didnt stick, but the priest had a few rumors floating around o.O
<darklight> That's something people can get behind, but if you want to argue it with a conservative then argue it on the grounds of small govt
<darklight> As in, what right does the state have to tell me who I can marry?
<xShadowx> most government in US is christian so ;p
<darklight> There's other arguments to be made but I feel like that's one of the stronger ones
<darklight> You can't just sperg out and go "hurr durr that's homophobic"
<xShadowx> i dont really give a fuck what they do, as long as i dont have to see 2 dudes doin it, that said, id support a law that says any lesbian (excluding fat / fugly) needs a camera in the bedroom :P
<xShadowx> good hing im aetheist or id be goin to hell for that one :)
<darklight> Another possible one is would you prefer them slutting around or would you prefer the option of legal commitment to each other, but I'd save that for the more extreme end of people :P
<darklight> Bad news, lesbians are statistically more fat :P
<darklight> (I think, might be a stereotype)
<xShadowx> i noticed
<xShadowx> youd figure the extra thrusting from the strapons would make em more lean
<xShadowx> oh im going to hell aetheist or not fuck it XD
<darklight> I could theorise that its guys that are the visual animals :P
<xShadowx> nah women think up things just as much, they just deny it to act like innocent angels / nothin is their fault :P
* darklight really hates *phobic words
<darklight> Err I mean the words that end in phobic
<darklight> Also I should point out strapons are not just for lesbian women :3
<xShadowx> arachnophobic
<xShadowx> ophidiophobic
<xShadowx> acrphobic
<xShadowx> agoraphobic
<xShadowx> cynophobic
<darklight> I think islamophobic might be my most hated word
<darklight> Used to silence critique
<xShadowx> theres a islam city named islamabad
<xShadowx> translates to islam is bad
<xShadowx> someone had a sense of humor ;3
<darklight> It seems to be the fucking first defence people jump to though
<xShadowx> !wa trypanophobia
<Qboid> xShadowx: Seems that Wolfram is unable to understand that.
<xShadowx> aw
<xShadowx> most kids are Trypanophobic
<xShadowx> Trypanophobia – The fear of needles
<xShadowx> :3
<xShadowx> Globophobia – The fear of balloons , reALLY?
<xShadowx> clowns i could understand, but balloons?
<darklight> Another idea I want to purge from people, screaming "homophobic" at someones face makes you look like a tard. You want to win them over, not shame them :P
<xShadowx> darklight: are you Triskaidekaphobic?
<darklight> The heck is that
<xShadowx> Triskaidekaphobia – The fear of the number 13
<xShadowx> yes its real o.O
<darklight> Don't beleive in that superstition ;)
<darklight> However, our mill has no number 13 loco
<xShadowx> most buildings have no 13th floor
<xShadowx> no joke, 1-12, then goes to 14+
<darklight> That must be where the NSA hides all its spying computers :P
<xShadowx> been to a bunch of the skyscrapers in seattle
<xShadowx> yep
<xShadowx> most women are Entomophobic
<xShadowx> Entomophobia – The fear of bugs and insects
<xShadowx> and Katsaridaphobic
<darklight> The only thing that really makes me jump is a snake, but I wouldn't call that an irrational fear
<darklight> Followed by watching the danger noodle so I know where it went
<xShadowx> never met a women who wasnt Musophobic
<darklight> Fucking snake was hiding on my tractor radiator, made filling it interesting that day :P
<xShadowx> :p
<xShadowx> Omphalophobia – The fear of belly buttons uh ok
<darklight> Had to poke it with a stick to make it get the hint I wanted it to buggar off
<darklight> I can't think of any actual fears I have...
<xShadowx> i think almost everyone is Gerascophobic
<darklight> Snakes will make me jump but if I knew it wasn't a danger noodle I'd be able to pick it up and move it
<xShadowx> lol danger noodle
<darklight> Problem is we do have a few danger noodles around, most common one I can think of is tiapans
<xShadowx> Coulrophobia – The fear of clowns found it
<xShadowx> darklight: catch em, chop off head, skin em, make pen
<darklight> Dad has used the shovel trick before
<darklight> I don't know anyone who writes with a fountain pen
<xShadowx> any kind of pen
<xShadowx> its just glue skin to brass tube, cas in resin, carve down resin
<xShadowx> cast*
<xShadowx> what.........arachnophile exists........
<xShadowx> i mean to each their own....but thats just..........what
<darklight> I think they mean people who like spiders, not like like spiders
<xShadowx> clearly stated 'sexually aroused by'
<darklight> It might exist somewhere as it only takes one person, but I think you're being had
<xShadowx> everythin prolly exists somewhere ;/
<xShadowx> 7 billion people, lots of rolls of the dice
<xShadowx> darklight: every old lady Disposophobia – The fear of getting rid of stuff
<darklight> It's just like that saying, given enough people a pen and one of them will eventually write the complete works of shakesphere :P
<xShadowx> i saw a like 80 ish yr old lady, stacks of newspapers all the way back to (her claims) mid 40s
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<VITAS> si dodnt get why you even want to write shakespare (again)
<VITAS> darklight, i implemented the linear interpolation in sql
<darklight> VITAS: You're nuts
<darklight> Just letting you know :P
<VITAS> and i had the idea to copy all the tables into a memory db
<VITAS> so its fast as heck
<VITAS> and yea i know
<VITAS> its actualy not that bad just select the closest wavelngth containing records above and below the value i need and do the math with them
<VITAS> problem: 2 selects per interpolation
<VITAS> solution: inmemory tables
<VITAS> and i can now implement the compairson function (either in php or sql) on top of those function
<VITAS> if youre interrested in how the compairson will be done: read up on
<VITAS> it baisicly takes two datasets eli8minates spikes and calculates a similarity score for each oposing point
<VITAS> ranging from 0-1 where 1 is a perfect match
<VITAS> in other news: im buying a camera with the intent to start doing artsy photographs
<VITAS> my starting camera will be a sony cbershot dsc rx100 M2 i found used for 280€
<VITAS> (i didnt go for a dslr because of the bulk)
<Greys> SilverFox, how come sometimes the high temperature in a place will stabilize for a few days
<Greys> sunday through wensday it's 83F, everything else varries
<darklight> VITAS: If you read the code, you'll see that I basically use an iterator so I don't have to back select when searching for the interpolation points
<VITAS> yes i could do that in sql too
<darklight> I'm horrified, but so long as it works :P
<VITAS> its a decission between minimizing accesses and modular design (aka having a function that can interpolate any two values)
<darklight> Now you'd need some error function, I'd suggest just trying apoint-bpoint/totalpoints and then searching for the lowest value
<VITAS> why horrified?
<darklight> I just wouldn't be pushing this into an sql server, that's all :P
<darklight> But if it works then it works I guess
<VITAS> i think thats axactly what sql should do
<VITAS> i was surprised it doesnt nativly
<VITAS> it has functions for average
<darklight> Well there's only 1 sql server, how many clients are there? :P
<VITAS> theres only one webserver
<darklight> Ah in that case you can get away with it
<VITAS> i can scale both if needed
<Greys> why are they still making USB3 faster?
<VITAS> my main problem (either way) is that it needs to handle ALL data stored EVERY time
<Greys> 3.2 is 2GB/s
<VITAS> so thats where inmemory tables come in
<Greys> wait
<Greys> he said 2 but described 20
<VITAS> i hope that making individual selects is like acc array keys
<darklight> If this was some program that thousands of people use I'd be setting up a git repo and doing the processing on the clients, if the matching data is not protected or some trade secret
<VITAS> hmm its very specific
<darklight> (as in having the program download all the model files and do the processing there, leaving the server to only be a text file server. I know all about text file servers :3
<VITAS> i would say its about 100 people registered so far
<Greys> oh ok, USB C physically supports up to 20, 3.2 supports 2
<VITAS> but yes i hate the idea of digging trough all the data every time
<VITAS> i would think about caching results if its more popular
<darklight> I mean sending the data to the clients and keeping it on the clients, but that's only a "web scale" thing lol
<VITAS> and still might do it now
<VITAS> hmm yes but its not desired to have all the data send to the client
<VITAS> they dont want someone to "steal" it
<VITAS> what i would do is cache the results until someone uploads a new dataset
<darklight> Ah so it is protected data, nevermind then :P
<VITAS> theyre researchers
<VITAS> so they only want to share what is needed to prove their point
<darklight> And leave out things that disprove their point :3
<Greys> why the fuck are there car washes running on windows CE
<darklight> Lol
<darklight> I kid :P
<VITAS> i whitnessed a discussion about data exchange within an eu project
<Greys> there's really no good reason for anything to still be running on windows CE at all, but businesses suck
<VITAS> they suggested to find a way to communicate only by metadata and not share mesurements at all
<VITAS> and they still expected to work together and find some joint solution
<darklight> SilverFox: My people have been officially recognised
<kmath> <RussianEmbassy> Kekistan today, Lithuania tomorrow? #FreeKekistan
<VITAS> but on the other hand: they dont know anything about computers so they usualy arnt able to save any date if there isnt some export to excel button that spits out excel or cvs
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<darklight> Hrmm... that doesn't exactly sound like working together
<VITAS> no
<VITAS> egocentric world
<VITAS> everyone tries to exploit everoneand thing
<darklight> I'm also curious about what they mean about 'metadata"
<darklight> data about data?
<VITAS> who did it
<VITAS> when was it done
<VITAS> what machine did they use
<VITAS> and so on
<VITAS> and the result as abstract text
<VITAS> but no datapoints
<VITAS> so its like "trust us because we dont want to hand out our property but you should give us yours"
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<Greys> if some gym sold a service where for 50$ I'd get two hours with a personal trainer once and they would teach me what it feels like when every muscle group is actually exhausted, that'd be worth it
<darklight> I thought you went jogging or riding on a bike?
<Greys> I can't run because of joint problems, and I can ride forever and ever and ever
<Greys> I could probably ride a bike up a wall if the wall had 90 degree gravity
<darklight> If you can ride forever and ever then you're not really unfit are you?
<Greys> having one strong muscle group does not make you not-unhealthy
<Greys> one of my coworkers has a 40lb dumbell, I can't even curl it off the table
<Greys> btw, friendliest animu ever
<darklight> 20kg is a decent weight
<Greys> ;wa 40lb to kg
<darklight> Just because you're not strong doesn't mean your not fit :P
<kmath> Greys: convert 40 lb (pounds) to kilograms: 18.14 kg (kilograms)
<Greys> ;wa 20kg to lbs
<kmath> Greys: convert 20 kg (kilograms) to pounds: 44.09 lb (pounds)44 pounds 1.479 ounces
<darklight> Like that's how much my sisters screen weighs iirc
<Greys> destroy this screen immediately
<darklight> It's a cintiq 24"
<Greys> I am making good progress but not effectively
<darklight> I think if you're not overweight you're already past the average
<Greys> I started with 8lb weights and that was hard for a couple weeks, I'm on 15 now and it's useful but I need 20lbs now
<darklight> Btw, the screen is 30kg
<darklight> No wonder I had a bit of trouble moving the thing
<darklight> The stand weighs 15kg because it's a counterbalance, the thing can fold out above your lap
<Greys> 10 reps 15lbs is the most I can do with the thing where I point the normal of my palm at the ground holding a dumbell parallel to the ground and go up and down; whatever the word for that is
<Greys> I call it a reverse wrist curl
<Greys> but I could probably do 10 reps 15lbs of the normal wrist curl forever
<Greys> 20reps*
<Greys> darklight, how do you feel about positive self-propoganda?
<Greys> (btw, I'm surprized nobody has caught onto this yet, I'm definitely overweight, there's a chance I'm two of you)
<darklight> You might have to define what you mean ;)
<darklight> I'm like 90kg but I definitely don't look it yet
<Greys> ;wa 90kg to lbs
<darklight> I'm also nearly 1.9m tall so there's that
<kmath> Greys: convert 90 kg (kilograms) to pounds: 198.4 lb (pounds)198 pounds 6.657 ounces
<Greys> ;wa 1.9m to feet
<kmath> Greys: convert 1.9 meters to feet: 6.23 feet6' 2.8"
<Greys> I'm 6'1 310lb
<darklight> Fair enough
<darklight> I suspect weight has a bit more to do on the eating side than the exercise side, I'm unhealthy as fuck though :P
<Greys> so there's this growing subtrend in manga/anime where the people who want to change nerd culture are 'incentivizing' manga/anime that glorify positive behaviors
<darklight> I'm sure if I tried to ride 5 miles I'd be wanting a breather when I get there :P
<darklight> Ok, there's nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself, so long as you don't break down when you confront something bad about yourself.
<Greys> couple summers ago I was without car and rode 6 miles, twice a day, five days a week, just before mid summer; for about two months, as an emergency holdover
<darklight> More than I'm probably capable of but I bet it became easier
<Greys> oh it was easy to start with
<Greys> thing about being overweight all your life, thighs for miles
<Greys> ;wa 6 miles to km
<kmath> Greys: convert 6 miles to kilometers: 9.656 km (kilometers)
<Greys> oh, that's a nice rule of thumb
<Greys> so the manga, Danberu nan kiro moteru (do you even lift) is about a growing troup of girls who go to this one gym for various reasons, it details how to perform various exercies, dietary advice, all the curves of their bodies, and generic comedy
<Greys> then there's another one from a few years back "I don't know what my husband is saying", which is basically the same, but instead of bodybuilding it's agenda is long term relationships and marriage
<Greys> my biggest issue right now though is ankle weights; the whole situation sucks so I'll probably have to do anything else, but that's less convenient for me
<Greys> there's approximately two existant sets of ankle weights that have an individual weight greater than 10lbs; thighs for miles.
<Greys> worse yet both of those sets seem likely to cause bodily harm with prolonged use
<Greys> SilverFox, does anybody make cheap strap on or stick on full body kinematic trackers for the rift yet?
<VITAS> microsoft?
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<darklight> that guy in the background...
<Greys> I'm about 13% sure that ) in the middle of her face is the bottom of her nose
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<Greys> what ever happened to that god game peter mollyneux was making? godus?
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<darklight> Is that supposed to be a black and white clone?
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<Greys> in every way except spiritually
<Greys> apparently at some point it turned into an ipad game
<kmath> YouTube - Godus - Mobile Trailer
<darklight> Somehow I read the name first and thought you were talking about this guy
<Greys> I don't know who that is
<Greys> and I don't know what molyneux looks like
<Greys> so maybe?
<darklight> I'm not too familiar with the guy tbh, but from what I understand he's got some pretty out their views on things
<darklight> Basically he supports complete disassociating with your parents
<Greys> that seems like a weird thing to support
<Greys> I support having multiple garbage cans
<darklight> We only have one bin
<darklight> Everything goes in the green filing cabinet :3
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<Greys> I have three in my kicten, slimjim style bins, one with a bag for nastygoop, one without for light packaging like butter boxes and bags; and a third without for heavy packaging like glass
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<darklight> Hrmmm, trump pushing for the nuclear option in the senate
<Greys> the nuclear power option?
<Greys> I support nuclear power
<darklight> Go from 60 votes to 51 votes
<darklight> If that happens, republicans can do whatever they want
<Greys> yea but if he did that, and the republicans still didn't back him
<Greys> which they've proven they don't enough
<Greys> then he'll just have created the means for the liberal whiplash congress in 2018 to pulverize him
<darklight> The democrats did it in 2013, and r did it for the supreme court nomination
<darklight> Also fhe democrats have lost every election since the election election, but *shrugs*. I don't know what trump voters currently think of trump in general
<darklight> What if he wins so much and people get tired of winning :-/
<Greys> yea, it happens
<Greys> but there's an unuually high density of reasons that it'd be a bad choice for Trump
<darklight> Well its a bad idea in the sense that any weapon you create can and will be used against you eventually
<Greys> will is a stretch but yes
<Greys> however in trump's case he's looking to use it in a situation where it wouldn't necessarily work
<Greys> that's like using a move with bad accuracy when you and your opponent both have 1hp left, when you could just tackle them
<darklight> I don't see trump getting his ideas through congress tbh
<Greys> exactly
<Greys> the republicans have a majority, but these ideas don't have republicans unanimously
<Greys> why can 3x falcon 9s lift 4x as much?
<darklight> I still don't know how they intend to fix healthcare
<darklight> I've harped on about it enough
<Greys> good news, neither do they
<Greys> literally the thing they just voted on was their abort plan
<darklight> But err, how they think they can undo obama and everything will be ok?
<Greys> "instead of fixing healthcare (because we can't figure it out), let's just repeal the good parts and add in a lot of pork"
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<Greys> btw, there was a series of clauses in what they just failed to pass that would functionally exempt large employeers from needing to provide healthcare for five years; this would not apply to small businesses
<darklight> As much as I have an utter hatred of identity politics, I think it's not as bad as being totally corrupt like the dems are. Maybe justice democrats successfully primary out your incumbants
<Greys> btbtw, thanks mccain
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<darklight> Identity politics meaning "I'm black/gay/woman/muslim so here is why what I think and its more valid because!"
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<darklight> I guess I was a bit naive thinking the media would fix itself with trump
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<Greys> lpghatguy any chance you got to touch that hotwire cutter yet?
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<Greys> darklight, would you buy a cordless drill, where the battery has integrated inductive charging?
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<darklight> You'd buy two batteries and charge one when its flat. So probably no
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<Greys> I think the idea they're selling is you'd have a pad at your station, and any time you're not holding the tool it's on the pad charging
<Greys> I doubt it can charge as fast as the drill uses it, so if you're using the tool 50% of the time you'd just be augmenting the battery life
<darklight> My boss has we'llfuckye tools, generally you need tools a lot all at once, and then not at all (for us)
<Greys> that said if your task is a lot less than 50%, maybe you'd be good
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<darklight> I think rattlegun is the most used tool, followed by angle grinders maybe
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<Greys> which one's rattler?
<Greys> torx?
<darklight> 400Nm 1/2 inch socket driver
<darklight> I dunno what else you call them :P
<Greys> impact?
<darklight> 600 when things get a bit serious, after that I just try to convince my boss "use a pipe" because its always going to work better than even the air rattlegun
<darklight> Yeah
<darklight> Also, I agree with ave, those numbers are horseshit
<darklight> Me standing on the end of a metre long pipe is 900Nm
<darklight> Which will undo a hell of a lot more than a 1200 rattlegun
<Greys> SilverFox, would you watch an anime about perversions?
<kmath> YouTube - The Most Interesting Thing About Shimoneta
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<Greys> darklight, why does this look so dumb, and why do drywall screwguns exist
<Greys> this makes sense, kinda
<Greys> but that, and most screw guns, are muzzle loaders
<Greys> jesusus fuck this trigger group
<kmath> YouTube - W+F Bern P47 Experimental Gas-Delay Pistol
<darklight> We have one at work, it doubles as a wire buff
<Greys> buff?
<darklight> Wire wheel
<Greys> I can't imagine a screw gun is suitable for that
<darklight> You'd be surprised
<Greys> is it just the least necessary tool you've got?
<darklight> It's like a really light hammer drill
<Greys> so like all of the little impact drivers?
<darklight> Yeah but smaller :P
<Greys> wow the gas delay mechanism of the P47 is also really interesting
<darklight> Anyway, going to bed, still carting tomorrow...
<Greys> AvE should do tests to see just how much better than a screw gun battery impact drivers actually are
<Greys> tldl; in the early time less cars, in the later time more cars, in between some cars
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<SilverFoxy> G-Mobile / Greys, idea: a video platform that supports a majority of streaming sites, like youtube, vimeo, and other shit like that, and it boosts playback by downloading segments of the video at even intervals so your internet connection isnt stressed for the entire video, and the internet connection is only responsible for certain segments of the video, which is adjustable in length
<G-Mobile> Google would block it immediately
<G-Mobile> So gboard has decided to ignore that I turned off word prediction, and its great
<G-Mobile> Here's a sample sentence
<G-Mobile> ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
<G-Mobile> So useful!
<G-Mobile> And gone
<G-Mobile> Oh, cool, disabling that now gets rid of the entire bar instead of just leaving it blank, and the keys expand to fill
<G-Mobile> Gboard now has appropriately sized keys
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<SilverFoxy> G-Mobile, was that sample sentence entirely question marks?
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<darklight> Greys same thing happened to me with gboard
<darklight> Hopefully they fixed the crashing
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<Notpol> hello
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<Notpol> For whatever reason my airlock/hatch colliders are running parallel to my cockpit despite the orientation in unity. anybody else had this issue?
<Notpol> Everybody AFK?
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