TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
<Greys> fuckin 36 minute video about that 2.2 mile shot
<Greys> ;wa 2.2 miles to km
<kmath> Greys: convert 2.2 miles to kilometers: 3.54 km (kilometers)
<Greys> also it's a fucking canadian so 3.5km
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<Greys> ok, 36 minutes makes sense, this guy can't say anything less than five times
<darklight> Oh, the sniper thingy?
<Greys> yes
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<darklight> 3.6km sounds like pure luck
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<Greys> yesno
<Greys> it's the kind of shot that hits one in ten thousand; but you also have to make the shot absolutely perfectly
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<darklight> The amount of time that the bullet is in the air though, the wind would blow it all over the fucking place
<darklight> And optics for 3.5km? hrmmmmm
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<xShadowx> whats it called when - works like a servo, but instead of spin, moves out like a piston? solenoids (that ive seen) move all or nothing, so not it, i want variable like servos
<G-Mobile> Btw amazon updated one more item in that order to 10-14, now only one is delayed, and that will probably change
<darklight> xShadowx linear actuator
<darklight> "The media is the enemy of the people"
<kmath> <PhillyD> Is that normal? Is @CNN essentially threatening to dox him, or am I reading that wrong?
<GlassYuri> a new level of distracted driving
<kmath> <___NATSUKI__> Play the #newgame!! on the F1 steering wheel. 今年のF1は速いからレース中にアニメに集中できないのが難点。 #f1 #F1JP
<lpghatguy> GlassYuri: is he not shifting at all
<lpghatguy> the rev indicator is just maxed out during the whole video
<GlassYuri> maybe he literally can't because the controls for that are not done yet?
<GlassYuri> I have no idea about F1 cars but this clearly shows a gear indicator that changes
<kmath> <___NATSUKI__> DIY F1 sttering wheel LED&LCD test. 液晶とLEDの動作テスト完了。 #f1 #f1jp #assettocorsa
<GlassYuri> so I just don't know
* lpghatguy shrugs
<darklight> Is that automatic shifting?
<darklight> On my phone atm, can't see anything obvious move
<darklight> He should have totally made a shifter
<GlassYuri> darklight, the thing might still be under construction
<lpghatguy> based on the video with shifting, it just looks like the rev indicator is staying at max even post-shift
<lpghatguy> this does not match my (limited) experiences in F1 cars, but it might just be totally normal
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<darklight> The leds do work but I feel like he should change the lights so they have a more narrow range, so its actually telling you something useful
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<SilverFox> ;wa 1CAD to USD
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$1 (Canadian dollar) to US dollars: $0.77 (US dollars)
<SilverFox> noooooo it used to be 0.78
<SilverFox> did yall americans leave milk and cookies for Captain America?
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, that shot was also a confirmed kill, so didnt it hit the head?
<darklight> "Sniper shot is no cause to celebrate"
<SilverFox> "nightly is using lots of memory, would you like to close it?" "yeah sure" "HexChat.exe is not responding" "YOU LIED TO ME"
<SilverFox> omg nightly just spawned dozens of processes and I cant kill them via command prompt
<SilverFox> holy fuck
<SilverFox> darklight CNN hunted down the person on reddit that made that trump-cnn WWE gif and threatened to doxx him if he didnt apologize
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<darklight> And will dox him if he goes back on it
<Glass|phone> plot twist: it was trump himself
<SilverFox> *that* should be on the news
<SilverFox> trump *gained* from that gif
<SilverFox> there's no reason for him to take out a supplier
<darklight> Check CNNBlackmail
<lpghatguy> SilverFox: you should check out Quassel
<SilverFox> the fuck is Quassel?
<SilverFox> some shit irc client?
<lpghatguy> IRC client
<lpghatguy> I was a dedicated HexChat user for 6 years
<lpghatguy> Quassel has won
<SilverFox> k
<darklight> Metokur did a video on it
<kmath> YouTube - CNN: Dangerous and Fake
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<kmath> YouTube - 4chan YLYL dank WebM compilation #41
<SilverFox> cant find source, sorry
<kmath> YouTube - Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Video: 2nd Attempt
<SilverFox> "Our main export is crippling depression"
<SilverFox> "Our economy is based on lebron james"
<darklight> I saw that just recently, was a thing mentioned on rubin report
<kmath> YouTube - DJI's Realistic Phantom 3 Wedding Commercial
<darklight> They are soooo noisy
<kmath> YouTube - air canada 143
<Rokker> SilverFox: Ah, the Gimli glider
<Rokker> an excellent case against changing measurement systems unnecessarily
<darklight> The "someone can't metric properly"
<darklight> Get fucked americans.
<darklight> Oh noes, what is this? 1000mL to a L??? I can't understand base 10 halp!
<darklight> I know
<Glass|phone> ^
<Rokker> it wouldnt have even happened if they hadnt changed to metric in the first place
<SilverFox> it wouldnt have happened if amerifucks could learn metric
<darklight> You are the only ones that haven't seen the light
<darklight> I know, but out of everything the french have ever done, the metric system ranks pretty highly
<SilverFox> .........wut
<SilverFox> nigga we get taught both because of your asses
<darklight> Also, the french did fight on americas side in their war for independance iirc?
<Rokker> SilverFox: you clearly didnt get taught both before July 23, 1983
<Rokker> darklight: technically, sure
<SilverFox> what a specifically irrelevant date
<VITAS> who cares about one single country wanting lo life in the 1800?
<VITAS> +s
<SilverFox> doesnt matter for shit
<darklight> :P
<SilverFox> because we get taught both now
<SilverFox> FEEL BAD
<SilverFox> like smh
<SilverFox> bringing up the past
<Rokker> SO FUCK YOU
<VITAS> why that yelling?
<darklight> Lol
<VITAS> youre all european rejects so get your shit together
<VITAS> :>
<darklight> Canada america tensions must be why canada increased their military budget 70%
<Rokker> VITAS: wrong
<SilverFox> "Adobe Memereaver"
<Rokker> VITAS: we rejected europe
<VITAS> sorry some asians too
<VITAS> and africans you "imported"
<VITAS> first you where rejected
<Rokker> VITAS: nah nigga, you imported most of em
<VITAS> remember the mayflower?
<darklight> Silverfox, beware the transexual brony high school shooter that shoots up a mall because of a coin toss
<Rokker> darklight: ...
<Rokker> read that back and be less retarded
<darklight> I'm talking about mr stairs.
<Rokker> "high school shooter that shoots up a mall"
<darklight> You didn't watch the video I take it?
<Rokker> you are either a school shooter or a mall shooter
<Rokker> usually you die before you can do both
<SilverFox> tmw you apply for a position without experience and get the job anyways
<VITAS> there where some street shooters
<darklight> He was planning on shooting up a high school, and even commissioned an animation shooting up a school
<Rokker> darklight: im aware
<darklight> Then to prove it was fate he flipped a coin and it came up "shoot up a mall"
<Rokker> but he didnt shoot up a high school
<Rokker> he shot up a mall
<darklight> Because the coin flip.
<Rokker> which, terrible choice on his part
<Rokker> school shootings always get more coverage
<SilverFox> yall need one single gun law
<SilverFox> "No gunnerinos please"
<SilverFox> no guns no problems
<darklight> Also, I am very disturbed by his version of "unleash the magic". Worst pony re-singing ever
<VITAS> theres still that president....
<Rokker> SilverFox: bullshit\
<darklight> Vitas, I don't mind trump, but he needs to remove kushner
<VITAS> an president you can all see in my city soon
<SilverFox> ;wa how many school shootings in canada
<kmath> SilverFox: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Rokker> VITAS: president or god emperor?
<Rokker> SilverFox: wrong
<Rokker> SilverFox: thats the most fucktarded argument
<VITAS> when he comes here to meet his buddy vladimir and other 18 idiots
<SilverFox> just sayin yo
<Rokker> VITAS: nah
<Rokker> trumps not an idiot
<Rokker> the rest are
<darklight> VITAS merkel is one of those idiots right :P
<VITAS> d/me has that fucking G20 in his town
<Rokker> SilverFox: its a matter of culture
<SilverFox> mkay dude
<VITAS> yes she is
<darklight> "So progressive, so brave, female leader"
<VITAS> but sometimes i think "he is"
<VITAS> im unsure
<darklight> >votes against gay marriage
<Rokker> SilverFox: so the gangs are gonna just hand in their weapons, cutting out the 8000 homicides they commit a year?
<Rokker> kk
<darklight> Ya need more police
<SilverFox> nuke em
<SilverFox> nuke detroit
<Rokker> SilverFox: cant, it will ruin the architecture
<SilverFox> there's your gang problem gone
<VITAS> they allready have barbwire from the main trainstation all the way to the exebition halls
<Rokker> SilverFox: nah, we just need to enforce a mandatory no democrat policy in the cities with gang crime
<SilverFox> get rid of the non profitable places and you'll find crime rate drop
<Rokker> since there is a decent correlation there...
<VITAS> thats 6 trains tops of continious barbwire fence on both sides with more poolice i thought even existed
<VITAS> im sure they gave some bystanders police uniforms too
<VITAS> ;)
<Rokker> barbed wire*
<VITAS> yes but i think its more like razor wire
<SilverFox> nigga
<darklight> VITAS have they set up concrete blocks to avoid trucks of peace?
<VITAS> the nato one
<darklight> Rokker experienced truck of peace defence the other week
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<Rokker> darklight: i had to experience truck of peace defense at a FUCKING 4TH OF JULY FIREWORKS DISPLAY
<Rokker> SAD!
<VITAS> funny thing: starting from 2018 they want to have some sort of "atuomatic collition avoidence system in all new trucks"
<VITAS> as far as i can see they have at least 3 layes of fear between them and the mob
<VITAS> but i think it might not be there to protect them from the public but to protect us from trump and putin
<Rokker> darklight: did i show you the trucks of freedom?
<SilverFox> "9/11 couldn't've been an inside job because planes came from the outside"
<VITAS> 9/11 always reminds me of the mad hatter from alice
<SilverFox> yall need to let that shit go tbh
<SilverFox> fuckin lego ass towers
<SilverFox> couldnt stand a plane hitting them
<kmath> YouTube - Limbo - The Yellow Balloons Guy
<SilverFox> Greys, look at this
<darklight> And as far as g20 goes, I'd rather trump and putin got along, we don't really want to fight wars
<SilverFox> darklight, they will tho
<SilverFox> trump has "bigger" fish to fry
<darklight> North korea gon get bitchslapped sooner or later though
<darklight> Which is not something I look forward to
<SilverFox> definitely not
<darklight> Would kinda be nice if they were on "our side" though
<darklight> :P
<darklight> That being said, communism did a lot of bad and of course that's not something to be ignored
<darklight> But err, they aren't communist :P
<Glass|phone> nobody ever was communist because communism is about as applicable to real life as erotic fanfiction
<kmath> YouTube - A very nominal launch for Antares
<darklight> Glass, what do you call the DDR?
<SilverFox> Dance Dance Revolution?
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<darklight> SF, the weirdest thing about cnn? look who is now talking about ethics
<kmath> <Spacekatgal> Count me among those that find's CNNs veiled doxing threat to Han Assh*leSolo very, very ethically shaky.
<SilverFox> yo seriously, what is it that causes things to go on rapid loops when they crash?
<SilverFox> like, the same sound sequence is repeated, rather than a long tone
<SilverFox> "tean killed in asiana crash was hit by fire truck"
<SilverFox> "pilot names: Captain Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk, Bang Ding Ow"
<SilverFox> are you sure about that?
<darklight> Whoever got that through is a god tier troll
<SilverFox> GlsFrg|phone, wtf is AKB48? its some japanese facebook page I saw
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<Rokker> SilverFox: god damn
<Rokker> SilverFox: that meme compilation video you linked earlier actually has some fresh shit i havent seen
<Rokker> 9/10
<SilverFox> nigga i have many you havent seen
<SilverFox> ive been scouring the youtubes
<SilverFox> check out the playlist
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<Rokker> SilverFox: yeah but the 2 i watch have become such basic bitches
<Rokker> lotta repeating shit
<Rokker> lotta the same old shit
<kmath> <mekosoff> i love when men out themselves as being complete dicks via their responses in the undateables section of time out n…
<SilverFox> LTT: "Who wins?" *shows picture of Titan XP vs GT 1030 vs Radeon RX 550
<SilverFox> nice meme linus
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: buffers
<SilverFox> wut
<G-Mobile> what makes loops when crash
<SilverFox> oh
<G-Mobile> buffers
<SilverFox> yeah makes sense
<Rokker> SilverFox: to be fair
<Rokker> she doesnt sound amazing...
<SilverFox> she ordered fillet mignon "well done"
<G-Mobile> Typically its the OS playing the noise, and its supposed to be recieving a stream from the software, but the software crashed to the content of the buffer isnt being changed and the sould card hasnt been told to stop
<kmath> YouTube - Love No Thotties
<G-Mobile> same thing when the screen goes all wonk
<darklight> Ah greys is completely right and I forgot about that, sound cards run with a ring buffer
<G-Mobile> ring?
<Rokker> SilverFox: ill admit it\
<Rokker> im one of those freaks that likes steak well done
<darklight> I remember fiddling around with JACK and the sample rate / period / buffer size settings because of a linux bug made my audio crackle
<Rokker> SilverFox: just another thing i have in common with the god emperor
<darklight> I say medium rare as saying rare is dangerous
<GlsFrg|phone> SilverFox: do you even have access to google
<kmath> YouTube - King of the Hill - How To Grill a Steak
<SilverFox> GlsFrg|phone, would rather annoy you with these questions
<Rokker> ill go medium well if i know the place has decent steak
<GlsFrg|phone> akb48 is an idol group so commercialized that it's art again
<Rokker> but if its a place with disgustingly fatty steak
<Rokker> well done
<Rokker> all the way
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> so they went full circle or some shit?
<VITAS> any it guy arround?
<VITAS> NOTE: If the proxy server is not configured to use HTTP 1.1, then you will not be able to communicate to iLO. Please contact the server's System Administrator for assistance. <- im usuing ffproxy to access it (because of routing issues on the ilo)
<SilverFox> Majiir isn't around right now, you'll have to ask him later
<SilverFox> send him a tell
<SilverFox> he's the great IT guy
<VITAS> i might have figured it out by then
<SilverFox> then send another tell to disregard
<SilverFox> doesnt hurt
<VITAS> its just that i want acc to ilo to install windows on a server so i can setup a space engineers server for fun
* darklight googles
<VITAS> space engineers is on sale atm for 9.19€
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> my youtube content buffer is empty
<VITAS> so you guys can join the server once its up
<SilverFox> I only got two good videos in the past 6-12 hours
<SilverFox> im running dry m8s
<darklight> I have a question, what is an ILO
* VITAS uses rssowl to track youtube channels
<VITAS> ilo =hp build in kvm
<darklight> I thought rss died
<VITAS> youtube supports rss via tricks
<VITAS> so you dont need any acc to "subscribe"
<G-Mobile> An easy way to conceptualize it is GPU crashes, the GPU has two parts that operate partially alone, and then the software on the CPU, outward in the first bit takes from the buffer and writes to the display-output, and the other part takes instructions from the software and draws into the buffer
<darklight> I don't mind that, but then again I live in australia with a distinct lack of NetzDG :P
<SilverFox> Greys, I understand the process, no need to confuse the fuck outta me and make it worse
<G-Mobile> If either of the inside two parts fuck up it can leave the outside part just drawing bullshit on the screen because thats it's job
<Rokker> SilverFox: also, i can never explain just how accurate the hastily made cleveland tourism video is
<G-Mobile> ever have a program crash where you can drag other programs over the window and it'l stamp whatever in the space as if a solitare victory
<Rokker> like the only things going for it are lebron and the rock and roll hall of fame
<Rokker> everything else is a negative
<Rokker> which means the only place worse is detroit
<SilverFox> its fucking great
<SilverFox> every statement is golden
<SilverFox> "Cleveland has been under construction since 1889"
<darklight> But at least they're not detrot!
<SilverFox> Greys, you can stop now, you're ranting to no one
<darklight> Or caneighda I guess
<Rokker> "we're so retarded that we think this is art"
<G-Mobile> What this is, is the GPU hasnt been given any instructions to change the space of the crashed window
<G-Mobile> detroit never burned down
<G-Mobile> chicago did
<G-Mobile> ~wi chicago fire
<darklight> VITAS is your goal to make a 50 million dollar tweet but not get caught?
<G-Mobile> how do you wiji
<SilverFox> ~w chicago fire
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<VITAS> i would have to be on twitter first
<darklight> *50 million euro
<darklight> I'm already seeing it on twitter
<darklight> "This is a 50 million euro tweet" :P
<VITAS> i always say: if i wanted to be rich i just need to forget ethics and be prepared to run for the rest of my life
<Rokker> ok
<Rokker> so
<VITAS> would be a matter of minutes then
<Rokker> detroit may have never burned down
<Rokker> but that probably would have been for the best
<Rokker> if it had
<VITAS> i was in the serverrom yesterday but after trying to get windows on that machine for 2h i was bored and left
<Rokker> and what a shit argument
<darklight> Rokker we had a category 5 cyclone hit us, and it caused 200 million dollars of improvement
<VITAS> so im trying it remotly today
<Rokker> "our city never burned down, mainly because it boomed long after the time that non-flammable materials started making up the construction of buildings"
<VITAS> seems to work via https
<darklight> VITAS install and take the hdd back? :P
<Rokker> congrats
<G-Mobile> Youd think chicago fire ans great chicago fire would be similar enough to justify a disambiguation link
<Rokker> chicago rebuilt from the ground up
<VITAS> my usb stick wasnt booting
<VITAS> "Microsoft Internet Explorer is required to run Integrated Remote Console"
<VITAS> dangit
<G-Mobile> why is there a market for fit looking girls with visible arm muscles but no other muscles
<Supernovy> >no abs
<VITAS> because they have to be curvy and smooth
<Supernovy> But why? For what purpose?
<Supernovy> To what end?
<GlsFrg|phone> G-Mobile: handjobs
<VITAS> soft and cuddely
<Rokker> ^
<VITAS> not vice crushing sporty
<Rokker> why do i even bother
<G-Mobile> Worse, advertising
<Rokker> G-Mobile has me on ignore and then asks simple questions that im willing to answer
<Rokker> like "why is this shipping estimate wrong" while completely misunderstanding how basic shipping works
<VITAS> "Activate this iLO 2 feature by installing an optional ProLiant Essentials license key." realy
<Rokker> namely business days
<SilverFox> "CNN Next North Korean Leader?"
<Rokker> Supernovy: link the isis pic
<G-Mobile> I saw a jar of protein powder featuring a super buff dude, and a girl with muscle arms, and so little organic mass in her abdomen that you could see the inside of her rib cage
<Rokker> G-Mobile: whats with the body shaming
<G-Mobile> If this chick ever needed hear surgery, they wouldnt need to cut her open
<G-Mobile> just stick your hand up under and squeeze
<darklight> I kinda think "buff" is a bit of a turn off
<Rokker> SilverFox: meh
<G-Mobile> buff is good, musclebro ladies edition is meh
<SilverFox> Rokker, what you mean, meh?
<Rokker> meh
<SilverFox> yall are downplaying genital mutilation like it's nbd
<Rokker> bigger issues out there
<Rokker> SilverFox: meh
<darklight> Yeah if I was going to be anti semitic that's the first thing I'd absolutely grill them on. That and muzzies.
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, wtf is that?
<Rokker> SilverFox: the ideal female form
<G-Mobile> a woman
<SilverFox> the fuck is a muzzie
<darklight> Eek
<darklight> Gross
<Rokker> SilverFox: a goatfucker
<Rokker> an allahu ackbari
<SilverFox> a musleem?
<Rokker> a camel jockey
<SilverFox> an egyptian?
<Rokker> nah, muslim in general
<SilverFox> you gotta get consistent terms yo
<Rokker> SilverFox: saudis have camels too, racist
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<SilverFox> no, they have oil mammals
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<darklight> nuggies?
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<G-Mobile> oil mammals?
<G-Mobile> Mammals that lactate crude oil?
<SilverFox> yes, mammals which exist for the transportation of oil
<SilverFox> if only that existed
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<SilverFox> a cow for crude oil
<Rokker> SilverFox: well
<lpghatguy> an... oil barrel of sorts
<Rokker> you could argue that if you move a cow from one place to another and wait a few million years
<Rokker> you will have oil
<SilverFox> itd be like that bees mod for minecraft
<Rokker> and therefore oil transportation
<G-Mobile> Two oil barrels
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<darklight> You are missing guns and fireworks
<darklight> Silverfox...
<SilverFox> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<darklight> Pictured, silverfox
<kmath> YouTube - i fuck dogs get over it
<SilverFox> wut
<darklight> Top 10 reasons to have sex woth your dog, you won't beleive number 7!
<SilverFox> "Rated A for Autism"
<darklight> I think she has a top x reasons for dog fucking though
<SilverFox> yeah im quite sure that was a thing
<kmath> YouTube - Best of: 4Chan
<SilverFox> this first 4chan post has ID of 15555555
<SilverFox> heptuplets
<darklight> Sf, an hour of 4chan
<darklight> no.
<SilverFox> its great
<SilverFox> I live purely off this
<darklight> The day of the rake will come sf.
<darklight> :P
<SilverFox> TIL: there's a steven universe board
<darklight> I was unaware of this
<darklight> If I knew about /mlpol/ i so would have been there when it happened
<SilverFox> if you watched thei video, you would
<darklight> til:
<darklight> I am absolutely tiggered by them not spelling it "amareica" for 4th of july.
<SilverFox> Steven Universe: Gay Space Rocks
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<darklight> This board is too cloppy, even for me
<Rokker> darklight: whitney wisconsin is the definition of degeneracy
<Rokker> everything you can name she has prolly done
<SilverFox> incest?
<SilverFox> pedophaelia?
<Supernovy> I bet she's even held hands
<SilverFox> whoa there, we dont want to get klined with that kind of talk
<Rokker> SilverFox: well ok maybe not those two yet
<SilverFox> she hasnt peaked then
<darklight> Klined for opposing bestiality? What is this? twitter?
<SilverFox> no, for....*whispers* holding hands
<darklight> Until the agender gender agenda makes holding hands illegal, I'm not too worried
<Supernovy> call the ircops, I don't give a fuck
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, WE GOT A RUNNER
<darklight> you mean the sheppard
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<darklight> This just played on tv :(
<kmath> YouTube - Priceline Pharmacy 100% Woman TV Commercial
<darklight> What happens if I want to go to the pharmacy :(
<SilverFox> Greys, manga where girl does sex motion with her hands
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<SilverFox> if anyone looks at my internet history it's going to be a very sad day for them
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<G-Mobile> Endless permutations of googling for naked paistries
<SilverFox> goddamn cnn threatening to ruin and doxx some 15 year old on the internet for posting a meme on reddit
<G-Mobile> Could be worse
<G-Mobile> you probably saw the german thing
<SilverFox> the wut
<G-Mobile> The german thing what darklight posted
* VITAS stands behind G-Mobile without him noticing and is looking over his sholder.....way in his comfort zone*
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<kmath> <kyeshimizu> ハンドスピナーをハンドスピンするハンドスピナーを作成中
<darklight> Glass, shame *ding ding ding*
<darklight> Also it's that ok symbol, this is clearly a far right modeller.
<darklight> In other news, "operationautismstorm"
<GlassYuri> darklight, it's an ok symbol in asia, in germany it is a road traffic hand signal meaning asshole
<darklight> Meanwhile the chucklefucks failed to mention it comes from this - usually paired with the word legally
<kmath> YouTube - Donald Trump - "We are going to have that big beautiful door in the wall"
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<SilverFox> my horse mask came in and I scared my family with it, great times
<GlassYuri> "What would happen if you extrude solder through a 3d printer?"
<GlassYuri> "You actually can, but it starts to eat away the brass nozzle VERY fast."
<SilverFox> why is that?
<Greys> how fast would you need to toggle a switch to prohibit arcing with an extremely high amperage load
<SilverFox> isnt arcing voltage tied?
<Greys> distance is
<Greys> intensity is amps
<SilverFox> well yeah that too
<Greys> 72 volts, 400 amps
<SilverFox> that sounds like a lot
<SilverFox> ~c 72 * 400
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 28800.0
<SilverFox> 29kW pretty good
<Greys> it's a minitower scale lipo cell powering an electric car motor driving a boat
<SilverFox> neat
<kmath> YouTube - Jamie Hyneman's Electric Outboard Boat Motor
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<SilverFox> Greys, should I get a smaller computer case or an ATX one?
<SilverFox> I currently have a microATX case
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<G-Mobile> I like huge black cuboids
<G-Mobile> Ideally something the size of a large minifridge
<SilverFox> why that big?
<SilverFox> it'll make transport a bitch
<SilverFox> I wonder when we'll get integrated graphics that can do VR
<SilverFox> Ryzen is seeming to be less expensive than intel right now, for the same core count
<SilverFox> 219.99 vs 244.99
<SilverFox> however, there is a 50$ difference in the mini-itx motherboards
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<SilverFox> what's the difference between uATX and microATX?
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<SilverFox> ~wa 0.5" to cm
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: convert 0.5 inches to centimeters: 1.27 cm (centimeters)
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<SilverFox> that isnt that bad
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<SilverFox> I definitely dont need an ATX sized mobo, that's just excessive since I wont be getting two video cards
<SilverFox> I enjoy that both ryzen and intel i5 options are 65W
<SilverFox> I dont think I could ever go higher, I like my computer to not suck the wall like a tuesday whore
<SilverFox> Hrmm, I feel like windows wouldnt like it if I switched from AMD processor to intel
<SilverFox> keeping the old case I have, it would cost 479.30 for the mobo, cpu, and 8gb of ram
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<SilverFox> and going down from a 1500x to a 1400 it costs a total of 440.28, so 40$ savings there
<SilverFox> ~c 154.98 + 21.28 + 8.66
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 184.92
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<SilverFox> yup
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<SilverFox> "Every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough"
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<G-Mobile> Even a wedge?
<SilverFox> yup
<G-Mobile> Even a prosthetic forehead?
<SilverFox> idk if that's considered a machine, but okay
<G-Mobile> What about stethescopes
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<SilverFox> those arent machines
<G-Mobile> in what way
<SilverFox> its an instrument
<SilverFox> like, a steam engine isnt an instrument, it's a machine
<SilverFox> the pressure gauge is an instrument
<G-Mobile> Steam engine is an instrument for measuring chemical energy
<SilverFox> where's the display for said information?
<G-Mobile> Distance travelled
<G-Mobile> put it on a circle and you have a gauge
<SilverFox> the steam engine itself cannot be an instrument
<G-Mobile> Fine, scissors
<SilverFox> set it on fire
<G-Mobile> Obsidian scissors
<SilverFox> put it in a smoke machine
<SilverFox> jam it in there
<G-Mobile> yea bit if I put a catepillar in a smoke machine that doesnt make the catepillar a smoke machine
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<G-Mobile> if I put the concept of a 9 month old with watermelon boobs in a smoke machine, have I commited a crime?
<SilverFox> yes
<G-Mobile> What crime
<SilverFox> against humanity
<SilverFox> and against skyrim and her people
<SilverFox> what say you in your defense?
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
<G-Mobile> Concepts dont exist
<darklight> I say REEEEEEEEEE
<darklight> God dammit
<G-Mobile> if you fill a smoke machine with a mothers love it wont produce smoke
<darklight> ninjaed
<SilverFox> my mother never loved me so ha
<darklight> that explains a lot
<SilverFox> I just learned that mcdonalds has ubereats now
<SilverFox> so I downloaded it
<SilverFox> had to delete 700MB of shit to download a 11MB app
<SilverFox> and now the fucker doesnt work
<darklight> meanwhile I get spammed by that menulog guy
<G-Mobile> Gj bobby
<darklight> silly youtube mobile
<SilverFox> my town doesnt have uber eats...
<SilverFox> I wonder if seoul has it
<SilverFox> well, they dont need it, most businesses deliver anyways
<SilverFox> fuck, Silicon Valley doesnt have an 11th episode so far
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<SilverFox> sweet, a new LTT video
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<kmath> YouTube - UNBOXING A QUANTUM COMPUTER! – Holy $H!T Ep 19
<SilverFox> im still fucked on how it can consume no power and produce no heat
<SilverFox> like, the information going in must do something
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<darklight> superconductors have zero resistance and therefore don't produce heat
<SilverFox> but how do you power them without heat
<SilverFox> without energy
<darklight> No idea how they actually work though, like what they are measuring
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<G-Mobile> At cryogenic temperatures superconductors exhibit an electron tunneling effect that reduces resistance to 0
<SilverFox> "Sexual Questions That Women and Men Love to Google": "How big is my penis?"
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<Rokker> SilverFox: pass this on to G-Mobile for me
<kmath> YouTube - Who do you think you are?
<SilverFox> naw
<SilverFox> fuck you m8
<Rokker> yaw
<Rokker> bish
<SilverFox> do it yourself
<Rokker> ill come up to canada and take a shit on your lawn
<Rokker> SilverFox: i cant
<SilverFox> you'd've'been ninja'd by the time you get here
<SilverFox> some taxi fuck shits on our lawn all the time
<SilverFox> its a popular place for them taxi fucks to hang out on lunch]
<Rokker> SilverFox: i will shit on everything you love
<SilverFox> thats my fetish
<SilverFox> .jpg
<SilverFox> Shit on me Rokker-chan <3
<Rokker> SilverFox: ill be there in a few hours
<SilverFox> thanks bb
<SilverFox> I just bought a type c cable for my switch, and I'm thinking I should get a new battery bank, since I only really have 1 rated at 10Ah
<SilverFox> thinking of getting a 30+Ah
<SilverFox> Greys, any recommendations?
<SilverFox> if I buy one now, or a year later, will it make a difference in the quality of the battery bank, if I buy the exact same model and everything, beyond reasonable factory tolerances?
<SilverFox> like, will the bank just degrade significantly over that year that I should just wait?
<SilverFox> holy fuck this plane im flying has rudder and aileron trim to it, but I can't adjust those, the plane doesnt have any dials for it
<Rokker> SilverFox: do you know where some of the dankest comments on the internet come from
<SilverFox> depends on the content
<Rokker> SilverFox: pornhub
<SilverFox> usually where the content is hosted
<Rokker> pornhub has some of the dankest shit you will ever see
<SilverFox> pornhub is also where you can get around piracy laws
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<SilverFox> Greys, flight is live now, on my way to goose bay
<SilverFox> whoo fuck its windy out
<SilverFox> ;wa distance from toronto airport to goose bay airport / 80knots
<kmath> SilverFox: distance->from->Toronto Pearson International Airport, to->Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay/(80 knots): 22.12 km/knot (kilometers per knot)
<SilverFox> ;wa 80 knots to km/h
<kmath> SilverFox: convert 80 knots to kilometers per hour: 148.2 km/h (kilometers per hour)
<SilverFox> ;wa distance from toronto airport to goose bay airport / 148.2km/h
<kmath> SilverFox: distance->from->Toronto Pearson International Airport, to->Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay/(148.2 km/h (kilometers per hour)): 11.94 hours
<SilverFox> ah fuck me
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<xShadowx> 2003 a rapist was caught after having sex with 7 girls, his daughters, of which he had donated sperm for 16 years earlier, and waited for them to search him out......thats some long term planning o.O
<SilverFox> this thing keeps trying to veer off course
<SilverFox> also, 0.015K is pretty damn cold
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