TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
<Notpol> Anybody able to help me with this?
<TheKosmonaut> Notpol: it's night in America on a weekend
<TheKosmonaut> Doubt you'll find much help
<TheKosmonaut> At least, right now.
<xShadowx> o.O
<xShadowx> its not night
<xShadowx> 6-8pm
<xShadowx> !wa time in hawaii
<Qboid> xShadowx: current time in Hawaii (US state): 3:15:35 pm HST | Saturday, July 29, 2017
<xShadowx> this is however the troll channel that has nothin to do with ksp lol
<Notpol> meh.
<Notpol> i figured it out anyways
<Notpol> and its 9:34pm in florida so yes it is nighttime i nthe US xShadowx
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<Greys> "Yer' nawt supposedt to hack ah flayming lohg in teu witth a guhn"
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<darklight> Greys are you trying to tell us something
<lpghatguy> what the hell, there's a kancolle board game?
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<MobileFox> Whenever I scroll through something on my phone and my battery bank is connected, i hear it make some grainy whining noises
<Greys> so's I've did the spreadsheet, and if I packed a designated serving of each thing in my lunch, I'd be getting 1 calorie per gram
<Greys> TheKosmonaut wtf is this blob:
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: a gif?
<TheKosmonaut> Or you're talking about the second link
<Greys> the first one isn't valid
<Greys> blobs are local to the browser
<darklight> The first one was some "porn is like maccas"
<Greys> if you can load the blob link at all your browser is doing things it shouldn't
<darklight> On my mobile
<Greys> your mobile browser is doing things it shouldn't
<darklight> How is that a local link btw?
<Greys> blob:
<darklight> The link redirects to
<darklight> Oh, my client removed the blob: bit
<Greys> it's referring to a memory object that the browser has established and is sending it to the address
<Greys> blobs can then be used by the browser to display the file being sent in the page that's recieving, without having to then recieve the file back from the site
<Greys> so darklight, what your browser did was see a foreign local url, and just turn it into some other url
<Greys> when I put the full or blobless url into my browser, the full does nothing at all, and the blobless gets a 404
<Greys> <darklight> The link redirects to
<darklight> It might be taking me somewhere as there are new images above that one
<Greys> it's doing "arbitrary bullshit"
<Greys> like I said, my browser gets a 404, so your browser is doing that for some reason
<Greys> so TheKosmonaut, what's the thing on the wall
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<TheKosmonaut> Greys: water heater control
<TheKosmonaut> Water heaters in Japan are tankless
<TheKosmonaut> So you can control temp on the fly
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<Greys> neat
<Greys> murka should get that
<Greys> TheKosmonaut, what's your favorite anime that you would consider obscure
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: America does. But it's hella expensive
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: I don't like anime
<Greys> surely you like at least one
<darklight> Obviously tk is supporter of the kawaiicaust
<darklight> :P
<Greys> there's no such thing as a holocaust joke.
<lpghatguy> brutal
<darklight> Sure there is
<darklight> I like offensive jokes
<Greys> lpghatguy any word on that hotwire cutter?
<lpghatguy> Greys: it is disassembled I believe
<Greys> shoot
<darklight> "What's a good name for a jewish pokemon trainer?"
<darklight> (hint, first episode)
<Greys> the problem with being offensive, is that it's offensive
<darklight> Sure, but offense isn't given, its only taken
<darklight> I'm sure there's things that well offend me, but I've gotten pretty jaded
<darklight> *will
<darklight> But I'm not going to be a cunt to people, unless I'm responding in kind
<darklight> Also time and place, naming a german tractor auschwitz because its air conditioning is broken is ok at a farm, probably less so in a media company's PR team
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: I was ok with One Punch Man, and Cowboy Bebop
<TheKosmonaut> Not exactly obscure
<Greys> the definition of mainstream
<darklight> glass bubble plus inability to open windows makes that one horrible tractor to be in
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: if they're obscure it's probably for a reason
<Greys> darklight, go a way for a while please; you can come back when you're done being racist
<darklight> Ok, I'm against anime too, but even I liked one punch man
<darklight> I'll only say its "ok" though
<Greys> TheKosmonaut, not really, there's all sorts of reasons for things to be obscure
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: I liked it because it took the piss on other anime bullshit
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: 95% of anime is utter shit
<darklight> Greys, I was being overly dramatic so my boss would understand its not useable in its current state
<TheKosmonaut> I 93% of Japanese tv overall is shit
<Greys> darklight, I ain't give a shit
<TheKosmonaut> I think *
<darklight> I had it all logiced out before I named it
<Greys> TheKosmonaut, have you seen Paranoia Agent?
<lpghatguy> I know someone that's pro-segregation in 2017
<lpghatguy> darklight isn't on that level I don't think
<darklight> lphatguy the entirety of black lives matter?
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: probably not
<lpghatguy> more like "let businesses refuse to serve black people and let capitalism take care of the problem"
<TheKosmonaut> Is that the English name for it?
<darklight> Ah, ancaps
<Greys> I don't know if I could even generate an understanding of what it's about as a summary
<Greys> there's a woman, she gets attacked, the attack turns into a cultural phenomenon
<darklight> lpghatguy I've not fallen down the race realism hole as I draw the line at culture
<Greys> I think it's about how fear is a meme, in the original meaning of concepts that transmit and mutate as if genetically through populations
<darklight> Although I did mention the whole IQ thing, but following that path will not lead you anywhere near a "good society"
<Greys> it's from before memes were an internet thing
<darklight> lpghatguy I will admit though, this gave me a good chuckle
<kmath> <RussianEmbassy> Kekistan today, Lithuania tomorrow? #FreeKekistan
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<darklight> Russia recognises the kekistani genocide!
<darklight> :P
<Greys> you done?
<Greys> I wish you weren't useful
<darklight> I take it you don't get the joke and what its parodying?
<Greys> I see no jokes
<darklight> There's this trend for people to form identity based political groups, as in "If you're x you are welcome, if you aren't then get lost" and its a cancer
<darklight> Kekistan is an identity to fight identity groups
<darklight> If that seems silly, that's because it is. That's the point
<Greys> that's not even anything
<Greys> if you're going to waste time write a book
<Greys> at least a book can get submitted and turned down
<darklight> Black lives matter, Islamists, the alt right, they are all identity groups
<Greys> islam[ists]?
<darklight> Muslisms who believe the west should accomodate islamic values/law
<darklight> I see them as a bigger threat than terrorists
<Greys> clearly they don't understand sovereignty
<darklight> Terrorists are only going to get a lot of muslims killed, not my problem, theirs.
<darklight> Islamic society is my problem.
<Greys> there's nothing wrong with islam or muslims
<darklight> Yes, there is
<darklight> I'm not saying go hurt or kill muslims. That's dumb, and is murder
<darklight> But islam is the problem with islam
<darklight> Islam is christianity turned up to 11
<Greys> I'm just gonna ignore you for a while
<darklight> Fair enough
<darklight> I can step off this, its not like I need to argue all the time
<darklight> But I can't see muslims integrating too well in san fransisco, or vice versa
<TheKosmonaut> Jews can be that bad too. If you doubt, just go down the wrong street in NYC. The problem is they adhere entirely too much to their Quran. And the Quran is fundamentally flawed on a level far beyond what people say of the Bible.
<TheKosmonaut> Speaking of abrahamic religions
<darklight> Well iirc christianity was subversive to the roman empire, while islam was born as a conquering force?
<darklight> I kinda forget history
<TheKosmonaut> Christianity was targeted by the romans as they considered Christian practices to be subversive in nature.
<TheKosmonaut> For one, that Christians worshiped in closed spaces was upsetting to them
<TheKosmonaut> Hold that thought
<TheKosmonaut> Brb
<darklight> Also the main problem I have with the jewish religion atm is their insistence to cut bits of babies dicks off
<darklight> I'm sure that verse meant "go kill 100 enemies", not "I like foreskins"
<TheKosmonaut> Well. See the problem with Judaism is that it's false (from the Christian POV).
<TheKosmonaut> Jesus Christ was, as the Old Testament had written, the son of God.
<TheKosmonaut> But the Jews misinterpreted a lot of what Jesus was supposed to do. Even his own disciples
<TheKosmonaut> They thought Jesus was to bring a revolution for the Jewish people from the Romans.
<darklight> Seems pretty clear to me (25)
<TheKosmonaut> You can see this when Judas betrayed Jesus and brings the people to arrest him.
<TheKosmonaut> His disciple pulls out a fucking sword and cuts off one of the dude's ears
<TheKosmonaut> And Jesus is like "wtf bro"
<darklight> Or are there other foreskin parts :P
<TheKosmonaut> He fixed the dude's ears and when he said this is the way it had to be, his disciples ran so hard that one of them lost his clothes.
<darklight> Wait... I thought the jewish bible was also the bible bible?
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: it is
<TheKosmonaut> I'm getting to it
<TheKosmonaut> The problem is that the people didn't understand (the majority of the people) what Jesus was supposed to do at the time
<TheKosmonaut> And John the Baptist, then Jesus, and then The Apostle Paul, all said that Jesus was the "new promise" between God and Man.
<TheKosmonaut> So it later goes to say that basically the Mosaic law is considered null.
<darklight> I had assumed circumsision was a problem because of samuel 18:25
<TheKosmonaut> For one, Paul said to the Jewish people that converted to Christianity not to look down upon the Greeks / Non-Jewish converts because they're not circumcised. And that they're not to adhere to Jewish law because Jewish law was no longer applicable
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: what are you trying to say with that scripture?
<darklight> I also know little, apart from its a fucking story and not reading the entire chapter leaves you without context
<TheKosmonaut> Think of foreskins as proof that he killed the dude's
<darklight> I know
<TheKosmonaut> So it's like "Nazi scalps"
<darklight> Where else does the circumsision thing come from, as I really don't know my way around
<TheKosmonaut> So obvs he had to kill them.
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: oh. It came up before between Moses and God as well
<TheKosmonaut> Really, a lot of the shit that God tells the Israelites is for hygienic purposes from what I understand.
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: i mean the whole reason for the samuel thing was because of the moses thing i thought
<Supernovy> that was the kill ur son thing wasn't it?
<TheKosmonaut> Supernovy: kill ur son was someone else, not Moses.
<Rokker> Supernovy: the fuck does Abraham have to do with this
<TheKosmonaut> God damn it let me talk to darklight clearly
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: nah
<Supernovy> someone had to sacrifice something and god was like "okay, not the whole guy just the dick skin"
<Rokker> Supernovy: what
<Rokker> Supernovy: no he said kill a lamb
<Rokker> god damn
<Supernovy> maybe I'm misremembering
<Rokker> you are
<TheKosmonaut> You're mixing your sacrifices
<Rokker> horribly
<Supernovy> I didn't pay much attention in jewish school
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: these fuckin plebs
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: so a lot of the shit that the Old Testament rules were for are really for hygiene. I believe that the no pigs shit was to stop them
<darklight> I figured opening a dick chop shop would be an effective way of getting 100 foreskins, but wasn't awars foreskins were all the rage back in the day :P
<Rokker> Supernovy: this stuff is only the basis of western culture
<Rokker> no big deal
<TheKosmonaut> There's other rules that are fucking obvious too like
<TheKosmonaut> "Don't cut off a piece of a live animal, eat it, then leave the animal alive. Kill the animal and consume it"
<darklight> Fair enough, I just made an assumption that's clearly incorrect :P
<TheKosmonaut> I am changing the wording
<TheKosmonaut> But the meaning is the same
<TheKosmonaut> So they were basically being utter shitheads and taking bites out of lambs and shit
<Supernovy> it was considered rude to walk around with your glans hanging out. either in rome or greece.
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: im tempted to try to track down a copy of the minecrafter bible
<TheKosmonaut> So god had to tell them not to fucking do stupid shit.
<Supernovy> "Don't cut off a piece of a live animal, except if it's a male child"
<TheKosmonaut> Later, god tells that pigs are totes fine, they're all made by god so whatever.
<Rokker> Supernovy: AND EAT IT
<Rokker> Supernovy: can you read?
<TheKosmonaut> And that gentiles shouldn't have to fucking cut their dicks up
<Rokker> or are you retarded?
<Supernovy> they drink the blood
<darklight> Rokker it was done via their teeth
<Supernovy> also, they make it into face cream
<darklight> Supernovy that's a modern development
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: it's also important to understand King Saul's purpose.
<darklight> I'm not so worried about the whole story, just the justification for the dick cutting in scripture
<TheKosmonaut> He was the first king of Israel, the previous form of government was a sort of board of People's with not really a central leader like a monarch
<TheKosmonaut> So Israel was scared because everyone else was taking up kings and being all palace building and shit
<TheKosmonaut> So they said they wanted a king too.
<darklight> Wasn't he a cunt though? doing that testing shit?
<TheKosmonaut> And Samuel was like "you fucking dingusses this will only bring misery but ok l
<Rokker> darklight: ima need a source for that
<Rokker> the biting it off shit
<Rokker> like that it was regularly common
<TheKosmonaut> So anyway, Saul was chosen because he was 1) powerful as fuck, 2) good looking, 3) from a warrior family, and 4) tall (I'm not joking)
<darklight> "Under Jewish law, a mohel must draw blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand with a suction device, but some Orthodox groups use their mouth to draw blood after cutting the foreskin" ok so they only suck the peen
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: Jewish orthodox are fucking crazy.
<TheKosmonaut> Like even Jews think their insane
<TheKosmonaut> They're
<Rokker> darklight: thats not... thats not what you said at all
<Rokker> biting off would be fucking absurd
<darklight> Yeah, but sucking baby dick is also absurd
<darklight> Actually
<darklight> I think it happens later
<TheKosmonaut> So king saul's purpose was to lead an offensive to defeat the rival nations / philistines
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: remember what I said about NYC Orthodox Jews?
<TheKosmonaut> They're legit psycho
<TheKosmonaut> They'll harass you if you park on their street
<TheKosmonaut> A LOT of what they do is actually illegal too
<darklight> Heh, point one for evidence I guess :P
<TheKosmonaut> Regular Jews think they're absolute psychos
<darklight> So what you're saying is hitler was right? </JOKE>
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: funnily enough, the diaspora he caused only encouraged it.
<darklight> Yeah, there's some practices I just don't agree with it all, and when you're viewing with a modern lens of course everything old will be backwards
<darklight> I'm not big on tradition but definitely try to keep the good parts
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: JEWISH MAFIA
<darklight> That being said, I'll restate my original "islam is the problem with islam" statement
<Greys> going with purely hypotheticals and ideals, what kind of yield could you get out of a 10kg warhead; and I mean the object is 10kg, so less than 10kg of fissal mass
<darklight> Can 10kg go critical?
<Greys> efficiency goes down sharply as scale goes down, right?
<darklight> There's a lower limit
<darklight> Are you thinking of north koreas "anywhere in the US" missile?
<Rokker> if only she didnt have the one person who would be decent at answering on ignore
<darklight> Think of the upsides, if it hits detroit, big improvement!
<Rokker> darklight: they prolly have you on ignore like they said
<darklight> :P
<Rokker> because god forbid someone say something they are unable to disprove because they cant come to grips with reality
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: yo
<TheKosmonaut> Wat
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: let greys know that 10 kg would almost certainly not be fissile, and if it was, you would be looking at below uh... 5 tons?
<Greys> 10kg nuclear warhead, gross weightmassthing
<Rokker> oh
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: tell them that couldnt work in any way shape or form
<darklight> Rokker what about the screwdriver experiment?
<Rokker> what about it
<darklight> It didn't explode
<Greys> ;wa 10kg to kilotonnes
<kmath> Greys: convert 10 kg (kilograms) to metric kilotons: 1×10^-5 kt (metric kilotons)
<darklight> But there was a radiation burst released iirc?
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: please, because this is just fucking unbearable
<Rokker> like when they were complaining that they didnt understand how business day shipping works
<Rokker> darklight: a 10 kg warhead is too small to produce any thing
<Greys> so like 10~50 tonnes yield?
<Rokker> TheKosmonaut: PLEASE
<Greys> this is a scale I'm bad at
<Greys> at the 10^1 mark, is 10, right?
<Rokker> Supernovy: do it
<Rokker> someone
<Greys> ;wa 10^-2 kilotonnes to tonnes
<kmath> Greys: convert 1/10^2 kt (metric kilotons) to metric tons: 10 t (metric tons)
<Rokker> point out that the davy crockett was basically on that border of minimum yield and hit 10 to 20 tons at 25 kg
<Greys> ;wa 10 metric tons to kilotonnes
<kmath> Greys: convert 10 t (metric tons) to metric kilotons: 0.01 kt (metric kilotons)
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: The Davy Crockett nuke was 23 kg, it produced 10 to 20 tons. It was basically on the border of minimum yield. A 10 kg nuke would have no yield because it could not go critical.
<Greys> surely you just need better compressive force for that
<Greys> ;wa 10kg to lbs
<kmath> Greys: convert 10 kg (kilograms) to pounds: 22.05 lb (pounds)22 pounds 0.7396 ounces
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<TheKosmonaut> Uh greys
<Greys> never.
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: There is no way you can fit the explosives needed to achieve criticality and the uranium reasonably into a 10 kg package. If you did, your yield would likely be well below 5 tons.
<Greys> what if you had really good exposives
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: what if I had a 20in penis and a billion dollars
<TheKosmonaut> Look I can make up random bullshit wishes too
<Greys> ok so how good would the explosives need to be?
<darklight> Did someone say 20" penis and a billion dollars?
<Greys> this entire thing is already a stretch, no harm in stretching it further
<TheKosmonaut> darklight: yes. Interested?
<darklight> I'll take half of each
<darklight> Although my price is a lot lower than half a billion, but art of the deal and all that
<kmath> <bedspolice> Do you think you could spot the signs of right wing extremism? Do you know someone who would #CrossTheLine?…
<Greys> gasp!
<Greys> my new phone provider, sprint, doesn't use bullshit units
<VITAS> mc donalds or burgerking?
<Greys> they specifically define 1GB as 1,024MB, or 1,048,576KB
<Greys> not 1000MB and 1000000KB
<Greys> ;wa 1000MB to KB
<kmath> Greys: convert 1000 MB (megabytes) to kilobytes: 1×10^6 kB (kilobytes)
<Greys> fuck you
<Greys> ;wa 1024MiB to KiB
<kmath> Greys: convert 1024 MiB (mebibytes) to kibibytes: 1.049×10^6 KiB (kibibytes)
<Rokker> VITAS: mcdonalds
<Rokker> VITAS: I have to be in a certain mood for burger king
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<darklight> maccas is shit, hungry jacks is better
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<G-Mobile> They're all shit, but some do some things better than others
<G-Mobile> Mcdonalds chicken nuggents are amazing, and thier breakfast sausage has flavor
<G-Mobile> Burgerking contains no flavirs anywhere
<darklight> Off to bed, more cane to haul tomorrow...
<G-Mobile> They also make bullshit experimental food concepts
<G-Mobile> Like mac&cheatos
<darklight> Burgerking must be different to our HJ's then
<G-Mobile> A cheato made of mac&cheese
<darklight> Ours is decent, maccas tastes off but I think it's the dressing they use
<G-Mobile> Most things are worse in america
<VITAS> realy? G-Mobile ignores me but takes part in discussions i start?
<TheKosmonaut> VITAS: ha
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<Greys> surprizingly, michigan has a bad selection of ciders.
<Greys> 25.99$ for 1x 25lb dumbell, shipped, from amazon
<Greys> 72.49$ for 2x 25lb dumbells, shipped, from amazon
<Greys> I think amazon would profit from designing an AI to scrub their system looking for absurd situations
<Greys> if people are paying 72$ for two, a full 22$ more than the cost of two individuals, then clearly they can stand to increase the price of singles
<Greys> Majiir, what's the best cider
<Majiir> Apple cider
<Majiir> Warm, with cinnamon and nutmeg
<Greys> hard cider
<Majiir> Hard cider is apple juice with a few drops of vodka
<Greys> that's only not true because it's fermented apple juice, which doesn't taste the same, as a result of additional flavors created in the process
<Majiir> I am unimpressed by hard cider
<Greys> I've considered spiking normal (american) cider, but then I couldn't buy any
<Majiir> Perhaps I have only had really awful hard cider
<Greys> I've had 4 ciders and an apple beer, having Stella Artois now, it tastes mostly like apple juice
<Greys> I had groundhog, hedgehog, groundhedge, something about fat rodents; it tasted less exactly like apple juice than this
<Greys> angry orchard is even further, but still fits under that designation
<Greys> Redd's doesn't taste like modified apple juice, but it's a beer
<Greys> and Crispin, also doesn't taste like modified applejuice, it's so far the gold standard of real ciders
<Greys> with bonus points for being named after a character in one of my podcasts
<Majiir> I might like a scotch that's aged in cider casks?
<Greys> so how goes chusets services encloudenated?
<Majiir> DM took a week off for the first time ever
<Majiir> so last week kinda sucked
<Greys> I'm not sure if cider trees make apples
<Majiir> but only because it made my job the way it was all last year
<Greys> ah
<Greys> Cedar wood
<Greys> oh boy do I have good news for nobody
<Greys> Cedar doesn't make apples, it makes kinda blueberry things that kill you; unless it has a common north american infection: rust mold
<Greys> or as I called them as a kid: Brain Fungus
<Greys> and then when the tentacles dry up they turn into a brittle powder foam that gets knocked apart in the wind, spreading spores to neighboring trees, most of whom die.
<Greys> and that's today's edition of: things that plants did near Greys as a child
<Greys> so Majiir, is your job better as it is now, or just differently easier
<Majiir> Aside from last week it's much improved
<Majiir> I finally have people on my team in the office
<Majiir> and they aren't total garbage
<Greys> I... .don't believe both of those
<Majiir> The Boston office actually has good people
<Majiir> They're juniors, but not-shit juniors
<Majiir> Or maybe technically they're mid-levels?
<Majiir> I think one is a junior and one is a mid-level
<Majiir> but IMO those should be flipped
<Greys> I don't know what these things mean, and I suspect it's somewhat fluid
<Majiir> It doesn't mean a whole lot for their role on the team
<Majiir> It impacts their pay mostly
<Majiir> The distinction between junior and mid-level is pretty big for how independently they can work though
<Greys> terminology in job adjectives does seem generally abstract
<Greys> "sales engineer"
<Majiir> For our junior (the one I actually consider to be a junior) I have to constantly correct stuff he does, even at a high level
<Majiir> But he can also develop whole features without me writing any code for it
<Majiir> so that's good
<Greys> so he can make stuff that only needs to be corrected, not stuff that needs to be replaced?
<Greys> that sounds significantly more ideal than your previous vagabonds
<Majiir> Yeah, and he'll make the corrections
<Greys> I forget, had you obtained any kind of structural authority before or were you just expected to manage stuff?
<Majiir> I have never had a management role and I have intentionally avoided it
<Majiir> I have semi-regularly been running teams, so I'm responsible for their work but not responsible for their career
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<Greys> I may be using the term manager to mean different things than are actually implied
<Majiir> I semi-occasionally walk into a project and act as a sort of, I dunno, special prosecutor?
<Majiir> where people don't report to me but they do what I say because I'm there to fix the shitstorm they created
<Greys> prosecuting shouldn't need to be a component of programming work flows...
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<Majiir> tl;dr I have a lot of clout and I work in a leadership capacity a lot, but I have no 'structural authority' as you put it
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<Greys> hopefully that doesn't have down sides
<Greys> btw, remember whmcs; what did you call it?
<Majiir> As far as I can tell, it's a mix. I make a lot less money than DM, but I also work a lot less and have less stress
<Majiir> and I get to do more tech things
<Majiir> I dunno, WHMCS, it's a web hosting payment customer thingamajib
<Greys> we've been lucky enough to not need to call it anything because it's an unspecified number of time units away from being good for anything; because the guy response for that suddenly wasn't part of us
<Greys> WHMCS is just too much for a name, and it doesn't lend itself to a phoneticization
<Majiir> Whim-sis
<Greys> hmmm
<Greys> we'll play with that
<Greys> maybe wham
<MobileFoxy> WHMIS
<Greys> if that's supposed to be a joke I don't see it
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<Greys> with the improved workmates, any interesting new problems in the code?
<Majiir> There's the part that the shitty head engineer of one of the merged companies can't solve in two weeks
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<Greys> I'm having a bit of trouble parsing that but it sounds like you once again not being as incompetent as those around you
<Majiir> The problem is fairly distributing workload
<Majiir> in the queueing system
<Majiir> Queue systems have good ways of distributing work to workers
<Greys> that sounds like a problem for which many solutions should already exist
<Majiir> but it turns out they don't have good ways to balance work from the producers of that work
<Greys> so you have producers queuing tasks and you need the queue to not just distribute tasks to the workers but also make sure one producer doesn't dominate the cloud?
<Majiir> Yep, and it all comes down to filling up the queue
<Majiir> The bottleneck in the system is the workers that pull off the queue
<Majiir> and we can't just scale that up; we have to pay a lot for additional capacity there
<Greys> this still sounds like a problem that many good coders have probably been inventing diverse good solutions to for a long time
<Majiir> Yes, you would think that
<Majiir> I sure thought that
<Majiir> Turns out it's something that the popular technologies are just incapable of solving
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<Majiir> and generally when people want to solve this, they use the shit solution (database)
<Greys> maybe it's turned out to be valuable enough to keep proprietary
<Majiir> I have a pessimistic view on this
<Majiir> It's only been solved by a very small number of shops because the vast majority of software using queues is garbage written by garbage developers
<Greys> if you've got a more effective queue in this way, it could make you appear significantly better performing to clients (providers)
<Majiir> The idea is we want to have better apparent performance
<Majiir> Let's say we both generate 100 units of work
<Majiir> and Fox can only process one unit of work per second
<Greys> seems optimistic
<Majiir> Thing is, we send our 100 units of work to Soozee, and Soozee is really fast at processing that and dumping those units into the queue
<Majiir> so I get my 100 units in half a second before you do, but that means you have to wait 100 seconds
<Majiir> Now apply this to what my company does (emergency alerting) and you can see how this is a problem
<Majiir> What baffles me is that our clients don't actually care much about things like mean time to message delivery
<Majiir> They care about FIRST message delivered
<Majiir> I suspect this is not actually true and it's just a sort of "the status quo is shitty" situation
<Greys> clients who don't understand what they're buying and are impressed by scale
<Majiir> where our customer service knows they can't promise higher throughput so they promise lower latency to first message and then that becomes the customer's goal
<Greys> so what's the solution look like, node benchmarking and percentile avoidance?
<Majiir> The solution looks like having lots of queues
<Majiir> Every time you want to send 100 units, or 1000 units, or whatever, you get a new queue for that, and then the workers pull evenly from all queues
<Majiir> That last part is the one that the popular queueing systems just completely fail at
<Greys> you'd definitely want to look into getting silver fixed, having a worker that's 200 times slower than the others is problematic for flow in general
<Majiir> It's not so much that the worker is slow
<Majiir> It's that the producers are fast
<Greys> sure, but that one job silver took is still going to take longer than if another worker got it
<Greys> you'll just reduce how many jobs silver is able to take, proportionately to performance
<Greys> minimizing impact, but not eliminating it
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<Majiir> Only a small number of jobs are taken at a time from the queue though
<Greys> your solution sounds great, are there more factors to resolve or does this just need to get made?
<MobileFox> I agree in reducing my workload
<Majiir> The problem with creating a queue for each batch of jobs is we have to write all that queue coordination ourselves
<Majiir> IMO it's going to be a brittle system
<Greys> what if you could insert a load balancer between the worker nodes and the queues
<Majiir> That simply moves the problem
<Majiir> It's not really a load balancing issue
<Majiir> Load balancing is about letting the workers all have something to work on and not giving one worker too much
<Majiir> That problem is solved
<Majiir> The problem here is balancing which queue is consumed from, and coordinating having tens of thousands of queues which are popping in and out of existence all the time
<Greys> is each individual queue a node
<Majiir> ?
<Greys> is each individual queue an individual instance of software with it's own..... words network address?
<Majiir> Nah
<Greys> or do the queues exist in a single instance of some software that's reached at the same place
<Majiir> That one
<Majiir> which can then be clustered if needed
<Greys> so, it could be multiple instances
<Majiir> It would always *appear* as one
<Majiir> The fact that it's clustered is a detail that doesn't matter to the consumers and producers
<Greys> remind me to ask about that later
<Greys> so what makes your thing brittle?
<Majiir> It's not my thing, it's the thing shitty head engineer of other company has written
<Greys> oh
<Greys> so your one wouldn't be shitty
<Majiir> I assigned him to work on this two weeks ago, and I said "okay so we need to solve this problem, and after thinking about it for five minutes I have shitty idea [XYZ] on how we could do it, but that's obviously not a great plan, so let's come up with a better solution to this"
<Majiir> He ended up taking my shitty idea and making it slightly worse
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<Greys> did he understand how it was shitty?
<Majiir> No, and he hasn't submitted his PR so I haven't obliterated him yet
<Greys> do you think he's going to be mad
<Majiir> Nah
<MobileFox> How do you discipline the shitty people?
<Greys> with a barbed pitchfork dipped in molten fools
<Majiir> Mostly we just smile with the knowledge that their last day has already been determined
<Majiir> Or we put them on projects that don't matter as much
<Majiir> Depends whether the shittiness extends to their attitude
<Greys> I really need to move my checklist workflow into a databased system
<Greys> but I don't want to build a database client ap
<Greys> p
<Greys> and keeping it synced against google drive will be annoying probably
<Greys> but then I can generate sweet graphs
<MobileFox> Your shopping list one?
<Greys> no, my work one
<MobileFox> Oh
<Greys> btw fox, Tohru doesn't need to change because her clothes are made of her scales, not she can't
<MobileFox> Oh
<MobileFox> So is changing clothes like the thing snakes do?
<Greys> nah, dragons just stay clean
<Greys> btw SilverFox, have you seen one punch man yet?
<Greys> mobilesilver
<MobileFox> Yes
<Greys> oh wow, go smote Tohru
<Greys> God*
<MobileFox> When it was a thing
<MobileFox> This vr golf game keeps setting itself up for failure
<MobileFox> It keeps making you swing too close to the sensors, so it's not accurate
<MobileFox> And it doesn't let you adjust your position
<Greys> I didn't notice before but in episode one Tohru demands that Kobayashi doesn't become a follower of god, and in her dream a giant man, the depiction of zeus, summoned a sword of light and impaled Tohru; that was the same sword Kobayashi removed from her
<Greys> many depictions of God are congruent with Zeus
<Greys> btw Majiir, you should watch maid dragon; it's about a programmer who works for a subcontracting house on bullshit and also has developed a loving relationship with a dragon
<MobileFox> Her job is somewhat similar it seems
<Greys> it's in the same field, but her job is much lower down the totem pole, in an industry that doesn't respect skill
<MobileFox> Fair
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<Greys> MobileFox, have you watched Flying Witch?
<MobileFox> No
<Greys> imagine taking a nap, except it's an anime
<MobileFox> Is that witch hat anime?
<Greys> not youtube because youtube racist against anime
<MobileFox> Can't watcg
<Greys> can't or won't
<MobileFox> Yes
<MobileFox> Im going to make my own golf game in vr
<MobileFox> This one doesn't do it properly
<Greys> golf or minigolf
<MobileFox> I said golf
<MobileFox> Your club can go underground and that's bullshit
<Greys> wait
<Greys> I have ideas
<Greys> not minigolf
<Greys> not golf
<Greys> megagolf
<MobileFox> Wur
<MobileFox> Even
<Greys> like katamari but instead of building a ball of shit, you're assigned one tiny object in a city and have to golf it into a specified hole somewhere else in the city
<MobileFox> So basically golfing with a giantess fetish?
<Greys> you're able to freely scale yourself, and the environment is fully destructable, so you could just scale up and destroy the structure your object is in, but some "holes" will have challenges like certain property damage minimums or maximums, or gates you have to put through before getting to the hole
<Greys> imagine a hole where you have to put a carved duck through a 15th story window across town but along the way you have kill 5 elvises
<MobileFox> What was that game, rampage something, you could play as godzilla and king kong and destroy shit
<Greys> Rampage was a game where you destroyed shit yea
<Greys> there were a few versions
<MobileFox> Yeah
<MobileFox> I had one on the console tho
<Greys> "the console"
<Greys> they were all on console
<MobileFox> Oh
<MobileFox> N64?
<Greys> I'mma guess at minimum SNES through playstation 2
<Greys> and it was originally an arcade machine
<MobileFox> I remember playing it
<Greys> the first one was on NES, lynx, CPC, spectrum, C64, Amiga, and several Ataris
<Greys> the second was on PS1, Saturn, N64, GBC, PS2, Gamecube, and PSN
<Greys> the third one, Rampage 2, was on N64, PS1, and GBC
<Greys> the fourth one was Playstation only
<Greys> fifth was gamecube, PS2, and Wii
<Greys> there's a film planned, The Rock is in it. "In November 2016 Rampage will hit theatres in April 20 of 2018."
<MobileFox> I think i played rampage 2 on n64
<Greys> I don't speak.... wtf
<MobileFox> So there's a movie coming out, or already did?
<Greys> gooooooooood que......
<Greys> you're aware of the game, I can't even imagine a plot
<MobileFox> Yeah idk how they're gonna pull that off
<Greys> I'm sure Rampage had a plot, but not one that Dwayne The Presidential Rock would be able to fill, live action anyway
<MobileFox> Probably attack on titan style
<MobileFox> I follow someone on Pinterest called "Choa Park", park being a very common last name in Korea, however Pinterest doesn't get this and keeps recommending me parks
<Greys> you use pintrest?
<MobileFox> Ye
<MobileFox> Lots of kpop girl potential
<Greys> what kind of american are you
<RandomJeb> a koreaboo
<MobileFox> What? There's good pictures of rings and wedding stuff on there with a good side helping of kpop fanbase
<MobileFox> And some good flashcards for learning korean
<Greys> are you getting married or something?
<Greys> have you told her yet?
<Greys> are you going to steal a korean lady?
<MobileFox> It's a surprise, don't tell them
<MobileFox> Also, just curious, how hard is it to smuggle a small firearm into Korea? Asking for a friend
<Greys> easy, just bribe everyone
<MobileFox> I mean, that's very fucking true
<MobileFox> In Korea money is everything, it's so corrupt and gross
<G-Mobile> The real problem will be getting it to korea
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<G-Mobile> Japan is developing an industry of people who can draw boob physics
<icefire> developing?
<icefire> they already solved it
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<G-Mobile> Other kind of developing
<G-Mobile> Like a fine loli develops into a bust babe by amassing fat and muscle tissue
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<G-Mobile> "life can harsh, huh?"
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<MobileFox> Welp, this is nice
<MobileFox> Power outage
<MobileFox> And it's a good 30 degrees or so
<Orum> 30...C?
<MobileFox> Interesting, tumblr on mobile acts very differently depending on if you sign in with a yahoo account or not
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<darklight> SF confirmed tumblr user
<MobileFox> Yeah?
<MobileFox> I also have Instagram too, are yall starting some conspiracy shit?
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<MobileFox> Can you daisy chain ups's for cleaner power and longer use?
<lpghatguy> that sounds like a bad idea
<darklight> Mobilefox you want an "active" ups
<darklight> A ups with no bypassing
<MobileFox> Why?
<darklight> Because there is no way for dirty power to get through it
<Orum> or line interactive
<lpghatguy> "In most cases, daisy-chaining UPSs does not allow for extra runtime."
<lpghatguy> it's now about dirty power, and chaining multiple UPSs doesn't "clean" your power more
<Orum> yeah, you want them in parallel, not serial
<lpghatguy> *not about
<MobileFox> So I should somehow hook them up in parallel then
<Orum> "some how"?
<MobileFox> How would I manage that?
<Orum> is this for just a single device?
<darklight> If you want longer runtime, get one with 2 batteries
<darklight> Although it becomes cheaper to do inverter+batteries very quickly
<Orum> yeah, UPSes are most effecient at a low load (as long as it's not extremely low), but you can hook them up in parallel if you have separate devices
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<darklight> I just mean shekel wise
<darklight> I suspect the crossover is around 15Ah of batteries
<Orum> well, depends what features you need
<darklight> Like a 15ah ups is similar cost to an inverter and a 70ah battery and power supplu
<Orum> yeah, but then you need the charging, monitoring, interaction, etc.
<Orum> and if you need true sine wave output that's more expensive, whether you do it yourself or purchase a prebuilt one
<Orum> not to mention the insurance implicaions of not having a UL/ETL appliance plugged in
<SilverFox> power is back
<darklight> Fucking why