TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
<SilverFox> because weebs
<darklight> May the kawaiicaust be swift
<darklight> :P
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<SilverFox> "How do you view lesbian relationships?" "Full HD"
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<SilverFox> Majiir, you real?
<Majiir> no
<SilverFox> ok
<SilverFox> so how's work lately?
<SilverFox> :thinking:
<SilverFox> you forgot to set as away
<SilverFox> just sayin
<SilverFox> for next time
<darklight> Silverfox this is my view
<darklight> :P
<SilverFox> wut
<darklight> (I kid, but my god memri is horrific
<SilverFox> "lesbianism isn't as bad as homosexuality"
<SilverFox> fam
<SilverFox> that's the same thing
<darklight> Also, gays aren't banned from the military, so therefore trumps decision means that traps are not gay
<SilverFox> told you
<SilverFox> amazon has no idea what to recommend me
<SilverFox> it's now recommending me camping stuff
<SilverFox> fucking
<SilverFox> CAMPING
<SilverFox> STUFF
<SilverFox> I never go outside
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<darklight> Should it be recommending furry ears and things?
<SilverFox> it should recommend me some more USB-C cables
<SilverFox> or another horse mask or something
<SilverFox> you know, use some semblance of "this person bought these things, so here's more like it"
<SilverFox> ~temp 180F
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, Temp: 82.22223°C, 180.0°F, 355.37222K, 4.3786255E9°e, 4.7095304°ln
<SilverFox> okay that makes more sense
<Orum> you never go outside? D:
<SilverFox> not unless I have to
<SilverFox> I don't go outside for just fun and games
<SilverFox> shits and giggles
<Orum> do you have rickets?
<SilverFox> because it's fucking hot out, or it's raining
<Orum> I mean, I don't go out when it's hot or raining either
<Orum> but when the weather is nice, game on
<SilverFox> outside has nothing to offer me
<Orum> of course we get like, 20 days of that a year here, but hey, that makes them that much more enjoyable
<Orum> D:
<SilverFox> George W Bush was elected twice?
<Orum> "elected"
<darklight> *Another* horse mask?
<Orum> you can never have too many
<SilverFox> it's better than recommending camping shits
<darklight> What do you mean "elected"?
<Orum> in the US we have this great system where we vote on who we want to be president, then we ignore who the people voted for and pick the other guy
<darklight> You are referring to electoral college
<Orum> indeed
<SilverFox> go cry a river
<Orum> you're in it, it's called de nile
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
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<TheKosmonaut> Maybe if Hillary wasn't so shit at her campaign she would have done better
<TheKosmonaut> Trump is amazingly good at Whataboutism. He has so many controversies that the media is like a fucking hyperactive dog and can't train on a single thing.
<TheKosmonaut> Whereas he managed to focus on her emails so much that it definitely hurt her
<SilverFox> he also knows salesman tactics
<SilverFox> which im rather sure really aided his campaign
<TheKosmonaut> He is a shitty political speaker, but an amazing grifter
<TheKosmonaut> People are under the misconception that trump doesn't know what he's doing
<TheKosmonaut> He knows exactly what he's doing
<SilverFox> he's running america like a business
<TheKosmonaut> Businesses tend to be rather authoritarian and he doesn't quite understand that that really isn't how the presidency works.
<SilverFox> indeed
<SilverFox> which is why he's getting rid of those that oppose him inside his "business"
<SilverFox> and while it's working, it's also not
<SilverFox> "u got me fucked up if u think the skechers r coming off during sex"
<darklight> You can't exactly be a team if you've got fractures everywhere
<darklight> Also, hillary is worse than donald trump, as she *lost* to donald trump
<darklight> That should tell you something :P
<SilverFox> new rick and morty episode was neat
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<SilverFox> Greys, what do you think of Rick and Morty?
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<G-Mobile> Cant
<Greys> darkbutt, first minute
<kmath> YouTube - Personal Time With Greg: Trump Could Be Crazier
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<lpghatguy> just bought a Gans 356 Air UM since I guess that's the way to go in 2017
<Greys> man I could not even guess what that product is
<lpghatguy> replacing a Dayan ZhanChi 3x3 stickerless as my main
<Greys> is it a quad?
<Greys> is it a phone?
<lpghatguy> think nerdier
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<Greys> is it a phone face strap box?
<lpghatguy> there are competitions for it
<lpghatguy> it's a good party trick
<Greys> is it a programmable microcontroller?
<Greys> is it a brand of professional stacking cups?
<lpghatguy> you're getting close
<lpghatguy> you use the same timing mats as professional stacking cups
<Greys> which one
<Greys> ... magic the gathering
<lpghatguy> there are no timing mats involved in mtg
<Greys> totally there is, it's like speed chess
<Greys> is it a chess set?
<Greys> is it a rubix cube.
<lpghatguy> bingo
<Greys> terrible names
<lpghatguy> specifically a magnetized speedcube
<Greys> where are the magnets
<lpghatguy> In panels of the pieces
<lpghatguy> we'll see if they get outlawed by the WCA lol
<lpghatguy> I guess I also have a v-cube 3 and a couple original Rubik's cubes too
<Greys> do you remember cubix
<lpghatguy> yes
<lpghatguy> man I had a cubix racing game for ps1 that was bitchin'
<Greys> everybody is crosseyed
<lpghatguy> rofl
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<Greys> I don't understand teh game of this
<lpghatguy> that looks horrible
<lpghatguy> I hate all these cube variant puzzles
<Greys> it's not a cyube! it's a tyube!
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<darklight> sf, such a beautiful man! :P
<kmath> YouTube - Exclusive Footage of Jack Conte Board Meeting
<Orum> this edrama looks like it would take far too much effort to understand the context
<Greys> "He's not crazy like a fox, he's just crazy like a dumpy old guy"
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<darklight> Greys, been watching, didn't know he had a second channel
<darklight> I don't think I'd want trump to be more crazy tbh
<darklight> Orum identity evropa turning back refugee boats, or just filming other people "rescuing" them
<darklight> I forget
<Greys> he started it a while back because youtube runs on a caustics system now, it likes vlogs but it doesn't like animation, so the animation was harming the success of the vlog and the reverse
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<Greys> magine if mixing baking soda and vinegar resulted in an antifoam, somehow reducing the volume of the fluid
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<Greys> maid dragon has so many great momentary frames
<Greys> btw SilverFox, you never pointed out that kobayashi-san is pronounced kobyash-an
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<TheKosmonaut> Greys: what the fuck is that
<TheKosmonaut> Is that some pedo anime shit
<TheKosmonaut> Because that backpack is an elementary school bag.
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<TheKosmonaut> It is, isn't it. If it's Seinen manga it is targeted to teenage boys
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<Greys> TheKosmonaut, stfu about everybody's daughteru
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<Greys> according to baka-updates, Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon is: Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Seinen Shoujo Ai Slice of Life
<Greys> and it's of the categories Adapted to Anime Apartment Life Big Breasts Closet Otaku Cohabitation Dragon Girl/s Dragon/s Friendship Maid/s Monster Girl/s
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<TheKosmonaut> Yeah. Fuckin pedobait
<Greys> it very annoys me when anime people can't see things in front of them until the scene is ready for them to respond
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<Greys> I found reasonably priced 20lb ankle weights, and they're not hard bar style, and they're strap style, so I can wear them with my 10lb weights
<darklight> I think boku no pico sets the gold standard for pedobait
<darklight> I noped the fuck out of that one, and regretted meme research that day
<Greys> it's not a competition
<darklight> If its a competition the winner would be in jail
<Greys> but it's not
<darklight> You get a sentance, and you get a sentance, everyone gets a sentance!
<Greys> you just want to talk about traps don't you
<Greys> what's the best way to make your feet stronger
<darklight> I still think if there's two penises involved, I find that hard to call "straight"
<Greys> wtf are you bonering about
<darklight> It's something for sf
<Greys> yanno traps aren't straight right?
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: want stronger legs then to squats and lunges etc
<TheKosmonaut> Do*
<Greys> squats are for pantomimes
<darklight> Greys I'm well aware, but SF is in denial
<Greys> sf, traps are gay as shit and there's nothing wrong with that
<darklight> Yeah, as gay as aids
<Greys> just because you want to stick your dick in a boy doesn't make you bad; it does make you gay though
<Greys> unless that's cosplay; that's a girl
<darklight> Or is it a tarp?
<Greys> so unless that image is a different character dressed up, not a trap
<TheKosmonaut> What really bothers me about anime is just general proportions are so fucking wonky
<TheKosmonaut> And the more you look at it, the worse it gets
<TheKosmonaut> Like what the fuck is up with mouth to hand ratios
<TheKosmonaut> Your hands are much bigger than anime would have you believe. Your wrist area on your chin should allow your middle finger to reach the top of your forehead
<TheKosmonaut> Yet fucking aniboo baes have hands the size of a toddler's but on an adolescent body
<Greys> you can't make broad claims like that; anime has no reliable proportions
<TheKosmonaut> The majority have wonky ass proportions
<TheKosmonaut> There are exceptions. But they tend to be very realistic anime overall. I could take a picture of every manga on the front shelf in a store next time and I will bet money the majority of them are
<TheKosmonaut> As I had said*
<Greys> yes, but they don't have reliable proportions
<TheKosmonaut> But the hands are a common tripe
<TheKosmonaut> Trope
<TheKosmonaut> Do you want me to ficking build a PowerPoint presentation
<TheKosmonaut> I'll fucking do it
<Greys> I double dog don't care
<TheKosmonaut> Because ur wrong
<Greys> no, because fuck powerpoint
<Greys> nobody cares about your shitty slide deck
<Rokker> oooo, she wrong
* TheKosmonaut points with power
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: she wronnggggff
<Greys> nobody cares about john travolta either
<Greys> anyway, if your platform is "anime sucks because it doesn't accurately represent human proportions", you're gonna have a lot of problems
<TheKosmonaut> Reminds me of this
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: no. Anime sucks for a lot of reasons
<Greys> most video games, including Mario don't accurately depict human proportions
<TheKosmonaut> Japanese TV sucks in general for a lot of reasons, with rare exceptions
<TheKosmonaut> And those exceptions tend to be the only things that make it to other countries
<Greys> you have a shitty platform
<TheKosmonaut> What platform is that
<TheKosmonaut> Don't make me excel your ass
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: tell us why anime sucks
<TheKosmonaut> First of all, when you have arguably the most respected name in anime, Miyazaki Hayao, calling anime as an industry a pile of dog shit, you know you have problems.
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<TheKosmonaut> Anime on a grand scale appeals to the lowest common denominator in society. Basement dwelling lowlife NEETs that spend all of their resources on merchandise. Because it makes them feel special.
<Greys> you can say the same about everything
<TheKosmonaut> So writers and artists caricaturize what they create as to appeal even more to that group
<Greys> like trains
<Greys> and exercise
<TheKosmonaut> Fuckig let me finish woman
<TheKosmonaut> You have anime merchandise which is highly profitable-- before I go further, I am not saying anime is bad in the sense that it's a failing industry. It's thriving and that's the problem.
<TheKosmonaut> More and more, studios and publishers will go for the bubble gum bullshit and less toward a risk-taking storyline or pitch
<Greys> I mean that's not really true but you're wrong on so many other baseless accusations so whatever
<TheKosmonaut> Fuck this
<TheKosmonaut> I've lived in fuckingn tokyo for 7 years, I personally know artists, both in animation and stills, I know writers, I know people
<TheKosmonaut> That work in the games industry
<Greys> mmkay
<Greys> so you know that the anime industry is in shambles as the surviving studios race to the bottom or find alternate markets
<TheKosmonaut> I know Squenix devs, a writer for OP, an artist for Kyojin. And almost all of them agree that anime is shit as it more or less caters to the Japanese otaku.
<TheKosmonaut> Whereas a Miyazaki film is written specifically for children, but in the same sense that adults can appreciate a story. Much like Pixar and what they used to do
<TheKosmonaut> You link that again and I'm kicking you
<Greys> you throw out further unsupported accusations and I'm kicking you!
Greys was kicked from #kspmodders by TheKosmonaut [Greys]
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<Greys> stop building your tower of babel and defend any of the positions you've established
<TheKosmonaut> Then fucking come up with an answer you femme neckbeard.
<Greys> an answer to "companies exploit consumers"?
<TheKosmonaut> Rather than just say "false" and link Travolta face
<Greys> to "anime looks in a way I don't like"
<Greys> to "false claims about the behavior of an industry"
<TheKosmonaut> Answer any of them with something not pulled out of your fucking ass
<Greys> the burden lies on the claimer to support their arguments
<Greys> I don't have to disprove anything you say
<TheKosmonaut> No fuck you
<Greys> you have to prove the things you say
<TheKosmonaut> It's discussion so discuss it rather than hide behind your bullshit excuse that you just drop
<Greys> no discussion has taken place
<Greys> you've just been in my face for the things I like.
<darklight> Is the kawaiicast starting?
<Greys> nope
<Greys> just smiling and nodding
<TheKosmonaut> Well obviously you and SF have so much bullshit that you like that it threw most off of this channel
<TheKosmonaut> The only reason it's still around is because you both have become
<TheKosmonaut> A meme rather than anything else
<Greys> sure, keep building your tower
<Greys> god will smite you for daring to seek his grandeur
<TheKosmonaut> I mean. Just google "Miyazaki opinion anime"
<Greys> just because somebody makes good content doesn't make their opinion valuable
<TheKosmonaut> Oh fuck off
<TheKosmonaut> So a world renown chef with multiple Michelin stars can say something of the industry and his opinion doesn't matter?
<Greys> did you see how he responded to the guys who made a learning algorithm teach itself to walk a humanoid body?
<TheKosmonaut> A Michael Schumacher could say something about F1 and it doesn't matter?
<Greys> more like whoever that is saying something about dirt track racing
<TheKosmonaut> You'd be surprised to know that a number of F1 drivers are proficient at multiple disciplines in racing.
<TheKosmonaut> Because a racer is a racer
<TheKosmonaut> A chef is a chef
<Greys> and dirt rack racing isn't F1
<TheKosmonaut> And an anime artist/writer is an anime artist/writer
<Rokker> the fuck are you talking about
<Rokker> that absolutely goes forwards
<Rokker> god damn
<TheKosmonaut> You're a fucking twit. What does that even have to do with it. And they do go forward.
<Rokker> how are you not in a home for the functionally retarded
<TheKosmonaut> If F1 is to Dirt track racing as Miyazaki is to your shitty Dragon maid, then obviously you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the industry
<Greys> imagine you had the world's most televized sushi shef, and he says molecular gastronomy is bullshit; why should I care
<Greys> I can still like dippin dots
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: wait, dragon maid is that one pedobait series with the grey haired chick that looks like... 7
<Rokker> right?
<TheKosmonaut> God damn, you're so fucking thick.
<Greys> there's plenty of bullshit to not like or be angry about in the anime industry; miyazaki is an outsider to those parts of it, he's the trump of anime, things work differently because he's there
<Greys> there's lots of real shitty companies abusing animators and writers to produce worthless crap every season
<Rokker> Greys: and then you watch it
<Greys> in any given ten years of anime there are thirty seasons, and I may like three shows
<Rokker> Greys: well not all of them can produce loli pedobait bullshit like dragonmaid
<TheKosmonaut> Ah yes. Let's pull the Trump Card. That bolsters your argument.
<Greys> that's enough of that. If you want to continue talking to me lets arbitrarily hate on something you like with baseless arguments.
<Greys> "all videogames are ugly because there aren't enough colors"
<TheKosmonaut> So Miyazaki draws in artists constantly. Some of the best in the industry, in spite of burn out and turnover
<Greys> nope
<Greys> videogames
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<Greys> hate on videogames or go talk to somebody else
<TheKosmonaut> No fuck you
<Greys> then don't talk to me
<TheKosmonaut> You constantly link your bullshit here
<TheKosmonaut> So it's time to answer to it.
<TheKosmonaut> You and SF
<TheKosmonaut> If you don't want people to talk about your shit then don't link it
<TheKosmonaut> You don't hear rokker getting butt hurt when I insult his fucking gun obsession or his shjtty politics when he links it
<TheKosmonaut> And I would agree that a lot of games are shit too. But specifically, publishers are shit.
<TheKosmonaut> You wanna shit on something I like, cameras.. I'd love to see you google your ammo for that one
<darklight> He nikkon needs a tripod and a bag of sand on each leg to take non blurry photos
<darklight> *the
<TheKosmonaut> You need a heavier tripod. That or more ideal shooting conditions.
<TheKosmonaut> I think I got put on ignore
<TheKosmonaut> Which would be a mistake.
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: well pingaring them
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: tell them their anime is shit
Greys was kicked from #kspmodders by TheKosmonaut [Greys]
<darklight> I was only poking fun at nikkon cos my sis has canon geae
<darklight> *gear
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: I use Canon.
<darklight> Good man
<darklight> Lol
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<TheKosmonaut> Nikon used to be legit worse but it has evened out
<TheKosmonaut> I'd argue Canon lenses are superior
<darklight> Sis used to have a 7d then upgraded to a 5d mk3 I think?
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: mother fucker
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: but she sells photos too right?
<TheKosmonaut> Didn't you mention she sold a Landscape shot for some money
<darklight> She earns her money from photoshop but she does her own stuff as will, its kinda side money though
<darklight> She has a A1 printer yeah
<Greys> what's her biggest quad now?
<Greys> she had a phantom before right?
<darklight> Greys, she has a phantom 4 but doesn't use it often
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: wtf is your sister loaded or just really likes techshit
<Greys> has australia resolved business-quads yet?
<darklight> TK she is broke because of these things
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: well. At least a Canon can keep you warm
<darklight> Greys, craft under 2kg are fine for commercial use now, phantom is just under 2kg
<Greys> cool
<Greys> ;wa 2kg to ounces
<kmath> Greys: convert 2 kg (kilograms) to ounces: 70.55 oz (ounces)
<TheKosmonaut> And it kinda talks, though 5Ds have a low FPS compared to 1Ds so it's a slow talker
<darklight> TK, I built her a lens warmer once, shes done a few startrails and things
<Greys> that's entirely reasonable
<Greys> warmer?
<Greys> to prevent fogging?
<darklight> Stops dew on the lens
<darklight> yeah
<Rokker> this channel is weeby cancer
<Rokker> i used to like it
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<Greys> so is that like a tube of beans with a heater coil in it?
<Rokker> a what
<Rokker> a tube of beans?
<Rokker> the fuck
<darklight> Resistors soldered in a ladder
<darklight> So is the kawaiicaust started or not? Inquiring minds want to know
TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | Where you're allowed to shot on what people
TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | Where you're allowed to shit on what people like.
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: nah, #KSPYourAnimeIsShit
<Iskierka> nikon appears to have better video stuff in their DSLRs and mirrorless than canon. But the nikon I used the other day had quite a lot of noise (even with noise reduction turned on)
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<Greys> it's been a couple years since I was involved in the low end market, consumer grade and lesser dslr/mirrorless, but things had become very difficult to distinguish
TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #ksptopics | where the topic conveys no useful information | < that's useful information.
egg|zzz|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspparadoxes | where the topic is all things that are not in the topic
<Rokker> this channel makes me wish there were more high quality channels like KSPUnofficial to balance out cancer this low quality
<Rokker> egg|zzz|egg: id love KSP made by paradox
<Rokker> paradox would make an interesting space game
<Iskierka> More nikons do 60 fps video than canons and some of their mirrorlesses can actually do fairly impressive slow motion (at very low vertical resolution), which is why nikon would be better for video
<Rokker> like rocket science game, not like stellaris
<Greys> around 2010 Nikon had their catseye sensors, but their focus time was poor, sonys had a lot of noise, and canons were expensive. Panasonics were the ideal pick for me, because they had nikon-like image performance with extremely fast and reliable focus rates
<TheKosmonaut> Iskierka: except the industry as a whole prefers Canon for video. Because you don't typically shoot films at that level in 60fps
<TheKosmonaut> If you're talking video
<Greys> "the industry" doesn't se any of these brands for video
<TheKosmonaut> For one, better lenses for that. Lenses>sensors
<Greys> use*
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: there are canon cinema cameras.
<Iskierka> that would only be because the industry is silly and needs to give up on 24 fps
<Greys> yes, there are
<darklight> My sis only takes pics
<TheKosmonaut> DSLRs can be used for video and are often used for lower budget production.
<TheKosmonaut> Specifically the 5Ds.
<TheKosmonaut> It's just that now, a lot of those lower end productions have bought RED cameras as they've moved on to higher budgets. If you're talking YouTube and indie films.
<TheKosmonaut> Iskierka: problems with 60fps are that it can bring similar challenges that, say, >1080p resolution brought to the industry
<TheKosmonaut> So they drag their feet
<TheKosmonaut> Because you can't get away with as much trickery at higher frame rates
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<TheKosmonaut> And those that did try, made shit movies
<Greys> nobody said 60fps
* TheKosmonaut glares at The Hobbit
<Greys> 48FPS, incremental upgrades
<TheKosmonaut> 20:27:27 <Iskierka> More nikons do 60 fps video than canons and some of their mirrorlesses can actually do fairly impressive slow motion (at very low vertical resolution), which is why nikon would be better for video
<Greys> mmkay fine
<Greys> still, 60FPS cinema will probably always remain unreasonable in the shadow of other progress
<Greys> four times the resolution, at three times the frames, is harder to swallow
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: um fuck you
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<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: the hobbit is great
<Greys> we might get 48fps as younger audiences are raised on 60 and 120Hz displays instead of 29.97Hz televisions; but there's reasonable arguments for framerate not aiding the perception of fidelity like resolution does
<darklight> infidelity!?
<Greys> what about it
<darklight> TK, the problem I have with movies is that they have no storyline now
<Greys> surely that's not broadly true
<Rokker> darklight: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<Rokker> darklight: depends on the movie
<Greys> I mean, there have been a lot of fuckups in the last few years
<Rokker> id say a number of em still do
<darklight> Also I like comedy and its a dying artform, sadly
<Greys> technically man of steel had a storyline
<Greys> the bad guys movie didn't
<darklight> 2017
<Greys> what movie?
<Rokker> Greys: the fuck do you mean what movie
<Rokker> jesus christ
<Rokker> do you have no interaction with the real world?
<darklight> Emoji movie
<Greys> I refuse to recognize the existence of that, pick another
<darklight> Which is apparently really really depressing, also its anti trump and will teach kids the progressive message!
<Greys> it's hard to not be antitrump
<Rokker> no its not
<darklight> I like his dicking of the media, but I can agree he isn't some super great leader
<Rokker> darklight: imo patrick stewart isn the most depressing person to see in there
<Rokker> darklight: steven wright is better than this
<Rokker> i dont... in dont understand how he could betray comedy like this
<Greys> what did you think of Greg's trumpterpretation
<Rokker> ...
<Rokker> the wat
<darklight> It seemed accurate enough to me
<darklight> Although I wouldn't want a more crazy eccentric trump
<Greys> it's a good thing humans are full of shit so the republicans can't make anything happen
<darklight> Rokker, pony channel that does "a thing where he talks about things"
<Greys> I bet if all the seats were republican they still couldn't pass healthcare deform bills
<darklight> Nothing has changed, congress still has the blockage problem
<Greys> congress is designed to have a blockage problem, so they won't change things rapidly or drastically
<Greys> the whole idea of parties kinda fucks with the intention of the design though
<Iskierka> framerate helps fidelity a lot; particularly for the ones who want to make 3D movies. So many have the 3D effect break down completely in action scenes because there's insufficient frames to track objects, so each eye's image becomes a disconnected blob
<Greys> 3D or VR?
<Greys> your statement looks like VR
<Iskierka> both
<Iskierka> and 48 fps is possibly a bad choice just because it's slightly too slow for proper motion field information to trigger in the eye. It's borderline, but only just. If it has to be a multiple 72 is better
<Greys> 3D CG doesn't behave differently than practical 'film', but you definitely need 90+ for any kind of VR
<Greys> now there is the problem of CG studios forcing even lower framerates for no apparent reason
<Iskierka> Greys, it's not how it "behaves", it's that say, debris from a blast will move too far in one frame at 24, and you cannot track what depth it's supposed to be as the big jump effectively desynchronises your stereoscopic processing and it's just two completely unrelated lumps of stuff on screen
<Iskierka> I've noticed this in multiple films and it completely ruins what was good immersion up til then
<Greys> oh that 3D
<Greys> I haven't seen any good 3D stereoscopic yet, but I've seen a lot of terrible
<Greys> especially in the home
<Iskierka> and framerate is the biggest factor needed to possibly make it good. It's bad because it's effort to watch at low framerates and have to interpolate yourself
<Greys> unfortunately a lot of 3D films are shot in 2D and then composited, so it's hard for a single object to exist as more than a single depth point in motion; and the worst films don't do even have Z-motion
<Greys> those movies tend to be a lot of heavily CG'd 2D live action in a soundstage of CG bullshit going on
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<Iskierka> this happens in full CG stuff where they can just re-render the other frame accurately
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<Greys> so like the 3D release of Finding Nemo?
<Iskierka> like How To Train Your Dragon where the animators actually used stereoscopic 3D on their monitors to check it as they made the film; the 3D is basically the native format
<Iskierka> and yet it *still* suffers, entirely because of the low framerate
<Greys> I feel like that movie should predate widescale 3D cinema
<Iskierka> it was relatively early but it was made to be viewed in both 2D and 3D from the start
<Greys> that's talking about theater screens
<Greys> you may be correct, but that's talking about theater screens
<Iskierka> it notes that while others were converted, HTTYD had been set for the 3D screens around that time for a while before that, while the conversion is just trying to jump in at the end
<Iskierka> and notes that Katzenberg is a major 3D guy, he was doing it from the start
<Greys> I don't know who that is but it's a good stance
<Greys> the link also mentions Alice in Wonderland
<Greys> one of the most offensively careless productions I've ever seen
<Greys> it's actually the posterchild for the shitty fixed depth planes method I was talking about
<darklight> First 3D movie I remember seeing was spykids 3d
<darklight> Also why donthe good guys always have to win
<darklight> Booooring
<Iskierka> can't find it again atm but I have seen behind-the-scenes of the scene designers and such using colour stereoscopic to check how layout looks. Closest I can find in the past 20 minutes is showing the two 3D cameras flying through a scene
<kmath> YouTube - CGI Dreamworks Animation Studio Pipeline
<Greys> because audiences have been trained to align themselves with the protagonist, and if the protagonist doesn't win it's not a satisfying narrative; so of the protagonist wins, and isn't the good guy, you've now obligated the audience to be aligned with the bad guy
<Iskierka> which does at least look to be a relatively early stage of production so at least for this they were designing with 3D pretty much from the start
<Greys> what kind of bullshit has constructed this
<Greys> is there a special word for an eclypse where the center of the moon comes within some arbitrary distance of the line between earth-center and sun-center?
<Greys> total eclipse will always happen near the center of the day side of the earth, right?
<Greys> eclipses yo
<Iskierka> they can happen at any latitude, though the equatorial ones are a little more impressive
<Greys> what about east-west
<Iskierka> if they were clustered to the centre then every new moon would be a solar eclipse; they're not because the moon ends up fully above or fully below the earth
<darklight> They swipe across the earth quickly
<Greys> the eclipse does but total eclipses aught' be more limited, it'd be weird to have a total eclipse where the sun set during the ring phase
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<darklight> It's totally possible
<Iskierka> the ring phase doesn't last long enough but it certainly does happen
<Greys> the world might end if that happens
<Iskierka> Cape Verde is just a little too far north but anyone who took a boat maybe 200 km south would be able to see a total eclipse sunset
<Greys> don't do it! you'll kill us all!
<Iskierka> sunrise eclipse is a few thousand km north of hawaii but it might happen for some tokyo-LA flights
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<Iskierka> the 2019-07-02 eclipse will have a sunset eclipse literally passing the outskirts of buenos aires
<Iskierka> a hike would take you to the perfect position from the city centre
<Greys> hmmm
<Greys> we'll have to wall off the area
<Iskierka> 2019-12-26 will have eclipse sunrise very close to Bahrain and Qatar
<Greys> btw teh august eclipse has been claimed by america
<Greys> I wish I had a vehicle that could do that journey, the greatest length total eclipse is relatively nearby
<Greys> in the same way that spain is near romania
* darklight keeps hand on wallet and eyes the gypsys
<darklight> Isk, yeah, but then you'd be in qatar
<Iskierka> romanians are all into computer science now, they're just gonna hack your bank account
<darklight> I still like how cats were used to steal rugs
<Greys> awh tits, the main eclipse region thing is intersecting a national forest
<Greys> that'd be fucking beautiful
<darklight> Greys, we can fix that forest problem
<Greys> the forest is an antiproblem
<darklight> You get two massive bulldozers and a big fuck off chain
<darklight> :P
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<Greys> it would be a 9 hour drive
<Greys> anyway, I'm gonna go put oil in my truck, because I discovered a few hours ago it ain't had none
<Greys> are you supposed to do that with the engine running?
<darklight> You would have heard it making horrible noises
<darklight> I'm surprised you did 't kill it
<Greys> there's about 4mm of oil at the tip of the dip stick
<darklight> *didn't
<darklight> Ah, then its low and you definitely need some
<darklight> But if you hear the valves you're paddling up shit creek with a jetski
<Greys> right, but engine on or off
<darklight> The fill level is not running
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<Greys> do I put oil into it with the engine on or off
<Greys> jeese this is like pulling cats teeth
<darklight> Off, otherwise the cam or rockers will flick oil out at you and the level on the stick will definitely be wrong
<darklight> (But you can try if you like) :P
<darklight> I have done it before with an irrigation pump
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<G-Mobile> Some day I need to learn how to drain oil too
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<SilverFox> WHEW LADS, shit went down here while I was sleeping
<SilverFox> Rokker, your waifu is shit
<Rokker> SilverFox: my waifu is giant fucking mach 3.1 bomber
<Rokker> so
<Rokker> fuck you
<SilverFox> lol
<SilverFox> you know whaqt would be great?
<SilverFox> BRRRRT-plane, but instead of it going BRRRRRRRRRRT, the sound is replaced with Ernie from sesame street saying "Bert"
<kmath> YouTube - Handyman Corner "Oil Change"
<SilverFox> wait
<SilverFox> is that RedGreen
<SilverFox> better be
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<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, what kind of shenanigans you been up to lately?
<SilverFox> darklight,
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: pistol whipping people that say shenanigans
<SilverFox> I meant personal adventures
<SilverFox> and if you consider that a personal adventure, then you my friend, are NEET as fuck
<SilverFox> was it just recently that NK got that missile to japan's coast, or was that also awhile ago?
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<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: I took the afternoon off today so I did some money shit and then cried as I saw my paycheck just get eaten up by costs of living
<SilverFox> noice
<TheKosmonaut> Other than that, I had steak today. Then went swimming.
<SilverFox> I'm guessing steak is a rarity in japan?
<SilverFox> is it one of those super expensive fancy foods?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: eh. Depends.
<TheKosmonaut> I actually don't like Japanese beef for steaks
<SilverFox> interesting, why is that?
<TheKosmonaut> They're too marbled and fatty so it's a bit much
<SilverFox> ahhh
<TheKosmonaut> But today was Saikoro Steak. Which are small die sized cubes of steak
<SilverFox> oooh, those sound neat
<TheKosmonaut> ~g サイコロステーキ
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut:サイコロステーキ
<TheKosmonaut> There.
<SilverFox> that took awhile, im disappointed
<SilverFox> is good?
<TheKosmonaut> They have tons of fat so I used the oil to do some potatoes and spinach
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: yes they're ok
<TheKosmonaut> Cheap af
<TheKosmonaut> Enough for three people today and it cost maybe 5.80 USD
<SilverFox> what's the word "nihon" mean?
<SilverFox> is that the word for japan?
<TheKosmonaut> Yes
<SilverFox> nippon also the word for japan?
<TheKosmonaut> Yes
<SilverFox> huh
<SilverFox> neat
<TheKosmonaut> Nihon or Nippon
<SilverFox> do they carry different connotations?
<TheKosmonaut> Nippon is the usual
<SilverFox> is nihon a child thing?
<SilverFox> because children cant pronounce things for shit?
<TheKosmonaut> Regional differences iirc.
<SilverFox> ahhh, so a dialect thing?
<TheKosmonaut> Nippon is the original
<TheKosmonaut> Nihon came about from the Kanto region.
<SilverFox> heh, kanto
<SilverFox> I know that place
<TheKosmonaut> Kanto is the Edo area. So Tokyo.
<SilverFox> I got that map memorized
<SilverFox> TK, after that whole thing did you mute greys?
<TheKosmonaut> No
<SilverFox> okay
<kmath> YouTube - Desu Desu Desu 10 hours
<SilverFox> adorable shit
<Greys> have you watched that show?
<Greys> it's got about as much merit as a drunk cubscout leader
<SilverFox> yeah
<Greys> this dub is terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
<SilverFox> ikr
<Greys> so, as much as Kanna is great; have you considered just how sexualized she is
<SilverFox> no, because I dont want to
<Greys> avoid it as long as you can
<Rokker> SilverFox: rip nerd cubed
<SilverFox> wut
<SilverFox> dont you dare tell me he's gone
<Greys> don't look at her thighs
<Rokker> SilverFox: taking a month off
<SilverFox> oh okay
<SilverFox> Greys, she got thicc thighs or something?
<Greys> her thighs that are each a third of her body mass
<SilverFox> oh, I see
<SilverFox> okay
<SilverFox> that's probs why she was so good at running
<Greys> nah, she kicked up to 440v for that event
<Rokker> please keep your pedophilia off of this channel thanks
<Greys> the internet had a glorious idea
<SilverFox> interesting
<SilverFox> the face looks weird
<SilverFox> also, does she have those under-horns?
<SilverFox> yup
<SilverFox> I wonder if they did an adult kanna thing in anime if that chick that had a hardon for her would be grown up as well and still have a hardon for her
<Greys> I'm not entirely sure what kind of time shenanigans are happening here
<SilverFox> I'd totally expect this though
<SilverFox> because dargons are like, thousands of years old, they dont age the same
<Greys> I would guess that's a 24 yearold Saikawa, and a 16 yearold Kanna
<RandomJeb> is that a 4000 year old demon girl or is this loli?
<Greys> better question
<Greys> is that the world's smallest pantyshot?
<SilverFox> she's a dragon, so she's like, thousands of years old
<Greys> assuming Saikawa's like 7 now; 17 years from now, Kanna should essentially be exactly the same
<Greys> but that's definitely not a 7 yearold
<SilverFox> doesn't look it
<SilverFox> but maybe she's a dargon that ages differently
<SilverFox> maybe her sub-species has shorter lifespans
<RandomJeb> maybe just she does
<SilverFox> maybe
<RandomJeb> like she has one of those aging disorders
<Greys> I suspect one thing and I theorycraft another. What if Kanna got trapped in a time hole and is several thousand years older in the span of two earth decades
<SilverFox> doubtful, but a possibility
<Greys> or, what if a dragon's human form is arbitrary
<SilverFox> ooh, that arbitrary one sounds neat
<Greys> we know Tohru's breasts are D for Dragon, suggesting Tohru selected that size
<RandomJeb> so does this mean the dragon is the pedo?
<SilverFox> Greys, but what if she didn't
<Greys> Kanna is a child in dragon terms, so it may just be the obvious choice
<SilverFox> and she accepts all sizes as "D for dragon"?
<Greys> that's also possible
<TheKosmonaut> RandomJeb: the mental gymnastics they go through to justify it is amazing
<TheKosmonaut> Second only
<Greys> have you ever considered maybe we enjoy mental gymnastics
<TheKosmonaut> To Sander's gymnastics
<Greys> hey
<Greys> that's the only gymnastics he can do
<TheKosmonaut> Seeing the amount of critical thinking you're capable of? I would think not.
<SilverFox> aw fuck pls not again
<TheKosmonaut> I'm done for the day. But no more loli shit
<SilverFox> oh right, the dragon form
<SilverFox> so pure and white
<Rokker> Greys: mental gymnastics is the only kind of gymnastics you can do
<SilverFox> pffffffffft
<Greys> did you notice that the only time Quetzalcoatl and.... guuuuuuuy appear in dragon form are during the op
<SilverFox> are you sure?
<SilverFox> quetzl is big-tits right?
<Greys> technically we see Guy's face
<Greys> yes
<SilverFox> because I'm quite sure all of them have appeared as dragon form in some way or another, mostly via the front door
<Greys> guy did, but it was extremely brief
<Greys> before you check, even in the op it's really short so you may not have noticed
<Greys> what do you think Quetzl's dragon form looks like
Rokker was kicked from #kspmodders by TheKosmonaut [don't be rude]
<SilverFox> get rekt
<Greys> is he gone?
<TheKosmonaut> Shrekt
<SilverFox> tyrannasaurus rekts
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<TheKosmonaut> Greys: he will be back, and in greater numbers
<Rokker> kek
<SilverFox> e
<SilverFox> k
<Rokker> SilverFox: wow thst lines up perfectly with the 2nd k on my client
<Rokker> that
<SilverFox> congrats
<Greys> ;wa 300 pound sterling to USD per year
<kmath> Greys: convert £300 (British pounds) to US dollars per year: £ (British pounds) and $ per year (US dollars per year) are not compatible.
<Greys> ;wa 300 pound sterling per day to USD per year
<kmath> Greys: convert £300 per day (British pounds per day) to US dollars per year: $144400 per year (US dollars per year)
<SilverFox> Greys, I'd figure her dragon form looks like how it does in the op
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<Rokker> SilverFox:
<Rokker> anyways, why do you care if I'm gone greys, you have me on ignore
<Greys> SilverFox, do you know what it looks like in the op?
<Rokker> tired of not being able to join in on convos I'm having with people
<Greys> TheKosmonaut let's agree on one thing
<Greys> anime doesn't have realistic proportions.
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<Rokker> what a shit agreement
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: Jesus Christ. I would never read scrollback if I were you with your shitty layout
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: kys
<SilverFox> I agree, that layout is shit
<SilverFox> kys
<Rokker> kys
<SilverFox> no u
<SilverFox> u first
<Rokker> 1v1 me fgt
<kmath> YouTube - Kanna Kamui Shooting Stars
<G-Mobile> At least I can fit 50% more characters per line
<TheKosmonaut> 自殺して下さい
<SilverFox> fuckin weeb speak
<Greys> I ain't did it sah
<Rokker> as if I regularly use my phone to begin with
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: nibba pls
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: let's ban this weeby faggoty shit
<SilverFox> ban guns
<Rokker> fuck you
<TheKosmonaut> I'll sooner just ban *!*@* and then let the Gods decide
<SilverFox> fuck you
<SilverFox> TK, sounds great
<SilverFox> op my bot first tho
<SilverFox> I still want it to be functional
FoxBot9000 was kicked from #kspmodders by TheKosmonaut [FoxBot9000]
<SilverFox> fuck lol
<TheKosmonaut> The gods are a bit feisty
<kmath> YouTube - Harding: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
<SilverFox> rawr xD
<SilverFox> wait, kicking might kill my bot
<Greys> the most indisputible thing John Oliver has ever done
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, did it send you a private message?
<TheKosmonaut> No
<SilverFox> shit
<SilverFox> hol up
<TheKosmonaut> Your bot is bad
<SilverFox> thanks fam
<Rokker> god
<TheKosmonaut> Is
<Rokker> how is John Oliver so popular
<Rokker> he's such a basic comedian
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: Last Cuck Tonight with Johnny Triggerwarning
<TheKosmonaut> I'll admit, when he said that about himself, I laughed.
<Rokker> only because it's true
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: would you have guessed that Oliver used the frogs are gay clip in his episode about Alex Jones
<Rokker> Whaaaaaaat
<Rokker> no
<Rokker> say it ain't so
<TheKosmonaut> Some unused material right there
<Rokker> I will not go
<Rokker> turn the lights off
<Rokker> carry me home
<Rokker> nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
<SilverFox> fuckin weebs
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: Weebs don't get any action. So your statement is an oxymoron
<SilverFox> true
<SilverFox> counterarguement: sexbots
<TheKosmonaut> I saw a weeb try to pick up a chick in his class once. He had a Hatsune Miku messenger bag.
<Greys> the antique british meaning of fucking
<Rokker> ...
<Greys> something to do with thatch rooves
<Rokker> what the fuck is an antique meaning
<Rokker> obsolete, sure
<TheKosmonaut> He walked up to her, a western literature student/professional model. And asked her if she liked hatsune miku
FoxBot9000 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<TheKosmonaut> She said "who?"
<SilverFox> rekt
<Greys> Bohuslän Swedish fokka (earlier "to fuck; thrust; push", nowadays focka (“to fire from work”)), Swedish fock (“penis”), and Middle Dutch (and Modern Dutch) fokken (“to breed”). It may go back to the Proto-Indo-European *pug-, *puǵ- ("to strike"; source of Latin pugnus (“fist”) among many others), or to Proto-Indo-European *puḱn-, *pewḱ- ("to sting, stick, stab"; compare German ficken (“to fuck”)).
<TheKosmonaut> And he was annoyed that she didn't know who Hatsune Miku was, because she's Japanese.
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<SilverFox> wut
<TheKosmonaut> She was like "ok then. Well I'm sure if you like it then that's good enough" and she went back to taking notes
<Greys> fuck basically means fuck, thrust, punch, stab
<Greys> oh, and terminate employment
<SilverFox> TK, that's brutal
<TheKosmonaut> I love watching weebs get shot down
<SilverFox> cringey shit
<SilverFox> TK, you know what would top it off?
<TheKosmonaut> Nice girl. Think she moved to France
<SilverFox> ears and tail
<SilverFox> add furry into that shit
<TheKosmonaut> /kick SilverFox nope
<Greys> I wonder if more americans know about hatsune miku because of the late show appearance, than japanese people know
<SilverFox> M A X I M U M A U T I S M O
<TheKosmonaut> Plenty of Japanese people know. But a lot think it's lame shit
<SilverFox> rightfully so
<SilverFox> TK, try kicking my bot now
<TheKosmonaut> Vocaloid fell out of popularity a while back.
<TheKosmonaut> Is your bot even here
<kmath> YouTube - ✓ HATSUNE MIKU - Sharing The World - Late Show with David Letterman - Tv NEW YORK - OCTUBRE 2014
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<SilverFox> told tell glassyuri that, he'll go reeeee
<Greys> I've always found vocaloid music mildly unsettling, and the fanart is not sufficiently interesting
<SilverFox> GlassYuri is into that chinese vocaloid
<Greys> that's cheating
<Greys> vocaloid is a brand
<Greys> it's like, yamaha or something
<SilverFox> speaking of, TheKosmonaut, I always find the chinese language to sound too stereotypical and it sounds grating to me, do you agree?
<TheKosmonaut> No
<Greys> that's probably because it's a tonal language, so any given thing must generally be spoken in the same way
<TheKosmonaut> Unless it's like Cantonese
<SilverFox> whatever the fuck glassyuri posts
<SilverFox> its gross
<TheKosmonaut> Likely mandarin
<Greys> ok, how many chineses are there? like five major ones and a billion more?
<TheKosmonaut> Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokken, and lots of others
<TheKosmonaut> Those three are the most you'll hear
<Greys> wu tang?
<TheKosmonaut> Cantonese are what Hong Kongers speak
<TheKosmonaut> Is*
<TheKosmonaut> Hokken is kinda what Taiwanese speak
<SilverFox> lesser chyna
<TheKosmonaut> It's the best trash talking language
<SilverFox> why?
<TheKosmonaut> Translations of some go to insults
<TheKosmonaut> "I'll cut your pussy bitch. Your mother has no hair"
<SilverFox> wut
<Greys> how do you say that
<SilverFox> that last part makes no sense
<SilverFox> how is that an insult?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: no idea
<Greys> how isn't it an insult
<TheKosmonaut> But that was a go to
<Greys> it's calling your mom ugly
<SilverFox> is that the taiwanese cyka blyat
<TheKosmonaut> Another one is
<TheKosmonaut> Kan ni na buey chao chee bye
<TheKosmonaut> Which is "fuck your mom's smelly pussy"
<SilverFox> that's just childish
<TheKosmonaut> The entire insult system goes around insulting your mother
<TheKosmonaut> And fucking shit
<SilverFox> the entire insult system is flawed
<SilverFox> because it rests on you being offended about your mother being talked about poorly
<Greys> what if your mother is canada's best bisexual prostitute; and only your father can reasonably be insulted
<SilverFox> best selling prostitute*
<Greys> no, best quality
<SilverFox> speaking of, is a high class hooker in new york thusly a new york times best seller?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: insulting mothers is pretty universal
<TheKosmonaut> Not everyone is broken like you
<SilverFox> yeah I know
<SilverFox> ;-;
<SilverFox> pls
<TheKosmonaut> ~g aloe Vera
<Greys> where do you get the "times" from
<FoxBot9000> TheKosmonaut:
<SilverFox> ~g burn centers
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: List of burn centers in the United States - Wikipedia, the free ...
<SilverFox> cached baby
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: times?
<SilverFox> Greys, it's a book thing
<Greys> new york and best seller yes, but where does times
<TheKosmonaut> Oh that times
<SilverFox> "new york times best seller"
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: wrong
<TheKosmonaut> Failing New York Times
<SilverFox> ~yt trump wrong
<kmath> YouTube - Donald Trump saying "Wrong"
<SilverFox> cached baby
<Greys> you should bash queries and determine what queries are likely to occur, then proactively cache them
<SilverFox> naw
<SilverFox> because that takes up a bunch of queries
<Greys> you should naw less
<SilverFox> you should suggest less things that make me "naw"
<Greys> ;wa deculture
<kmath> Greys: culture (English word): 1->noun->a particular society at a particular time and place, 2->noun->the tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group, 3->noun->all the knowledge and values sh -- this crap is too long.
<Greys> ~g -culture deculture
<kmath> YouTube - SAY MY NAME
<kmath> YouTube - Destiny's Child - Say My Name (Official Video)
<Greys> do you remember when Beyonc was rap
<SilverFox> "beyonc" lol
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<Greys> that set reminds me of
<kmath> YouTube - Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity (Official Music Video)
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, is english a big thing that's taught in japan?
<Greys> anime says it is
<Greys> though that's been falling off for the last half decade
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<TheKosmonaut> English is a mandatory class
<TheKosmonaut> But they don't ficking learn it
<SilverFox> interesting
<SilverFox> why is that?
<Greys> because they're learning a foreign language that isn't valuable to them in a vacuum
<TheKosmonaut> Because the curriculum sucks and they give very little freedom to English teachers
<TheKosmonaut> Nobody speaks English because nobody learns English and nobody learns English because nobody speaks English
<SilverFox> well that's to be expected
<Greys> imagine your shitty way of learning korean, now imagine you didn't have access to actual korean speakers
<SilverFox> now, how little freedom do english teachers have?
<TheKosmonaut> And they're so stuck up their ass about how valuable their cultural homogeny is that learning English is not important to them.
<SilverFox> interesting
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: some teachers have called themselves living tape players
<SilverFox> ouch
<SilverFox> that's exactly what I plan to avoid
<SilverFox> and it's why im creating my own curriculum
<SilverFox> let's see how well this goes
<Greys> if japanese schools managed to actually teach anybody a language, it probably would be so mutated from english as to be a new language
<TheKosmonaut> That's actually to say, Japanese people are better at English than they let on
<TheKosmonaut> Most of them have a decent reading level
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: to be fair
<TheKosmonaut> And an ok vocabulary. But good luck getting it out of them
<kmath> YouTube - How to Pronounce Wow
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: spanish or french is practically manditory in the US
<Greys> I know, we'll just lock them in america
<Rokker> but nobody learns it
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: yeah and most are shit at it too
<TheKosmonaut> But the difference is, English *is* a world language
<TheKosmonaut> Japanese is not
<TheKosmonaut> And it never will be
<Greys> that's extremely probable but unprovable!
<TheKosmonaut> Well, if Abe has his way... we could have Prosperity Sphere II: Kamikaze Boogaloo
<Greys> astral butt errection?
<SilverFox> Abe, probs the president
<SilverFox> also probs not pronounce ayyyybe, but like a-beh
<Greys> abehraham lincolon?
<SilverFox> ;wa president of japan
<kmath> SilverFox: Japan->Prime Minister: Shinzō Abe (from December 26, 2012 to present)
<TheKosmonaut> It's parliamentary here
<Greys> that one
<TheKosmonaut> Jesus Christ. What do you think we are, South Korea?
<SilverFox> lul
<Greys> does south korea have governmence? I thought they were just murka4
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: fuck
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: South Korea is an independent nation
<SilverFox> they have both a prime minister and president
<TheKosmonaut> What the fuck
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: there arent any triggered memes for tojo
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<Rokker> or hirohito
<Greys> why does the music video for harder better faster stronger depict a great contraption brainwashing and painting a band of aliens into thinking there're a western band?
<TheKosmonaut> Rokker: just a pic of Tojo with a nuke superimposed
<SilverFox> Greys, have you seriously not seen the whole thing?
<SilverFox> please tell me you've watched the whole story
<Rokker> which is dank
<SilverFox> it's like, a movie
<Greys> some of their songs are really really really really really really really really
<Greys> what was I saying
<Rokker> really really what
<Rokker> ...
<SilverFox> daft punk is amazing
<Greys> yes
<SilverFox> anything said otherwise is a lie
<Greys> nobody said otherwise
<SilverFox> and heresy which is not tolerated in this land
<TheKosmonaut> DO IT
<TheKosmonaut> HARDER
<TheKosmonaut> MAKE IT
<Greys> all I said is some of their songs are very long
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<Greys> also wtf did you do at me
<SilverFox> ~yt harder better faster popcorn
<kmath> YouTube - DJ Jo - Popcorn Hardstyle Remix
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> pls no
<SilverFox> ~yt daft microwave
<kmath> YouTube - Daft Microwave - Regular Softer Harder Porridge
<Greys> this seems to be a youtube channel where some asian person of female qualities plays VR games and has picture in picture of an animu poser game where the animu is posered by her motion tracking, and the animu's face response to the voice recording
<SilverFox> the video of some dude matching lyrics on hands is more popular than the original song
<SilverFox> I'ma guess it's Facerig
<SilverFox> GReys, what are you on about?
<Greys> hai domo
<kmath> YouTube - I Thought You Were American
<Greys> the facerig thing would be more interesting if bitch said words sometimes instead of just emotive yelping
<kmath> YouTube - Crash Bandicoot - Woah Storm
<kmath> YouTube - Men At Work - It's a Mistake
<kmath> YouTube - Running in the Haitis
<kmath> YouTube - People slurping ramen but with hentai slurp sound when guy sucks nipples
<Greys> SilverFox, have you watched the oscilliscope music album?
<SilverFox> no
<kmath> YouTube - Jerobeam Fenderson - Planets
<Greys> btw this is a recording of an oscilliscope screen
<Greys> this is what the tones look like
<SilverFox> Greys, what do you think of Crash Bandicoot
<SilverFox> ?
<Greys> 's actually really interesting, see's basicall with a 2D oscilliscope, the scope is a CRT vectorscope where the direction of the electron beam is prescribed by the voltage readings
<Greys> so if you establish the correct series of frequencies, you can draw stuff on the tube, with sound
<Greys> meh
<kmath> YouTube - Jerobeam Fenderson - Spirals
<Greys> this one is a bit more impressive
<kmath> YouTube - Jerobeam Fenderson - Reconstruct
<Greys> it's got some vectorscope 3D going's on
<SilverFox> DEUS VULT
<kmath> YouTube - Patty Circulation By Mr_WoB
<SilverFox> Greys, what animu is this song from?
<Greys> wild guess, from some mid 80s SNL skit
<SilverFox> I can no longer block ads from youtube
<Greys> ~yt fagotron
<kmath> YouTube - Whitehouse.jpg
<SilverFox> "the whitehouse has the ability to create jaypegs"
<Greys> it's not like jaypeg is an incorrect way to pronounce jpeg/jpg
<kmath> YouTube - My nigga jon puts his dik inside a fan and fucking dies except it's the tetris theme
<kmath> YouTube - Ultimate Russian Street Cannon Goes Boooom
<SilverFox> this is impressive
<Greys> that's the shittiest trash can I've ever seen
<kmath> YouTube - B I K E - P U P P E R
<Greys> ~yt bernard the biscuit
<kmath> YouTube - Game Grumps Remix - Bernard the Biscuit
<kmath> YouTube - What is autism?
<kmath> YouTube - opinions on the internet
<SilverFox> Wendy's has baked potatos?
<Greys> no
<Greys> they have dead husks full of manufactured starch paste
<SilverFox> ~yt everytime owen wilson says "wow"
<kmath> YouTube - Owen Wilson Says WOW - (PART 1) - Complete
<Greys> so's I finalsy found a bento box that I like, and it works
<Greys> it's two tubs, one is 50% larger than the other, and the small one has 3 bins, and this fits a reasonable amount of food
<Greys> the only thing that doesn't work out perfect is if I get nuts, they have to go in a bag that goes under the strap
<Greys> oh good
<Greys> NYTimes says: teaching the next generation how to exploit computer systems is not valuable. Instead you should teach them empathy
<Greys> they should definitely be taught how to code; but also they should be taught how to figure out a new economy without human laborers
<Rokker> SilverFox: i thought i had seen and was aware of all of the weird porn out there
<SilverFox> that's where you went wrong, kiddo
<Greys> which there
<Rokker> SilverFox: but then reddit shows me a check cosplaying as Wendy from the Wendy's logo squirting mayo out of a bottle onto her tits
<Rokker> chick
<SilverFox> hot
<SilverFox> thatsmyfetish.jpg
<kmath> YouTube - Tamagoyaki
<RandomJeb> a new economy without human laborers is easy
<RandomJeb> labor falls away as a class leaving only capital behind, capitalism collapses into a utopian space communist society
<SilverFox> communism fails, and will always fail
<RandomJeb> everything fails given the correct stimuli
<G-Mobile> Communisim fails to most stimuli
* SilverFox looks up vr game
<SilverFox> "it's made in unity personal edition, so it's great"
<SilverFox> deadinside.jpg
<RandomJeb> nah it just fails in proximity to capitalism
<RandomJeb> but everything fails next to capitalism
<RandomJeb> because capitalism will outgrow and eat it
<SilverFox> survival of the fittest, bitch
<RandomJeb> yes
<G-Mobile> So if we had never invemted capitalism, it would work
<RandomJeb> but in the post work era capitalism will no longer have a viable environment
<G-Mobile> You aint know that
<SilverFox> Rokker, ever seen the game "onward"?
<SilverFox> it's a vr military sim
<Rokker> SilverFox: i am aware of its existence, yes
<G-Mobile> People will always want to do work, and be rewarded for it, and be rewarded proportionally vs others who do less or worse work
<SilverFox> have you seen gameplay of it?
<Rokker> SilverFox: watched someone play some early alpha of it
<G-Mobile> Thats just psychology
<Rokker> because he was a sim player and knew the debs
<Rokker> devs
<RandomJeb> G-Mobile: there is no work
<RandomJeb> you try to do something a robot will takkajerbs
<G-Mobile> Wont stop people from wanting to do work and be rewarded
<RandomJeb> in this environment you can't make money unless you are of the capital class
<RandomJeb> you either starve to death or have a commie revolution
<Rokker> fuck off commie
<G-Mobile> Sure, but in the commie utopia, people will want to do work and be rewarded
<RandomJeb> Rokker would starve to death in this future
<Rokker> RandomJeb: id be happy to do it
<Rokker> RandomJeb: heres a question about communist for you
<Rokker> RandomJeb: who is the working class when nobody is working
<RandomJeb> we will celebrate you as one of the fallen martyrs
<RandomJeb> murdered by capitalists
<RandomJeb> there is no working class when nobody is working
<G-Mobile> And if two people do work, and recieve reward, and they do not mutually believe thier work was of the same quantity and quality, they will ne unhappy with getting the same reward
<Rokker> RandomJeb: isnt that like an important part of communism and its revolutions
<RandomJeb> no
<RandomJeb> it isn't
<G-Mobile> Even in a word of two billion professional hobbiests, it'll turn into planetary etsy, a grand bullshit maker faire, and the reward will change, but this is human nature
<G-Mobile> If theres nothing to do, why exist
<G-Mobile> If there's something to do, reward
<RandomJeb> sure, you'll likely have a capitalist economy in luxury goods
<RandomJeb> hand-crafted
<RandomJeb> novelty facebook page crafting stores type things
<G-Mobile> Robots will can hand craft
<Rokker> RandomJeb: it shows up directly 3 times in the first chapter of the manifesto and is referenced another number of times by other terms
<G-Mobile> They'll even have hands
<Rokker> so
<RandomJeb> yeah sure
<Rokker> id say it seems like a rather important part
<G-Mobile> Some day, humans will be unnecessary
<RandomJeb> the manifesto is ancient and not relevant to this transition to communism
<G-Mobile> What do we fuckingbdo then
<SilverFox> Rokker, did it impress you or whatever?
<SilverFox> I dont want to waste 30$, but I want to have a decent milsim
<G-Mobile> What do humans do when we've achieved creative mode
<G-Mobile> Its all minecraft!
<RandomJeb> sit back, relax and watch netflix
<RandomJeb> eat sugar and fat
<Rokker> SilverFox: it didnt seem too bad
<G-Mobile> And die?
<Rokker> SilverFox: its not Arma and its not super realistic
<SilverFox> that's the ultimate objective
<Rokker> but its not a bad milsim
<RandomJeb> sure death is likely on the table
<G-Mobile> But the robots will watch netflix
<SilverFox> I want a damn decent milsim in vr
<G-Mobile> And healthcare will be robots
<SilverFox> maybe american healthcare
<G-Mobile> And we'll invent calorie free flavor mass
<SilverFox> but not any functioning type of healthcare
<SilverFox> calorie free food is a bad idea
<SilverFox> and idk how it's possible unless it's water
<G-Mobile> So you can eat what looks, smells, tastes, and feels like pizza, but in your throat it fucking vanishes
<RandomJeb> there's negative calorie food out there, it's all in how you count the calories
<G-Mobile> Nah, nanobots that pretend to be food
<RandomJeb> humans become the robots
<RandomJeb> the border gets erased
<G-Mobile> Just wait until china installs a munch of giant fucking space engines and flies off with the planet
<SilverFox> Rokker, I cant seem to find other vr milsim on youtube
<Rokker> SilverFox: its the only VR one
<Rokker> afaik
<SilverFox> well fuck
<G-Mobile> Surely theres puvrbg
<SilverFox> pubg isnt vr iirc
<G-Mobile> Normally
<SilverFox> ~2 hours until I can test out the sim
<SilverFox> also, nothing really on youtube about how to vr in pubg
<SilverFox> also pubg iirc isnt that much of a milsim
<SilverFox> more like, free-for-all
<G-Mobile> Depends on your definition of milsim
<G-Mobile> Its a somewhat accurate sim ofbmilitary equipment
<SilverFox> so is hotdogs horseshoes and hand grenades
<SilverFox> but I can't go into fuckin sandpeople land and shoot up some tourists
<SilverFox> I can do breaching exercises tho
<SilverFox> H3 is great for firing range stuff, but it doesnt have multiplayer like onward does
<SilverFox> if both of those games got combined, it'd be perfect
<SilverFox> and worth at least 40$
<G-Mobile> Planetside 2
<SilverFox> is that a vr game?
<G-Mobile> Yss
<SilverFox> whats it do?
<SilverFox> I'll check it out
<G-Mobile> Combined arms scifi mmo
<SilverFox> but it's not a milsim?
<SilverFox> the game I want needs to have middle-east wars by minimum, be vr, and be accurate
<G-Mobile> Indar is east
<G-Mobile> Btw, fpsmmo
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<SilverFox> VR esports is the next biggest thing
<VITAS> or the oldest
<VITAS> i was doing what you would call VR esports in the 90s
<G-Mobile> VR erotic medical self examination
<SilverFox> mate, mario tennis on the Virtual Boy doesnt count
<VITAS> but i was also doing regular esports in the 80s
<VITAS> no real vr
<G-Mobile> The virtual boy doesnt count
* VITAS looks up the system
<SilverFox> vr wasnt a thing in the 80's
<VITAS> it was but i wasnt saying i did vr in the 80s
<VITAS> i said i did vr esports in the 90s and regular esports in the 80s
<SilverFox> and what the fuck kind of esports existed in the 80's?
<VITAS> at least what you would call it today
<VITAS> i took part in competitions held by game stores to find the best player in certaing games to win prizes
<VITAS> and i made second place in one event
<VITAS> and won games and stuff
<kmath> YouTube - Virtual Reality 1991
<VITAS> they had several setups in a cinema i frequently went to
<VITAS> and they had an mp ego shooter and a fighter plane simulator
<VITAS> both did full body capture and had audio links to the other players
<VITAS> so i spend nearly all weekends for a year or two there
<SilverFox> did they put cathode ray tubes on your head or some shit?
<VITAS> you can see part of the setup at 3:21
<VITAS> early lcds if i rememebr correctly
<VITAS> and one computer per eye
<VITAS> i think one generation used amiga 3000 or 4000
<SilverFox> I really hate this woman's voice from abc
<SilverFox> it's half her voice, half the fucking script she's given
<VITAS> there was a ring like thing you could stand in that captured the body
<VITAS> and a seat with flight sticks
<SilverFox> "complete and convincing" mkay there bud calm down
<SilverFox> dont get too erect
<SilverFox> also, screendoor effect must be damn hell
<VITAS> 7:30 is how the ego shooter looked in the beginning
<SilverFox> holy fucking fps
<VITAS> and yes
<VITAS> the feeling afterwards was interresting
<SilverFox> did you feel "detached from reality itself"?
<VITAS> it was like flying and i had to convince myself that im back in reality and cant jump down everywhere
<VITAS> i think because if youre in there for more than 30 minutes you adjust
<VITAS> and percive it as normal
<VITAS> even if its so crude
<SilverFox> like, after sessions of the rift, even after playing it for a few days on and off, I still get disconnects randomly
<SilverFox> I once tried to open a door via the "oculus grip"
<SilverFox> which you can't open shit by making a fist
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> and i spend like hours in it nonstop
<VITAS> because noone had any idea if its bad or not :)
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<VITAS> and in exchange for beeing sort of a tour guide i got free time
<kmath> YouTube - 1st UK VR Arcade - 1991
<SilverFox> "there is no limits to what we can do" ye, it's called 65 megs of ram
<VITAS> i find it funny that they say the same thing today
<VITAS> and it will sound as silly in 20 odd years
<SilverFox> thing is, we dont have the same limitations
<VITAS> and they say its new and never existed before
<SilverFox> we do, but we dont
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<SilverFox> we aren't restricted by megs of ram
<VITAS> yes more possibilities but we demand more too
<SilverFox> we can do a fuck of a lot with today's systems
<VITAS> noone would accept textureless choppy images on a thing that is twice as heavy as your head
<SilverFox> because that's absurd
<SilverFox> how would you handle that without snapping your neck?
<VITAS> and they still will seem like funny crap in 30 years
<SilverFox> really what VR can benefit from is to make it less computationally expensive
<SilverFox> that would help it tremendously
<VITAS> how can you handle that low res small viewingangel crap thats using a joystick today future me asks
<VITAS> i would say: both times its bleeding edge
<VITAS> and ofcause 90s tech isnt as good as todays or tomorrows
<SilverFox> of course
<VITAS> its all about streching tech as far as possible
<VITAS> and thats what that was
<VITAS> compare 90s vr to 90s home computers or even what average people had in terms of tech
<VITAS> we are talking compact casette and analog landlines
<VITAS> msot people didnt even have computers
<kmath> YouTube - Commodore 64 - Italy 1990.mp4
<SilverFox> Rokker, AK5C, how good is?
<Rokker> SilverFox: idk, gun its based off of aint too bad
<SilverFox> what it based off?
<Rokker> SilverFox: FN FNC
<Rokker> SilverFox: its just an FN FNC made for sweden weather
<SilverFox> nice
<kmath> YouTube - The Crappiest SLI Setup of ALL TIME
<SilverFox> Rokker, best assault class rifle for close quarters combat go
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<Rokker> SilverFox: >cq
<Rokker> SilverFox: >using assault rifle
<Rokker> SilverFox: get out noob
<Rokker> Supernovy: this bitch wanna use a CQ assault rifle
<SilverFox> well the fuck do you recommend for running around a bunch of shipping containers with?
<Supernovy> a light enough, short enough rifle could be used.
<Rokker> SilverFox: a personal defense weapon or submachine gun of some kind
<SilverFox> any names?
<Rokker> SilverFox: what do they offer you
<Supernovy> a subgun or some kind of short shotgun would work better
<Supernovy> a handgun perhaps
<SilverFox> idk what they offer, just give some names
<Rokker> SilverFox: MP-5
<SilverFox> but there's sometimes when there's a good amount of distance
<Rokker> p90
<Rokker> SilverFox: uzi is a classic
<SilverFox> so what's a good handgun to have?
<SilverFox> also is it true that that one knife that's all twisty blade that makes a 3 way stab is banned?
<RandomJeb> lots of knives are banned in lots of places so probably yes
<SilverFox> I can't wait to do some long range shit
<Supernovy> anything with good capacity really. Try to avoid the ebin calibre wars.
<SilverFox> ebin calibre wars?
<RandomJeb> what kind of game is this? Can you expect any handgun to kill someone if you shoot them in the head at 20 meters?
<SilverFox> yeah I'd expect as much
<RandomJeb> then yeah high capacity and decent accuracy
<SilverFox> there are going to be times when target is well past 20m
<RandomJeb> yeah that's fine
<RandomJeb> if it was some kind of super low damage game where you need to keep shooting their head with your peashooter at close range to down them then I would have recommended whatever ridiculous hand-cannon that brings them down in one shot
<SilverFox> alright, game is downloaded, lets get this setup
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<SilverFox> alright, all set up
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<SilverFox> and I cant seem to play it well because either my sensor setup is currently shit, or my cpu is too shit to handle the game and properly calc the sensor data
<SilverFox> it is really hard to aim a rifle that keeps moving when you dont
<darklight> SF that girl with the strapon is a bit much
<SilverFox> yeah naw
<SilverFox> perfect size for you mate
<SilverFox> all your training has led up to this day
<darklight> I highly doubt that
<darklight> Even the thor is too big, I'm not that much of a slut :P
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<SilverFox> I am tho lol
<darklight> Also thor aint sillicone so fuck that noise :P
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<SilverFox> so, discord has been fucked lately and is using up a lot of my ram
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<SilverFox> Greys,
<kmath> YouTube - Serval Canyon
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<SilverFox> Majiir, which of the holiday night teaser clips is your favourite?
<Majiir> I don't watch teasers these days
<SilverFox> fair enough, although these aren't like teasers really, just the members telling a story or some shit
<darklight> tail and ears is not furry?
<SilverFox> no, this chart is wrong
<SilverFox> it's offset by "yes"
<SilverFox> Majiir, I learned recently that nayoung is the head of Pristin
<SilverFox> what do you think of them as a group, like concept style and such?
<Majiir> Not favorable
<Majiir> I think the whole group is trying to coast on IOI fame
<Majiir> then again Gugudan did the same thing and their more recent song was a lot better than their debut
<Majiir> Gugudan doesn't have anyone intolerable though
<Majiir> I liked Black Widow from Priston
<Majiir> Pristin*
<Majiir> Not a fan of Weeooo at all though
<SilverFox> ~yt patrick weewoo
<kmath> YouTube - Patrick WEEWOO
<SilverFox> the song sometimes gets stuck in my head
<SilverFox> especially that "dugeun dugeun" line
<SilverFox> is it only the one member; nayoung, that's in pristin from ioi?
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<kmath> YouTube - What do $150 Grapes Taste Like?
<SilverFox> fuckin japan
<SilverFox> why does japan have such expensive fucking fruits
<SilverFox> !tell TheKosmonaut is akita beef like some godlike japan beef or something?
<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<TheKosmonaut> Sure
<Qboid> TheKosmonaut: SilverFox left a message for you in #kspmodders [31.07.2017 23:44:42]: "is akita beef like some godlike japan beef or something?"
<TheKosmonaut> The famous shit is down south though
<SilverFox> oh?
<SilverFox> what's it called?
<TheKosmonaut> Kobe beef?
<SilverFox> so I can youtube it and cry about how I cant have it
<TheKosmonaut> Hang on